
Assyrians and Neo Babylonians

By Mr. Jack

Assyrians 1375-625 BC

• A Semite city that rules an empire with terror, cruelty, and horror.

Assyrians 1375-625 BC

• King Ashurnasirpal II wrote that he flayed, impaled, and beheaded rebels.

• His armies burnt families alive, ripped out people’s eyes, cut off fingers, noses and ears.

Other brutal acts include: rape, mutilating men to death, placing heads, arms, hands and lips on the conquered city's walls, skulls and noses atop stakes .They even fed them to dogs.

Assyrians 1375-625 BC

Some times, the blinded people so they would walk throughout the land and speak of Assyrian terrors.

Assyrians 1375-625 BC

Assyrians 1375-625 BC

They enslaved, maimed, cut off body parts in industrial scale

They used forced exile as a form of population control.

For example, the Hebrews out of Jerusalem and into Babylon.

Assyrians 1375-625 BC

• The Assyrians used iron weapons and war chariots with the manpower of Mesopotamia.

Assyrians 1375-625 BC

• .

They built a new capital at Nineveh.

Assyrians 1375-625 BC

• They built a new capital at Nineveh. .

At Nineveh, they built a great library.

• Assurbanipal's library

Assurbanipal's library

• The plundering wars of the Assyrians helped the money economy grow more quickly and spread culture.

• The natural economy (barter) collapsed time and time again, eventually everyone preferred money rather than barter.

• It’s easier to guard a bag full silver, then a field of barley.

• By the 7th C BCE, the Kingdom of Lydia minted coins, which the other city states quickly adopted.

• Production for the market increases.• Businessmen could go in for speculative cargos

could make better profits.

• Merchants and traders develop Aramaic, a language, so they could communicate with each other. Eventually, it became the official language of the Persian Empire.

Bronze market collapses

• The Kings of Mesopotamia, then Egypt, had kept a monopoly on bronze.

Iron becomes cheap.

• In 1500 BCE iron had been worth double gold, after 1200 BCE it became much cheaper as they learned to harden it by carburetion.

• By 900- 800 BCE cheap iron democracies the economy. Farmers had metal tools, small artisans could own their own tool kits and set up shops.

Iron democratizes Warfare

• Even a group of farmers could fight off a bronze age knight.

• Barbarian states could take on the established civilized states.

• Cheap iron allows kings in the older civilizations to outfit huge armies, unifying vast amounts of land.

In 625, the Neo-Babylonians and Medes destroy the Assyrian Empire and burned Nineveh.


Napabolassar 625-605

• After defeating the Assyrians, he rebuilds Babylon grandly.

Napabolassar 625-605

• The Tower of Babel or Etemenanki ziggurat dedicated to Marduk.

• The Great Ziggurat of Babylon was 91 meters (300 ft) in height.

Napabolassar 625-605

• The Great Ziggurat of Babylon was 91 meters in height.

Nebuchadnezzar II 604-562

• He held the Jews in Babylon.

Nebuchadnezzar II 604-562

• For his wife, he built The Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Herodotus (Greek historian) named it one of the 7 wonders of the World.

• An Archimedes style screw irrigated the gardens with a minimum of 37,000 liters of water a day.


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