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Name _______________________________ Form _______


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Introduction Page 3

EVERYONE CAN LEARNThe Memory Page 4Brain Waves Page 5

GOOD LEARNING CONDITIONSDiet Page 7Environment Page 8Preparation Page 9Attitude Page 11

GOOD LEARNING TECHNIQUES Page 13Processing Page 14Organizing Page 15Visualising Page 18Memorizing Page 20Testing Page 21

GOOD EXAM PERFORMANCE Exam Preparation Page 24Exam Technique Page 36Exam Stress Page 41

GOOD ATTITUDE Goals and Competition Page 42Active Learning Page 43Motivation Page 45Seeking Help Page 46



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The Brain Page 48Whole Brain Learning Page 49


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Everyone can learn.

But it's a fact that some people find learning easier than others.

There are two reasons for this.

1 No two brains are the same. Everyone has a different number of brain cells. This number is fixed at birth. You can decrease this number by abusing your brain with drugs, but you can not increase it.

2 Some people know how to use their brain better than others.

It's just the same as with the human body. Everyones' is different. Some people get the most out of their bodies. Others don't.

Regardless of the size of your brain, you can make better use of it, if you know how.


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THE MEMORYEvery day hundreds, if not thousands, of images flash past us.

These include words, pictures, sounds, people, actions, tastes, smells and sensations

What happens to them?

Lost forever

The vast majority of these images make little or no impact upon our brain. We barely notice them, or do not consider them worth remembering.

For example, how many of the people you saw on the way to school this morning do you remember? How many sounds that you heard on the way to school do you remember?

Short Term Memory

Many images will be remembered for a minute or two. They will enter the short term memory. But the short term memory can only handle up to nine


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pieces of information at a time. As new information enters, old information will be lost.

For example: if you look up a phone number to give someone a ring, do you remember that number 30 minutes later? Ten minutes later? Probably not.

Long Term Memory

A small and selective amount of information will enter our long term memory. This will be remembered maybe for a week or two, maybe longer. If this information is 'revised' it may be remembered for a much longer period of time, perhaps forever.

Learning is storing information in the Long Term Memory.

To do this you need

1 The right conditions 2 The right techniques


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Learning occurs when our brains send messages - in the form of electrical energy - from one brain cell to the other.

These messages are commonly known as brain waves

There are different kinds of brain waves. This section will tell you which are best for learning. The next section will tell you how to get them.

Beta waves (13-25 cycles per second)

Beta are the fastest waves, with the shortest wavelength.

They occur when we are very active, or when we are in a busy place with lots of distractions. (In a Beta state we can cope with nine things at once.)

When we play sport we are usually in a Beta state. That is why it is often difficult to remember what happened afterwards.

Beta waves are good for short term memory only. When we forget things (i.e. where we put that essay, or left our lunch) it is often because the information came through our brain in Beta waves. It did not penetrate our long term memory. Symptoms of BetaYou are in a Beta state when you can't concentrate on one task because

• there are too many distractions, or• you are tense, hyperactive - can't settle at anything, or• you are tired, drowsy, or• you are panicky, nervous, stressed, or• you are just plain bored, and can't get motivated

Alpha waves (8-12 cycles per second)

These occur when we are more relaxed, but still alert. Alpha is a state of totally concentrated focus, when we are thinking of only one thing at a time - for example when we are in our room working on the computer, and lose all track of time.

Alpha is the best state for learning, because it opens up our long-term memory, for input and output. Without full use of the long-term memory, our learning will not be effective.

Symptoms of Alpha

• Concentration on one task only


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• Unaware of the time• No distractions, or unaware of them


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Theta waves (4-7 cycles per second) These occur when we are deeply relaxed - day dreaming or not thinking about work at all. Sudden flashes of inspiration may then come. Answers to thorny questions suddenly enter our brains after we have stopped thinking about them.

Theta is not best for 'study' - but it is best for creativity, insight and problem solving. Often the best ideas come while we are jogging, showering, or almost asleep. Theta waves give good access to long term memory.

Delta waves (0.5-3 cycles per second) These occur when we are asleep.

Activity: Which are the best waves for studying?



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The brain gets its energy from sugar compounds which are manufactured in our bodies from the food we eat.

Eat• Fruit, vegetables, nuts, grain and seed products.

These are best for brain energy as they keep our blood sugar high. • Oily fish (herrings, tuna, mackerel, sardines).

These are rich in the minerals, vitamins and oils that improve brain function.

• Raw foods of any sort. These increase the rate at which the brain uses oxygen.

Drink• Water.

It is essential to avoid the brain dehydrating. Drink six to eight glasses a day, or more. Water should be the major source of your liquid intake. People have found that suddenly drinking more water, and fewer caffeine drinks, such as tea, coffee and cola, has made a major difference to their mental and physical health.

Natural un-sweetened yoghurt is a natural antibiotic, and aids the digestion.

Do not eat• Large meals. These cause drowsiness as our energy is used up on


• Too much fatty, processed food, sugar and salt.

• Too much food or drink that relies upon taste enhancers, artificial colourings or sugar.

Do not drink


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• Caffeine products. Caffeine is a diuretic. This means that it removes water from the body cells. After drinking tea , coffee or coke, you therefore need more water, not less.Note: most of the 'energy' and 'smart' drinks on the market today have high

levels of caffeine.


Activity: Homework Environment Checklist:[ ] A quiet room away from TV, people, distractions[ ] A good desk, that can be left undisturbed from night to night[ ] A comfortable upright chair. You should not be slouching.[ ] Good light - natural light during the day.

[ ] A dictionary [ ] Fresh air[ ] Plenty of pens, of different colours. Scrap paper.[ ] All past work for the year readily accessible in a filing cabinet, or box,

or drawers[ ] No phone calls. (Call people back when you are finished).

