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Autonomous artificial intelligence discovers mechanisms of molecular self-organizationin virtual experiments

Hendrik Jung∗

Department of Theoretical Biophysics, Max Planck Institute of Biophysics, 60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

Roberto Covino∗

Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, 60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

A Arjun and Peter G. Bolhuisvan ’t Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences, University of Amsterdam,

PO Box 94157, 1090 GD Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Gerhard Hummer†

Department of Theoretical Biophysics, Max Planck Institute of Biophysics, 60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany. andInstitute of Biophysics, Goethe University Frankfurt, 60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

Molecular self-organization driven by concerted many-body interactions produces the orderedstructures that define both inanimate and living matter. Understanding the physical mechanismsthat govern the formation of molecular complexes and crystals is key to controlling the assem-bly of nanomachines and new materials. We present an artificial intelligence (AI) agent that usesdeep reinforcement learning and transition path theory to discover the mechanism of molecular self-organization phenomena from computer simulations. The agent adaptively learns how to samplecomplex molecular events and, on the fly, constructs quantitative mechanistic models. By using themechanistic understanding for AI-driven sampling, the agent closes the learning cycle and overcomestime-scale gaps of many orders of magnitude. Symbolic regression condenses the mechanism intoa human-interpretable form. Applied to ion association in solution, gas-hydrate crystal formation,and membrane-protein assembly, the AI agent identifies the many-body solvent motions governingthe assembly process, discovers the variables of classical nucleation theory, and reveals competingassembly pathways. The mechanistic descriptions produced by the agent are predictive and trans-ferable to close thermodynamic states and similar systems. Autonomous AI sampling has the powerto discover assembly and reaction mechanisms from materials science to biology.


Understanding how generic yet subtly orchestrated in-teractions cooperate in the formation of complex struc-tures is the key to steering molecular self-assembly1,2.Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations promise us a de-tailed and unbiased view of self-organization processes.Being based on accurate physical models, MD can revealcomplex molecular reorganizations in a computer experi-ment with atomic resolution3. However, the high compu-tational cost of MD simulations can be prohibitive. Mostcollective self-organization processes are rare events thatoccur on time scales many orders of magnitude longerthan the fast molecular motions limiting the MD inte-gration step. The system spends most of the time inmetastable states and reorganizes during infrequent andrapid stochastic transitions between states. The tran-sition paths (TPs) are the very special “reactive” tra-jectory segments that capture the reorganization pro-cess. Learning molecular mechanisms from simulationsrequires computational power to be focused on sampling

∗ These authors contributed equally.† Corresponding author:[email protected]

TPs4 and distilling quantitative models out of them5.Due to the high dimensionality of configuration space,both sampling and information extraction are exceed-ingly challenging in practice. Here we address bothchallenges at once with an artificial intelligence (AI)agent that simultaneously builds quantitative mechanis-tic models of complex molecular events, validates themodels on the fly, and uses them to accelerate the sam-pling by orders of magnitude compared to regular MD.


Reinforcement learning of molecular mechanisms

Statistical mechanics provides a general frameworkto obtain low-dimensional mechanistic models of self-organization events. Here we focus on systems that re-organize between two states A (assembled) and B (dis-assembled), but generalizing to an arbitrary number ofstates is straightforward. Each TP connecting the twostates contains a sequence of snapshots capturing the sys-tem during its reorganization. Consequently, the transi-tion path ensemble (TPE) is the mechanism at the high-est resolution. Since the transition is effectively stochas-tic, quantifying its mechanism requires a probabilistic









h] 1

4 M

ay 2


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framework. We define the committor pS(x) as the prob-ability that a trajectory starting from a point x in con-figuration space enters state S first, with S = A or B,respectively, and pA(x) + pB(x) = 1 for ergodic dynam-ics. As ideal reaction coordinates6,7, the committors pAand pB = 1 − pA report on the progress of the reactionA � B and predict the trajectory fate in a Markovianway8,9. The TPE and the committor jointly quantify themechanism.

Sampling the TPE and learning the committor func-tion pB(x) are two outstanding and intrinsically con-nected challenges. Given that TPs are exceedingly rarein a very high-dimensional space, an uninformed searchis futile. However, TPs converge near transition states9,where the trajectory’s evolution is yet uncommitted andpA(x) = pB(x) = 1/2. For Markovian dynamics the prob-ability for a trajectory passing through x to be a TPsatisfies P (TP|x) = 2pB(x)(1−pB(x)), that is, the com-mittor determines the probability of sampling a TP10.Therefore, learning the committor facilitates TP sam-pling and vice versa. The challenges of information ex-traction and sampling are thus deeply intertwined. Wethus tackle them simultaneously with the help of rein-forcement learning11,12.

We designed an AI agent that learns how to sample theTPE of rare events in complex many-body systems andat the same time learns their committor function by re-peatedly running virtual experiments (Fig. 1a). In eachexperiment, the AI agent selects a point x from whichto shoot trajectories—propagated according to the dy-namics of the physical model—to generate TPs. Afterrepeated shots from different points x, the agent com-pares the number of generated TPs with the expectednumber based on its knowledge of the committor. Onlyif the prediction is poor, the AI agent retrains the modelon the outcome of all virtual experiments, which preventsover-fitting. As the agent becomes better at predictingthe outcome of the virtual experiment, it becomes moreefficient at sampling TPs by choosing initial points neartransition states, i.e., according to P (TP|x).

