

Inside this issue:

Are you Expanding Your Educational Borders? ATD Toastmasters Breaks a World Record!



Twenty-Six on the 26th 3

Turning Guests into Members


Feed Them and They Will Come


Dress for Success—Tips to Avoid a Wardrobe Malfunction


District 25 Fall Conference 6

District Calendar 7

20 Years of Service—Grand Prairie Club Celebrates!


Reach for Success Spotlight Club August 2006


The Division E Leadership Corner


Congratulations—Division F LAST CHANCE Club Officer Training



Education Completions for July 2006


District 25 Promotions 11





T 2








Earl Hill, DTM• District Governor 2006-2007

As you “Reach for Success” this year, the District 25 Leadership Team hopes you will view leadership as a privilege and an honor. Those in leadership positions should set a positive example so that new members will want to step up and become a leader at the club level. As new members become leaders at the club level, they will catch the fever and want to go further up the leadership ladder. Those in leadership positions should know that all eyes are on them. Each leader should strive to set a positive example for the next season of leaders as they “Reach for Success.” Public interest activist and corporate critic Ralph Nader said, "I start with the premise that the function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers." Personal Characteristics of a Leader: Leaders Have the Ability to Inspire Others by using their charisma, their personal charm, by arousing loyalty, and by creating enthusiasm. Whether it’s their speech to persuade or a simple act of mentoring a new member, a leader will inspire others. Leaders Have the Ability to Understand Human Behavior by having a healthy respect for people. The leader must be high on positive human relations and eagerly seek to positively interact with others. By effectively evaluating others, leaders learn to focus on the issue and not on the person. The Toastmasters Leadership and Communication program promotes self-esteem building to the highest possible level as members aspire to become leaders. Self esteem leads to confidence. Confidence helps members aspire to become leaders, share their knowledge with others and become effective mentors. Leaders Usually show a Similarity to the Group. The leader is generally not too different from the other members of the group. The group usually has common bonds, usually goals in place or similar experiences in life. In the Toastmasters Leadership and Communication program, as leaders and members “Reach for Success,” they are part of a positive and energetic group that gives them the opportunity to shine in their own unique way, focusing on meeting the same criteria

The Function of Leadership Earl Hill, DTM - District 25 Governor 2006-2007

for a CC, AC, CL or CLB, while presenting their material in a way that is totally comfortable for them, even though it may be totally different from another member of their club. Each is similar to the group, yet has their own unique style. A Leader Has the Ability to Set an Example to Be Followed. A leader says, “Do as I do, not as I say do.” As mentors of others, leaders are able to set an example. By filling club roles, leaders are acting as a living example of how future roles should be filled. The new Leadership Manual will help leaders and new club members know how to effectively fill each club role and set the example for others. Leaders Possess Skill in the Art of Compromise. A leader is usually able to settle differences and to learn from different perspectives. Club members will be making presentations on a variety of topics; some with which leaders may not agree. Remember, it is not the content of the presentation we evaluate; it is the way the material is presented. We evaluate the messenger, NOT the message. Leaders and communicators learn to respect the views of others, as they evaluate topics with which they may disagree. Leaders learn to respect the talents and perspectives of others and to compromise their own views to give an unbiased evaluation as they “Reach for Success.” Ralph Nader’s quote about building leaders and not more followers espouses what this Toastmasters Leadership and Communication experience is all about. This program can indeed help all of us become better leaders. These suggestions are just a few of the numerous benefits of being a part of this Leadership and Communication program. These suggestions will help you as you “Reach for Success.”

Voices is the official publication of District 25,

serving Toastmasters throughout North Central


Voices August 2006

Greeting fellow District 25 Toastmasters!!! By the time you read this, one month of the current District 25 Toastmasters year will already have flown by. I urge you to expand your educational borders this year! Move those tent pegs outward several

feet. Remember, if you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you have always got. Do you really only want what you have always got.... or do you want more? Decide NOW what your personal educational goals will be this year. I encourage you to commit to advancing at least one edu-cational level this year. For example, if you are currently Advanced Communicator Bronze, then commit to being Advanced Communicator Silver by June 30, 2007. You will be amazed how much you will grow and benefit by making and keeping such a commitment!! Don't forget the new Competent Leadership Manual, which you can do simultaneously with the speech manuals. Why not commit to significantly advancing your leadership skills by completing it this district year. It’s really not hard, since you'll be getting credit for most of the roles you are already performing during your Toastmasters meetings. I absolutely know that if all of your club's members work this man-ual, the quality of your meeting will improve immensely. If your club’s budget has room to accommo-date purchasing one of these Competent Leadership manuals for every member, it is definitely a worthwhile investment in your members.

