
On the Geometric Potential and the Relationship between the

Exact Electron Factorization and Density Functional Theory

Jakub Kocak1, Eli Kraisler2, and Axel Schild1

1Laboratorium fur Physikalische Chemie, ETH Zurich, Vladimir-Prelog-Weg 2, 8093 Zurich, Switzerland2Fritz Haber Center for Molecular Dynamics, Institute of Chemistry, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem,

91904 Jerusalem, Israel


There are different ways to obtain an exact one-electron theory for a many-electron system, andthe exact electron factorization (EEF) is one of them. In the EEF, the Schrodinger equation for oneelectron in the environment of other electrons is constructed. The environment provides the potentialsthat appear in this equation: A scalar potential vH representing the energy of the environment andanother scalar potential vG as well as a vector potential that have geometric meaning. By replacingthe interacting many-electron system with the non-interacting Kohn-Sham (KS) system, we showhow the EEF is related to density functional theory (DFT) and we interpret the Hartree-exchange-correlation potential as well as the Pauli potential in terms of the EEF. In particular, we show thatfrom the EEF viewpoint, the Pauli potential does not represent the difference between a fermionic anda bosonic non-interacting system, but that it corresponds to vG and partly to vH for the (fermionic)KS system. We then study the meaning of vG in detail: Its geometric origin as a metric measuringthe change of the environment is presented. Additionally, its behavior for a simple model of a homo-and heteronucler diatomic is investigated and interpreted with the help of a two-state model. In thisway, we provide a physical interpretation for the one-electron potentials that appear in the EEF andin DFT.

1 Introduction

The quantum-mechanical solution of the many-electron problem is difficult but necessary to determinethe properties of molecules and materials as well as to predict the outcomes of chemical reactions [1, 2].Density functional theory (DFT) [3] is a highly successful approach to solve this problem [4, 5]. Thecentral idea of the most widely used variant of DFT, KS-DFT [6], is to map an interacting many-electronsystem to a fictitious system of non-interacting electrons, the Kohn-Sham (KS) system, such that bothsystems have the same one-electron density ρ(r) for an electron with coordinates r. As the electrons inthe KS system are non-interacting, the many-electron problem is effectively reduced to a one-electronproblem. To determine the KS system, the one-electron KS potential vKS(r) is needed, which is typicallytreated as a functional of ρ or of the KS orbitals, i.e., of the eigenfunctions of vKS. The functionaldependence is not completely known, but suitable approximations allow to answer many questions ofphysical and chemical relevance [7].

However, the amplitude√ρ(r) of the one-electron density is itself an eigenstate of a one-electron

Schrodinger equation with an effective potential v(r) [8–11]. This fact is the basis of orbital-free DFT(OF-DFT), a method that may be computationally very efficient for large systems if suitable approxi-mations are found [12,13]. In the theory of OF-DFT, the KS system is usually considered as a referenceand the effective potential is written as

v(r) = vP(r) + vKS(r), (1)

where the Pauli potential vP and its properties have recently attracted some attention [14–26].

Although the usual approach in OF-DFT is to view the effective potential v as a functional of the one-electron density, the formalism has an interesting advantage: In contrast to the KS potential vKS, ageneral equation for the potential v in terms of quantities derived from the many-electron wavefunctioncan be given explicitly [27]. To obtain this equation, the N -electron wavefunction is written as a productof a marginal wavefunction (

√ρ(r) up to a possibly r-dependent phase) and a conditional wavefunction

(defined below). The marginal wavefunction depends only on the coordinate of one electron and is aneigenstate of the same one-electron Schrodinger equation that is the basic equation of OF-DFT [28]. The










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conditional wavefunction depends on the coordinates of N − 1 electrons, and, also, parametrically onthe coordinates of the remaining electron of the N -electron system. The potential v appearing in theone-electron Schrodinger equation of OF-DFT is a functional of the conditional wavefunction.

The separation of a wavefunction into a marginal and a conditional part was first considered for theelectron-nuclear problem [29] and has subsequently been transferred to the many-electron problem [27],which lead to first studies of the properties of and the connections between v, vKS, and vP, for atoms[30–33] and diatomics [30, 34–36], and to further studies of the conditional wavefunction in the DFTliterature [37–44]. Recently, the formalism of the wavefunction separation has been further developed forthe electron-nuclear problem and been termed the exact factorization [45–47]. The exact factorizationhas then also been transferred to the many-electron problem as exact electron factorization (EEF) [48–50].

In this article we take a closer look at two aspects of the EEF: First, in Sec. 2 we present the theory of theEEF and connect it to DFT. In the EEF, one electron in the environment of other electrons is described.This electron obeys a Schrodinger equation with the scalar potential v and a vector potential A, wherev is composed of a part that corresponds to the energy of the environment and a part that relates to thegeometric structure of the environment. The EEF can be related to DFT by replacing the wavefunctionof the interacting electrons that constitute the environment with the corresponding wavefunction of theKS system. From the connection of the EEF to DFT, we can interpret vKS and, in particular, vP fromthe perspective of one electron in the environment of other electrons and, in this way, given them analternative meaning compared to their standard interpretation. Second, in Sec. 3 we take a closer lookat the geometric part vG of v. We show how vG and A are related to the quantum geometric tensor thatencodes the geometry of the environment. Then, we study how vG behaves for a numerically solvablemodel of a two-electron homo- and heteronuclear diatomic molecule in one dimension. With the help of atwo-state model, a quantitative analysis of vG becomes possible and we can show explicitly how changesof the environment are encoded in vG. Our article closes with a short summary of the findings and ideasfor future research.

2 Exact electron factorization and density functional theory

In this section, the EEF is presented as a way to reduce an N -electron problem to a one-electron problem.The resulting one-electron problem is that of one electron in a scalar potential v and a vector potential A,together representing the environment of the other electrons. The solution of the one-electron Schrodingerequation with these potentials yields the exact one-electron density and current density as well as one-electron observables of the many-electron system.

Next to explaining the physical picture of the EEF, this section has the goal to contrast the usual meaningof the potentials in DFT, i.e., the Hartree-exchange-correlation potential vHXC and the Pauli potentialvP, with those appearing in the EEF, i.e., the average energy of the (N − 1)-electron system vH in thepresence of an additional electron and the geometric potential vG. In particular, if the interacting systemis replaced with the KS system, v is left unchanged, even though the corresponding (N − 1)-electronenvironment that it represents changes. This is by construction, as the KS system has the same one-electron density like the interacting system. However, the individual contributions to v change, whichcan be used relate the DFT potentials vHXC and vP to the EEF potentials vH and vG. Based on theserelations, we show that the idea of one electron being in the environment of the other electrons can betransferred from the EEF to DFT, thus bringing an alternative interpretation to vHXC and, in particular,to vP.