The AI agent learns from its repeated attempts byusing deep learning in a self-consistent way. Here, wemodel the committor pB(x) = 1/(1 + e−q(x|w)) with aneural network13 q(x|w) of weights w. Note that x in-terchangeably denotes a vector of features and the con-figuration represented by this vector. In each attemptto generate a TP, the agent propagates two trajecto-ries, one forward and one backward in time, by run-ning MD simulations4. In case of success, one trajec-tory first enters state A and the other B, forming a newTP. However, the agent learns from both successes andfailures of this Bernoulli coin-toss process. The negativelog-likelihood5 of k attempts leads to the loss function

l(w|θ) =∑ki=1 log(1 + esiq(xi|w)), where si = 1 if tra-

jectory i initiated from xi enters A first, and si = −1if it enters B first. The training set θ contains shoot-ing points xi and outcomes si. By training the networkq(x|w) to minimize the loss l(w|θ), the agent obtains a

maximum likelihood estimate of the committor5.We use machine learning also to condense the learned

molecular mechanism into a human-interpretable form(Fig. 1a). The trained network is efficient to eval-uate, differentiable, and enables sophisticated analy-sis methods14. To provide physical insight, symbolicregression15 generates simple models that quantitativelyreproduce the committor encoded in the network. First,a sensitivity analysis of the trained network identifiesa small subset z ⊂ x of all input coordinates x thatcontrols the quality of the prediction by the network.Then, symbolic regression distills mathematical expres-sions qsr(z) ≈ q(x|w) by using a genetic algorithm thatsearches both functional and parameter spaces with lossl(w|θ) and training set θ.

AI discovers many-body solvent coordinate in ionassembly

The formation of ion pairs in water is a paradigmaticassembly process controlled by many-body interactions inthe molecular environment—the solvent, in this case—and a model of chemical reactions in condensed phase.Even though MD can efficiently simulate the process, thecollective reorganization of water molecules challengesthe formulation of quantitative mechanistic models tothis day16 (Fig. 1b).

Our AI agent quickly learned how to sample the forma-tion of lithium (Li+) and chloride (Cl−) ion pairs in water(Fig. 1b, c). As input, the network uses the interionic dis-tance rLiCl and 220 molecular features x1, . . . , x220 thatdescribe the angular arrangement of water oxygen andhydrogen atoms at a specific distance from each ion17

(Fig. 1e, f). These coordinates provide a general repre-sentation of the system that is invariant with respect tophysical symmetries and exchange of atom labels. Af-ter the first 500 iterations, the predicted and observednumbers of TPs agree (Fig. 1c). We further validatedthe learned committor function by checking its predic-tions against independent simulations. From 763 con-figurations not used in AI training, we initiated 500 in-dependent simulations each and estimated the sampledcommittor pB as the fraction of trajectories first enteringthe unbound state. Predicted and sampled committorsare in quantitative agreement (Fig. 1d).

The input importance analysis of the trained networkreveals the critical role played by solvent rearrangement.As the most important of the 220 molecular features usedto describe the solvent, x12 quantifies oxygen anisotropyat a radial distance of 0.25 nm from Li+ (Fig. 1f).For successful ion-pair assembly, these inner-shell wa-ter molecules need to open up space for the incomingCl−. The importance of inner-shell water rearrangementis consistent with a visual analysis that highlights atomsin a TP according to their contribution to the committorgradient (Fig. 1b).

Symbolic regression provides quantitative and inter-

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0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0sampled pB







learnedp B


Simplifiedmodels distilled fromdata Transferability


0 50 100 150 200

Coordinate index









Oxygens of H2O

around Li around Cl

Hydrogens of H2O

around Li around Cl

e f

g h

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0sampled pB







learnedp B

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0sampled pB

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0sampled pB


0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000

Number of steps








0 500 10000


400c Self-consistencyAssembly transition path

0.25 nm

Input importance

pB= 0.06 pB= 0.50 pB= 1.00

Modelwithout solvent

Modelwith solvent


Sampletransition paths

Learn committor

Maximize efficiency+ validate

Make mechanisminterpretableSymbolic regression

Collect transition state statisticsa

A Be




a c

Fig. 1. Reinforcement learning of ion assembly mechanism. a, Schematic of AI-driven reinforcement learning by pathsampling. b, Snapshots along a TP showing the formation of a LiCl ion pair (right to left) in an atomistic MD simulation.Water is shown as sticks, Li+ as a small sphere and Cl− as a large sphere. Atoms are colored according to their contributionto the reaction progress from low (blue) to high (red), as quantified by their contribution to the gradient of the reactioncoordinate q(x|w). c, Self-consistency. Cumulative counts of the generated (blue line) and expected (orange dashed line)number of transition events. The green line shows the cumulative difference between the observed and expected counts. Theinset shows a zoom-in on the first 1000 iterations. d, Validation of the learned committor. Cross-correlation between thecommittor predicted by the trained network and the committor obtained by repeated sampling from molecular configurationson which the AI did not train. The average of the sampled committors (blue line) and their standard deviation (orange shaded)are calculated by binning along the predicted committor. e, Input relevance for all 221 input coordinates used for deep learning.f, Schematic depiction of the solvent reorientation around the Li+ ion as reported by the most relevant symmetry functionx12. g, Simplified assembly models q0 and q1 obtained by symbolic regression at strict and gentle regularization, respectively.Scatter plots show independent validations of their accuracy. h, Transferability of the learned committor. Cross-correlationbetween sampled committors for 1M LiCl solution and predictions of committor trained on data for a single LiCl ion pair.

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Simplifiedmodel distilled fromdata

Methaneclathrate formation

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0sampled pB









p B


0 10 20Coordinate index














b c


Validation Input importanceTemperature



Fig. 2. Data-driven discovery of methane-clathrate nu-cleation mechanism. a, Molecular configurations illustrat-ing the nucleation process extracted from an atomistic MDsimulation in explicit solvent. The nucleus forms in water,grows, and leads to the clathrate crystal. 51262 (blue) and512 (red) water cages (lines) contain correspondingly coloredmethane molecules (spheres). Methane molecules near thegrowing solid nucleus are shown as green spheres, and water asgray sticks. Bulk water is not shown for clarity. b, Validationof the learned committor. Cross-correlation between the com-mittor predicted by the trained network and the committorobtained by repeated sampling from molecular configurationson which the AI agent did not train. c, Input importanceanalysis. The three most important input coordinates areannotated. d, Data-driven quantitative mechanistic modeldistilled by symbolic regression reveals a switch in nucleationmechanism. Analytical iso-committor surfaces for nw,0 = 2,T0 = 270 K, α = 0.0502, β = 3.17, γ = 0.109 K−1, δ = 0.0149(left to right: pB = 1/(1 + e−4), 1/2, 1/(1 + e4)). The struc-tural insets illustrate the two competing mechanisms at lowand high temperature.

pretable models of the ion-pair assembly mechanism.A large complexity penalty produces a simple modelq0(rLiCl) as a function of the inter-ionic distance only—the standard choice to study this process (Fig. 1g). In avalidation test, we found this model to be predictive onlyfor large inter-ionic distances. Close to the bound state,where the detailed geometry of the water solvent con-trols the process, the distance-only model fails. A morecomplex model, q1(rLiCl, x8, x9, x12), that integrates themost critical solvent coordinates is accurate for all dis-tances (Fig. 1g).

