
TurnitinUK Originality Report

Social Media Analytics by RONG

From NBS8207 Individual Assignment (R1112-E-BUSINESS)

Processed on 09-Jan-20 8:41 AM GMT ID: 14 Word Count: 2114

Similarity Index 38% Similarity by Source

Internet Sources: 38%

Publications: 15%

Student Papers: 11%


11% match (Internet from 23/4/11)

5% match (Internet from 28/10/10)

5% match (Internet from 22/3/11)

4% match (Internet from 18/4/10)

4% match (Internet from 8/11/10)

2% match (Internet from 2/8/11)

2% match (Internet from 1/12/09)

2% match (Internet)

2% match (student papers from 03/06/11) Submitted to Liverpool John Moores University on 2011-06-03

1% match (Internet from 30/1/11)











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Assessment Irregularity Case - Rong

1% match (Internet from 30/5/11)


paper text:The rise of the usage of social media

1has empowered the average consumers to influence the public perception and profitability of brands. As such, marketers have to be informed and

understand what people are concerned in influential social media, and how the expressed opinions will impact

the businesses they are running. It is wise for business managers

1to extract business insight and value from these social media. This has given rise to the emerging technology of Social Media Analytics, which draws from Social Network Analysis, Data Mining, Information Retrieval, Machine Learning,

and Natural Language Processing.

Since Social Media Analytics is currently in the early stage of Gartner's hype cycle (see graph below), its potential impact for organsations or individuals can not be ignored and needs to be explored. This essay attempts to discover functions of Social Media Analytics and its potential impact to entertainment industry. Due to the word limit,the analysis is mainly drawn upon one type of social media - blog, which is one of the most popular social media and could present the majority of social media. Therefore, though the conclusion of this essay is mainly for Blog Analytics, it is also applicable to Social Media Analytics. The features of Blog Analytics can be categorized into four aspects, Seeking Relevance, Influence and Authority, Sentiment Detection, and Emerging Topics, which are explained in detail as follows. Seeking Relevance: Blog Analytics can filter down the tremendous blogs from millions to the amount the user wants. Those blogs filtered out are the most relevant to business the user is running. They could be related to a specific product or service, performance of competitors, and trends of consumers' taste. Blog Analytics accomplishes this goal by combining text-based, network-based, and graph based techniques, which is superior to simple key word researches and solely text-based or graph-based technique. It will iteratively crawl

1from links in blogs deemed to be related by a text classifier,

and also identify relevant blogs by graph transduction and graph kernel based classification techniques.

1Influence and Authority: Having identified a subset of relevant blogs, it comes to determine the most authoritative bloggers in this space. These are the experts or mavens whose opinions catch on frequently. It is necessary to identify this set of bloggers, since any negative sentiment they express could spread far and wide. In addition to authorities, there are influential bloggers who are very well connected, who are most responsible for the spread of information in the blogosphere.

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It is essential for business people to know what have been written by these authorities and influential bloggers, since their blogs influence readers' thoughts and attitudes. What these bloggers have written might be further discusions in the blogosphere, and acts as predictors of the changing common sense of citizens. Blog Analytics can characterized these authorities and influential bloggers by PageRank and Flow Betweenness. Page Rank is

1based on the number and authority of other blogs that link to it,While

1Flow Betweenness captures the degree to which the blog contributes to the flow of information between other bloggers.

1Sentiment Detection: Considering that it’s virtually impossible to read all user-generated content, it has become vital to automatically identify negative and positive sentiment in blogs to enable timely response.

Blog Analytics can help users achieve this goal with little human efforts.

5Given a set of keywords, the custom-built natural language processing engine in Blog Analytics parses each unstructured sentence into a syntactic structure that represents the parts of speech of each word. It also establishes the relationships between the words. The Sentiment Detection engine then navigates this syntactic structure looking for matching keywords and detects the sentiments relating to each keyword. Sentiments are formed by adjectives, verbs and nouns that have been scored by our


5The sentiments are also processed for any related adverbs that may modify

the sentiment


1Emerging Topics: Given the constant chatter on the blogosphere, much insight can be gleaned by examining patterns of what people are blogging about to find emerging areas of discussion.

Blog Analytics can realize this goal by both

2fully-automatic way and semi-automatic way. The fullyautomatic systems take in a corpus and develop a list of emergent topics. A human reviewer would

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then peruse these topics and the supporting evidence found by the system to determine which are truly emerging trends. These systems often include a visual component that allows the user to track the topic in an intuitive manner. Semi-automatic systems rely on user input as a first step in detecting an emerging trend. These systems will then provide the user with evidence to indicate if the input topic is really emerging, usually in the form of user-friendly reports and screens that summarize the evidence available on the topic

When Blog Analytics comes to entertainment industry, its potential influence can not be denied.

