  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_


    Tender Title : Term Contract For General Electrical & Instrumentation Service

    Tender No : PP(M)SB/!/!/"!#/! (B)


    TEC'NIC$ P*P*S$

    CONTRACTOR's shall submit a technical proposal which MUST included the following in

    Compan's !ast "#perience


  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_


    s at PP(M)SB

      formation :

  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_


    Tender Title : Term Contract For Electrical & Instrumentation Services at PP(M)SB

    Tender No : PP(M)SB/!/!/"!#/! (B)



    $% Name : Nor&am in (brahim )% (*C No : +

    ,% -ate of irth : .$st April $/01 2% Nationalit : Malasia

    3% 4uali5cation :

    "ducational 4uali5cation +

    -egree (n "lectrical !ower "ngineering6 MARA Uni7ersit Of Technolog%

    !rofessional 4uali5cation +

    Competencies +

    0% !re7ious 8or& "#perience : Position & o0 Per1ormed Similar to t%e 2*3S ,uration From 4 To

    !resent  T"C9N(CA -(R"CTOR ; A

  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_


  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_


    $$% Others ; Refer attachment

    1% !resent -esignation*@ob

    ,esi7nation or Position o0 ,escri-tion

    E% Courses*Training Assignments :

    ,ate Course/Trainin7 Title ocation

    $//$+ 26 C(AST Train The Trainer6 Management S&ills6

    $//26 (DM -omestic electrical installation

    $//16 (CC ; "rith6 U%D Underground Cables and Accessories Technolog

    $//E6 (CC ; "rith6 U%D Underground Cable (nstallation6 Gault ocating and Site Testing

    $///6 (CC ; "rith6 U%D Oil GilledKSubmarine Cables and Accessories Technolog

    )...6 (CC ; "rith6 UD U*= Cables Accessories (nstallation

    )..26 !irelli+Milan6 (tal "9> !re+mould @oints (nstallation

    )../6 !5sterer ; Altdorf6 Swiss Silicone Rubber (nsulation Technolog

    "9> Transition @oint (nstallation

    /% Other (nformation CONTRACTOR wish to add :



    Compan Signature < Stamp

    ,uration From 4To

  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_


    Tender Title : Term Contract For Electrical & Instrumentation Services at PP(M)SB

    Tender No : PP(M)SB/!/!/"!#/! (B)



    $% Name : a&aria in -in )% (*C No 1$$)$)+.E+32,$

    ,% -ate of irth : $)th -ecember $/1$ 2% Nationalit : Malasia

    3% 4uali5cation :

    "ducational 4uali5cation +

    !rofessional 4uali5cation +

    CA" @O(NT"R U! TO ,,D7

    Competencies +


    -AT": $/+.0+)..0

    0% !re7ious 8or& "#perience : Position & o0 Per1ormed Similar to t%e 2*3S ,uration From 4 To

    $ G!T "N=(N""R(N= S-N% 9-% B$//$+)..0

    + TN !udu Ulu Sub+station ; Transition @oint BOil 5lled to H!" up to ,,&> Bruggs Cable

    + TN Shemelin Sub+station ; Transition @oint BOil 5lled to H!" Up to ,,&> Bruggs Cable

    + TN (nsan @aa Sub+station+ Transition @oint BOil 5lled to H!" up to ,,&> Bruggs Cable

    + MO-"NAS ; @ointing and Termination wor& up to ,,&> BA Dabeldon

    + (MA ang&awi ; @ointing and Termination $$&> BRachem

    + ! Malasia ; @ointing and Termination up to ,,&> BA Dabeldon

    + !AT( Sala& South ; Transition Oil 5lled ; H!" ,,&> BA Dabeldon

    + "!" Malasia ; @oint and Termination up to ,,&> B!irelli

    + afas*U"M ebuh Ampang ; Transition @oint Oil 5lled*H!" ,,&> Bruggs Cable

    + TN" 3$E*/0 ang&awi6 Submarine Cable ; @ointing and Termination $,)&> BGu?i&ura td

    + TN E$1*/E !utra?aa ; @ointing and Termination ; ,,&>6 BA < !5sterer

    + TN 0*/E Uni7ersit Malaa ; @ointing and Termination ; ,,&> BA Dabeldon

    + angga& !er&asa TN =elugor Sub+station ; Transition @oint ,,&> Bruggs Cable

    + TN" *O ; Termination "nd at Sultan (s&andar !ower Station )13&> BA "nerg

    + TN $,1*// ; !utra?aa -istribution Networ& up to $$&> BNewtech

    + Malasia N= intulu ; @ointing and termination up to ,,&>

    + =erbang !erdana6 @ohor $,)&> ?ointing BCCC =mb96 =erman

    + S"SCO6 Sarawa& ; intulu Didurong $,)&> BCCC =mb96 =erman+ -UA( UA"6 =(S Termination $,)&> BCCC =mb96 =erman

    + S"S6 DD !enampang $,)&> BCCC =mb96 =erman

    ) A"NTUR"S B)..0 ; !R"S"NT

    + !!U Mengelembu B(poh ; @ointing and =(S Termination B!5sterer

    + Tawau Sabah6 + @ointing and Termination ,,&> Rachem

    + !!U6 -esa Coal5elds Termination ,,&> =(S B!5sterer

    + !!U Sau?ana Triangle Termination ,,&> =(S B!5sterer

    + !!U Magna !ar& Termination ,,&> =(S B!5sterer

    + !MU Sea !ar& Termination $$ < ,,&> BRachem

    + M+Steel Gactor $$&> and ,,&> BRachem

    + !MU !andamaran ; ,, < $$&> @ointing and Termination B!irelli

    + !MU ARD(N ; $,)&> @oint and Termination B!5sterer

    + !MU Setulang ; $,)&> @oint and Termination B!5sterer

    + !MU Tampoi ; $,)&> @oint and Termination BCCC =mb9

    + !MU !erling ; $,)&> @oint and Termination BCCC =mb9

    + RT Tmn ahagia ; ,,&> Termination B!rsmian

    + RT Abd 9u&um ; ,,&> @oint and Termination B,M < !rsmian

    + RT 8angsa Ma?u ; ,,&> @oint and Termination B,M < !rsmian

    + CUG =ebeng ; ,,&> Termination B!5sterer

    + CUG Dertih ; $$&> @oint B,M

    + !MU Dapar ; $,)&> Termination B!5sterer

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    Tender Title : Term Contract For Electrical & Instrumentation Services at PP(M)SB

    Tender No : PP(M)SB/!/!/"!#/! (B)



    $% Name : Amar?it Singh S*O !ritam Singh )% (*C No : 13.,$E+.3+3,1$

    ,% -ate of irth : $Eth March $/13 2% Nationalit : Malasian

    3% 4uali5cation : !8O

    "ducational 4uali5cation : + S!M

    !rofessional 4uali5cation : +

    ).$. + Safet And 9ealth OPcer B-epartment Of Occupational Safet And 9eatlh%

    ).$. + Radiation !rotection OPcer Cert BNuclear Technolog Of Malasia)../ + 8ireman Class !8 2 B"nerg Commisssion Of Malasia

    )../ + Safet And 9ealth OPcer Cert BNational (nstitute Of Occupational Safet And 9ealth