Counter to a common concern for AI models, thelearned committor is transferable to a similar but notidentical system. We validated the learned committorfor 724 configurations drawn from an additional simula-tion of a 1M concentrated LiCl solution. Even thoughAI trained on a system containing a single ion pair, itcorrectly predicted committors for a system on which itnever trained (Fig. 1h).

AI discovers variables of classical nucleation theoryfor gas-hydrate crystal formation

At low temperature and high pressure, a liquid mixtureof water and methane organizes into a gas hydrate, anice-like solid18. In this phase transition, water moleculesassemble into an intricate crystal lattice with regularlyspaced cages filled by methane (Fig. 2a). Despite com-mercial relevance in natural gas processing, the mech-anism of gas-hydrate formation remains poorly under-stood, complicated by the many-body character of thenucleation process and the competition between differ-ent crystal forms18. Studying the nucleation mechanismis challenging for experiments and, due to the exceedingrarity of the events, impossible in equilibrium MD.

Within hours of computing time, the AI extracted thenucleation mechanism from 2225 TPs showing the for-mation of methane clathrates, corresponding to a totalof 445.3 µs of simulated dynamics. The trajectories wererecently produced by extensive transition path sampling(TPS) simulations at four different temperatures, andprovided a pre-existing training set for our AI19. Wedescribed molecular configurations by using 22 featurescommonly used to describe nucleation processes (SI Ta-ble S3). We considered the temperature T at which aTP was generated as an additional feature, and trainedthe AI on the cumulative trajectories. We showed thatthe learned committor as a function of temperature isaccurate by validating its predictions for 160 indepen-dent configurations (Fig. 2b). By leaving out data atT = 280 K or 285 K in the training, we show that thelearned committor satisfactorily interpolates and extrap-olates to thermodynamic states not sampled (SI Fig. S2).

Temperature T is the most critical factor for the out-come of a simulation trajectory, followed by the numbernw of surface water molecules and the number nc of 51262

cages with 12 pentagons and two hexagons (Fig. 2c). All

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0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Number of rounds








0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0sampled pB







learnedp B

b c

d e f g


010203040Path similarity

Transmembrane dimer assembly transition path Self-consistency

Hierarchical clusteringImportant contacts



Top-bottomassembly Bottom-top assembly


formed brokenContact 9









formed brokenContact 9





Fig. 3. Competing pathways of transmembrane dimer assembly in lipid membrane. a, Snapshots during a Mga2dimerization event (right to left). The transmembrane helices are shown as orange surfaces, the lipid molecules in grey, andwater in cyan. b, Self-consistency. Cumulative counts of the generated (blue line) and expected (orange dashed line) numberof transitions. The green curve shows the cumulative difference between the observed and expected counts. c, Validation of thelearned committor. Cross-correlation between the committor predicted by the trained network and the committor obtained byrepeated sampling from molecular configurations on which the AI did not train. The average of the sampled committors (blueline) and their standard deviation (orange shaded) are calculated by binning along the predicted committor. d, Schematicrepresentation of the two most relevant coordinates, the interhelical contacts at position 9 and 22. e, Hierarchical clustering ofall TPs. Dendrogram as a function of TP similarity (dynamic time warping, see Methods) calculated in the plane defined bycontacts 9 and 22. f, g, Path density (gray shading) for the two main clusters (f, green; and g, orange in panel E) calculatedin the plane defined by contacts 9 and 22. For each cluster, one representative TP is shown from unbound (yellow) to bound(red). The isolines of the committor, as predicted by the symbolic regression qB(x9, x22), are shown as labelled solid lines.

three play an essential role in the classical theory of ho-mogeneous nucleation19. The activation free energy ∆Gfor nucleation is determined by the size of the growingnucleus, parametrized by the amount of surface waterand—in case of a crystalline structure—the number of51262 cages. Temperature determines, through the de-gree of supersaturation, the size of the critical nucleus,the nucleation free energy barrier height and the rate.

Symbolic regression distilled a mathematical expres-sion revealing a temperature dependent switch in thenucleation mechanism. The mechanism is quantified byq(nw, nc, T ) (Fig. 2d; SI Table S3). At low temperatures,the size of the nucleus alone decides on growth. At highertemperatures, the number of 51262 water cages gains inimportance, as indicated by curved iso-committor sur-faces (Fig. 2d). This mechanistic model, generated in anautonomous and completely data-driven way, reveals theswitch from amorphous growth at low temperatures tocrystalline growth at higher temperatures19,20.

AI reveals competing pathways formembrane-protein complex assembly

Membrane protein complexes play a fundamental rolein the organization of living cells. Here we investigate theassembly of the transmembrane homodimer of the satura-tion sensor Mga2 in a lipid bilayer in the quasi-atomisticMartini representation (Fig. 3a)21. In extensive equilib-rium MD simulations, the spontaneous association of twoMga2 transmembrane helices has been observed, yet nodissociation occurred in approximately 3.6 milliseconds(equivalent to more than six months of calculations)21.

