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A dynamic semisupervised feedforward neural network clustering

Roya Asadi, Sameem Abdul Kareem, Shokoofeh Asadi and Mitra Asadi

Articial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing / FirstView Article / May 2016, pp 1 - 25DOI: 10.1017/S0890060416000160, Published online: 03 May 2016

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How to cite this article:Roya Asadi, Sameem Abdul Kareem, Shokoofeh Asadi and Mitra Asadi A dynamic semisupervised feedforward neuralnetwork clustering. Articial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, Available on CJO 2016doi:10.1017/S0890060416000160

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A dynamic semisupervised feedforward neuralnetwork clustering


1Department of Artificial Intelligence, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia2Department of Agricultural Management Engineering, Faculty of Ebne-Sina, University of Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran3Department of Research, Iranian Blood Transfusion Organization, Tehran, Iran

(RECEIVED January 13, 2015; ACCEPTED January 6, 2016)


An efficient single-layer dynamic semisupervised feedforward neural network clustering method with one epoch training,data dimensionality reduction, and controlling noise data abilities is discussed to overcome the problems of high trainingtime, low accuracy, and high memory complexity of clustering. Dynamically after the entrance of each new online inputdatum, the code book of nonrandom weights and other important information about online data as essentially importantinformation are updated and stored in the memory. Consequently, the exclusive threshold of the data is calculated basedon the essentially important information, and the data is clustered. Then, the network of clusters is updated. After learning,the model assigns a class label to the unlabeled data by considering a linear activation function and the exclusive threshold.Finally, the number of clusters and density of each cluster are updated. The accuracy of the proposed model is measuredthrough the number of clusters, the quantity of correctly classified nodes, and F-measure. Briefly, in order to predict thesurvival time, the F-measure is 100% of the Iris, Musk2, Arcene, and Yeast data sets and 99.96% of the Spambase dataset from the University of California at Irvine Machine Learning Repository; and the superior F-measure results in between98.14% and 100% accuracies for the breast cancer data set from the University of Malaya Medical Center. We show that theproposed method is applicable in different areas, such as the prediction of the hydrate formation temperature with high ac-curacy.

Keywords: Artificial Neural Network; Feedforward Neural Network; Nonrandom Weight; Online Dynamic Learning;Semisupervised Clustering; Supervised and Unsupervised Learning


An artificial neural network (ANN) is inspired by the mannerof biological nervous system, such as human brain to processthe data, and is one of the numerous algorithms used inmachine learning and data mining (Dasarthy, 1990; Kempet al., 1997; Goebel & Gruenwald, 1999; Hegland, 2003; Kan-tardzic, 2011). In a feedforward neural network (FFNN),data processing has only one forward direction from theinput layer to the output layer without any backward loopor feedback connection (Bose & Liang, 1996; McCloskey,2000; Andonie & Kovalerchuk, 2007; Kantardzic, 2011).Learning is an imperative property of the neural network.There are many types of learning rules used in the neural net-works, which fall under the broad categories of supervised

learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning.Most approaches to unsupervised learning in machine learn-ing are statistical modeling, compression, filtering, blindsource separation, and clustering (Hegland, 2003; Han &Kamber, 2006; Andonie & Kovalerchuk, 2007; Kantardzic,2011). In this study, the clustering aspect of unsupervisedneural network learning is considered. Learning from obser-vations with unlabeled data in an unsupervised neural net-work clustering is more desirable and affordable than learn-ing by examples in supervised neural network classificationbecause preparing the training set is costly, time consuming,and possibly dangerous in some environments. However, toevaluate the performance of unsupervised learning, there isno error or reward indication (Kohonen, 1997; Demuthet al., 2008; Van der Maaten et al., 2009). One of the popularsupervised FFNN models is the backpropagation network(BPN; Werbos, 1974). The BPN uses gradient-based optimiza-tion methods in two basic steps: to calculate the gradient of theerror function and to employ the gradient. The optimization

Reprint requests to: Roya Asadi, Department of Artificial Intelligence, Fa-culty of Computer Science and Information Technology, University of Ma-laya, Kuala Lumpur, 60503, Selangor, Malaysia. E-mail: [email protected]

Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, page 1 of 25, 2016.# Cambridge University Press 2016 0890-0604/16doi:10.1017/S0890060416000160


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procedure, which includes a high number of small steps,causes the learning process to be considerably slow. An opti-mization problem in supervised learning can be shown as thesum of squared errors between the output activations and thetarget activations in the neural network as well as the mini-mum weights (Bose & Liang, 1996; Craven & Shavlik,1997; Andonie & Kovalerchuk, 2007). The next sectionsare the history and overview of the unsupervised FFNN(UFFNN) clustering.

1.1. UFFNN clustering

The UFFNN clustering has great capabilities, such as the in-herent distributed parallel processing architectures and theability to adjust the interconnection weights to learn and di-vide data into meaningful groups. The UFFNN clusteringmethod classifies related data into similar groups withoutusing any class label, and in addition controls noisy dataand learns types of input data values based on their weightsand properties (Bengio et al., 2000; Hegland, 2003; Ando-nie & Kovalerchuk, 2007; Jain, 2010; Rougier & Boniface,2011). In UFFNN clustering, data is divided into meaning-ful groups with special goals, with related data classified ashigher similarities within groups and unrelated data as dis-similarities between groups without using any class label.For example in Figure 1, T1 shows the maximum thresholdof cluster 1, and d shows the distance between two datanodes.

The UFFNN methods often use Hebbian learning, or com-petitive learning, or competitive Hebbian learning (Martinetz,1993; Fritzke, 1997). Hebb (1949) developed the meaning ofthe first learning rule and proposed Hebbian learning. Figure 2illustrates the single-layer UFFNN as a simple topology with

Hebbian learning (Laskowski & Touretzky, 2006). Hebb de-scribed a synaptic flexibility mechanism in which the synap-tic connection between two neurons is strengthened, and neu-ron j becomes more sensitive to the action of neuron i if thelatter is close enough to stimulate the former while repeatedlycontributing to its activation.

The Hebbian rule is shown in Eq. (1):

DWi ¼ gYXi, (1)

where X is the input vector; Y is the output vector; and g is thelearning rate, where g . 0 is used to control the size of eachtraining iteration. The competitive learning network is aUFFNN clustering based on learning the nearest weight vec-tor to the input vector as the winner node according to thecomputing distance, such as Euclidean. Figure 3 shows asample topology of an unsupervised competitive learningneural network (Haykin & Network, 2004; Du, 2010).

Fig. 1. A sample of the distances between the clusters and within each cluster.

Fig. 2. Single-layer unsupervised feedforward neural network with theHebbian learning.

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The similarities between Hebbian learning and competitivelearning include unsupervised learning without error signal,and are strongly associated with biological systems. However,in competitive learning, only one output must be active, suchthat only the weights of the winner are updated in each epoch.By contrast, no constraint is enforced by neighboring nodes inHebbian learning, and all weights are updated at each epoch.In the case of competitive Hebbian learning, the neural net-work method shares some properties of both competitivelearning and Hebbian learning. Competitive learning can ap-ply vector quantization (VQ; Linde et al., 1980) during clus-tering. VQ, K-means (Goebel & Gruenwald, 1999), and someUFFNN clustering methods, such as Kohonen’s self-organiz-ing map (SOM; Kohonen, 1997) and growing neural gas(GNG; Fritzke, 1995), are generally considered as the funda-mental patterns in the current online dynamic UFFNN(ODUFFNN) clustering methods (Asadi et al., 2014b). Lindeet al. introduced an algorithm for the VQ design to obtain asuitable code book of weights for input data nodes clustering.VQ is based on probability density functions by distributionof the vector of the weights. VQ divides a large set of the data(vectors) into clusters, each of which is represented by its cen-troid node, as in the K-means, which is a partitioning cluster-ing method and some other clustering algorithms. The GNGmethod is an example that uses the competitive Hebbianlearning, in which the connection between the winner nodeand the second nearest node is created or updated in eachtraining cycle. The GNG method can follow dynamic distri-butions by adding nodes and deleting them in the networkduring clustering by using the utility parameters. The disad-vantages of the GNG include the increase in the number ofnodes to obtain the input probability density and the require-ment for predetermining the maximum number of nodes andthresholds (Germano, 1999; Hamker, 2001; Furao et al.,2007; Hebboul et al., 2011). Kohonen’s SOM maps multidi-

mensional data onto lower dimensional subspaces, with thegeometric relationships between points indicating their simi-larity. SOM generates subspaces with unsupervised learningneural network training through a competitive learning algo-rithm. The weights are adjusted based on their proximity tothe “winning” nodes, that is, the nodes that most closely resem-bles a sample input (Ultsch & Siemon, 1990; Honkela, 1998).

