Page 1: AS Media Studies Coursework Evaluation 1. In what ways ...€¦ · magazine cover for my music magazine uses conventions of existing magazines as it follows the same layout. From

AS Media Studies Coursework Evaluation

1. In what ways does your media product, use, develop or challenge forms and conventions

of real media products?

The media product I have produced; a music magazine uses, develops and challenges

conventions of real media products. After carrying out research into the conventions of music

magazine front covers, contents pages and double page spreads, I began to develop an

understanding and widen my knowledge as to what they consist of. I used current magazines

within the genre I had planned on basing my magazine on. This then helped me to see what

different genres include on the front cover, contents page and double page spread.

Front cover –

For the front cover of the music magazine, I looked at existing covers and analysed them in

depth. I first looked at music magazine covers from different genres and then to ensure that

I had a good insight into how a magazine cover was laid out and a cover of my genre, I

analysed front covers from my specific genre. This helped me when it came to putting

together my own front cover for the music magazine.

By looking at different magazine covers, I was able to gain a clear understanding of features

that are common throughout magazines and especially magazines from my genre. My own

magazine cover for my music magazine uses conventions of existing magazines as it follows

the same layout. From looking at the front cover I designed, it is clear to see that I have placed

my masthead in the top left hand corner. I did this, as the majority

of music magazines follow the same layout and position their

masthead in the top left hand corner of the cover. Also, whilst

positioning the conventions on the cover of my magazine, I broke

down the cover into thirds. This enabled me to gain a clear

understanding of what features are put into which third and where

on the cover.

On the magazines I analysed, I noticed a clear feature that was

present on most of the covers. There was always a main cover line

which was written in bigger letters and was much bolder in

comparison to the others. I noticed that this was usually positioned

towards the bottom of the magazine cover. It stood out on the cover

as it was usually written in a large font with the use of a font style and colour which stood out

Page 2: AS Media Studies Coursework Evaluation 1. In what ways ...€¦ · magazine cover for my music magazine uses conventions of existing magazines as it follows the same layout. From

against the background colours. I then used this convention of a real media product to help

create my own.

I also looked at the positioning of the barcode on existing media products, as I didn’t want

the barcode to take up a lot of space on the cover of the magazine. Some magazines I looked

at before planning my front cover layout, had the barcode on its

edge down either the right hand side of the cover or the left hand

side. This also looked just as professional as it did if the barcode

had been positioned in the most common position. I then decided

to use this convention on my own front cover as it felt as though

it fitted into my magazine cover and made my own front cover

look more professional.

I developed my front cover for my music magazine on the basis of knowing I wanted to

produce something that was appealing but also something that is out there already but with

a change to it. I didn’t want to follow the conventions of a current magazine completely, I

wanted to change it slightly and challenge the conventions. Once I had decided who I was

aiming my magazine at due to target audience feedback, I was able to look further into

magazines from my specific genre. I collected clear, in depth target audience feedback by

asking a selection of people to fill out a questionnaire for me. This then enabled me to get

responses and narrow down who I was aiming my media product at.

From the feedback I gained, I was able to then put together my own front cover for my music magazine. By getting feedback from my target audience I was able to gain an understanding into what they preferred. This helped me as I wanted to develop what I had seen from existing front covers of magazines within my genre; indie. I took into account what my target audience had said they liked and what they expected to see within the cover and developed existing real media products to adapt it to my target audience’s preference.

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I challenged forms and conventions of real life magazine front covers by making my music

magazine slightly different. I designed my magazine to enable it to have a slight twist to the

layout. Although I found existing magazines with their barcodes on their side there wasn’t

many within the genre of indie that followed this pattern. As it was only a feature in a few

magazines I found, I decided to use this on my cover and challenge the conventions further. I

also changed the colour scheme of my music magazine, it didn’t follow the normal codes and

forms of existing indie magazines. By using different colours, I have challenged the normal

scheme for indie genre magazines.

Contents page –

To help me design the contents page for my music magazine, I also looked at existing contents

pages and analysed them in depth. This helped me to gain a clear understanding of what is

usually found within a contents page. I looked at contents pages from my specific genre to

help me see what the most common features were that ran throughout music magazines.

By looking at different contents pages, it gave me a much wider understanding of the key conventions for the contents pages in music magazines. I followed conventions from current magazines within my contents page. I also did a lot of research into codes and conventions of contents pages and created a post for this on my blog. This widened my understanding further which was helpful when making my own colour mock ups for the contents page of my music magazine.