Guide to scores8-9 A very good homework environment.

This will encourage an Alpha state.6-7 Can be improved1-5 A Beta environment.

You are not making the most of your homework time.

My score:

What if I live in a small noisy house?1 The Auckland Public Library is open until 8.00 p.m. every week night and,

during the day on Saturdays and Sundays. The Auckland University Library is open until 11.00 p.m. every week night, and during the day on Saturdays and Sundays. Any person may study in these libraries.


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2 Is there a friend or relative's house nearby where you could study quietly?

What if I can't get through the work without some music?Many teenagers like to work with rock music in the background, or on headphones.

Researchers have discovered that music can be beneficial to study. But only slow music with 40-60 beats per minute. This is because it produces a 7.5 cycle per second brain pulse, which is firmly in the Alpha-Theta range.

Most slow music is classical music. If this is not to your taste, you might find some more modern music that is also slow and relaxing.

Or study in silence.

Listening to fast rock music might help you 'get through your study' - i.e. you may not feel so bored. But you won't learn so much. And if you are in a proper Alpha state for study you are less likely to get bored anyway.


A good sports person will warm-up their body before training or playing. Likewise, a good student needs to warm-up the brain before studying.

The following activities help to relax the brain and prepare it for study; in other words, they help to produce Alpha waves

• Take a shower or a bath

• Go for a walk, run or any other kind of exercise

• Listen to slow beat music

• Take a nap

• Deep breathing

What is the importance of oxygen?

A quarter of our oxygen intake goes to our brain cells. Without enough oxygen, we become drowsy. With plenty of oxygen we are fit and alert.

Studies have shown that students who regularly exercise, improve their grades. Students who exercise before an exam are more relaxed during the exam.

How can I improve my oxygen intake?


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1 Fresh air. Keep the window nearest to your desk open.

2 Good posture.

3 Deep breathing, rather than shallow breathing. Do regular breathing exercises. Breathe in and out deeply, while placing a hand on your lower rib cage. Your diaphragm should be moving in and out like a balloon. Breathe out going 'ha ha ha', forcing all the stale air out of your lungs. Shallow breathing leaves a litre of stale air in your lungs. You can tell that your breathing is shallow if your upper chest and shoulders rise and fall as you breathe.

4 Exercise. The more the better.

• Eye movementTake a deep breath, close your eyes, raise your eyeballs up and lower them again, immediately. Do this only once.

This tricks your mind into thinking you are going to sleep.

It is a good way of moving from the Beta to the Alpha state.

• Brain Gym (Kinesiology) The registered trade mark of the Educational Kinesiology Foundation

The idea of Brain Gym is based on the link between body movement and brain function.

Brain Gym is simple exercises that stimulate the brain. A combination of exercises is advised.

1 Energising movementsThese strengthen the neural connections between the body and the brain.

• Eye massage• Temple massage• Unroll the outside of your ears• Gently tap the top of your breastbone with alternating hands• Gently rub the bone behind your ears, with alternating hands• Hold one hand under your lower lip, the other on your navel, and breathe

deeply• Write your name twice, simultaneously, using two pens (and two hands)

2 Lengthening movementsAny stretching exercises, especially involving the back or neck, will release back and neck tension, resulting from long hours of work.


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3 Across body movements. Any exercise in which the arms or legs cross over the front of the body will help in the co-ordination of the left and right brains. Sir Richard Hadlee and Grant Batty are two sportsmen who used this type of exercise before playing.


Tired? Stressed out?We generally do our school work and study at the end of the day, when we are not at our best. The accumulated strains of the day may have got us down.

If we are tired, or stressed out, it may not be easy to study. It is all the more important to prepare the brain properly first.

Determined to get the work done?


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If study is not easy, we tend to try to overcome this by 'trying harder'; by making an even greater effort to concentrate. We tense our muscles, furrow our brow, clench our fists, give ourselves a headache, and produce even faster Beta waves.

• Don't try harder. Stop. Take a good break. Do some warm up exercises. Do anything that gives you Alpha waves. Then start again.

Something on your mind?Money worries? Girl friend? Fight with a parent? Is this why you can't study? If you find that you keep day-dreaming about something and can't concentrate on your study, try this:

• Stop studying. Write down everything you can about what is troubling or distracting you.

• Then take a short break: go for a walk, do some exercise, watch some TV.• Then set yourself a short-term challenge - i.e. 30 minutes uninterrupted

study with a reward at the end.

Summary activity

Use the factors below to make two lists on the opposite page. One list will show what will give you Alpha waves. One will show what will give you Beta waves.

• Nutritious diet - high energy food • Lack of water• Physical or emotional stress • Stuffy rooms• Eye movement • Brain Gym• Fluorescent lights • Quiet• Slouching, lying • Shower/bath• Relaxation • Trying too hard• Exercise • Natural light • Distractions - TV, people, phone • Slow beat music• Taking it as it comes • Take breaks• Deep breathing • Binge - too much food• Plenty of water • Poor nutrition• Fatty or sugar-high food • Fresh air• Fast beat music • Good posture in upright chair• Keep going when its not working • Smoking/alcohol caffeine/other drugs



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Alpha BetaAttitude





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Finished ? Now highlight any items in your Beta column that apply to you now. How are you going to change these?


Real learning takes place when information is translated into mental pictures and stored in the long term memory system of the right brain.

Often this happens without us even trying. Information that is really important, or of great interest, tends to be easy to remember.

But most of the time we have to make an effort, and to use the right techniques, to remember things well.

Study techniques will vary according to the subject

Mathematics (suggested approach)

1 Start at Exercise 2 worksheet 1. Find the relevant theory in your theory book. Read it, make sure you understand it, write it out again as your swot notes.

