

• *Remember the Chinese Zodiac believes that “…a secret animal hides in our heart…”

• According to the principles of Roman astrology, each person is somehow endowed (gifted) with the attributes of at least one of the Roman astrological personalities.

• Ptolemy viewed astrology as part of the philosophy that all of nature is absolute.

• The stars and planets were placed in their patterns as intentional messages for the observer.


CAPRICORN• Dec. 22 – Jan. 20• Independent• Ambitious (Determined)• Great Thinkers

• Usually successful in management careers

• Sympathetic• Very caring for others

• Excellent speakers• Subtle sense of humor


AQUARIUS• Jan. 21 – Feb. 19• Very social

• Likes to be around crowds sometimes

• Can see through people• Can’t be fake

• Works really hard for what they want

• Compassionate• Feel deeply for others

• Good at debates• Handles money very well


PISCES• Feb. 20 – Mar. 20• Very kind• Can be gullible

• Easily fooled at times

• Adventurous • Likes to travel

• Concerned about money• Perfectionists sometimes

• Really hard on themselves

• Sustains long-lasting friendships


ARIES• Mar. 21 – Apr. 20• Strong will power• Ability to “fight”• Independent• Desire affection

• Love from others

• Desire sympathy• Understanding from others

• Overcomes obstacles• Likes money and power


TAURUS• Apr. 21 – May 21• Patient• Practical

• All about business

• Sometimes cautious of:• People• Money• Life

• Faithful and Romantic• Music, poetry, and art

• Skills to be good directors • Will fight their enemies

to the end


GEMINI• May 22 – Jun. 21• Dual personalities

• Constant mood swings

• Can be difficult to understand

• Full of energy (FUN!)• Diplomatic

• Keeps peace between people

• Always looking to achieve more or do better

• Great talkers• Hard to fall in love

• When they do it is really deep love


CANCER• Jun. 22 – Jul. 22• Hard on the outside…• Soft on the inside…• Don’t like to throw things

away• Gifted with strong

imaginations• Can be easily upset

• Needs encouragement

• Keeps family traditions


LEO• Jul. 23 – Aug. 23• Stability is important

• Don’t like much change

• Kind and open-hearted• Sympathy

• Care for others

• Crave love over money• Independent• Hard-workers

• Can be lazy at times

• Usually very patient


VIRGO• Aug. 24 – Sep. 22• Can be shy• Very patient• Prefer to take of others• Makes good judgments• Always concerned about

appearance• Respects laws/rules• Being in love brings out

the best in them• Dislikes disappointments


LIBRA• Sep. 23 – Oct. 22• Likes balance• Rarely lazy• Decisive in thoughts• Usually very spiritual• Values peace over money• Usually good at science• *Arguably the most

romantic of all the signs• Can have a large circle of



SCORPIO• Oct. 23 – Nov. 21• Can be contradicting

• Say one thing, but mean another

• Great public speakers• Remain cool in dangerous

situations• Makes many friends• Makes many enemies• Usually have long-term

commitments• Likes to multi-task

• Do different things


SAGITTARIUS• Nov. 22 – Dec. 21• Appetite to learn and

travel• Very friendly and social

• *Arguably the nicest people of the Zodiac

• Focuses on the task at-hand

• Very hard-workers• Likes structure and routine

• Loves music and writing• Desires love

• Very cautious to give themselves to other

OPHIUCHUS• Nov. 30 – Dec. 17?• Seeker of peace/harmony• Poetic

• Poems, Lyrics

• A life-learner• Aims for the highest education

• Loves the family-circle• Usually receives favor from

those in authority• Architect

• Likes to build and construct


November Birthstones

• Topaz• (Strength, wisdom, courage)

• Citrine• (Hope, cheerfulness, youth, health, fidelity)

December Birthstones

• Tanzanite• (Contentment,


• Zircon• (Wisdom, honor,


• Turquoise• (New possibilities,


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