2.1 Formalism of the exact electron factorization

In the following the Born-Oppenheimer approximation is assumed, i.e., the nuclei are treated as clamped[51]. For simplicity, we use atomic units and we consider the ground state of a system of N non-relativisticspinless electrons (fermions), i.e., the energetically lowest fully antisymmetric solution ψ(r1, . . . , rN )of a non-relativistic many-electron Hamiltonian for some external potential. The generalization to in-clude electron spin and excited states is straightforward but complicates the presentation, hence it isnot discussed here. For brevity, we sometimes substitute the electronic coordinates with numbers, e.g.ψ(r1, . . . , rN ) ≡ ψ(1, . . . , N).


The many-electron Schrodinger equation is− N∑j=1


2+ V (1, . . . , N)

ψ(1, . . . , N) = Eψ(1, . . . , N) (2)

with the scalar potential

V (1, . . . , N) =


vext(j) +



vee(j, k) (3)

that is the sum of one-electron (external) potentials vext(r) and the electron-electron interaction vee(rj , rk).

The EEF [48] is based on the fact that a joint probability can be written as product of a marginal and aconditional probability [29,45]. In terms of wavefunctions, this translates to

ψ(1, . . . , N) = χ(1)φ(2, . . . , N ; 1), (4)


|χ(r)|2 := 〈ψ(r, 2, . . . , N)|ψ(r, 2, . . . , N)〉2...N ≡ ρ(r) (5)

is the one-electron density and 〈. . .〉2...N indicates the scalar product (integral) with respect to (w.r.t.)the coordinates r2, . . . , rN . As the one-electron density is the marginal density of finding an electronat r independent of the location of the other electrons, χ(r) is called the marginal wavefunction. Thefunction

φ(2, . . . , N ; r) :=ψ(r, 2, . . . , N)


is the conditional wavefunction whose squared magnitude, |φ(2, . . . , N ; r)|2, represents the conditionalprobability of finding electrons at r2, . . . , rN , given an electron is located at r. Thus, it has to obey thepartial normalization condition

〈φ(2, . . . , N ; r)|φ(2, . . . , N ; r)〉2...N!= 1 (7)

for all values of r. The conditional wavefunction φ(2, . . . , N ; r) is the wavefunction of the electrons atr2, . . . , rN under the condition that another electron is at r. We call the electrons at r2, . . . , rN theenvironment [52]. The function φ encodes the spatial electron entanglement [53] in the sense that theN -electron system is in general not the product of a one-electron wavefunction and an (N − 1)-electronwavefunction, but that the wavefunction φ of the N − 1 electrons depends on where the remainingelectron of the N -electron system is found (measured). From (4) follows that χ(r) obeys the one-electronSchrodinger equation [45,48] (

(−i∇r + A(r))2

2+ v(r)

)χ(r) = Eχ(r) (8)

with the vector potential

A(r) = 〈φ(2, . . . , N ; r)| − i∇rφ(2, . . . , N ; r)〉2...N (9)

and with the scalar potential (cf. [30, 31,34,35])

v(r) = vT(r) + vV(r) + vG(r) + vext(r) (10)

that contains the terms

vT(r) =

⟨φ(2, . . . , N ; r)




∣∣∣∣∣∣φ(2, . . . , N ; r)



vV(r) =⟨φ(2, . . . , N ; r)

∣∣V (1, 2, . . . , N)∣∣φ(2, . . . , N ; r)


− vext(r) (12)

vG(r) =1


(〈∇rφ(2, . . . , N ; r)|∇rφ(2, . . . , N ; r)〉2...N −A(r)2

). (13)


It will be useful for the discussion below to define the sum

vH(r) = vT(r) + vV(r). (14)

The term vT(r) is the expectation value of the kinetic energy of the N − 1 environmental electrons andvV(r) is the corresponding expectation value of the potential energy, hence vH(r) is the expectation valueof the energy of the environment given one additional electron is at r. The geometric potential vG(r)is discussed and illustrated in section 3. It is connected to how much the conditional wavefunction φchanges w.r.t. r and it is needed to calculate the correct kinetic energy of the electron in the presence ofthe electrons in the environment. Together with A(r), it describes the reaction of the environment to aninfinitesimal change of the position of the additional electron at r, and it is related to the Fubini-Studymetric as well as to the quantum geometric tensor [54]. The meaning of the potentials is explainedpictorially in Fig. 1.

Figure 1: Idea of the exact electron factorization illustrated with a diatomic molecule. The two round(magenta) shapes represent two nuclei, the five star-like shapes (yellow and blue) represent electrons. Ifthe shape has a black border (the nuclei and the blue electron), its position is a condition: The nucleiare clamped and the state of the four yellow electrons (the environment) is the conditional wavefunctionφ(1, 2, 3, 4; r) for a given position r of the blue electron. The blue electron feels the external potentialvext(r) that describes the interaction with the nuclei, the potential vH(r) that is the energy of the 4-electron system given another electron is at r, and the potential vG(r) that can be thought of as theadditional energy needed to change the state of the 4-electron system when the position r of the blueelectron is changed. A possible vector potential A(r) might also be felt by the blue electron, e.g., if thesystem is rotating. We emphasize that the blue electron is any electron and the fermionic antisymmetryconditions are unbroken.

From the product form (4) the one-electron wavefunction χ(r) is defined only up to a phase, because wecan replace χ(r) and φ(2, . . . , N ; r) with

χ(r) := e−iS(r)χ(r) (15a)

φ(2, . . . , N ; r) := e+iS(r)φ(2, . . . , N ; r), (15b)

where S ∈ R, without changing the many-electron wavefunction ψ(1, . . . , N) and without violating thepartial normalization condition (7). The equations for χ (equation (8)) and φ (see the SupplementalMaterial of [48]) also do not change under (15) if A(r) is replaced with

A(r) = A(r) +∇rS(r). (16)

The choice of S is thus arbitrary, it is a gauge freedom of the theory. The measurable quantities of thetheory need to be gauge invariant, i.e., they cannot depend on the choice of S. The potentials vT, vV,and vG have this property, as shown in Appendix A. Also,

p = −i∇r + A(r) (17)

is the gauge-invariant canonical momentum and

T =(−i∇r + A(r))2

2+ vG(r) (18)

is the gauge-invariant kinetic energy of an electron in the environment of the other electrons.

An important feature of the EEF is that the many-electron problem is replaced with the one-electronproblem (8) for the one-electron wavefunction χ. If the (components of the) potentials v and A wereknown, one-electron observables of the many-electron system (like the dipole or momentum) could bedirectly calculated from χ and the energy of the many-electron system E could be obtained. However, theconditional wavefunction φ is needed to obtain these potentials, and its determining equation is difficultto solve exactly [55]. Nevertheless, the EEF formalism provides explicit expressions for the needed one-electron potentials in terms of φ (or in terms of the full many-electron wavefunction ψ) that can be usedto find suitable approximations or to connect to DFT.