2 Do several questions on the exercise without referring to your swot notes

3 If you have problems, refer back to the theory. If your answer is correct, move on to the next exercise. Work through as many problems as you can

Most other subjects:1 Process the information so that it 'sticks'.2 Organize the information so it can be recalled easily.3 Visualise the information.4 For information that is really hard to remember, use acronyms or

mnemonics - 'tricks' to aid the memory.


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5 Most important of all: Test yourself


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The more you do with the information you are learning - the more you process it - the more it will stick.

ActivityThe following are the main study methods used by students. State what is good about each method and what is not good.________________________________________________________________

Good Not Good________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Reading and notemaking

________________________________________________________________Reading andCopying

________________________________________________________________Verbal testingwith others

________________________________________________________________Reading andHighlighting


________________________________________________________________Now rank these techniques 1-5 in order of effectiveness for processing.


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1 is best. [ ] Reading and note making[ ] Reading and copying[ ] Verbal testing with other students[ ] Reading and highlighting or underlining

[ ] Reading


Brief Guide to Notemaking

1 Find the main point

• If you are making summary notes from a book, pick out the main point or generalization from each paragraph.

• The main point is usually (but not always) contained in the first sentence - the 'topic' sentence. Sometimes it is in the final sentence.

• Being able to pick out the main point or generalization is by far the most important skill in note making.

2 Then add the detail that supports the main point - but no more detail than you need

3 Use arrows, simple diagrams, and abbreviations to save time.

Build up a 'memory bank' of your own abbreviations, such as:

e.g. for example = the same asi.e. that is = not the same asimp important thereforec.f compared with bc becauseadv advantage C Centurycond condition & andesp especially +ve positiveind industry -ve negativeop opinion ... leads to

4 Make your notes clear and attractive to read, with large headings and consistent format. Avoid clutter, and keep lots of white space.


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5 Break information up into bite-size pieces that you can remember.The brain can only remember so much at a time.

For example it can probably remember 6753917

But to remember 64802783648920 it has to break it up into smaller sections

6 Your summary notes will be easiest to organize, remember and test yourself on when you can reduce them to lists

• Simple Lists• Categorized Lists• Contrasting Lists

Simple Lists

For exampleEight important points about Christopher Columbus • 1

Born 1452, Genoa 2 Died 1506, Spain 3 Aimed to find a quicker western route to Asia 4 Given support by King and Queen of Spain 5 Three voyages to New World 6 Thought he had reached Asia. 7 Had not reached Asia, or discovered a route to Asia 8 However, was first European to reach Bahamas, Central and South America

(In your title always include the number of points: that reminds you how many points must be recalled)

Categorized listsThese organize your information more. You now memorize, and recall, information in two steps: firstly the categories, and secondly the information inside each category.

Which list is easier to memorize and recall from?

Simple list Categorized listColumbus 1 Raw Data:1 Born 1452, Genoa • Born 1492, Genoa2 Died 1506, Spain •. Died 1506, Spain 3 Aimed to find a quicker western route to Asia 2 Aims:4 Given support by King and Queen of Spain • Find a quicker ,western route to Asia5 Three voyages to New World 3 How achieve them?6 Thought he had reached Asia. • Given support by King and Queen of 7 Did not reach Asia or discover route Spain 8 However, was first European • Three voyages to New Worldto reach Bahamas, Central and South 4 How successful ?


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America • Thought he had reached Asia. • Did not reach Asia or discover route • However, was first European to reach

Bahamas, Central and South America

Contrasting listsOften you have to learn about things that can be compared to each other - for example different characters in a novel, or different explorers.

If you make lists using the same categories for both people you are studying it will be easy to contrast and compare them in an exam. For example:

Columbus MagellanRaw Data:

1 Born 1492, Genoa 1 Born 1480, Portugal2 Died 1506, Spain 2 Died 1521, Philippines

Aims:1 Find a quicker ,western route to Asia 1 Find a quicker, western route to Asia

How did he achieve them?1 Given support by King and Queen of Spain 1 Sailed around the world2 Three voyages to New World

How successful ?1 Unsuccessful 1 Successful2 Did not reach Asia or discover route 2 First European voyage around World 3 However, was first European to reach 3 First European to reach Asia from the Bahamas, Central and South America West.

Activity: Make a contrasting and categorized list from this information:

Titokowaru and Te KootiTitokowaru and Te Kooti were both Maori warriors who challenged Pakeha authority in 1868 and 1869.Titokowaru was trying to defend confiscated land in south Taranaki. Te Kooti's aims were more complex. He was fighting a war of utu against those who had unfairly imprisoned him on the Chatham Islands in 1865 (from where he escaped in 1868) and against those who had treated him badly beforehand. Their methods of fighting also differed. Titokowaru built pa with killing zones, and then lured the government soldiers into them. He never attacked Pakeha villages. Te Kooti used guerilla warfare. In November 1868 he attacked Matawhero (near Gisborne). In December government forces attacked Te Kooti's traditional pa at Ngatapa, but he escaped.In March 1869 he burnt down Whakatane. In April he massacred 64 people at Mohaka.Te Kooti's downfall came because he did not know how to build a modern pa, and he suffered major losses when he fought a pitched battle at Te Porere, south of Taupo, in October 1869. Titokowaru's weakness apparently was his love for the wife of another chief. When this was discovered his warriors deserted him. Later in life Titokowaru became a follower of the pacifist Te Whiti.


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Of the two warriors Te Kooti probably posed the greater threat to the government as he attacked, whereas Titokowaru defended.

Titokowaru Te KootiCategory One:

Category Two:

Category Three:

Category Four:


If you read a book and saw a film of the same story, which would you find it easier to remember the plot from?

