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The 36 Bambos represent  Axis of of the Earth4 suites of 9 bamboos.


The 36 Points or Circles represent the Wheel of Heaven4 suites of 9 points.


The 36 Characters represent the changes of the life of Man4 suites of 9 caracters.


16 Simple Honors, 4 times 4 Directions or Winds.


12 Superior Honors, 4 times 3 Dragons.


8 Supreme Honors4 Flowers  4 Seasons



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Mahjong Chinese Symbolism of the 144 Tiles

The Meaning of each Tile

The 36 Bambos represent  Axis of of the Earth4 suites of 9 bamboos. 

Bamboo 1

Symbol: Peacock

This is the first tile of the first suit in a Mahjong set. Overall, it represents success. However, it also warns that success

sometimes turns to arrogance, which can lead to loss of everything that has been gained. The Peacock tile also suggests a change in

your life path is forthcoming.

Chinese Symbol and Pinyin Pronunciation


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Bamboo 2

Symbol: Duck

The Duck tile symbolizes a long lasting relationship with the strength to overcome all obstacles. It suggests fidelity and trustworthiness as well.

Regardless of the type of partnership in question, the 2 Bamboo tile indicates a strong, healthy relationship. 

Chinese Symbol and Pinyin Pronunciation

Bamboo 3

Symbol: Toad

The Toad tile indicates some troubling moments along your life's path, but these aches will heal. It also suggests your ambition may be greater


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than your reach.

Chinese Symbol and Pinyin Pronunciation

Bamboo 4

Symbol: Carp

The Carp tile indicates the attainment of inner-peace, tranquility, and freedom from the pressures of everyday life. Contentment will be

realized. The Carp's vibrant colors suggest a rich life. This may mean the coming of material and/or spiritual wealth.

Chinese Symbol and Pinyin Pronunciation


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Bamboo 5

Symbol: Lotus Flower

The Lotus Flower tile represents birth or rebirth. On a spiritual level it may indicate you are about to reach new heights in your

understanding of your place in the cosmos. Physically it may suggest a child is coming, or a new project is about to emerge. The Lotus

Flower tile also speaks of regeneration, and may indicate a time of recovery from hardship

Chinese Symbol and Pinyin Pronunciation

Bamboo 6

Symbol: Water


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The Water tile denotes a need for communication. A trip may be necessary to communicate properly. You may be called upon to present proof of ownership or that an event actually took place.

Chinese Symbol and Pinyin Pronunciation

Bamboo 7

Symbol: Tortoise

The Tortoise tile suggests impatience with the time certain aspects are taking to play themselves out. It is likely any open issues you

may have will need extra attention and patience to resolve properly. The Tortoise also symbolizes long life.

Chinese Symbol and Pinyin Pronunciation


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Bamboo 8

Symbol: Mushroom

The Mushroom tile represents eternal life and oddity. It gets these attributes from the fact that mushrooms in nature always seem to

regenerate and often popup where they are unexpected. The notion of oddity is derived from the mushroom seemingly having the

nature of a plant, but lacking leaves. The Mushroom tile foretells the coming of unexpected events that will have a lasting impact on you.

Chinese Symbol and Pinyin Pronunciation

Bamboo 9

Symbol: Willow Tree


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The Willow Tree tile represents adaptability and survival in the face of harsh conditions. The Willow bends before the bitter winter

winds, but does not break. The Willow tile suggests compromise. You must be willing to give some to get some.

Chinese Symbol and Pinyin Pronunciation

The 36 Points or Circles represent the Wheel of Heaven4 suites of 9 points.

Circles 1

Symbol: Pearl

The Pearl tile denotes the attainment of wealth and a life of luxury. The task will be to balance your spiritual self with your physical self.

Chinese Symbol and Pinyin Pronunciation


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Circles 2

Symbol: Pine Tree

The Pine Tree tile represents strength and resolve. It often refers to a powerful, determined man. While powerful, this person is not

violent, but very skilled in attaining his goals through diplomacy.

Chinese Symbol and Pinyin Pronunciation

Circles 3

Symbol: Phoenix

The Phoenix tile indicates great happiness and joy. The Phoenix is


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said to be reborn out its ashes. Accordingly the Phoenix tile also denotes sure recovery from any setbacks encountered.

