
AS Media Studies Evaluation – Question 1

By George Sulaiman

1. In what ways does your media product use develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Our film product has a unique style through the use of montages that intertwine within movie clips and therefore overlaid the clips as a full professional montage. The contents of the film that include mise en scene, camera, editing and sound have all been covered very well. For mise en scene, the lighting is mainly dark with the use of low-key lighting when the drugs are being taken in the film and also lighting technique of chiaroscuro to therefore define the type of content and convention of our film footage and also shows that the drugs are taken in a dark place to therefore show that it is a dangerous thing to do and also is very risky if being caught. The camera work was a strong point in our film as we had used a variety of techniques from camera movements and camera shots in the footage and also we used techniques such as close ups on the first scene where a person is taking the drug from the spoon then the title name of our film comes in. The Zoom (In and Out) technique on the drugs that are getting ready to being taken to therefore represent exactly what our film is about and to give the audience an idea of what the genre of our film is and to also convey the audience to specifically see what measures our film footage goes to and for them to get an idea of what it is about and the type of drugs taken in the footage.

Additionally, for the editing I have produced the perfect transitions to therefore make the opening of the film look like a montage which always switches from one part of a movie clip to another part of a clip repeatedly and also it shows the videos being overlaid onto each other to therefore make it seem like a montage and continuously show the actions in the footage. The soundtrack used in the film is very unique as it mainly uses one piece of music in the opening of the film that goes throughout the whole movie foreshadowing the continuity of the footage being viewed to the audience. The film aligns with the stereotype of teenagers at a young age being troubled and influenced with the taking of drugs and alcohol and therefore continue their lifestyle that way, however at the same time trying to enjoy their time with their friends. For instance, the film called “Spring Breakers” includes the convention of the type of genre that our film is all about and fitting in with the stereotype to therefore convey to the audience immediately what type of personality the character has and how it relates back to how the conventions of this opening scene to the film are set.

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