Our reinforcement learning AI approach is naturallyparallelizable, which enabled us to sample nearly 4,000dissociation events in 20 days on a parallel supercom-puter (Fig. 3b). MD time integration incurs the high-est computational cost. However, a single AI agent cansimultaneously perform virtual experiments on an arbi-trary number of copies of the physical model (by guiding

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parallel Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling processes),and learn from all of them by training on the cumulativeoutcomes.

We featurized molecular configurations using contactsbetween corresponding residues along the two helices andincluded, for reference, a number of hand-tailored fea-tures describing the organization of lipids around theproteins22 (SI Table S5). We validated the model againstcommittor data for 548 molecular configurations not usedin training, and found the predictions to be accurateacross the entire transition region between bound andunbound states (Fig. 3c).

In a remarkable reduction of dimensionality, symbolicregression achieved an accurate representation of thelearned committor as a simple function of just two amino-acid contacts (Fig. 3d; SI Table S6). We projected allsampled TPs on the plane defined by these two contacts,calculated the distances between them, and performeda hierarchical trajectory clustering (Fig. 3e). TPs or-ganize in two main clusters that differ in the order ofevents during the assembly process—starting from thetop (Fig. 3f) or the bottom (Fig. 3g)—revealing two com-peting assembly pathways. Unexpectedly22, helix-dimergeometry alone predicts assembly progress, which impliesthat the lipid “solvent” is implicitly encoded, unlike thewater solvent in ion-pair formation16.


Maximum likelihood estimation of the committorfunction

The committor pB(x) is the probability that atrajectory initiated at configuration x with Maxwell-Boltzmann velocities reaches the (meta)stable state Bbefore reaching A. Trajectory shooting thus con-stitutes a Bernoulli process. We expect to observenA and nB trajectories to end in A and B, re-spectively, with binomial probability p(nA, nB |x) =(nA+nB


)(1 − pB(x))nApB(x)nB . For k shooting points

xi, the combined probability defines the likelihood L =∏ki=1 p(nA(i), nB(i)|xi). Here we ignore the correlations

that arise in fast inertia-dominated transitions for tra-jectories shot off with opposite initial velocities10,16. Wemodel the unknown committor with a parametric func-tion and estimate its parameters w by maximizing thelikelihood L5,13. We ensure that 0 ≤ pB(x) ≤ 1 by writ-ing the committor in terms of a sigmoidal activation func-tion, pB [q(x|w)] = 1/(1+exp[−q(x|w)]). Here we modelthe log-probability q(x|w) using a neural network13 andrepresent the configuration with a vector x of features.For N > 2 states S, the multinomial distribution pro-vides a model for p(n1, n2, ..., nN |x), and writing thecommittors to states S in terms of the softmax activa-tion function ensures normalization,

∑NS=1 pS = 1. The

loss function l(w|θ) used in the training is the negativelogarithm of the likelihood L.

Training points from transition path sampling

TPS4,23 is a powerful Markov chain Monte Carlomethod in (transition) path space to sample the TPE.The two-way shooting move is an efficient proposal movein TPS4. It consists of randomly selecting a shootingpoint xSP on the current TP χ according to probabil-ity psel(xSP|χ), drawing random Maxwell-Boltzmann ve-locities, and propagating two trial trajectories from xSP

until they reach either one of the states. Because oneof the trial trajectories is propagated after first invert-ing all momenta at the starting point, i.e., it is propa-gated backwards in time, a continuous TP can be con-structed if both trials end in different states. Givena TP χ, a new TP χ′ generated by two-way shootingis accepted into the Markov chain with probability24

pacc(χ′|χ) = min(1, psel(xSP|χ′)/psel(xSP|χ)). If the newpath is rejected, χ is repeated.

Knowing the committor it is possible to increase therate at which TPs are generated by biasing the se-lection of shooting points towards the transition stateensemble24, i.e., regions with high reactive probabil-ity p(TP|x). For the two-state case, this is equiv-alent to biasing towards the pB(x) = 1/2 isosurfacedefining the transition states with q(x) = 0. To con-struct an algorithm which selects new shooting pointsbiased towards the current best guess for the transitionstate ensemble and which iteratively learns to improveits guess based on every newly observed shooting out-come, we need to balance exploration with exploitation.To this end, we select the new shooting point x fromthe current TP χ using a Lorentzian distribution cen-tered around the transition state ensemble, psel(x|χ) =1/∑

x′∈χ[(q(x)2 + γ2)/(q(x′)2 + γ2)], where larger values of

γ lead to an increase of exploration. The Lorentziandistribution provides a trade-off between production ef-ficiency and the occasional exploration away from thetransition state, which is necessary to sample alternativereaction channels.

Real-time validation of committor model prediction

The relation between the committor and the transi-tion probability10 enables us to calculate the expectednumber of TPs generated by shooting from a configu-ration x. We validate the learned committor on-the-fly by estimating the expected number of transitionsbefore shooting from a configuration and comparing itwith the observed shooting result. The expected num-ber of transitions nexp

TP calculated over a window con-taining the k most recent two-way shooting4 attempts

is nexpTP =

∑ki=1 2(1 − pB(xi, i))pB(xi, i), where pB(xi, i)

is the committor estimate for trial shooting point xi atstep i before observing the shooting result. We initiatelearning when the predicted (nexp

TP ) and actually gener-ated number of TPs (ngen

TP ) differ. We define an efficiency

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factor, αeff = min (1, (1− ngenTP/n

expTP )2), where a value of

zero indicates perfect prediction. By training only whennecessary we avoid overfitting. Here we use αeff to scalethe learning rate in the gradient descent algorithm. Ad-ditionally, no training takes place if αeff is below a certainthreshold (specified further below for each system).

Distilling explicit mathematical expressions for thecommittor

In any specific molecular event, we expect that only fewof the many degrees of freedom actually control the tran-sition. We identify the inputs to the committor modelthat have the largest role in determining its output aftertraining. To this end we first calculate a reference loss,lref = l(w,θ), over the unperturbed training set to com-pare to the values obtained by perturbing every input oneby one25. We then average the loss l(w, θi) over ≥ 100

perturbed training sets θi with randomly permuted val-ues of the input coordinate i in the batch dimension. The

average loss difference ∆li =⟨l(w, θi)

⟩− lref is large if

the ith input strongly influences the output of the trainedmodel, i.e., it is relevant for predicting the committor.