Chinese Symbol and Pinyin Pronunciation

Circles 4

Symbol: Jade

The Jade tile indicates hard work resulting in spectacular results. Jade is thought to be an "immortal stone" to many. Therefore is also

denotes longevity of relationships, life and principled values.

Chinese Symbol and Pinyin Pronunciation


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Circles 5

Symbol: Dragon

The Dragon tile indicates good luck and large fortunes. Effort is not a prerequisite for the gain suggested by the Dragon tile. You cannot

work towards acquiring the Dragon's gifts. They will come when they come, and will most likely be a surprise.

Chinese Symbol and Pinyin Pronunciation

Circles 6

Symbol: Peach

The Peach tile represents the female spirit in its purest form. Where


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the Peach tile appears it is likely a woman or possibly a young girl will play an important role in outcome of your reading.

Chinese Symbol and Pinyin Pronunciation

Circles 7

Symbol: Insect

The Insect tile indicates short-term gain through a short flurry of hectic work. It is important to realize that the gains the Insect tile

offers are not lasting, or of long-term importance. At best they are a stopgap until more substantial goals come along. 

Chinese Symbol and Pinyin Pronunciation


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Circles 8

Symbol: White Tiger

The White Tiger tile is epitomizes masculinity in its purest form. The male represented by the White Tiger is brave and assertive. He will

fight to protect what he feels is right.

Chinese Symbol and Pinyin Pronunciation

Circles 9

Symbol: Unicorn

The Unicorn tile indicates a clear vision of the future and the ability to see people for who the really are. In rare cases the Unicorn tile


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may suggest a person with psychic powers.

Chinese Symbol and Pinyin Pronunciation

The 36 Characters represent the changes of the life of Man4 suites of 9 caracters.

Wan 1

Symbol: Entering

The Entering tile indicates that barriers you now face will soon be lifted. Opportunity and success are ahead, but you must have the

courage and energy to take advantage of them.

Chinese Symbol and Pinyin Pronunciation


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Wan 2

Symbol: Sword

The Sword tile indicates a decision must be made before attainment of your goals can be reached. 

Chinese Symbol and Pinyin Pronunciation

Wan 3

Symbol: Land

The Land tile suggests either a stable setting in which you are already thriving, or one that will exist in the near future. With


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stability your success and vision will grow.

Chinese Symbol and Pinyin Pronunciation

Wan 4

Symbol: Lute

The Lute tile indicates a need for relaxation

Chinese Symbol and Pinyin Pronunciation


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Wan 5

Symbol: House

The House tile represents a building in which you spend much time. If your reading is positive it may well be that this building has the

important function providing you with a stable environment in which you are comfortable. If the reading is negative it may represent a

structure in which you are stressed and uncomfortable.

Chinese Symbol and Pinyin Pronunciation

Wan 6

Symbol: Fire


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The Fire tile is a strong warning that something is wrong or out of balance. The Fire tile is a warning. Your resources are in jeopardy.

These endangered resources may be financial or spiritual or physical. In fact, resources of all types may be in danger. 

Chinese Symbol and Pinyin Pronunciation

Wan 7

Symbol: Seven Stars

The Seven Stars tile signifies creative growth and power. Creativity should be applied to the area this tile appears. This is a place to let your imagination run free. The Seven Stars tile also indicates hope

for the future.

Chinese Symbol and Pinyin Pronunciation


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Wan 8

Symbol: Knot

The Knot tile represents both bonding and severing. If the Sword tile (2 Wan) is in your reading then the time to sever ties with someone

or something is at hand. Conversely if the Duck tile (2 Bamboo) is in your reading then there is bond that will strengthen. If both or

neither appear in your reading, then you have a relationship of some kind that is of undecided value.

Chinese Symbol and Pinyin Pronunciation

Wan 9

Symbol: Heaven


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The Heaven tile suggests completion. This tile denotes a time for you to consider moving on to your next goal.

Chinese Symbol and Pinyin Pronunciation

16 Simple Honors, 4 times 4 Directions or Winds.

East Wind

Symbol: Wood

Generally the East Wind tile represents the querent. The tiles nearest the East tile in a reading have added importance.