    )../ + Tech -iploma (n "lectronic "ngineering BThe Cit And =uilds Of ondon (nstitute

    )..E + Tech -iploma (n "lectrical "ngineering BThe Cit And =uilds Of ondon (nstitute

    )..E + Tech -iploma (n "ngineering Gundamental BThe Cit And =uilds Of ondon (nstitute

    )..1 + Chargeman Class A2 B"nerg Commission Of Malasia

    )..3 + Chargeman Class O+) B"nerg Commission Of Malasia

    )..2 + 8ireman Class !8 , B"nerg Commission Of Malasia

    )..$ + Chargeman Class AO B"nerg Commission Of Malasia

    $//E + 8ireman Class !8 $ B"nerg Commission Of Malasia

    $//0 + Si?il @urute&ni& !erindustrian BNational Technical < (ndustrial "ngineering Certi5cate

    $//3 + Si?il Demahiran Malasia+(ntermediate e7el BNational e7el S&ill Certi5cate$//2 + Si?il Demahiran Malasia+asic e7el Bnational e7el S&ill Certi5cate

    Competencies : +

    $2%./%$//E + 8ireman Class !8 $ Suruhan?aa Tenaga R"= No% : !8+T+$++)E.,+$//E

    .)%.3%)..$ + Chargeman Class AO Suruhan?aa Tenaga R"= No% : !@+T+$++.10$+)..$

    ),%.3%)..3 + 8ireman Class !8 , Suruhan?aa Tenaga R"= No% : !8+T+$+++)..3

    ),%.3%)..3 + Chargeman Class O+) Suruhan?aa Tenaga R"= No% : !@+T+$++)..3

    $0%.$%)..1 + Chargeman Class A2 Suruhan?aa Tenaga R"= No% : !@+T+2++...2+)..1

    )$%$.%)../ + 8ireman Class !8 2 Suruhan?aa Tenaga R"= No% : !8+T+2++$)22+)../

    0% !re7ious 8or& "#perience : Position & o0 Per1ormed Similar to t%e 2*3S ,uration From 4 To

    De?uruteraan -?aarum Electrical Tec%nician ))%$)%$//3 + ),%./%$//1

    Sdn hd Co+ordinate in the planning < e#ecution of pro?ects at the D(A

    BDuala umpur Airport Sepang6 Shell Re5ner+!ort -ic&son

    (n7ol7ed in the termination of low 7oltage > switchboard <

    bus+bar ducting

    Stud of implementation of Schematic -rawings for electrical

    distribution panels6 control sstems%

    8or& on the underground cables

    (n7ol7ed in the installation6 termination < testing of A*C motors

    Super7ision of @unior "lectricians

    Carr out dail Safet rie5ng or Safet Toolbo# Meeting

    ow GreIuenc (n?ection test for underground cables%

  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_


    !raegiter Asia Maintenance & Facilities Tec%nician $.%$$%$//1 + $E%.E%$///

    Sdn hd Troubleshooting CNC and !C tpe of machines


     Troubleshooting < monitoring all machiner brea&downs

    Super7ision of all the machiner*facilit maintenance

    + monitoring dail chec&list for production machiner

     + ensure all facilites machines such as air compressor chillers

      A9U air handling unit6 waste water treatment plant B8T!

     + Super7ision of electrical low 7oltage switch room

     + to run+up standb generator set B$3..D>A

    (n7ol7ed (n the setting up of all new machines such as

     + new piping line Bfor chemical6 -( water < etc

     + air compressor line

     + new piping line for power and control sstem

     + mechanical ad?ustment < modi5cation

    "lentec Malasia C%ar7eman .,%./%$/// + )E%$)%)..,Sdn hd 9ead of department


    Super7ision of all facilites technicians

    Monitor e7er electrical sstem in the plant

    -etailed post+mortem report on machiner failures

    Conceptualiation < implementation of blueprints Bwor& chart

    Qow in the facilities department following (SO /..$:)...


    OPcial internal auditor for (SO /..$:)... < (SO $2..$:)..2

    iaison person with go7ernment oPcials pertaining -OS9 <

    Suruhan?aa Tenaga matters

    Sole liaison person with "lectrical Consultants6 >endors6

    Contractors for an pro?ect for the plant

    (mplementation of earl pre7enti7e maintenance planning

    Stud < implementation of energ sa7ing thru out the plant

    Allocation of earl 5nancial budget

    Maintain < ser7ice standb generator set

    Monitoring of "lectrical Swithboard ser7icing conducted b

    certi5ed e#ternal engineers once in e7er ) ears or when it

    is necessar

    Seowon !recision =lass Plant C%ar7eman En7ineerin7 Mana7er ,.%$)%).., + )1%.E%)..E

    BM Sdn hd 9ead of electrical department through out the plant

    BRembau Responsible < authorised person for 9igh 7oltage B$$D>

    electrical sstemMonitor sub+station for $$ D> in the plant premises

    Monitoring on the $$D> switch gear room + 1 nos

    Monitoring on the $$ D> * 2$3 + ) unit of $)3. D>A cast resins

    air cooled transformers )... D>A oil colled transformer

    Monitoring on low 7oltage switch room

    0 units of main switchboard BMS

    super7ision of all facilites technicians

    Monitor e7er electrical sstem in the plant

    -etailed post+mortem report on machiner failures

    Conceptualiation < implementation of blueprints

    Bwor& chart Qow in the facilities department following

    (SO /..$:)... reIuirements

    OPcial internal auditor for (SO /..$:)... < (SO $2..$:)..2

    iaison person with go7ernment oPcials pertaining -OS9 <

    Suruhan?aa Tenaga matters

    Sole iaison person with electrical consultants6 7endors6

    contractors for an pro?ect for the plant

    (mplementation of earl pre7enti7e maintenance planning

    Stud < implementation of energ sa7ing thru out the plant

    Allocation of earl 5nancial budget

    Maintain < ser7ice standb generator set

    Monitoring of electrical swithboard

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    Tender Title : Term Contract For Electrical & Instrumentation Services at PP(M)S

    Tender No : PP(M)SB/!/!/"!#/! (B)



    $% Name : Daruppanan A* >apure )% (*C No :

    ,% -ate of irth : .1th Gebruar $/33 2% Nationalit :

    3% 4uali5cation :

    "ducational 4uali5cation : +


    -egree in Computer Science

  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_


     o0 ,escri-tion

    Chargeman O Responsible for all electrical maintenance B!M*CM wor&s for

    !ro?ect "ngineer ,,D>*0%0D>*$$D> and 2$3>*)2.> power and lighting6 lightning

    protection < grounding sstems < motor control

    Organie construction team for construction*cabling < scaolding

    Reporting to pro?ect management wee&l6 monthl progress report

    !art of management committee for selecting a 7endor instrumentati

    Updating construction As ; uilt drawing%

    E% Courses*Training Assignments :

    ,ate Course/Trainin7 Title

    /% Other (nformation CONTRACTOR wish to add :


    ,esi7nation orPosition

    Gull incharge for cul7ert pump installation pro?ect !SR ; $ < !SR; ) and responsible for all instrument and electrical wor& for )..)< ).., shutdown

    (nstrument representati7e during shutdown coordination meetingamong all contractors management team%

  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_



    Compan Signature

  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_




    ter "scape Training

    ,uration From 4 To

    2% No7 // to @an )...  solaris 1%

    dn hd%

    ,% Geb .. to -ec )...