1.2. ODUFFNN clustering

The UFFNN methods with online dynamic learning in realis-tic environments such as astronomy and satellite communica-tions, e-mail logs, and credit card transactions must be im-proved and have some necessary properties (Kasabov,1998; Schaal & Atkeson, 1998; Han & Kamber, 2006; Heb-boul et al., 2011). The data in these environments are non-stationary, so ODUFFNN clustering methods should havelifelong (online) and incremental learning. The flexible incre-mental and dynamic neural network clustering methods areable to do the following (Kasabov, 1998; Schaal & Atkeson,1998; Bouchachia et al., 2007; Hebboul et al., 2011):

† to learn the patterns of high dimensional and huge contin-uous data quickly; therefore, training should be in onepass. In these environments, the data distributions are notknown and may be changed over time.

† to handle new data immediately and dynamically, withoutdestroying old data. The ODUFFNN clustering methodshould control data, adapt its algorithm, and adjust itselfin a flexible style to new conditions of the environmentover time dynamically for processing of both data andknowledge.

† to change and modify its structure, nodes, connection, andand so forth with each online input data.

† to accommodate and prune data and rules incrementally,without destroying old knowledge.

† to be able to control time, memory space, accuracy, and soforth efficiently.

† to learn the number of clusters and density of each clusterwithout predetermining the parameters and rules.

Incremental learning refers to the ability of training in repe-tition by adding or deleting the data nodes in lifelong learningwithout destroying outdated prototype patterns (Schaal & At-keson, 1998; Furao et al., 2007; Rougier & Boniface, 2011).The ODUFFNN clustering methods should train online datafast without relearning. Relearning during several epochstakes time, and clustering is considerably slow. Relearning af-fects the clustering accuracy, and time and memory usage forclustering. For the ODUFFNN methods, storing the wholedetails of the online data and their connection during relearn-ing with the limited memory are impossible. In this case, thetopological structure of the incremental online data cannot berepresented well, the number of clusters and density of eachcluster are not clear, and they cannot be easily learned (Pavel,2002; Deng & Kasabov, 2003; Hinton & Salakhutdinov,

Fig. 3. A sample topology of the competitive clustering.

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2006; Hebboul et al., 2011). The number of data instances byreceiving online data will be grown. This action causes diffi-culty in clustering, managing the structure of the network andconnections between the data, and recognizing the noisy data.Furthermore, clustering of some kinds of data is so difficultbecause of their character and structure. High feature correla-tion and the noise in the data cause difficulty in the clusteringprocess, and recognizing the special property of each attributeand finding its related cluster will be difficult. The main dis-advantage of dimensionality reduction or feature extraction ofdata as the data-preprocessing technique is missing values.Missing values are because some important parts of the dataare lost, which reflects the accuracy of clustering results (De-Mers & Cottrell, 1993; Furao et al., 2007; Van der Maatenet al., 2009). Therefore, recognizing the special property ofeach attribute and finding its related cluster will be difficult (Ka-sabov, 1998; Hebboul et al., 2011; Rougier & Boniface, 2011).

Current ODUFFNN clustering methods often use compet-itive learning as used in the dynamic SOM (DSOM; Rougier& Boniface, 2011), or competitive Hebbian learning as usedin the evolving SOM (ESOM). Furao and Hasegawa intro-duced enhanced self-organizing incremental neural network(ESOINN; Furao et al., 2007) based on the GNG method.The ESOINN method has one layer, and in this model, it isnecessary that very old learning information is forgotten.The ESOINN model finds the winner and the second winnerof the input vector, and then if it is necessary to create a con-nection between them or to remove the connection. The den-sity, the weight of the winner, and the subclass label of nodeswill be updated in each epoch and the noise nodes dependingon the input values will be deleted. After learning, all nodeswill be classified into different classes. However, it cannotsolve the main problems of clustering. Hebboul et al.(2011) proposed incremental growing with neural gas utilityparameter as the latest online incremental unsupervised clus-tering. The structure is based on the GNG and Hebbian(Hebb, 1949) models, but without any restraint and controlon the network structure. The structure of the incrementalgrowing with neural gas utility parameter contains two layersof learning. The first layer creates a suitable structure of theclusters of the input data nodes with lower noise data, andcomputes the threshold. The second layer uses the output ofthe first layer in parallel and creates the final structure of clus-ters. ESOM (Deng & Kasabov, 2003) as an ODUFFNNmethod is based on SOM and GNG methods. ESOM starts

without nodes. The network updates itself with online entry,and if necessary, it creates new nodes during one trainingepoch. Similar to the SOM method, each node has a specialweight vector. The strong neighborhood relation is determinedby the distance between connected nodes; therefore, it is sensi-tive to noise nodes, weak connections, and isolated nodesbased on Hebbian learning. If the distance is too big, it createsa weak threshold and the connection can be pruned. Figure 4 isan example of this situation (Deng & Kasabov, 2003).

ESOM is a method based on a normal distribution and VQin its own way, and creates normal subclusters across the dataspace. DSOM (Rougier & Boniface, 2011) is similar to SOMbased on competitive learning. In order to update the weightsof the neighboring nodes, time dependency is removed, andthe parameter of the elasticity or flexibility is considered,which is learned by using trial and error. If the parameter ofthe elasticity is too high, DSOM does not converge; if it istoo low, it may prevent DSOM from occurring and is not sen-sitive to the relation between neighbor nodes. If no node isclose enough to the input values, other nodes must learn ac-cording to their distance to the input value. The main criticalissues in the ODUFFNN clustering method are low trainingspeed, accuracy, and high memory complexity of clustering(Kasabov, 1998; Han & Kamber, 2006; Andonie & Kova-lerchuk, 2007; Asadi et al., 2014b). Some sources of the prob-lems are associated with these methods. High dimensionaldata and huge data sets cause difficulty in managing newdata and noise, while pruning causes data details to be lost(Kohonen, 2000; Deng & Kasabov, 2003; Hinton & Sala-khutdinov, 2006; Van der Maaten et al., 2009). Using randomweights, thresholds, and parameters for controlling clusteringtasks, create the paradox of low accuracy and high trainingtime (Han & Kamber, 2006; Hebboul et al., 2011; Asadi &Kareem, 2014). Moreover, the data details and their connec-tions are lost by relearning that affects the CPU time usage,memory usage, and clustering accuracy (Pavel, 2002; Heb-boul et al., 2011). Some literature is devoted to improvingthe UFFNN and ODUFFNN methods by the technique ofusing constraints such as class labels. The constraints of classlabels are based on the knowledge of experts and the userguide as partial supervision for better controlling the tasksof clustering and desired results (Prudent & Ennaji, 2005;Kamiya et al., 2007; Shen et al., 2011). The semi-SOINN(SSOINN; Shen et al., 2011) and semi-ESOM (Deng & Kasa-bov, 2003), which were developed based on the SOINN and

Fig. 4. An example of the evolving self-organizing map clustering.

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ESOM clustering methods, respectively, are examples in thisarea. In order to improve the methods, the users manage andcorrect the number of clusters and density of each cluster by in-serting and deleting the data nodes and clusters. After cluster-ing, the models assigned a class label to the winning nodeand consequently assigned the same class labels to its neighbornodes in its cluster. Each cluster must have a unique class label;if the data nodes of a cluster have different class labels, the clus-ter can be divided into different subclusters. However, assign-ing the class labels to the data nodes between the clusters canbe somewhat vague. The judgment of users can be wrong, orthey may make mistakes during the insertion, deletion, or find-ing the link between nodes and assigning the class label to eachdisjoint subcluster. Asadi et al. (2014a) applied this technique

and introduced a UFFNN method, the efficient real semisuper-vised FFNN (RSFFNN) clustering model, with one epoch train-ing and data dimensionality reduction ability to overcome theproblemsofhigh CPUtime usageduring training, lowaccuracy,and high memory complexity of clustering, suitable for station-ary environments (Asadi et al., 2014a). Figure 5 shows the de-sign of the RSFFNN clustering method.

The RSFFNN considered a matrix of data set as input data forclustering. During training, a nonrandom weights code bookwas learned through input data matrix directly, by using nor-malized input data and standard normal distribution. A standardweight vector was extracted from the code book, and afterwardfine-tuning is applied by single-layer FFNN clustering section.The fine-tuning process includes two techniques of smoothing

Fig. 5. The design of the real semisupervised feedforward neural network model for clustering (Asadi et al., 2014a).

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the weights and pruning the weak weights: the midrange tech-nique as a popular smoothing technique is used (Jean & Wang,1994; Gui et al., 2001); then, the model prunes the data nodeattributes with weak weights in order to reduce the dimensionof data. Consequently, the single-layer FFNN clustering sectiongenerates the exclusive threshold of each input instance (recordof the data matrix) based on a standard weight vector. The inputinstances were clustered on the basis of their exclusive thresh-olds. In order to improve the accuracy of the clustering results,the model assigns a class label to each input instance by consid-ering the training set. The class label of each unlabeled input in-stance was predicted by utilizing a linear activation function andthe exclusive threshold. Finally, the RSFFNN model updated

the number of clusters and density of each cluster. TheRSFFNN model illustrated superior results; however, the modelmust be developed for using as the ODUFFNN clusteringmethod. We introduced an efficient DSFFNN clusteringmethod by developing and modifying the structure of theRSFFNN to overcome the mentioned problems.