Chinese Symbol and Pinyin Pronunciation


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South Wind

Symbol: Fire

The South Wind tile is considered to be a very good sign in a reading. It almost ensures a satisfactory end to any problem.

Chinese Symbol and Pinyin Pronunciation

West Wind

Symbol: Metal

The West Wind tile represents an obstacle that must be faced before you can make progress towards your goals. This obstacle may be

anything from a person to needing to find work.


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Chinese Symbol and Pinyin Pronunciation

North Wind

Symbol: Water

The North Wind tile indicates there will be difficult moments ahead. These can be canceled out if the South Wind Tile is in your reading

as well.

Chinese Symbol and Pinyin Pronunciation


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12 Superior Honors, 4 times 3 Dragons.

Red Dragon

Symbol: Center

The Red Dragon tile is indicative of success and the fulfillment of your goals. 

Chinese Symbol and Pinyin Pronunciation

Green Dragon

Symbol: Commence


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The Green Dragon tile suggests the time has come for you to begin a new project, or take your life in a new direction.

Chinese Symbol and Pinyin Pronunciation

White Dragon

Symbol: The Unknown

The White Dragon tile denotes unknown factors in your reading. Exactly what these factors are is beyond our vision, but they will

have an impact on your life.

Chinese Symbol and Pinyin Pronunciation


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12 Superior Honors, 4 times 3 Dragons.

4 Flowers

Plum Blossom

Symbol: Innocence

The Plum tile reflects renewal and viewing your world with fresh viewpoints. It is an inherently 

Chinese Symbol and Pinyin Pronunciation



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Symbol: Refinement

The Orchid tile suggests there may be rare and refined experiences coming into your life. Enjoy them!

Chinese Symbol and Pinyin Pronunciation


Symbol: Pleasure

The Chrysanthemum tile indicates you will enjoy a happy time filled with social activities and leisurely moments untainted by the

demands of everyday life.

Chinese Symbol and Pinyin Pronunciation


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Symbol: Scholarship

The Bamboo tile indicates an adaptable, useful spirit. The Bamboo tile is also associated with scholarly pursuits.

Chinese Symbol and Pinyin Pronunciation

4 Seasons



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Symbol: The Fisherman

The tile of The Fisherman suggests success can be attained through the application of common sense and careful management

of your time and relationships. The Fisherman is thorough and patient. He knows that while his efforts will be rewarded as long as

he does not give up.

Chinese Symbol and Pinyin Pronunciation


Symbol: The Woodcutter

The Woodcutter employs three of the 5 elements central to Chinese philosophy: Fire, Wood and Metal. He is ambitious and full of drive

and energy. He represents gain and success through dedicated work.

Chinese Symbol and Pinyin Pronunciation


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Symbol: The Farmer

The Farmer represents rewards gained through hard work and faith in oneself. He harvests riches from the planting and nurturing of his


Chinese Symbol and Pinyin Pronunciation


Symbol: The Scholar

The Scholar represents gain through intellectual pursuits. The


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Scholar's mind is sharp and find solutions to the most difficult problems.

Chinese Symbol and Pinyin Pronunciation

Mahjong Symbols 01

( Majiang, Májiàng, Mah Jong, Mah Jongg, Mahjongg, Majong )  

The knowledge of the symbolism of Mahjong is not essential with the player. It does nothing but add to the pleasure of the play itself by locating it in its philosophical and cosmological context1. This page illustrates the principal symbols by accompanying them by the Chinese characters adapted according to the people who are

interested in the language and the Chinese culture.



The initiators and first players of Mahjong were well-read men. Consequently they knew very well Yi Jing (I Ching) the Book of Changes.The square formed by the 144 tiles posed in front of the players represents the Universe in which the trinity which form the Sky, the Earth and the Man interact.



The Four Seasons represent the Sky.



Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter.4 tiles for each of the 3 dragons


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 The Four Directions represent the Earth.




North, South, East, West.4 tiles for each of the 4 winds



The Four Flowers are the symbol of the movement of the life. They represent the Man.



Plum, Orchids, Chrysanthemum, Bamboo.