Page 4: AS Media Studies Coursework Evaluation 1. In what ways ...€¦ · magazine cover for my music magazine uses conventions of existing magazines as it follows the same layout. From

By gaining feedback I was able to make my music magazine contents page look professional. The majority of current music magazines have a title at the top of the contents page, I decided to follow this and use this convention on my own contents page.

Also a common feature in some magazine contents pages is including an image of the front cover. I did this on my contents page as it all follows a similar theme and so having it on the

contents page reminded my audience of the features that should be found in the magazine due to the cover lines on the front of the magazine.

Most magazines have a distinctive colour theme that runs throughout and the audience can see this. I have also followed this in my music magazine. Due to the genre being indie, I found that the colours I have used represent indie. Orange combines the feeling of happiness and energy. I wanted my magazine to put this feeling across to the audience when they read the magazine. Orange is also a high visibility colour and so it catches the attention of the audience and it highlights the importance to the magazine when the audience look at it.

In the contents pages that I analysed in depth, I found that they usually have a list of the contents within the magazine and their page numbers.

They also sometimes include them in different sections on the contents pages. I have developed the usual layout of a contents page slightly by giving each section a coloured heading and then separating each page into its different heading. This gives the magazine a clearer layout and makes it easier to access the parts the reader would like to most.

I have challenged the conventions of magazine contents pages by not putting it all in chronological order, some of the pages in a specific section on the contents page are positioned away from the page they are next to on the contents page. This is because I didn’t want to have the pages that are so similar all in a row as this could cause the reader to become bored. Instead, I positioned them in different places which made it much more interesting to read. This would also allow the reader to look at other pages in between the ones that may interest them the most. This shows that the information they see will be varied. I also didn’t have my contents page set out in complete columns, instead I laid it out in three sections. The image I used took over part of the contents page and so this meant that two of my columns were a lot smaller than the other. This makes my contents page appealing as it is different according to my target audience feedback and so I kept it like this.

Double page spread – Before creating a double page spread I had to gain a clear understanding into what needed to be included, what the key conventions were and how they are usually laid out. As I did with the front cover and the contents page I analysed existing double page spreads. This

enabled me to gain a full understanding of how magazines made their double page spreads stand out to the audience, how they grabbed the audience’s attention and what they included to make it extra interesting. I analysed in depth two double page spreads from my genre as I felt this would benefit me a lot more.

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My knowledge of music magazine double page

spreads had then vastly improved and this

made it a lot easier when creating mock-ups

of my double page spreads. When I had to

decide what to include on the double page

spread, I put together 3 colour mock-ups of

double page spreads due to my knowledge.

I looked into detail at the codes and

conventions of double page spreads. I used some of the forms from typical double page

spreads; I used a large image on my double page spread to grab the attention of the reader.

I used an image which has a direct mode of address as the image is looking directly at the

audience. This will draw the reader’s attention to the article. I also put the image on the left

hand side as this is where it is positioned in most magazines. I made sure I also used an

image which relates to the article.

I also had a pull out quote from the article positioned in the middle of the article in a larger font as this stands out on the page. I used a quote which is interesting and will entice the reader into wanting to read the rest of the article.

I have challenged the usual codes and conventions of magazine double page spreads by not using a stand first. I didn’t include this within the magazine double page spread as I felt that once my audience had read the double page spread they will know a lot of information about the individual herself and so won’t need a stand first.

I have also challenged the usual forms and conventions of double page spreads by not using an additional image within the double page spread. This is because I felt that having the one photo of the cover star was much better. This then takes up a significant part of the double page spread, but I ensured that it didn’t take up too much of the double page spread as I wanted to make sure I used a bit more text.

Overall, my music magazine uses, develops and challenges parts of existing music magazines. This has meant that my magazine front cover, contents page and double page spread are slightly different to what is already out there. This means that I have been able to give my music magazine a bit of a twist and make it slightly different to other music magazines.

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2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My media product represents particular social groups through the use of different sections

and topics. Before making my music magazine, I had to decide who I was going to aim it at

and which existing music magazines they had already shown an interest into. I did this by

creating a target audience questionnaire. I then handed it out to a different range of people

of all different ages, this then made sure that the feedback and results I got were accurate

and not biased towards one age group. By collecting this, I was able to then plan my magazine

and who I was going to aim it.

I wanted to ensure that my music magazine would represent my target audience and

particular social groups. Once I had chosen the genre for my magazine which was indie, I had

to think very carefully about the model I would use for the front cover, contents page and

double page spread as they would need to represent my genre. I decided that the best person

to use for my model for the magazine to represent indie was Tazmin. This is because she

represented someone who likes to be different and enjoys standing out from the crowd.

