  • 8/14/2019 Assessment of the Strategy for Transition between REWMP (Ruaha Ecosystem Wildlife Management Project) and


  • 8/14/2019 Assessment of the Strategy for Transition between REWMP (Ruaha Ecosystem Wildlife Management Project) and


    SUMMARYThe transition etweenREWMP and MBOMIpA isprogressing ell and moreor lessas planned. Forthe first tirne he Lunda-MkwambiSouthgamequotahasbeenauctionedo the directand ndirectbenefitof projectvillages. A total of just underTshs.4.3rnillion has been aised n the two auctions eld todate. Over two-thirdsof this amount has beendistributedamong the nine villages which ownhuntingblocks,while the remaining hird (from anuninhabitedblock) has accrued to the districtauthorities nd s helping o fund heirsupportor theproject. Sale of the quotahas doubledand eventrebled heordinary ncomes f someof the villagesinvolved,and they are now beginning o considerhow best to use this money for communitydevelopment. ollowinga difficult start, he majorityof residenthuntersappear o haveaccepted, nd insomecasesprefer, he new system. Village gamescouts avebeen ncreasinglyctive n deterring othgame and tree poachers,and report that animalnumbers have increased n well-patrolledareas.Rather essprogress asbeenmade,however,n thevillageswhichdo notown huntingblocks,andwherethe village wildlife committees re waiting for theadviceandsupportwhich theyhopeMBOMIPA willprovide. lt is imperative hat MBOMIPA startsonschedule, ecausehe interim arrangementso notprovidethe resources r capacity o tackle this andother important ssueseffectively. The projecthasdeveloped a significant momentum, and thismomentum houldnow bemaintained.

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    Acronyms ndAbbreviations iiiINTRODT]CTION IPROGRESS F THE TRANSIT'ION ND REACTIONSTO I'T 2Institutionalrrangementsor heTransition 2I'heGame uctions ndT'heir onsequences 4Financial eturns nd heDistributionf Income 9VillageGameScouts nd heUseof theNew ncomes l0Villages ithNoGameQuota 14OtherDevelopments 15PREPARATIONSMADE AT DTSTRICT EVI,L FORMBONTIPA 18ADMINISTRAI'IVE AND OTHER ARRANGEMENTS OR MBOIUIPA I9RECOMMtrNDATIONS 22BeforeMBOMIPA 22If MBOMIPA s Delayed 24ForMBOMIPA 25Annex : Terms f Reference 26Annex2. ltinerary 28Annex 3:Documentsonsulted 32Annex4: TheFrontPageAnnouncementn Majira 35Annex : Tables 36

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    Acronymsand Abbreviations

    AssociateProfessionalOffi cer (ODA)BritishDevelopment ivision n Eastern lrica (Nairobi)BritishHigh ConrmissionDares Salaam)CommunityConservationWarden TANAPA)ComrnunityDevelopmentOfficerChief Park Warden RNP)ChiefTechnicalAdviser of HIMA)Danish ntemationalDevelopment gencyDistrict CommunityDevelopmentOffi cerDistrictExecutiveDirectorDistrict FisheriesOfficer (lringa Rural)DistrictGameOfficer(lringaRural)DistrictNaturalResources fficer lringaRural)DistrictSteeringCommittee fo r REWMP)GameControlledAreaGameOfficer (attachedo REWMP)Government f TanzaniaHuntingAssociation f TanzaniatringaBranch)Hfadhi ya Mazingira [Conservation f the Environment]Iludumaya Iniiri na Maendeleo a Wafugall GospelServiceandPastoralst Developrnent]It(atumiziBoraya Malilui Idodi na l)awaga [SustainableUse ofWild Resourcesn ldodiand Pawaga]Overseas evelopment dministrationUK)RuahaEcosystemWildlife Management ro.iectRegionalGameOflicer (lringa)RuahaNationalFarkTanzaniaNationalParksAuthorityTechnicalCooperation ff ice r(ODA)VoluntaryServiceOverseasvolunteer)Departnrent f Wildl feWildlife Managenrent rea


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    INTI(ODUCTIONL Objectivesand work prograrnrne.The following report presents n assessrnentFthe strategy or transitionbetweenREWMP and MBOMIPA, from the end of theREWMP projectperiod n mid-1996 hrough o thepresent for the consultancy ORseeAnnex l). It is basedupon two weeks' work, includingeightdaysof meetingsand discussionsn lringa and the projectareaand a concludingperiod of reportwriting in Dar es Salaam for the consultancytinerarysee Annex 2) . A specialmeetingof the pro.iectDistrict SteeringCommittee DSC) was held in Iringa asplanned,hough t could not be arrangedor the startof theconsultancy soriginallyenvisaged. 1'his proved to be no greatdisadvantage,ecause t allowed time toprepare full rangeof questions swell as a summary eportof the consultancy ndits findings or presentationo the committee. Unfortunatelyt was not possible oarrange rneetingwith the IringaRegionalCornrnissionerMr NicodemusBanduka),who wasaway rom his office during he consultancy.2. Structure f thereport. In writing thereport haveassumedhat readerswill havea reasonable egreeof fumiliaritywith the historyof the communitydeveloprnentcomponent f REWMP and the currentproposalsor MBOMIPA The structure fthe report follows the IOR in generaloutline, houghnot point for point. I havefbundeasier t raisedifferent ssues for exampleparticular takeholdereactions)nthe contextof a narrativedescriptionof the progress nd impactsof the interimstrategy sa whole. In order o make t easier o pick out key issuesrom the text Ihave providedeach paragraphwith a descriptive eading. Additional illustrativenraterialand ables elating o the nrain ex t areplaced n annexes t the end of thereport.3. Acknowledgernents. would like to acknowledgehe assistance f al l of thepeopleand institutionsmentionedn the report (seeespeciallyAnnex 2), includingformer REWMP staff and others who have contributed to the development ofREWMP and ts proposed uccessor.Special hanksaredue o David Sa|non,ODANatural Resources o-ordinatorn Tanzania, or all of his work in preparingandsupervisinghe consultancy, nd for his good companyduring the rnany hourswespent ogether n Dar esSalaam, ringa,andon the roadbetween he two.

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    PROGRESSOF THE TRANSITION AND REACTIONS TO ITInsti tutionalArrangementsor the Transition4. The Strateq.vor Transition.Essential ctions or the nterimphasewereoutlinedin a documentprepared n June 1996, he Slrateg,,.frtrT'ransitionRetyteenRL,WMt'und "MatumiziRora ya Malilmi ldodi na I'av,aga" (MBOMII'A). This strategywasagreedby the DSC and endorsed y the Departrnent f Wildlife (WD). Al l of theactionsspecified n the documenthavebeenpursued,n somecases o completion.Othershavearisenas a resultof their completionand or unforeseen ircumstanceswhich havearisetr n the process fbr exarnplehe holdingof a secondgameauctionfollowing he first anticipated ne). Other activitiesno t specified n the Strategt.firl'ransition have also been undertaken,ncluding he continued raining of villagegamescouts.5. Key lnstitutionsand lndividuals. fhis work has devolvedupon certain keyinstitutions nd ndividuals.Within ODA, the NaturalResources o-ordinatorn Dares Salaamhasacted n a supervisoryole. The DSC and its variousmembershavesupervisedhe whole process t districtand divisional evel,while the DNRO, and oa lesserextent lreDGO, have providedessentialnputs n the periodbetweenDSCrneetings.Two full DSC rneetings avenow beenheld n the transitional hase, neon I July(the ourth neeting f the DSC since ts nception, ttended y thedepartingREWMP TCO), and the secondduring his consultancy, n 30 September,n whichthe DNRO actedas chairman. This secondnreeting houldhavebeenheld earlier,independentlyf ODA request, ecausehe committeehadoriginallyagreed o meetbi-monthly. The only full-tirneprojectworker hasbeen he REWMP GO, who hasalso actedas secretaryo the DSC nreetings, reparing ninutes nd otherreports inSrvahili)on projectactivities see he documentsisted n Annex 3). Beingbased nMsembe RNP -{Q)without he support f otherprojectstaffhasclearlymadehis obquitea difficult one, n particular ecause e has acked he day to day advicewhichhis fonnercolleagues rovided.Work in the projectareahascontinued o focusuponthe villages vhichhavehuntingblocksand own the garnequota,especially hose nnearby dodi division. The lessaccessible awaga illages,manyof which havenogame o sell,haveclearlybeensufferingduring he transitional eriod rom a lack ofattention seebelow).6. Changesn personnel. n addition o the departure f the REWMP TCO, a numberof other persons ttached o or closely associated ith the project have been lostduring he transitional eriod. The TANAPA CCW (JarnesMutabiilwa),hithertoakey project metnber, s away on overseas tudy eave,and there s no guaranteehathe will return o work in RNP and with MBOMIPA, though his would be highlydesirable, iven his existingexperience.TANAPA shouldbe soundedout on thismatter (unfortunately the RNP CPW was on horne leave at the time of theconsultancy), ecausef a new appointrnents to be made hen t shouldbe done assoon aspossible, o that the officer concerned anbegin work rvith REWMP GO (anofficer currentlybased n Msembe,Mr Looshok, asbeenassignedo the CCW role,but it is not clear if this is a temporaryappointment r not). It is possible ha t

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    MBOMIPA will begin vithcompletely ew staff,and n the caseof theTANAPA andWD officers then their early appointment and familiarisation with the project(pre-MBOMIPA) would be far more preferable o the alternative. The DSC,meanwhile,has lost the servicesof the DED (Mr A. Kandoro),who has beentransferredelsewhere. his replacernent Mr Kapinga),has not yet been fully briefedon projectactivities, ndwas unable o attend he recentDSC meeting. AnotherDSCmember, he Mlowa WardCouncrllor Mr Kiponza)sadlydied recently. At regionallevel, he formerRGO was orced o retireby ill health,andgivenrecentchangesnthe regionaladrninistrationt is not clearwhat will happen o his post (which in anyevent has becomeof lessdirect importance or the project,which is managedatdistrict level). Thesedifferent changesof personnelact as a useful rerninder hatMBOMIPA shouldnot rely too heavilyon particularndividuals, ut work to developinstitutionalcapacityas a whole, both to minirnise he negative mpact of suddentransfersand to ensure hat wildlife managementn the project area remainssustainablen the ong enn.7. Financialarransements. he transitional hase s being conductedwith limitedfinancial esources,rovided y ODA lrom the unds eft over n the REWMP budget.Interimstrategyinanceswerereviewedmorecloselyby the ODA NaturalResourcesCo-ordinator uring he consultancy,nd only someof the ssueswhich arosewill bementioned ere. T'heREWMP GO doesnot possess driving icence,and his useofa "|ANAPA driver, rvhich had not been budgeted or, proved to be extremelyuneconomical, iven he high allowances hichTANAPA pays o its drivers. It wassuggestedhat it would be more econonricalo requesta driver from the DED'soffice.