The three dragons

( Majiang, Májiàng, Mah Jong, Mah Jongg, Mahjongg, Majong )  

The knowledge of the symbolism of Mahjong is not essential with the player. It does nothing but add to the pleasure of the play itself by locating it in its philosophical and cosmological context1. This page illustrates the principal symbols by accompanying them by the Chinese characters adapted according to the people who are

interested in the language and the Chinese culture.


Each of the Three Dragons represent the Universe extreme forces: the White Dragon for Heaven; the green Dragon for Earth and the Red Dragon for Man.  

The three dragon (Cardinal) tiles coincide with the three Cardinal virtues taught by Confucius. These are: Zhong, Fa, Bai

In a tiles set there are four white  dragons; four green


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dragons and four red dragons.

4 tiles for each of the 3 dragons (12) 



The White Dragon (bai2pi2) symbolize  Heaven. It is a blank or white tile with a blue contour. In some western versions there is a B for bai2 in Mandarin or P for pa in Cantonese which means white in both case.

The white symbolize the superior order, the spiritual order.



The Green Dragon (qing fa) with the symbol fa1, first character of fa1cai2 meaning prosperity, good fortune and symbolize the Earth.

In some western versions there is a F for fa1 in Mandarin

The Green Dragon symbolize the inferior order, the plants one, the natural cycle.



The Red Dragon tile on which is written the symbol zhong1 "middle" symbolize the Man in the middle of the heaven and the earth.

In some western versions there is a C for chong in Cantonese, the equivalent of zhong1 in Mandarin. Here we see the traditional form of the character long2 for dragon on the tile at left. The middle order is the animal order, including man.

The three suits

( Majiang, Májiàng, Mah Jong, Mah Jongg, Mahjongg, Majong )  


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The knowledge of the symbolism of Mahjong is not essential with the player. It does nothing but add to the pleasure of the play itself by locating it in its philosophical and cosmological context. This page illustrates the principal symbols by accompanying them by the Chinese characters adapted according to the people who are interested in the language and the Chinese culture.

 three categories 

The three suits represent movements of the three


 tube, tubular object

The Dots or Circles represent the Wheel of Heaven4 sets of 9 tiles

numbered 1 to 9


The Bamboos represent the Axis of of the Earth4 sets of 9 tiles

numbered 1 to 9

  in scripted characters

The Characters represent the changes of the life of Man

4 sets of 9 tilesnumbered 1 to 9


A modern Oracle from an ancient game beautiful Mahjong divination tiles


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(Mahjong, Majiang, Majong, Majhong Mahjongg, Mah-jong)


Daily Mahjong TileUse this reading to see what influences will dominate your day and plan your time accordingly. 

Past, Present, Future This reading explores factors that have influenced your past, present and future  

The Coming Year ReadingThis Reading is used to reveal key influences that will effect your life from month to month over the next year. In this reading dominoes may repeat themselves. Indeed, you may find that the same Mahjong tile reflects the primary influences many months in your coming year will be under. 

Relationship Reading This reading concentrates on the dynamics of your relationship with another person. The other person may be a mate, or business partner, or even an enemy. This reading can be used to explore your relationship with a group as well..


The Reversed Compass ReadingThis reading sets the tiles in the celestial form instead of the terrestrial format that is used in navigational compasses. This is done to follow the traditions inherent in Chinese Philosophy. This complex reading is very flexible in that you may focus on a specific or general question, or no question at all when using it. 

The Three Dragons Reading In Chinese Culture the Dragon is generally considered a sign of great luck and power. However the Red, Green and White Dragons in Mahjong represent three distinct influences that can affect your life. The Dragon Reading creates a relationship between sets of tiles to each Dragon to explore how the Three Dragons will influence you now and in the near future. 

The Four CoursesThe Four Courses reading presents possible paths for the querent to take to reach a more complete state of being. While all paths may offer a degree of fulfillment, usually one will be more fruitful than the others. The trick of course, is to pick the one that will

Attainment ReadingUse this reading to assist in reaching, or possibly even defining your goals for the future. This reading explores both your weaknesses and strengths, and suggest areas in which you will have to make some effort to ensure you reach your goals.


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bring most beneficial results.     

