
3 3 3 S O U T H D A V I S • M A R Y V I L L E , M O 6 4 4 6 8 - 2 8 1 7 (660) 582-3833 •

St. Gregory’s C a t h o l i c C o m m u n i t y

AUGUST 12, 2018

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

M I S S I O N S T A T E M E N T “We, the community of St. Gregory Barbarigo, are called forth in

Baptism to follow the mission of Jesus to teach, to love, and to serve.”

Mass Schedule Sunday Eucharist Saturday……………………………..5:00 PM Sunday………..8:00 & 10:30 AM & 5:00 PM Weekday (see schedule) Tuesday-Friday……………………...8:00 AM Holy Day (see schedule)

Sacraments Reconciliation Saturday……....4:15-4:45 PM or by appt.

Anointing of the Sick Call before hospital stay, if possible.

Infant Baptism Call during pregnancy for dates of preparation class and Baptism.

Marriage Allow 10 months for marriage preparation. Please call the Office for an appointment to set the date.

Annulment & Marriage Validation Please call the Office for more information.

Joining the Catholic Church RCIA process begins each September and leads to Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist at Easter Vigil.

Scripture Readings-Cycle B

Readings for Week of August 12, 2018 Sun: 1 Kgs 19:4-8/Ps 34:2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9 [9a]/Eph 4:30--5:2/Jn 6:41-51 Mon: Ez 1:2-5, 24-28c/Ps 148:1-2, 11-12, 13, 14/Mt 17:22-27 Tues: Ez 2:8--3:4/Ps 119:14, 24, 72, 103, 111, 131 [103a]/Mt 18:1-5, 10, 12-14 Wed: Vigil: 1 Chr 15:3-4, 15-16; 16:1-2/Ps 132:6-7, 9-10, 13-14 [8]/1 Cor 15:54b-57/Lk 11:27-28 Day: Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab/Ps 45:10, 11, 12, 16 [10bc]/1 Cor 15:20-27/Lk 1:39-56 Thurs: Ez 12:1-12/Ps 78:56-57, 58-59, 61-62 [cf. 7b]/Mt 18:21--19:1 Fri: Ez 16:1-15, 60, 63 or 16:59-63/Is 12:2-3, 4bcd, 5-6 [1c]/Mt 19:3-12 Saturday: Ez 18:1-10, 13b, 30-32/Ps 51:12-13, 14-15, 18-19 [12a]/Mt 19:13-15

From the Pastor’s Desk 2 This Wednesday, August 15, is the Solemnity of the Assumption of the B.V.M. into heaven. It is a holy day of obligation. We have Masses at 8 am and 7 pm, but note: NO vigil Mass. The Parish Office will open at 9 am that day. We have begun to use the projector in church, both for liturgy and for homilies. I have already received a few comments and some helpful suggestions. I welcome your reaction. It will take me a little bit to adjust to using it – I forgot to change slides during part of the homily at one Mass last Sunday, and it froze up for another. On the Feast of the Transfiguration I had three slides and used

only the first one. Please be patient as I find ways to use the projector that are less distracting and blend in with the homily. Below is a picture of the latest Listening Group, ten of our youth with a couple of facilitators. It was a good discussion, and I appreciate that these youth took the time to give me their input, as I want a vibrant and active group of young adults in the parish. We will be doing a few more Listening Sessions, and then collating the results. Get in touch with Sue Dorrel or the office if you want to participate! It continues to be a joy to be your pastor. Peace, Father Albert, O.S.B.



Ava Blackford, Jessica Loch, Ron Morin, Bertha Goettemoeller, Janet Degase, Della Stiens, Kathleen Stiens, Martin Wiederholt, Joyce Luke, Janice DeFreece, Mary Sullivan, Edna Ramos, Mary Nord, Janice O’Riley, Johanna Stoll, Cindy Bliley, Sherry Stoll, Chris Cummins, Marilyn Brown, Gene Spire, and Mary Steele.