    'l-hismight requiredriver,vehicleand he REWMP GO to be based n lringarather than Msembe, and any changes should not be effected without firstcommunicating ith and seeking he adviceof the I1NPCPw The REWMP GOcurrently receivesa salary top-up, bringing him onto a par with his TANAPAcolleague the CCW). MBOMIPA's approach o this issuewill have o be clarifiedbefore he projectbegins,especially iven ha t the MBOMIPA GO will also be theheadof the project. A monthly payment o{'Tshs, 100,000) as also been made oDNRO for supporting is own of fice's vehicle fuel requirements.This money isreportedo havebeenput to excellent se,andhasenabledhe office to collectTshs.7 mil l ion n revenueso far thisyear comparedo Tshs.1.5 ni l l ion n the wholeof1995).During he consultancyhe previous rrangementy which the DNRO had osubmitreceipts ia the RNP accountantn Msembe costingboth time and money)wasmodified o allow hirn o send hemdirect o Dar es Salaam.

    8. The dangers f a late start o MBOMIPA. 'fhe transitionalstrategywas designedas a stop-gapmeasure o cover what was hopedwould be a relatively short periodbefore the start of MBOMIPA (the Natural ResourcesCo-ordinator s currentlyhoping for a star t date on or around he beginningof January 1997). Although theinterim arrangementsavemore or lessworked o date, t is doubtful whether heproject'smomentum an be sustainedf MBOMIPA's startdate s delayed or morethana monthor two. Additionalbridging undswill obviouslyhave o be found: thecurrentsrnallpot left over from REWMP will only last to the endof this year. Morecritically,projectwork is likely to drift off course,continuingsorneof the trends

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    which havebeennotedabove, n addition o otherswhich will becomeevident romthesectionswhich follow. Because EWMP and he ransitional hase ave nitiateda completelynovel set of activities n the projectarea,part and parcelof a radicaltransformation n the distribution of control over resourcesand the benefits fromthese,a considerable egreeof expert advice and attention s required to carry theprocesshrough. MBOI\.4IPA asbeendesignedo fulfil this need. The prolongationof the transition eriodwouldmakeadditionalnterimmeasuresnd external nputsanecessity, specially s he 1997huntingseason pproaches.'I 'heGameAuctionsand 'heir Consequences9. Overview. The mostsignificantdevelopmentsuring he transitional hasehavestemmed rom the organisation f auctionsn which the LMS gatnequotahas, or thefirst time,beenoffered or saleby the ocalauthorities hich havebeengivencontrolover this resource y the WD T'hese uthorities orrprise he nine villagesandVWCs n IdodiandPawaga ivisionswhichshare our of the five new huntingblocksinto which LMS hasbeen divided, ogetherwith the DSC, which manages fifth,uninhabitedblock on behalf of the project and the District Natural Resources(includingGarne) fficewhich servicest.10. A rnajor redistributionof benefits. The transferof the right to disposeof thequotato these ocal authoritiesconstitutes radicaldeparture rom past practiceandhaseffecteda major transformationn the distributionof benefits rom game n LMS.Prior o the 1995season, henhunting n LMS wasofficially closed o all but projectparticipants, he only legitirnate ncome derivedby the gameoffice from LMS wasthrough he saleof licences o hunt on the quota. The village authorities eceivednothingat all for the animals ho ton their ands, nd consequentlyad ittle incentiveto protect this resource. Instead corrupt officials at different levels of theadnrinistrativehierarchy had every opportunity to benefit illegitimately frorn thisprocess,or exampleby turninga blind eye o over-huntingandpoaching n return forfavours rom the hunterswho rverepreparedo flout the law. Residenthunters romoutsideof LMS benefitedsubstantially rom this stateof affairs. This includedlaw-abidinghuntersas well as the less scrupulous, ecause hey only had to paylicence fees which were far below the market value of the animals and animalproductswhich these eesentitled hern o harvest.11 . The two auctions. Two garneauctions avebeenheld this year,and a third iscurrentlybeingplanned.The first auction,which was held n Iringaon l8 June,hasalreadybeen described n somedetail in a reportwritten by the then REWMP TCO,who helpedsupervisehe auction,which was alsoobserved y the DeputyDirector ofWildlife. The second uctionwas held n Iringaon 19 Augustafter he TCO had efther post,and a brief description f it s conductand istsof the purchasesmade havebeenpreparedby the REWMP GO. By all accounts he secondauction proceededtnuchmoresmoothly han he irst, or reasons hichwill be discussedelow.

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    12. A new (andhurried)process.Garneauctionsare a completenovelty,and it ishardlysurprisingha t heir ntroduction houldencounter varietyof problerns, othorganisational nd in termsof the degree o which their functionand practicehasbeenunderstood y the principalstakeholders,n particular he sellers nd he buyersof the gamequota. In the caseof the REWMP auctions,andespecially he first one,two additional ircumstancesontributedo the difficultieswhich wereexperienced.One was the pressureupon project stalf to initiate the processand hold an auctionbefore he endof the projectperiod. In hindsight t is evident hat the first auctionwas nsufficiently dvertised nd ts purposes nd proceduresnadequatelyxplainedto potential buyers. A number oF hunters (including non-I{AT rnembers)subsequentlyornplainedhat heyweregiven nsufficientnoticeof the auctionandor explanation f its purposes ndprocedures. lackof communication etweenheHAT chainnanand his rnembersmay well havecontributed o this, but the pointretnains hat REWMP shouldhavedonemore to disserninatenfonnation about theauctionsand prepare he ground or them. It must be said that in the short timeavailable o theprojectand ts TCo this was not veryeasy or thern o do.13. Resistancerorn within LIAT. The second ircumstance, xacerbated y the first,was the continued esistance f a number of residenthunters,specifically {ATmembers, o the transferof ownershipof garneresou.rces hich the WD, workingthroughREWMP, hadeffected. Hunters'access, oth legitirnate nd llegitimate, ogame n LMS hadalready eencurtailed y theproject mostseverelyn 1995,whenno licenceswere issued o residenthunters),while the auction tself, although twould restoreheiraccesso thequota, vouldmean hat theywould now have o paya lot more money or animalson it, in addition o the usual icence ees. A smallnumberof HAT members herefore urnedup at the first auction vith the intentionno t of participatinglr it, bu t of preventingt frorngoingahead splanned.After theopeningof the auctionmeeting,a long and heateddebateensued, uring which avocal groupof I'{AT members aiseda series f ob.iectionso the new stateof affairs(someof wlrichare isted n theTCO's report).14. Partial bo),cottof the first auction. Mattersare reported o have reacheda headwhen HAT membersheld a vote amongst hemselves s to whetherLMS shouldremainclosed o resident unting n 1996or the saleof the quotashouldbe allowedto proceed.Only the HAT chaimlanandhis wo sons oted n favourof continuation.J'he emainder oted or closure, rguing or acceptinghe argurrent) hat f LMS wasdepleted f largegame hen t shouldbe rested or a longer unspecified) eriod,atthe conclusionof which the pre-1995system or allocating he quota - ignoringvillagers' newly recognisedownership of this resource- should be restored.DissentingHAT rnembers tageda walkout, and at one point it seemed hat theauctionwould be bereftof bidders. Vigorous easoning nd an ultimatum,however,saw someof theln eturn,and n theend 11 out of 27 resident unterswho had cometo the auctionmeeting emainedo bid in it .15 . Bad publicity. lt shouldbe ernphasisedhat the ringleaders f dissentwithin[JA]' wereand are few in number. Only threeHA'f members rom the list of thoservho urnedup at the nteeting re dentifiedby theREWMP GO as beingparticularly

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    vocalandmostevidently esistanto change.Oneor moreof the same ndividuals reknown to have been responsible or the publicationof a seriesof letters andannouncementstating heir views in the nationalnewspaperMajira. The rnostrecentwas a paidannouncementn the frontpageof the 24 Septemberssue, ntitled'l-Iunting in Iringa Region' (see Annex 4). The central argument of thisannouncements that he nervauctionsystem avourswealthyhunters f non-Africanorigin at the expense f their esswell endowedndigenous olleagues, llowing heformer o monopolise unting n the area. This omits to mention hat the greatestbeneficiaries f the new systemare ordinarycitizens,especiallyhose iving in theprojectvillages, egardless f their racial origin. The majorityof purchasers f theLMS quota have always been relatively wealthy hunters of non-African origin('l'anzanian itizensnonetheless),nd his ncludes he allegedprincipalauthorof theMaiira announcement. Residenthunting in LMS has certainly become rnoreexpensiveunder the nerv arrangements,ut it has neverbeen cheap. The HATdissentershemselves annotbe described s poor, and they are reported o travelconsiderable istances oth in and outsideof the district to hunt. The recentMajiraannouncements thought o havecostaroundTshs.60,000 o publish,while one ofthe dissenterss alleged to have offered a bribe of Tshs. 50,000 to the IdodiCouncillorduring he auction neeting while the latterwas visiting the lavatory) osecure issupport or a closure fhunting.16. The split within HAT. The first auctionexposed bitter divisionwithin IJATIringa tself. At the tirne of this consultant'sast visit to the project,a yearago, heHAT chainnan was the most vociferous opponent of REWMP (see Walsh 1995).Througha process f discussion, xplanation nd cajolement e hasbeenconvertedinto a firm supporter f the new status uo ,and manyof his subsequentctionshaveproved this. In recognitionof the irnportant ole of residenthuntersand HATmembers sstakeholdersn the game esources f LMS, he now sits on the project'sDistrict SteeringConrmittee, ndplaysan active ole n its deliberations.-lewas oneof the five founders of the lringa Branch of F{AT, which by 1994 counted 47menrbers, nd s now down to a mere27 . On his own accounthe hasdifficulty insecuring he full participation f his members n HAT activities,especiallywhen itcolnes to raising donations. The HAT dissentersare angry that he has begun tosupport REWMP / MBOMIPA, and he and his two sons(also F{.ATmembers)areclearly among the principal targetsof the Mojira announcement.There is somesuggestionhat heywill atternpto unseat irn from the local chairmanship. f theyweresuccessful,his wouldnot be a goodoutcome or the project,assuminghat heycontinued n their strongopposition o it. At present, owever, t seems nlikely hatthey would succeed. Most FIAT membershave remainedquiet observers f thisdispute,and althoughmany of thernvoted for a closureof hunting before the firstauction,most of them subsequently id fo r animals, n both this and then in thesecond uction.17. Partnership ith resident unters.The projectclearlystands o gain most frompartnershipwith a well-organised nd unified local association f residenthunters.Fromthis perspectivehe currentstateof HAT Iringa eavesmuch o be desired, ndoneof the tasksof MBOMIPA will be to exploreways n which the full potentialof