For most people the answer is the film. Visual images are easier to remember than words.

The more visually you display your material, the more you are using the right side of your brain, as well as the left side (This is called Whole Brain Learning).


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Use visual images or displays whenever you can when swotting.

Diagrams• Flow diagram for showing a sequence of events or processes.• Star diagram for showing aspects of a topic, i.e. reasons, or consequences.• In the title of the diagram include the number of points it includes i.e. 'Eight

steps to war'. That reminds you how many points you have to recall.


• Draw a flow diagram on key developments in Te Kooti's life. Give it a title, which includes a number.


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* Draw a star diagram showing key facts about Titokowaru. Give it a title, which includes a number.

SymbolsSometimes, instead of using words, use symbols (or media graphics) to represent particular things.

For example if you were learning about the Holocaust, symbols in your notes could include:

• a Swastika to represent Nazi Germany • a Star of David to represent Jews• a chain to represent Concentration Camps• a whisp of smoke to represent Extermination Camps• a train to represent transportation


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If you are finding some information really hard to remember, there are a few 'tricks' that may help. They won't improve your understanding, but they can aid simple recall.


An acronym is a name made from the first letter of each word you need to remember.

The five areas occupied by Hitler The four main engagements of before WW2 the Waikato War in chronological order in chronological orderRhineland MeremereAustria RangiririSudetenland PaterangiCzechoslovakia OrakauPoland

An acronym will help you remember:

• Key names, and how many must be recalled• Their order

If the words do not need to be learnt in any particular order then it can be easier to find a mnemonic for them. For example the five examples of expansion led to World War Two, which could be called an enormous SCRAP.


Mnemonics means visual or aural (sound) association to aid the memory.

For example if you can't remember RASCP, associate the term with something you already do know -Hitler was a rascal, proven.

Other examples:

U.S. Slavery was abolished in 1863. Word association: three with free. Blacks were free in 1863.

Muldoon lost power in 1984. Word association: four with door. In 1984 Muldoon was shown the door.

Ruapekapeka (Bat's Nest) Word association: Bats peck at their prey


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5. TESTING You have used a variety of methods to learn and remember.

These have included reading, note making, making lists, diagrams, symbols, acronyms and mnemonics.

How can you tell if it has worked?

The final and most important step of revision is to test yourself.

1 Re-produce, from memory, one section of information, in the way you have learnt it. For example if you used a simple list for Columbus' achievements, then recite or write out that simple list.

2 Compare your 're-production' with the original, and note any errors or gaps.

3 Memorize what you still don't know.

4 Test yourself again.

5 Continue this process until you get it right.

Note that the more simple and straightforward is the organization of your notes, the easier it is to test yourself on them.

Going over it all again

To remember something well you need to revise it three times.

• An hour or two after you first learnt it. This is the time period when new information is most easily 'forgotten'. Even a brief reminder will help to reinforce it.

• Later that day, or the following day

• Shortly before the exam

Each 'revision' will take less time than the one before, and will seem easier, as you remember more and more.


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AGONY PAGESWhat advice would you give to the following students who have failed their exams and don't know why.

I never do as well in exams as I think I should. I can't understand it. I live close to the school so I don't waste much time getting to and fro, and apart from chess on Fridays I spend most of my time studying. Why aren't I getting the marks? - Peter

No, it's good really, trick is to do it with your mates, sit there and test each other, much more fun that way. Bit of a laugh, eh. Doesn't seem like work. Why didn't I suss this one out years ago! - Fraser

I try really hard but it's not easy. The closer exams get the harder it seems to be to learn. I spend hours swotting but nothing seems to sink in. The harder I try the less I seem to learn. I get too tense. I'm getting really desperate - Wan-chai


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I put the hours in, so why aren't I getting the marks? When I get home from the garage in the weekend I do really big bursts through the night, when I can't be disturbed, and drink heaps of coffee and eat lots of chippies to keep me awake, nice low light, but the next day I don't seem able to remember much of it. Am I just thick? - Justin

Don't mind studying. It's quite good really - away from the folks, just me and my walkman, lying on the bed. I put the hours in. I read everything, again and again. So much reading, man! Window open too, cos they say you need fresh air, even though I froze to death. So why aren't I getting the marks? - Eroni

Put heaps of extra time in. An hour every night and another two hours in the weekend. Just sat there copying out the old notes. Copy copy copy. Turning into a real swot, eh! Well, the olds said I had to do more - Mick

I spent ages swotting. Did everything you're supposed to do. Made good summary notes and read them through again and again. Supposed to sink in that way, isn't it. But when it came to the exam there was heaps of stuff I'd forgotten - Jon


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1 Set your goals

In each subject set a specific goal: a mark or class placing or both.

How much work, in what areas of the subject, will be necessary to achieve your goals?

2 Know the exam format

Examine previous exams. How are they are organized? How are instructions and questions are worded, what are the sections, and how are marks allocated. Find out if the format of this exam will be the same.

Don't take anything for granted. Check your understanding of the content and format of the exam with someone else in the class, preferably the teacher.

3 Fill the gapsCheck that your notes are complete and accurate. Do this by comparing them with someone else's notes.

• Are there gaps in your notes, or lab books?

• Were term essays or assignments not completed?

• Are there topics that you still don't understand?

You don't want to discover such problems a day or two before an exam. A month before is when you have time to do something about it!


Advantages of having a Study timetable


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• You know how much time you have available to study each topic.

• You are less likely to run out of time

• It forces you to study even when you don't want to

• It gives you goals

• When you know exactly how much time you have available for each subject and topic, you will use that time much more efficiently (i.e. you won't stuff around!)