2.2 Relation to density functional theory

We can relate the EEF to DFT by introducing the KS system. In KS-DFT [6], the interacting many-electron system is replaced by a non-interacting many-electron system, the KS system, with the sameone-electron density as for the interacting problem. The wavefunction of the KS system is

ψKS(1, . . . , N) = A


ϕKSj (j)


where A is an anti-symmetrization operator and we require⟨ψKS


= 1. The KS orbitals ϕKSj (r)

are obtained by solving the one-electron Schrodinger equation(−∇


2+ vKS(r)

)ϕKSj (r) = εKS

j ϕKSj (r). (20)

with the KS potential

vKS(r) = vHXC(r) + vext(r). (21)

The potential vHXC is the Hartree-exchange-correlation potential. We do not separate it further in thefollowing discussion. The one-electron density of the interacting system is

ρ(r) ≡ 1



|ϕKSj (r)|2. (22)

In contrast to the usual convention of normalizing the one-electron density to the number of electrons,we require that 〈ψ|ψ〉 = 〈ρ(r)〉 = 〈|ϕKS

j (r)|2〉 = 1, i.e., the many-electron wavefunction, the one-electrondensity, and the KS orbitals are all normalized to 1. We make this non-standard choice for ρ becausewe interpret the density ρ(r) as the density of one electron in the environment of the other electrons, asdiscussed below. While the KS system exists and is unique [3], the KS potential vKS cannot be directlyobtained from the many-electron wavefunction ψ and/or the one-electron density ρ. Different numericalmethods exist to find the exact vKS for a given one-electron density, and some recent discussions andapplications of this inverted KS problem can be found in [41,56–58].

The EEF equation (8) is equivalent to the central equation of OF-DFT,(−∇


2+ vKS(r) + vP(r)

)√ρ(r) = µ

√ρ(r) (23)

where µ = εKSN is the chemical potential (the eigenvalue of the highest occupied KS orbital) and vP is

the Pauli potential. From (1) we see that (23) is identical to the EEF equation (8) if we fix the gauge asA(r) = 0 and if χ(r) =

√ρ(r), i.e., if χ is real-valued. This gauge choice cannot always be made [59,60]

but is supposed to be possible for the (non-degenerate) ground state of the many-electron system withzero total angular momentum and possibly also for other states without total angular momentum.1 Then,the EEF potential is related to KS and Pauli potentials as

v(r) = vKS(r) + vP(r) (24)

vH(r) + vG(r) = vHXC(r) + vP(r) (25)

up to a constant E − µ to be added on the right-hand side of the equations.

The Pauli potential can be written in terms of the KS system as [11,26]

vP(r) = vPH(r) + vPG(r) (26)


vPH(r) =


(εKSN − εKS

n )|φKSn (r)|2 (27)

vPG(r) =1



|∇rφKSn (r)|2, (28)

1The gauge A(r) = 0 implies that the vector potential is curl-free in any gauge. This condition may be violated even ifthe total angular momentum vanishes, hence we cannot make a definite statement here.


where we used the functions

φKSn (r) =

ϕKSn (r)√ρ(r)

. (29)

We now relate the EEF formalism to DFT by realizing that the functions (29) are similar to the conditionalwavefunction φ of the EEF and may be interpreted as KS orbitals of the environment. In particular, wedefine the conditional wavefunction

φKS(2, . . . , N ; r) =ψKS(r, 2, . . . , N)√


of the non-interacting KS system, where ψKS is given by (19), and we can interpret the potential v of asfunctional v = v[φ, V ] of the conditional wavefunction φ and the many-electron potential V (1, . . . , N),see (10)-(13). As both ψ and ψKS correspond to the same one-electron density ρ(r), it follows that

v[φ, V ] = v[φKS, V KS], (31)

where V KS(1, . . . , N) =∑Nj=1 v

KS(j) is the many-electron potential of the non-interacting KS system.Relation (31) states that the same one-electron potential v is obtained if it is evaluated as functional withthe exact quantities or with the KS quantities.

If we also interpret vH and vG as functionals vH = vH[φ, V ] and vG = vG[φ], we find (cf. [35])

vPH(r) + vHXC(r) = vH[φKS, V KS](r) (32a)

vPG(r) = vG[φKS](r), (32b)

where (32a) holds up to a constant due to the different asymptotic conditions in DFT and in the EEF,as explained above. We thus see that vPG(r) is the geometric potential of the N − 1 non-interactingelectrons of the KS system if one additional electron is at r. Also, vH[φKS, V KS] is the correspondingenergy of those N − 1 electrons. The left-hand side and the right-hand side of (32a) are only equal up to

a constant (which is∑N−1j=1 εKS

j ), because v in (8) and vKS + vP in (23) are shifted relative to each other.In the EEF, the asymptotic value lim|r|→∞ v(r) is the energy of the ionized system, while in OF-DFTthe potential typically is shifted such that it becomes zero for large |r|.The reason why we can work with the conditional KS orbitals φKS

n (r) instead of the full conditional KS-wavefunction φKS(r) to obtain vPH and vPG is the orthogonality of the KS-orbitals w.r.t. integration overthe electronic coordinates. This orthogonality can be used to simplify the expressions for the potentialsvPH and vPG such that no integration is left in (27) and (28).

2.3 Interpreting the DFT potentials

Via (32), the EEF provides a different view on the Hartree-exchange-correlation potential vHXC and, inparticular, on the Pauli potential vP. When OF-DFT and KS-DFT are compared, a central point ofdiscussion is how the two theories treat the fermionic antisymmetry of a many-electron system. Thesymmetry constraints for the many-electron wavefunction ψ(1, . . . , N) are included in an elegant way inKS-DFT via the construction of the non-interacting KS system, which has the same one-electron densitylike the interacting system, but which also corresponds to an antisymmetric many-electron wavefunctionψKS(1, . . . , N). OF-DFT, however, is sometimes interpreted as mapping to a non-interacting bosonicsystem with the same one-body density. The Pauli potential is thus often viewed as necessary to describethe antisymmetry correctly, because it is the difference potential between the supposed fermionic andbosonic non-interacting systems. [9, 11].

While the construction of the non-interacting bosonic system is technically correct, the EEF provides an-other interpretation: Despite the product form (4), the fermionic antisymmetry constraints are unbroken:The wavefunction φ fulfills the symmetry constraints w.r.t. exchange of the (spin- & spatial) coordinatesof the electrons in the environment. The antisymmetry constraints w.r.t. the additional electron arefound in the product χ(1)φ(2, . . . , N ; 1) and are, thus, implicitly contained in the EEF formalism.

In the EEF picture, there is thus no Pauli potential which turns a (non-interacting) bosonic system intoa fermionic system, but the interacting fermionic system itself is considered from the start. The EEFpotentials vH and vG have a clear physical meaning in terms of how one electron feels the environmentprovided by the other electrons: vH is the energy of the other electrons and vG is an additional resistance


that the electron experiences if its change of position leads to a change of the state of the other electrons(i.e., if there is a strong spatial entanglement).