Samples of readings

Your Daily TileApril 18, 2015  


Wan 4

Symbol: Lute

The Lute tile indicates a need for relaxation

Your Past, Present, Future Reading

The three Mahjong tiles in this reading represent your past, present and future situations.


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That Which is Behind You Your Current Place That Which is before You


That Which is Behind You


South WindSymbol: Fire The South Wind tile is considered to be a very good sign in a reading. It almost ensures a satisfactory end to any problem. 


Your Current Place


Bamboo 6Symbol: Water The Water tile denotes a need for communication. A trip may be necessary to communicate properly. You may be called upon to present proof of ownership or that an event actually took place. 


That Which is before You


BambooSymbol: Scholarship The Bamboo tile indicates an adaptable, useful spirit. The Bamboo tile is also associated with scholarly pursuits. 


Your Year Ahead Reading

This Reading is used to reveal key influences that will effect your life from month to month over the next year. In this reading Mahjong tiles may repeat themselves. Indeed, you may find that the same Mahjong tile reflects the primary influences of many months in your coming year will be under. Scroll down to see the influences each Mahjong tile predicts. 

Get Another Reading 


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MayWan 7Symbol: Seven StarsThe Seven Stars tile signifies creative growth and power. Creativity should be applied to the area this tile appears. This is a place to let your imagination run free. The Seven Stars tile also indicates hope for the future.

JuneBamboo 1Symbol: PeacockThis is the first tile of the first suit in a Mahjong set. Overall, it represents success. However it also warns that success sometimes turns to arrogance, which can lead to loss of everything that has been gained. The Peacock tile also suggests a change in your life path is forthcoming.


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JulyWan 5Symbol: HouseThe House tile represents a building in which you spend much time. If your reading is positive it may well be that this building has the important function providing you with a stable environment in which you are comfortable. If the reading is negative it may represent a structure in which you are stressed and uncomfortable.

AugustWan 6Symbol: FireThe Fire tile is a strong warning that something is wrong or out of balance. The Fire tile is a warning. Your resources are in jeopardy. These endangered resources may be financial or spiritual or physical. In fact, resources of all types may be in danger.

SeptemberBamboo 3Symbol: ToadThe Toad tile indicates some troubling moments along your life's path, but these aches will heal. It also suggests your ambition may be greater than your reach.

OctoberBamboo 5Symbol: Lotus FlowerThe Lotus Flower tile represents birth or rebirth. On a spiritual level it may indicate you are about to reach new heights in your understanding of your place in the cosmos. Physically it may suggest a child is coming, or a new project is about to emerge. The Lotus Flower tile also speaks of regeneration, and may indicate a time of recovery from hardship

NovemberWan 5Symbol: HouseThe House tile represents a building in which you spend much time. If your reading is positive it may well be that this building has the important function providing


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you with a stable environment in which you are comfortable. If the reading is negative it may represent a structure in which you are stressed and uncomfortable.

DecemberWan 9Symbol: HeavenThe Heaven tile suggests completion. This tile denotes a time for you to consider moving on to your next goal.

JanuaryWan 5Symbol: HouseThe House tile represents a building in which you spend much time. If your reading is positive it may well be that this building has the important function providing you with a stable environment in which you are comfortable. If the reading is negative it may represent a structure in which you are stressed and uncomfortable.

FebruaryBamboo 3Symbol: ToadThe Toad tile indicates some troubling moments along your life's path, but these aches will heal. It also suggests your ambition may be greater than your reach.

MarchWest WindSymbol: MetalThe West Wind tile represents an obstacle that must be faced before you can make progress towards your goals. This obstacle may be anything from a person to needing to find work.

AprilBamboo 3Symbol: ToadThe Toad tile indicates some troubling moments along your life's path, but these aches will heal. It also suggests your ambition may be greater than your reach.


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Your Relationship Reading

This reading concentrates on the dynamics of your relationship with another person. The other person may be a mate, business partner, or even an enemy.




Your Shared Path


Your Path's Goal


Their Path's Goal

That Which Will Influence You


That Which Will Influence Them

That Which Influences You


That Which Influences Them

Your Past Influence


Their Past Influence


Your Shared Path


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Circles 4Symbol: JadeThe Jade tile indicates hard work resulting in spectacular results. Jade is thought to be an "immortal stone" to many. Therefore is also denotes longevity of relationships, life and principled values. 


