
Christian Reformed Church of Pease

Pease, Minnesota

Pastor Michael Ten haken

August 11, 2013

CRC of Pease

Pastor Michael Ten Haken

Sunday, August 11, 2013

God Gathers Us for WorshipGod Gathers Us for WorshipGod Gathers Us for WorshipGod Gathers Us for Worship *Opening Songs: “Jesus Messiah”

*God’s Greeting

Our Mutual Greeting

*Praise Song: “Amazing Grace/Fill It Up”

Offering Received for the Benevolent Fund

Song: “To God Be the Glory” Psalter Hymnal #473

Children’s Message: Pastor Michael

Song: “Give Thanks”

Preparatory for the Lord’s Supper

Our Morning Prayer

Hearing God’s Word Hearing God’s Word Hearing God’s Word Hearing God’s Word Scripture: Genesis 22:1-19


*Song: “I Will Sing of My Redeemer” Psalter Hymnal #479

God Sends Us Out with His BlessingGod Sends Us Out with His BlessingGod Sends Us Out with His BlessingGod Sends Us Out with His Blessing God’s Parting Blessing

*Closing Song: “My Friends May You Grow in Grace”

• Thank you for allowing our nursery staff to care for your little ones so the worship of others will not be distracted. Pagers are available. • As a courtesy, please switch cell phones & pagers off or to a silent mode. • Hearing enhancers are available. Please ask an usher. • The flow of the worship service is subject to change. • If you have a prayer request and/or concern, please use the prayer card in the

pews, please them in the offering plate and someone will call you.

Sermon NotesSermon NotesSermon NotesSermon Notes

WELCOME TO GOD’S FAMILY as we gather to worship our God and renew our love for Jesus Christ our Lord. God calls us again today to focus on the two most important aspects of life, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Im-press them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” Deuteronomy 6:5-7

Pastor Michael will begin today, a six-week series centering on the phrase, “I’ve Been Redeemed.” Throughout the series we will be using Old Testament stories (some familiar and some not) as a window into the ultimate redemption we have received in Jesus Christ. When appropriate we will also be using parts of the Heidelberg Catechism to inform our learning and study. We begin by looking at the story of Abraham and Isaac in Genesis 22 and Q&A 1 of the Heidelberg Catechism and ask the question, “What Does it Mean to be Redeemed?” Next week, we will look at the question, “From What Are We Redeemed?” by using the story of the Israelites crossing the Red Sea in Exodus 14 and Lord’s Day’s 3 & 4 of catechism. In addition, Pastor Arlan Koppendrayer will be with us as we celebrate the Lord’s Supper together. It is necessary for us this week to think about how great our sin is before our Lord God, who is Holy. How essential it is to know that Jesus Christ is the Savior who came to save us personally from all our sins. We need to know how necessary it is for us to be actively serving the Lord in all we do, think and say since we are part of His body, the Church and represent Him in our community. This preparation will be helpful in making our partaking of the Lord’s Supper next week Sunday more meaningful. We warmly welcome Dick & Lois Ritzema who have joined our church family. Their former church membership was at Bethel CRC in Fulton, IL. Your offering next Sunday, August 18, will be received for the General Fund and on August 25, for the Building Fund. The deacons gratefully acknowledge the following receipts for the month of July 2013: Starfish Ministries-$880; Community Christian School-$929; Ministry Shares-$723 and the Building Fund-$1,441 (The remaining balance on the Building Fund is-$10,660). Total Budget receipts for July were $22,612. Thank you for your on-going support of our ministry projects.

Our Church FamilyOur Church FamilyOur Church FamilyOur Church Family Harry Moorlag was admitted to the Princeton Hospital this past week to be treat an infection. Please pray for healing for him.

We continue to pray for Samantha Burklund, who has recently been diagnosis with Lupus and complications from her previous surgery on her colon. Samantha is currently seeking additional medical care.

Congratulations to the following congregational members celebration special days this week: ◊ Adeline Nobel celebrates her 83rd birthday tomorrow, August 12 ◊ John Kok observes his 83rd birthday tomorrow, August 12 ◊ Sylvia Ruis celebrates her 87th birthday on Saturday, August 17 ◊ Duane & Delores Bekius observe their 51st wedding anniversary on Saturday, August 17 We also congratulate two young couples from our congregation who were married yesterday: ♦ Emily Kjos & Lucus Carpenter were married at the Milaca Alliance Church. We wish them God’s richest blessing on their new life together.

♦ Katie Elton & Dylan Moorlag were married at Larson’s Barn in McGregor yester-day. Their plans are to live in the area for the next year while they finish school at Central Lakes College in Brainerd.

“I want to thank my church family for the prayers, cards and expressions of sympathy sent to me in the loss of my sister, Katie. They were appreciated very much.” Rena Top The Households Ministry is still looking for volunteers to join the facilitators team this fall. If you have questions and are interested please talk to Amy Boldt - [email protected] or (320) 260-9148. Back to School Give Away this Saturday, August 17! This is the 4th year of us joining the Great Minnesota Credit Union and the Salvation Army in an effort to bring this ministry to our community. Each year 250-300 backpacks full of nec-essary school supplies are given to families. The Outreach Team needs you to help by volunteering your time, and your monetary donations are wel-comed and needed. Our goal is $1,000. Please talk to Trudy or any member of the Out-reach Team today!! Thank you for supporting this important community ministry. In your church mailbox today your will find a copy of the Proposed Budget for the 2013/2014 Fiscal Year with begins September 1, and a newsletter update from Sierra Leone, West Africa and the missionary we support there, Rev. Istifanus Bala Bahago. The parsonage has an extra desk and rocking chair. If you would like to see either or both of them, please see Pastor Michael or Jessica.