If the interacting system is replaced with the KS system, we see from (32) that the corresponding geometricpotential becomes one part of the Pauli potential, while the energy of the environment becomes the sumof vHXC with the other part of the Pauli potential. Moreover, by evaluating (32a) explicitly, we have (upto a constant)

vH[φKS, V KS] + vext =










= vPH +⟨φKS

∣∣∣ vKS(1)∣∣∣φKS

⟩2...N︸ ︷︷ ︸


. (34)

Thus, we can actually think of the Pauli potential as being the EEF potential for the KS system, with vHXC

being a correction due to the different way of how the electron-electron interaction is described.

In contrast to the usual view on DFT and especially on OF-DFT, one does, from the EEF perspective,not talk about a fermionic or a bosonic many-electron problem. Instead, the problem of one electronin the environment of other electrons is considered both for the interacting many-electron problem (theEEF) and for the KS system (OF-DFT). In both cases the same one-electron potential v is obtained, butbecause the environment is described differently, the contributions to v can differ.

3 The geometric potential

While the average energy vH of the environment is straightforward to understand in the EEF, the meaningof the geometric potential vG is less obvious. As (18) shows, vG is one part of the gauge-invariant kineticenergy operator T and 〈χ|T |χ〉 is the expectation value of the kinetic energy of one electron in theenvironment of the other N − 1 electrons. Also, in appendix B we show that vG is related to the kineticenergy density (cf. [30]) and that the different kinetic energy densities of the interacting and the KSsystem fully account for the differences between vG and vPG. Hence, vG has been called the “kineticpotential” in the literature [31,43].

However, there is a geometric meaning attached to vG and, in connection to this, also to the vectorpotential A. In this section, we first show how vG and A are related to the quantum-geometric tensorthat describes the geometric structure of the environment of the one-electron system. We then proceedby examining vG for numerically solvable models of a homonuclear and a heteronuclear diatomic in one-dimension. Finally, we connect to the geometric picture of vG by investigating how the dependence ofthe environment on the one electron are encoded in vG via a two-state model.

All model systems described in the following were solved numerically with the program package QMstunfti[61] that is based on the sparse-matrix functionality of Scipy [62], which in turn partially uses theARPACK library [63]. The exact KS potentials were obtained from the inversion procedure used in [64],see also [32]. We choose the gauge of zero vector potential, which is always possible for one-dimensionalfinite systems.

3.1 The quantum-geometric tensor

To better understand vG, we describe its relation to the quantum geometric tensor. We consider a generalfunction f(x; t) that is an element of a Hilbert space with inner product defined w.r.t. the coordinate(s)x. The function f has an additional dependence on a parameter t, and it shall also be normalized as〈f(x; t)|f(x; t)〉x = 1. We are interested in the change of f with t. Taking the norm of the differencebetween f(x; t) and f(x; t+ dt),

df2 = ||f(x; t+ dt)− f(x; t)||2 =⟨f(x; t+ dt)− f(x; t)

∣∣ f(x; t+ dt)− f(x; t)⟩x


we find for infinitesimal dt that

df2 =⟨∂tf(x; t)

∣∣ ∂tf(x; t)⟩xdt2. (36)

The term

g =⟨∂tf(x; t)

∣∣ ∂tf(x; t)⟩x≥ 0 (37)


looks like a metric that represents how f changes when t is changed.

However, (37) is ambiguous, as f(x; t) is only defined up to an x-independent phase. In particular, wecan define

f(x; t)→ f(x; t)e−iS(t) (38)

with S ∈ R without changing the state that f represents. The choice of S(t) is a gauge choice and, for gto be a useful metric, it should be independent of the choice of gauge. This is achieved by replacing (37)with the Fubini-Study metric [54,65]

g =⟨∂tf(x; t)

∣∣P⊥ ∣∣ ∂tf(x; t)⟩x≥ 0 (39)

where P⊥ is a projector into the space orthogonal to f ,

P⊥ = 1− |f(x; t)〉 〈f(x; t)|x . (40)

If f depends on multiple parameters, f(x; t1, . . . , tn), the change of f with the parameters is describedby the quantum-geometric tensor [54,66]

Tij =⟨∂tif(x; t1, . . . , tn)

∣∣P⊥ ∣∣ ∂tjf(x; t1, . . . , tn)⟩. (41)

This tensor yields the Fubini-Study metric tensor as its real part,

gij =1

2(Tij + Tji), (42)

and its imaginary part is the Berry curvature [67]

Bij =1

2i(Tij − Tji). (43)

We can compare these definitions to the geometric potential vG. There, f(x; t) → φ(2, . . . , N ; r) wherethe coordinates r of one electron are parameters. As we restrict the discussion to a simple kinetic energyoperator (2) with Cartesian coordinates for the particles, there are no terms coupling the three componentsri of r and, thus, the corresponding Fubini-Study metric tensor is diagonal with components

gii =⟨∂riφ(2, . . . , N ; r)

∣∣P⊥ ∣∣ ∂riφ(2, . . . , N ; r)⟩


The metric is

ds2 =∑i


gijdridrj (45)

and the geometric potential is

vG(r) =~2

2meds2, (46)

where we added Plank’s constant and the electronic mass for emphasis. In atomic units and for thesimple kinetic energy term in (2), the geometric potential is

vG(r) =1



gii. (47)

It measures how much the wavefunction φ of the electrons in the environment changes when the positionr of the conditional electron is changed. As it is a distance measure, vG(r) ≥ 0, which is also obviousfrom its definition. Interpreted as potential, it repels the electron from regions where the environmentchanges significantly along r.

Next to the metric tensor, the Berry curvature also contains important information about the geometry ofthe problem. In particular, its gauge-invariant components can be expressed in terms of the componentsof the vector potential A(r) as

Bij = ∂riAj − ∂rjAi. (48)


It can be shown (e.g. by noting that Bij is the exterior derivative of A and by using the theory ofdifferential forms [68]) that, if any component Bij 6= 0, the vector potential A(r) cannot be written asgradient of a scalar field, A(r) 6= ∇rS(r) for any S ∈ R. In this case, we see from a comparison to (16)

that the choice of gauge A(r)!= 0 cannot be made.

Below, we only consider (finite) one-dimensional systems for which A is a scalar field that can always

be written as a gradient field. Then, the choice A!= 0 is possible. We make this choice and do not

consider the vector potential or Berry curvature further. However, these quantities might have to betaken into account for the study of the full three-dimensional problem. Current results suggest that the

choice A(r)!= 0 is possible for the three-dimensional problem when the system is not rotating [59], but

further investigations are needed to draw a definite conclusion.