Tazmin also had an interest into the genre of music which made it a lot easier to use her.

Although I was aiming my music magazine at all age groups, I mainly targeted 17 to 21 year

olds. The model I used for the magazine was around this age range and so it helped to have

someone who is a good representation of the age group I was targeting.

My music magazine represents people who are young and are into indie music. Tazmin shows

a representation of the people within my target audience as she stands out and is individual.

The colour of Tazmin’s hair also stands out and represents someone who is different and

prefers to set a different trend and not follow the crowd.

My music magazine is aimed at both males and females and is not just gender specific. This

means that my magazine can grab the attention both males and females. I mainly aimed my

magazine at females due to the content of the double page spread within the magazine, but

the other features that are included may grab the attention of the males as intended. The

other features are listed on the contents page and then on the cover as cover lines. When

my target audience look at the cover of the magazine this can grab their attention and then

entice them into reading the magazine.

Page 7: AS Media Studies Coursework Evaluation 1. In what ways ...€¦ · magazine cover for my music magazine uses conventions of existing magazines as it follows the same layout. From

I made my music magazine a reasonable price due to the age range I am aiming it at. This is

because they would have a lower income and wouldn’t be able to afford really expensive

magazines. This magazine would be bought with their disposable income. My magazine would

appeal to this social group and age group as it isn’t that expensive.

3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

I would want my music magazine to be distributed in as many places as possible as it will

promote the product and more people will begin to buy it. This will make the magazine more

well-known. There are many different places that my music magazine could be distributed.

I think that my music magazine would be mainly distributed in newsagents or supermarkets.

This is because most magazines are usually sold there and a lot of people would usually

purchase a magazine from there. My genre is sold in these types of places and so this

magazine will fit in. They could also be sold in corner shops as this is somewhere that an

individual may go if they would like to grab a magazine. Shops are a good place for the

distribution and is the most obvious and popular. I think my magazine would be distributed

within these places as it is somewhere that most people would go a lot of the time; especially

corner shops as these are used a lot by the individuals within my target audience.

If a person was to be going on holiday somewhere and they were sitting waiting in the airport

lounge for their plane, then they may decide to buy a magazine to read. This can be to keep

them entertained whilst they are waiting. I would have my magazines distributed at the kiosk

stands in the airport. This can mean my product will begin to sell more and will become much

more popular and well known by others. I think the kiosk within the airport should sell my

product as there will always be a lot of people within the airport and this means that

individuals of all ages may purchase a magazine.

Some magazines are now accessible over the internet. This seems like a good way to

distribute my product as many individuals may prefer to read over their computer, laptop,

iPhone, iPad, etc. An online distributor could sell my music magazine over the internet or

individuals could sign up to a subscription for the magazine. This way they will be able to

access all the magazines whenever they would like to but for a small fee. I think my music

magazine would sell over the internet as nowadays a lot of people don’t tend to buy hard

copies of magazines but rather sign up online and read from their electronic gadgets. Also

due to my target audience being a wide range but in particular 17 to 21 year olds, it is l ikely

that they would rather do it over the internet via a subscription as they are very likely to have

electronic garments. I feel as though the app store may be a good idea for somewhere to sell

my magazine. On the app store you are able to buy apps, books, magazines, etc. This would

be a good place to put my magazine for sale as a lot of my target audience are likely to have

access to an apple product. This means the magazine can be read on lots of different devices

at any time.

Page 8: AS Media Studies Coursework Evaluation 1. In what ways ...€¦ · magazine cover for my music magazine uses conventions of existing magazines as it follows the same layout. From

The kindle app could also be downloaded from the app store. This is an app that most people

download in order to read different books or have them audio read to them. This will also be

a good selling point for my magazine and will benefit a range of different people. This means

those who may not have an apple product, can always get hold of the magazine through the

internet, an app on their phone, on a kindle, etc.

4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

The audience for my music magazine would be 17 to 21 year olds mainly but it would also

appeal to a wider range of people of all ages. Due to the genre being indie it is likely that

people who are interested in this genre of music would be likely to buy the magazine.

I chose a target audience and then created my music magazine based around the information

that I collected. This means that the audience for my magazine would be the people that I

created my magazine around.

Once I had collected the feedback on my music magazine front cover, contents page and

double page spread, I found that it was clear who my target audience was mainly aimed at.