In the low-dimensional subspace consisting of only themost relevant inputs z, symbolic regression generatescompact mathematical expressions that approximate thefull committor. Our implementation of symbolic regres-sion is based on the python package dcgpy26 and usesa genetic algorithm with a (N + 1) evolution strategy.In every generation, N new expressions are generatedthrough random changes to the mathematical structureof the fittest expression of the parent generation. A gra-dient based optimization is subsequently used to find thebest parameters for every expression. The fittest expres-sion is then chosen as parent for the next generation.The fitness of each trial expression pB(z) is measuredby lsr(pB |θ) ≡ − logL[pB(zsp)] + λC, where we addedthe regularization term λC to the log-likelihood in orderto keep expressions simple and avoid over-fitting. Hereλ > 0 and C is a measure of the complexity of the trialexpression, estimated in our case by the number of math-ematical operations.

Assembly of LiCl in water

We investigated the formation of lithium chloride ionpairs in water to asses the ability of our AI agent toaccurately learn the committor for transitions that arestrongly influenced by solvent degrees of freedom. Weused two different system setups, one consisting of onlyone ion pair in water and one with a number of ionscorresponding to a 1 molar (1M) concentration.

All MD simulations were carried out in cubic simula-tion boxes using the Joung and Cheatham forcefield27

together with TIP3P28 water. The 1M simulation box

contained 37 lithium and 37 chloride ions, solvated with2104 TIP3P water molecules, while the other box con-tained the single ion pair solvated with 370 TIP3P wa-ter molecules. We used the openMM MD engine29

to propagate the equations of motion in time steps of∆t = 2 fs with a velocity Verlet integrator with velocityrandomization30 from the python package openmmtools.After an initial NPT equilibration at P = 1 bar andT = 300 K, all production simulations were performed inthe NVT-Ensemble at a temperature of T = 300 K. Thefriction was set to 1/ps. Non-bonded interactions werecalculated using a particle mesh Ewald scheme31 with acutoff of 1 nm and an error tolerance of 0.0005. In TPS,the fully assembled and disassembled states were definedaccording to interionic distances rLiCl ≤ 0.23 nm andrLiCl ≥ 0.48 nm, respectively.

The committor of a configuration is invariant underglobal translations and rotations in the absence of exter-nal fields, and it is additionally invariant with respect topermutations of identical particles. We therefore choseto transform the systems coordinates from the Cartesianspace to a representation that incorporates the physi-cal symmetries of the committor. To achieve an almostlossless transformation, we use the interionic distance todescribe the solute and we adapted symmetry functionsto describe the solvent configuration32. Symmetry func-tions have been developed originally to describe molecu-lar structures in neural network potentials17,33, but havealso been successfully used to detect and describe dif-ferent phases of ice in atomistic simulations34. Thesefunctions describe the environment surrounding a cen-tral atom by summing over all identical particles at agiven radial distance. The G2

i type of symmetry func-tion quantifies the density of solvent molecules around asolute atom i in a shell centered at rs,

G2i =



where the sum runs over all solvent atoms j of a specificatom type, rij is the distance between the central atomi and atom j and η controls the width of the shell. Thefunction fc(r) is a Fermi cutoff defined as:

fc(r) =

{[1 + exp(αc(r − rcut − 1/


]−1r ≤ rcut

0 r > rcut


which ensures that the contribution of distant solventatoms vanishes. The scalar parameter αc controls thesteepness of the cutoff. The G5

i type of symmetry func-tion additionally probes the angular distribution of thesolvent around the central atom i,

G5i =


(1 + λ cosϑijk)ζe−η[(rij−rs)2+(rik−rs)2]


where the sum runs over all distinct solvent atom pairs,ϑijk is the angle spanned between the two solvent atoms

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and the central solute atom, the parameter ζ is an evennumber that controls the sharpness of the angular dis-tribution, and λ = ±1 sets the location of the minimumwith respect to ϑijk at π and 0, respectively. See SI TableS1 for the parameter combinations used. We scaled allinputs to lie approximately in the range [0, 1] to increasethe numerical stability of the training. In particular, wenormalized the symmetry functions by dividing them bythe expected average number of atoms (or atom pairs) foran isotropic distribution in the probing volume (see SI formathematical expressions of the normalization constantsas a function of the parameters).

Due to the expectation that most degrees of freedom ofthe system do not control the transition, we designed neu-ral networks that progressively filter out irrelevant inputsand build a highly non-linear function of the remainingones. We therefore used a pyramidal stack of five resid-ual units35,36, each with four hidden layers. The numberof hidden units per layer is reduced by a constant fac-tor f = (10/221)1/4 after every residual unit block anddecreases from 221 in the first unit to 10 in the last. Ad-ditionally, a dropout of 0.1f i, where i is the residual unitindex ranging from 0 to 4, is applied after every residualblock. Optimization of the network weights is performedusing the Adam gradient descent37. Training was per-formed after every third TPS Monte Carlo step for oneepoch with a learning rate of lr = αeff10−3, if lr ≥ 10−4.The expected efficiency factor αeff was calculated overa window of k = 100 TPS steps. We performed alldeep learning with custom written code based on keras38.The TPS simulations were carried out using a customizedversion of openpathsampling39,40 together with our ownpython module. We selected the five most relevant coor-dinates for symbolic regression runs. We regularized theproduced expressions by penalizing the total number ofelementary mathematical operations with λ = 10−6 andλ = 10−7. The contributions of each atom in the systemto the committor (Fig. 1b) was calculated as the magni-tude of the gradient of the reaction coordinate q(x) withrespect to its Cartesian coordinates. All gradient magni-tudes were scaled with the inverse atom mass.