In order to overcome the problems of the ODUFFNN cluster-ing methods as discussed in the last section, we developed theDSFFNN clustering method. For the purposes, the RSFFNN(Asadi et al., 2014a) method as an efficient UFFNN cluster-

Fig. 6. The design of the dynamic semisupervised feedforward neural network clustering method.

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ing method is structurally improved. Therefore, the DSFFNNmodel updates its structure, connections, and knowledgethrough learning the online input data dynamically. TheDSFFNN model starts without any random parameters or coef-ficient value that needs predefinition. Figure 6 shows the designof the DSFFNN clustering method.

As shown in Figure 6, the DSFFNN method includes twomain sections: the preprocessing section and the single-layerDSFFNN clustering section. In the preprocessing section,the DSFFNN method as an incremental ODUFFNN methodconsiders a part of the memory called essential important in-formation (EII) and initializes the EII by learning the impor-tant information about each online input data in order to storeand fetch during training, without storing any input data in thememory. The code words of nonrandom weights are generatedby training current online input data just in one epoch, and areinserted in the weights code book. Consequently, the uniquestandard vector is mined from the code book of the weightsand stored as the EII in the memory. The single layer of theDSFFNN clustering applies normalized data values, andfetches some information through the EII such as the BMWfrom the section of the preprocessing and generates thresholdsand clusters the data nodes. The topology of the single-layerDSFFNN clustering model is very simple with incrementallearning, as shown in Figure 6; it consists of an input layer withm nodes and an output layer with just one node without anyhidden layer. The output layer has one unit with a weightedsum function for computing the actual desired output. We gen-erally called the proposed method the DSFFNN clusteringmethod; however, before semisupervised clustering, themodel dynamically clusters the data nodes without usingany class label. Therefore, we call the clustering phase ofthe proposed method the dynamic UFFNN (DUFFNN) clus-tering method. Then in order to improve the accuracy of theresult of the DUFFNN clustering, the model applies class la-bels through using a K-Step activation function. Therefore, wecall the proposed model the DSFFNN clustering method.

2.1. Overview of the DSFFNN clustering method

In this section, we illustrate the complete algorithm of theDSFFNN clustering method and explain the details of theproposed clustering method as shown in Figure 6 step by step.

Algorithm: The DSFFNN clustering

Input: Online input data Xi;

Output: Clusters of data;

Initialize the parameters:

Let X: Data node domain;

Let newMini: Minimum value of the specific domain of [0, 1]which is zero;

Let newMaxi: Maximum value of the specific domain [0, 1]which is one;

Let i: Current number of the online data node Xi;

Let j: Current number of the attribute;

Let Xi: ith Current online input data node from domain of X;

Let D: Retrieved old data node from the memory;

Let f : Current number of the received data node;

Let n: Number of received data nodes;

Let m: Number of attributes;

Let Wij: Weight of attribute j of ith current online data node Xi;

Let Prod��!

: A vector of the weights product of each attribute ofthe weights code book;

Let Prodj: jth component of the Prod��!

vector which Prod��!


(Prod1, Prod2, . . . , Prodm);

Let SumBMW: a variable for storing the sum of componentsof the BMW vector;

Let BMW���!

: Best matching weight vector which BMW���!


(BMW1, BMW2, . . . , BMWm);

Let BMWj: jth component of the BMW���!


Let BMWjOld: jth component of the old BMW���!


Let BMWjNew: jth component of the new BMW���!


Let Tij: Threshold of attributej of ith current online data node Xi;

Let TTi: Total threshold of ith current online data node Xi;

Let Tfj: Threshold of attributej of fth received data node;

Let TTf : Total threshold of fth received data node;


While the termination condition is not satisfied

fInput a new online input data Xi;

//1- Preprocessing

// Data preprocessing of Xi based on MinMax technique

8 j ¼ 1 to m

Xij ¼ Xij �Min Xij

� �=MaxðXijÞ �MinðXij

� ��� ðnewMax� newMinÞ þ newMin

// Compute the weight code words of the current onlinedata Xi and update the codebook

// Compute the standard normalize distribution (SND) ofthe current online input data of Xi based on mi and si

which are mean and standard deviation of Xi:

8 j ¼ 1 to m


SNDðXijÞ ¼ ðXij � miÞ=si;

// Consider Wij as weight of Xij equal SND(Xij)

Wij ¼ SNDðXijÞ;

Insert Wij into the weights codebook;

// Update Prod��!

by considering Wij

Prodj ¼ Prodj �Wij;


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// Extracting the BMW vector Extract the global geomet-ric mean vector of the code book of nonrandom weightsas the BMW

8 j ¼ 1 to m

BMWj ¼ Prodj1=a;

SumBMW ¼Xm

j¼1 BMWj;

8 j ¼ 1 to m

BMWj ¼ Round BMWj=SumBMW� �

, 2� �


// Update EII Store the weights, mean, and standard devia-tion of Xi as the EII in the memory

fMemory EIIð Þ Store Wij, mi, si

� �;

Memory EIIð Þ Store ðBMW���!

, Prod��!Þ;

If Xi is from training data and has class label

fMemory(EII) Store (class label of Xi)


//2- Fine-tuning through two techniques

// a) Smooth the components of the BMW vector

8 j ¼ 1 to m

Midrange (BMWj);

// b) Data dimension reduction

Delete attributes with weak weights of the BMWj , thatare close to zero;

//3- Single layer DSFFNN clustering

Fetch (BMW���!

) Memory(EII);

// Compute the exclusive total threshold of just Xi basedon the new BMW

8 j ¼ 1 to m

TTi ¼ TTi þ Xij � BMWj;

If Xi is from training data and has class label

fMemory(EII) Store (class label of Xi, TTi);

g// If new BMW is different with old BMW, the model

fetches Wfj , sf , and mf as the EII from memory and up-dates thresholds of just the changed attributes, and up-date the exclusive total threshold of related data point

If (BMW���!

New = BMW���!


f8 j ¼ 1 to m

If BMWjNew = BMWjOld

8 f ¼ 1 to n – 1


Fetch W fj, sf , mf

� � Memory EIIð Þ;

Dfj ¼ ðWfj � sf Þ þ mf ;

T fjOld ¼ D fj � BMW jOld;

TTf ¼ TTf � Tf Old;

T fjNew ¼ D fj � BMW jNew;

TTf ¼ TTf þ Tf New;

gMemory(EII) Update list of thresholds and relatedclass labels;

g// Recognize and delete noise

Delete isolated input data with solitary thresholds TT;

// DUFFNN clustering

fGroup the data points with similar thresholds (TTi) in onecluster;

Learn and generate optimized number of clusters andtheir densities;

gIf learning is finished

f//Improving the result of DUFFNN clustering by

using K-step activation function

fAssign class label to each data node with similar totalthreshold by using EII;

Prediction the class label to unlabeled data nodes;

Updating the number of clusters and density of eachcluster;

gOutput results;


gElse f Continue to train and cluster next online input datanode


The DSFFNN clustering method involves several phases:

† Preprocessing: Preprocessing is the factor that contributesto the development of efficient techniques to achieve desir-able results of the UFFNN clustering such as low trainingtime and high accuracy (Abe, 2001; Larochelle et al., 2009;Oh & Park, 2011; Asadi & Kareem, 2014).

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The DSFFNN clustering method, contrary to theRSFFNN, applies the preprocessing method that is suitablefor online input data preprocessing.

1. Data preprocessing: As shown in Figure 6, the Min-Max normalization technique that is suitable for on-line input data preprocessing and is independent ofthe other data points (Han & Kamber, 2006; Asadi& Kareem, 2014) is considered. The MinMax nor-malization technique is used to transform an inputvalue of each attribute to fit in a specific range suchas [0, 1]. Equation (2) shows the formula of MinMaxnormalization.

Normalized Xij

� �¼ Xij �Min Xij

� �=Max Xij

� ��Min Xij

� �� �� newMax� newMinð Þ þ newMin, (2)

where Xij is the jth attribute value of online input dataXi and has special range and domain, where Min(Xij)is the minimum value in this domain and Max(Xij) isthe maximum value in this domain; newMini is theminimum value of specific domain of [0, 1], whichis equal to zero; and newMaxi is the maximum valueof the domain, which is equal to one. After transfor-mation of current online input data, the model contin-ues to learn current data in the next stages.

2. Compute the weight code words of the current onlinedata Xi and update the codebook: the DSFFNNmethod creates a code book of nonrandom weightsby entering the first online input data and consequentlycompletes the codebook by inserting the code wordsof each future online input data. In this stage, the pro-posed model computes the mean mi of the normalizedcurrent online input data Xi. Then the standard devia-tion si of the input data of Xi is computed by consid-ering mi. Table 1 provides this information.