     @an .$ to -ec .$

    d responsible for all instrument at @ett area%

    nd liase with client%

    f e#ecution%

  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_

    15/84 ,uration From 4 To

    Asaga Corporation Geb .2 + !resent

    Sdn hd

    B!a&a6 Terengganu

    nd liase with client%

    ion wor&s%


  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_




  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_


    Tender Title : Term Contract For Electrical & Instrumentation Services at PP(M)SB

    Tender No : PP(M)SB/!/!/"!#/! (B)



    $% Name : Mohd Rashid in Man )% (*C No : 01.$.,+$$+3)11

    ,% -ate of irth : .,th @anuar $/01 2% Nationalit : Malasian

    3% 4uali5cation :

    "ducational 4uali5cation : +


    (nstitut atihan elia

    !rofessional 4uali5cation : +

    )E%$.%)..) + Oshore Safet Orientation

    )/%$.%)..) + asic !ersonal Sur7i7al at Sea and 9elicopter Underwater "scape Training

    Competencies : +

    .3%.,%)..) + Chargeman O Suruhan?aa Tenaga R"= No% : !@+T+0++..$0+)..)

    0% !re7ious 8or& "#perience : Position & o0 Per1ormed Similar to t%e 2*3S ,uration From 4 To

    8ahab "le&tri& 2ireman $/E/ + $//.

    BDuala Terengganu , !hase and Single phase wiring and installation for domestic and


    !re7enti7e maintenance for Gire Alarm Sstem

    !erwa?a Steel !erform !M*CM on lighting6 motor6 lighting protection6 switch $//. + Geb )..2

    BDemaman board6 brea&er < others

    9andling dail acti7ities for "lectrical -epartment

    Super7ise all wor&s in the sub+station for ,,*0%0*$$ D> < 2$3>*)2.>

    power and lighting6 motor control center6 lightning <

    grounding sstems

    1% !resent -esignation*@ob

     o0 ,escri-tion ,uration From 4 To

    Chargeman O Responsible for all electrical maintenance B!M*CM wor&s for Asaga Corporation Geb .2 + !resent

    ,,D>*0%0D>*$$D> and 2$3>*)2.> power and lighting6 lightning Sdn hd

    protection < grounding sstems < motor control B!a&a6 Terengganu

    Super7ise all electrical acti7ities6 maintenance and ser7icing%

    ,esi7nation orPosition

  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_


    E% Courses*Training Assignments :

    ,ate Course/Trainin7 Title ocation

    /% Other (nformation CONTRACTOR wish to add :


    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Compan Signature < Stamp

  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_


    Tender Title : Term Contract For Electrical & Instrumentation Services at PP(M)S

    Tender No : PP(M)SB/!/!/"!#/! (B)



    $% Name : Mohd Aiul bin Ramli )% (*C No :

    ,% -ate of irth : ./th September $/1/ 2% Nationalit :

    3% 4uali5cation :

    "ducational 4uali5cation : +


    !rofessional 4uali5cation : +

    Competencies : +

    ./%./%$/1/ + Chargeman A . Suruhan?aa Tenaga

    0% !re7ious 8or& "#perience : Position & o0 Per1ormed Similar to t%e 2*3S

    Gelda !alm (ndustries Sdn Tec%nician

     ; Sung&ai !era& Maintenance for all electrical sstem for such as =enerator6 transfor

    bus+bar6 power distribution panel6 lighting and inspection%

    Gabrication and (nstallation of conduit6 trun&ing and wiring%

    Maintenance of motor such as -%O%6 Star -elta and Motor Resistan

    Maintenance and o7erhaul of Single < Three !hase motor and ser7i

    Assist on maintenance of Turbo Alternator =enerator B Steam Sste

    0)3 D>A and $EE D>A -iesel =enerator and Snchroniing sstem%

    1% !resent -esignation*@ob

    Certi5cate in "lectrical -omestic <(ndustr6 M>D

  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_


  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_


  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_




    R"= No% : !@+T+$++$).E+)..$

    ,uration From 4 To

     @ul)... + -ec)...



    ing of A%C%6 Alternator and -iesel%


  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_

    23/84 ,uration From 4 To

    Asaga Corporation Sdn )..) + !resent




  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_




  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_


    Tender Title : Term Contract For Electrical & Instrumentation Services at PP(M)S

    Tender No : PP(M)SB/!/!/"!#/! (B)



    $% Name : Roslan bin Abu a&ar )% (*C No :

    ,% -ate of irth : ),th No7ember$/E. 2% Nationalit :

    3% 4uali5cation :

    "ducational 4uali5cation : +


    !rofessional 4uali5cation : +

    Competencies : +

    ),%$$%$/E. + 8ireman !82 Suruhan?aa Tenaga

    0% !re7ious 8or& "#perience : Position & o0 Per1ormed Similar to t%e 2*3S

    Rotar Mec BM Sdn hd Electrician

     ; RCC Termination of ighting Cable%

    (nstallation of Switchgear < MCC at Substation


    Asadra BM Sdn hd Termination wor& at @ and Gield (nstrument%

     + Titan Crac&er ) !ro?ect Main and secondar cable laing%

    Sstem cable laing and termination in MC

    (nstallation of Conduit to @

    Support Gabrication

    !erfect =uildeline Sdn hd Electrician

    Responsible in handling site pro?ect%

    Gamiliar with credit e7aluation6 testing and installation%

    "#perienced wor&ing o7ertime and meeting deadlines

    Shah "lectric Sdn hd Electrician

    Responsible in all "lectrical !M wor& at area 2%

    (n7ol7e in Shutdown wor& ; !hase $*)*, ear )...

    Certi5cate in (nstitute Demahiran MARA6esut6 Terengganu%


  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_


    1% !resent -esignation*@ob

     o0 ,escri-tion


    Gabrication of support such as conduit6 tra and ladder%

    (nterwiring in MC between -CS and Marshalling rac&%

     Termination wor&%

    =eneral maintenance%

    Street lighting and trouble shooting%

    (ndustrial and -osmatic wiring ; Single < Three !hase

    E% Courses*Training Assignments :

    ,ate Course/Trainin7 Title

    /% Other (nformation CONTRACTOR wish to add :


    ,esi7nation orPosition

    (ncharge of all wiring for "lectrical < (nstrumentation wor&s at!!MS 6 !S!6 Dualiti Alam and others%

  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_



    Compan Signature

  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_




    R"= No% : !8+T+2++$.,$+)..$

    ,uration From 4 To

    Geb$/// + -ec$///

    $/// + )...

     @an )... + @un )...