11The entertainment industry (also informally known as show business or show biz)

9consists of a large number of sub-industries devoted to entertainment.In the popular parlance, the entertainment industry in particular connotes the commercially popular performing arts, especially musical theatre, vaudeville, comedy, film, and music.( wiki). The impact of Blog Analytics to entertainment industry can be

seen by two perspectives - a micro perspective and a macro perspective (Chambers, 2010). From the micro perspective, it is essential for companies in this industry to keep up with the changing tastes from cosumers, enhance the acceptance of the products, keep being informed of their competitors' performance and monitor the public relationship maintenance. Blog Analytics can help these companies accomplish these tasks.The details are shown below. Keep up with the changing tastes from consumers: The success of Each of these businesses which

10create entertainment or consumer products depends substantially on consumer tastes and preferences that often change in unpredictable ways. The

vital thing to gain and maintain competitiveness in these businesses, such as

3filmed entertainment, broadcast and cable programming, theme park

attractions, electronic games, online material, hotels and other resort facilities and consumer products,

is to keep an eye on what has changed in their targeted market, whether there are opportunities to produce new products or reach potential consumers since consumers' tastes change from time to time. Only with this timely observation could a company stand out in fierce marketing competition.

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3that meet the changing preferences of the broad consumer market.

The traditional way to investigate consumers' tastes is to do surveys like questionnaire or interviews, which always costs vast majority of time and money. Due to the pursue of maximum profit, it is not wise to simply choose questionnaires or interviews when conducting surveys on consumers' tastes while there is a more cost efficient way. Blog Analytics enables businesses to analyse consumers' tastes by its Influence Authority and Emerging Topics features with little cost, no matter in terms of time or money. Enhance the acceptance of the products. If the

3entertainment offerings and products do not achieve sufficient consumer acceptance, the revenue from advertising sales

3or subscription fees for broadcast and cable programming and online services, from theatrical film receipts or home video or electronic game sales, from theme park admissions, hotel room charges and merchandise, food and beverage sales, from sales of licensed consumer products or from sales of our other consumer products and services may decline and adversely affect the profitability of one or more of these businesses.

After realizing the consumers' tastes and need, businesses have to make sure their products suit these tastes and needs. The feedback from consumers can give marketers whether the products are well accepted by consumers.Blog Analytics enables these businesses gain timely feedback by its Seeking Relevance and Sentiment Detection features. Whenever and wherever marketers use Blog Analytics software, they can be updated of the feedback. Keep being informed of their competitors' performance:For every entertainment company,their competitors do not merely exist in companies which produce the same product,but exist in those which produce different entertaining products. The competition in this industry is fierce and

7certain of these competitors may spend more money and time on developing and testing products, undertake more extensive marketing campaigns, adopt more aggressive pricing policies, pay higher fees to licensors for desirable motion picture, television, sports, music and character properties, and pay more to third-party software developers than

a particular company does. When using Blog Analytics, a company can know how consumers respond to competitors' products or marketing campaigns. There is no alternative way which could be more effective, since blog is widely used to express how individuals are entertained. Monitor the public relationship maintenance:

4On a more regular basis, blogs are also excellent monitoring and environmental scanning tools. Monitoring blogs can be one way of coming to understand the world-view of diverse individuals and publics.

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Additionally, blogs usually track events as they unfold in real time (and often weeks or months ahead of the mainstream media). By knowing how individuals and publics are interpreting and responding to organizational events, messages, and activities before such information reaches the mainstream media and news outlets, public relations professionals can formulate better, more compelling, more effective, responses.

From the macro perspective, the biggest changes that Blog Analytics brings to entertainment industry is that more and more businesses in this industry will adopt the consumer oriented marketing philosophy, which has been viewed by the majority of marketing specialists as one of the most effective marketing philosophy.

6The need to develop consumer-oriented marketing strategies causes businesses to specifically pinpoint the very people who need, use, and buy their product directly. And once they have a good idea as to who the main market movers of their products or service are, they can start to assess their exact needs, aspirations, and wants.

