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Arrows College Perth 2012

September – November 2012

The Call to Prepare

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Arrows College Perth 2012

Pastor Benny Ho

Founder of Arrows Institute

Pastor Cheng Lai Lim


These past ten weeks have gone quickly but we trust

students have been blessed and equipped to begin their

ministry in the months ahead. Our prayers and best wishes

go with you as you each begin a new chapter in your lives.

God Bless.

Cheng Lai


Founder’s Message

For many years, Arrows as an organization has dreamt of

having a residential training school that is short but yet

intensive enough to create an impact for ministry and

Kingdom advance.

I believe that Arrows College is a fulfillment of this dream.

This is a school taught by seasoned practitioners who

ministered out of their personal experiences.

I believe that the impact they leave on the students will have

eternal implications.

It is my prayer that every graduate will now take the

impartation they have received and go make a difference in

this needy world.

Have a great graduation!

Benny Ho


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Pastor Choy Lee

Dean of Arrows College Perth

With great joy and privilege, I’d like to congratulate the first batch of Arrows College graduates. This

milestone is another important landmark for you to launch into the calling and destiny the Lord has

for you. I have learnt so much from each of you through our time of sharing and doing life together

over these ten weeks. So, thank you for this privilege to be your Dean.

For those who came with a sense of calling, may the Lord show you the way to go and give you the

courage to step into faith whether it may be your previous or new vocation or into ministry.

For those who came with a sense of new direction or just reflection, may the Lord lead you like the

people of Israel, by the pillar of clouds by day and fire by night. May you also respond in obedience

through things revealed.

I trust that the ten weeks past will whet your appetite to glean closer to our Lord and Saviour. May

you TEACH others what you have learnt and also be a continuous LEARNER yourself that reflects the

mark of a disciple of Christ…

“That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and may share His sufferings, becoming

like Him in His death.” Phil 3:10

Choy Lee


Arrows College Perth 2012

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Arrows College Perth 2012

As I reflect back on the past few months since the College

took off, I am touched by the awesomeness of our God who

has showered us with His immense goodness without fail,

each and every time, and at the time you least expect them.

He has shown us that there are no mountains too big to

overcome and no needs that He cannot meet, when we

come before Him in faith. Indeed we are all witnesses to the

truth as shown in Phil. 4:19 which says - “And my God will

supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in

Christ Jesus”.

It has been one amazing journey of joy to watch the

unselfishness of each and every individual who has

selflessly poured blessings upon blessings on others. I am

indeed humbled by the daily acts of kindness shown

throughout the season and considered myself blessed in my

association with everyone who passed through the doors of

our College.

Kin Ho

Treasurer - Support Staff

Judy Lee

Steward of students

I’m truly blessed and honored to be appointed Steward of

the students at Arrows College 2012. It has been a great

privilege for me to serve the students and work closely with

the Dean and the college. I must commend that all my

fellow students have indeed made my role such an

effortless and enjoyable one, with their excellent support,

readiness in co-operation and unity in spirit.

As a student, it has been a very enriching experience for me.

Not only was I trained and sharpened by the anointed

teachers and their impartation, my life has been truly

touched and blessed by the sharing of lives and the love

shown among the students. Indeed God reigns in each of

our lives and in the college.

I thank God for Arrows College. I thank God for the

opportunity to be a part of it. I would never trade this

training experience for any other. A big thank you to all my

fellow students of 2012 and the Dean of the College, you

have all been a blessing to me. May the Lord bless you and

keep you and make His face shine on you and grant you His

peace now and always.

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Arrows College Perth 2012

Alexia Lee

I came to Arrows to seek God for directions at a

crossroads in my life, and to be equipped and

trained in the things of God. I have been very

blessed by the impartation through the Word

and ministry, and being able to be part of the

wonderful God-loving student community here.

Highlights: Drawing near to God in times of

worship. Sharing life with fellow students in the

missions house and arrows college. Being

encouraged by the sharing of various lecturers

who came to stay with us.

Interesting fact about myself: I like eating oyster

omelettes, but only the omelettes (not the


I chose arrows because: (a) short course and (b)

achievable commitment. I have been impacted

by good teachings and such a sense of God’s

presence throughout. A sense of boldness & ‘can

do’ attitude developed, as God shows up all the


Highlights: Chapel time is amazing each day.