As an incentive, I am giving one of my silver "Committed to Excellence" pins to the first ten Toastmasters in our District, who complete the Competent Leadership Manual this district year.

Congratulations to the following members of District 25 that will receive the silver “Committed to Excel-lence” lapel pins for being the first 10 to complete the Competent Communicator Award:

Amber Tianne Adamson Randy Bowers Gary Y. Chen Oliver Ray Cozby Sandra K. Creech Mary L. Feltman Germon Earl Hill David Jordan Cathy Lloyd Leigh Ann Moffett

Are YOU Expanding Your Educational Borders? Maurice Taitt, DTM – Lieutenant Governor Education and Training 2006-2007

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ATD Toastmasters Breaks World Record! Maurice Taitt, DTM – Lieutenant Governor Education and Training 2006-2007

ATD Toastmasters joined the District 25 family in August 2005. After only 10 months, the club achieved what most would think impossible. The club achieved 9 of the 10 goals for the Distinguished Club Program. Did I mention they did this in their FIRST 10 months? No other club in the world has ever achieved Presidents Distinguished Status during their first 10 months of being chartered. The club also diligently worked fast and furious to receive additional awards during their first year including the Smedley Award, the Super 7 Club Award for both Fall and Winter terms, and the prestigious Five Star Club Award. Each and every member of ATD Toastmasters was instrumental in the club’s success during their first year. Special recognition goes to John Lunt, Betsy Cummings, Kelli McDuff, and Eddie Edwards for their outstanding leadership role provided to the members of ATD Toastmasters and Presidents Distinguished Area 11.

Voices August 2006

NCC Toastmasters Charters July 26th, 2006 with 26 Charter Members! Fellow District 25 Toastmasters: NCC Toastmasters is the first new club to charter in the 2006-2007 Toastmasters year! National Cable Communications (NCC) is the nation’s premiere Spot Cable advertising firm. Amazingly, they are the only company who represents every US market, reaching virtually every wired cable home! Whether advertisers want to reach the entire US, select regions, an individual market or even a portion of a market, NCC provides effective advertising and marketing solutions that only Spot Cable can deliver ( Though chartering in North Texas, NCC is headquartered in The Chrysler Building in New York City and has over 500 employees spread across 17 offices nationwide. Every week I receive new club leads from Toastmasters International, division governors, area governors, and club members … just about everyone!

The following new club leads are currently in the pipeline:

• NCC, Las Colinas CHARTERED!!! • Chaparral Steel Company, Midlothian • Cheryl Templeton (Community Club), Irving • Dallas Area Habitat for Humanity, Dallas • Gaylord Texan Resort, Grapevine • Hillwood Properties, Alliance • L-3 Communications, Waco • La Quinta, Inc., Las Colinas • Office Depot, Arlington • Tammy Foust (Community Club), Fort Worth

Pre-charter meetings are great fun! Plus, if you are missing that club sponsor, club mentor, or club coach goal to complete your Advanced Leader Silver (Advanced Leader), then you definitely want to join the marketing team and serve the members of District 25 Toastmasters. We meet the third Sunday of each month at 4 pm; the meetings are held at Franklin Park at Cityview in Fort Worth (I-20/Bryant Irvin Road). Come ready to enjoy yourself, because we always have fun!

Marketing… It’s Everyone’s Job!

Twenty-six on the 26th Randy Terrell, ATMB/CL – Lieutenant Governor Marketing 2006-2007

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Contest season is coming!

This fall, District 25 will host two contests: Humorous Speech and Table Topics. Clubs should begin holding their contests in August. They must be complete by

September 1st. Area Contests begin September 7th, and Division Contests begin October 27th. If you have any questions about contest rules, need templates for

contest materials, or have other contest-related questions, contact District Contest Quality Chair Cindy Breaman at [email protected].

