Page 1: At the Heart of Modernizing Insurance · At the Heart of Modernizing Insurance Whether you are looking to rescue your ongoing Duck Creek implementation or stay on track from the get-go,


At the Heart of Modernizing


Whether you are looking to rescue your ongoing Duck Creek implementation or stay on track from the get-go, NIIT Technologies can help. Our promise is two-fold. One, count on us for new ideas in the form of custom tools and automated processes that greatly reduce your effort. Two, get more value with highly skilled resources at every step of the way—from rapid migration of data to faster testing to on-time rollouts. With us, you can accelerate your Duck Creek implementation while gaining the agility you need to fuel growth and serve a growing customer base.

Duck Creek Implementation andSupport across Personal and Commercial Lines

Page 2: At the Heart of Modernizing Insurance · At the Heart of Modernizing Insurance Whether you are looking to rescue your ongoing Duck Creek implementation or stay on track from the get-go,

Accelerate the Path to Value

With shrinking profits, insurers are looking to weed out operational inefficiencies and be more agile, competitive, and profitable. The first step is modernizing legacy systems, and Duck Creek has emerged as a platform of choice for carriers in the US and the UK. However, many insurers find that once they have selected Duck Creek, their implementation programs turn into highly complex, multi-year initiatives that drain them in cost, time, and value.

One of the biggest challenges these implementations face is around ability and getting quality talent in the right numbers. Besides, insurers need flexibility in terms of phasing the programs and sourcing the Duck Creek resources as their business realities dictate the pace of implementation. NIIT Technologies provides these flexible resourcing models to implement and maintain Duck Creek systems based on evolving needs.

Page 3: At the Heart of Modernizing Insurance · At the Heart of Modernizing Insurance Whether you are looking to rescue your ongoing Duck Creek implementation or stay on track from the get-go,

195991493Our Capabilities

We have partnered with leading insurers for their Duck Creek programs since 2005 across implementation, upgrade, and support. Having rolled out systems in more than 20 states, we bring the right mix of expertise and experience to guide insurers toward successful Duck Creek operations.

In-depth Knowledge of Duck Creek Application Systems

Supporting Duck Creek Forms, Pages, Rating, Transact and Integration

Best-of-breed Implementation Methodology

A customized implementation plan to suit business objectives

Extensive Experience in Upgrade, Implementation, Integration, State-wide roll out and testing

A large pool of 100+ resources with 50% certified on INS 21, 22, 23

Depth and Expertise in Products and Lines of Business

Experience with different versions of Duck Creek Technology as well as commercial lines (worker's compensation, BOP, commercial auto, property, general liability, marine, CPP, E&O), personal lines (auto, homeowners, dwelling fire, umbrella, package policy), surety bonds and reinsurance

Custom Tools to Fast-track Migration, Develop and Testing

In-house tools and utilities such as CSS Hawk, Class Migrator, Custom Migrator and Action Migrator

Best Practices Drawn from Thousands of Man-hours of Experience

Effective approaches to address challenges around performance, integration, and data migration on Duck Creek

Flexible Engagement Models

Dual-shore delivery and fixed-price projects

Page 4: At the Heart of Modernizing Insurance · At the Heart of Modernizing Insurance Whether you are looking to rescue your ongoing Duck Creek implementation or stay on track from the get-go,

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NIIT Technologies is a leading global IT solutions organization, differentiated on the strength of domain expertise; it services clients in travel and transportation, banking and financial services, insurance, manufacturing, and media verticals. Leading with its service vision “New Ideas, More Value,” NIIT Technologies is committed to delivering new ideas combined with operational excellence to provide exceptional value to its clients. The Company is focused on helping businesses design sustainable, optimizable and winning digital operating models, enabling them to become agile, scalable, and flexible. Visit us at

The NIIT Technologies Advantage

For platforms like Duck Creek, readily available talent is limited and it is imperative that the partner chosen is able to scale-up rapidly and ensure that the program is not challenged due to lack of talent. That is why we have created a Duck Creek competency framework for our resources—spanning insurance domain training, Duck Creek platform training, mentoring and internal certification. Another key strategy in our success is effectively breaking down work into rule-based and knowledge-based tasks. This way, we improve productivity by ensuring each process receives more focus from specialist resources, who are constantly guided by Duck Creek subject matter experts.

We have demonstrated success in highly complex Duck Creek programs. As a trusted partner to Utica National Insurance since 2004, our dual-shore model helped aid faster implementation and addition of new policies and conversion of the policy management system for all lines of business. For Harleysville Insurance, we were able to seamlessly manage migration from over 10,000 lines of code from legacy systems and reduce their development effort by 90% using automation tools. With each engagement, our expertise gets deeper and we gain highly relevant domain experience to simplify Duck Creek programs for new clients. This is augmented by our deep understanding of varied business and technology platforms in the insurance domain and our industrialized insurance testing approach, helping us deliver more value to clients and unlock the agility to lead in a hyper-competitive landscape.

Our Technical Expertise

Versions Support Offered Design & Development Testing

1.8 Production support New LOB creation Customization Unit testing /integration testing

2.x Bug fixing and Interfaces integration Peripheral systems Functional / enhancements development system testing

3.x Batch processing Platform upgrade Data migration Regression /interface testing

4.x Performance tuning Conversion renewals State roll out Test automation

5.x Version upgrade Interfaces Integration Forms and Pages Functional regressionwith 5.x platform and automation /

end-to-end testing




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