Outings are great fun. Mother + daughter in the

same class.

Interesting fact about myself: By the age of 28 I

had 4 children and only at the age 30 I learnt

how to cook.

Ann Lim

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Arrows College Perth 2012

I chose to come to Arrows because the courses

taught here are practical and relevant to my

ministry. The lecturers are all practitioners who are

experts in their field of ministry. Through the

teaching and impartation, I have experienced fresh

breakthroughs in my life and have grown deeper in

my walk with God. I have received renewed

passion to live a God-centered life.

Highlights: Apart from the teaching, my greatest

delight was to be able to take this learning journey

with many wonderful classmates who have kindred

spirit and similar desire to press more into God and

His Word. Some of us also enjoyed bringing

different food every day at tea-breaks to feed the

rest of the class!

Interesting fact about myself: I love walking,

jogging, badminton, cycling, gardening, acrylic

painting and holiday trips.

Cecilia Ho

I chose to come to Arrows as a preparation for

the possibility of full-time ministry. My time here

has definitely been eye-opening. There have

been many examples of Godly men and women

who have brought a new dimension of following

Christ, but the underlying foundation of all has

been an intimate relationship with God.

Highlights: Sitting under the anointing of some

great lecturers. Having and seeing the passion

and conviction they hold.

Building friendships over food! (and games)

Interesting fact about myself: I love fishing near

my house.

Dave Wong

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Arrows College Perth 2012

I have been working for a year and I am at this

cross-road searching for what God's intended will

is for my life. The course has helped me gain

clarity on my thoughts and motivate me to pursue

the King and the Kingdom of God, giving me

practical tools to build spiritual discipline in my

walk with God. The course has also enhanced my

knowledge and capacity in serving my current


Highlights: One of the highlights of the course is

that I got to have a one on one guitar coaching

session with Ps Ray Badham..his patient and

humility really impacted me...

Interesting fact about myself: I can eat the same

thing over and over again for years and my

preference for food is only limited to Asian cuisine.

I love sports but I do not know how to swim. I love

having the excitement of being uncertain in

situations but at the same time love being very

ordinary in my lifestyle.

Giselle Hie

I choose Arrow School because it offers practical

teachings/handles for ministry. Also, I want to

receive the impartation from all those lecturers

and catch their vision so that I can be an effective

vessel for His glory.

Arrows has impacted me tremendously. The

lecturers, not only grounded in the Word, they are

truly demonstrating Bible-living lifestyles. Their

teachings stir my spirit to apply what I have learnt

and excitedly pass it on to my family and the

different ministries that I serve such as children

church and cell group.

Highlights: Hearing the personal testimonies of the

different lecturers is really inspiring and life-


Interesting fact about myself: Dealing/raising kids

and motherhood are my pet topics. I can talk

about them and won’t run out of steam.

Gary Ng

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Arrows College Perth 2012

I chose to come to Arrows to know my calling and

destiny. I do believe the mission and vision of

Arrows has been fulfilled especially in my life. I

experienced the presence of God and He also

transformed me through His Word. Every module

really trained me not just intellectually but also

spiritually. It is a life changing experience.

Highlights: Encountering God and experiencing His

tangible presence

Spending time with fellow students in the missions

house and at Arrows College

Interesting fact about myself: I am extremely

blessed, highly favoured, fearfully and wonderfully


Graciela Rose B.


I came to learn and to challenge myself to follow

the Lord. To receive impartation and inspiration

from others who have walked closely with Jesus.

Highlights: Made a few new friends

Interesting fact about myself: It took me 3 days to

kayak around Singapore.

Hilary Thean

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Arrows College Perth 2012

When I first learnt about the Arrows course, “The Call

to Prepare” from the promotion at FCC, I was

interested in the topic on Worship and Song Writing

led by Ray Badham.

The ten-week course was a big commitment to set

aside and I sought the Lord for confirmation to

participate. I received from the Lord an

encouragement: “Go for I will affirm you”. He did.

Overall, the teaching and ministry of God’s servants

had blessed me tremendously.

To God be the glory!