Nucleation of methane clathrates

We modelled water with the TIP4P/Ice model41 andmethane with the united atom Lennard-Jones interac-tions (ε = 1.22927 kJ/mol and σ = 3.700 A), which repro-duce experimental measurements well42. MD simulationswere performed using OpenMM 7.1.129, integrating theequations of motion with the Velocity Verlet with velocityrandomisation (VVVR) integrator from openmmtools30.The integration time step was set to 2 fs. Hydrogen bondlengths were constrained43. The van der Waals cutoff dis-tance was 1 nm. Long range interactions were handledby the Particle Mesh Ewald technique. The MD simu-lations were performed in the NPT ensemble using theVVVR thermostat (frequency of 1 ps) and a Monte Carlo

barostat (frequency of 4 ps). TPS simulations were per-formed with the OpenPathSampling package39,40 usingthe CUDA platform of OpenMM on NVIDIA GeForceGTX TITAN 1080Ti GPUs. The saving frequency ofthe frames was every 100 ps. TPS and committor sim-ulations were carried out at four different temperaturesT = 270 K, 275 K, 280 K and 285 K (see SI Table S4for details). The committor values, which were used onlyfor the validation, were obtained by shooting between 6and 18 trajectories per configuration. The disassembled(liquid state) and assembled (solid) states were defined interms of the mutually coordinated guest (MCG) numbersas in Ref.19.

We used 24 different features to describe size, crys-tallinity, structure, and composition of the growingmethane-hydrate crystal nucleus (SI Table S3). In addi-tion to the features describing molecular configurationswe used temperature as an input to the neural networksand the symbolic regression. In a pyramidal feed forwardnetwork with 9 layers, we reduced the number of unitsper layer from 25 at the input to two in the last hid-den layer. The network was trained on the existing TPSdata for all temperatures, leaving out 10 % of the shoot-ing points as test data. We stopped the training afterthe loss on the test set did not decrease for 10000 epochsand used the model with the best test loss. We used thethree most relevant coordinates as inputs for symbolicregression runs with a penalty on the total number ofelementary mathematical operations using λ = 10−5.

Mga2 transmembrane dimer assembly in lipidmembrane

We used the coarse-grained Martini force field(v2.2)44–47 to describe the assembly of the alpha-helicaltransmembrane homodimer Mga2. All MD simulationswere carried out with gromacs v4.6.748–51 with an inte-gration timestep of ∆t = 0.02 ps, using a cubic simulationbox containing the two identical 30 amino acid long alphahelices in a lipid membrane made of 313 POPC molecules.The membrane spans the box in the xy plane and wassolvated with water (5348 water beads) and NaCl ionscorresponding to a concentration of 150 mM (58 Na+,60 Cl−). A reference temperature of T = 300 K was en-forced using the v-rescale thermostat52 with a couplingconstant of 1 ps separately on the protein, the membrane,and the solvent. A pressure of 1 bar was enforced sep-arately in the xy plane and in z using a semiisotropicParrinello-Rahman barostat53 with a time constant 12 psand compressibility 3 · 10−4 bar−1.

To describe the assembly of the Mga2 homodimer weused 28 interhelical pairwise distances between the back-bone beads of the two helices together with the totalnumber of interhelical contacts, the distance between thehelix centers of mass, and a number of hand-tailored fea-tures describing the organization of lipids around the twohelices (SI Table S5). To ensure that all network inputs

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lie approximately in [0, 1], we used the sigmoidal functionf(r) = (1− r/R0)6/(1− r/R0)12 with R0 = 2 nm for allpairwise distances, while we scaled all lipid features usingthe minimal and maximal values taken along the transi-tion. The assembled and disassembled states are definedas configurations with ≥ 130 interhelical contacts andwith helix-helix center-of-mass distances dCoM >= 3 nm,respectively.

The neural network used to fit the committor is im-plemented using keras38 and consists of an initial 3-layerpyramidal part in which the number of units decreasesfrom the 36 inputs to 6 in the last layer using a constantfactor of (6/36)1/2 followed by 6 residual units35,36, eachwith 4 layers and 6 neurons per layer. A dropout of 0.01is applied to the inputs and the network is trained usingthe Adam gradient descent protocol with a learning rateof lr = 0.000137.

To investigate the assembly mechanism of Mga2, wedistributed our reinforcement learning AI on multiplenodes of a high performance computer cluster. A singleAI guided 500 independent TPS chains, each of whichran on a single computing node. The 500 TPS simu-lations were initialized with random initial TPs. Theneural network used to select the initial shooting pointswas trained on preliminary shooting attempts (8044 in-dependent shots from 1160 different points). After tworounds (two steps in each of the 500 independent TPSchains), we updated the committor model by training onall new data. We retrained again after the sixth round.No further training was required, as indicated by consis-tent numbers of expected and observed counts of TPs.We performed another 14 rounds for all 500 TPS chainsto harvest TPs. Shooting point selection, TPS setup andneural network training were fully automated in pythoncode using MDAnalysis54,55, numpy56 and our custompython package.

The input importance analysis revealed the total num-ber of contacts ncontacts as the single most important in-put (SI Fig. S3). However, no expression generated bysymbolic regression as a function of ncontacts alone wasaccurate in reproducing the committor. It is likely thatncontacts is used by the trained network only as a binaryswitch to distinguish the two different regimes—close tothe bound or to the unbound states. We therefore re-stricted the input importance analysis to training pointsclose to the unbound state. The results reveals that thenetwork uses various interhelical contacts that approxi-mately retrace a helical pattern (SI Fig. S3). We per-formed symbolic regression on all possible combinationsmade by one, two, or three of the seven most importantinput coordinates (SI Table S6). The best expressions interms of the loss were selected using validation commit-tor data that had not been used during the optimization.This validation set consists of committor data for 516configurations with 30 trial shots each and 32 configura-tions with 10 trial shots.

