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The majority of the respondents, almost 90%, are in the 16-21 age group. This shows that most of the respondents were teenagers. This is useful as this is the age group I am wanting to target my magazine at. By knowing that the majority of the audience are in this age group, then my results should be very useful and representative. These results also show that people of this age group are willing to get involved in research, this would benefit my magazine as it shows they may be interested in getting involved in competitions my magazine may hold more than other age groups. Also, with this age group of people I will use a more informal language, so they will be familiar with the language.

From these results we can see that rock is the most popular genre at 40% , with indie being the second most popular at around 25%. This has helped me to decide to focus mostly on rock in my magazine, closely followed by indie. I will also involve bits of pop in my magazine, so it will satisfy the majority of my target audiences. Rock and indie are the two main genres of my magazine so it will attract these readers and give me an audience. I can see from these results that classical is not popular amongst the respondents, therefore this genre will not be included in my magazine.

What is the occupation of the head of the household? Nurse. GRADE C1 – LOWER MIDDLE CLASS Nurse GRADE C1 – LOWER MIDDLE CLASS What a weird question. X IT specialist GRADE B – MIDDLE CLASS He works at Network Rail GRADE C1 – LOWER MIDDLE CLASS Cleaner. GRADE D – WORKING CLASS Cleaner. GRADE D – WORKING CLASS Health and safety surveyor C2 – SKILLED WORKING CLASS HR Manager GRADE A – UPPER MIDDLE CLASS HR manager GRADE A – UPPER MIDDLE CLASS Librarian GRADE C1 – LOWER MIDDLE CLASS Driving instructor GRADE C1 – LOWER MIDDLE CLASS Teacher GRADE B – MIDDLE CLASS Teacher GRADE B – MIDDLE CLASS The boss – GARDE A – UPPER MIDDLE CLASS Salesman GRADE C1 – LOWER MIDDLE CLASS Business consultant GRADE B – MIDDLE CLASS Works at nestle GRADE C1 – LOWER MIDDLE CLASS Manager GRADE A – UPPER MIDDLE CLASS What do you mean by this? X

C1 - LOW















From these results we can see the most common class of the head of the house hold is C1 – LOWER MIDDLE CLASS. This tells me the average class of my chosen audience. This will help me when it comes to pricing the magazine as I will have an idea of the income of the household. The results classes as ‘X’ are invalid as the responses to not answer the question, therefore these results will not be taken into account.

From these results we can see that a vast majority of people prefer male music artists to female, with a few people unsure on their preferred gender. This information is very helpful because the majority of artists in my selected genres are males, as there are few female artists in this genre. However, I will add female artists in as well as males for the few people prefer female artists, or are unsure on what they prefer. By doing this my magazine will appeal to a wider range of people.

We can see here, that the majority of respondents, 80%, use social media very often. These results show that people use social media at least everyday, this means they like to keep up to date on things, this is good as my magazine will include up to date information and interviews, so it will interest my audience. This is useful information as my magazine will be online, so it is helpful to know the majority of my audience are comfortable with social media and are aware of how to use it. This will also help me if I decide to use links or videos in my magazine as people will have some experience on how to work this.

These results show, that the majority of respondents, about 55% attend music performances not very often, this may be because the majority of my respondents are you adults, therefore they may not have disposable income or a way of transport. This therefore tells me that the price of my magazine cannot be too expensive as they may not have this money to spend. However, around 35% said they attended music performances quite often, this may mean that I can include videos in my magazine and pictures of live performances that will interest them.

From this information we can see that Kerrang! Is the most popular magazine, with just over 30% of respondents and NME is the second most popular with around 25%. These results are good as I have chosen to do a similar style of magazine to NME, also from previous results, I have found rock music is very popular. This has made me decide to add similar elements to my magazine as Kerrang! has and this is a good choice as Kerrang! Is the most popular magazine.

The two most popular answers for this question were Yes and Sometimes. This is good as I want to include up to date music and music info in my magazine. Knowing my audience are interested in this will allow me to dedicate a large amount of my magazine to this. For people who answered ‘not really’ I will include existing music and bands in my magazine so that everyone can enjoy it.

How would you best describe yourself in one short sentence? Annoying and loud Cool! Short Full of life Dickhead Outgoing Optimistic, professional, family person Awesome Hardworking Mint and you know it Maddie Thoughtful young lady Moustache. Addicted to pornography. Sometimes I like to lie on the floor of the bathroom

pretending I'm a pube, making pube noises. Great with kids Interesting person to be around I don’t really know Sarcastic and dyslexic Average Bit of a tit but I'm alright I am an intelligent normal teenage I am fancy.

Looking at these results we can see a lot of people would describe themselves as quite positive people, this is good as I want my magazine to be uplifting and suit peoples personalities. However, some of these results cannot be taken into account as they are not serious answers.

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