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THE ART OF LINDA ALBERTINI A quick tour of my website

Home Page

A welcome page with a simple, clean layout that gives a taste of what’s to come,

allows the visitor to choose where to begin exploring. The entire images are clickable,

not just the labels. There are also options for Spanish and French readers.

Paintings Gallery

Features a gallery of thumbnails of my paintings. When clicked on, visitors can see larger versions of the images with captions in a “light box” that they can click through. There is also a personal quote on the bottom to give visitors more insight on my experience painting.

Drawings Gallery

Similar format as the paintings gallery, only with thumbnails of my

drawings. The cool color scheme of the site allows the images to stand

out. Off the home page, the logo and title in the header become clickable

links to the home page.

Carvings Gallery

Features examples of my past pumpkin carvings, as well as a watermelon

carving. The navigation buttons were created using CSS3 features instead of

background images for faster load time and for easy editing.

About Me Page

Tells visitors about my passion for making art and web design, includes

a photo of me and contact information.

No-script Warning

On the gallery pages, displays a warning on browsers that have JavaScript

turned off, with a link to instructions for enabling it. Fortunately, even without

JavaScript, visitors can still click on the thumbnails to see larger versions of the

images – just without the “light box” feature.

Spanish Version

I translated every page in my site to Spanish – the option for this language is in

the upper right-hand corner. Many of my relatives are Spanish speakers and

live in Mexico, so translating my site will allow me to share my work with them.

French Version

In addition to Spanish, I also translated my website to French, my third language,

so I can share my work with my French-speaking family members. Note that this

and the previous screenshot were taken in an older version of Internet Explorer.

It does not support the rounded borders feature of CSS3, but still renders the

navigation buttons in an attractive way.


Page structure and style built entirely from scratch

using HTML5 and CSS3

CSS-based layout, no tables or templates

Gallery “light box” featuring JavaScript

Blue link colors throughout to avoid confusing visitors

Tested in Chrome, Firefox, and IE

Target browser width: 1024px

Thank you!

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