To asses the variability in the observed reaction mech-anisms, we performed a hierarchical clustering of all TPs

projected into the plane defined by the contacts 9 and22, which enter the most accurate parametrization gener-ated by symbolic regression. We then used dynamic timewarping57 to calculate the pairwise similarity betweenall TPs for the clustering, which we performed using thescipy clustering module58,59. To reflect the reactive flux7,the path density plots (Fig. 3f, g) are histogrammed ac-cording to the number of paths, not the number of con-figurations. If a cell is visited multiple times during apath the contribution to the total histogram in this cellis still only one.


AI-driven trajectory sampling is general and can im-mediately be adapted to sample many-body dynamicswith a notion of “likely fate” similar to the committor.This fundamental concept of statistical mechanics ex-tends from the game of chess60 over protein folding3,9 toclimate modelling61. The simulation engine—moleculardynamics in our case—is treated like a black box and canbe replaced by other dynamic processes, reversible or not.Both the statistical model defining the loss function andthe machine learning technology can be tailored for spe-cific problems. More sophisticated models will be ableto learn more from less data or incorporate experimen-tal constraints. Simpler regression schemes5 can replaceneural networks13 when the cost of sampling trajectoriesseverely limits the volume of training data.

AI-driven mechanism discovery readily integrates ad-vances in machine learning applied to force fields17,62,sampling63–65, and molecular representation17,62,66. In-creasing computational power and advances in symbolicAI will enable algorithms to distill ever more accuratemathematical descriptions of the complex processes hid-den in high-dimensional data67. As illustrated here, au-tonomous AI-driven sampling and model validation com-bined with symbolic AI can support the scientific discov-ery process.


The authors thank Prof. Christoph Dellago for stimu-lating discussions, Dr. Florian E. Blanc for useful com-ments, and the openpathsampling community, in partic-ular Dr. David Swenson, for discussions and technicalsupport. H.J., R.C, and G.H. acknowledge the support ofthe Max Planck Society. R.C. acknowledges the supportof the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies. R.C.and G.H. acknowledge support by the LOEWE CMMSprogram of the state of Hesse. A.A. and P.G.B. acknowl-edge support of CSER program of the Netherlands Or-ganization for Scientific Research (NWO) and of ShellGlobal Solutions International B.V.

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Normalization of symmetry functions

Type G2. The symmetry functions of type G2 countthe number of solvent atoms in the probing volume, thenormalization constant 〈N [G2

i ]〉iso is therefore the ex-

pected number of atoms in the probing volume V(2)probe,

〈N [G2i ]〉iso = ρNV


where ρN is the average number density of the probedsolvent atom type. The exact probing volume for the G2

type can be approximated as

V(2)probe =

∫ ∞0


∫ π


∫ 2π


dφ r2 sin(θ)

× exp(−η(r − rs)2) fc(r)

≈ 8πr2s


for small η and rcut > rs.Type G5. The functions of type G5 include an ad-

ditional angular term and count the number of solventatom pairs located on opposite sides of the central so-lute atom. The expected number of pairs 〈Npairs〉iso canbe calculated from the expected number of atoms in theprobed volume 〈Natoms〉iso as 〈Natoms〉iso(〈Natoms〉iso −1)/2. This expression is only exact for integer values of〈Natoms〉iso and can even become negative if 〈Natoms〉iso <1. We therefore used an approximation which is guaran-teed to be non-negative,

〈Npairs〉iso ≈〈Natoms〉2iso


The expected number of atoms 〈Natoms〉iso can be calcu-lated from the volume that is probed for a fixed soluteatom and with one fixed solvent atom,

V(5)probe = 21−ζ

∫ ∞0


∫ π


∫ 2π


dφ r2 sin(θ)(1± cos(φ))ζ

× exp(−η(r − rs)2) fc(r)

= 21−ζV(2)probe

(2ζ − 1)!!


SI Table S1. Symmetry functions used to describe solventconfigurations in the formation of lithium-chloride ion pairs.For symmetry functions of type G5 we used a total of 10different parameter combinations for each value of rs. A cutoffof rcut = 1 nm is used in the Fermi cutoff function.

Symmetry function typeG2(rs, η) G5(rs, η, ζ, λ)

rs [nm] η η ζ λ


200 120 1, 2, 4, 16, 64 +1, -1

SI Table S2. Input relevance analysis for lithium-chloride ion-pair formation. Definition of the ten most relevant input co-ordinates, listed in decreasing order of importance.

Index Definitionx220 rLiCl

x12 G5Li(η = 120.0, rs = 0.25, ζ = 16, λ = −1.0)[O of HOH]

x8 G5Li(η = 120.0, rs = 0.25, ζ = 2, λ = −1.0)[O of HOH]

x14 G5Li(η = 120.0, rs = 0.25, ζ = 64, λ = −1.0)[O of HOH]

x55 G2Cl(η = 200.0, rs = 0.25)[O of HOH]

x6 G5Li(η = 120.0, rs = 0.25, ζ = 1, λ = −1.0)[O of HOH]

x9 G5Li(η = 120.0, rs = 0.25, ζ = 4, λ = 1.0)[O of HOH]

x173 G5Cl(η = 120.0, rs = 0.25, ζ = 2, λ = −1.0)[H of HOH]

x178 G5Cl(η = 120.0, rs = 0.25, ζ = 64, λ = 1.0)[H of HOH]

x110 G2Li(η = 200.0, rs = 0.25)[H of HOH]

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SI Table S3. Overview of the features used to describe the methane clathrate nucleation. Features are grouped by category,the indices are used for the input to neural networks and symbolic regression.