On the basis of the definition of the SND (Ziegel,2002), the SND shows how far each attribute valueof the online input data Xi is from the mean mi, inthe metric standard deviation unit si. In this step,each normalized attribute value of the online inputdata Xi is considered as the weight Wij for that value.Each element or code word of the weight code bookis equal to Wij. Therefore, each weight vector of thecodebook is computed based on the SND of each

online input data value of Xi as shown in Eq. (3).

SND(Xij) ¼ (Xij � mi)=si: (3)

The SND(Xij) is a standard normalized value of eachattribute value of the online input data. mi and si arethe mean and standard deviation of Xi. Therefore,each SND(Xij) shows the distance of each input valueof each data from the mean of the online input data.Accordingly, each Wij as weight of Xij is equal toSND(Xij) as in Eq. (4), and the initialization of weightsis not at random:

Wij ¼ SND(Xij) i ¼ 1, 2, : : : , n; j ¼ 1, 2, : : : , m: (4)

The weights of attributes of current input data Xi are in-serted in the weights code book as the code words of Xi.The model considers a vector of the weights as theproduct of each attribute of the weights code book.The Prod vector consists of the components Prodj forthe attributes, which is computed by the product ofthe weights of each attribute of the code book. The pa-rameter n is the number of received data nodes, whichwere trained by the model, and i is current number ofthe online input data node Xi; m is the number of attri-butes, and j is the current number of the attribute. Equa-tions (5) and (6) show these relationships.

Prodj ¼ Prodj �Wij, (5)

Prod��!¼ (Prod1, Prod2, . . . , Prodm): (6)

3. Extracting the BMW vector: In the SOM, the weightof the code book that is nearest to the input vector isdistinguished as the winner node and the best match-ing unit. In the same way, the DSFFNN learns thestandard unique weight as BMW. The BMW vectoris the global geometric mean (Vandesompele et al.,2002; Jacquier et al., 2003) vector of the code bookof the nonrandom weights and is computed basedon the gravity center of the current and last traineddata nodes. In the DSFFNN method, the codebookof real weights is initialized by considering propertiesof input values directly and without using any randomvalues or random parameters similar to the RSFFNNclustering method. The RSFFNN computes the stan-dard weight one time through processing of all input

Table 1. The online input data X


Input Data StandardVector Xi Attribute1 Attribute2 . . . Attributem Mean Deviation

Xi Xi1 Xi2 . . . X1m mi si

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data instances in the input matrix; however, theDSFFNN computes the BMW based on the gravitycenter of the current and last trained data nodes, andwith entrance of each online input data, the BMW isupdated. The BMW vector is computed by Eqs.(7)–(9) as follows:

BMWj ¼ Prodj1=n, (7)

BMWj ¼ Round BMWj=SumBMW� �

, 2� �

, (8)

SumBMW ¼Xm

j¼1 BMWj, (9)

BMW���! ¼ (BMW1, BMW2, . . . , BMWm), (10)

Equations (8) and (9))Xm

j¼1 BMWj ¼ 1: (11)

The parameter n is the number of received data nodes(contain the old data points and current online inputdata node Xi), m is the number of attributes, and j isthe current number of attributes. Equation (7) showsthe BMWj is the global geometric mean of all Wij ofthe attributes Xi. In Eq. (8), the parameter SumBMWis equal to the sum of the components of the BMWvector. As shown in Eq. (9), the model considersRound function with two digits of each BMWj ratioto SumBMW, because in this way, the model is ableto control the changing BMWjNew ratio to BMWjOld.This technique affects the low time and memory com-plexities of the model. Equation (11) shows the sumof components BMW is equal to one throughEqs. (8) and (9); therefore, we can understand the dis-tribution of amounts of weights between attributes.Table 2 illustrates the code book of the weights andthe process of extracting the BMW vector.

The main goal of the DSFFNN model is learningof the BMW vector as the criterion weight vector.The next stages will show how the threshold of cur-rent online data is computed, the current online inputdata is clustered easily based on the computed BMWvector, and consequently the network of clusters isupdated.

4. Update EII: In this stage after learning the weights ofattributes of online input data Xi, the model stores the

mean and standard deviation of Xi, computed newBMW and Prod as the EII in the memory. Somedata nodes as training data have class labels; therefore,in this phase, if current online input data has a classlabel, consequently, the model keeps it with otherimportant information of the data in the memory.After clustering, the model will consider the class la-bel and its related total threshold in order to semisu-pervised clustering of the data in the future stages.

† Fine-tuning: The DSFFNN similar the RSFFNN cluster-ing method applies the techniques of fine-tuning, but aftereach updating of the BMW process. As Asadi et al.(2014a) explained, in order to adapt the weights accuratelyto achieve better results of clustering the data points, twotechniques of smoothing the weights and pruning theweak weights can be considered:

1. Smoothing the weights: The speed, accuracy, and ca-pability of the training of the FFNN clustering can beimproved, by application of some techniques such assmoothing parameters and weights interconnection(Jean & Wang, 1994; Peng & Lin, 1999; Gui et al.,2001; Tong et al., 2010). In the Midrange techniqueas an accepted smoothing technique (Jean & Wang,1994; Gui et al., 2001), the average of high weightcomponents of the BMW vector is computed andconsidered as middle range (Midrange). The inputdata attributes with too high weight amounts maycause them to dominate the high thresholds andhighly effect the clustering results. When someBMWj are considerably higher than other compo-nents, the BMWj can be smoothed based on the Mid-range smooth technique. If the weights of some com-ponents of the BMW are higher than the Midrange,the model will reset their weights to equal the Mid-range value.

2. Data dimensionality reduction: The DSFFNN modelcan reduce the dimension of data by recognizing theweak weights BMWj and deleting the related attri-butes. The weak weights that are close to zero areless effective on thresholds and the desired output.Hence, the weights can be controlled and pruned inadvance.

† Single-layer DSFFNN clustering: The main section ofthe DSFFNN clustering model is a single-layer FFNN to-pology to cluster the online data by using normalized val-ues and the components of the BMW vector. The proposedmodel is able to recluster all old data points by retrievinginformation from the EII. Two major tasks of the DSFFNNmodel in this section are to cluster the data points dynam-ically and after learning to assign class labels and semiclus-ter the data.

† DUFFNN clustering: The DSFFNN clustering carried outduring one training iteration is based on nonrandomweights, without any updating weight, activation function,

Table 2. The code book of the weight vectors and the BMWvector

Code Book of Weight Vectors

Weight Vector of Xi Attribute1 Attribute2 . . . Attributem

Weight vector of X1 W11 W12 . . . W1m

Weight vector of X2 W21 W22 . . . W2m


. ... ..

. ... ..


Weight vector of Xn Wn1 Wn2 . . . Wnm

Prod��� Prod1 Prod2 . . . Prodm

BMW����� BMW1 BMW2 . . . BMWm

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and error function such as mean square error. The thresholdor output is computed by using normalized values of the in-put data node and the fetched BMW vector from EII. Whenthe DSFFNN model learns a huge amount of data for clus-tering, the new BMW is changed slowly and is close to thelast computed BMW. IF components of the new BMWj areequal to the components of the old BMWj; the model justclusters Xi. In this case, computing the threshold of eachattribute of the current online input data Xij and total thresh-old of the online input data vector Xi are computed by Eqs.(12) and (13).

Tij ¼ Xij � BMWj, (12)

TTi ¼Xm

j¼1 Xij � BMWj or TTi ¼Xm

j¼1 Ti, (13)

Memory(EII) Store(Class label of Xi, TTi): (14)

As Eq. (14) shows, if the current online input data Xi has aclass label, the DSFFNN model stores the computed totalthreshold as related TTi to this class label in the memory.During the semisupervised feedforward clustering stage,the model needs this class label. If the new BMW vectoris different from the last BMW, the model considers theBMWNew vector based on the feature of Hebbian learningand reclusters all old data points by retrieving informationfrom the EII, based on their related total threshold duringone iteration. In this case, the model considers Eqs. (15)–(20), respectively, and checks which components ofBMWNew are changed. Consequently, the model fetchesthe related Wfj, sf , mf of each component BMWjOld and re-trieves related data node Dfj from EII based on Eqs. (3) and(4), and computed related threshold of the data node Dfj. Byconsidering the total threshold of the Dfj as the EII from thememory and replacing the amounts of old threshold ofattribute j of Dfj as Tf Old and new threshold of attribute jof Dfj as Tf New, the data node Dfj lies in the special placeof axis of the total threshold and suitable cluster.

Fetch(W fj, sf , mf ) Memory(EII), (15)

Dfj ¼ (Wfj � sf )þ mf , (16)

Tf Old ¼ D fj � BMW jOld, (17)

TTf ¼ TTf � Tf Old, (18)

T f New ¼ Dfj � BMWjNew, (19)

TTf ¼ TTf þ Tf New: (20)

Therefore, it is not necessary to compute and update allthresholds of all old data node attributes. The single-layerDSFFNN computes the total threshold of current inputdata node Xi, updates the total thresholds of old data nodes,and lists thresholds and related class labels. Consequently,the model reclusters all received data nodes. Figure 7 illus-trates how the data nodes are clustered by the DSFFNNmodel.