OTHER COMMUNITY MEMBERS Mike VanSickle, Haley Sheddrick, Nada Farina, Zach Coleman, Dave Akins, Marissa Barbosa Willis, Joshua Stiens, Brenda Neff, Tifani Clements, Jeff Christensen, Harold VanSickle, Carol Gorman, Patricia Schmitz, Denise Stiens Stoll, Marvin & Rosalee Steffey, Dan McClintock, Danny Baker, Cate Kenny, Fred Mares, Calvin Liess, Nancy Lawyer, Melanie Rice, Fern Brown, Kelly Wilcox, Gary & Cindy Staten, Linda Dougan, Gilbert Buhman, Joe Sobbing, Morris Peregrine, Garry Embly III, Eulia Mares, Zachary Allee, Julia Burris, and Kathleen Gaugh.

Please pray for all men and women serving our country, especially Shaun Defenbaugh, son of Ed and Kathy Defenbaugh, who was recently

deployed to the Middle East.

Pictured above are the youth who attended the Listening Session last Monday.

You are invited to a Listening Session with Fr. Albert.

Sunday, August 19- 6:00-7:15 pm in the Parish Hall

What do you like about St. Gregory’s Parish? What does St. Gregory's do well? How can we make St.

Gregory’s Parish even better? Where can St. Gregory’s improve? Where do you see St. Gregory’s in 10 years?

PTO Golf Tournament, Sat., Aug 25, Mozingo Lake Golf Course, Four Person Scramble. Registration from 7:30 am-7:50 am, with morning shotgun at 8 am. Sign up in the School or Parish Office. Call Mike Casteel, 582-0365, for questions!

Other Information

Stewardship-A Way of Life 3

Fiscal Year-To-Date Information (6 weeks) Envelope Goal for Fiscal Year-to-Date 2018-2019………$ 104,424 Envelope Amount Collected 2018-2019……...…….……..$ 84,357 Under Budget…..…..…..…………..…….….….$ 20,067 Weekly Information

Envelope Weekly Goal…………………………… .......... $ 17,404 Envelope for Aug 5........…..…..................................... . $ 10,116 Plate for Aug 5.....……………..…..………………. ......... $ 446 Scholarship Assistance Collection……………………….$ 1797 Children’s Envelopes……………………………………...$ 3 Children’s Stewardship: My mom asked me to clean my room, so I am cleaning it. I helped clean the house. I love my mom and dad!

Weekend Mass Attendance: 716 ••

Diocesan Life & Justice Campaign

Our second collection next weekend will provide support to organizations within our diocese who defend the dignity of the person and the sanctity of human life through spir-itual growth, pastoral care, education or public policy advocacy and empowering members of affected groups to break their cycle of vulnerability.

Please give generously, and encourage your favorite parish ministry or community service organization to apply for a Life & Justice Campaign grant. For more information, pick up a brochure in the G.S. or visit

Ladies Night Out Thursday, August 23rd, For All Ladies of the Parish! Meet at the Church

at 6:30 pm and Carpool to Backyard Winery.

Sponsored by the Knight’s of Columbus Ladies’ Auxiliary

Miraya Barmann shared that was awesome for RCIA! The availability of

the sessions used was so helpful. Some listened to sessions on their phones while traveling. The kids’ videos are great, too. She encourages people to use their phones for getting on What a great way to continue to learn about our faith! For those of you who wish to go deeper into the Gospel and Father’s homilies, join us for Coffee and Donuts in the Parish Hall this Sunday. Lecto: Eucharist Session 7, part 1 at 9:20 am.

The Clothing Room at the Ministry Center is looking for a couple willing to volunteer 2 hours once a month on Thursday evenings from 6:00 to 8:00pm. If you are willing to help out with this, please call Marilyn Bettis at 660-582-3593.

Stewardship Reflection “Get up and eat, else the journey will be too long for you!” 1 KINGS 19:7 Jesus knows that our stewardship journey will be difficult; we are not designed to do it on our own. Fortunately, Jesus gave us the greatest gift of all – the gift of the Eucharist; His own body and blood. When we join our sacrifices with the sacrifice of the Mass, we find the strength and courage to be His joyful disciples.

