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Arkansas DeltaBranding & Imaging Workshop

Arkansas DeltaBranding & ImagingReconnaissance Workshop Report


The National Trust for Historic PreservationRural Heritage Development Initiative


The Community Design Solutions Team

Community Design Solutions, Inc.Arnett Muldrow Associates

August 22 - 25, 2006

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Table of Contents

Arkansas Delta Branding & Imaging Workshop • Table of Contents | �





1. Executive Summary

2. Marketing & Branding

3. Record of Public Input

4. Credits

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Arkansas Delta Branding & Imaging Workshop • Executive Summary | �

Arkansas DeltaImaging & BrandingReconnaissance Workshop ReportAugust 22-25, 2006

Executive Summary

After three days of exhaustive tours, stakeholder interviews and

public input sessions, the challenges and opportunities facing

the Arkansas Delta could be summarized as: The assets of the

Arkansas Delta must be promoted internally and marketed exter-

nally in a compelling and coordinated way.

The response of the consultant team to this four-point synopsis

is summarized below:

A. InternAl Asset PromotIon

B. externAl mArketIng strAtegy

C. the ComPellIng messAge

D. the CoorDInAtIng orgAnIzAtIon

Internal asset PromotIon

An observation that was made by many workshop participants

was that there is a sense of apathy on the part of many

residents of the Arkansas Delta. Namely, the residents of

the Delta themselves (i.e. the internal market) do not see

anything special about their place, it’s history, it’s people,

it’s music, etc. Therefore, why would anyone else see

any merit here? Exacerbating this sentiment is a feeling

of non-support from state-wide tourism entities. One participant

summed it up this way, “In terms of emphasis and support from

the state, we feel like we are a stepchild to the rest of Arkansas.”

“In terms of tourism emphasis and support from the state, we feel like we are a stepchild to the rest of Arkansas.”-- Workshop Participant

1. Executive Summary

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As a result, many residents simply do not see the beauty of

their place and lack the vision to see how either the perception

or reality of their place could change significantly in the future.

However, the consultant team sees great potential in the Arkan-

sas Delta. The quantity and quality of tourism assets ranging

from a rural agricultural beauty, to a strong music heritage, to a

rich history of a resilient people make the Delta a prime attraction

for travelers seeking an authentic tourism experience. The team

was reminded of the phenomenon of parents and their children

whereby the parents fail to see the beauty and characteristics

of their children because they grow up with them on such an

incremental, daily basis. It is our belief that when residents of the

Delta see their place the way we see it, vision for its current real-

ity and future potential will be achieved.

We would strongly suggest the execution of an advertising

campaign that seeks to build pride of place among residents

of the Delta. As was reiterated often during the workshop, until

the residents of the Delta believe their place is worthy of touring,

investment, business and residential recruitment, etc. it will be

very difficult to convince anyone outside the Delta that it is. The

“Believe It: Mississippi!” campaign was cited as an example of

how such a campaign --in that case targeted to change percep-

tions about that state to a post-Katrina America-- actually had

the unintended affect of instilling pride in Mississippians in light of

the amazing contributions of its athletes, actors, doctors, writ-

ers, soldiers, etc. Some examples of this form of advertising are

included in Marketing & Branding section of this report.

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external asset marketIng

While instilling pride in the residents of the Delta through an in-

ternal marketing campaign is important, it does not preclude the

importance nor necessity of marketing the Delta to the external

market (i.e. anyone not from the Arkansas Delta). The infusion of

new tourism and investment dollars from outside the Delta will

be crucial in the long-term success and sustainability of its tour-

ism efforts. In absence of external investment, the same players

and funding sources will continue to exist in the Delta and the

likelihood of significant fiscal improvement in both the tourism

and local retail environment is unlikely to change.

The first steps in establishing an external marketing campaign

lies in answering these basic questions: to whom are we going

to market the Arkansas Delta and what are we going to market?

In this case, the latter question is easier to answer than the first.

There is an abundance of assets to “sell” concerning the Arkan-

sas Delta: an authentic tourism experience, friendly people, a

rich musical heritage, a history that was at times proud and at

times painful --both of which make for a “real” story, a “culture

of Agriculture,” a pristine natural environment, charming small

towns, interesting architecture, intriguing personalities --past and

present, amazing food, etc. (Note: for a comprehensive list of

assets and attractions, see the Record of Public Input section of

this report.