As shown in Figure 7, each TTi is the total threshold vec-tor of each data point ratio to the gravity center of the datapoints. Therefore, each data vector takes its own positionon the thresholds axis. The online input data Xi, based onits exclusive TTi, lies on the axis, respectively. Each datapoint has an exclusive and individual threshold. If twodata points possess an equal total threshold, but are in differ-ent clusters, clustering accuracy is decreased because of theerror of the clustering method. The DSFFNN considers thedata points with close total thresholds into one cluster.Figure 7 is an example of clustering data points into threeclusters. Figure 8 is an example of clustering the Iris datapoints by the DSFFNN clustering. In Figure 8a and b, theIris data from the UCI repository is clustered to threeclusters based on a unique total threshold of each datapoint by the DSFFNN method. Data point 22 has TT22 ¼

0.626317059 and lies inside of cluster 2 or the cluster ofthe Iris Versicolour.

† Pruning the noise: The DSFFNN distinguishes isolateddata points through the solitary total thresholds. The totalthreshold of an isolated data point is not close to the totalthresholds of other clustered data points. Therefore, the iso-lated data point lies out of the locations of other clusters. Theproposed DSFFNN method sets apart these data points asnoise and removes them. The action of removing the noisecauses high speed and clustering accuracy with low memoryusage of the network in big data sets.

† Improving the result of the DUFFNN clustering byusing K-step activation function: As mentioned in Sec-tion 1, there is a technique of converting a clusteringmethod to semisupervised clustering by considering some

Fig. 7. An example for clustering the data nodes to three clusters by thedynamic semisupervised feedforward neural network.

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constraint or user guides as feedback from users. K-stepactivation function (Alippi et al., 1995) or threshold func-tion is a linear activation function for transformation of in-put values. This kind of function is limited with K valuesbased on the number of classes of the data nodes, and eachlimited domain of thresholds refers to the special outputvalue of the K-step function. The binary-step function isa branch of the K-step function for two data classes 0and 1. It is often used in single-layer networks. The func-tion g(TTi) is the K-step activation function for the trans-formation of TTi and output will be 0 or 1 based on thethreshold TTi. After clustering the data node by theDUFFNN, the proposed method considers the class labelas a constraint in order to improve the accuracy of the resultof clustering. If the current online input data Xi is a trainingdata and has a class label, the model fetches the class labeland related total threshold of Xi from memory as EII andassigns this class label to the data nodes with similarthreshold and updates the data nodes by using the K-stepfunction. Consequently, based on K class labels and relatedexclusive thresholds in the EII, the proposed method ex-pects K clusters and for each cluster considers a domainof thresholds. By considering the cluster results of thelast phase, if there are some data points with a relatedthreshold in each cluster but without a class label (un-known or unobserved data), the model supposes that thesedata nodes have the same class label as their clusters. Dur-ing the process of future online data nodes, when the modelupdates data nodes, the class labels of these unknown datanodes will be recognized and adjusted for the suitable clus-ter if necessary. Hence, the class label of unknown data ispredicted in two ways: during clustering by considering therelated cluster, which the data lies in there, and by using theK-step function based on relationships between thresholds

and class labels in the EII. Therefore, the DSFFNN cluster-ing method similar to the RSFFNN applies the “trial anderror” method, in order to predict the class label for the un-observed data. The class label of each unknown observa-tion is signed and predicted based on the K-step functionand the related cluster and thresholds domain of the clusterwhere the input instance is. The accuracy of the results ofthe DSFFNN clustering is measured by F-measure func-tion with 10-fold cross-validation, and the accuracy willshow the validation of the prediction. Furthermore, themethod updates the number of clusters and the density ofeach cluster by using class labels. Figure 9 shows an exam-ple for clustering a data set to two clusters (Part A), and im-proving the result by DSFFNN clustering (Part B).


All of the experiments were implemented in Visual C#.Net inMicrosoft Windows 7 Professional operating system with a 2GHz Pentium processor. To evaluate the performance of theDSFFNN clustering model, a series of experiments on severalrelated methods and data sets were used.

3.1. Data sets from UCI Repository

The Iris, Spambase, Musk2, Arcene, and the Yeast data setsfrom the University of California at Irvine (UCI) MachineLearning Repository (Asuncion & Newman, 2007) areselected for evaluation of the proposed model as shown inTable 3. As mentioned in the UCI Repository, the data setsare remarkable because most conventional methods do notprocess well on these data sets. The type of the data set is

Fig. 8. The outlook of clustering the online Iris data to three clusters based on a unique total threshold of each data point by the dynamicsemisupervised feedforward neural network.

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the source of clustering problems, such as estimation of thenumber of clusters and the density of each cluster; or in otherwords, recognizing similarities of the objects and relation-ships between attributes of the data set. Large and high-di-mensional data creates some difficulties of clustering, espe-cially in real dynamic environments, as mentioned in theSection 1. For experimentation, the speed of processing wasmeasured by the number of epochs. The accuracy of themethods is measured through the number of clusters andthe quantity of correctly classified nodes (CCNs), whichshows the total nodes and density with the correct class inthe correct related cluster in all clusters created by the model.The CCNs are the same as the true positive and true negativenodes. Furthermore, the accuracy of the proposed method ismeasured by F-measure function for 10-folds of the test set.The precision of computing was considered with 15 decimalplaces for more dissimilar threshold values. For simulation ofthe online real environment, every time just one instance ofthe training or test data is selected randomly and is processedby the models.

3.1.1. Iris data set

The Iris plants data set was created by Fisher (1950; Asun-cion & Newman, 2007). The Iris can be classified into Iris Se-

tosa, Iris Versicolour, and Iris Virginica. Figure 10 shows thefinal computed BMW vector of the received Iris data pointsby the DSFFNN clustering method.

The total thresholds of the received Iris data were compu-ted on the basis of the final BMW vector. As shown inFigure 11, three clusters can be recognized.

Table 4 shows the comparison of the results of the pro-posed DSFFNN method with the results of some relatedmethods for the Iris data (Asadi et al., 2014a, 2014b). Asshown in Table 4, the ESOM clustered the Iris data pointswith 144 CCNs, 96.00% density of the CCNs and 96.00% ac-curacy by the F-measure after 1 epoch during 36 ms. TheDSOM clustered the data points with 135 CCNs and90.00% density of the CCNs and 90.00% accuracy by theF-measure after 700 epochs during 39 s and 576 ms. Thesemi-ESOM clustered the Iris data points with 150 CCNs,100% density of the CCNs and 100% accuracy by the F-mea-sure. The DUFFNN clustering method clustered this data setwith 146 CCNs, 97.33% density of the CCNs and 97.33% ac-curacy by F-measure. The BPN, as a supervised FFNN clas-sification model, learned this data set after 140 epochs withthe accuracy of 94.00% by using F-measure. As Table 4shows, the DUFFNN clustering method has superior results.All clustering methods show three clusters for this data set. Inorder to get a better result of the DUFFNN clustering method,

Fig. 9. The outlook of the dynamic semisupervised feedforward neural network clustering method.

Table 3. The information of selected data sets in this study from the UCI Repository

Characteristics Number of

Data Set Data Set Attribute Instances Attributes Classes

Iris Multivariable Real 150 4 Three classes: Iris Setosa, Iris Versicolour, and Iris VirginicaSpambase Multivariable Integer–real 4601 57 Two classes: spam and nonspamMusk2 Multivariable Integer 6598 168 Two classes: musk or nonmusk moleculesArcene Multivariable Real 900 10,000 Two classes: cancer patients and healthy patientsYeast Multivariable Real 1484 8 Ten classes

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we implemented the DSFFNN by using the Iris data. The re-sults of the DSFFNN show 150 CCNs, 100% density of theCCNs and 100% accuracy by F-measure with 1 epoch fortraining just during 26.68 ms.

3.1.2. Spambase data set

The Spambase E-mail data set is created by Mark Hpkins,Erik Reeber, George Forman, and Jaap Suermondt (Asuncion& Newman, 2007). The Spambase data set can be classified

Fig. 11. The clusters of the received data points from the Iris data by using the dynamic unsupervised feedforward neural network method.

Table 4. Comparison of the clustering results on the Iris data points by the DSFFNN and somerelated methods

Methods CCNDensity ofCCN (%)

Accuracy byF-Measure (%) Epoch

CPU Time(ms)

ESOM 144 96.00 96.00 1 36DSOM 135 90.00 90.00 700 39 s (576)Semi-ESOM 150 100 100 1 36DUFFNN 146 97.33 97.33 1 26.68DSFFNN 150 100 100 1 26.68

Fig. 10. The final computed best matching weight vector components of the received Iris data by using the dynamic unsupervised feed-forward neural network method.

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into spam and nonspam. Figure 12 shows the final computedBMW vector of the received Spambase data by the DSFFNNclustering method.