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AGONY PAGEDid exactly as you said. Sat down and did a superb study timetable. Three hours each night, fourteen hours each weekend. Then Mum wanted some help with the tea, then I had to pick up my sister from basketball, lots of other stuff like that happened and pretty soon I flagged it. So much for timetables! - Gerald

I spent 20 hours swotting! Megatime! Did really great in Maths, 80 to 88. Pity about the other subjects, though. Dropped in all of them, about ten marks each - failed two. But that Maths mark - great eh. You wouldn't think they'd put someone down a class with a mark like that! - Jonah

Swot? Rugby practice Monday and Wednesday nights. Church choir practice Tuesday and Thursday nights. Squash Friday night. Rugby Saturday morning. Club Rugby in the afternoon. Work at the Garage, 6 til midnight. Church Sunday morning. Then we all have to work in the garden, Sunday afternoon. Work at the Garage again 6 til 12. Swot! When? - Frank

Never studied so hard. Thirty two hours, I did. Unbelievable! Hardest week of my life. Shows what you can do if you put your mind to it! Then I bombed out! Last time I study hard! - Simon

Tell you the truth, left it a bit late. Other assignments to finish, and all that. You know. But boy did I put the hours in the night before each exam. Worked til two or three every night. Worked OK, too, 'cept I fell asleep during the last exam. Didn't do so well in that one. Well, actually, did badly in them all. Last time I make a big effort. Guess it just doesn't work for me - Jack


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How to make a study timetable in 6 steps

Step 1 Work out how many study hours you should do?

This varies from person to person. One successful student might do 40 hours, another only 20. (However you are not likely to achieve your potential if you do much less than that).

To work out how much study you should do for these exams, a good starting point is how many hours you did for the last exams.

Study hours last exams: (This is Figure A)

Now use the following questionnaire to work out whether Figure A needs to be revised for the next exams.

Tick every statement below that applies to you. Then show in the appropriate column alongside whether this means you should be doing less study for the next exams, the same or more.

Then calculate Figure B

Less Same MoreNot satisfied with last exam results. I want to improve.

Satisfied with last exam results

Satisfied with last results but if I did morestudy I know they would improve

This term's work has been harder

These exams cover the whole year's work

There is no time to fit in any more study hours than I did last time

There is still some 'slack' time that I could do extra study in

I think I'd go mad if I did any more study


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than last time

Now I know how to study properly, I won't needto put so many hours in

Now I know how to study properly, it won't besuch a grind putting the hours in, or doing more

These exams are more important than the others

Last time I gave up everything for study. I won'tdo that again

School Cert is next year.

Number of hours planned for these exams: (This is Figure B)

Step 2 Work out how many study hours you can doOn the weekly timetable below enter all your current activities and commitments, such as homework, sport, employment and travel to and from school.

Enter hours when you are normally in bed or asleep. It is important during exams to keep your normal sleep patterns.

After you have made these entries, the gaps that remain are the times available for study.

My timetable Monday Tuesday Wed. Thursday Friday3.30-4.00 4.00-4.304.30-5.00 5.00-5.305.30-6.00 6.00-6.306.30-7.00 7.00-7.307.30-8.00 8.00-8.308.30-9.00 9.00-9.309.30-10.0010.00-10.3010.30-11.00

Saturday Sunday


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8.00-9.009.00-10.00 10.00-11.00 11.00-12.00 12.00-1.00 1.00-2.00 2.00-3.00 3.00-4.00 4.00-5.00 5.00-6.006.00-7.00 7.00-8.00 8.00-9.00 9.00-10.0010.00-11.00

Now, using the information from your completed timetable work out:

C _______ Number of study hours available per week

D _______ Number of study hours available per weekend

E _______ Total C and D.

F _______ Multiply E by either two (for two weeks of study before exams) or three (for three weeks of study).

Note that we are not including exam week itself. On most days you will have two exams, leaving little time for study - just an hour or two or for revision of what you have already studied.

Compare B, your proposed study hours from page 26, with F __________.

If F is higher than B, either you will not need to use all of your available free time for study, or you can easily increase figure B.

If F is lower than B, you must look again at your weekly activities, and find some that you can drop for a few weeks. Or study for three weeks instead of two.

Change Figure B, or your number of study weeks, if necessary


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Step 4 Work out how many study hours each subject will have

• Divide the number of hours that you have decided to study by the number of exam subjects you are studying. This will give you an average study time for each subject. record this below.

• _______ Average study time for each subject

• Alter this average figure if some subjects need more time, or less.

SUBJECT _______________________ Study Hours _________

SUBJECT _______________________ Study Hours _________

SUBJECT _______________________ Study Hours _________

SUBJECT _______________________ Study Hours _________

SUBJECT _______________________ Study Hours _________

SUBJECT _______________________ Study Hours _________

Total no. of hours _____(should equal figure B)


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Step 5 Divide each subject into topics and allocate study time for each

Give more time to large topics or those you have found difficult.

Use the subject guides issued by your teacher or department, to help you.

ENGLISH Total subject hours: MATHS Total subject hours: TopicsHours Topics Hours

• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •

SCIENCE Total subject hours: SOCIAL STUD. Total subject hours:Topics Hours Topics Hours• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •

____________ Total subject hours: ____________ Total subject hours:Topics Hours Topics Hours• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •


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Step 6 Now allocate each study hour to a particular subject and topic

My good study timetable



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My good study timetable ctd...



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What should you start on?Some people start on the easiest or most interesting work, because that gets them going straight away. By the time they get to harder work they are 'in the mood'.

Others save the easiest or most interesting work for last, when they may be feeling tired or bored, and start with the hardest, when they are most alert.

Find out what works best for you.

BreaksTake long breaks every few hours.

Also take short breaks. How long, and how often, will depend upon your concentration span. You may work best in 30 minute spurts with five minute breaks in between, or in longer spurts with ten minute breaks.