Praying for our Local Ministries: This week we ask God’s blessing on the Mille Lacs County Jail Ministry. The pastors of the Milaca Ministerial as well as Karen Bouma, Marlin Wolbert, Ruth Ann Kragt, Carol Sahlstrom, the Gideons and others who minster in the name of Christ on Sunday afternoons and during the week to the men and women who are incarcerated there.

Calendar for the WeekCalendar for the WeekCalendar for the WeekCalendar for the Week Sunday, August 11 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship ~ Pastor Michael Ten Haken Monday, August 12 7:00 p.m. Council Meeting Saturday, August 17 10:00-Noon Back to School Give Away at the Milaca Credit Union

Advanced DatesAdvanced DatesAdvanced DatesAdvanced Dates ♦ Hostess Dinner and Congregational Meeting, Monday, August 19. If you have not been contacted by tomorrow about coming or what to bring, please call Dort Brink.

♦ Installation of new Elders/Deacons, Sunday August 25

♦ Junior High Youth Group Kick-off: Wednesday, September 4

♦ Senior High Youth Group Kick-off: Wednesday, September 11

♦ Outdoor Worship & Picnic: Sunday, September 8

♦ September 15 will be first day of Sunday School.

Opportunities To ServeOpportunities To ServeOpportunities To ServeOpportunities To Serve Ushers Next Week: John Teeler, John & Brenda Santema, Harlin & Pauline Pap, Dianne Christensen Greeters This Week- East Door : Ray & Lil Droogsma West Door: Joyce Kiel & Lorraine Veurink Greeters Next Week- East Door : Curt & Sharon Hanenburg West Door: John & Irene kok Little Footprints Nursery This Week: Beth Vander Plaats, Joy Myren, Zach Patten, Cassie Patten Nursery Next Week: Ali Droogsma, Stacy Patten, Christina Moorlag, Maverick Vander Plaats Worship Center: Lorraine Veurink ~ The Mustard Seed ~ Matthew 13:31,32 Greeters Today: Molly Banks; Greeters Next Week: Shelby Wicklund Little Lambs: Wanda Rensenbrink ~ A Girl Named Rebekah Greeters Today: Dylan Ash; Greeters Next Week: Cassie Patten Video Library Today: Debbie Peel & Margie Brink Next Week: Shirley Droogsma & Marla Ruis Sound Board Today: Jeff Hanenburg Next Week: Tom Patten Media Today: Linda Droogsma Next Week: Anita Hubers

Guatemala Prayer: Praise God for the lasting changes over the past 3 years in the Gustavo Sontay Perez family - "Free A Family." Gustavo has become an ordained minister, the vice president of Vine & Branches, and is also using a grey water filter and compost made by earthworms to fertilize their land. Irma, his wife, has learned to read and write and is a board member of their church women's group. Glendy, their daughter, is preparing to become a pas-tor in their community. God is Good! Keep praying for this family.

From World Missions

POSITION OPENING - INTERNATIONAL - The Christian Reformed Church in North America (CRCNA) has a position opening for a full-time Transformation Network Coordinator in West Africa with Christian Reformed World Missions (CRWM). This position will seek to foster relationships and develop trust between leaders, grow networks of indigenous organizations and intercultural mission clusters. This work will also include intentionally identifying, connecting, equipping and encouraging key Nigerian leaders. For a detailed position description or to apply complete visit, attaching a cover letter and current resume by Sept. 13.

Pray for communities affected by flash flooding and landslides in Uttarakhand, northern India. The flooding has killed at least 1,000 people and displaced thou-sands. Ask God to bless World Renew’s efforts to provide affected families with tents, blankets, mosquito nets and other emergency items.


13 Elroy Hanenburg

13 Tom Patten

13 Bill Ruis

14 Morris Droogsma

14 Steve Hubers

14 Damian Patnode

15 Jim Kragt

15 Phil Van De Riet

15 Carl Veurink


13 Dort Brink

13 George Droogsma

13 Matt Ash

14 Curt Bekius

14 Rob Droogsma

14 Sam Pearson

15 Char De Kraker

15 Jan Hanenburg

15 Kent Sikkink

President of Council: Bill Ruis

Vice-President of Council: Jim Kragt

Clerk of Council: Phil Van De Riet

President of the Deacons: Char De Kraker

Vice-President of Deacons: George Droogsma

Secretary: Jan Hanenburg

Treasurer: Curt Bekius

Christian Reformed Church of Pease

P.O. Box 69 Pease, MN 56363


[email protected]

Prayer Line: 320-369-4225 or 1-855-369-4228 Worship Service begins at 9:30

Broadcast at 10:00 a. m. on KBEK~95.5 FM/Mora

Pastor Michael Ten Haken

Nick Hoffman ~ Youth Leader

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