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Voices August 2006

Many Toastmasters Clubs are successful at attracting guests; however, they have difficulty acquiring them as members. Sometimes guests leave with unanswered questions or misconceptions. Often Club members feel unprepared to offer guests guidance. Sometimes, by oversight, guests are not invited to join and leave wondering how they go about securing membership to the Club. A simple Guest Kit can provide many answers for guests, help any member consult with your guests and provide guests with a takeaway item for reference to help them consider the benefits of joining once they have left the meeting. Recommend that your VP-Membership prepares 20 Guest Kits and ensures the Club always has at least five on hand for any member to present to a guest. A SIMPLE GUEST KIT: Purchase a couple of packages of simple twin pocket portfolios (available in packets of 10 at most stationary stores for $3 - $4) or booklet envelopes (5 7/8"x 9 5/8 “) and place these seven items inside the Kit: 1. A one-page welcome letter from your Club President. 2. A promotional brochure from TI, such as Find Your Voice (catalog item 99) or Confidence, The Voice of Leadership (catalog item 101). 3. A sample Club meeting agenda. 4. A one-page back-to-back description of the Toastmasters Recognition program from Competent Communicator to Distin-guished Toastmaster. This helps the guest understand some of our acronyms. 5. A one-page copy of the descriptions of the Advanced manuals. 6. A Membership Application Form – the familiar Form 400. This is easily downloadable and printable from the TI web site. 7. A copy of the Icebreaker assignment so the guest can begin thinking about the first time he or she will present to the group.

REMEMBER ~ follow up each guest’s visit with a personal telephone call! As a leader, you recognize the value of treating guests well and addressing their needs. A simple Guest Kit can help your Club be more successful at turning guests into members!

Turning Guests Into Members David McCallister, ATMG/CL - Division A Governor 2006-2007

Division B is happy to announce that we had 34 officers trained at our officer’s training session on July 20th. We had a great time, and there was plenty of food. The feedback on the training was positive. On July 22nd, we held our first Division and Area Council meeting. The meeting was hosted at the Litherland’s home. Once again some great food was included (barbeque)! Our Area Governors are setting up meetings to visit their clubs. Several have already conducted officer inductions.

We are getting excited about preparing for and having our Club and Area Contests. We are looking forward to some great speeches and fun table topics.

This is Division B… singing off for now.

”Feed Them and They will Come” Jeannette Litherland, DTM - Division B Governor 2006-2007

Voices August 2006

Page 5

Do you remember the Super Bowl in 2004, when "Wardrobe Malfunction" became mainstream lingo? Make sure you don't pull a Janet Jackson at your next speaking engagement by following these tips: 1. Never "save" a new outfit for an important presentation. New clothing should have a "test run", so you can find out how it behaves during your full range of movement (including sitting and get-ting out of cars) and whether it remains comfortable. This is especially true of shoes. Not only do new shoes carry the risk of temporary pain and blisters, but they often have synthetic soles that can slip on pavement, carpeting, or polished services. 2. When buying a new suit or jacket, do not remove the basting which holds the jacket pockets closed. Basted pockets retain their crisp shape and prevent us from unconsciously slipping hands inside during a speech. They also help us avoid accidentally carrying keys, loose change or a cell phone into the speaking area. These items create unattractive bulges in clothing during a presentation, not to mention their potential for making noise. 3. Always confirm that you understand the dress code where you will be appearing. While some occasions (i.e. weddings) tend to be formal, some do not. There are always exceptions. Clarify what you are expected to wear for your presentation. 4. If the event is especially important or will be filmed, find out as much as you can about the color(s) that will define the speaking area and what other key presenters will be wearing. Make sure your outfit does not clash with your background or compare unflatteringly with that of the other speakers. 5. Remember to schedule your haircut or any other cosmetic treatment in advance, not on the day of the event. Select your outfit and all accessories the night before; if a major clothing item has not been worn for more than a month, try it on to be sure it still fits well. Check again for any tears, stains, or loose buttons. 6. Before leaving home, check your outfit under both natural and indoor light to make sure your makeup, suit, jewelry and shoes complement each other under both types of illumination. A truly prepared speaker will also bring along a small emer-gency kit (i.e., a comb, makeup, safety pin, extra hose) and arrive early enough to do a final mirror check in the restroom before entering the presentation area. The last check we perform is to make sure we are wearing a beautiful, confident smile.