When taking breaks it is best to get up and move about, go for a short walk, do some exercise, but not to get involved in something like a telephone call or TV programme that will break your concentration.

Don't overdo itYou will invoke the law of diminishing returns (the longer you do something for, the less return per hour you get from it) if...


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• You study for too long without breaks• You study without ever exercising• You study late into the night, and then can't sleep, or wake up really late the

next morning.

After study

You should leave 30 minutes to an hour between ending study and going to bed. During this time do relaxing things: exercise, bath, shower, music, warm drink, TV. If you study directly before going to bed, you may have trouble getting to sleep, as the information you have been studying keeps circulating around your mind.

If you need extra study time directly before an exam, it is better to get up early than to go to bed late.

Maintain your normal exercise routine throughout the exam period. It is good use of your time.

Limit paid employmentDon't kid yourself that you can hold down a 20 hour-a-week job - even if it is mainly during the weekend - and still do well in your exams.

Get your priorities right. A job will give you some money now, but if you do well in your exams at school, your earning capacity may be much greater for the next 40 years

Most students do not plan to fail - they fail to plan

EXAM TECHNIQUEThe two easiest ways to lose exam marks are

1 Not following instructions

2 Running out of time

On the day• Don't stay up late studying the previous night. Keep your normal sleep patterns.

• Find at least half an hour before the exam to skim over main points - just to get your brain working. But don't try to learn anything new!

• Have a solid breakfast

• Arrive at the exam room on time or early.


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When you are issued your paper:• Scan the whole exam. Read and then re-read all the instructions. Don't assume

that the format will be the same as for previous years.

When the exam starts: Five essential minutes of organizationMany students will start writing answers the moment they can. Don't be put off by this. You will gain more from spending your first few minutes organizing your exam.

A Jot down the questions you will do, in the order you will do them. Start with the questions you will find easiest (usually short answers, because the questions help to jog your memory, whereas writing essays means 'starting from scratch').

B Jot down key dates, facts, mnemonics, that you may later forget.

C Calculate roughly how much time you should spend on each section. For example a section worth 25 marks should be given about one quarter of the time, 30 minutes in a two hour exam. If you stick to your calculations you

should not run out of time.

(Note that essays may take longer than their 'mark allocation', but, if you are well prepared, short answer questions may take less time).

Keep A, B and C in front of you at all times. (Don't lose it under other papers).

Activity: How much time should you spend on each of the following sections in a two hour exam?[ ] Short Answers - 10 marks[ ] Multi Choice - 10 marks[ ] Matching Answers - 10 marks[ ] Skills - 20 marks[ ] Paragraphs - 20 marks[ ] 2 Essays - 30 marks

The law of diminishing returns

This means that the longer you spend on something the less extra benefit you gain for the extra time you spend.

The last few marks in an essay are very hard to get, as the examiner is now looking for a thorough and top quality piece of work.

For example


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Time spent on essay 1 Likely mark Time left for essay 2 Likely mark Mark total

30 minutes on essay 16/20 30 min. 16/20 32/40

40 minutes 18/20 20 min. 10/20 28/40

50 19/20 10 min. 5/20 24/40

So it is better to spend equal time on each essay than extra time on one and run short on another.


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Short answer questions

1 Do not waste time writing out the wording of the question. Give the answer only.

2 A one mark short answer question may require one or two words only and should never require more than two sentences.

3 Never put more than one answer. If you can not make up your mind between one possibility and another, then guess. If you put two answers, one may be right, but the other one must be wrong! Therefore you will get no mark.

Multi Choice questions

1 Read the options very carefully. They test your understanding of English as well as your understanding of the particular subject. The difference between the 'right' answer, and the next best one, may be very subtle.

2 Look out for and underline any negative words - i.e.

Which of the following was not the reason why Mount Pinatobo erupted

When speed-reading it is easy to miss the 'not'

3 Place an asterisk alongside questions you are uncertain about, and return to them later in the exam.

4 Always put an answer to a multi-choice question. You have nothing to lose if it is wrong.


There are different kinds of essays. An essay may ask you to

• Tell a story (English), or• Argue a case/ give your point of view (English or Social Studies), or• Describe or explain a specific event or situation (English or Social Studies)

If you have to write about a specific topic, underline the words that define that topic. These may be names, dates, people, countries, regions, ideas, concepts. For example:

Outline the ways in which New Zealand has gained security in the South Pacific since 1945.

Doing this ensures that you answer the question directly and that your answer is relevant.

Activity: Underline the defining words in the following essay questions

In the novel Simon Says, what were the reasons why Brian became enemies with Frank and Simon. Why did they become friends again later?


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What were the effects of the eruption of Mount Pinatobo on the surrounding area over the following year?

What choices does a consumer have every time he considers buying any item?

What actions were taken by Maori in the 1920s and 1930s to retain their land?

Also examine the instructions that tell you what to do with the topic.

• Straightforward instructions: Describe, outline, explain, summarise

Here you are expected to tell a story or show a situation. You will be marked according to how much information your essay contains, and whether it is relevant, factually correct and well organized.

• More demanding instructions: Compare, contrast

Here you must compare (generally) two people, events, situations, and draw some conclusions about what they have in common and what is different

• Most demanding instructions: Analyze, evaluate, critique, comment, discuss

Here you must give opinions - yours or others - and then evidence to support these opinions.

Exam troubleshooting

If you remember something that should have been included earlier in an essay:

Place an asterisk where this section should have gone in the essay, and alongside write 'please refer to separate sheet'. Then write the new section on a separate sheet, headed by the asterisk. Head this sheet INSERT.

If you are running out of time

• Decrease the amount of detail in your answers. Remember that most of the marks in an essay come from the main points, not the detail.