Are you or a loved one suffering from abortion? Find hope and

allow God to heal your heart by attending a Rachel’s Vineyard

retreat. The last of the three 2018 Kansas City retreats will be on the

weekend of October 26-28. For more information or to register, please call Teresa

O’Donnell at (816) 679-4973 or email [email protected] or visit

“Coping with Life Alone” - Peer-To-Peer Grief Support "Coping with Life Alone ®" is a Beginning Experience ® grief support program that meets each week for 7 weeks. The program helps those who have lost a love relationship due to death, divorce or separation, and move through the experience of grief and loss into a future with renewed hope. Kansas City, MO – Sundays, September 9 through October 21, at St Patrick Church, 1357 NE 42nd Terrace, Kansas City, MO 64116. Sessions will be from 2:00-4:00 pm. Contact Donna at 816-305-3760.

CALL TO PRAYER Each Friday, Aug 3 - Sept 28, answer the

Bishops’ call to education, fasting, and prayer for the legal protection of human

life. Join at!

Youth Ministry 4

Little Saints

School News

Do you enjoy working with children? Do you love sharing your faith? Perhaps God is calling you to be a Little Saints teacher or assistant! We are still in need of several teachers and assistants to help with Little Saints this year. If you are interested, please contact Cari at [email protected]. Please make sure to sign up for Little Saints! Registration forms are in the gather-ing space and in the Parish Office. Sign up as soon as possible. Little Saints will begin on September 5th at 6:00pm. Registration will need to be completed to attend.

The first reconciliation parent meeting is set for Sunday, August 19th at 3:30 pm. All parents of children who will be receiving first reconciliation will need to attend. Register with Cari or call the Parish Office.

Back to School Night

On Tuesday, August 14th, from 5-6:30 pm,

St. Gregory’s School will have their Back to School Night.

This will be an opportunity for your child(ren) to meet their teacher(s), bring in school supplies, buy lunch tickets, pick

up a lunch menu, and visit with other school families.

PTO will be providing Kool Kats to welcome everyone back. Please come and enjoy!

To orient new families to our school, the following meetings

will be held during the Back to School night: New Preschool Families 5:30 pm in the Leitner Room -

across from the preschool rooms. (Returning families are also welcome!) Your preschooler will be able to stay in the

preschool rooms with the teachers during the meeting. New Families K-8 6:00pm in the Leitner Room

We are so excited for our Student Ambassadors to help lead St. Gregory’s Falcon Faith Families. We are equally excited for the start of an amazing new school year. Please pray for all our students, teachers, and staff that they will have a fantastic year and grow closer to God.

ALL-SCHOOL MASS Sept. 9th at 10:30am with our Falcon-Faith Families!

Faith Formation 5

Saturday, Aug 18– 5:00 pm Servers: Dylan Groomer, Kaleb Groomer, Adam Patton Lectors: Mike Grudzinski, Tricia Knowles Communion Ministers: Judy Crane, Dee Heitman, Ron Mathias, Sue Mattson, Donna Pope, Barb Sherry, Sheila Smail Greeter: Delores Stoll Sacristan: Dee Heitman Sunday, Aug 19 – 8:00 am Servers: Brianna Peter, Brooklyn Spire, Alix Spire Lectors: Mark Kempf, Megan Frueh Communion Ministers: Catherine Barmann, Paul Heflin, Kathy Lipiec, Dorothy Schafer, Theresa Stiens, Twyilla Stiens, Kevin Wiederholt Greeters: Melvin Stoll, Venieta Stoll Sacristan: Theresa Stiens Sunday, Aug 19 – 10:30 am Servers: Clara Viau, Warner Viau, Sadler Viau Lectors: Lori Snead, Charlotte Stiens Communion Ministers: Linda Estes, Bonnie Ingels, Bill Ingels, LouAnn Meyer, Letoy Olsen, Kari Simpson, Rose Viau Greeters: Russ Schuster, Deb Schuster Sacristan: Charlotte Stiens Sunday, Aug 19 – 5:00 pm Servers: Wyatt Garner, Landon Liebhart Lectors: Karen Kepka, Michele Moon Communion Ministers: Clarice Holtman, Les Smith, Mark Wiederholt Greeter: Stacy Liebhart Sacristan: Clarice Holtman

Ministry Schedule 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time John 6:41-51

Re�lect: Stop murmuring, taught by God, the living bread ... from heaven, live forever

Encountering Jesus: Sometimes what we claim to know does not square up with reality. The Jews in the gospel think they know Jesus' origins (“the son of Joseph”) and, therefore, what he is and is not capable of doing. He commands them to “stop murmur-ing”—to stop limiting what they know. Only by opening themselves to be “taught by God” can they come to see who Jesus really is (“the living bread ... from heaven”). Only with this deeper knowledge can they receive the greatest gift he offers—himself, the “living bread” who brings us to “live forever”, the “more” they have already been given. He is “the bread of life.”