3.2 Model study of a one-dimensional homonuclear diatomic molecule

As example for the behavior of vG, we consider a one-dimensional model of a diatomic molecule with twoelectrons and look at the lowest antisymmetric state. This state corresponds to the triplet state is spinwas included. We select this state because for the symmetric (singlet) ground-state there is no differencebetween the EEF and DFT, as only one DFT orbital is occupied.

The Hamiltonian for clamped nuclei is

H(Z)m (R) =



2+ ven(xj ;R,Z)

)+ vee(x1, x2) + vnn(R,Z), (49)

where the electron-nuclear interaction is given by

ven(x;R,Z) = − Z√(x+R/2)2 + cen

− 1√(x−R/2)2 + cen

, (50)

corresponding to two nuclei with charges Z and +1 located at −R/2 and R/2, respectively. The electroninteraction is

vee(x1, x2) =1√

(x1 − x2)2 + cee


and the nuclear interaction is given by

vnn(R,Z) =Z√

R2 + cnn

. (52)

The external potential for this model is

vext(x) = ven(x;R,Z) + vnn(R,Z). (53)

The parameters are cen = cee = 0.5 a20 and cnn = 0.1 a2

0. We first consider the homonuclear (symmetric)case with Z = +1.

Fig. 2a shows the exact KS potential of the model together with the two lowest KS-orbitals for aninternuclear distance of R = 5 a0, and Fig. 2b shows the EEF potential together with the one-electrondensity. The KS-orbitals are almost degenerate and look like typical tunneling states of a double wellpotential, with the wavefunction of the energetically lower state having the same sign in both wells, whilethe wavefunction of the energetically higher state switches sign at x1 = 0.

The components of the EEF potential v and the DFT potentials are depicted in Fig. 2c and 2d for theinternuclear distances R = 2 a0 and R = 5 a0, respectively. For R = 2 a0 the two electrons are relativelyclose to each other. All parts of v except the external potential vext are repulsive bell-shaped potentialscentered around x1 = 0.

For the chosen parameters, the model is well-described by Hartree-Fock theory and the KS wavefunctionis very close to the interacting wavefunction. Thus, the parts of v based on the KS quantities and in theEEF are similar,

vPG ≈ vG (54a)

vPH + vHXC ≈ vH (54b)


Figure 2: (a) KS potential vKS and occupied KS orbitals ϕKSj (shifted to their corresponding eigenvalues

εKSj ) as well as (b) EEF/OF-DFT potential v and one-electron density ρ (shifted to its energy) for the

energetically lowest antisymmetric electronic state of the homonuclear two-electron diatomic moleculewith internuclear distance R = 5 a0. vKS is shifted such that it is zero for large |x1|, while the limit|x1| → ∞ of v is the ground-state energy of the ionized system. (c), (d): Contributions to v in the EEFand in DFT for two different internuclear distances R of the homonuclear two-electron diatomic molecule,for its energetically lowest antisymmetric electronic state. (e), (f): Conditional wavefunctions φ(x2;x1)corresponding to the panels above, shown as contour plots (color indicates the sign). The states discussedin Sec. 3.4 in the context of the geometric potential vG are marked as “0”, “1”, “+”, and “-”.

with the second relation holding up to a constant. However, some differences of up to 0.08Eh exists,with vPG being slightly smaller than vG and vPH + vHXC − εKS

1 being slightly larger than vH −E.

When the interatomic distance R is increased, the system becomes two separated one-electron atoms andthe electron-electron interaction decreases. Consequently, vHXC rapidly becomes zero with increasing Rand vPH ≈ vH. The energy vH (or vPH) of the environment becomes more and more a constant shift tothe potential: It is the energetic contribution of the electron in the environment (at x2) to the potentialfelt by the electron at x1, and the wavefunction φ(x2;x1) of the environment is approximately the groundstate of one of the separated atoms. This is visible in φ(x2;x1), shown in Fig. 2e and 2f: As φ(x2;x1)is the wavefunction of one electron at x2 given there is another one at x1, we have that for a largeinternuclear distance R the electron at x2 is either located at one nucleus or at the other. For R = 5 a0,given one electron of the two-electron system is found at, say, x1 < −2 a0, it is likely to “originate” fromthe nucleus at x1 = −2.5 a0. The second electron is thus most likely found at the other nucleus centeredaround x2 = +2.5 a0 and φ(x2;x1) corresponds approximately to the ground state of an electron at thatnucleus.

Turning to the geometric potential vG, we observe what is expected from the discussion in section 3.1:The potential vG is a measure of how strong the wavefunction φ(x2;x1) of the one-electron environmentchanges if the other electron is moved along x1. There is a large change in the conditional wavefunctiononly at x1 ≈ 0 that is reflected in vG as a peak in this region (see also [35, 40] for such a peak insimilar models). If the internuclear distance is increased, the system becomes more and more that oftwo separated atoms and the change of the conditional wavefunction at x1 ≈ 0 becomes sharper. Withincreasing internuclear distance the peak of the geometric potential vG (or vPG) then becomes somewhatmore localized at x1 = 0 and also slightly higher, although this is hardly visible in the figure. Weemphasize that the shape of vG has nothing to do with the sign change of φ(x2;x1) along x1, as can been

seen from the definition (13) of vG. It is for example also present in the symmetric ground state of H(1)m

for which no sign change in φ(x2;x1) happens but φ(x2;x1) is otherwise similar (cf. [30, 69])


3.3 Model study of a one-dimensional heteronuclear diatomic molecule

We now investigate what changes if we have a heteronuclear diatomic molecule instead of a homonuclearone. For this purpose, we use Z = 2 in the Hamiltonian (49), such that there is one nucleus at +R/2 withcharge +1 and one nucleus at −R/2 with charge +2, and we again consider the lowest antisymmetricstate.

Figure 3: (a) KS potential vKS and occupied KS orbitals ϕKSj (shifted to their corresponding eigenvalues

εKSj ) as well as (b) EEF/OF-DFT potential v and one-electron density ρ (shifted to its energy) for the

energetically lowest antisymmetric electronic state of the heteronuclear two-electron diatomic moleculewith internuclear distance R = 5 a0. vKS is shifted such that it is zero for large |x1|, while the limit of|x1| → ∞ of v is the ground-state energy of the ionized system. (c), (d): Contributions to v in the EEFand based on KS quantities for two different internuclear distances R of the heteronuclear two-electrondiatomic molecule, for the energetically lowest antisymmetric electronic state. In (d), an inset shows thedetails of vgeo for x1 ∈ [−13,−4] a0. (e), (f): Conditional wavefunctions φ(x2;x1) corresponding to thepanels above, shown as contour plots (color indicates the sign). The states “0” and “1” discussed in Sec.3.4 in the context of the geometric potential vG are marked.