     @ul )... + Oct )..$

  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_

    29/84 ,uration From 4 To

    )..$ + !resent


    Asaga Corporation Sdnhd

  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_


  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_


    Tender Title : Term Contract For Electrical & Instrumentation Services at PP(M)S

    Tender No : PP(M)SB/!/!/"!#/! (B)



    $% Name : Mat Su&r in @unos )% (*C No :

    ,% -ate of irth : .2th Gebruar $/11 2% Nationalit :

    3% 4uali5cation :

    "ducational 4uali5cation : +

    S!M6 A&ademi inaan Malasia B C(-

    A&ademi inaan Malasia B C(-

    !rofessional 4uali5cation : +

    Safet and 9ealth (nduction Course for Construction 8or&ers%

    Competencies : +

    Chargeman A $ Suruhan?aa Tenaga

    0% !re7ious 8or& "#perience : Position & o0 Per1ormed Similar to t%e 2*3S

    "lectrical wiring wor&s

    (nspection and maintenance of motor starter%

    (nstallation of power suppl Unit BU!S

    Assistant technician in drawing matters%

    aing cable manpower

    (nstalling MCC panel

    B=!!A =landing cable

      Remo7e all 9ulon cable6 clinder and panel

    Continuit test

     Testing and commissioning

    =landing cable

    AT "thlene BM Sdnhd

    Tec%nician Assist team leader in installation switchboard%

    !etronas !enapisan Terengganu Sdn hd

    Tec%nician a cable

    (nstall GM ).. clinder6 panel6 smo&e < heat detector sstem

    !etronas !enapisan Terengganu Sdn hd

    Tec%nician a cable Bpower cable

  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_


    Continuit test

    (nstall MC panel BNew


    O7erhaul =M motor

    Maintenance of MO> /motor operati7e 7al7e

    Maintenance < ser7ice of generator B$$ D>A

     Testing < commissioning of motor siren

    Continuit test of cable motor

    Chec&ing < repair street lightning

    aing cable for lighting CRU

    !S( B!re7ious ser7ice inspection of 5re alarm sstem

    Modi5cation Qood light panel


     Testing and commissioning

    1% !resent -esignation*@ob

     o0 ,escri-tion

    " < ( Super7isor "#perienced in underground and o7erhead wiring for TN

    "#+ ighting 5tting and power source B9aardaous Area

    Switchgear and protection module

     Transformer up to ,,D>

    >*9> =enerator snchronous machine%

    9>*> Snc%*Asnc% Motor Bo7erhaul and etc%%6% "lectric pump etc%

    Capacitor an&

    -esalter sstem

    Gabrication of support such as conduit6 tra and ladder%

    (nterwiring in MC between -CS and Marshalling rac&%

     Termination wor&%

    Chec&ing < testing the structure resistance for !SR $ < )%

     Tighten gland pac&ing6 perform stro&e chec& on control

    7al7e6 calibrate local indicator6 chec& limit switch6 perform

    instrument signal isolation6 replace transmitter6 remo7e

    control 7al7e from pipeline6 remo7e control 7al7e actuator6

    Shah "lectric BM Sdn

    !etronas Carigali!latform

    Tec%nician =landing Cable

    ,esi7nation orPosition

    "#perienced and familiar in electrical trouble shooting and

    Ser7icing 2$3 > Transformer6 us ar -istribution oard6

    (nstallation of =T 5eld instrument such as Gire*Gighting6 7ibration6thermocouple < (gnitors6 AC*-C Motor < rea&er maintenance forsingle and three phase B2$3> % ; Alstom 6 D% angat !ower !lant%

  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_


    calibrator pressure Qow6 temperature6 le7el6 performing

    calibration on gas detection sstem6 7erif instrument tag

    number6 perform instrument cable continuit chec&6 5ll in dail

    wor& log boo&6 calibrate single < interface tpe displacer etc

    at !etronas !enapisan Mela&a%

    E% Courses*Training Assignments :

    ,ate Course/Trainin7 Title

    /% Other (nformation CONTRACTOR wish to add :



    Compan Signature

  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_




    R"= No% : !@+T+)++..,/+).$.

    ,uration From 4 To


    Oct% // to March% ..

    .. to Ma% ..

  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_


    Mar% .$ to Ma% .$ ,uration From 4 To

    ASA=A COR!ORAT(ON ). Mar )..) to

    S-N 9- !resent

    *!etronas !enapisan

    BMela&a Sdn hd%


  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_





  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_


  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_


    E% Courses*Training Assignments :

    ,ate Course/Trainin7 Title ocation

    /% Other (nformation CONTRACTOR wish to add :



    Compan Signature < Stamp

  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_


    Tender Title : Term Contract For Electrical & Instrumentation Services at PP(M)S

    Tender No : PP(M)SB/!/!/"!#/! (B)



    $% Name : Abdul 9alim in Ahmad )% (*C No :

    ,% -ate of irth : $0th Ma $/02 2% Nationalit :

    3% 4uali5cation :

    "ducational 4uali5cation : +

    !rofessional 4uali5cation : +

    Competencies : +

    0% !re7ious 8or& "#perience : Position & o0 Per1ormed Similar to t%e 2*3S

    Snr% "lect% Tech% "#perienced in underground and o7erhead wiring for TN

    *!etronas !enapisan "#+ ighting 5tting and power source B9aardaous Area

    BMela&a Sdn hd% Switchgear and protection module

     Transformer up to ,,D>

    >*9> =enerator snchronous machine%

    9>*> Snc%*Asnc% Motor Bo7erhaul and etc%%6% "lectric pump etc%

    Capacitor an&

    -esalter sstem

    9eater sstem for industr%

    Uninterruptible power suppl BAlcade*=utor*G(AMM

    1% !resent -esignation*@ob

     o0 ,escri-tion

    Snr% "lect% Tech% "#perienced in underground and o7erhead wiring for TN

    Attached to Area ,

    "#+ ighting 5tting and power source B9aardaous AreaSwitchgear and protection module

     Transformer up to ,,D>

    Sari&at Seleamat Dalil "#perienced and familiar in electrical trouble shooting and

    "#perianced in trouble shooting amd maintenance for electrical

    ,esi7nation orPosition

    "#perienced and familiar in electrical trouble shooting and

  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_


    >*9> =enerator snchronous machine%

    9>*> Snc%*Asnc% Motor Bo7erhaul and etc%%6% "lectric pump etc%

    Capacitor an&

    -esalter sstem

    Carr out maintenance wor& in Sub+station

     Troubleshoot and repair wor& for electrical eIuipment%

    E% Courses*Training Assignments :

    ,ate Course/Trainin7 Title

    /% Other (nformation CONTRACTOR wish to add :



    Compan Signature

  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_




    ,uration From 4 To

    No7 )..) + Mar )..0 ,uration From 4 To

    ASA=A COR!ORAT(ON Mar )..0 to

    S-N 9- !resent

    *!etronas !enapisanBMela&a Sdn hd%

  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_





  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_


    Tender Title : Term Contract For Electrical & Instrumentation Services at PP(M)S

    Tender No : PP(M)SB/!/!/"!#/! (B)



    $% Name : Rosli in (brahim )% (*C No :

    ,% -ate of irth : $.th -ec $/1. 2% Nationalit :

    3% 4uali5cation :

    "ducational 4uali5cation : +

    !rofessional 4uali5cation : +

    Competencies : +

    0% !re7ious 8or& "#perience : Position & o0 Per1ormed Similar to t%e 2*3S

    Shah "lectric < "lectrical Technician(nstrument Manpower Suppl to !etronas !enapisan BMela&a Sdn hd