Dress for Success — Tips to Avoid a Wardrobe Malfunction Kelli McDuff, ATMS/CL - Division C Governor 2006-2007

Find a Mistake?

It is our policy to include something for everyone. Since some people like to find errors, we regularly include a few in our publications to meet this need.

Please email: [email protected]

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Voices August 2006

2006 FALL CONFERENCE “Reaching Greater Heights”

NOVEMBER 17-18, 2006


International Director Visit

Table Topics Speech Contest Humorous Speech Contests

Guest Speakers Educational Sessions

DTM Ceremony Outstanding Officer Awards

Nightly Entertainment Networking Raffle Prizes

Silent Auction District Business Meeting


We are actively recruiting leaders and volunteers to fill critical roles in the Fall Conference Committee. We need your help to

successfully program and make this event a success.

Information will be posted on the website at Keep in mind that serving as a committee chairperson can count as a High Performance Leadership Project (HPL). For more information, please

contact Athena Seaton at [email protected].

You may also sign up to serve on the committee as a chair or volunteer on the website.

Shilah Phillips Miss Texas 2006

Jeff Crilley Emmy Award Winning Author

and TV Personality

with Special Guests...


Pre-registration by October 26th—$95.00 Advance Registration by November 4—$110.00

Registration after November 4—$115.00 Register online at www.

Hotel Reservations $89/night

Voices August 2006

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Sep 2006Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

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District 25 Calendar

August 2006 1-31 Hold Area and Division Council Meetings Club Humorous and Table Topics Speech Contest 5 District Executive Committee Meeting and District Staff Training 15 Marketing Committee Meeting 21 District Steering Committee Meeting 23-26 International Convention – Washington, D.C. 31 Last Day to have Club Officers trained and receive credit toward DCP

September 2006 1-30 Hold Area and Division Council Meetings Area Humorous and Table Topics Speech Contests 4 Labor Day 18 District Steering Committee Meeting 20 Send Dues Semi-Annual Reports to International ONLINE 30 Last day to submit Dues Semi-Annual Reports ONLINE and receive credit for DCP

October 2006 1-30 Hold Area and Division Council Meetings 1-14 Area Humorous and Table Topics Speech Contests 10 Online Deadline for Club Dues — Midnight 15 Marketing Committee Meeting 21 District Staff Training District Executive Committee Meeting 27 Division B Contest 28 Division F Contest 29 Daylight Savings Time ends 31 Last Day to get credit for first round of Area Visits

District 25 Public Relations Team

Public Relations Officer Barbara Morris, DTM

Newsletter Editor

Raun Shepherd, CTM/CL


Kim Cooper, CTM/CL

Aug 2006Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

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On June 29th, the "World-Renowned" Grand Prairie Club celebrated their 20th Anniversary at the Grand Prairie Memorial Library. Thirty-two people were in attendance. Special guests included: Past-District 25 Governor David Himmelstein DTM, District 25 Governor Earl Hill DTM, Lieutenant Governor Education and Training Maurice Taitt DTM, Lieutenant Governor Marketing Randy Terrell ATM-G/CL, and Area 65 Governor Greg Wyatt. Leonard Malley, DTM was the Toastmaster, and Jim Monahan, DTM presided over the anniversary celebration. For more information about the event, please visit the following sites: Dallas News Article: "20th Anniversary of Grand Prairie Toastmasters" 20th Anniversary of Grand Prairie Toastmasters Presentation,

The “World-Renowned” Grand Prairie Toastmasters Marks 20 Years! Ron Smith, DTM , PDG

Oct 2006Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

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Voices August 2006

REACH FOR SUCCESS SPOTLIGHT CLUB AUGUST 2006 President’s Distinguished Club ATD Toastmasters # 808279

Area 11 - Division A Chartered: August 2, 2005 Meeting Time: Every Thursday @ 12:05 PM Membership Open to Employees of CSC Location: 6th Floor Executive Conference Room 6500 West Freeway, Fort Worth, TX 76116 Contact: Betsy Cummings - (817) 737-1670 or Email: [email protected]

