
Summary:Google: HOW TO DO END NOTES/ FOOTNOTES IN WORDBoucher articleDefence and security relations intensified the two nations national security interests..showed a direct relationship. 9/11 changed the nature of Canada us relations especially in terms of military spending. Far from the escalating canadas bandwagoning with the US, however 9/11 seems to have a reverse effect. A post 9/11 Caanda is much more willing to align its military spending to its fiscal capacity to pay for security. (914)The US left Canada behind in terms of military expenditures due to feelings of insecurity brought by the vents form 9/11.North American Security Cooperation was intensified The attacks intensified Canadas bandwagoning posture toward the US. Intensified Canada-US defense security relationship***led to a more emancipated Canadian security approach p. 896Policies of opposition and accommodation of a stronger power (US) has structured our discussion on foreign policy.Continentalist authors argue that Canadas economic, security and status interests are all linked to its relationship with the United States; thus Canadas interests are better served by bandwagonining with Washington.On matters related to defence and security issues, this soft-bandwagonining strategy corresponds with an overall policy that would meet US security needs, while preserving Canadas sovereignty as much as possibleThe article emphasized that even though Canadas support for United States military, it is still effective and strong enough to provide defense against the terrorists.The relationship is also intensified in a way that Canada developed a more secured immigration policy in order to avoid intruders like the terrorist who have plans in attacking the US or even Canada.*******given Canadas strong relationship with the United States in economic, cultural and security terms, its security and defense agenda should align with that of the ally (US) that had declared war on terror. (p.900). ***Canadas security and prosperity are dependent on the security and prosperity of the US. ****Canada also adapted American security paradigms and aligned its security interests more closely with the US.INTRO;;;;;; the 9/11 attacks threatened the worlds security most especially with the US and Canada.Nevertheless, both countries relative assessments of insecurity are fundamentally different.***US defense budgets will influence more Canadian defense budgets in the period after 11 September 2001 than in the period preceding that. (904). **** US defense expenditures are anticipated to correspond to Canadian attribution of federal budget to military use.f*****external pressures such as US security agenda were more important in determining Canadian defense expenditures (910)***It also showed a direct relationship between the military expenditures of Canada and the US.***** the fact that Canada and the US share a military alliance in NATO suggests that the two countries live in similar security environment imposing the same imperative on all allies. This indicates that the US modifies in military budget before Canada adjusts its budget accordingly.****Canadian defense spending between 1991 and 2001 was largely determined by Canadas bandwagoning with the United States, as Ottawa matched changes in Canadas military budget with those of the US.*****911 fundamentally changes American perceptions of security through the increased uncertainty of non-traditional security challenges such as terrorism. Canadians on the other hand may never have internalized the psychological insecurity associated with 911 events.. (p. 912).

EARL FRY ARTICLEAfter 9/11- US experienced great recession while Canada has a better economy.America attempted to enhance mainland security through (DHS-Dept of Homeland Security)., they also tried to strengthen border security while preserving trade.Canada-US partnership with border security was improved securing the border from external threats*****Since 9/11 America has increased the number of agents at the Canadian border. Drone and Blackhawk helicopter surveillance flights, radar towers, radiation detectors and remote motion sensors have also been added, along with other various security measures. Cargo inspections have also increased dramatically (p.883). Both countries invested for the development of new infrastructure at key border corssings to improve security, eliminate unnecessary inspections as well as reduce waiting times. The 9/11 attacks also caused an enhanced regional security and cross-border economic cooperation which was proved by the creation of Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America involving Canada, the United States and Mexico.The united states more than doubled its defense and intelligence budgets during the past decade in response to 9/119/11 weakened the economic linkage between Canada and the US- Canada is now making efforts to diversify its economic linkages, especially with the European nation. Post 9/11 US policies have been damaging to Canadian economic interests (888)

Townsend Article: Impact on tradeHeightened security resulted an increased cost between the Canada-US bilateral trade. The increasing security measures within the border caused extra costs in shipping goods.= reduced trade flowsAuthors find that exports to and imports from the United States decreased dramatically in the months and years immediately after 9/11 (p. 142)= imports and exports between the two countries fell as an effect of the newly implemented security measures.The reduced trade flow caused changes in different industries such as automobiles and lumber.***the border has permanently changed the nature of border and that this change is costly for Canada. Border changes have disrupted trade flows.

Brunet-Jailly ArticlePage 965Economic integration in the Canada-US border regions has been impeded by post 9/11 border policy.= huge impact on trade due to increased border security and surveillanceOne of the security policies related to this is the Smart Border Declaration which secure flows of people, goods, and infrastructure. Both countries signed and agreed about these security related agreements.HOW TO DO DIRECT QUOTATIONS IN CHICAGO STYLEThe heightened security also benefited the two countries as this The declaration focused particularly on greater cooperation in four sub areas of customs, immigration and security.Canada and the US have the highest level of economic integration between two large countries in the world.Statistic support the assumption that the Canadian and US economies are interdependent and remain so through fluctuations in the global economyIn other words, post 9/11 border security policies became much more effective to the point of reducing freight cost across the boundary line. Canada-US agreements focus on tacking security matters from the narrower perspective of potential terrorist threats

HUSSAIN ARTICLEThreat perception of both countries are congruent.