    "ngineering S*

      Assistance to !!MS's "lectrical Technician for

      Troubleshoot and repair wor& for electrical eIuipment%

      Assisting in pre7enti7e maintenance wor& on MCC for > and 9>%

      Carr out maintenance wor& in Sub+station

    Carr out pre7enti7e maintenance for motor operated >al7e BMO>

    Actuator model A+range and (4 Series

    1% !resent -esignation*@ob

     o0 ,escri-tion

    "lectrical Technician Maintenance wor& for Area 2 at !!MS

    Area 2

    Actuator model A+range and (4 SeriesMaster Station !a&scan

    Monitoring sstem !a& >ersion

      (nstallation and maintenance of power < lighting sstem6 motor

    ,esi7nation orPosition

    Carr out pre7enti7e maintenance for motor operated >al7e BMO>

  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_


     Troubleshoot and repair wor& for electrical eIuipment%

    Assisting in pre7enti7e maintenance wor& on MCC for > and 9>%

    Carr out maintenance wor& in Sub+station

    E% Courses*Training Assignments :

    ,ate Course/Trainin7 Title

    /% Other (nformation CONTRACTOR wish to add :



    Compan Signature

    (nstallation and maintenance of power < lighting sstem6 motorstarter6 public address sstem and motor o7erhaul%

  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_




    ,uration From 4 To

    $//0 to )..)

    otor& + Consist of ,uration From 4 To

    Asaga Corporation )..0 + !resent

    Sdn hd

    !etronas !enapisan

  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_


    BMela&a Sdn hd




  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_


    Tender Title : Term Contract For Electrical & Instrumentation Services at PP(M)S

    Tender No : PP(M)SB/!/!/"!#/! (B)



    $% Name : Ami in Alias )% (*C No :

    ,% -ate of irth : ,.th October $/E3 2% Nationalit :

    3% 4uali5cation :

    "ducational 4uali5cation : +


    A&ademi inaan Malasia B C(-

    !rofessional 4uali5cation : +

    Competencies : +

    0% !re7ious 8or& "#perience : Position & o0 Per1ormed Similar to t%e 2*3S

    "lectrician "#perienced in underground and o7erhead wiring for TN

    *!etronas !enapisan "#+ ighting 5tting and power source B9aardaous Area

    BMela&a Sdn hd% Switchgear and protection module

    Capacitor an&

    -esalter sstem

    9eater sstem for industr%

    Uninterruptible power suppl BAlcade*=utor*G(AMM

    1% !resent -esignation*@ob

     o0 ,escri-tion

    "lectrician "#perienced in underground and o7erhead wiring for TN

    Attached to Area $

    "#+ ighting 5tting and power source B9aardaous Area

    Switchgear and protection module

     Transformer up to ,,D>

    >*9> =enerator snchronous machine%9>*> Snc%*Asnc% Motor Bo7erhaul and etc%%6% "lectric pump etc%

    Capacitor an&

    Sari&at Seleamat Dalil "#perienced and familiar in electrical trouble shooting and

    "#perianced in trouble shooting amd maintenance for electrical

    ,esi7nation orPosition

    "#perienced and familiar in electrical trouble shooting and

  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_


    -esalter sstem

    Carr out maintenance wor& in Sub+station

     Troubleshoot and repair wor& for electrical eIuipment%

    =eneral maintenance

    E% Courses*Training Assignments :

    ,ate Course/Trainin7 Title

    /% Other (nformation CONTRACTOR wish to add :



    Compan Signature

    Ser7icing 2$3 > Transformer6 us ar -istribution oard6(nstallation of =T 5eld instrument such as Gire*Gighting6 7ibration6thermocouple < (gnitors6 AC*-C Motor < rea&er maintenance forsingle and three phase B2$3> % ; Alstom 6 D% angat !ower !lant%

  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_




    ,uration From 4 To

    No7 )..3 + Mar )..0 ,uration From 4 To

    ASA=A COR!ORAT(ON Mar )..0 to

    S-N 9- !resent

    *!etronas !enapisan

    BMela&a Sdn hd%


  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_





  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_


  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_


     Troubleshoot and repair wor& for electrical eIuipment%

    Assisting in pre7enti7e maintenance wor& on MCC for > and 9>%

    Carr out maintenance wor& in Sub+station

    E% Courses*Training Assignments :

    ,ate Course/Trainin7 Title

    /% Other (nformation CONTRACTOR wish to add :



    Compan Signature

    (nstallation and maintenance of power < lighting sstem6 motorstarter6 public address sstem and motor o7erhaul%

  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_




    ,uration From 4 To

    )..1+)..E ,uration From 4 To

    Asaga Corporation )..E + !resent

    Sdn hd

    !etronas !enapisan

  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_


    BMela&a Sdn hd




  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_


    Tender Title : Term Contract For Electrical & Instrumentation Services at PP(M)S

    Tender No : PP(M)SB/!/!/"!#/! (B)



    $% Name : Aii in Mat in )% (*C No :

    ,% -ate of irth : ).th Oct $/E. 2% Nationalit :

    3% 4uali5cation :

    "ducational 4uali5cation : +


    A&ademi inaan Malasia B C(-

    Safet and 9ealth (nduction Course for Construction 8or&ers

    !rofessional 4uali5cation : +

    Competencies : +

    0% !re7ious 8or& "#perience : Position & o0 Per1ormed Similar to t%e 2*3S

    !etronas !enapisan Electrician

    a cable Bpower cable=!!A =landing cable

    (nstall GM ).. clinder6 panel6 smo&e < neaf detector

    Remo7e all halon cable6 clinder and panel

    Continuit test

     Testing and commissioning

    (nstall MC panel Bnew

    O7erhall =M motor

    Maintenance of MO> motor operati7e 7al7e

     Maintenance < ser7ice generator B$$ DUA

     Testing < commissioning of motor siren

    Continuit test of cable motorChec&ing < repair street lighting

    aing cable for lighting CRU

    !S( B!re7ious ser7ice inspection of 5re alarm sstem


    !etronas Carigali a cable and glanding cable

    Gabricate support for gas detector

    Continuit test

     Testing and commissioning

    ElectricianAT "thlene BM Sdn Assist team leader in installing switch board

    hd "lectrical wiring wor&s

    BTerengganu Sdn hd

  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_


    (nspection and maintenance of motor starter

    (nstallation of power suppl unit B!SU

    Assisting technician in drawing matters

    aing cable < manpower

    (nstalling MCC panel

    Assisting technician in drawing matters

    1% !resent -esignation*@ob

     o0 ,escri-tion

    "lectrician Gabrication of support such as conduit6 tra and ladder

    (nterwiring in MC between -CS and Marshalling rac&%

     Termination wor&%

    Chec&ing < testing the structure resistance for !SR $ < )%

    Ser7icing 2$3 > Transformer6 us ar -istribution oard

    (nstallation of =T 5eld instrument such as Gire*Gighting6

    7ibration6 thermocouple < (gnitors6 AC*-C Motor < rea&er

    maintenance for single and three phase B2$3>

    Carr out maintenance wor& in Sub+station

    E% Courses*Training Assignments :

    ,ate Course/Trainin7 Title

    /% Other (nformation CONTRACTOR wish to add :


    ,esi7nation orPosition

  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_



    Compan Signature

  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_




    ,uration From 4 To


    Sept)... + No7)...