Fig. 3a shows the KS potential together with the relevant KS orbitals and Fig. 3b shows the EEF potentialtogether with the one-electron density for an internuclear distance of R = 5 a0. The lowest KS orbitalϕKS

0 is localized around x1 = −2.5 a0 (where the nucleus with charge +2 is) while the highest occupiedKS orbital ϕKS

1 is localized around x1 = +2.5 a0 (where the nucleus with charge +1 is).

The contributions to the EEF and KS potentials are depicted in panels Fig. 3c and 3d for the internucleardistances R = 2 a0 and R = 5 a0, respectively. Also this model is well-described by Hartree-Fock theory,hence the relations (54) hold. For larger distances, vH and vHXC + vPH form as step, because the stateof the environment changes along x1. For a detailed discussion of this step feature, see [50].

Here, we focus on the the geometric potential vG. It looks similar to that of the homonuclear diatomic,with a bell-shaped maximum centered at x1 ≈ 0 that indicates a qualitative change of the conditionalwavefunction φ(x2;x1), depicted in Fig. 3e and 3f, respectively. However, for larger internuclear distancesthere is a second significant change of φ(x2;x1) along x1, shown in the inset of 3d. For R = 5 a0 this secondchange is at x1 ≈ −8 a0. If an electron is found somewhere in −8 a0 < x1 < 0, we see from φ(x2;x1)that the second electron is most probably found around x2 = 2.5 a0, corresponding to the location of thenucleus with charge +1. In contrast, if an electron is found at x1 < −8 a0, the second electron is foundaround x2 = −2.5 a0, corresponding to the nucleus with charge +2. The larger the internuclear distanceR becomes, the more does this transition move to smaller values of x1 (i.e., to the left). Mechanistically,what happens at the location of the peak is a charge transfer, where the electron at x2 switches fromthe energetically higher potential well to the lower well depending on where the other electron at x1 islocated. [50] Close inspection of the potentials for R = 5 a0 reveals that this charge transfer, which isa qualitative change in the conditional wavefunction φ(x2;x1), is visible in the vG, albeit barely: The


change happens over a rather large region along x1 compared with the change at x1 ≈ 0 and thus leadsonly to a small but broad local increase in vG, sbown in the inset of 3d. This second peak in vG has alsobeen found in a similar model recently [40], where it was concluded that the peak is at the side of themore electronegative atom, in agreement with our interpretation. We note that although there is a largedifference in the height and with of the peak, the two changes of the conditional wavefunction are rathersimilar. This leads to the integrals of

√vG over the corresponding regions to both be approximately

equal, as explained in the next section.

−10 0 10

x1 (a0)







R = 5.0 a0





vHXC + vPH − εKS1

vH − EvHXC − εKS


Figure 4: Like Fig. 3d, but for a very delocalized electron-nuclear interaction (parameter cen = 25 a20).

Before starting with a two-state analysis of the model, we look at what happens if there is a significantdifference between the exact wavefunction and the Hartree-Fock wavefunction. In our experience, forone-dimensional models Hartree-Fock theory describes the electronic structure well and it its hard tomake it “fail”. One possibility would be to consider the limit of strictly correlated electrons, as was donein [40]. Here, we take a different approach and make the electron correlation in our model hamiltonianmore important by setting cen to a large value, which results in a broad external potential ven whilekeeping the electron-electron interaction vee sharply localized. In Fig. 4, we show the EEF and DFTpotentials for such a large value. We find that the geometric potential vG of the interacting wavefunctionis higher that the geometric potential vPG of the KS wavefunction, indicating that there is a strongerchange of the conditional wavefunction along x1 in the internuclear region for the interacting system. Asv is the same for the interacting and the KS system, this has to be compensated by vH being smallerthan vPH + vHXC, i.e., the energy of the environment is lower for the interacting than for the KS system.However, this behavior need not always be the case and we cannot make general statements about theenergetic order of vG compared to vPG at the moment.

3.4 A two-state analysis

The two parts vH and vG of the EEF potential v are functionals of the conditional wavefunction φ.By looking at the conditional wavefunctions φ for the symmetric and asymmetric diatomic in Fig. 2and in Fig. 3, respectively, is seems that φ(x2;x1) for some value of x1 can be described as a two-stateproblem. This view is also supported by the observation that all our models are well-described with theHartree-Fock approximation and the Hartree-Fock and Kohn-Sham orbitals differ very little. Hence, thewavefunction of the presented two-electron models of the diatomic molecule can approximately be writtenas

ψ(x1, x2) ≈ 1√2


0 (x1)ϕKS1 (x2)− ϕKS

1 (x1)ϕKS0 (x2)


with the conditional wavefunction

φ(x2;x1) ≈ ϕKS0 (x1)ϕKS

1 (x2)− ϕKS1 (x1)ϕKS

0 (x2)√|ϕKS

0 (x1)|2 + |ϕKS1 (x1)|2








Figure 5: Bloch sphere with coordinates θ and ϕspanning the parameter space of a superposition oftwo states.







Figure 6: Bloch sphere with coordinate ϑ spanningthe parameter space of a superposition of two statesif constrained to be real-valued.

for the gauge χ(x1) =√ρ(x1). Thus, for a given value of x1, φ(x2;x1) is approximately a superposition

of ϕKS0 (x2) and ϕKS

1 (x2).

This allows us to illustrate how the change of φ(x2;x1) along x1 is encoded in the geometric potentialvG(x1) in detail. The width and height of the bell-shaped maxima of vG are closely related to theunderlying structure of the conditional wavefunction φ(x2;x1) as a manifold with its own metric. Toexpress this metric explicitly for a general two-state system, we use that any linear combination of twoorthonormal states |0〉 and |1〉 represents a state

|φ〉 (θ, ϕ) = cos(θ/2) |0〉+ eiϕ sin(θ/2) |1〉 , (57)

that is fully described with the two parameters θ ∈ [0, π] and ϕ ∈ [0, 2π). A geometrical representationof the state |φ〉 is the Bloch sphere (Fig. 5) given by the two angles θ, ϕ. The Fubini-Study metric [54]defines a distance between states. For a two-level system, expressed in terms of the parameters, itmeasures distances on the Block sphere and is given by

ds2 = dθ2 + sin2 θ dϕ2. (58)

If the conditional wavefunction φ(x2;x1) is a manifold of two states given by

φ(x2;x1) = 〈x2|φ〉 (θ(x1), ϕ(x1)) , (59)

the geometric potential vG corresponds to the scaled square of the distance traversed on the Bloch sphere,which in terms of the x1-dependent parameters θ and ϕ is

vG(x1) =1



2+ sin2 θ (∂1ϕ)

2]. (60)

Knowing that the conditional wavefunction φ(x2;x1) is real-valued reduces the configuration space of thewhole Bloch sphere to states lying on the great circle. Thus, instead of (θ, ϕ) we use the central angleϑ ∈ [0, 2π) shown in Fig. 6 to fully specify the conditional wavefunction for each value of x1.