Highlights: I led worship and devotion at chapel time,

interaction with the student body, learning from one

another, extending hospitality, cell time and working

together as a team for the weekend seminar.

Interesting fact about myself: I am a worshipper of

God, a songwriter and an intercessor.

I love to see people of all ages reaching their potential

in the Lord unhindered.

Jessie Lim

I chose to join Arrows College because I felt God

leading me to equip & prepare myself to do His work

– whether in ministry, market-place or missions.

I have received amazing impartations from all the

lecturers & the greatest impact is the inspiration to

continue my journey with God & fulfill the call &

destiny He has in my life.

Highlights: Definitely the ping pong & table soccer


Building friendships & receiving from all the lecturers.

Interesting fact about myself: I am 0.2cm shy of being

5 feet tall!

Joanne Goh

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Arrows College Perth 2012

I chose to come to arrows to be equipped for ministry

and to get more insight from professionals in

established ministry. What I've left with is so much

more, I ended up not only finding God but also

discerning His will for my life. Arrows has played an

immense part in God’s development for my life and I

am so grateful for everything that God has blessed me

with through this college.

Highlights: The friends and relationships have spoken

greatly into my life and the teachings have inspired

and equipped me to give my life in service to God.

That and beating Dave at ping pong.

Interesting fact about myself: I learnt how to play

ping pong at Arrows

Jonathan Quay

I chose to come to Arrows to understand God’s calling

and moving in the supernatural. What I learnt here

blew me away. I got more than what I came here for

many times over and got more than just concepts. I

got ministered to and it changed my thinking inside

out. The topics covered were just amazing and


Highlights: Worship every morning is just amazing.

God’s presence is so strong. The fellowship in the

missions house is fantastic. The blessings we received

from the locals / students were overwhelming.

Interesting fact about myself: Nothing out of the


Joyce Bay

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I enrolled to Arrows College because of the interesting and holistic

mix of topics in the syllabus taught by great teachers who are

specialists in their area of ministry. The 10-week short term school

was also a major plus for me and the timing was perfect that I could

commit to. Most of all, I felt the call to prepare.

What impacted most was that throughout the different topics

taught, one thing holds true, it is all about Jesus and everything

revolves around Him. Time and time again, I’m reminded of the

importance of our relationship with Him and how we are to delight

in Him and in His Word.

Highlights: Chapel Time is one of the highlights, it’s a very special

time I look forward to daily where we experience God in worship

and share lives in word. I’ve been truly touched and blessed by the

students and their sharing and what God is doing in their lives.

Somehow everyday God speaks through the students to the

students. I’ve been truly enriched.

College life, sharing lives and love with one another and the daily

glorious food (spiritual and physical) were the other highlights of my

time here.

Interesting fact about myself: Easy-going and a sportswoman, loves

a challenge of ping-pong game from anyone anytime.

Judy Lee

Arrows College Perth 2012

I wanted to get some time aside from work so I

could seek God’s calling on my life alongside

Alexia (my girlfriend). Work had been quite

draining at that stage and I felt like I needed some

time off to rest. I have been so deeply touched by

the love and care of everyone here at Arrows and

especially by the wonderful refreshing presence of

God’s love and reassurance.

Highlights: The food. Growing a deeper passion

and relationship with God. Spending time with


Interesting fact about myself: I once tried to kick

a coke can off my friend’s head ……

Jun Wei Neo

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Arrows College Perth 2012

I’m so blessed and glad that I have attended the

Arrow College. I’ve developed a deeper

understanding of the Word of God and how to be

equipped to advance the Kingdom of God.

Highlights: The highlights of my time at the College

are doing the things I thought I could never do,

especially in the area of leading Worship and

Devotion during the Chapel time.

Interesting fact about myself: I’m an “I” (Influential)

type, bubbly and fun-loving and I love to make life

more interesting. June Yap

I wanted to be in full time ministry since I was 16 and

after God closed doors from other bible schools, Ps

Benny was preaching at a church near my place and

he briefly mentioned Arrows and I knew God opened

the door for this one. I’ve been impacted by the

generous hospitality and love from the staff and

fellow classmates.

Highlights: Meeting hungry and like-minded people

from different age groups and different countries

coming together to be empowered and equipped for

ministry and in the community.