  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_


  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_




  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_


  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_


    !ressure Transmitter

    !etronas MN= !ressure =auge

    , !lant6 Glow transmitter

    intulu6 Sarawa& Measurement temperature


    Orientation 7al7e

    (mpulse line and air line pipe pressure test

    Continuit and insulation test for instrument cable

    Asadra San&o BM Trainin7 Instrument Tec%nician  @ul )..) + Sept )..)

    Sdn hd  + !erform ser7icing6 calibration and loop test of pressure and

    Qow transmitter

    MN= , !lant BM  + Megger < continuit chec& cable instrument

    Sdn hd

    1% !resent -esignation*@ob

     o0 ,escri-tion ,uration From 4

    (nstrument Technician Maintain to !M ?obs Asaga Corporation April )..E + !rese

    !erform ser7icing6 calibration and loop test for pressure6 Qow6 Sdn hd

    le7el displace temperature

     To chec& < stro&e 7al7e for !SA unit

    Calibrate instrument to le7el displace interface


    Mela&a re5ner !SR) re7amp pro?ect phase $ completion

    of R"TA )../*).$.

     + (nstrument ser7icing6 calibration < loop chec&

     + "lectrical wor&6 cable pulling6 termination6 testing and


    + =eneral electrical and instrument wor&s

    + Tighten gland pac&ing6 perform stro&e chec& on control

    7al7e6 calibrate local indicator6 chec& limit switch6 perform

    instrument signal isolation6 replace transmitter6 remo7e

    control 7al7e from pipeline6 remo7e control 7al7e actuator6

    calibrator pressure Qow6 temperature6 le7el6 performing

    calibration on gas detection sstem6 7erif instrument tag

    number6 perform instrument cable continuit chec&6 5ll in dail

    wor& log boo&6 calibrate single < interface tpe displacer etc

    at !etronas !enapisan Mela&a%

    ,esi7nation orPosition

  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_


    E% Courses*Training Assignments :

    ,ate Course/Trainin7 Title ocation

    /% Other (nformation CONTRACTOR wish to add :



    Compan Signature < Stamp

  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_


  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_


    Clean le7el glass

    Asadra San&o BM Instrument Tec%nician Oct )..) + @un )..,

    Sdn hd !erform ser7icing6 calibration and loop test for

    !ressure Transmitter

    !etronas MN= !ressure =auge

    , !lant6 Glow transmitter

    intulu6 Sarawa& Measurement temperature


    Orientation 7al7e

    (mpulse line and air line pipe pressure test

    Continuit and insulation test for instrument cable

    Asadra San&o BM Trainin7 Instrument Tec%nician  @ul )..) + Sept )..)

    Sdn hd  + !erform ser7icing6 calibration and loop test of pressure and

    Qow transmitter

    MN= , !lant BM  + Megger < continuit chec& cable instrument

    Sdn hd

    1% !resent -esignation*@ob

     o0 ,escri-tion ,uration From 4

    (nstrument Technician Fire $larm S.stem Asaga Corporation April )..E + !rese

    BGire Alarm * S=S  + !erform correcti7e maintenance of instrument eIuipment Sdn hd

      such as process instruments6 pac&age units6 gas detection

      sstem6 5re alarm sstem

     + ead the troubleshooting and diagnose failure of Gire Alarm !etronas !enapisan

    sstem !SR $ < !SR ) BMela&a Sdn hd

     + Troubleshooting on Gire Alarm -e7ices BMC!6 S-6 9-6 U>6 !S

    for !SR $ < !SR ) Gire Alarm

      Sstem BApollo6 Didde6 Ampac6 Siemen6 Autronica6 >esda

     + !erform modi5cation on de7ices installation for Gire Alarm


    + !erform !re7enti7e maintenance on Sub Gire Alarm !anel !SR $

      !SR ) BApollo6 Didde6 Ampac6 Siemen6 Autronica6 >esda

     + !erform proacti7e maintenance on Rimseal detection sstem

      for tan&age !SR$ < !SR) Tan&

     + Assist OMA for Gire Certi5cate !etronas !enapisan Mela&a

      Sdn hd

     + !erform Gire Alarm Testing for -eluge >al7es Sstem

    ,esi7nation orPosition

  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_


    E% Courses*Training Assignments :

    ,ate Course/Trainin7 Title ocation

    /% Other (nformation CONTRACTOR wish to add :


    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Compan Signature < Stamp

  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_


    Tender Title : Term Contract For Electrical & Instrumentation Services at PP(M)SB

    Tender No : PP(M)SB/!/!/"!#/! (B)



    $% Name : Raduan in Abu aid )% (*C No : E).,)2+.0+3,$3

    ,% -ate of irth : .)nd March $/E) 2% Nationalit : Malasian

    3% 4uali5cation :

    "ducational 4uali5cation : +

    (ndustrial Training (nstitute B(! B)..$ + )..)

    Certi5cate in (nstrument Technician

    Se&% Men% Deb% Temerloh

    !MR B$//3 + $//1

    S!M B$//1 + $///

    !rofessional 4uali5cation : +

    Competencies : +

    0% !re7ious 8or& "#perience : Position & o0 Per1ormed Similar to t%e 2*3S ,uration From 4 To

    Asadra BM Sdn hd 8C Electrician  @an )..1 + Mar )..E

    Megger < continuit chec& cable lighting>isual chec& cable glanding and termination at unit 3,6 $/

    Complete motor solo run

    Ramunia Gabricator Instrument Tec%nician Oct )..1 + -ec )..1

    Sdn hd Testing < commissioning acti7it at supg+b6 stro&e test for S->

    < ->

    Carr out loop chec& for ! =as Reco7er6 megger < continuit

    chec& cable and paper wor& Bchec& sheet

     @M !ower Sdn hd Instrument Tec%nician Geb )..0 + Mar )..1

    Carr out trouble shooting of fault 5eld inst%

    !erform ser7icing6 calibration and loop test of pressure and

    Qow transmitter

    Ne&ad -e7elopment Instrument Tec%nician Aug )..3 + -ec )..3

    "ngineering Sdn hd Carr out trouble shooting of fault 5eld inst%

    oop chec&ing pressure transmitter6 temp transmitter6 Qow

    transmitter and control 7al7e

    !erform ser7icing6 calibration and loop test of pressure

    and Qow transmitter

    Mieco Chipboard hd Instrument Tec%nician Sept ).., + No7 )..,

    Responsible to o7erhauling6 ser7icing6 recalibrating testing

    and commissioning to all of the transmitter switches

    oop chec&ing pressure transmitter6 temperature transmitterQow transmitter and control 7al7e B5sher fo#boro

    Asadra Timur Sdn hd  unior Tec%nician  @ul ).., to end of pro?ect

    Calibrate instrument to le7el displace transmitter6 le7el rela6

    pressure transmitter

    !air thermocouple

    Clean le7el glass

    Asadra San&o BM Instrument Tec%nician Oct )..) + @un )..,

  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_


    Sdn hd !erform ser7icing6 calibration and loop test for

    !ressure Transmitter

    !etronas MN= !ressure =auge

    , !lant6 Glow transmitter

    intulu6 Sarawa& Measurement temperature


    Orientation 7al7e

    (mpulse line and air line pipe pressure test

    Continuit and insulation test for instrument cable

    Asadra San&o BM Trainin7 Instrument Tec%nician  @ul )..) + Sept )..)