PARLOR Thursdays, 1:30 – 2:30 PM From just learning to old pro!

LOOM HATS for babies to adult sizes!

For Children’s Mercy Hospital



Enter the Journey RCIA 2018-2019

Adults considering entering the

Catholic Church follow a

process known as the RCIA —

the Rite of Christian Initiation

for Adults.

If you are interested in learning

more about the Catholic Church,

either to become a member, or

as a Catholic to deepen and

enrich your knowledge, RCIA

classes will begin September

5th at 6:15 pm. All are welcome.

For information please contact

Michele Moon: 582-3833



After the 8 AM Mass Til 6 PM

* Half Hour time slots Spend time basking in the Son!


2 SHOWINGS: Mon, Aug 13, 6:15 PM Wed, Aug 15, 8:45 AM

Office Meeting Room Description: An overarching story of redemption, based on the best-selling Christian single of all times. Find out the story behind the song! A

WATCH the bulletin for details �� GREAT ADVENTURE BIBLE

TIMELINE with Jeff Cavins �� PRESENCE: The Mystery of

the Eucharist

COMING THIS FALL DISCOVER YOUR LOVE LANGUAGE, your spouse’s & children’s! Find out how this can make a difference!

Partnering For Future Priests

Fri, Oct 5, 2018, Our Lady of Guadalupe St. Joseph,


Prayer begins at 5:15pm

Social at 5:30pm (country store, live music and silent


Dinner at 6:30pm Live Auction at 6:45pm

Raffle Drawings at the end of the


For more information or to donate a gift, please contact Trish Wiederholt

at 660-944-2958 or [email protected]


Sunday, Aug 12 9:20 am Video & Discussion on Eucharist(PH) Monday, Aug 13 5:00 pm Manna Kitchen (PH/KIT) 6:15 pm Smoothie & a Movie (PH) Tuesday, Aug 14 6:30 am Adoration & Rosary (CH) 5:30 pm Back to School Night(SCH/LR/GYM) Wednesday, Aug 15 Feast of the Assumption of our Lady into Heaven 8:00 am Mass (CH) 9:00 am Adoration until 6 pm (CH) 8:45 am Smoothie and a Movie (PH) 6:00 pm Prison Ministry (MTC) 6:15 pm Communion & Liberation (OMR) 7:00 pm Mass (CH)

Thursday, Aug 16 First Day of School 3:00 pm Mass (NNH) 6:30 pm School Advisory (SCH) Friday, Aug 17 11:00 am Staff Meeting (OMR) 2:30 pm Mass (VCC) Saturday, Aug 18 Diocesan Life & Justice Collection 6:15 am Men’s Group (Ed Jones) 10:00 am Protecting God’s Children (OMR) Sunday, Aug 19 Diocesan Life & Justice Collection 9:20 am Video & Discussion on Eucharist(PH) 6:00 pm Listening Session (PH) 7:00 pm Volleyball Practice (GYM)

Saturday, Aug 11 5:00 pm † Stanley Waldeier Sunday, Aug 12 8:00 am People of the Parish 10:30 am † Virginia Burns 5:00 pm † John T. Byland Monday, Aug 13 8:00 am Communion Service Tuesday, Aug 14 8:00 am † Paul Tobin Wednesday, Aug 15 8:00 am † Bill Schafer Thursday, Aug 16 8:00 am † Donald Henggeler 3:00 pm Int. of the Residents (NNH) Friday, Aug 17 8:00 am L & D Members of the Roy &