The total thresholds of input data were computed based onthe BMW vector. Consequently, the input data were clus-tered. As shown in Figure 13, two clusters are recognized.

Table 5 shows the comparison of the results of the pro-posed DSFFNN method with the results of some relatedmethods for the Spambase data (Asadi et al., 2014a, 2014b).As shown in Table 5, the ESOM clustered the Spambasedata points with 2264 CCNs, 49.21% density of the CCNsand 57.85% accuracy by the F-measure after 1 epoch during14 min, 39 s, and 773 ms. The DSOM clustered the data pointswith 2568 CCNs and 55.83% density of the CCNs and 62.78%accuracy by the F-measure after 700 epochs during 33 min,, 27s, and 90 ms. The semi-ESOM clustered the Spambase datapoints with 2682 CCNs, 58.29% density of the CCNs and

65.03% accuracy by the F-measure. The DUFFNN clusteringmethod clustered this data set with 3149 CCNs, 68.44% den-sity of the CCNs and 73.96% accuracy by F-measure after 1epoch during 35 s and 339 ms. The BPN learned this dataset after 2000 epochs with the accuracy of 79.50% by usingF-measure. As Table 5 shows, the DUFFNN clusteringmethod has superior results. All clustering methods showtwo clusters for this data set. The results of the DSFFNNshow 4600 CCNs, 99.97% density of the CCNs and 99.96%accuracy by F-measure with 1 epoch for training.

3.1.3. Musk2 data set

The Musk2 data set (version 2 of the musk data set) is se-lected from the UCI Repository. The data set was created bythe Artificial Intelligence group at the Arris PharmaceuticalCorporation, and describes a set of musk or nonmusk mole-cules (Asuncion & Newman, 2007). The goal is to train to

Fig. 12. The final computed best matching weight vector components of the received Spambase data by using the dynamic supervisedfeedforward neural network method.

Fig. 13. The clusters of the received data points of the Spambase data by using the dynamic supervised feedforward neural networkmethod.

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predict whether new molecules will be musk or nonmuskbased on their features. Figure 14 shows the final computedBMW vector of the received Musk2 data by the DSFFNNclustering method.

The total thresholds of input data were computed based onthe BMW vector. Consequently, the input data were clus-tered. As shown in Figure 15, two clusters are recognized.

Table 6 shows the comparison results of the proposedDSFFNN method with the results of some related methodsfor the Musk2 data (Asadi et al., 2014a, 2014b). As Table 6shows, the ESOM clustered the Musk2 data set with 4657CCNs, 70.58% density of the CCNs and 56.40% accuracyby F-measure after 1 epoch during 28 min and 1 ms. TheDSOM clustered the Musk2 data set with 3977 CCNs,60.28% density of the CCNs and 41.40% accuracy by F-mea-sure after 700 epoch during 41 min, s, and 633 ms. The semi-ESOM clustered the Musk2 data set with 5169 CCNs,78.34% density of the CCNs and 87.19% accuracy by F-mea-sure. The DUFFNN clustering method clustered this data setwith 4909 CCNs, 74.40% density of the CCNs and 84.86%accuracy by F-measure after 1 epoch during 27 s and 752ms. The BPN learned this data set after 100 epochs with67.00% accuracy by F-measure. All clustering methodsshow two clusters for this data set. The results of theDSFFNN show 6598 CCNs, 100% density of the CCNsand 100% accuracy by F-measure.

3.1.4. Arcene data set

The Arcene data set was collected from two differentsources: the national cancer institute and the eastern Virginiamedical school (Asuncion & Newman, 2007). All data wereearned by merging three mass-spectrometry data sets to createtraining and test data as a benchmark. The training and vali-dation instances include patients with cancer (ovarian or pros-tate cancer) and healthy patients. Each data set of training andvalidation contains 44 positive samples and 56 negative in-stances with 10,000 attributes. We considered the trainingdata set and validation data set with 200 total instances to-gether as one set. The Arcene data set can be classified intocancer patients and healthy patients. Arcene’s task is to distin-guish cancer versus normal patterns from mass-spectrometricdata (Asuncion & Newman, 2007). This data set is one of fivedata sets of the Neural Information Processing Systems 2003feature selection challenge (Guyon, 2003; Guyon & Elisseeff,2003). Therefore, most current existing papers are subject tothe best selection of attributes in order to reduce the dimen-sion of the arcane data set with better accuracy, CPU timeusage, and memory usage. In this research, we cluster the Ar-cene data by using the DUFFNN and the DSFFNN clusteringmethods with just fine-tuning without selection of special at-tributes. After final updating of the codebook of nonrandomweights and extracting final BMW, Figure 16 shows two clus-

Fig. 14. The final computed best matching weight vector components of the received Musk2 data by using the dynamic supervised feed-forward neural network method.

Table 5. Comparison of the clustering results on the Spambase data points by the DSFFNN andrelated methods

Methods CCNDensity ofCCN (%)

Accuracy byF-Measure (%) Epoch CPU Time (ms)

ESOM 2264 49.21 57.85 1 14 min, 39 s (773)DSOM 2568 55.83 62.78 700 33 min, 27 s (90)Semi-ESOM 2682 58.29 65.03 1 14 min, 39 s (773)DUFFNN 3149 68.44 73.96 1 35 s (339)DSFFNN 4600 99.97 99.96 1 35 s (339)

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Table 6. Comparison of the clustering results on the Musk2 data points by the DSFFNN and some relatedmethods

Methods CCNDensity ofCCN (%)

Accuracy byF-Measure (%) Epoch CPU Time (ms)

ESOM 4657 70.58 56.40 1 28 min (1)DSOM 3977 60.28 41.40 700 41 min, 1 s (633)Semi-ESOM 5169 78.34 87.19 1 28 min (1)DUFFNN 4909 74.40 84.86 1 27 s (752)DSFFNN 6598 100 100 1 27 s (752)

Fig. 15. The clusters of the received data points from the Musk2 data by the dynamic supervised feedforward neural network method.

Fig. 16. The clusters of the received data points of the Arcene data by using the dynamic supervised feedforward neural network method.

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ters of the received data points from the Arcene data wasrecognized by the DUFFNN clustering method.

Table 7 shows the comparison the proposed DSFFNNmethod with some related methods for the Arcene data. TheESOM clustered the Arcene data set with 96 CCNs,48.00% density of the CCNs and 53.57% accuracy by F-mea-sure after 1 epoch during 56 s and 998 ms. The DSOM clus-tered the Arcene data set with 94 CCNs, 47.00% density ofthe CCNs and 52.68% accuracy by F-measure after 20epochs during 43 min, 12 s, and 943 ms. The semi-ESOMclustered the Arcene data set with 121 CCNs, 60.50% densityof the CCNs and 63.93% accuracy by F-measure. TheDUFFNN clustering method clustered this data set with124 CCNs, 62.00% density of the CCNs and 66.07% accu-racy by F-measure after 1 epoch just during 13 s and 447ms. All clustering methods show two clusters for this dataset. The results of the DSFFNN show 200 CCNs, 100% den-sity of the CCNs and 100% accuracy by F-measure. TheDSOM is not a suitable method to implement for clusteringof this data set through its time and memory complexities. Re-cently, Mangat and Vig (2014) reported classification of theArcene data set by several classification methods such asK-nearest neighbor (K-NN). K-NN is a supervised classifierthat is able to learn by analogy and performs on n-dimen-sional numeric attributes (Dasarthy, 1990). Given an un-known instance, K-NN finds K instances in the training setthat are closest to the given instance pattern and predictsone or an average of class labels or credit rates. UnlikeBPN, K-NN assigns equal weights to the attributes. The K-NN (K ¼ 10) was able to classify the Arcene data set with77.00% accuracy by F-measure after several epochs and 10

times running the method. Comparison of the results of theDSFFNN clustering method with the results of other relatedmethods shows the superior results of the DSFFNN clusteringmethod.

3.1.5. Yeast data set

The Yeast data set is obtained from the UCI Repository.The collected data set is reported by Kentai Nakai from theInstitute of Molecular and Cellular Biology, University ofOsaka (Asuncion & Newman, 2007). The aim is to predictthe cellular localization sites of proteins. The Yeast data setcontains 1484 samples with eight attributes. The classes arecytosolic, nuclear, mitochondrial, and membrane protein:no N-terminal signal, membrane protein: uncleaved signaland membrane protein: cleaved signal. Extracellular, vacuo-lar, peroxisomal, and endoplasmic reticulum lumen (Asun-cion & Newman, 2007). In this research, we cluster the Yeastdata by using the DSFFNN clustering method taking 1 s and373 ms training time. Table 8 shows the speed of processingbased on the number of epochs and the accuracy based on thedensity of the CCNs in the Yeast data set by the DSFFNNmethod.