    Sdn hd  + !erform ser7icing6 calibration and loop test of pressure and

    Qow transmitter

    MN= , !lant BM  + Megger < continuit chec& cable instrument

    Sdn hd

    1% !resent -esignation*@ob

     o0 ,escri-tion ,uration From 4

    (nstrument Technician ,o t%e -reventive maintenance (PM) remote o-eration valv Asaga Corporation April )..E + !rese

    BGire Alarm * S=S  + O7erhall6 ser7ice < calibration control 7al7e B!!M wor&shop Sdn hd

     + Calibrate pressure switches and pressure gauge

    E% Courses*Training Assignments :

    ,ate Course/Trainin7 Title ocation

    /% Other (nformation CONTRACTOR wish to add :



    ,esi7nation orPosition

  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_


  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_


    Tender Title : Term Contract For Electrical & Instrumentation Services at PP(M)SB

    Tender No : PP(M)SB/!/!/"!#/! (B)



    $% Name : Damalruaman in Ahmad )% (*C No : 12.$.E+$$+3)/,

    ,% -ate of irth : $.th @anuar $/12 2% Nationalit : Malasian

    3% 4uali5cation :

    "ducational 4uali5cation : +

    !rofessional 4uali5cation +

    !rofessional 4uali5cation : +

    Competencies : +

    0% !re7ious 8or& "#perience : Position & o0 Per1ormed Similar to t%e 2*3S ,uration From 4 To

     achtel ina (nstrument Gitter Oct% .. to No7% .$

    =landing Cable

    Modi5cation Qood light panel

    =landing Cable%


     Testing and commissioning

     CUG Amonia Mar% .. to Oct ..

    O7erhaul =M motor

    Maintenance of MO> /motor operati7e 7al7e

    Maintenance < ser7ice of generator B$$ D>A

     Testing < commissioning of motor siren

    Continuit test of cable motor

    Chec&ing < repair street lightning

    aing cable for lighting CRU

    !S( B!re7ious ser7ice inspection of 5re alarm sstem%

     DR+)+Aromatic (nstrument Gitter Ma% // to Geb% ..

     Tubing6 airline6 cable tra

    Man?amas Timur (nstrument Gitter No7% /1 to Apr% /1

    Sdn hd a cable

    =landing cable

    (nstall GM ).. clinder6 panel6 smo&e < heat detector

    Remo7e all 9ulon cable6 clinder and panel

    Continuit test

     Testing and commissioning

     ""S BM Sdn hd Ma% /0 to -ec% /0

    Assist team leader in installation switchboard

    "lectrical wiring wor&s%

    (nspection and maintenance of motor starter%

    (nstallation of power suppl Unit BU!S

    Assistant technician in drawing matters%aing cable manpower

    (nstalling MCC panel

    Rotar Mec BM (nstrument Gitter Apr% /3 to Aug% /3

    Sdn hd Assist team leader in installation switchboard%

    "lectrical wiring wor&s%

    (nspection and maintenance of motor starter%

    (nstallation of power suppl Unit BU!S

    Assistant technician in drawing matters%

    aing cable manpower


    (nstrument Gitter

    (nstrument Gitter

  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_


    (nstalling MCC panel

    1% !resent -esignation*@ob

     o0 ,escri-tion ,uration From 4

    (nstrument Asaga Corporation April )..E+!resen

    Gitter electrical and instrumentation accessories including support and Sdn hd

    termination inside ?unction bo#es6(mpulse line and power

    distribution board%

    Gabricated support for cable wa and analer frame%

    E% Courses*Training Assignments :

    ,ate Course/Trainin7 Title ocation

    )*$*$//2 S8A="OD >A>" TU(N= < G(TT(N= AN- SAG"T >A>" Swagelo&

    /% Other (nformation CONTRACTOR wish to add :



    Compan Signature < Stamp

    ,esi7nation orPosition

    Assisting (nst%tech in trouble shooting and repairing of the

  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_


  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_


  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_


    Tender Title : Term Contract For Electrical & Instrumentation Services at PP(M)SB

    Tender No : PP(M)SB/!/!/"!#/! (B)



    $% Name : MO9- AAM( MAT -(N )% (*C No : 1,.$.)+$$+3$$$

    ,% -ate of irth : 2% Nationalit : Malasian

    3% 4uali5cation :

    "ducational 4uali5cation : +

    "ducational 4uali5cation ; S!M6 Certi5cate in Gabricate ogam of (DM esut6 B@an% /) to @an% /2

    !rofessional 4uali5cation +

    !rofessional 4uali5cation : +

    Competencies : +

    0% !re7ious 8or& "#perience : Position & o0 Per1ormed Similar to t%e 2*3S ,uration From 4 To

    echtel bina BM Sep .. + Oct .$

     Sdn hd (n7ol7ed in construction and laout cable tras6 conduit6 support

    BOptimal and installation of copper < stainless steel tubings for

    Chemicals6 utanol instrumentation installation%

    < -eri7ati7es (n7ol7ed in installation of ?unction bo# incl% fabricated support%


     Too "ngineering Ma // + Apr ..


    BDR ) Aromatic

    !!TS (n7ol7ed in construction and laout cable tras6 conduit6

    support and installation of copper < stainless steel tubings %

    for instrumentation installation%

    1% !resent -esignation*@ob

     o0 ,escri-tion ,uration From 4 T

    (nstrument Assisting (nst%tech in trouble shooting and repairing of the % Asaga Corporation April )..E + !resen

    Gitter electrical and instrumentation accessories including support and Sdn hd

    termination inside ?unction bo#es and power distribution board

    !etronas !enapisan

    BMela&a Sdn hd

    .)nd @anuar $/1,

    (nstrument Gitter

    (nstrument6 "lectrical < Tube Gitter

    (n7ol7ed in instrument di7ision construction%

    Assist team analer in constructing E analer houseses%

    ,esi7nation orPosition

  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_


    E% Courses*Training Assignments :

    ,ate Course/Trainin7 Title ocation

    )*$*$//2 S8A="OD >A>" TU(N= < G(TT(N= AN- SAG"T >A>" Swagelo&

    /% Other (nformation CONTRACTOR wish to add :



    Compan Signature < Stamp

  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_


  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_


  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_


    Tender Title : Term Contract For Electrical & Instrumentation Services at PP(M)SB

    Tender No : PP(M)SB/!/!/"!#/! (B)



    $% Name : Mansor in Mat Ail )% (*C No : E,.3$.+.,+31$1

    ,% -ate of irth : $.th Ma $/E, 2% Nationalit : Malasian

    3% 4uali5cation :

    "ducational 4uali5cation : +

    (ndustrial Training (nstitute B(!