Interesting fact about myself: I can sing the

Alphabets backwards. Leonard Tang

I chose Arrows because it’s local, short (so I can get to

work sooner), and because it was the right season for

me! I have been challenged to do things I would not

normally do, so I gained a lot of confidence. I have

had many divine appointments and met people whom

I believe the Lord will use the relationships with to

extend His Kingdom.

Highlights: Devotion every morning. Every course had

its own highlights and learning opportunities. Last, but

not least – the people I met!

Interesting fact about myself: I’m pretty boring,

actually, not that you will guess from my bohemian

dress-sense ☺

Nicky Swart

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Arrows College Perth 2012

I came to Arrows because of the lecturers who

would be teaching here. I believed that I would

learn a lot from them and I was not disappointed.

More than head knowledge, my heart is being


Highlights: Getting to know new people. Receiving

revelation from Margaret Seaward in her teaching.

The tangible presence of God during worship.

Receiving impartation from the laying on of hands

from Pastor Derek and Pastor Seaward.

Ruth Chong

I chose to come to Arrows because it has an all

rounded syllabus which I thought was good for

spiritual growth. The first 3 modules; calling and

destiny, presbytery, deliverance and inner healing

impacted me very much. I had a clearer idea of my

destiny and calling. The prophecy given to me

served to help me better see myself and prayed in

the right direction.

Highlights: I enjoyed playing table tennis and doing

exercise with the students here.

I am awed also by the hospitality and generosity of

the Aussie students here.

Interesting fact about myself: I am on a journey to

discovering a whole lot about myself, my giftings

and most of all a much much closer

relationship with Jesus, the first love.

Sally Too

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Arrows College Perth 2012

Our journey to Perth started in April when I accompanied our

daughter Sheryl here for her tertiary education. As a Student

Guardian, I am not allowed to work and could spend quality time

with her and with God. It was through FCC that I got to know this

course. I thank God for this golden opportunity to be able to

attend this ten weeks course, ‘Calling to Prepare’. It has been a

great journey, learning from servant-leaders of God in the

various ministries. We have received knowledge and impartation

that have charted new defining moments in our lives. Our

personal encounter with God has drawn many of us to greater

intimacy with Him, to claim His divine power to live a godly life,

to bring the lost into His kingdom, and to nurture His sheep to

maturity in Christ.

Highlights: The friendships that were made during these ten

weeks were valuable and memorable. There was openness in

sharing of our lives during lecture time, the warm fellowship over

meals and outings. It was very encouraging to see God working in

each of our lives. Personally, I am blessed with receiving the

anointing of the Holy Spirit, made a radical change to pray,

connect and meet the felt needs of my neighbours, and

experience His healing power for one neighbour! Glory be to

God. There is a great hunger to study His Word in greater depth,

learning what it truly means to be His disciple. My desire is to

further equip myself for the ministry of healing the sick and to

reach out concurrently, my family, friends and the nursing

community, to disciple and mentor them to maturity in Christ,

that they will be spiritual agents of transformed lives for Christ.

Interesting fact about myself: Always be thankful for all that God

has given me, enjoy every moment, be a blessing!

Serene Tan

I chose to attend Arrows College because I heard a call from God to come. Since University I have always wanted to go

to Bible College and I knew that it was God’s timing now, so I just decided to take that step of faith. Arrows College has

ministered to my heart and transformed my mind. I have a renewed passion in my heart for the things of His Kingdom

and Godly confidence of who I am in Him. Through all the teachings and study of the Word I now understand more of

who God truly is.

Highlights: • The amazing friendships from all around the world.

• Playing foosball with the Asian aunties.

• Gleaning from amazing leaders.

• Allowing random bits of rubbish to collect on our table

Interesting fact about myself: I failed my driving test 5 times, in which 4 of them were for an automatic license.

Wen Yin

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times and


Arrows College Perth 2012

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and fun!

Arrows College Perth 2012

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Arrows College Perth 2012

Outings and fellowship

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Arrows College Perth 2012

Fellowship, friendships, class photos

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Arrows College Inc. @ 400 Hale Road, Wattle Grove, WA 6107, Australia

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