In Table 8, based on the results of the experiment, theESOM clustered the Yeast data with 435 CCNs, 29.31% den-sity of the CCNs and 17.63% accuracy by F-measure after 1epoch during 37 s and 681 ms. The DSOM clustered the Yeastdata with 405 CCNs, 27.29% density of the CCNs and24.53% accuracy by F-measure after 20 epoch during 11 sand 387 ms. The semi-ESOM clustered this data with 546CCNs, 36.79% density of the CCNs and 20.72% accuracyby F-measure. The DUFFNN clustering method clustered

Table 7. Comparison of the clustering results on the Arcene data points by the DSFFNN and some relatedmethods

Methods CCNDensity ofCCN (%)

Accuracy byF-Measure (%) Epoch CPU Time (ms)

ESOM 96 48.00 53.57 1 56 s (998)DSOM 94 47.00 52.68 20 43 min, 12 s (943)Semi-ESOM 121 60.50 63.93 1 56 s (998)DUFFNN 124 62.00 66.07 1 13 s (447)DSFFNN 200 100 100 1 13 s (447)

Table 8. Comparison of the clustering results on the Yeast data points by the DSFFNN and somerelated methods

Methods CCNDensity ofCCN (%)

Accuracy byF-Measure (%) Epoch CPU Time (ms)

ESOM 435 29.31 17.63 1 37 s (681)DSOM 405 27.29 24.53 20 11 s (387)Semi-ESOM 546 36.79 20.72 1 37 s (681)DUFFNN 426 28.71 27.25 1 1 s (373)DSFFNN 1484 100 100 1 1 s (373)

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this data set with 426 CCNs, 28.71% density of the CCNs and27.25% accuracy by F-measure after 1 epoch just during 1 sand 373 ms. The DSFFNN clustering method clustered thisdata set with 1484 CCNs, 100% density of the CCNs andalso by F-measure. Several studies reported the difficulty ofclustering or classification of the Yeast data set. As Longadgeet al. (2013) reported, classification of the Yeast data set wasdone by several classification methods such as K-NN. The K-NN (K¼ 3) was able to classify the Yeast data set with 0.11%accuracy by F-measure after several epochs and times runningthe method. In addition, Ahirwar (2014) reported the K-meanswas able to classify the Yeast data set with 65.00% accuracyby F-measure after several epochs.

3.2. Prediction of clathrate hydrate temperature

Clathrate hydrates or gas hydrates are crystalline water-basedsolids that physically appear like ice. In clathrate hydrates,molecules such as gases form a framework that traps othermolecules. Otherwise, the grille structure of the clathrate hy-drate breaks into formal ice crystal structure or liquid water.For example, the low molecular weight gases, such as H2,O2, N2, CO2, and CH2, often form hydrates at suitable tem-peratures and pressures. Cathrate hydrates are not formallychemical compounds, and their formation and decompositionare first-order phase transitions. The details of the formationand decomposition mechanisms at a molecular level are stillcritical issues to research. In 1810, Humphry Davy (1811)investigated and introduced the clathrate hydrate. In hydratestudies, two main areas have attracted the attention: preven-tion or elimination of hydrate formation in pipelines, and fea-sibility examination of the gas hydrate technological applica-tions. In studying any of these areas, the issue that should beaddressed first is hydrate thermodynamic behavior. For ex-ample, thermodynamic conditions of the hydrate formationare often detected in pipelines, because the clathrate crystalscan be accumulated and plug the line. Many researchershave tried to prognosticate this phenomena by using variouspredictive methods and understanding the conditions of hy-

drate formation (Eslamimanesh, 2012; Ghavipour, 2013;Moradi, 2013). One of these methods is a hydrate formationtemperature estimation by applying neural network methods(Kobayashi et al., 1987; Shahnazar & Hasan, 2014; Zahediet al., 2009).

Kobayashi et al. (1987) selected six different specificgravities and experimentally considered the relationship be-tween the variables of pressure and temperature of gaswhen the clathrate hydrate is formed. They collected 203data points, with 136 data points as a training set and 67data points as a test set. Zahedi et al. (2009) applied a multi-layer perceptron neural network classification model withseven hidden layers, in the Matlab neural network toolbox(Mathworks, 2008), to predict hydrate formation temperaturefor each operating pressure, and compared their results withthe results of statistical methods by Kobayashi et al. (1987).Their results showed that their neural network method hadbetter results.

In order to evaluate the DUFFNN model performance, adata set with 299 experimental data points in a temperaturerange of 33.7–75.78F and a pressure of 200–2680.44 psi areconsidered (Shahnazar & Hasan, 2014). Figure 17 shows asample of this data set.

The DUFFNN clustering results are compared with theANN classification result of Zahedi et al. (2009), and labora-tory experimental results of Kobayashi et al. (1987), which isavailable in the literature, as shown in Figure 18.

Figure 18 shows that the result of the DUFFNN clusteringis closer than the Matlab-ANN classification to the laboratoryexperience. The DUFFNN clustering model proved to predictthe hydrate formation temperature with more than 98% accu-racy. Therefore, the results of Figure 18 show that the pro-posed clustering is able to respond to the unobserved samplesthat lie in the curve of the DUFFNN clustering with more than98% accuracy.

3.3. Breast cancer data set from the Universityof Malaya Medical Center (UMMC)

The data set was collected by the UMMC, Kuala Lumpur,from 1992 until 2002 (Hazlina et al., 2004; Asadi et al.,2014a). As shown in Table 9, the data set was divided intonine subsets based on the interval of survival time: firstyear, second year, . . . , ninth year.

The DSFFNN model was implemented on each data set byconsidering the class labels. Figure 19 shows the sample ofbreast cancer data set from the UMMC.

As Table 10 shows, the breast cancer data set contains 13attributes. The number of input data in the data set is 827,the number of attributes is 13 continuous and 1 attribute forshowing the binary class in two cases of alive or dead. Theused breast cancer data set from the UMMC has class labelsof “0” for alive and “1” for dead as constraints.

Table 11 shows the results of the implementation of theDSFFNN clustering model on the UMMC breast cancerdata set. Table 10 contains of the number of data nodes of

Fig. 17. A sample of the clathrate hydrate formation data set.

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each subset; training time per millisecond for each subset dur-ing one epoch; and the accuracy of the DSFFNN clustering ofeach subset of the UMMC breast cancer data set based on theF-measure with 10-folds of the test set.

Performances of the ESOM and DSOM on the UMMCbreast cancer data set are not suitable and efficient; therefore,we compared our results with some methods as reported byAsadi, Asadi, et al. (2014). Table 11 shows that the trainingprocess of the proposed DSFFNN method for each subsetof the UMCC breast cancer data set took one epoch between22.95 and 1 min, 05 s, and 2 ms of CPU time; the accuraciesof the DSFFNN for the breast cancer subdata sets were be-tween 98.14 and 100%. We considered the SOM using

BPN as a hybrid method for supervised clustering of eachsubset (Asadi et al., 2014a). The SOM clustered each subsetof the UMMC breast cancer data set after 20 epochs. TheBPN model fine-tuned the codebook of weights of unfoldingthe SOM method instead of random weights. The trainingprocess in the BPN was 25 epochs. The results of the hybridmethod of the SOM-BPN are shown in Table 12 for everysubset. In addition, the principal component analysis (PCA;Jolliffe, 1986) was considered as a preprocessing techniquefor dimension reduction and used by the BPN model (Asadiet al., 2014a). The PCA is a classical multivariate data anal-ysis method that is useful in linear feature extraction and datacompression. Table 12 shows the result of the PCA-BPN hy-

Fig. 18. Comparison of the laboratory experience with the results of the Matlab–artificial neural network classification and the dynamicunsupervised feedforward neural network clustering methods.

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brid model for every subset of the UMMC breast cancer dataset. The PCA spent the time of the CPU for dimension reduc-tion of the data, and the BPN used the output of the PCA forclassification after several epochs.

The results of Table 12 show the accuracies of implemen-tation of the PCA-BPN model for the breast cancer data set

were between 62% and 99%, and the accuracies of implemen-tation of the SOM-BPN model for each subset of the breastcancer data set were between 71% and 99%. Furthermore,the training process for each subset of the UMMC breast can-cer data set by the RSFFNN clustering took one epochbetween 13.7 and 43 s of CPU time, and the accuracies ofthe RSFFNN for these subdata sets were between 98.29%and 100%. Table 12 shows the DSFFNN has desirable re-sults.


In the online nonstationary data environment such as creditcard transactions, the data are often high massive continuous,the distributions of data are not known, and the data distribu-tion may be changed over time. In the real online area, the sta-tic UFFNN are not suitable to use; however, they are gener-ally considered as the fundamental clustering methods andare adapted/modified to be used in nonstationary environ-ments, and form the current ODUFFNN clustering methodssuch as the ESOM and DSOM (Kasabov, 1998; Schaal & At-keson, 1998; Bouchachia et al., 2007; Hebboul et al., 2011).However, the current ODUFFNN clustering methods gener-ally suffer from high training time and low accuracy of clus-tering, as well as high time and high memory complexities of

Table 9. The nine subsets of observed data of breast cancer from UMMC based on the interval of survival time

TreatmentYear Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 . . . Year 8 Year 9

1993 Data from 1993to 1994

Data from 1993to 1995

Data from 1993to 1996

. . . Data from 1993to 2001

Data from 1993to 2002

1994 Data from 1994to 1995

Data from 1994to 1996

Data from 1994to 1997

. . . Data from 1994to 2002

1995 Data from 1995to 1996

Data from 1995to 1997

Data from 1995to 1998

. . .