The interview on the double page spread was based around Tazmin’s story which had a girly

side to it. Due to having the story centred on this theme, it made the audience feel as though

it was mostly aimed at females rather than males. Overall, my audience is both males and

females as the cover lines I used on the cover would grab both genders. I know this as I asked

both males and females for feedback on which cover lines they would most like to see on the

front cover, this is so that the magazine I created is not biased towards one gender and

instead can appeal to both. I also considered the social class of my target audience, this is

what helped me to put together the price of the music magazine so that it was suitable for

my audience to buy.

My target audience are also most likely to be in education still, whether it’s sixth form, college

or university. I also considered what sort of price they would be able to afford with their

disposable income and what would grab their attention.

Finally, I had to consider what my target audience do to pass the time and what their

interests are. I gained feedback for these questions from doing my questionnaires. This has

helped me to decide my target audience and who I am mostly aiming at. I decided to aim

my magazine at a range of ages but mainly aimed at 17 to 21 year olds.

5. How did you attract/address your audience?

When creating my music magazine front cover, contents page and double page spread, I had

to ensure I attracted my audience with the photos that I used. I made the font one that is

appealing and is aimed at my target audience. On the cover of my music magazine, I used a

simple font, Calibri, in font size 100. This stands out on the cover of my magazine and I created

it in a colour which follows my colour scheme.

The front cover is the main way I tried to grab the

attention of my target audience. The colour scheme

I used followed the colours which were in the photo

I had used in the front cover. This makes it more

appealing to the target audience as the colour

Page 9: AS Media Studies Coursework Evaluation 1. In what ways ...€¦ · magazine cover for my music magazine uses conventions of existing magazines as it follows the same layout. From

scheme all follows the same theme. This makes is an eye-catching colour. I also used a large

photo on the front cover which took over the whole page and this was done to engage my

target audience. I hoped that by doing this, it would grab the attention of my audience and

persuade them into reading the magazine. The front cover has cover lines which include the

features of what can be found within the magazine. This feature had also been used to attract

my audience.

I also attracted my audience through the contents page. I

followed the same colour scheme as I used on the front

cover. By doing this, I will be able to attract more of my

target audience. I tried to make it eye catching so that it

matched the front cover and that it didn’t just become

boring and bland. I also listed the pages of where the

specific features/articles on the front cover can be found.

This will ensure that all my target audience can find the

positioning of them within the magazine.

I also placed an arrow on the bottom right hand side of my

music magazine contents page. This was used to attract

my target audience. In the arrow I have written something

that will catch the attention of my target audience and entice them

into wanting to read on and look inside the magazine. These are

all ways of grabbing the attention of my audience and make

them want to read more.

Finally I used the double page spread as a way of attracting the audience by using

a story which will be appealing to a range of my target audience. The topic I based the

interview on will make my target audience interested and encourage them to read more. I

made it interesting so that people within my target audience would want to buy the magazine

again. By using a pull out quote from the interview and putting this in a larger font will

hopefully appeal to a range of my target audience and can also attract them into reading


Overall, I have used many different techniques to help me attract my audience into reading

and buying my music magazine. This is achieved through the colour scheme, the features and

topics I have included. I hoped that this will draw in my target audience.

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

During the construction of my music magazine, I have learnt a vast amount about what

magazines consist of and the features included. I believe that widening my knowledge and

learning more has made me a better media student overall and enabled me to be prepared

for my A2 portfolio. I now have a wider understanding and have gained more knowledge into

how a professional magazine on the market should look today.




Page 10: AS Media Studies Coursework Evaluation 1. In what ways ...€¦ · magazine cover for my music magazine uses conventions of existing magazines as it follows the same layout. From

I have also improved my photography skills since the start of my AS task. I have begun to

understand what images should look like and what images should and shouldn’t be used. I

have been able to understand how to edit images as well as take them with the correct mise-


In the production of my music magazine, I have been able to learn how to use different

programmes to help me create my final magazine and construct it. Here are some of the

programmes I used to help me create my music magazine:

My Photoshop skills have also improved. When I first used the programme, my editing skills

were not as good as they are now. The images I edited didn’t look as professional and to the

standard that they would do now. This skill has developed massively since I had started my

media coursework. I am now able to use Photoshop and make my images to the standard

that I want them. By the end of the process of producing my music magazine front cover,

contents page and double page spread I have been able to edit the images to make them more


I have also learnt more about the technologies used in taking photos. This has made the

images I have taken a lot more professional and better quality. I have understood how to make

the lighting for the images correct and clear. The images that I have used within my music

magazine for the front cover, contents page and double page spread are now much clearer

than they were when I first took photos at the start of the course. They also look much more

professional and will attract the audience to read the magazine.