Your Path's Goal


Wan 3Symbol: LandThe Land tile suggests either a stable setting in which you are already thriving, or one that will exist in the near future. With stability your success and vision will grow. 


Their Path's Goal


Bamboo 6Symbol: WaterThe Water tile denotes a need for communication. A trip may be necessary to communicate properly. You may be called upon to present proof of ownership or that an event actually took place. 


That Which Will Influence You


Circles 9Symbol: UnicornThe Unicorn tile indicates a clear vision of the future and the ability to see people for who the really are. In rare cases the Unicorn tile may suggest a person with psychic powers. 


That Which Will Influence Them


SummerSymbol: The WoodcutterThe Woodcutter employs three of the 5 elements central to Chinese philosophy: Fire, Wood and Metal. He is ambitious and full of drive and energy. He represents gain and success through dedicated work. 



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That Which Influences You


Wan 6Symbol: FireThe Fire tile is a strong warning that something is wrong or out of balance. The Fire tile is a warning. Your resources are in jeopardy. These endangered resources may be financial or spiritual or physical. In fact, resources of all types may be in danger. 


That Which Influences Them


Circles 7Symbol: InsectThe Insect tile indicates short-term gain through a short flurry of hectic work. It is important to realize that the gains the Insect tile offers are not lasting, or of long-term importance. At best they are a stopgap until more substantial goals come along. 


Your Past Influence


Bamboo 4Symbol: CarpThe Carp tile indicates the attainment of inner-peace, tranquility, and freedom from the pressures of everyday life. Contentment will be realized. The Carp's vibrant colors suggest a rich life. This may mean the coming of material and/or spiritual wealth. 


Their Past Influence


Bamboo 2Symbol: DuckThe Duck tile symbolizes a long lasting relationship with the strength to overcome all obstacles. It suggests fidelity and trustworthiness as well. Regardless of the type of partnership in question, the 2 Bamboo tile indicates a strong, healthy relationship. 


Your Reversed Compass Reading

Each of the sets of tiles below have an influence on the issue represented by The Nucleus. To interpret this reading properly you must relate all the tile sets to The Nucleus.


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The Western Tiles 


The Northern Tiles 


The Nucleus 

The Southern Tiles 


The Eastern Tiles 



The Nucleus represents the central issue the reading concerns. When interpreting your reading remember that the four sets of tiles surrounding The Nucleus relate to this issue in some way.


Wan 5Symbol: HouseThe House tile represents a building in which you spend much time. If your reading is positive it may well be that this building has the important function providing you with a stable environment in which you are comfortable. If the reading is negative it may represent a structure in which you are stressed and uncomfortable. 


The Western Tiles explore obstacles and solutions to strife caused by The Nucleus.


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SummerSymbol: The WoodcutterThe Woodcutter employs three of the 5 elements central to Chinese philosophy: Fire, Wood and Metal. He is ambitious and full of drive and energy. He represents gain and success through dedicated work. 



Circles 4Symbol: JadeThe Jade tile indicates hard work resulting in spectacular results. Jade is thought to be an "immortal stone" to many. Therefore is also denotes longevity of relationships, life and principled values. 



Wan 9Symbol: HeavenThe Heaven tile suggests completion. This tile denotes a time for you to consider moving on to your next goal. 


The Southern Tiles represent current and near-future influences that are affecting The Nucleus.


Wan 3Symbol: LandThe Land tile suggests either a stable setting in which you are already thriving, or one that will exist in the near future. With stability your success and vision will grow. 



Circles 1Symbol: PearlThe Pearl tile denotes the attainment of wealth and a life of luxury. The task will be to balance your spiritual self with your physical self. 



WinterSymbol: The ScholarThe Scholar represents gain through intellectual pursuits. The Scholar's mind is sharp and find solutions to the most difficult problems. 



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The Eastern Tiles are a composite of the factors in your personality that are influencing The Nucleus.


SpringSymbol: The FishermanThe tile of The Fisherman suggests success can be attained through the application of common sense and careful management of your time and relationships. The Fisherman is thorough and patient. He knows that while his efforts will be rewarded as long as he does not give up. 