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    its participationn localwildlife rnanagementanbe realised.Considerable rogresshasbeenmadeover he pastyear n convertinghe HAT from an enemy nto a friendof the project,andcarefulattentiono theremaining ifficultiesshouldensure urtherprogress.One ssuewhichbegsexarninations the representativenessf HAT lringa.l'here are reported o be some2,000holdersof gun permits n IringaRural District(and I or thereabouts). f, how, and when they uie theseguns is not recorded.Whateverhe case, here s a need or gameauctionso be publicisedmorewidely inthe future, in the hopethat more potentialbidderscan be attracted han the currentlow numberwhichmoreor lesscoincideswith the nrembership f F{AT.l8 ' Fluntingoutsideof LMS. The Malira announcementeferred o aboveneglectedto distinguish etween unting n LMS andother openareas' n IringaRegionwherethe old system f quotapurchase ontinueso apply. The DRGO made his point indiscussing is planned esponseo the Alajira piece (seebelow) during the DSCmeeting. At present hereare two 'open areas' n the districtoutsideof LM GCA,lzazi andNyanzwa,andby the endof Septernbermore garxe icenceshadbeen ssuedfo r the atterarea han or LM (51 as against34),althoughhuntershavecomplainedthathunting n Nyanzwahasbeenpoorbecause f encroaihment y pastoralists. heDGO reports hat his office is consideringasking br two more areas o be openecl pto hunting: hnageForestReserve ndMsosa, outhof the road o Dar es Salaam.Nogamequota s offered for theseareasat present,but may be set for next year. Thissuggestsha t there is a danger hat the project is simply pushinghunting, bothlegitimateand llegitimate,ou t of LMS and into otherareaswhich are not incipientWMAs. This is a situationwhich the WD shouldmonitorclosely. Developmentsnlzazi andNyanzwa night also usefullybe cornparedwith those n LMS, and used odemonstratehe nrpacts f over-hunting nd or uncontrolled abitatencroachment(in the event ha tneitherofthesecanbe stoppedn the .openareas').l9 ' The decisiono hold a second uction.Following he confused vents f the firstauction,HAT dissenterspproachedhe ringaRegionalComrnissionernd requesterJhis interventionn their favour. The RC respond"aUy callinga meeting,on 29 June,to hearhunters'complaints bout he auctionsystemu, *.il as the eiplanationsofthe different governmentofficers involved. rhe outcome of this 1;1..iing was notquite what the dissenters ad hoped or. It becameevident hat rnanyhunteishad notunderstood he purposeand proceduresof the first auction, and ihut * significantnumberof thosewho hadboycotted t werenow ready o take part in the prolessandbid fo r the remaining uota. TheRC therefore irected he DGO andREWMp GO toorganise second uction or thosewho hadmissed ut on the irst.

    2O . The decision o hold a secondauctionalso ittedwell with the needs f thevillageswhichowned he gamequota. Althougha largenumberof animalshadbeensold n the first auction,a signidcantproportionof thoseoffered or sale emained nsold. The financialsuccess f the first auction(seebelow)hadalso ed rnanyVWCs to re-evaluateheir originaldecision o retainpart and in somecases ll of their shareof the quota or their own use. Mapogorofioint ownersof Kitisi huntingblock)andKisangu6oint ownersof thepawagablock)did no t offer anythingat all for sale n the first auction: now they wanted o. The

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    experienceof Mafuluto village, which had alreadyhuntedone of its two buffaloes,was particularly instructive. Local sale of the meat from this raised around Tshs.40,000, ess hanhalf of the sunrpaid or buffaloesn the auction. It was obviouslybettereconomics o sell rather hanretain or local consumption. t was also apparentthat the meatprovidedby a singleanimal did not go very far in the community, andthat ts selective istribution ed to ill feelingsand ealousyon the part of thosewhohad not beenable o secure piece. Facedwith this knowledge,most villageswereonly too willing to of fer their rernainingquota or salewhen the DGO and REWMPGO visited hern o ask f theywere nterestedn participatingn thesecond uction.21. The second ameauction. The second uctionwas held n lringa on 19 August.It wasorganisedmuch like the first, with the exception hat only hunterswho had notparticipated n the first auction were allowed to bid. Though only 12 hunters ookpart, this was a significant proportion of those who had walked out on the firstauction. The few remainingdissenters tayedaway. Despite he fact that the startoftheauction was delayed, t proceededwithout incident,andwas udged to havebeenagreatsuccess.This auction confirmed hat most of the membershad understood henew systenr ndwere ready o participate. n contrast o the first auction seebelow),there were also virtually no problerns n collectingpayments rom the successfulbiddersafterwards. It also raiseda lo t more money for the participating illages,whose understanding f the potential benefits of auctioning off their quotas hadincreased onsiderably ince he first auction. As a result t can be said that theauciionsystems now well on the way to becomingnstitutionalised. ontrary o theconclusion eached fter he first auction, hereseemso be no doubt hat at presentclosedbidding s themostappropriate rocedure, ivenbuyers'statedpreferenceorit (on the groundshat openbiddingwould force hem o reveal heir wealth').22. Plans or a third auction.Plansarenow underwayo hold a third auction,open oall hunters ike the first. A significantproportionof the LMS game quota relnainsunsold and, disregarding nimals or wlrich there is relatively ittle demand, t ishoped hat it will be possible o sell much of the remainder,ncludinga numberofbuffaloes till on offer. It remains o be seenwhat he villageswill decide o do withany animals hat are still no t sold. one option being considered s to organisecommunityhunts so that at least he local value of their meat can be realised. Itmakes relatively ittle sense o keep on organisingauctionsuntil the end of thehunting season, iven the costs hat each of theseevents ncurs. Ideally a singleauction at the start of the seasonwould suffice: this year's need for three auctionsbeingat least n part a functionof their noveltyand the learningprocesswhich hashad o takeplace. It may be, however, hat the dernand or animalsat the start of theseasonand I or hunters' ability to pay for thern at this time and all at once tsirrsufficiento complete he saleof thequota n a singleauction.23 . Other options. It shouldno t be forgotten hat the villageshave the right toexercise other options for selling their quota. In Malinzangathe VWC offered abuffalo and a warthog directly to the chairman of HAT lringa in thanks for thefinancialsupportwhich he hadprovidedo theirvillagegamescouts seebelow). Hegratefullyaccepted nd bought theseanimals or a total of Tshs. 150,000 Tshs.

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    110,000or the buffaloalone),which was well over the goingrate or both of them.More recently hey haveproposed elling him their remaining wo buffaloes,oneeland, our impala,and one warthog or a total of Tshs.580,000. There s nothingwrong in principle with villagescoming to this kind of agreement, rovided hat thedealsare transparent nd hat they do not stand o losemoneywhich they rnight havemade n an auction. At present, owever, here s a danger hat his kind of deal willunderminehe auction ystem, ndexacerbateensions etween esident unters.

    FinancialReturnsand The Distributionof lncome24. Overview. The moststrikingand readilymeasurablempactof the new systemhasbeen he amountof moneywhich it has raised or the district and the villageswhich control he huntingblocks n LMS. The saleof the 1996quota o date hasraiseda totalof Tshs.4,363,720, f whichTshs.4,297,720 ascome rorn he saleofanimals o resident unters nd he remainingTshs.66,000 rorn he saleof the meatof locally huntedanimals. Of the total sum, Tshs. I ,4A2,[)0 has accrued o thedistrict specilicallyhe DNRO's office, or use n servicing roject-relatedctivities)frorn it s control over a single unoccupied untingblock (Mkupule "district'). Theother Tshs 2,961,620 asbeen aisedby the nine villageswhich share our huntingblocksbetween henr,andhasbeendividedup in differing amounts ccording o theproportion f theirquotas nd or actualanimalswhichtheyaredeernedo havesold.25. Auction returnq.The first auction aisedmore han Tshs.3.2 million (less hanthe sumoriginally ecorded, ecause numberof successful idders ailed o payup),and he second verTshs.1.0nrillion The third auctionwill undoubtedly dd moreto the total for the whole season. The potentialvalue (calculated rom nreanpricespaid)of all t he animalswhich remainand might be offered or sale n this auction smore than Tshs.3.4 million, though probably ess than half of this sum will beactually aised fo r a more detailedbreakdown f theseand other figuresquoted nthissection, eaders re nvited o consult he ables n Annex5) .26 . Village ncornes.The significance f the amounts ccruingo eachvillage canbeseenby comparing hem with ordinaryvillage incomes. Theseare typically raisedfrom leviesuponsales f locally-brewed eer n the villagebeerclubsand uponotherlocal enterprises.Annual incomes rom thesesources n the six villages visitedduring he consultancy ere reportedo rangebetween ess hanTshs. 100,000 in avillagewithouta beerclub) and aroundTshs.360,000.Thesecan be comparedwiththe sums aised o date rom gamequotasales,which rangebetweenTshs. 194,000andTshs.498,000 ervillageparticipatingn the auctionsystem. n somecases otalvillage ncomeshavebeendoubledby this new source,and in at leastone instancetrebled. So far most of the income from the first auction has been bankedby theVWCs, and hey areplanning o do the samewith funds aisedby the secondauction.27 . District ncorne.The district,specificallyhe DNRO's office, hasalsobenefitedconsiderably rorn the new arrangements. Income frorn the Mkupule 'district'huntingblock hasexceeded shs. 1.4 nillion to date. This is almosta third of the

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    total sumraised rom thesaleof the gamequota,and s projected or use n paying orthe work of districtgamescoutsandotherproject-relatedctivities. At this point itmight alsobe mentionedhat the DistrictCouncil hasbegun o receivean increasedallocation of the funds deriving frorn tourist hunting in LMN (see Annex 5).According to a rvorkingagreement egotiated y REWMP, an increasingproportionof these undsshouldbe passed n to the villages n Pawaga ivisionwhich borderLMN. The precisemechanisms or this have yet to worked out, and it will be animportant ask or MBOMIPA to helpsort his out.28 . Disputeover heMkupule district' huntineblock. It shouldbe noted hat ringaRural District'scontrolover he Mkupuleblock s not entirelysecure,his areabeingthe subjectof a land disputebetweendifferent administrativedistricts and regions.The questionof Mkupule was highlighted in the Stratepg,tor T'ransition. Whilehunting icensesor this areaareno longer ssuedrom Mufindi district also n Iringaregion)as hey orrnerlywere, he competing laimsof Mbeya(Mbaralidistrict)andlringa o MkupuleremainunresolvedThis disputes reportedo stem rom the timewhen he UsanguHuntingCornpanybegan o hunt n Mkupule: becausehe cornpanyoperated rom Mbarali, it was n their interestso fostera claim that the landbelongedto thisdistrict. The goodnews s that n view of the urgency ttachedo this questiorrin the Strategst.for ransition,the Director of Wildlife hasbegun o release unds toenablea propersurvey o be carriedout and the mattersettledonce and forever. Onthe basisof currentlyavailable nfonnation, t seems hat Mkupule will probablyremainwithin Iringa.