    SDM $ < ) B)..0 +)..1

    Maahad Muhammadi6 Tanah Merah

    !MR B$//0 + $///

    S!M B)... + )..$

    !rofessional 4uali5cation : +

    Competencies : +

    0% !re7ious 8or& "#perience : Position & o0 Per1ormed Similar to t%e 2*3S ,uration From 4 To

    Res "ngineering Trainee Tec%nicianSdn hd i !erform installation and commissioning new power transformer

    B9!! Crude Tan& for SS 1% Tas&s including :

    !etronas !enapisan + Sstem wiring and troubleshooting

    BMela&a Sdn hd + Cable meggering for > and 9>

     + "#ecute sstem test : "arthing6 Continuit6 !olarit

     + !erform >*9> cable glanding and termination

    !SR ) Re7amp < Assist on Gield (nstrument installation including :+

     Turnaround + Cable pulling

    Unit ,.6 + (nstrument hoo&+up

    !etronas !enapisan + Cable termination

    BMela&a Sdn hd + Nuclear e7el Calibration

    ii "#ecute on new loop testing

    oop continuit

    Gunctional test

    (*O test

    iii Support unit start+up*commission

    !erform function test and commission

    RT- and thermocouple

    Glow6 pressure and le7el transmitter

    oop test

    Smith turbine meter

    i7 Assist analer group for unit Turn Around

     To ser7ice and calibrate O) analer

    Gunction chec& of control 7al7e6 shutdown

  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_


    1% !resent -esignation*@ob

     o0 ,escri-tion ,uration From 4

    (nstrument Technician i Tan& =auging Sstem Asaga Corporation April )..E + ).$.

    BT=S6 Metering < !erform !re7enti7e Maintenance < Correcti7e Maintenance Sdn hd

    Communication for the sstem BMas?id Tanah6 Mela&a


    (nstallation6 commissioning and troubleshooting on the

    sstem using "

  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_


    E% Courses*Training Assignments :

    ,ate Course/Trainin7 Title ocation

    /% Other (nformation CONTRACTOR wish to add :



    Compan Signature < Stamp

  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_


    Tender Title : Term Contract For Electrical & Instrumentation Services at PP(M)SB

    Tender No : PP(M)SB/!/!/"!#/! (B)



    $% Name : Mohd 9apis in Abd 9amid )% (*C No : 0/$))0+.$+333$

    ,% -ate of irth : )0th -ecember $/0/ 2% Nationalit : Malasian

    3% 4uali5cation :

    "ducational 4uali5cation : +

     @une )../ + Suruhan?aa Tenaga Certi5cate

    Ma $//$ + -iploma in Mechanical "ngineering

    Ma $/E1 + Si?il !ela?aran Malasia BS!M

    -ecember $/E2 + Si?il Rendah !ela?aran Malasia BSR!

    !rofessional 4uali5cation : +

    Competencies : +

    $/%.E%)../ + Chargeman A $ Suruhan?aa Tenaga R"= No% : !@+T+)++.230+)../

    0% !re7ious 8or& "#perience : Position & o0 Per1ormed Similar to t%e 2*3S ,uration From 4 To

    National Semiconductor Senior Tec%nician $//$ + )..3

    Mela&a 9elping production and minimie the damages which cause the

    producti7it and Iualit6 trouble shooting mechanical6 electrical

    and electronic fault%

    Maintain Iualit and 7alue o7er re?ection

    Able to handle testing and 7isual eIuipment such as

    Micro7ision E3$6 2E. and 2E3

    !enta Master 7ision6 tets aetrium A"MS6 smte& ,..6 3..

    and tester teradme @)1,6 A,0.

    Sari&at Selamat Dhalil Electrician (Contract 9it% Petronas Pena-isan Melaa Sdn B )..3 + )..0

    Sdn hd Audit for grounding6 lightning arrestor6 cathodic protection

    sstem6 general pre7enti7e maintenance for both 9> and >

    transformer6 9> and > brea&ers6 cathodic protection6

    electrical motors6 street lighting6 generators as well as other

    general maintenance%

    "lectrical tools inspection

    1% !resent -esignation*@ob

     o0 ,escri-tion ,uration From 4 T

    "lectrician Audit for grounding6 lightning arrestor6 cathodic protection !etronas !enapisan )..0 + ).$.

    sstem6 general pre7enti7e maintenance for both 9> and > BMela&a Sdn hd

    transformer6 9> and > brea&ers6 cathodic protection6

    electrical motors6 street lighting6 generators as well as other

    general maintenance%

    "lectrical tools inspection

    ,esi7nation or


  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_


    E% Courses*Training Assignments :

    ,ate Course/Trainin7 Title ocation

    /% Other (nformation CONTRACTOR wish to add :



    Compan Signature < Stamp

  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_


    Tender Title : Term Contract For Electrical & Instrumentation Services at PP(M)SB

    Tender No : PP(M)SB/!/!/"!#/! (B)



    $% Name : Saiful 9aI in Mohamad )% (*C No : 0,$))2+1$+3$$$ BE3$2EE2

    ,% -ate of irth : )2th -ec $/0, 2% Nationalit : Malasian

    3% 4uali5cation :

    "ducational 4uali5cation : +

    ; $/1. + $/1) B SM! atau BSR! pang&at A Se&eloh Menegah !ertama + (ndonesia

     + $/1, + $/10 BSMA atau BS!M pang&at A @urusan Sains Se&eloh Menengah Atas + (ndonesia

    !rofessional 4uali5cation : +

    Competencies : +

    0% !re7ious 8or& "#perience : Position & o0 Per1ormed Similar to t%e 2*3S ,uration From 4 To

    Shah "lectric < "lectrical Technician $//1 to )..)

    (nstrument Manpower Suppl to !etronas !enapisan BMela&a Sdn hd

    "ngineering S*

    Assistance to !!MS's "lectrical Technician for

     Troubleshoot and repair wor& for electrical eIuipment%

    Assisting in pre7enti7e maintenance wor& on MCC for > and 9>%

    Carr out maintenance wor& in Sub+station

    !%- Tai Ming Sdn hd "lectrical Super7isor B!ro?ect $//$ to $//0

    Senior "lectrical < welding $/E2 to $//.

    !ertamina + Riau !ro?ect

    Carr Out welding and cable < single and three phase installation%

    Operator * "lectrician $/E. + $/E,

    Carr out electrical installation for distribution bo# and panel%

    1% !resent -esignation*@ob

     o0 ,escri-tion ,uration From 4 T

    "lectrical Technician Maintenance wor& for Area 2 at !!MS Asaga Corporation April )..E + ).$.

    Area 2 Sdn hdBMas?id Tanah6 Mela&a

    !etronas !enapisan

    BMela&a Sdn hd

    (nstallation and maintenance of power < lighting sstem6 motor

    !etronas !enapisan BMela&a and Sheel Re5ner !ort -ic&son +

    Responsible in super7ising all installation wor& and manpower

    Shapadu "ngineering

     Tai Ming "lectronics T-%

    ,esi7nation orPosition

  • 8/9/2019 Attach 9_TECHNICAL FORMAT_


    E% Courses*Training Assignments :

    ,ate Course/Trainin7 Title ocation

    $1th @une ).., Swagelo&

    /% Other (nformation CONTRACTOR wish to add :



    Compan Signature < Stamp

    Operation6 Safet < Maintenance Course of 9aulotte 9)$TH Aerial

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