. . . . . . . . . . . .2000 Data from 2000

to 2001Data from 2000

to 20022001 Data from 2001

to 2002

Fig. 19. The sample of breast cancer from the University of Malaya Medical Center data set.

Table 10. The information of the UMMC Breast Cancer dataset attributes

Attributes Attribute Information

AGE Patient’s age in year at time first diagnosisRACE Ethnicity (Chinese, Malay, Indian, and others)STG Stage (how far the cancer has spread anatomically)

T Tumor type (the extent of the primary tumor)N Lymph node type (amount of regional lymph node

involvement)M Metastatic (presence or absence)LN Number of nodes involvedER Estrogen receptor (negative or positive)GD Tumor gradePT Primary treatment (type of surgery performed)AC Adjuvant chemotherapyAR Adjuvant radiotherapyAT Adjuvant Tamoxifen

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clustering as scalability of their algorithms (Kasabov, 1998;Andonie & Kovalerchuk, 2007; Bouchachia et al., 2007;Rougier & Boniface, 2011). Essentially, we recognized thereasons of the problems of the current ODUFFNN clusteringmethods are the structure and features of the data, such as sizeand dimensions of data, growing of the number of clusters,and size of the network during clustering; and the topologyand algorithm of the current ODUFFNN clustering method,such as using random weights, distance thresholds and pa-rameters for controlling tasks during clustering, and relearn-ing over several epochs, which takes time and clustering isconsiderably slow. In order to overcome the problems, we de-veloped the DSFFNN clustering model with one epoch train-ing of each online input data. Dynamically, aftereach entranceof the online input data, the DSFFNN learns and stores impor-tant information about the current online data, such as theweights, and completes a code book of the nonrandomweights. Then, a unique and standard weight vector such asthe BMW is extracted and updated from the codebook. Con-sequently, a single-layer DSFFNN calculates the exclusivedistance threshold of each online data based on the BMWvector. The online input data are clustered based on the exclu-sive distance threshold. In order to improve the resulting qual-ity of the clustering, the model assigns a class label to the inputdata through the training data. The class label of each unlabeledinput data is predicted by considering a linear activation func-

tion and the exclusive distance threshold. Finally, the numberof clusters and the density of each cluster are updated.

To evaluate the performance of the DSFFNN clusteringmethod, we compared the results of the proposed methodwith the results of other related methods for several datasets from the UCI Repository such as the Arcene data set.In addition, we showed that the DSFFNN method has the ca-pability to be used in different environments, such as the pre-diction of the hydrate formation temperature, with high accu-racy. In this section, we consider a real and original medicaldata set from the UMMC on the subject of breast cancer.Clustering the medical data sets is difficult because of limitedobservation, information, diagnosis, and prognosis of the spe-cialist; incomplete medical knowledge; and lack of enoughtime for diagnosis (Melek & Sadeghian, 2009). However,the proposed DSFFNN method has the capability to over-come some of the problems associated with clustering inthe prediction of survival time of the breast cancer patientsfrom the UMMC. Table 13 shows the time and memory com-plexity of the proposed method and some related clusteringmethods.

The DSFFNN model has time complexity and memory com-plexity of O(n.m) and O(, respectively. Parameters n, m,and sm are the number of nodes, attributes, and size of eachattribute, respectively; in addition, fh is the number of hidden

Table 13. The time complexities and memory complexities ofthe DSFFNN method and some related methods

Method Time Complexity Memory Complexity

GNG O(c.n2.m) O( O(c.n.m2) O( O(c.fh ) O( O(m2 . n) + O(m3) O((m2 . n).sm) + O((m3).sm)RSFFNN O(n.m) O( O(c.n2.m) O( O(c.n2.m) O( O(n2.m) O( O(c.n.m2) O( O(n.m) O( O(n.m) O(

Table 11. The results of implementation of the DSFFNN for each subset of the UMMC Breast Cancer data set

Year CCNDensity

(%)Data Instances

Per Subset Epoch CPU Time (ms)Accuracy of


1 819 99.03 827 1 1 min, 05 s (2) 99.432 666 98.96 673 1 882 98.693 552 98.44 561 1 501 98.934 429 97.5 440 1 252 98.145 355 100 355 1 137.39 99.996 270 100 270 1 40.72 1007 200 100 200 1 28.93 1008 124 100 124 1 25.49 1009 56 100 56 1 22.95 100

Table 12. The accuracies of clustering methods on the UMMCBreast Cancer data set






1 76 82 99.55 99.432 63 72 98.85 98.693 62 71 99.04 98.934 77 78 98.29 98.145 83 86 100 99.996 93 93 100 1007 98 98 100 1008 99 99 100 1009 99 99 100 100

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layers and c is the numberof iterations. The experimental resultsshowed that the time usage, accuracy, and memory complexityof the proposed DSFFNN clustering method were superiorresults by comparison with related methods. As shown inTable 14, we compare the DSFFNN clustering method withsome strong current ODUFFNN clustering methods.

Table 14 shows some FFNN clustering methods such asthe SOM and the GNG, which are used as base patternsand improved by the authors for proposing currentODUFFNN clustering methods (Asadi et al., 2014b). Aswe explained in Section 1, the methods inherited the proper-ties of the base patterns, but by improving their structures;consequently, the ODUFFNN clustering methods obtainednew properties. The DSFFNN clustering method inheritsthe structure, features, and capabilities of the RSFFNN clus-tering. The DSFFNN clustering with incremental lifelong oronline learning property is developed for real nonstationaryenvironments, and it is a flexible method, and with each on-line continuous data, immediately updates all nodes, weights,and distance thresholds. The proposed DSFFNN method isable to learn the number of clusters, without having any con-straint and parameter for controlling the clustering tasks,based on the total thresholds; and it generates the clusters dur-ing just one epoch. The DSFFNN is a flexible model, and bychanging the BMW, it immediately reclusters the current on-line data node and old nodes dynamically, and clusters all

data nodes based on the new structure of the network withoutsuffering or destroying old data. The DSFFNN clusteringmethod is able to control or delete attributes with weakweights to reduce the data dimensions, and data with solitarythresholds in order to reduce noise.

Future research works may focus to apply the DUFFNNand the DSFFNN clustering method in order to cluster higherdimensional data with the higher number of classes in the bigdata environment.


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Base patterns SOM and GNG,Hebbian

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Begin without anynode

Control the number anddensity of eachcluster

Improve the formulaof updatingweights

Train by two layers inparallel

Begin without any node

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Update itself withonline input data

Initialize codebook Elasticity orflexibilityproperty

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Update itself with online inputdata

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Control noise The nodes with weak thresholdscan be pruned

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Mining the BMW

Clustering each online input dataduring one epoch withoutupdating weights

Clustering during oneepoch

Learning best matchunit

Ability to retrieve old data

Ability to learn the number ofclusters

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Roya Asadi is a PhD candidate researcher in computer sci-ence with artificial intelligence (neural networks) at the Uni-versity of Malaya. She received a bachelor’s degree in com-

puter software engineering from Hahid Beheshti Universityand the Computer Faculty of Data Processing Iran Co.(IBM). Roya obtained a master’s of computer science in da-tabase systems from UPM University. Her professional work-ing experience includes 12 years of service as a Senior Plan-ning Expert 1. Roya’s interests are in data mining, artificialintelligence, neural network modeling, intelligent multiagentsystems, system designing and analyzing, medical informat-ics, and medical image processing.

Sameem Abdul Kareem is an Associate Professor in the De-partment of Artificial Intelligence at the University of Ma-laya. She received a BS in mathematics from the Universityof Malaya, an MS in computing from the University of Wales,and a PhD in computer science from University of Malaya.Dr. Kareem’s interests include medical informatics, informa-tion retrieval, data mining, and intelligent techniques. She haspublished over 80 journal and conference papers.

Shokoofeh Asadi received a bachelor’s degree in Englishlanguage translation (international communications engi-neering) from Islamic Azad University and a master’s degreein agricultural management engineering from the Universityof Science and Research. Her interests are English languagetranslation, biological and agrcultural engineering, manage-ment and leadership, strategic management, and operationsmanagement.

Mitra Asadi is a Senior Expert Researcher at the BloodTransfusion Research Center in the High Institute for Re-search and Education in Transfusion Medicine. She receivedher bachelor’s degree in laboratory sciences from Tabriz Uni-versity and her English language translation degree and mas-ter’s of English language teaching from Islamic Azad Univer-sity. She is pursuing her PhD in entrepreneurship technologyat Islamic Azad University of Ghazvi.

A dynamic semisupervised feedforward neural network clustering 25

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