    Village GameScoutsand the [Ise of the New Incomes29. Effeqtiveness f the vil@. Sevenvillage gamescoutswere beingtrained n Songea t the irneof theconsultancyaneighthhad eturned omebecauseof ill health),and another atchare o follow in October nine ncludingsomeone ofill the placewhich was vacated).Most of the villagegamescouts,who number enin eachprojectvillage,remainuntrained. ln at leastsomeof the villages n Idodidivision they appear o be very effective,especiallywhen working in conjunctionwith trainedand anned district game scoutsstatiorredn the area. A nulnber ofpoachershave been arrested some of whorn have now have court casespendingagainst hem) or chasedaway,and their equiprnentncludingshotguns eized. Intheseareas he incidenceof poaching s reported o have reducedconsiderably,whilewildlife numbershave increased. The DGO reports hat his workload in LMS hasreducedaccordingly, nablinghirn to make the most effectiveuse of the reducednumberof districtgamescoutsat his command who havebeenhalved n numberfrornc.30 o c.15 n the pastyear's etrenchmentxercises). n Iseleand Kisanga nPawaga ivision,however, he scoutsare only us t beginning o find their fbet,andnot very active at all in the latter village. In the villages n this division withoutaccess o huntingblocks the scoutsare almost completely nactive,and basicallywaiting or the new project o give hema role.

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    30. Additional unctions f thescouts.An expandedole hasalready eenadoptedby scoutsn someof the Idodi villages, or example y actingagainst nauthorisedtree cutting, llegal fishing, fire setting,and the encroachmentf livestockoncultivatedand. The mostsuccessfulctionof this kindtookplacen -fungamalengaon23 June,when196sawnplanksof mninga Pterocarpusngolensls) ereseized.ThecommercialperatorromIringawho hadcut heseandapparently anyothers,on previousoccasions) urrentlyhas a casependingagainsthim. The planksthemselvesreworthmore hanTshs. million,andwhen hecase s over t is hopedthat he villagewill be able o sell themand use he money or oneor more ocaldevelopmentrojects.Theres an evident eed or the adoption f sirnilar unctionsto be exploredn Pawaga, here hemorale f theVWCsand heirscoutss decliningover imefor lackof anythingo do. More requent isits o these illages,f only tomake ontact ndsuggestossiblectivities, ouldundoubtedlyelp o invest hemwith morepurpose.Devisingways n whichnatural esourcesan be sustainablymanagednd the managershemselvesustainedn the non-huntingillageswill bean mportant hallengeor MBOMIPA.3I. Servicinehe resident unters.Otherwise,he scoutsworking n the huntingblocksappearo be providinga reasonableerviceo the hunterswho havepaid ortheprivilege f shooting nimals n theirvillageands.Thehuntershemselvesrereportedo be ollowing he rules or huntingwhichwerewidelydisseminatedsoneof theactions pecifiedn theStrategtfor T'ransition.As partof these ulesoneormorescouts ccompanyhehunters uring heirexpeditions, hichmay ast or morethanoneday. Someof the hunters ay hat heyhaveenjoyed untingunder he newprocedures uchmore han n thepast,andno serious omplaints ereheardduringtheconsultancy. hissuggests,gain,hat henewsystem asbeen ully acceptedysome f the esident unters,nd hat heyarebeginningo appreciatehat t canhavedistinctadvantagesver the old. Therearepresumablymanyways n which theservice rovided y scouts ndother illagerso theirnewlydefined ustomersanbeimproved, subjectwhichcanalsobe explored nderMBOMIPA.32. Paying or thescouts.A far morecritical ask or the newprojectwill to help heVWCsexploreways n which heycanmeet he needs f theirscouts or some ormof remuneration. hequestion f paymentor scoutswas aisedn all of the villagesvisitedduring he consultancy,nd oomed argest n the agenda longwith otherissueselatingo thescouts'work. By and arge he scouts eceiveittle or nothingfor their work. Individualswho have accompaniedesidenthunterson their(overnight) xpeditionseport eceiving ratuitiesrom satisfied ustomersin onecaseTshs.4,000 for two day's work, in anothercaseTshs. 2,000 for campingovernight).Relativelyew scouts, owever, enefit rom such tips', whichare notavailableo those n ordinary atrolandanti-poachinguties. n Idodi village,wherethegame couts reactive n monitoringivestockmovementssincebeforeREWMPa definedparcelof village andhasbeensetaside or useby livestock eepers),hefines levied from livestockkeeperswhosestock encroach pon cultivatedareas(typicallyTshs.1,000-3,000er infringement)re given o the scouts y the VWC.This practice,which hasevolved ocally,has the potentialdrawback hat it may

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    encouragecoutso focus heirenergies n thisoneparticular ctivity. Nonetheless,it representsn nterestingttempto solve heproblem f remuneration.33. Malinzanga's xperienceand ack of it). This problemhasbeenconsideredmost fully in Malinzanga.Prior to the first auction n June he FIAT chairmangenerously rovidedan allowanceof Tshs. 10,000per month for each of theMalinzanga illagegamescouts. He did this, at least n part,to demonstrateisgoodwilland support or REWMP ollowing he 'conciliation'meetings includingone n Malinzanga) hichwereheldduringa previousonsultancyseeWalsh1995).After the first auction,however, e withdrewhis financialsupport or the scouts,rerninding he VWC that they were now in a position o pay the allowancesthernselves. his has had he beneficial ffectof promptingMalinzangaVWC toconsider ow hey nightuse heir auction ncomeo supporthe work of thevillagescouts:making t theonly villagewhichhasgivenserioushought o thispossibility.Tlrey raised his issueduring he present onsultancy,nd asked or adviceon thekind and evelof payments hich heymightmake,given heir current ncome seeAnnex5). TheVWC proposedayingheirscouts n allowancenota wage)o covertheirsubsistenceequirements'posho')whileonpatrol,but wereuncertain s o howmuch they could afford to pay (i.e. what proportionof gross ncomecould bereasonablypent n hescouts?).34. Managinghe newenterprises. heMalinzangaase aises setof issueswhichwill be of paramountmportanceor MBOMIPA. Theappointment f villagegamescouts nd he holdingof gameauctions asessentiallynitiatednew enterprisesneach f theparticipatingillages.Villages n theprojectarea ave ittleexperiencenrunningcollectiveenterprisesuccessfullyvirtuallyno villageenterprisesurvivefrom the uiamaaand early post-villagisationra), and no experience t all inmanaging nterprisesased n thesustainabletilisation f wildlife. Notionsof whatis requiredo runthis kind of businessrepoorlydeveloped,nd his ncludes asicconceptsf financialmanagement. ostparticipatingillages avealready egun othink of ways n which theymightuse he income rom the gameauctions or thebenefitof the community. The majorityhaveproposedmaking mprovementsolocal schoolsand health acilities,while in Tungamalenganvestmentn anothercollectiveenterprise, grinding machine,has been suggested. None exceptMalinzanga,owever, as ookedat thework of villagegamescouts s a necessaryexpenseequiredo keep he enterpriseunning, r lookedat otherpossible xpenseswhichmustbe subtractedrom grossncome, part rom heoccasionalums ncurredin holding and travelling o meetings. As happensn many informal sectorenterprises,here s a tendencyo treat ncomeas profit,and a numberof VWCs,includinghosewithouthuntingblocks,are mplicitly ooking o the new project ofinanceheirgamescouts.Forthenew enterpriseso be sustainable,owever,heymustpay or themselves,ither ndividually r collectivelytheremay,of course, ecase or seeking ubsidiesrorndistrictor other evenueseriving rom MBOMIPAactivities).35. The need for business raining. Basic business raining (employingaparticipatorymethodology) il l be essentialf the VWCs are to manageheir new


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    enterprisesfficiently.Thiswill need o coverdifferentaspectsf businessractice,includinginancialmanagement,ecord eeping, usinesslanning ndmarketing, sthese elateo wildlifeutilisation.Otherarmsof villagegovernment ill alsohave obebrought nto hisprocess,speciallyhe VEOs, illagechairpersons,reasurersndmembers f the inance ommittee.At presentheWVCsappearo have lotted uitewell into theexistingstructure f village govemment,nd t is recognisedhat thefunds hey raisewill ultimately e put at thedisposal f thevillageas a whole(seeabove).More precise efinitions f the rolesand responsibilitiesf the VWCs inrelation o othervillagecommitteesemain o be workedout, and carefulattentionwill have o bepaid n future o questionsf accountabilitynd ransparency. anyoutsideobservers re scepticalof the capacityof villages o manage ollectiveenterprisesnd he revenueseriving rom these, ndpoint o the widespreadailureof uiamaa nterprisesn thepastasawarningor the uture. The ailureof collectiveenterprisesn differentpartsof the country n the 1980shas been extensivelydocumented nd analysed, nd MBOMIPA will have to take accountof thisexperience,s well as earn rom moresuccessfulpproacheso the managementfcollectiveandespecially omen'sgroup)entelpriseshichhavebeendevelopednneighbouringenya.36. Equippinghescouts. n additiono the ssue f payment,heVWCsmetduringthe consultancyointed ut hat hescoutswereunder-equippedn a varietyof ways.With the exception f thosewho havebeen rained n Songea,most scoutsdo nothaveuniforms,and are therefore ot readily dentifiablewhen on patrol. SomeVWCsalso aisedhequestion f transport,oting hatscoutsmightbe able o patrollargehunting locksmoreeffectivelyf at east ome f themhadbicycles.Althoughthe MBOMIPA proposal ontains rovisionsor continued cout rainingand thepurchasef equipment f this kind, t wouldclearlybe desirablen the ong erm oensure hat these and related costs (including replacement f uniforms andmaintenancef bicycles) an be met internally, rom revenues hich derive romprojectactivities.37. Arming hescouts. t wasalsogenerally greedhat hescoutswouldbe able operfonn their anti-poaching utiesmore confidently f they had shotgunsandammunition. n somecasesheyborrow arms rom privateowners n the villagewilling to lend hem,but moreoften hannot theyhave o confront or ratheravoiddirectconfrontation ith) poachersvhoarebetterarmed han hey are unless heyareaccompaniedy oneor moreof theGOsand or districtgame couts. n responseto this complaint t wassuggestedby the consultant nd REWMP GO) that onesolution o the ackof armswouldbe o requesthatsomeof theguns onfiscatedythe villagegamescouts e returnedo them,once hey wereno longerneeded sevidencen court. If this weredone, hencartridgesouldbe readilysupplied y theREWMPGO. It wasagreedhat his ssuewouldbe pursuedurther n conjunctionwith thepoliceandotherconcerneduthorities, proposalwhich wasdiscussedntheDSCmeeting eldduringheconsultancy.38. Thepowers f thescouts. Manyof the scouts emainuncertain f theirpowers,especiallyhosewhohavenotbeen ent or trainingand or havenot workedclosely

