


17. - 20. September 2015, in Assisi, Italy This seminar will look at the teachings of higher Gnosis in the Pistis Sophia. This ancient Coptic text is a series of teachings given by Jesus in his Light body to his disciples after his resurrection. The story of Pistis Sophia (Faith Wisdom), who fell into the lower dimensions is a parable of humanity’s story as it seeks to re-establish its connection with the Light of its higher Heritage through various repentances and calling on the Light of the Godhead. The higher Gnosis of the Christ acts as a field of Light redemption even before and after the historic time of Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus teaches of the structure of the many heavens and the hierarchies that govern or rule in them, both positive and negative. We will also learn about the origins of the different types of souls and their journey on the earth as well as through the spiritual dimensions of ascension. Only souls that achieve a higher Soul-Spirit unity called the Neshamah can liberate themselves from the seals of the lower Archons. And we will understand how Melchizedek, the great Ingatherer of the Light, helps with a higher mathematics of perfection that we will explore in terms of new science and mathematical concepts.

This in-depth seminar will be a combination of spiritual teaching and discussion based on the Gospel of Pistis Sophia and the Holy Scriptures with scientific aspects from The Keys of Enoch as well as the vibratory experience of the energy and music of the Names of God and the gematria of the Psalms to code the inner body of Light. We will work on the sacred texts in the mornings and explore and contemplate the sacred sites of Assisi in the afternoons. The evenings will be reserved for spiritual attunement, meditation and prayer to integrate the teachings on our inner levels of consciousness. Music and singing will be facilitated live by Nicole, one of the musicians of the Academy. Following is a tentative programme of our meeting (some modules may change) THURSDAY, 17 September 2015 Arrival day. Our meeting begins 4.00pm on Thursday afternoon. Please arrive in time. In this beginning study session we will have a first look at the Pistis Sophia text and the Christ Gnosis. After a dinner break (6.00pm-8.00pm, meal not included) we will gather again at 8.00pm for a continuation of our studies and for mediation and music. End 10.00pm. FRIDAY, 18 September 2015 Morning study session starts at 10.00am. We are now firmly within our study and discussion of Pistis Sophia and will continue for the whole morning. Lunch will be at 1.00pm. This meal is included and we will eat together at the hotel. Friday afternoon we will visit some of the sacred places in the old town of Assisi. One of the most beautiful and significant places is the Basilica San Francesco which houses the tomb of Saint Francis as well as exquisite sacred art. Ideally, you would get acquainted with the history of art of this basilica beforehand in order to be able to appreciate its beauty more fully. (For example on the web.) Evening programme to be decided. SATURDAY, 19 September 2015 Again our study session starts at 10.00am till lunch at 1.00pm which we will take together at the hotel (lunch is included). The afternoon today is dedicated to a visit to the places Porziuncola and San Damiano, which are a little bit outside of Assisi. These are the places where Frances and Claire with their Brothers and Sisters lived. We will gather in the evening at 8.00pm for music, meditation and deeper contemplation of the sacredness of the Psalms of David that also Pistis Sophia used as her songs of redemption. SUNDAY, 20 September 2015 Our last morning of study which we will conclude with a lunch at the hotel and then a timely departure for a foot walk (circa 4 km) to the Eremo delle Carceri, a most beautiful and quiet sanctuary in the woods where Francis and his Brethren used to meditate. The road is not difficult to walk but please bring good and comfortable shoes nevertheless. For those who cannot do the walk it is possible to go by car. Our seminar meeting ends at the Eremo. Some of you will have to leave from there, some may want to stay for another night and enjoy the rest of the day.

For the entire seminar, please bring your copy of The Keys of Enoch and The Pistis Sophia, as well as a Bible. Temperatures should be pleasant by end of September but it can still get quite warm. Therefore please do not forget sunglasses and a hat or other head covering. Be prepared for rain or cool wind as well, though, just in case! And, as mentioned, bring good walking shoes as Assisi itself is situated on a hillside and our hotel is outside of the city walls.. SEMINAR VENUE: The study sessions will be held at Hotel ROSEO ASSISI, where we have our meeting hall. You can either stay at the hotel or book at another place that suits you better. Please note that the Hotel Roseo Assisi is situated outside of the city center. SEMINAR FEE: Participation fee will be 180.00 EUR for the 4 days of study including lunches on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Take care on your journey to Assisi, and try to come prepared having read a little in the Pistis Sophia. Looking forward to seeing you in September!! Cordially Ulli @ AFFS-Europa [email protected]

Hotel Roseo Assisi and main places we will visit:

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