2005-2006 Club Achievements

2 CTM Awards 2 ATM Awards 2 CL Awards

9 New Members Smedley Club Award

All 7 Officers Trained Fall & Winter Super 7 Club Award for Fall and Winter

Five Star Club Award

President’s Distinguished Club

Members of ATD Toastmasters

A few days ago, I read a story about an individual that was a productive leader for his group. He was organizing and leading the meetings, tracking the group’s progress, sending out group reports, ordering the food for the meetings, etc. He was busy doing everything for everyone. As leaders and members, let's take the time to share our tasks and not try to do "everything" ourselves. Shared tasks make for stronger, more developed members. Who knows what kind of creative talent we have in our clubs?!! Besides, it's less stress on the "one" trying to do it all. This topic reminded me of a statement that I live by daily: "Give me a fish, and I'll eat today. Teach me how to fish, and I'll eat for a lifetime." Thought for the month: How are you enabling your members' growth? Make it a good day!

The Division E Leadership Corner Marcheta Gardner, ATMB/CL - Division E Governor 2006-2007

Voices August 2006

Page 9

“CONGRATULATIONS!” are in order for several of the Division F clubs. These clubs have met the DCP requirement for having at least 4 officers trained. AAFES, Grand Prairie, Aegonizers, Arlington Nooners, Bell Helicopter, EDS-Trinity, Flagship, Mid-Cities Evening, Mid-Cities Noontime, Plane Talk, Ryan Plaza, Toast of Texas, Top of Texas and UD Toastmasters. SPECIAL KUDOS to Grand Prairie, Mid-Cities Noontime, Plane Talk and Ryan Plaza for having all 7 officers trained. WAY TO GO!! I am so proud of our Division F team… You guys make being a Division Governor a piece of cake. Thank you to everyone who attended the picnic; let’s plan another one soon. Tip for the month: Start a phone chain. Call members who have missed a meeting or two, and let them know you miss them. Find out what’s been going on, and update them with your club’s activities. This same phone chain can also be used to call guests. The VP of Membership DOES NOT have to be the only one who makes the calls. Anyone can be part of a phone chain. Enjoy and get busy calling…

Congratulations! Toni Hendrick, ATMG/CL - Division F Governor, 2006-2007

LAST CHANCE Club Officer Training

Who: All District 25 Toastmasters Club Officers When: Sunday, August 27th 2:00pm – 4:00pm Training Location: Warmack Public Library 760 Bardin Road Grand Prairie, TX 75052 The library is located South of I-20 between Carrier Parkway and Great SW Parkway.

ABSOLUTE LAST CHANCE Club Officer Training

When: Thursday, August 31st (Last day* for DCP Credit)

7:00pm – 9:00pm Training Location: Richland Hills Community Enrichment Center 6250 NE Loop 820 North Richland Hills, TX 76180

There is no charge for either event.

All Club Officers in all Areas and Divisions are welcome.

For additional Information visit



Voices August 2006

Page 10

Education Completions for July 2006

Club Division Area Award Date Member7277 D 43 CC 7/28/2006 Adamson, Amber Tianne 305 A 12 CC 7/31/2006 Ball, Graham K

744722 D 45 CC 7/29/2006 Bowers, Randy 771978 B 24 CC 7/28/2006 Chen, Gary Y.

5788 F 61 CC 7/27/2006 Cozby, Oliver Ray 676842 D 42 CC 7/26/2006 Creech, Sandra K. 676842 D 42 CC 7/28/2006 Feltman, Mary L.

