
Astronomy Review

What is the longest day

of the year?

The longest day is the

summer solstice (June 21).

Draw a picture of a waning Gibbous moon.

A waning gibbous is when the part of the moon that is lit (on the left side) becomes less, and the

shadow is growing larger.

What is the heliocentric model, that was proposed by

Copernicus and proved by Galileo

heliocentric model (sun centered).

What is happening in the picture below?

This is a solar eclipse. The moon is between the sun and the Earth, casting a shadow

on the Earth.

The moon’s gravitational pull on the water that is closest to the moon causes a high tide on that side of the Earth.. The moon

also pulls on the Earth itself, causing a high tide on the opposite side of the Earth, as

the water is “left behind”

What causes high tide?

Spring Tide

What is the name of this tide?

The corona is the outer layer of the sun. The corona sends out streams of electrically charged particles, called solar winds.

Only seen during an eclipse

What is the corona?

What is the shortest day of the year?

The Winter Solstice

(Dec. 21) is the shortest day.

Draw a picture of a waxing crescent moon.

A waxing crescent occurs as the moon is starting to head towards

a full moon. It is waxing ON

During which phase of the moon does this eclipse occur?

This is a solar eclipse. This occurs during a NEW moon

What is the Chromosphere and where is it located?

The chromosphere is the middle layer of the sun. It is a reddish glow around the photosphere.

This gives the sunlight its reddish/yellow/orange color.

Only seen at the beginning and end of an eclipse

Describe the tilt of the Earth in relation to the sun during

the winter.

The Earth is tilted AWAY FROM the sun in

the winter.

What are prominences?

Prominences are reddish loops of gas that link sunspots together.

How does the sun get its energy?

Nuclear Fusion of Hydrogen atoms into Helium atoms. This releases energy in the

form of light and heat.

What is a solar flare?

Solar flares occur when the prominences (loops) connect.

Large amounts of Hydrogen gas explodes out into space.

What is the photosphere and where is it located?

The photosphere is the inner layer of the sun. This layer makes the light of the sun

that we see.

What phase of the moon is illustrated below?

a new moon. Because the moon is between the Earth and the sun,

it looks dark.

Describe the tilt of the Earth in relation to the sun during

the summer.

The Earth is tilted towards the sun in the


These areas of the sun have cooler temperatures than the gases around them.

Sunspots look like dark spots on the sun, due to the cooler


what is the shape of a planet’s orbit?

A planet’s orbit is an ellipse, or a flattened circle.

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