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    with district gamescouts. A numberof them asked he visiting consultant ndREWMPGO for clarification f theirpowers,n particularheirrightsof search ndarrest. t wasexplainedhat hese owers re conferred pon hemby theirvillagegovernments,cting hrough heVWCs. Nonetheless,here s an obviousneed orclearer uidelineso be ssuedo scouts, swell somescope or their functions ndresponsibilitieso be more widelyexplained t local level. Guidelinesor huntershavealready een ssued uring he ransitional hase, ndmuch hesamemightbedone or the villagegame couts.Scouts lsopointed o the fact that n addition olackinguniforms, hey also ack any other orm of identification r accreditation(unlike he GOsanddistrictgame couts). t wassuggestedhat asa simple nterimmeasurehe VWCs I village goverrunents ight providethem with lettersofidentification,nd t wouldbe easy o adda statementf theirpowerso such etters.A standard orm for such letters could be drawn up by the REWMP GO inconsultation ith the DSC, as well as with the DGO and the anti-poaching nit.Meanwhile,t wasproposed uring he consultancyhatone or moreof the districtgamescoutscurrentlypostedoutsideof the huntingblocks(the scout based nKimande, ndpossibly is colleaguen Kipera)be ransferredo Iseleor Kisanga, othat he / they can assist he villagescouts n the Pawaga untingblock. Furthercollaboration etweenhe villagescouts ndotheranti-poachingnits in RNP andIringa) san ssuewhichshould lsobe exploredn future.39. Organisinshe scouts'work. Another ssuewhich deserves ttention s theorganisationf thescouts'work. In the dodi villagesn which heyaremostactive,the scouts end to operate n responseo demand,mobilisingwhen they receivereports f poaching ndother nfringementshich all within heirsphere f concern.In thePawaga unting lock heyare esswell organised:he selescouts avebegunto patrol ogethern order o familiarisehemselves ith the huntingblock and tsboundaries, hile the Kisanga coutshave emainedargely nactive. As alreadynotedabove,hescoutsn project illageswithouthunting locksarewholly nactive,waiting or a definitionof their role. TheVWCsand scoutsn diflerentvillages anno doubt earna lot frornoneanotherespeciallyawagaromIdodi),andoneof thekey asksor MBOMIPAwill be to fostercommunicationnd he exchange f ideasbetweenhem. Manyaspects f thescouts'work remain o be exploredn greaterdetailanddevelopedhrough process f trial anderror. Thesenclude hequestionof scoutnumbersdoes ach illageneed enscouts ndcan t afford hem?) nd hepossibility f buildingaddedncentivesnto heirwork.

    Villageswith No GameQuota40. A challengeor MBOMIPA. Theproblem f developing ctivitiesn the villageswhichdo notpossessuntingblockshasalready eenmentioned numberof timesabove. t is perhaps orth eiteratinghe fact hat almosthalf of theprojectvillages(seven ut of a totalof 16)havenotbenefrtedromthegameauctions ecauseheyhaveno accesso theLMS quota.Theirexclusionromthisprocessand he relativeremotenessf thePawaga illages romMsembe ndREWMPheadquarters)eansthat heyhave eceivedelativelyittle attention uring he transitional eriod. As a

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    result hemorale f the VWCsand.,ilreirnactive coutss obviously lipping for themostpart heyare hangingon in there'waiting or thenewprojecto come o theirrescue. Working in thesevillageswill be a challenge or MBOMIPA and anopportunityo explore n full alternative orms of wildlife utilisation includingfishing)andnatural esourcemanagementn the absencef thequickreturnswhichareavailableo thevillageswhichcansell heirgame uota.41. The KimandeForest. One questionwhich shouldbe addressedoon s themanagementf the impressiveiverine orestat Kimande. This appearso be aunique esource ithin the projectarea,and in future t may be worth seekingadetailed ssessmentf its statusn termsof species iodiversity nd he mpacts ponthisof changesn surface ndgroundwaterevels. In the past he forestharbouredherdsof buffalo,and t is still home o manysmallmammalsvervetmonkeys ndbandedmongoose ereobserved hile driving hrough t). However,manyof thelarge orest reesare being elled (at leastsomeof themfor canoe-building)ndll-ParakuyuMaasai ave ecentlymoved nto the orestwith largeherdsof livestock(includingsmallstock), learingswathes f forest n order o build enclosuresorthese. Thedevelopmentf a localmanagementlanand rules or forestutilisationwill beneededo preservehis resource, hichmaywell have ouristpotentialasanattractiveocationor a camping iteand orest rails).UnderMBOMIPA his will bepartof themoregeneral ctivityof landuseplanning ndmanagement,hich will bepursuedn all of the projectvillages. Early actionon the KimandeForestwould,however, e desirable, nd could functionas a testcase or tackling someof thedifficult ssuesin particularmanagingesourceseby pastoralists)hich his workwill undoubtedlynvolve.42. The reallocation f revenuesrom Lunda-MkwambiNorth. UnderREWMP itwasagreedhatan ncreasingroportion f the evenuesrom ouristhuntingn LMNshouldbe allocatedo the villageswhichborder his areaand havehistorical andrights here. These nclude he projectvillages n Pawaga ivision,and t is hopedthat funds rom this sourcewill help to offset heir lack of income rom sellinganimalson the LMS quota. The reallocation f revenuesrom LMN has alreadybegun,and in the pastyearthe districthas received muchgreater hare han itformerlydid (seeAnnex5). TheDNRO reports, owever,hat the purpose f thisreallocationasnotbeen ully understoody somegovernmentfficials,and o datenothinghas been edistributedo the villagesconcerned.Under MBOMIPA thisshould e pursued s a matterof priority,not ust to ensurehat he fundsare madeavailable s ntended, ut also o work out exactlyhow they mightbe allocated, ywhat mechanisms,nd o advise illageson how they mightbe used consideringsome f thesame uestionsaised boutheuseof revenuesrom hesaleof theLMSquota).

    OtherDevelopments43. Perceivedwnership f theproject.UnderREWMP herewasa tendency mongdifferentstakeholderso identif, theprojectasbeing owned'by ODA and or the

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    community evelopmentCO. Althoughhis wasoftensaidasa compliment,t alsohadobvious isadvantages,specially henarticulatedy criticsof theproject.TheremainingHAT dissenters ontinue o employ this perceptionof the project'sownershipo suggesthat t is in someway divorced'fromhe nterests f GoT andordinary itizens, illagersncluded seeAnnex4). During he ransitional haseheREWMP GO has continued he earlier practiceof putting the British HighCommission's ddresson project letter headings togetherwith that of RNPheadquarters).t waspointed ut bothbeforeandduring heDSCmeetinghat his sboth ncorrect ndnot veryhelpful. Caremustbe takenunderMBOMIPA to avoidrecreatinghe same mpression s before. The fuller involvementof variousstakeholderroupsn planningMBOMIPAhasalready onesomeway o counteringpast mages, nd his s a trendwhich should e reinforced. t mightbe addedherethat he choiceof a Swahili itle for the newprojectseemso be havinga positiveimpact, ndsome f theVWCsarealready sing t (forexample y openingmeetingswithshouts f "MBOMIPAoyee!").44. Conflict with livestock-keepers.hereare indicationshat the mostdifficultissuewhichMBOMIPAwill have o face s theongoing attern f conflictbetweenlivestock-keepersndcultivators, hichoccasionallylaresup ntoviolence. This sexacerbatedy ethnicdifferencesin someareasdifferentgroupsof pastoralistsIl-ParakuyuMaasaiand Barabaig havecome o blows among hemselves),heimmigration f new livestock-keepersnto the projectarea,and the fact that bothsettled ndmobilepastoralistslaya relativelyminor ole(if anyat all) in theaffairsof villagegovernmentat presentheres token epresentationn some f theVWCs).The new valueplacedupongame andotherwildlife) resources as ncreasedhepotential for conflict over land and surface water, and developing and usemanagementlans n thiscontextwill not be easy, iven hat heyshouldsatisf,i heneeds f pastoralistss well as cultivatorsf they are to stand he best chance fworking.45. The roleof HIMWA Theappointrnentf the Directorof HIMWA to the DSC,andhis activeparticipationn this orum,havealready reated greater warenessfthe problems nvolved. Closer collaboration etweenHIMWA and the localauthorities asurged n the DSCmeeting eldduring he consultancy. he Director(of what sessentiallyone-personGO) s currentlyworking o organisehe Maasaiin thisandneighbouringistrictsntocommittees. e hasbeen dvised y theDNROto avoidan ethnicbias,and or HIMWA to be an effectivepartnern the project twill clearlyhaveo do some apacity uildingof itsown.46. Theneed or participatoryesearch.The pastoralistquestion'will have o betackled arlyon by MBOMIPA. At presenthere s anobviousackof information nthe communitiesoncerned,heir population, atterns f residencend movement,and heiruseofresourcesn theprojectarea.Participatoryesearch.focusingn ocalgroups f pastoralistsndagtopastoralistsouldbe the most sensible tartingpointfor theproject, ombined ith follow-upon he empoweringctivities f HIMWA, toassesshe potentialor workingwith or through he institutionswhich the NGO isattemptingo create.We already now hatsomepastoralists,l-Parakuyu aasai n

