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Nora Connor & Christopher R. Evans

Entering the Workforce:Leveraging Your Portfolio, Skills and Experience

to Land the Right Opportunity

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Embarking On Your Journey

• Portfolio complete!– Now what?

• The Economy: – How do I deal?

• Where do I start?!– Develop an action plan

Nora Connor & Christopher R. Evans

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Examining Opportunities

• Research which industries and companies are hiring– Websites – Social networks– Newspaper / business journals– University career services

• Tap into your network!– AIP – professors, clients, speakers, etc.– Past employers – jobs and internships– Volunteer or professional organizations– Family and friends

Nora Connor & Christopher R. Evans

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Other Steps You Can Take

• Keep up with new technologies

• Leverage your unique skills and life experiences

• Join more online networking groups

• Expand ‘personal marketing’ efforts

• Share ideas with other students in different areas of study

Nora Connor & Christopher R. Evans

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What’s Working in Your Favor?

• Employers are more likely to hire new graduates– Even in a tough market

• Your ability to multi-task, master social media/new technology, and teach others

• Access to information – trends are easy to research

• Pittsburgh is a tight-knit community—work your alumni channels through LinkedIn and Associations

Nora Connor & Christopher R. Evans

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Preparing To Interview

• Writing a good cover letter is critical– Style and substance

• Refine your resume frequently– Seek a professional’s opinion

• Update your portfolios – hard copy & digital– Acquire any samples you don’t already have – Convert any file types necessary for digital

• Get your references lined-up– Request LinkedIn recommendations

Nora Connor & Christopher R. Evans

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Customize Your Pitch


• Tell employers why they should want you – be unique

• Tailor your resume, cover letter and portfolio– Each position is different!

• Reference/include digital portfolio link or samples


• Forget to proofread – resume, cover letter, even emails!

• Ignore social media profiles – employers check!– Untag unflattering photos, delete unprofessional posts

• Be shy – follow up with email or phone call

Nora Connor & Christopher R. Evans

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Before the Interview…

• Get into the right state of mind and expect success

• Plan and prepare your elevator pitch

• Remember why you give a damn

• Practice delivery focusing on pace, pitch and tone

Nora Connor & Christopher R. Evans

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They Want to Interview Me!

• Bring your hard copy portfolio to the interview

• Be brief but thorough in your explanation of your samples– Explain your role in the project – Discuss leadership and teamwork, if applicable – State results or feedback

• Answer any questions the employer may have about your portfolio

Nora Connor & Christopher R. Evans

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After the Interview…

• Offer to leave behind any samples the employer would like to review further– Print-outs / copies of hard copy samples– Link to your digital work

• Ask for next steps – what the timeframe and decision process entails

• Send your interviewer(s) a thank you note

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A Few Helpful Links…

• Ad Age Talent Works • Ad Age Marketing Recruiters List• American Association of Advertising Agencies (AAAA)• American Marketing Association (AMA)• AMA Pittsburgh• Brazen Careerist • Carbon Made• Doostang• Imagine My New Job

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A Few Helpful Links…

• LinkedIn• Ohio Creatives • Pittsburgh Advertising Federation • Pittsburgh Creative• Pittsburgh Technology Council • Pittsburgh Urban Magnet Project (PUMP)• Pittsburgh Young Professionals (PYP)• The Regional Internship Center of Southwestern PA• Talent Zoo

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Congratulations and Best Wishes!

Nora Connor [email protected]

Christopher R. Evans [email protected]

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