• If desperate, forget about writing proper prose, and list main points in note form. You will still get some marks for these.

• Always attempt every question. You will probably get more marks from doing all questions quickly, than from doing only half of the exam really thoroughly.

If you make a mistake written work (as opposed to diagrams, maps etc), don't use twink. It wastes time and students often forget to fill in the blank space! Just cross the wrong word(s) out. Remember: there are no marks for neatness in an exam.

If you finish early

There should be no such thing as finishing an exam early.

If you are lucky enough to have some time in hand, don't blow it by going to sleep

Use the extra time to check, check and re-check your work:


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• Read essays quietly aloud to yourself. This is the best way to find errors. • Return to short answers you were unsure of (which should be asterisked). • Ensure that all sections of the exam have been answered.

You will almost certainly find errors and gaps, and be able to improve your exam.


Do not look at others. This breaks your concentration - and raises the possibility of cheating.Do not write silly answers. These annoy the marker.


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AGONY PAGENever finished an exam yet. Yeah, I try to make out its something cool, but actually it really gets to me. Guess I just can't write quickly. Exams aren't fair on guys who can't write quickly. My term marks are always higher than my exam mark! - Antony

Did the short answers really carefully. Copied out all the questions cos that's what you'tre supposed to do. Stuffed up the essays though. Running out of time, and kept on thinking of things after it was too late. 'Big gaps', the marker wrote - Isaac

I don't waste a second in exams. The moment the bell goes, I'm off, racing through the paper, one question after another, take it all in my stride, really. Time to spare at the end, have a nice little nap! Don't really understand how I could have stuffed it up so - wrong questions, wrong sections, dog's breakfast really - Peter

Started on the essay, but man, was it hard. Crossed out my introduction four times. Finally got on to it, though, and it was really good. Resource questions were OK but ran out of time in the short answers. Wasn't sure on some of the multi-choice so I left them - Illya.


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Why does stress make it hard to study?

From time to time things can go wrong in our private lives that are very stressful. Stress can make it difficult to study. This is because the brain automatically responds to the stress by concentrating neuron activity in the more primitive, reptilian parts of the brain, that keep people alert and active. Neuron activity is taken away from the more human parts of the brain that enable people to think and learn. It is hard to achieve an Alpha state when we are under stress.

Exams can also cause their own stress, when:

• You feel under pressure to achieve

• You know you haven't done enough term work or exam preparation: now you are panicking

If you are tense and stressed during an exam your brain will not function as well

Here are some important things to remember.If you have tried really hard

• Exams are stressful for most people

• You can only do as well as you can do. No one can expect any more of you.

• There is a limit to how much exam preparation you can do.

Try too much, or try too hard, and you invoke the law of diminishing returns.

If you have not tried hard

• Last minute cramming won't help. Try harder next time.

If you are feeling stressed

• Ease up.

• Re-read this Guide, especially the section on 'How to Get Alpha Waves'

• Accept that you may not do so well in these exams (but still try)

• Talk to your parents about it

• Learn from the experience.


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• Aim to do better next time.




After each set of exams at Auckland Grammar School you know your mark and class placing, in each subject and overall in your form class.

Marks and class placings are essential to tell you how well you are doing.

They help you to maintain your standards. If, for example, you come 5th in Geography after one exam, but 20th after the next, you know that something has gone wrong.

Marks and class placings also give you targets for improvement.

If you come 5th and feel you can still do better (and most of us can) aim for 3rd or 4th in the next exam. If you gain 70%, aim for 80%.

Marks and placings also let you compete with other students. Friendly competition is a healthy thing. It gives you extra incentives to work hard.

But do not judge yourself by the achievements of others.

If you normally gain 30% in Graphics/Design but try extra hard and gain 40%, you have succeeded, even if your mark is still low.

If you normally gain 90% in Physics but slacken off and gain only 70%, you have failed.

Set goals for every term.


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Make them specific: i.e. 'increase Maths mark by 10%' not 'do better in Maths'.

Make them realistic. Don't set goals to please others - set goals that you can achieve.

Whatever your class and class placing, if you are doing the best that you can, no-one can ask any more of you.


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What sort of learner are you?

1 You are doing your homework in your bedroom at night. You come across a word you do not understand. The meaning of the paragraph you are reading depends upon this word. Do you[A] Look the word up immediately, in the dictionary on your desk[B] Leave your bedroom to find a dictionary, or to ask someone[C] Make a mental note to look it up or ask someone later [D] Do nothing

2 Your teacher has outlined how to do a Maths problem. You simply don't understand. Do you [A] Ask the teacher to go over the problem again [B] Ask a friend or parent or tutor or the teacher, later.[C] Try to work it out yourself, later[D] Do nothing

3 The teacher uses a word you do not understand. Do you[A] Look it up immediately in your pocket dictionary[B] Ask the teacher what it means[C] Jot it down to find out about it later[D] Do nothing

4 The teacher is going over homework. Do you[A] Listen carefully, correct your mistakes and fill any gaps, and ask about

anything you don't understand[B] Listen carefully, correct your mistakes and fill any gaps [C] Listen carefully [D] Do nothing

5 How often do you go the Library or a computer to get more information on something you are studying?[A] At least once a week[B} Once every few weeks[C] Rarely[D] Never

6 How often do you review, re-write or re-organize your class notes[A] Once a week[B] Occasionally, when I feel like it or have the time[C] Three times a year, before exams[D] Never

7 How often do you volunteer something in class (i.e. say something without being asked)[A] Every period or two


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[B] About once a day[C] About once a week[D] Never, if I can help it

How to calculate your score:

A = 1 pointB = 2 pointsC = 3 pointsD = 4 points

My score:

Guide to scores

7-14 Active learner• You are in charge of your own learning

• You use your teachers, textbooks, the library, Information Technology, and your friends and parents, as resources in your education.