Clara Schulte Family 2:30 pm Int. of the Residents (VCC) Saturday, Aug 18 5:00 pm † David Heflin Sunday, Aug 19 8:00 am People of the Parish 10:30 am † John L. Stiens 5:00 pm † Stanley Waldeier († Indicates Mass for deceased person)

Mass Intentions

Schedule of Events 6

Parish Office 333 South Davis • Maryville MO 64468-2817 Office .................................... (660) 582-3833 Fax ....................................... (660) 582-5914 Hours .................... (Mon.-Thu.) 8:00-5:00 pm …………………………...(Fri.) 8:00-12:30 pm Website……… Pastor, Fr. Albert Bruecken O.S.B. E-mail ....................... [email protected] Rectory……………………….(660) 582-2051 Business Manager, Pam VanSickle E-mail .............. [email protected] Secretary, Devin Rankin E-mail .................. [email protected] Little Saints, Cari Ramold ............................. E-mail………………[email protected] RCIA/Adult Faith Formation Michele Moon.…[email protected] Director of Youth/Young Adult, Sam Geringer E-Mail ................ [email protected] Music Director, Abby Dropinski E-mail ....... [email protected] Maintenance Supervisor, Tom Spire E-mail ......................... [email protected]

School Office 315 South Davis • Maryville MO 64468-2817 Office .................................... (660) 582-2462 Fax ........................................ (660) 582-2496 Website…… ......... Principal, Susan Martin E-mail ........... [email protected] Secretary, Shelly Stiens E-mail ............ [email protected] PreSchool/Child Care Phone ................................... (660) 582-3684 School Advisory Council, Traci Snyders Phone ................................... (660) 254-4442 PTO, Jenni Jordan Phone ................................... (660) 541-0936 Church Kitchen/Hot Lunch Phone ................................... (660) 582-3833 Scrip E-mail……………[email protected]

St. Gregory’s Pastoral Council Joe Quinlin Art Filips Stephanie Woolery Sue Wood Ashlie Powell Loretta Kissinger Sue Dorrel

Parish Ministries Deacon, Martin Schieber, Retired Liturgy, Cari Ramold .......................... (660) 582-3833 Prison Ministry/MV Treatment Center, JoAnn Townsend…………….(660) 853-1652 Nursing Home/Sick Ministry

.................... (660) 582-4247 Knights of Columbus Grand Knight, Robert Rice ........................... (660) 973-2754 Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary, Pres. Kathy Defenbaugh…………..(660) 920-9099 Funeral Coordinator Kari Simpson………………….(660) 582-3831 E-mail ........................ [email protected] Wedding Coordinator Peggy Schieber……………..(660) 582-8266 E-mail …………………[email protected]

Newman Catholic Center Northwest Missouri State University 606 College Ave. • Maryville MO 64468-2817 Director, Max Pawlowski Phone.................................... (660) 582-7373 E-mail .................. [email protected]

The Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph is committed to combatting sexual abuse in the Church. If you are a victim of sexual abuse, or if you observe or suspect sexual abuse: 1. Call the Missouri Child Abuse Hotline at 1.800.392.3738 (if the victim is currently under the age of 18), and 2. Contact your local law enforcement agency or call 911, and 3. After reporting to these civil and law enforcement authorities, report suspected sexual abuse of a minor or vulnerable adult to the Diocesan Ombudsman, Jenifer Valenti, at 816.812.2500 or [email protected], if the abuse involves a priest, deacon, employee or volunteer of the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph. The Diocese has a sincere commitment to providing care and healing resources to victims of sexual abuse and their families. Please contact Victim Advocate, Kathleen Chastain, at 816.392.0011 or [email protected] for more information.

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1622 S. Main582-8522


Jeff & Kim Bram

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Residential, Agricultural or Commercial Real EstateRealtor - Parishioner603 N. Main St. Maryville, MO 64468Mobile: 660-254-4442 Office: 660-562-2562 [email protected] Barmann Snyders

Contact James Bradley to place an ad today! [email protected] or (800) 950-9952 x2655

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Walk-ins always welcomePatty Spire (Parishioner)


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For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • St. Gregory Barbarigo, Maryville, MO. A 4C 02-0450

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