Page 1: Artistic Styles used in Computer Games

Artistic Styles In

Computer Games

Page 2: Artistic Styles used in Computer Games

PhotorealismPhotorealism is when a piece of artwork is created by other means than photography but still seeks tokeep a realistic interpretation similar to a photo.

Photorealism is a particular major goal for many artistswho work with 3D software so they can create as real-like art as possible for many medias such as film, advertisements and games however why is photorealism so vital in the modern video gameindustry, some say it gives the player a sense of surrounding and helps to simulate real human emotionfrom the player while they are playing the gamebut does it add anything to the gameplay itself?

Page 3: Artistic Styles used in Computer Games

PhotorealismPhotorealism has created some very satisfying gaming experiences but I cannot help but to see it as limiting as well. As we get to the point that a games graphical success is determined only by how real it looks surely photorealism will get to the peak of perfection and then the sight of any new possibilities will vanish. Video games after all are only supposed to be depictions and representations of life therefore wouldn’t it be better to have the player see reality in a new perspective or be challenged to handle it in a different manner rather than having cleaner and crisper definitions of a real life that will never truly exist in video games.

Page 4: Artistic Styles used in Computer Games

Cel ShadedThere are a lot of good reasons for game companies to opt for cel shading when creating a games graphical art style. Since a lot of game feature freakish fantasy beasts and gigantic super soldiers depicting them realistically can be a little awkward and can even come out sometime as just a muddy grey thing that lacks any texture and of course any fantastical element is already seen as unrealistic. As it also quite pricey to create a realistic game cel shading can come across just as effectively. However it does have its set backs especially as it essentially is a retreat back of its stylized nature.

Page 5: Artistic Styles used in Computer Games

Cel ShadedTo simply put the mark of cel-shading is

To simplify textures of objects. Where cel-shading differs from conventional rendering

is that it uses a non-photorealistic light.Conventional (smooth) lighting values are

calculated for each pixel and then mapped to a small number of discrete shades to create

the characteristic flat look—where the shadows and highlights appear more like

blocks of colour rather than mixed in a smooth way. Some feel that this visual art style

favours efficiency, symbolism and style over realism. However in a video game there is no set angle so how does a cel shaded videogameportray a 3D gaming environment. It can often give a lighter more airy feel to a game probablybecause of its smoother texture so even though Borderlands proved a shooter game can be done

in cel-shading maybe this style is more suitedto games like platformers and the lighter genres.

Page 6: Artistic Styles used in Computer Games

AbstractThe abstract art style often employ heavy lines and geometric shapes that resemble no realistic object. Abstract does not mean stylized or cartoony and in should no way resemble anything realistic no matter how heavily stylized. Even in this modern day of photorealistic heavy videogames there is still a niche for this colourful and beautiful art style where the gameplay is simple and reminiscent of the retro gaming era. Like the game The Child of Eden it can be one of the most visually spectacular art styles.

Page 7: Artistic Styles used in Computer Games

ExaggeratedThe title of this video game art style is quite self explanatory, meaning that the style of the game can exaggerate the size, texture and colour of in-game worlds to make it look more exaggerated but still keeping to some realistic form. A more popular variation of this style is anime and manga which mostly affects the features of characters sometimes minimizing facial features and increasing sizes of limbs, heads and so on. This style can also to extend into other forms of cartoon and comic visuals.

Page 8: Artistic Styles used in Computer Games – Last Story Image (Slide 1) – Child of Eden Image (Slide 1) – Borderlands Image (Slide 1) – FIFA 2012 Image (Slide 1) – Mirrors Edge Character Image (Slide 2) – Heavy Rain Image (Slide 2) – Photorealism Information (Slide 2) – Battlefield 3 Image (Slide 3) – Information (Slide 3) – Legend of Zelda Wind waker Image (Slide 4) – Okami Image (Slide 4) –Cel-Shaded Information (Slide 4 + 5) – Viewtiful Joe Image (Slide 5) – Dragon Quest X Image (Slide 5) – Swift*Stitch Image (Slide 6) – Waves (Slide 6) – Abstract Information (Slide 6) – Inezuma Eleven Image (Slide 7) – Pandora Tower Image (Slide 7)

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