Before making my music magazine, I didn’t have a full clear understanding into how to make

them and what they should include. But during the process of making my music magazine, I

have developed a much clearer understanding and I have accomplished what I needed to. I

also used a laptop throughout my coursework; this has been a key contribution in helping me

complete my AS media coursework. With the laptop, I was able to put all my work together

and is helped me to create my blog.

I have also used an online website to help me with my blog. At first I began to create my blog

on Tumblr but I began to find problems with this and it became hard to add in details if

needed. Instead I recreated a different blog but this time I made it on Weebly. This was used

to complete my coursework. This has helped me to create an online blog which can be viewed.

The blog contains all of my media coursework for my AS. By creating an online blog, I have

been able to see all my work in methodical order. Using an online blog has widened my

knowledge of how it works and how online blogs are created. At the start of my media

coursework, I was unable to understand how to put together a blog but since then my

understanding has widened.

Page 11: AS Media Studies Coursework Evaluation 1. In what ways ...€¦ · magazine cover for my music magazine uses conventions of existing magazines as it follows the same layout. From

I have learnt a lot about different technologies and their contribution to media products but

in particular music magazines. I have learnt how to position the lighting to get the best photo

possible and how to position the artist to get the clearest photo with the best effect.

7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression

from it to the full product?

Since the beginning of this course, I feel like I have learnt a lot. I have progressed a lot from

my preliminary task to my music magazine. The main thing I think I have learnt in the process

of making my final product is how to make an effective front cover. This was a key part of my

coursework as the front cover needed to be appealing.

There is a huge difference between the quality of my preliminary task and my main task. The

standard of work has changed and has become much better. My preliminary task is not as

good as my main task: the music magazine. My skills have improved massively since the

beginning when I was creating my school magazine.

My magazine follows all the appropriate codes and conventions of a magazine as does my

preliminary task. Although I made my preliminary task front cover to a lower standard that

the one I made for my music magazine. This is because I had developed more skills by the

time I constructed my main task. Looking back on my preliminary task, I don’t feel as though

my school front cover looks as professional as it could do.

It is clear to see that since the construction of my school magazine cover, my photo skills have

improved massively and have become a lot more developed. This is shown through the work

that I have done for the main task. My knowledge of layout has also clearly improved and this

is shown when looking at both my music magazine front cover and my school magazine front

cover. This shows that after analysing a number of relevant magazines, I understand more

about the layout and the codes and conventions of magazine covers.

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In my preliminary task, my final front cover for the school

magazine was a good standard but I didn’t know as much

about magazine covers as I do now. This is because my

knowledge has widened and is much more varied now. I

didn’t think know as much about the layout of magazine

covers before I looked at the codes and conventions, this then

improved my understanding and helped me to make the front

covers. Looking at the progression between the school

magazine front cover and the music magazine front cover it is

clear to see that my skills have improved a lot. The

organisation of my music magazine front cover is a lot better

than the school magazine. The sizes of the fonts, image sizes

and the positioning, etc. are a lot better than those on the

school magazine front cover.

The image I used on the school magazine cover isn’t in

proportion and it takes up a lot of the cover. There isn’t much

blank space around this image which means that some of the

cover lines have over written the image, which isn’t a problem

as this is a feature in some magazines.

On my music magazine cover I have a much better sized font

for the masthead which means the positioning of the different

features look professional. This is what has made my music

magazine front cover look a lot better. On the school front

cover for the preliminary task, I didn’t have the best

proportion of image to text. At the time, I thought my school magazine front cover looked

very professional, but once I had begun my music magazine and developed my skills and

knowledge further, I have found that now the music magazine looks a lot better and much

more professional. I am now able to understand how to make a magazine front cover look

much more professional and like something that would be brought in a shop.

When I look back at my school magazine in comparison to my music magazine, I can see that

the school magazine is a lot less organised than my music magazine. This may be because

before I wasn’t as sure as I am now about the layout. When looking at the differences and

changes between the two it is clear to see that the layout on my music magazine is a lot

more organised and is similar to the layout of existing music magazine front covers that I

have analysed.

Completing the preliminary task beforehand has helped me massively as I became a lot

more certain of the features and the codes and conventions. Overall, I think that I have

learnt a lot that I didn’t know before when doing my preliminary task. I have learnt how to

take the photos using the best angle, positioning, etc. how to use the right lighting when

taking a photograph, the positioning of different features on magazine front covers and

cover lines and a lot more. My skills have really developed lots and this is shown through the

work that I have completed for my AS media coursework.

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