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    particular,havea long history of settlement n the project area,andover time havepresumably established close relations and explored different kinds ofaccommodationwith at leastsomeof their Bantu-speaking eighbours.One strategyfor the future will be to build upon the positive aspectsof this relationship,at thesame ime attempting o ensure hat the benefits of wildlife utilisation and naturalresourcemanagement re equally elt on both sides. In an ideal world pastoralistswould police heir own land use, ncluding hat of related mmigrantgroups. Undercurrent conditions t is difficult to envisage situation n which livestock-keepersrnight perceive gan'leanimals as being of greater value than their own stock,especiallywhen hey compete or the samedry season esources. n this case t mightbe best o begin by focusingupon other natural esourceslike waterandgrazing), headvantagesf rnanaging hich wouldbe more eadily ecognised.47. Developmentsn Usanqu. n theUsanguPlains, o the south-west f the projectarea, argenumbersof pastoralists re about to lose their dry seasongrazing and togame. l'he UsanguGameReserve, hich coversa vastexpanse f land to the southof RNP, ncluding he UtenguleSwamp, s scheduledo be gazettedn October1996.It is possible hat some of the Maasai,Sukumaand othersevicted and or excludedfrom this reservewill move down the Ruahaand into the project area or through ton their way to the good grazingaround he Mtera Dam. This situation will have obe nronitoredn the comingmonths.Pastoralistsn Usangu avebeenblamed or theincreasing esiccation f the UtenguleSrvampand drying up of the RuahaRiver inrecent ears, hough t seemsikely that he development f irrigationschemesn thesouth of Usanguhas been as much of a culprit (following a good wet season heRuaha was still flowing at the time of the consultancy). This question willpresumably e settledonce and for all by ODA's proposedUtenguleSwarnpandRuahaWetlandsStudy',assuminghat his comes o fruition. This projectwill be anaddedasset or MBOMIPA, especially f its activities extend o the Little RuahaandPawaga wamps.48. Agriculturaldevelopment. rrigated ice cultivation s also mportantalong herivers n the projectarea, ncluding he Little Ruaha. The DANIDA-funded HIMAproject s proposingo beginwork on irnprovingsmallholder rrigation n Idodi andPawagadivisions,along he inesof a programmealready nitiated n Madibira, in thenorth-east f Usangu. Preliminarywork in Idodi and Pawagawill start n 1997,withfull activitiesscheduledo begin the following year. MBOMIPA will presumablyhave some nput to theseprogrammes,f only advisory,given the potential of theserivers for fishing and the possible mpactsof intensified nigation upon groundwaterand vegetation n the area. Another proposedagricultural ntervention, his time inthe private sector, s the expansionof tobacco arming in the project area. This isbeing sponsored y the chairmanof HAT and his sons,who are colnmercial obaccofanners. They have dentifieda demand or'Oriental' ('Turkish') tobacco,which isfavouredon the North Arnerican rnarketover and above the 'Virginia' which theynormally grow above he Rift Valley. The new variety is, at least n theory, moresuited o the drier conditions n tdodi and Pawaga: and with this in mind they havebegun o seek armerswilling to experimentwith it. The first batch of trial farmersare n Kipera, a village outsideof the projectareanotorious or harbouringpoachers;

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    and f the new crop takesoff it is hoped hat t will provide hem alternative ncomes.The new crop is to be curedusingcoal from Kyela (near he shoresof Lake Nyasa)so will hopefully avoid the deforestationwhich tobacco fanning in this area hashithertoentailed.49. The Idodi road. Another development elevant to MBOMIPA has been theprovision of funding by ODA for the improvementof the road between dodi andTungamalenga.This road connectsat both ends with the 'Never-endingroad', thedirect route o RNP, andprovidesan alternative o it which takes ourists hrough hevillages ather han the bush. Work on the road had ust begun at the time of thepresent onsultancy,nd s scheduledor completion efore he rains. It is hoped hatthe rnproved oadwill increasehe villages'prospects f benefiting rom tourism,aswell as improve ocal communicationsn general. The nuinberof touristsvisitingRNP (by both road and light aircraft) has never been high, and has been furtherdepressedhisyearby an increasen dollar entrance eeswhich hasdiscouragedmanyexpatriate nd esident isitors however,t is planned o reduce he eessomewhatnthe New Year). Nonetheless,here s somescope or taking touristsout of the park tovisit the dodi villages, nd his should oonbe much easier o do - though here s notmuch or them o seeor buy at present.T'hedevelopment f local tourismwill not behighon MBOMIPA's initial list of priorities,hough t is a possibilitywhich rnightbeconsideredn future.

    PREPARATIONS MADE A'T DISTRICT LEVEL FOR MBOMIPA50. Kelr role of the DNRO. The DI{RO has continued to play a key role insupporting he DSC (see above) and preparing he ground fo r MBOMIPA, inparticular y explaining ts objectives o his colleaguesn the districtgovernment swell as other stakeholdersn the project. He has also taken specific actions,summarised elow. Thereareobviously irnits o the kind of preparations hich heand otherscan make,constrained s hey areby limited financesand awaitingODAandGoT approval f theprojectproposal.5 . Offer of office space. The DNRO has generouslyoffered office space toMBOMIPA, in the buildingwhich his officesalsooccupy. This is an idealsituationfo r MBOMIPA, describedn more detail n the following section. The DNRO hasalso proposed e-establishing telephone ine to his oflice (using revenues rom theMkupule 'district' huntingblock to pay an outstanding ill), so that the new projectwill have nstant ommunicationsefore ts own ine is installed.52. Securingsupport rom HIMA. Under REWMP it had been suggestedhat theDNRO's office seeksupport rom the DANIDA-funded HIMA project for activitieswhich would complement those of REWMP / MBOMIPA in Idodi and Pawaga.Initial approaches o the HIMA RPMU (under the former CTA) met with littlesuccess. n recentmonths,however, he DNRO and his colleagues aveworked up adetailed proposaland submitted his to FIIMA. The new CTA (who took over inFebruary1996)has now indicatedhis approvalof this proposal,which is entitled

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    'Support for Conservation ctivities in Villages Adjacent to the RuahaNationalPark'. This is budgeted t Tshs.12.5million in the first year,and unding s expectedto continue(subject o review) through he MBOMIPA project period (being drawnfrom the HIMA RPMU legacy und for capacitybuilding). It will involve all f oursectionsof the DNRO's office (fisheries,beekeeping, ame,and forestry), ogetherwith the District CommunityDevelopmentOffice, under he administration f theDNRO. The proposal ncludesa request or four old HIMA motorcyclesand onereconditionedehicle,as well as he payment f fieldwork (lunch)allowances nd a(backdated) itting allowance or the DSC.53. Activities to be supportedblv HIMA. The proposedactivities fall under tenheadings, s follows: (1 ) alleviationof habitatdegradation,2) promotionof foodsecurity (through, for example, aquaculture, ndigenous vegetableproduction andsmall scale animal husbandry); 3) poverty alleviation (via income generatingprojects,ncludingbeekeeping);4) beehive onstructionby youngartisangroups);(5 ) natural esourcesesearch ctivities, 6) rehabilitation f the Lunda andMkupuleWD camps, est houseand the seniorquarterat district HQ; (7) promotion of craftsand carving; (8 ) identificationof village camping sites to attract tourists, (9 )identificationof tourist attractionsand he productionof brochureson these;and ( I 0)promotionof perforrnance rts o attract ouristsandplay a role in awareness aising.Theseactivities, f carried hrough,will neatlyconrplementMBOMIPA's work, andraise the prospectof a lruitful period of collaborationahead. This kind ofcollaborations not easy o initiate (i t is more usual o find projectsworking alongdivergentand sometimes onflictingpaths),and the groundworkundertaken y theDNRO's office (in collaborationwith the DCDO) forms an excellentstarting-pointfor the future.54. Responseo bad publicity and the HAT dissenters.Before he DSC meeting theDNRO had alreadybegun to frame a response o the latest adversepublicityappearing n the newspaperMalira (see above). He had contacted ournalists,includinga representativef the newsagencySHIHATA, and nforrned hem that hewould ike to set herecordstraight.At the timeof the DSC meetinghe wasplanningto preparea written responseor them to the statements ubmittedby HAT dissentersto Maiira (earlier n the year the REWMP GO wrote to Maliru itself in response oprevious tatementsn thispaper, ut noneof his etterswerepublished).The DNROhas alsocontinued o seek nformal waysof persuadinghe HAT dissenterso reviewtheirposition,muchashe haddoneearlier andsuccessfully) ith the HAT chairman.I Iis good udgement ndeven-handednessn suchmatterswasamplydemonstratedyhis arranging without prompting) or two of the HAT dissenterso meet privatelywith this consultant o hat hevcouldai r their views.

    ADNIINISTRATIVE AND OTIIER ARRANGBMENTS FOR 1VIBOMIPA55. The office building. As noted above, he DNRO has offered office space orMBOMIPA in the renovatedbuilding which he and the rest of the district naturalresourceseamoccupy. This is the ideal nstitutionalocation or the new project's

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    offices. It is also n a very convenientphysical ocation n the administrativeheartofIringa town, within easy walking distance of other district and regional offices(including he regionaladministration lock which houseshe HIMA RPMU) and onthe edgeof lringa'scentralbusiness istrict.56. Office roorns. Two rooms havebeen set aside for MBOMIPA: a large roomwhich measures .7.6x 4.2 metres, nd a smaller oom with a floorspace f c.5.4 x2.5metres.The arge oomhas wo doors,one eadingoutside o the building's rontveranda andotheroffices n the block) and anotheropposite his (at the sameend ofthe room) openingonto a corridor which leads o threeother rooms. The first roomon this corridor is the secondand smaller room offered to the project,currently usedby the REWMP GO when he is visiting lringa. The other two rooms eadingoff thiscorridor comprisean unoccupiedstoreroomand the DNRO's registry. The onlyoutsideaccesso the inner coridor and the roomsalong t is through he large room,and he DNRO hassuggestedhat eithera new corridor is partitionedoff between hedoorsat oneend of the room(reducinghe areaavailableo the project o c.6.5x 4.2metres),or a new entrance s knocked hrough rorn the outsideof the building to theexisting nteriorcorridor. The secondof thesesuggestions robablyhasgreater nerit,because t will maximise the space available o MBOMIPA and minimise thepossibilityof disturbance y peoplepassingo and rorn differentoffices.57 . Use of office space.The office spacemadeavailable o MBOMIPA in Iringa smuch larger than that used by REWMP in Msembe, and should be adequate orprojectpurposes.The proposed taff of six (four 'core' officersplus a secretaryandadriver) shouldhaveamplespace n which to work, recalling hat the TANAPA officerwill rernainbased n Msernbe,he trainingofficer may work for much of the time outof one of the project villages(following construction f a project house centrethere),and all of the staff except he secretary ill be spending good part of theirtime in the field. It rnaybe desirable o partition he largeroom in order o provideaseparatespace for secretarialwork, but the greater part might be left open andfurnishedwith a large central table and separate esks tables along the walls forindividual officers, computerequipmentetc. This open space should also besulficient o serve isitingconsultanis, hile the central ablecan be used or projectmeetings,workshoppreparations nd the like. The smaller office, which is fairlynarrow,would be suitable or a singledesk,a small able and chairs, iling cabinetsand he office safe.58. Office equipmentand securitv. Current MBOMIPA costings ndicate a totalbudgetof UKf, 11,500 or office equipment,ncludingcomputers, hotocopier, ndstationery. This figure should be increased,aking into account he costs of officefurniture, radio equipment, elephonesand fax, computer peripherals printers,scanner, PS),plusotheressentialsnd he nstallation f these including ewiring)recalling that some equipmentwill also be needed n the project field centre (to beconstructed) nd in Msembe. Although the securitysituation n lringa is apparentlymuchbetter han n eitherDar esSalaarn r Mbeya,new window and door grills willhave o be installed,and thoughtgiven to strengthening ecurity at night (at presentonenight watchmans employed y theDNRO's office).