For the states |0〉 and |1〉 we can choose the KS orbitals ϕKS0 and ϕKS

1 . Then, the map between electroncoordinate x1 and the parameter ϑ is

sinϑ(x1) =−2ϕKS

0 (x1)ϕKS1 (x1)

ϕKS0 (x1)2 + ϕKS

1 (x1)2, cosϑ(x1) =

ϕKS0 (x1)2 − ϕKS

1 (x1)2

ϕKS0 (x1)2 + ϕKS

1 (x1)2. (61)

In the EEF picture the geometric potential vG on the great circle is

vG(x1) =1


2, (62)

which gives us another relation for the central angle,

ϑ(x1) =

∫ x1


√8vG(x′1) dx′1 . (63)






R = 2.0 a0

R = 5.0 a0

R = 8.0 a00


2π (b)

−15 0 15

x1 in a0






(c) vHϑ


−15 0 15

x1 in a0



−1.0 (d)

Figure 7: Top: Angle ϑ determined from (63) (black lines) and from (61) (cyan lines) for different valuesof the internuclear separation R for (a) the homonuclear diatomic and (b) the heteronuclear diatomic.Bottom: Energy of the environmental electron vH and vH

ϑ determined by (77) with ϑ determined by (61),for R = 5.0 a0, for (c) the homonuclear diatomic and (d) the heteronuclear diatomic.

There are thus two ways to compute the parameter ϑ(x1) that determines the conditional wavefunctionφ(x2;x1) in the two-state model: One is based on the KS orbitals, (61), and one is based on the geo-metric potential, (63). The parameter ϑ obtained in both ways is shown in Fig. 7a and Fig. 7b for thehomonuclear and heteronuclear diatomic, respectively. There is little difference between the two ways ofobtaining ϑ for both the model of the homo- and heteronuclear diatomic, i.e., the two-state approximationis justified.

The behavior of ϑ reflects the behavior of φ depicted in Figs. 2 and 3. To interpret φ, some regions inthese figures are marked with “0”, “1”, “+” or “−”. These represent states between which φ(x2;x1)changes along x1. For the homonuclear diatomic with small internuclear distance, φ(x2;x1) for |x1| → ∞is close to the energetically lowest KS orbital ϕKS

0 and resembles the wavefunction of the ionized system.At x1 = 0, it follows from (56) and ϕKS

1 (0) = 0 that φ(x2;x1 = 0) ≈ ϕKS1 (x2). Hence, we have that

φ(x2;x1) changes as

φ(x2;−∞) ≈ ϕKS0 ⇒ φ(x2; 0) ≈ ϕKS

1 ⇒ φ(x2; +∞) ≈ ϕKS0 (64)

(the sign of the state does not matter in the metric). This behavior is valid e.g. for an internucleardistance R = 2 a0, see Fig. 2e, where state “0” is approximately ϕKS

0 and “1” is approximately ϕKS1 . The

path (64) of φ from x1 = −∞ to x1 = +∞ corresponds to one full motion along the great circle, i.e., toa total change

|ϑ(x1 = +∞)− ϑ(x1 = −∞)| ≈ 2π (65)

of the parameter ϑ, as shown in Fig. 7a for R = 2 a0.

In contrast, for larger internuclear distances, φ(x2;x1) for |x1| → ∞ is either located on one or the othernucleus. Due to the symmetry of the problem, this corresponds approximately to the two states

ϕKS± =



0 ± ϕKS1


which are on opposite sides of the Bloch sphere at the equator (|±〉 in Fig. 6), if ϕKS0 and ϕKS

1 are thepoles (|0〉 and |1〉). Equation (56) is still valid and φ(x2;x1 = 0) ≈ ϕKS

1 (x2), hence we have

φ(x2;x1 � 0) ≈ ϕKS+ ⇒ φ(x2; 0) ≈ ϕKS

1 ⇒ φ(x2;x1 � 0) ≈ ϕKS− (67)


which is visible in Fig. 2f, where state “+” is approximately ϕKS+ and state “−” is approximately ϕKS

− .The path (67) corresponds to half of a great circle on the Bloch sphere, i.e.,

|ϑ(x1 � 0)− ϑ(x1 � 0)| ≈ π, (68)

as shown in Fig. 7a for R = 5 a0 and 8 a0.

For the heteronuclear diatomic at small internuclear distances the situation is similar to that of thehomonuclear diatomic, see Fig. 3e. In contrast, at larger internuclear distances, the KS orbitals are eitherlocalized on one or the other nucleus. From Fig. 3f we can see that there is a hopping of φ(x2;x1) fromone side to the other and back along x1, as discussed above, which is

φ(x2;−∞) ≈ ϕKS0 ⇒ φ(x2;xS) ≈ ϕKS

1 ⇒ φ(x2; +∞) ≈ ϕKS0 (69)

with xS representing the corresponding region of x1. Thus,

|ϑ(x1 = +∞)− ϑ(x1 = −∞)| ≈ 2π. (70)

for any finite value of the internuclear distance R but happens in two steps which each correspond to achange of π, with one smooth change somewhere at x1 < 0 and a sharp change at x1 ≈ 0, as can be seenin Fig. 7b. The smooth change moves more and more towards negative x1 when the internuclear distanceis increased.

The fact that the asymptotic behavior of the KS orbitals is known can be used to construct vG analyticallyin the region where the dominant orbital changes, at least if this asymptotic behavior is attained. Theleading term in the asymptotic KS orbitals is

ϕKSi (x1) ∝ e−


i |x1|. (71)

The dominant orbital changes, say, around xc, and we write the KS orbitals as

ϕi(x1) = Ce−Ai(x1−xc) , (72)

where Ai is ±√−2εKS

i with the sign depending on the direction of the decay. Using the explicit form ofthe KS orbitals in (61) leads to

cosϑ =1− e−2∆(x1−xc)

1 + e−2∆(x1−xc), sinϑ =


1 + e−2∆(x1−xc), (73)

where ∆ = Ai−Aj with i and j being the indices of the two involved KS orbitals. We thus find that thegeometric potential is a bell-shaped function with the width 1/∆ and the height ∆2/8,

vG(x1) =1






sinϑ∂1 cos(ϑ)



8∆2 sech2(∆(x1 − xc)) . (74)

The integral ∫ √8vG(x1) dx1 = gd(∆(x1 − xc)) , (75)

is the Gudermannian function gd and yields∫ +∞


√8vG(x1) dx1 = π. (76)

Relation (76) means that the integral of√

8vG over the region of a change of the KS orbital whichdominates the density is equal to π. The analytic form (74) of vG is not restricted to our models but isgeneral, provided the KS orbitals can be described by (71) and provided there is only a switch from onedominant orbital to another, which is typically the case.