5496 A 11 CC 7/31/2006 Frias, Lydia R. 676842 D 42 CC 7/26/2006 Hill, Germon Earl

4236 A 15 CC 7/28/2006 Hill, Germon Earl 9672 B 22 CC 7/31/2006 Jenkins, Bryan

744722 D 45 CC 7/29/2006 Johnson, Tommy Clemon 3365 B 21 CC 7/31/2006 Jones, Roderick R 2971 C 33 CC 7/28/2006 Jordan, David

744722 D 45 CC 7/29/2006 Kinney, Robert 6338 F 62 CC 7/27/2006 Lloyd, Cathy 7277 D 43 CC 7/28/2006 Moffett, Leigh Ann

Club Division Area Award Date Member5213 F 63 ACB 7/26/2006 Ashmore, Melissa C. 2971 C 33 ACB 7/31/2006 Brown, I. Allene

710987 D 44 ACB 7/29/2006 Cannon, Bart 6810 F 64 ACB 7/27/2006 Cozby, Oliver Ray 3084 D 45 ACG 7/27/2006 Helton, Jody E.

676842 D 42 ACB 7/26/2006 Hill, Germon Earl 2476 F 64 ACS 7/28/2006 Lee, Kim W. 4236 A 15 ACB 7/28/2006 Rose, James Conrad 4236 A 15 ACB 7/28/2006 Rose, Tawn Allen 5297 F 63 ACB 7/28/2006 Smith, Karyn R. 5286 F 64 ACB 7/31/2006 Wyatt, Gregory D.

Club Division Area Award Date Member7407 C 35 CL 7/27/2006 Cozby, Oliver Ray 6338 F 62 CL 7/27/2006 Lloyd, Cathy

Club Division Area Award Date Member7407 C 35 ALB 7/27/2006 Cozby, Oliver Ray

621025 A 15 ALS 7/1/2006 Warmbrodt, Cindy M.

Congratulations to our fellow Advanced Communicators

Congratulations to our fellow Competent Leaders

Congratulations to our fellow Advanced Leaders

Congratulations to our fellow Competent Communicators

Voices August 2006

Page 11

Adopt A Club!

Adopt a Club and help to reach 20 members by June 30, 2007. Successful Clubs receive a $100 Toastmasters Store Gift Certificate and an exclusive Satin Ribbon for the Club Banner.

For a list of eligible clubs to adopt, visit



All 7All 7All 7 Officers Officers Officers TrainedTrainedTrained


Is your Toastmasters Club a SUPER 7 Club? Each club that has all 7 officers trained in the Fall or Winter will receive the Super 7 Award RED ribbon to proudly hang on the club banner. Each club that has all 7 officers trained in the Fall AND Winter will receive the Super 7 Award BLUE ribbon to proudly hang on the club banner.

Are you Committed to Excellence?

Show your commitment by being one of the first 10 members to complete the new Competent Leader manual or one of the first 10 members to complete your Competent Communicator and receive a limited edition SILVER

Committed to Excellence Lapel Pin.



All 7All 7All 7 Officers Officers Officers TrainedTrainedTrained



Does your club have well-run, lively, and educational meetings that meet the needs of your members? If so, you may qualify for the prestigious Golden Gavel Award. The Golden Gavel Award is a patch which can be sewn on the club banner. It can be awarded only once every six month term to a club.

We Be Clubbin’ Returns!

Visit clubs and earn points. Visits with multiple members get Triple Points! Club with most points receives $75 Smedley Bucks. Individual with most points receive

$25 Smedley Bucks. Aug 1— Nov 1, 2006.

Ready...Set...Grow...SUCCESS!!! The CLUB with the MOST New Members Aug 1— Sep 30 will receive their own set of electronic timing lights! Each Club with 5 or more new members will receive: exclusive recognition at the 2006 Fall Conference, a prestigious SMEDLEY AWARD Ribbon for their club banner, a personal club visit from a Top 3 District Officer of their choice Each Individual that sponsors 5 or more new members will receive: a prestigious Governors Award Ribbon, a “Reach for Success” lapel pin, a gift certificate good for $25 at the Toastmasters Store.

District 25 Promotions

District 25 Club Pace Setter Awards!

Meet any of the following criteria between Jul 1, 2006—Jun 30, 2007 and earn up to 4 ribbons for your club banner! 5 or more Competent Communicator Awards—Excellence in Education CC Award Ribbon (Red) 3 or more Advanced Communicator Awards—Excellence in Education AC Award Ribbon (Yellow) 3 or more Competent Leader, Advanced Leader Bronze/Silver, or DTM Awards—Excellence in Leadership Award Ribbon (Green) 9 or more New members - Excellence in Marketing Award Ribbon (Blue)

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