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    59. Locationof the villagecentre. During he consultancyomepreliminary houghtrvasgiven o the ocationof the proposed rojectbuilding(resthouse centre)whichis to be constructed n one of the project villages. The best candidatesareMalinzanga,given ts central ocationand relativeeaseof accesso botb Msembe andIringa,and Kimandeor oneof theneighbouring awaga illages.The DNRO agreedwith the consultant hat a site n the Pawagaareawould be preferable. The difficultyof road communicationswith the Pawagavillages means that they tend to beneglected,whereas he ldodi viliages,Malinzangancluded,are more easilyvisitedfrorn either ringa or Msembe. A location n Pawagawould alsoboost he project'scapacity o tackle hequestion f resourcemanagementnd utilisation n the villageswhich are not favouredwith huntingblocks,as well as the more severe roblemsofpastoralist-cultivatoronflict in this area. Kirnande tself comprises small tradingcentre rvith basic services, ncluding a nearby Roman Catholic mission and aUNlCEF-constructedraining centre which can accommodateworkshopsand theparticipants hereof.60. Projectvehiclesand heir rnaintenance.Projectvehiclesneed o be as robust aspossible: heywill useup mostof theirmileageon the rough oadsand racks eadingto andcrossinghe projectarea. LandroverDefenders re most suitable or this task.The chairrnan f theFriends f Ruaha s a competent rechanic,rasedn lringa town,who alreadyworks n maintaining ehicles sedby Elefriendsand he anti-poachingunit, and may be provisionally dentified as the most suitablemechanic or theeveryday maintenance and servicing of project vehicles. Other-wisehe hasrecommendedhe services f Mwakatundu'sGaragen lringa. ln lringa MBOMIPAvehicleswill have o be housedwith one or more of the projectofficers iving in thetown (or in anothersecure ocation),given the lack of a fencedcompoundaround heDNRO's and uture MBOMIPA offices61 . Projectstaff. As notedabove, he earlyappointment f the MBOMIPA-attachedCCW (TANAPA) and GO (WD) would be of considerable dvantageo the project.especially f one or both of theseare new to the work of REWMP and the villagesinvolved. When advertisingand interviewing for the project's training officer, theimportanceof relevant ield experience houldbe emphasised,ndicating hat thesuccessful andidateshould expect o be spenda substantialpart of his or her timeliving and travelling n the project area,even f their home base s in lringa. Apossible uturepatternof work is long weekendsn lringa (with Friday team meetingsin the town office) with periods n the field in-between. Given the importance ofVWC andvillagegovernment apacity uilding, t might alsobe advantageousf thesuccessfulcandidatehas previous experienceof participatory business raining atgrassrootsevel - though a TCO with the appropriate kills might be able to fill thisgap. The desirability of appointing a TCO with a good working knowledge ofSwahili was emphasised y all of the project stakeholders uring the consultancy.The possibilityof attachingan APO to MBOMIPA shouldnot be considered ntil theproject is up and running, when the roles which he or shemight fill (if any) can beclearly defined. All four of the core technicalofficers should have current drivinglicences and be prepared o drive the project vehicles. Employrnentof a project

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    driverwith additionalmechanical killswould be an obviousadvantage, swould theappointment f a projectsecretary ith experiencen administration ndaccounting.62 . Staff salaries nd allowances. The issueof staff salaries nd allowanceswillhave to be examinedand clarified in advanceof attachments appointmentsbeingmade. The prirnaryquestion o be decided s how to ensure dequateemunerationfor the MBOMIPA GO who will head he project,given the fact that the MBOMIPACCW will otherwise e paid a muchhighersalaryand allowances y TANAPA. Atpresent he REWMP GO receivesa substantial op-up from the remaining projectfunds,bu t this may not be the niostappropriatemechanismn future. This questionshouldbe discussedn conjunction vith seniorWD and '|ANAPA personnel, oconsiderwhat kind of arrangements ight be feasible. Otherwiseearly decisionsshouldbe takenon the overtime,overnight,and other field allowances ayable ostaff. OrdinaryGoT officehours n Iringaare rom 7.30am o 3.30prr.63. Staff accomrnodation. he MBOMIPA CCW will be stationedn RNI' I-lQatMsembeand ive in oneof the formerTCO houses, hile the otherTCO house in thesanre uilding)will be retainedor useby visitingprojectstafT nd consultants.Theotherprojectstaff will be based n I ringa town - while the training officer rnay begiven he option of moving permanentlynto the project'svillage centre f he or sheso desiresit is unlikely hatanyonewith a family will choose o exercisehis option).At the tirneof the consultancyt appearedhat t would not be too difficult to obtainTCO housing.a numberof properties resaid o be available or rent(a t aroundUS$400-500permonth, ising o overUS$ 1,000 or large urnished ouses),houghnonewere viewed. The kitchen apartmentsn the Huruma Baptist ConferenceCentremight form suitable and very reasonably r iced) temporaryacconrmodationor the'fCO while housings beingsought.The roornsandapartmentsn this centreare alsoideal for visiting consultants.Thosewho find them too spartanand/ or remote 'romthe town centreand projectoffice can otherwisechoosebetween he Iringa Hotel andthe MR Hotel, eachof which has ts particularadvantages nd disadvantages.

    RECOMMNNDATIONSBeforeMBOMIPA64. The REWMP GO should makemore frequentvisits to the Pawagavillages, andshouldmakea special ointof rneetingwith theVWCs in those illageswhich do nothavehuntingblocks n order o counter heir evidentdecline n morale.65 . He should also start exploringwith theseVWCs their possiblewider role innatural resourcemanagement nd utilisation (taking cues fronr the wider functionsalready dopted y villagegamescoutsn someof the dodi villages).66 . One parlicularsubject or discussion houldbe the protection nd utilisationofthe KimandeForest,and he problemof recentencroachment y livestock-keepers.


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    67. The REWMP GO should equesta driver frorn the DED, as suggested uring theconsultancy nddiscussedn the DSCmeeting.68. The ODA Natural ResourcesCo-ordinator n Dar es Salaamshouldwrite to theCPW of RNP infonning him of the reasonsor the proposed witch from a TANAPAdriver thiswasalsosuggestedn the DSCrneeting).69. The REWMP GO shouldensure hat villagerevenuesrorn the secondauctionarebankedby the VWCs as soonas possible; ikewise funds from the forthcorning hirdauction.70 . The third auction should proceedas planned, nodelledupon the successfulsecond uction,but open o all the hunterswho wish to bid for animalson the LMSgamequota.The auction houldbe publicised searlyandaswidely aspossible.71 . Villageswhich havenot sold all of their quotaafter he third auctionshouldbeadvisedof the different options open to thern before the end of the hunting season.Theyrnaychoose o (1 ) conservehe unutilised ame; 2) hunt t themselvesn orderto sell he rneat; r (3 ) sell t privately o qualifiedhunters.This lastoptionshouldbetreatedwith somecaution n order o discourage ractices hich mightundernrineheauction system and result in game being sold off too cheaply (anirnalsshouldcertainlynot be sold or less han heir ocalmeatvalue).72 . The REWMP GO shouldcompileaccurateecords f animalandmeatsales,hedistribution f incomes. nd he stateof VWC bankaccounts, o that a definitivesetof statisticsor the 1996season an be produced nd disseminatedt the end of theyear (at the very least the tables in Annex 5 of this report should be revised andupdated).73. The DSC should continue to meet bi-monthly, and new members of thecornmittee e.g. he DED) shouldbe familiarisedwith its role and the history of theprojectassoonaspossible.74. Efforts to counteract he bad publicity issuedby the HAT dissenters houldcontinue,and positive explanationsof the nature of the project and how it benefitsdifferent groups of stakeholders hould be disseminatedas widely as possibly indifferent mediaand fora.75. The REWMP GO shouldstop using he British High Cornmission's ddress nletter headings(a point already raised during the consultancyand in the DSCmeeting). Instead he ownershipof the project by the GoT and Tanzaniancitizensshouldcontinue o be emphasised.76. The DSC (and DNRO) shouldcontinue o presentand explain the case or thereallocationof revenues rom tourist hunting in LMN to the villages which have arecognised laim upon them, and in order to ensure hat these unds are not simplyswallowed p by theDistrictCouncil.

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    77. The DSC, in conjunction with the DNRO's office, should preparea record ofhow funds from the sale of the Mkupule 'district' havebeen expended. The use ofsome of this incorne to restore the DNRO's office telephone connection seemsjustifiable(i f the DSC agrees). t is essential, owever, ha t a complete ecordofexpenditure e madeavailable.78. The suggestedransferof oneor two district gamescouts o the Pawagahuntingblock (Iseleand Kisangavillages)shouldbe pursuedand effected f possible.79. The possibility hat confiscated hotguns e allocated o the VWCs for the use oftheir village gatxescouts houldbe explored n conjunctionwith the DGO and thepolice.80. The DSC andREWMP GO shouldadvise he VWCs and villagegovernmentsnhow they might draw up simple ormsof accreditationor the village gamescouts.Generalguidelineson the powersof the scoutsmight also be drawn up at the sametime.81. The REWMP GO shouldcontinue o fosterconstructive ebate y the VWCs onhow they might finance the work of the village game scouts, drawing upon thediscussionslready eld n Malinzanga.82 . The VWCs shouldalsobe encouragedo keepwritten records f their activities,including anti-)poachingncidents,muchasMalinzanga asalready egun o do.83. The DSCshould bllow up on HIMWA's proposedmeeting(s) ith pastoralistsnthe projectarea,ensuringhat he ocalcouncillors nd othervillage eadersakepartin thisprocess.84. The WD at both districtand national evelshouldconsider arefully he prosandconsof opening p newhuntingareas utside f LM GCA.85. If new GO (WD) and CCW (TANAPA) appointmentsattachmentsre going obe made, hen his shouldbe doneas soonas possibleo ensure arly arniliarisationof the new officer(s) with the project and project villages, and thereby facilitate asmoother ransition o MBOMIPA.