Category Name Index Definition

Methanes innucleus

MCG 0 Total number of methanes in the largest cluster68

Nsm 1 11 Methanes (in MCG) with only 1 methane neighbor within 0.9 nmNsm 2 12 Methanes (in MCG) with 1 or 2 methane neighbor within 0.9 nmNcm 1 13 Core methanes: MCG minus Nsm 1

Ncm 2 14 Core methanes: MCG minus Nsm 2

Watersmolecules inthe nucleus

Nw 2 3 Number of waters with 2 MCG carbons within 0.6 nmNw 3 2 Number of waters with 3 MCG carbons within 0.6 nmNw 4 1 Number of waters with 4 MCG carbons within 0.6 nmNsw 2−3 5 Surface water molecules 1: Nw 2− Nw 3

Nsw 3−4 4 Surface water molecules 2: Nw 3− Nw 4

Structure ofthe nucleus

51262 cages 8 Cages with 12 planar five-rings and 2 planar six-rings512 cages 9 Cages with 12 planar five-rings51263 cages 17 Cages with 12 planar five-rings and 3 planar six-rings51264 cages 18 Cages with 12 planar five-rings and 3 planar six-rings4151262 cages 19 Cages with 1 planar four-ring, 12 five-rings and 2 six-rings4151263 cages 20 Cages with 1 planar four-ring, 12 five-rings and 3 six-rings4151264 cages 21 Cages with 1 planar four-ring, 12 five-rings and 4 six-ringsCage Ratio 10 51262 cages divided by 512 cagesRg 7 Radius of gyration of the nucleus


F4 6 Average of 3 times the cosine of the dihedral angle between two neighboringwaters.69

SI Table S4. Number of shooting results and outcomes for all temperatures

TPS Committor validation

Temperature ConfigurationsShooting results

ConfigurationsShooting results

(A — B) (A — B)270 K 661 357 — 304 35 289 — 258275 K 558 259 — 299 39 356 — 313280 K 982 536 — 446 53 304 — 255285 K 1197 646 — 551 33 280 — 299

all 3398 1798 — 1600 160 1229 — 1125

SI Table S5. Features used to describe MGA2 transmembrane assembly

Category Name DefinitionPairwiseinterhelicalcontacts

x0 - x27 xi(ri) = 1−(ri/(2 nm))6

1−(ri/(2 nm))12, where ri is the distance between the ith residue on each

helix; index 0 corresponds to ASN1034, index 28 to GLN1061


x28 = ncontacts ncontacts(r) =27∑i=0

1−(ri−0.07 nm)/(0.7 nm))6

1−(ri−0.07 nm)/(0.7 nm))30

x29 = αtilt Angle between the first principal moments of inertia of the two helicesx30 = dCoM Center of mass distance between the two helices in the plane of the membrane

Lipid collectivevariables

x31 = CVlip1 Number of lipid tails crossing the helix-helix interfacex32 = CVlip2 Number of lipid molecules that cross the interface with both tailsx33 = CVlip3 Number of lipid molecules with center of mass in the helix-helix interfacex34 = CVlip4 Number of lipid molecules with the headgroup in the helix-helix interfacex35 = CVlip5 Number of lipid molecules with their headgroup in the interface and the tails spread

in opposite directions

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SI Table S6. MGA2 symbolic regression results for each possible 2 coordinate combination of the seven most relevant inputs.Combinations including ncontacts are omitted due to their low predictive power.

Validation loss Expression

0.53004 qB(x9, x22) = − exp(x29) log(x9 − x9log(x22)


0.54033 qB(x1, x22) = (exp(x22) + 0.637)(−0.0557 exp(2x22)− log(x22 + x1))0.53687 qB(x9, x26) = −x26 − x26

0.26/x9−log(x9)+ log(0.26/x9) + 1.29

0.54909 qB(x9, x23) =(


− 1.4)

(x23 + 2x9 − 1.4)

0.55821 qB(x1, x20) = 2.54− 2.77x20 − 2x1 − 0.287 exp(x1)0.55709 qB(x1, x26) = (exp(−2.07x1)− x26) log(21.3 exp(−x1(1.07− x1)− 0.00272x1))0.56051 qB(x9, x20) = 2.67− exp(x20)− 7.29


0.55964 qB(x1, x23) = 0.00426(−10x23 − 64.4 exp(x23) + 924) exp(−x1)− 1.43 exp(x23)

0.57002 qB(x1, x9) = − log(−0.0626− 0.816


)0.5956 qB(x22, x26) = 1.24− 2.76x2


0.58008 qB(x20, x22) = −0.496 exp(x20 + x22) log(x20 + x22)0.59576 qB(x22, x23) = −(0.605 exp(x22)− 0.0956) log(x22 exp(x22))− 0.282

0.59914 qB(x20, x26) = log(2x20)x20+x26−2.3

0.5975 qB(x20, x23) = 1.73− exp(x20) + 0.00635x20(x20+6.11)log(x23)

0.61409 qB(x23, x26) = exp(−5.89x23 + 0.0193x23

)− 8.31x23 exp(exp(x26))


0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000

Number of steps










0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000

Number of steps













SI Figure S1. Training iterations for LiCl assembly. The blue line shows the learning rate calculated from the efficiency factorat every step, orange crosses show when training actually occurred. The inset shows the training loss per shooting point forevery training.

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0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

sampled pB












p B270 K275 K280 K285 K

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

sampled pB

270 K275 K280 K285 K

SI Figure S2. Interpolation and extrapolation in temperatures of methane clathrate nucleation models. Cross-correlationbetween learned committor and the committor as obtained by repeated sampling for two models which are trained on onlythree of the four temperatures available in the training set. (Left) Committor model trained only on T = 270 K, 275 K and285 K , i.e. leaving out T = 280 K, to assess the model’s ability to interpolate. (Right) Model trained on T = 270 K, 275 Kand 280 K to assess the model’s ability to extrapolate.









0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35Coordinate index









SI Figure S3. Input importance analyses for Mga2 transmembrane assembly, by using all training points (top panel), and asubset with ncontacts < 0.01 (bottom panel), corresponding to training points close to the unbound state. The height of eachbar is the average over 50 independent analyses, while the bars indicate one standard deviation. All values are normalized tothe largest importance in each set.

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0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

sampled pB









p B

SI Figure S4. Committor cross correlation plot for the symbolic regression expression qB(x9, x22) on untrained validationcommittor data. The average of the sampled committors (blue line) and their standard deviation (orange shaded) are calculatedby binning along the predicted committor.

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