MOENS ARTICLEThe Security and Prosperity Partnership launched in 2005 by the three countries of north America presents an important case study in north American cooperation in the decade after the 9/11 attacks.The SPP presents an important casein Canadian-American political and economic cooperation. The SPP was the first systematic follow up to the 1994 North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)Numerous new security measures have been put in place, resulting in a so-called thickening of the border. These measures have put stress on Canadian manufacturing which depends heavily on a just-in-time cross border trade in parts for final assembly.In 2005, the governments of the United States, Canada, and Mexico launched a new tri-lateral initiative to facilitate common border security measures in the wake of the 9/11attacks and to deepen trade integration. The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, had ledto various American measures that tightened border security.It is not difcult to see Canadas national interest in further trade integration and in lower-ing the cost to cross-border trade. Despite a variety of attempts to diversify Canadian tradeaway from the US market to other areas of the globe from the 1970s onward, Canadas tradewith the United States has grown substantially while trade with the rest of the world onlymodestlyAmericas tightening of the border and ongoing new security measures are limiting thegrowth rate in CanadaUS trade (Globerman and Storer 2008, 100The Canadian government clearly had no better option than to accept the SPP evenif the gain would be marginal and even if it would prefer to negotiate bilaterally withthe United StatesCanada and the United States agreed under the SPP umbrella on reciprocal recogni-tion of security inspections for containers used for the transportation of dangerous goodsOther accomplishments include a CanadaUS framework for the movement of goodsand people across the border during and following an emergency, and an agreementbetween the United States Coast Guard and Transport Canada on the verication of shipsentering the St. Lawrence Seaway. The prosperity side negotiated a harmonized standardfor energy performance for certain household appliances and consumer products. Canadaand the United States agreed on a protocol for compliance data sharing, staff exchanges,and joint training for cross-border pipelines and a harmonization of air navigation stan-dards. The two countries agreed on a pilot project to share information on refugee andasylum claimants based on a comparison of ngerprint records. SPP created conditions for more cooperation and harmonization and other files. The SP was an innovative approach to incremental deepening of North American ties. The 2008 financial and economic crises in the United States depressed trade and dragged the trade dependent Canadian economy down with it.KITCHEN & SASIKUMARCounter terrorism policiesHow-ever, while Canadians expressed immediate and profound solidarity with the U.S. inthe aftermath of 9=11, Canada would not always follow the U.S. lead on counter-terrorism policy.Concerns about sovereignty and economic gains also determine Canadianresponses to U.S. counter-terrorism policies. Canada, like any other country, is con-cerned to preserve its sovereignty. Canadians anticipated that the U.S. response to9=11 would have an impact on their security and sovereignty. Canada had to reactboth to the terrorist attacks and to the U.S. reaction to the attacks.11This imperativefor Canadian decision-makers stems from what Canadians sometimes call defenceagainst help.In the contextof terrorism and homeland security, this implies that Canada must always considerAmerican security imperatives while defending its sovereign right to develop its ownpolicies against terrorismBy the end of 2002, relationswere already cooling with distance from the attacks and the controversy over theIraq war, which Canada decided not to joinWhile the Canadian government most acutely felt the threat of terrorism after 9=11and other attacks on Western interests, Canada also began to be perceived as asourceof threat by its southern neighbour. Immediately after the attacks, U.S. elitesturned to the question of securing the countrys borders. While the border withMexico was already a cause for concern thanks to illegal immigration, the longborder with Canada came into focus as a potential easy entry point for terrorists.U.S. policy has long made the assumption that Canadians posed a minimalsecurity threat byvirtue of being Canadian. The average Canadian today, however,is not necessarily the low-risk individual pictured by U.S. heuristics. The U.S. isacutely aware of the widely varying identities of those carrying a Canadian passport.According to the 2001 census, 18.4 percent of Canadian residents are immigrants,and over 80 percent obtained Canadian citizenship.US CONSIDERED CANADA AS A SECURITY THREAT AS ITS RESIDENTS ARE MOSTLY IMMIGRANTS FROM ASIA AND THE MIDDLE EAST..

Since Canadian policieson asylum, refugee rehabilitation, civil liberties, and multiculturalism are viewed asmarkedly more liberal than those in the U.S., some perceived the physical proximityof this difference on the North American continent as a threatHe declared that Canadian immigrants are threatening because theydemonstrate an unsuccessful adoption of traditional Canadian values, or at least,a lack of assimilation...Post-9=11, U.S. security heuristics focused more intensely on ethnicity andreligion as markers of danger. U.S. policy makers were soon confronted by themulti-ethnic nature of citizenshipa possible disjuncture between citizenship andidentitysince citizens from Canada, Australasia, and certain European countrieshad been previously assessed as low risk and exempted from the visa requirementto enter the U.S. A growing population of radicalized Muslim youth in these coun-tries led the U.S. government to become concerned about citizenship policies outsideits borders.30In May 2007, there was speculation that the United States was consideringexcluding British citizens of Pakistani descent from its Visa Waiver Program.3Almost immediately after 9=11, the Canadian government acted proactively todesign a policy which addressed Canadian and American security needs withoutthreatening Canadian identity in the sense of its distinctiveness from the U.S.Intensified the Canadian-American security relationsCanadians differentiated themselves from Americans in termsof valuesthe priority given to human=individual rights over security beingU.S.-Canada Relations and Counter-terrorism Policy163highlighted as intrinsic to Canadian national identity. Citing multiculturalism inopposing the U.S. was an effective shortcut in the national debate. They also pointedto Canadian sovereignty to emphasize that the U.S. was not authorized to makedecisions affecting Canadian citizens.Traditionally, Canadians and Americans have been ableto cross their common border with two pieces of government-issued identification(such as a birth certificate and drivers licence), or sometimes with only an oraldeclaration of their identity. These minimal requirements for proof of identity at the border reflected the low risk that these allies considered each other to be, as wellas the fact that crossing the border was a normal, everyday activity.No fly listsssssssUS makes judgments about Canadians

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