    If MBOMIPA is delayed86. Every effort shouldbe made o ensure hatMBOMIPA startsas soon as possibleafter the New Year. A significantdelay and the consequentossof momentumcouldseriouslydamage he project, eroding the morale of the principal stakeholders ndleaving them poorly prepared or the 1997 hunting season. The villages withouthuntingblocks would suffer most.

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    87. If a delayof more hana coupleof months s unavoidable,henadditionalconsultancynputswill be requiredo keep roject ctivities n trackand o begin otackle ome f the ssueseferredo in this eport.88. In anyevent, he unds eft over ronrREWMPwill only ast o the endof 1996.Additional ridging undswill have o be madeavailable y ODA to coveranyextensionf the ransitionaleriod.

    For MBOMIPA89. The officespace fferedby the DNRO shouldbe accepted nd modified o fi tproject equirements.90. Theproject udgetor officeequipmenthould e ncreased.91. The project hould cquire androver efenders,ndall staffwith he possibleexception f theproject ecretaryhould e able o drive hem.92. Project taffshould ave heappropriatexperiencendskills,andnot ust paperqualificationssome f these killsare ndicatedn anearlier ection f the eport).93. The ssue f salaryop-ups ndallowanceshould e discussednd settlednadvancen conjunction ith heWD andTANAPA.94. Seriousonsiderationhould egiveno thesiting f theproject's illage entrerest ousen Kirnanderoneof theneighbouringawagaillages.95. A number f key ssues ill haveo be addressedlmost ssoonasMBOMIPAbegins. mportantaskswill include l) preparingor 1997hunting easonnd heauctioningf thegame uotan advance f this; 2) organisinghe irstgame urveys/ censuses,lso n advancef thehunting eason;3) organisingarticipatoryrainingfor the VWCsandother elevant nnsof villagegovernment,n order o begin oincreaseheircapacityo manage ildlifeutilisationnd he ncomes erivingromit; (a) exploringhemanagementndutilisationf non-gameesources,speciallynthevillages hichdo nothave unting locks;5) acklinghequestion f pastoralist-cultivatorconflict over natural resources, eginningperhapsby conductingparticipatoryesearchith ivestock-keepers;6) examining ays n whichFIATcanbecome noreeffective artnero theproject;7) furthering ollaboration ith otherprojects agencies orking n andaroundheproject rea,ncludingHIMA, HIMWA,and the proposedUtenguleSwampstudy; and (8) publicising disserninatinginforrnation n the projectand he benefitswhich t provideso differentgroupsofstakeholders.ossiblepproacheso some f theseasks ave lready een iscussedin themainbodyof this eport.


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    The final termsof reference or the consultancy,o be providedby ODA East Kilbridevia NRI, were not readyor made availableeither before or during the consultancy.The following draft, providedby David Salmon,ODA NaturalResourcesCoordinatorin Dar es Salaam,was herefore ollowed:

    ..ASSESSI\{ENTOF THE RUAHA ECOSYSTEM WILDLIFE MANAGEMENTPROJECT, INTERIM STRATEGYTERMS OF REFERENCEBackgroundl. Since 1992 he ODA hasassistedhe Governmentof Tanzania GoT) through theDepartment f Wildlife (WD) of the Ministry of NaturalResources nd TourismandTanzania National Parks (TANAPA) with the Ruaha Ecosystem WildlifeManagementProject (REWMP). A major input of the project has been thedevelopment f communitywildlife managementn villagesadjacent o the RuahaNationalPark.2. T'he nitial phaseof REWMP finished n July 1996. However, n the anticipationof a secondphase,beginning ate 1996, nterirn arrangementswere put in place tocontinuebasic activitiesand maintaina projectpresence uring the all irnportanthuntingseason,uly to Decernber 996. This consultancy ill reviewprogress p tothe endof Septernber.3. The interim arrangeilrentset up weredeveloped y the REWMP District SteeringCommittee,endorsed y the Departmentof Wildlife, and are contained in ] thedocumentStrategyfor TransitionBetweenREWMPandMBOMIPA' (.lune 996).Terms of ReferenceGenerall. 'fhe consultant ill review progress f the InterimStrategy uring lune oSepternber996. He will, if necessary,nd n the ight of proposalsor the newMBOMIPA project,make ecornmendationsor furthershort enn inputsprior toproject tartup.


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    Specific2. In conjunctionvith he DistrictSteering omrnitteehe consultant ill reviewprogressndassesshe effects f interimmeasuresetup to cont inuehe communitybased onservationctivities f theREWMP. He will reviewand eporton;a) The affect on majorstakeholdersf the revisedDistrict Huntingquota,withparticulareferenceo:i) thedistributionetween istrict ndvillagers,ii) stakeholdereactiono thesaleof quotas,iii) the esult f thisactivity , ollection nddistributionf fees.b) General rogressnd eactiono the nterimarrangements.c) Preparations,f any,made t theDistrict evel or thenewproject.d) Make ecommendationsn theproposed dministrativerrangementsor the nervproject,ncluding fficeaccomodation,ousing tc.Timing3. The consultancy ill be carriedout during he atterpartof September996andinvolve2 weeks ield rvorkand4 days eportwriting [NRI's understandingrior totheconsultancyas hat he reportwritingwouldbepartof a two week otal,and heconsultantrogrammedis vorkon hisbasis].Reporting4. Theconsultant ill provide summaryeporto theDistrictSteering omrnitteeand he NaturalResourcesoordinatorn the SeniorCoordination flice, (SCO)DSM,beforeeavingTanzania.He will provide full report o the SCOwithin threeweeks f beginningheconsultancy.Consultants election5. In viewof previousonsultancynputsheconsultantelecteds Dr MartinWalshof theNRl.djs SCO29ju196"


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    * denotes omenparticipantsn thevillagemeetingsSttnday22 September. arrived n Dar esSalaamafternoon);' informaldinnermeetingwith DavidSalmon,ODA NaturalResources oordinator(evening)Monday 23 September' missionbriefingand preparationwith David Salmon n the SectorCoordinationOffice (morning);o travelled by road from Dar es Salaarn o lringa with David Salmon (arrived lateafternoon)fuesday 24 Septentber' calledat DNRO's office, ringa: informedby theDGO that he DNRO hadnot ye tarrived rom Dar esSalaam:o travelled o Msembe,Ruaha National Park, with David Salmon (arrived latemorning): infonned that the REWMP GO was visiting project villages andexpected o return o ParkHQ in the afternoon;o introductorymeeting vith D. Bayona,Park Warden: informecl hat the Chief parkwarden is on leave dateof returnunknown)andhe is acting n his stead;. meetingwith RNP accountante REWMp interim strategy ccounts;. lunchmeetingwith PeterFox,RuahaRiver Lodge;o meetingwith D. Bayona,ParkWarden;' left messageor REWMP GO (still in the field) and returned o Iringa (lateaflernoon)Wednesduy 5 Septe.mhero arrival of charlesMasanja,REWMP Go, from Msembe breakfast);o informaldiscussion ith I J. Kinraro,DGO, n districtoffices;r interviewed rancisMlawa, selevillagescout, n districtoffices,o meeting with Andy Mallango, DNRO, to plan the consultancyprogramme,includingarrangementsor the DSCmeeting;o departureol'REWMP GO to make theseand other anangementsand photocopyrecentREWMP documentationhe returned o Msembe n theafternoon);r continueddiscussions ith DNI{O, includingviewing of proposedMBOMIPAoffices morning,afternoon, nd n the evening),r madeappointments ith the Directorof HIMWA and he DANIDA HIMA cTA:. arrivalof oDA driver LusakoKajange) nd androverrom Dar es Salaam;' meeting t hotelwith RichardPhilips,Chairman, riends f Ruaha lateafternoon)


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    T'lrursday 6 Septembero departure f DavidSalmon or Dar es Salaam earlymorning);. interviewedDaudi Mbarazi,ldodi Ward Councillor, n districtoffices,. meeting with Dr Arif Qarae6n,CTA, DANIDA HIMA (Hfadhi ya Muzingira)project, n regionaloffices;. appointlnentwith Director of HIMWA aborted(not yet returned from a trip toMbeya);. visited ringa own ibrary;r meetingwith GeorgeFiliakos,Chairman,HAT lringa,and his son,Mike Filiakos(also a HAT member,commercial armerand businessman),n DNRo's office(afternoon),. brielbd DNRO on progress,o studied ecentREWMP documentation afternoonandevening)Iiriday 27 Septemberr beganwriting up notes ior eport(rnorning);o meetingwith I. J. Kimaro, DGo, and E. Kalolo. DFso. in the fomer's office(rnidday);. arranged urchase f provisions or weekend ield trips;r meetingwith.l. G. Haji andG. t/. Msanzi,HAT members,n hotel afternoon);o meetingwith DaudiLawasare, irector,IlIMWA, in hotel evening)Salurday 2BSeptentber. travelled(earlymorning) to Tungamalenga nd rendezvouswith CharlesMasanja,REWMP GO, to begin our andmeetings n ldodi division;r meeting in Tungmalengavillage (morning) attendedby Lufunyo Mwavi (vEo),LazaroFunzila villagechairman), ngelicaKasinrba* village reasurer), tephensuga (wc chainnan),Rosa Ganyilika* (wc secretary), nd Goliva Nyangwa*(WC treasurer);o meeting in Idodi village (midday) attendedby peter Mgamba (vEo), MusaKigelelo (villagechairman),SalumChota CCM chairman),MakaliusMtati (WCchairman),FaustaMsamba* (wC secretary),Hajala Kindole, Mfaume Miterna,Felix Lipambia (wc members),Alberto Kyando,ErnestFusi,Alfred Mgongolwa,andJosephMpagama village scouts);. meeting in Malinzangavillage (afternoon)attendedby Patrick Mswata (VEO),Amon Mangula villagechairman), ulamusoKadaga,AndreasKiheguro villagegovernmentmembers),Saidi Ali Madinda (wC chairman),BenedictMpute (wCsecretary),GalongoMunyi Musa*, Julias Nyaluri, Richard Ali Madinde (wcmembers), saacMangula (commander

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