With the increasing adoption of this advanced marketing philosophy, the profitability of businesses in entertainment industry will be raised at an incredible speed. The other changes that Blog Analytics brings to entertainment industry is that more and more companies in this industry will be in need for highly skilled technical workers. Nowadays,

8competition is so fierce and change is so fast, that any competitive edge gained by the introduction of new processes or technology can be short-lived if competitors adopt the same technology. But to implement change, employees must have the same or better skills and abilities. This

might also rise issues about effective human resources management. Though Blog Analytics has great and positive impact to the entertainment industry,the limitation towards adoption of Blog Analytics can not be denied. There are two main limitations indicated below. The first limitation is that the views gained from blog analysis may be superficial and not reflect the true opinions from the public.It is because people tend to express thoughts which they expect will not be offended by others. Marketers in entertainment industry should be smart enough to realize this and not rely too much on media when collecting real world data. The second limitation is that the analysis result may not be correct,since these qualitative data is analysed automatically or semi-automatically by a software. Software can not understand the underlying meaning of every word and graph,while the main components of blogs are words and graphs. These limitations exist and should be realized by marketers in order to make some justification when applying Blog Analytics. The other types of social media, such as facebook, twitter, or youtube, have similar features as blog,since all of them are platforms for people or organizations to express themselves. The other types of Social Media Analytics are also designed to monitor and analyse the information from the public. Any business which usesthose Social Media Analytics could reach the goals discussed in this essay, and be influenced in the aspects mentioned above. In conclusion, Social Media Analytics,especially Blog Analytics, has huge impact, both micro and macro, to entertainment industry. It helps businesses in this industry keep up with the changing tastes from cosumers, enhance the acceptance of the products, keep being informed of their competitors' performance and monitor the public relationship maintenance. It also makes changes in adoption of consumer oriented marketing philosophy and the quality of human resources in entertainment industry. The

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limitations regarding adoption of Blog Analytics are views gained from blogs might be superficial and the analysis by Blog Analytics might not be correct. References JamiQ User Documentation, 2010. How does JamiQ's sentiment detection work. [online] Available at: < work> [Accessed 01 January 2012 ]. April Kontostathis, 2002. An overview of Emerging Trend Detection (ETD) [pdf] Available at: <> [Accessed 05 January 2012]. Chambers, 2010. Chambers paperback dictionary business. London: Champers Harpers Publishers Ltd. Wikinvest, 2006. Dis Topics. [online] Available at: < Tastes_Preferences_Entertainment_Products_Reduce > [Accessed 8 January 2012 ]. Michael L. Kent. 34, 2008. Critical analysis of blogging in public relations, Science Direct[online] Available at:<> [Accessed 7 January 2012]. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

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Statement of the Assessment Irregularity

Our course leader gave us two options on the topics of our assignments. I chose the second

one which requires me to select an Internet-related technology that is currently in the early

stages of Gartner’s hype cycle (e.g. cloud computing) and discuss its potential impact for

organisations and individuals. I checked the Garner's hype cycle and decided to write an

assignment about Social Media Analytic. I am so interested in this Internet-related

technology because it is exactly the thing that I need to know as my career choice is to

be a social media marketer. I feel delighted when I started writing my assignment, because I

have so many ideas that has already been in my mind to put forward. But only ideas can't

form a complete essay. Every idea should be supported by evidence, and the evidence

should come from authorities. That is the way we students could make our essays

professional and persuasive. I think I do a good job in finding all the relevant materials that

comes from authorities to support my arguments, and these materials are cited in my essay.

However, I have to confess that the wording of my assignment overlaps others' writings

which appear on the Internet. The reason is obvious. I read a lot before writing, and I was

very concerned with the quality of the expression in those academic articles written by me.

These overlapped sentences are only those sentences which effectively express common

sense of Internet users including me. The matter is only referred to overlapped expression,

not the plagiarism. It is all about a student trying to express his/her idea effectively, not to

plagiarizing anything.

The technology can not solve everything, especially when it comes to define the originality

of an article. I have shown my respect to those authors that attribute his/her work to my

essay as I cited them and I will show my respect to the criticizing system, by that I mean, I

will rewrite my essay to avoid any misunderstanding and any factors that could lower my

overall mark.

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Assessment Irregularity Case - Rong
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Other notes: Rong is an international student and has not previously studied in the UK - but did do a pre-masters programme in China. This assignment accounts for 50% of the assessment requirements for this 20 credit module. At the meeting with the student you find that the student: · understood what constituted plagiarism and the requirement to use the Harvard system of referencing, · was clearly confused about the process of referencing web-based sources, · verified that the work contained copied paragraphs and an almost complete lack of citation of the sources used.

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