If the internuclear distance is large enough, e.g. for R = 5 a0 and for R = 8 a0, there are one or two suchregions for the model of the homo- or heteronuclear diatomic molecule, respectively. For the heteronucleardiatomic, the shape of the geometric potential of the region outside the internuclear region is a broad andshallow bell with parameter ∆ =


0 −√−2εKS

1 , see the inset in Fig. 3d. For both the homo- andheteronuclear diatomic, the geometric potential in the internuclear region is a narrow and high bell, seeFig. 3c and 3d, respectively. If the internuclear distance R is large enough, the corresponding parameteris ∆ =


0 +√−2εKS

1 (for the homonuclear case also εKS0 ≈ εKS

1 ). The considered values of R (up


to ca. R = 10 a0, then the electron density in the internuclear region becomes too small and numericalartefacts appear) are still too small for this relation to hold, but (74) is valid, albeit with different∆.

Finally, we note that we can use the two-state assumption to construct vH from vG (and vice versa). Forthis purpose, the parameter ϑ can be determined via (63) from the geometric potential. The energy ofthe environment is then given as

vH(x1) ≈ vHϑ (x1) =

h00 + h11

2+h00 − h11

2cosϑ(x1) + h01 sinϑ(x1). (77)

Here, hij correspond to matrix elements of the operator evaluated for vH in the chosen basis |0〉 and |1〉.In the basis of the KS orbitals and for the model potential, the matrix elements are

hij =

⟨ϕKSi (2)


2+ ven(2) + vee(1, 2)

∣∣∣∣∣ϕKSj (2)


. (78)

The only x1-dependence of hij is due to the electron-electron interaction vee. Fig. 7c and 7d illustrate thatthe reconstruction works excellent for R = 5 a0: From vG the angle ϑ can be determined via (63), andthis angle can be used in (77) to obtain vH

ϑ , which is very close to the true energy vH of the environment.This reconstruction works equally well for the other considered internuclear distances.

4 Summary

The EEF has a clear picture as the description of an electron in the environment of other electrons. Thewavefunction of those other electrons provides the scalar potential v and vector potential that appear inthe one-electron Schrodinger equation, where v is the sum of the energy of the environment vH in thepresence of an additional electron and a geometric potential vG. In the EEF, the interacting many-electronwavefunction is considered. If the KS wavefunction is used instead, the same one-electron potential v isobtained but the contributions to v are different due to the different way of how the electronic structureis described.

The connection between the EEF and DFT allows to interpret the KS potentials, i.e., the Hartree-exchange-correlation potential vHXC and the Pauli potential vP, from the EEF perspective. In partic-ular, we showed that vP contains the geometric potential of the KS system and the energy of the KSenvironment, whereas vHXC can be viewed as a correction to the external potential due to the differentelectron-electron interaction in the KS system compared to the interacting system. This has to be con-trasted with the usual view of the Pauli potential as being the difference of a non-interacting fermionicand bosonic system – from the EEF perspective, both vHXC the Pauli potential describe the fermionicproblem itself, just in a different way than how the interacting many-electron wavefunction describes theproblem.

In contrast to vH, the physical meaning of the geometric potential vG is less obvious. We explainedits connection to the quantum geometric tensor and studied its behavior for a model of a two-electrondiatomic molecule. This model can be understood in a two-state picture, which allowed us to illustratethat vG is proportional to the change of state of the environment depending on where the additionalelectron is. Also, we provided an analytical form as well as constraints on the integral of

√vG if a state

change happens. These results may be useful also for more general systems if the state change is thatof one KS orbital to another. Such situations are essentially charge transfers and they are common inmolecules, hence further investigation on the behavior of vG can help to model its contribution in theEEF or in OF-DFT.

What we largely ignored in our discussion is the role of the vector potential. Although it may not beneeded to describe the ground state of a many-electron system, it will certainly be relevant for rotatingmolecules, molecules in laser fields and possibly for describing degenerate states in molecules. To inves-tigate the relevant of the vector potential it is, however, necessary to look at three-dimensional modelsystems. Suitable systems are much harder to find and to simulate, but it poses an interesting challengefor future work.


AS thanks Denis Jelovina (ETH Zurich) for helpful discussions. This research is supported by an Am-bizione grant of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF).



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A Other expressions for the potentials in the EEF

Relations (11), (12), and (13) for the potentials vT, vV, and vG, respectively, can be expressed in termsof the many-electron wavefunction ψ and the one-electron density ρ = |χ|2 by using the relation (6) forthe conditional wavefunction φ. We first note that the geometric potential is also given by

vG(r) =1

2〈∇rφ(2, . . . , N ; r)|P |∇rφ(2, . . . , N ; r)〉2...N , (79)


P = 1− |φ(2, . . . , N ; r)〉 〈φ(2, . . . , N ; r)| (80)

is a projection operator on the state orthogonal to φ for a given value of r. Expression (79) shows theclose connection to the Fubini-Study metric [54] and the geometric meaning of vG.

Using (6), it is straightforward to show that

vT(r) =1


⟨ψ(2, . . . , N ; r)




∣∣∣∣∣∣ψ(2, . . . , N ; r)



vV(r) =1


⟨ψ(2, . . . , N ; r)

∣∣V (1, 2, . . . , N)∣∣ψ(2, . . . , N ; r)


− vext(r) (82)

vG(r) =1

2ρ(r)〈∇rψ(2, . . . , N ; r)|Pψ|∇rψ(2, . . . , N ; r)〉2...N , (83)


Pψ = 1− 1

ρ(r)|ψ(2, . . . , N ; r)〉 〈ψ(2, . . . , N ; r)| . (84)

Also Pψ is a projector for a given value of r, i.e., in the subspace of the coordinates r2, . . . , rN . As onlyψ and ρ appear in (81), (82), and (83), but not χ, it is clear that vT, vV, and vG do not depend on thegauge, i.e., on the choice of the phase of χ.

B The geometric potential and the kinetic energy density

The difference between the geometric potential vG of the interacting system and the geometric potentialvPG of the KS system can, by construction, be related to the different kinetic energy densities. For the


gauge A!= 0 and for the case χ =

√ρ ∈ R, φ ∈ R, we have

vG(r) =1

2〈(∇rφ(2, . . . , N |r)





ψ(r, 2, . . . , N)








χ2− 〈∇r(ψ2)〉2...N






χ2− 1









χ2, (87)


t(r) =〈(∇rψ)2〉2...N


is the positive-defined one-electron kinetic energy density of the interacting system. For the KS systema similar relation holds, i.e.,

vPG(r) =1




ϕKSn (r)








χ− ϕKS

n ∇rχ








KSn )2

χ2− ∇r

((ϕKSn )2


∇rχ+(ϕKSn )2




χ2− 1











tKS(r) =


KSn )2


is the positive-defined one-electron kinetic energy density of the KS system. Clearly, (87) and (91) differonly by two kinetic energy densities t and tKS.


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