Bamboo 4Symbol: CarpThe Carp tile indicates the attainment of inner-peace, tranquility, and freedom from the pressures of everyday life. Contentment will be realized. The Carp's vibrant colors suggest a rich life. This may mean the coming of material and/or spiritual wealth. 



Bamboo 3Symbol: ToadThe Toad tile indicates some troubling moments along your life's path, but these aches will heal. It also suggests your ambition may be greater than your reach. 


The Northern Tiles indicate the outcome of the issue The Nucleus represents.


Bamboo 2Symbol: DuckThe Duck tile symbolizes a long lasting relationship with the strength to overcome all obstacles. It suggests fidelity and trustworthiness as well. Regardless of the type of partnership in question, the 2 Bamboo tile indicates a strong, healthy relationship. 



East WindSymbol: WoodGenerally the East Wind tile represents the querent. The tiles nearest the East tile in a reading have added importance. 



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South WindSymbol: FireThe South Wind tile is considered to be a very good sign in a reading. It almost ensures a satisfactory end to any problem.

Your Three Dragons Reading



  The Red Dragon



 The Green Dragon



 The White Dragon





The Red Dragon represents success, achievement and fulfillment. The three tiles under the Red Dragon tile will influence the power your Red Dragon currently has in your life.



Wan 4Symbol: LuteThe Lute tile indicates a need for relaxation 



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Wan 5Symbol: HouseThe House tile represents a building in which you spend much time. If your reading is positive it may well be that this building has the important function providing you with a stable environment in which you are comfortable. If the reading is negative it may represent a structure in which you are stressed and uncomfortable. 



Circles 5Symbol: DragonThe Dragon tile indicates good luck and large fortunes. Effort is not a prerequisite for the gain suggested by the Dragon tile. You cannot work towards acquiring the Dragon's gifts. They will come when they come, and will most likely be a surprise.


The Green Dragon indicates beginnings. The Green Dragon's tile set will suggest places where you should consider putting your energy.



Bamboo 4Symbol: CarpThe Carp tile indicates the attainment of inner-peace, tranquility, and freedom from the pressures of everyday life. Contentment will be realized. The Carp's vibrant colors suggest a rich life. This may mean the coming of material and/or spiritual wealth. 



Wan 9Symbol: HeavenThe Heaven tile suggests completion. This tile denotes a time for you to consider moving on to your next goal. 



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Circles 7Symbol: InsectThe Insect tile indicates short-term gain through a short flurry of hectic work. It is important to realize that the gains the Insect tile offers are not lasting, or of long-term importance. At best they are a stopgap until more substantial goals come along.


The White Dragon is indeed a wily fellow. His domain is the great unknown, and the tile set under him suggests an area or areas that could affect your life in unexpected ways. 



Bamboo 8Symbol: MushroomThe Mushroom tile represents eternal life and oddity. It gets these attributes from the fact that mushrooms in nature always seem to regenerate and often popup where they are unexpected. The notion of oddity is derived from the mushroom seemingly having the nature of a plant, but lacking leaves. The Mushroom tile foretells the coming of unexpected events that will have a lasting impact on you. 



Circles 2Symbol: Pine TreeThe Pine Tree tile represents strength and resolve. It often refers to a powerful, determined man. While powerful, this person is not violent, but very skilled in attaining his goals through diplomacy. 



Circles 8Symbol: White TigerThe White Tiger tile is epitomizes masculinity in its purest form. The male represented by the White Tiger is brave and assertive. He will fight to protect what he feels is right. 


The Four Courses

The Four Courses reading presents possible paths for the querent to take to reach a more complete state of being. While all paths may offer a degree of fulfillment, usually one will be more fruitful than the others. The


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trick of course, is to pick the one that will bring most beneficial results. 



Northern Course


Western Course Your Current State Eastern Course


Southern Course



Your Current State


North WindSymbol: Water The North Wind tile indicates there will be difficult moments ahead. These can be canceled out if the South Wind Tile is in your reading as well. 


Northern Course


SummerSymbol: The Woodcutter The Woodcutter employs three of the 5 elements central to Chinese philosophy: Fire, Wood and Metal. He is ambitious and full of drive and energy. He represents gain and success through dedicated work. 