• When you don't understand something, you make sure that you find out.

• You have the confidence to say when you don't understand something

15-20 Active/Passive

21-28 Passive learner• You are dependent upon your teacher.

• You only read what you are told to read.

• You only learn what you are told to learn.

• If you don't understand something, you do nothing• You are not in charge of your own learning

The active learner may not know the answers, but he knows the questions.


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1 If you don't understand something in class, there will always be other students who also don't understand, even if they don't say so.

2 If you are falling behind in a subject, the longer you leave it to get help, the harder it will be.


Tick alongside what motivates you in your school work

[ ] To make the most of my ability

[ ] To prove to myself that I can do it: to rise to the challenge

[ ] Because I enjoy the work and find it interesting.

[ ] Because I hate getting behind

[ ] Because I hate doing badly in exams

[ ] Because it feels good to be on top of the work

[ ] Because I need good qualifications to get the job I want

[ ] Because I need good qualifications to get into the course I want

[ ] Because I want to be able to keep my career options open

[ ] Because I want to be able to earn lots of money

[ ] Because my parents expect or force me to

[ ] Because my parents reward me to


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[ ] Because my teachers expect or force me to

Career thoughtsIf you have ticked only a few boxes, or if you have ticked mainly the last four or five boxes, you should spend some time in the Careers Office.

• The Careers Staff have a huge amount of information on different jobs, and what qualifications and training they require.

• They may be able to arrange some work experience for you, or a mock interview.

• They can analyze your interests and aptitudes and suggest some possible careers for you.

It is much easier to be motivated to work when you have some career goals.


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Seeking help with school work

Who can you ask?

• Your teacher

• Another teacher - maybe someone who has taught you in the past

• English Language Support Department (in the English Block) - Mrs Rawlinson or Mrs Henderson.

• Your Dean

• Friends

• Parent

• Tutor

• Your parent-tutor, if you have one

How to ask your teacher for extra help

During a lesson, your teacher may not have time to give you extra help, and this may not even be a good time to ask.

The best time to talk to your teacher about getting help is at the end of a lesson, or at interval or lunchtime. He or she will probably arrange a mutually convenient time before or after school in which you can work together.

A few cautions:

• If the teacher feels that you have not been concentrating in class, then he or she may not be keen on giving you extra time.

• A teacher is not a tutor. It is fair to expect a teacher to spend a bit of time with you occasionally, but not regularly.

• Before asking anyone for help, try to work out what it is that you actually need help with.

Seeking help over any other matter

Who can you ask at school?

• The Director of Guidance, Mr McKain

• Your Dean


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• Any teacher

• Public Health Nurse (See your Dean to make an appointment)

• English Language Support Department

• The Headmaster or any Executive member


For most students, study is hard work

For most students, study is disciplined work

For most students, study means some sacrifice

For all students, study is worth it.


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Appendix 1: THE BRAIN

The brain is made up of a number of parts:

Brain stem (reptilian)The brain stem is an extension of our spinal cord. It controls our most basic actions and responses, such as waking and moving.

Mid brain - limbic system (mammalian)This contains:

• The hypothalamus, which monitors the blood and responds to our need for air, food, heat and water.

• The limbic system , which controls our emotions and our motivation.

Neocortex (human)This is the part of the brain we use most for thinking. It stores most of the memory, including language and symbols. It enables us to link new information or stimuli with what is already stored. It enables us to respond to ideas, to visual and to aural (ie music) stimuli. The neocortex includes:

• Neurons - the nerve cells that make the cortex work. There may be as many as fifteen thousand million of them in one brain.

• Synapses, which connect neurons to each other. Each neuron may have as many as ten thousand synapses.

• Dendrites, which collect brain messages, in the form of electrical energy, and send them from one cell to another, the movement known as 'brain-waves'.

The number of brain cells we have is fixed at birth. But the number of dendrites increases, the more we use our brain. A mature brain may have a hundred thousand kilometres of dendrites.


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Brain waves can be monitored by taping electrodes to the head and displaying the pattern on an electro-encephalograph (EEG) machine.


Brain scans show that the left and right sides (hemispheres) of the brain have different functions.

Left Right(Conscious, organized, sequential) (Relaxed, subconscious, spontaneous)• Recalled events converted into • Memory storage and recall

language or symbols • Visualization• Creativity • Imagination• Logic • Rapid scanning and processing• Common sense • Sees things in whole pictures• Systems • Artistic• Sequences • Musical• Processing • Spatial• Detail • Dance• Language, numbers, symbols• Analysis• Expression• Speaking• Writing

• Most people use one side of the brain far more than the other

• Formal education has tended to concentrate on left-brain activities but is now giving more emphasis to right brain activities.

• Probably most people have more untapped potential in their right brain

• The right side of the brain works much faster. Gifted students use this side of the brain more than other students. (When things got very complicated, both Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking thought in pictures).

• The terms 'whole-brain learning' and 'accelerated learning' refer to techniques to get the two sides of the brain working together.


Page 61: AUCKLAND GRAMMAR SCHOOL · Web view• Fruit, vegetables, nuts, grain and seed products. These are best for brain energy as they keep our blood sugar high. • Oily fish (herrings,

The corpus callosum connects the two sides of the brain. It is a collection of neurons which make electrical connections between the right and left side of the brain.

Neurological research with EEG machines has shown that some activities and some substances will change neuron activity, and strengthen or weaken the corpus callosum (which connects the two sides of the brain).Techniques to strengthen the corpus callosum include

1. Relaxation2. Brain Gym3. Using the right brain more - by doing anything artistic, musical or creative.

In practical terms, when doing school work this means using more maps, diagrams, mind maps, visualisations etc.


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