Eastern Course


Wan 9Symbol: Heaven The Heaven tile suggests completion. This tile denotes a time for you to consider moving on to your next goal. 



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Southern Course


White DragonSymbol: The Unknown The White Dragon tile denotes unknown factors in your reading. Exactly what these factors are is beyond our vision, but they will have an impact on your life. 


Western Course


South WindSymbol: Fire The South Wind tile is considered to be a very good sign in a reading. It almost ensures a satisfactory end to any problem. 


Attaining Your Goals Reading

Use this reading to assist in reaching, or possibly even defining your goals for the future. 





Issues to Address


Issues to Address

Primary Strength Primary Weakness




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OrchidSymbol: RefinementThe Orchid tile suggests there may be rare and refined experiences coming into your life. Enjoy them! 


Issues to Address


North WindSymbol: WaterThe North Wind tile indicates there will be difficult moments ahead. These can be canceled out if the South Wind Tile is in your reading as well. 




Wan 5Symbol: HouseThe House tile represents a building in which you spend much time. If your reading is positive it may well be that this building has the important function providing you with a stable environment in which you are comfortable. If the reading is negative it may represent a structure in which you are stressed and uncomfortable. 


Issues to Address


SpringSymbol: The FishermanThe tile of The Fisherman suggests success can be attained through the application of common sense and careful management of your time and relationships. The Fisherman is thorough and patient. He knows that while his efforts will be rewarded as long as he does not give up. 


Primary Strength


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Bamboo 3Symbol: ToadThe Toad tile indicates some troubling moments along your life's path, but these aches will heal. It also suggests your ambition may be greater than your reach. 


Primary Weakness


East WindSymbol: WoodGenerally the East Wind tile represents the querent. The tiles nearest the East tile in a reading have added importance. 


The Origins of the Oracle

Free Mahjong ReadingsThe Fortune Teller's Majhong




In China, the professional soothsayer is held in great reverence. The calling is a dignified one, and does not attract the sort of suspicion that it does in the western world, where 'fortune-tellers' are regarded at best with amusement, at worst hostility, and generally, with tolerant scepticism.

Throughout the Far East, many of the major temples have their own diviners attached, and the most celebrated of them support a considerable staff of soothsayers to minister to the faithful each day of the week. For millions of people divination is actually an integral part of their worship.

Within the temples themselves, the oracles used are elementary enough. The most basic is the Kao Pui: the enquirer takes two curved blocks, which are thrown on the ground three times to elicit a straightforward 'yes' or 'no'. (These are likely to be similar, if not identical, to the 'urim and thummim' mentioned in the Bible.) The other well-known temple oracle uses bamboo sticks, each bearing a number, which is then interpreted by one of the resident priests or diviners in attendance.


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But beyond the temple precincts, however, there are vast numbers of ways by which the uncertain future may be revealed. Sometimes recourse is made to a professional astrologer, but as this usually involves an exorbitant fee it is a considerable asset if one of the eiders of the family is adept at the Ya Pai Shen Po — literally, 'divination by ivory blocks' - by which the Chinese understand dominoes, cards, or Mah Jongg tiles.

The modern game of Mah Jongg is actually a direct descendant of an ancient oracle that was consulted by Chinese soothsayers thousands of years ago. When Chinese astronomers first began to record the progress of the Sun, Moon and planets they used a simple device — a divining board — to calculate the expected positions of the heavenly bodies. Their progress through the skies was recorded by moving counters round the divisions of the board. In the course of time this primitive planisphere was adapted into a board game which would be readily recognizable today as ludo; later, the dice used in the game evolved into dominoes, and then, when the Chinese invented printing, the domino patterns were transferred to cards. So it was that an ancient oracle came to be the ancestor of virtually all our present indoor games from poker to Monopoly.

In the west the mystical origins of cards, dominoes and dice have been ail but forgotten, except by the Mah Jongg player who is constantly reminded of the game's dignified ancestry in the ritual preparation for play, the affectionate names for some of the pieces, and the technical terms used for strategies and tactics of the game.

Source: Walters, Derek, The Fortune Teller's Mah Jongg, Eddison Sadd Editions, 1988 ISBN 0-670-85640-1


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