Where, or to whom, to market the Arkansas Delta might be

the more difficult questions to answer. In terms of personali-

ties, anyone interested in heritage tourism or geo-tourism will

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be a prime candidate for the Delta. Those interested in music or

southern culture or African-American history would find a wealth

of opportunities here. In terms of geography, certainly nearby

larger municipalities, adjoining states and the southeast would

be likely candidates to visit the Delta. Likewise, to the degree

possible without “turf wars,” the cross-packaging of tourism in

the Arkansas Delta with the same in the Mississippi Delta could

have the effect of multiplying the tourism sites and resources for

both. While this is not precluding recruitment on a larger, national

scale, it is simply the opinion of the consultant team that prior to

that scale of recruitment, additional tourism infrastructure (e.g.

additional hotel accommodations and restaurants) will need to

be in place.

Finally, a movement is afoot to promote products, goods and

services that originate in the Arkansas Delta. The “Delta Made”

brand was addressed during our workshop and a graphic iden-

tity and advertising strategy was proposed. Please see Section

2 for the collateral pieces for this movement that most certainly

merits external market promotion.

the ComPellIng message

There is one undeniable truth about the Arkansas Delta: the

land defines the people. The land of the Arkansas Delta is as

unique as it is beautiful and bountiful. However, what makes that

land fertile is also what makes it fickle! The alluvial soils of the

Arkansas Delta are literally the residual soil left behind after the

shifting of the mighty Mississippi River. As such, the soil of the

Arkansas Delta is made up of soil from everywhere upstream.

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Not only is the land diverse, it is also destructive. The same land

that “gives” by producing some of the richest crops anywhere

also “takes away” by its very nature with rain, drought, flood and

storm. It is no wonder that the people of the Delta have such a

love/hate relationship with their land. Some years it causes them

to prosper, while during others it causes them to despair. It is no

wonder that the people of the Delta are so resilient and able to

endure much hardship. This same spirit, coupled with a certain

humility derived from a livelihood derived from forces beyond

their control, will stand them well as they move forward into the

next stage of their development. Likewise, this same dynamic

could easily explain how such a soulful genre of music as the

blues was nurtured here. The history of this place and depen-

dency of its people on such a powerful force as nature can

touch the deepest of emotions.

Therefore, the marketing tagline developed for the Delta was:

“Arkansas Delta: Soil & Soul.” The rationale for the tagline is

simple and captured above: the land of the Arkansas Delta --it’s

richness, diversity, history, hardship and beauty-- are what de-

fine it’s residents with what someone termed, “The Delta person-

ality, or mystique.” The definition of that mystique or personality

is not uniform but it is very much present. You simply know you

are “there when you are there” even though describing why you

know it is elusive. It is precisely those attributes that makes the

Delta message compelling: it is real, authentic, and made of the

stuff of life that evokes palpable feelings of joy, pain, peace and


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the CoordInatIng organIzatIon

Without the clear delineation of a responsible party, or parties,

to carry out the recommendations of this report, the chances for

successful implementation are greatly reduced. In our estima-

tion there are three entities that are positioned best to execute

this branding and marketing plan: Arkansas Delta Byways (ADB),

Main Street Arkansas (MSA) and the Rural Heritage Develop-

ment Initiative (RHDI). Arkansas Delta Byways has a well-de-

served, established good reputation within the Delta that was

obvious and well-received in every area we toured. Main Street

Arkansas also enjoys a great reputation and brings a long-term,

proven process to the equation. Finally, while we recognize that

the current RHDI grant and accompanying staff support is a

temporary, three-year, commitment, we would strongly urge the

retention of the current staff in some capacity after the termina-

tion of the grant. In a perfect world, a consortium comprised of

leadership from ADB, MSA, and RHDI would be best suited to

both rally the various entities doing tourism work in the region

around the common cause of “Soil & Soul” as well as have the

leadership capacity, political savvy, and financial backing to

implement the recommendations of this report.

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Public Presentation

A public presentation was conducted at the conclusion of the

workshop. The presentation recalled the purpose and itinerary of

the familiarization tour and introduced the concepts and recom-

mendations mentioned in this report. Presented on the following

pages are the illustrative design collateral that was generated

during the workshop. A “Best of the Delta” photo slideshow was

also developed and presented at the public presentation.


The Community Design Solutions team worked in concert with

Beth Weidower of the National Trust for Historic Preservation’s

Rural Heritage Development Initiative and Cary Tyson of Main

Street Arkansas to coordinate this workshop. Without their help,

and myriad other local volunteers, this effort would have been

impossible. The CDS team, as noted below, is indebted to their

gracious help and hospitality.

Randy L. Wilson, President & Director of Design Services,

Community Design Solutions, Columbia, SC

Ben Muldrow, Community Branding Specialist, Arnett Muld-

row Associates, Greenville, SC

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2. Marketing & Branding

An Image and Branding Campaign for the Arkansas Delta

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The Arkansas Delta recognized the need to create a system to

unite the efforts in marketing and branding of all the groups that

currently promote the heritage and attractions of the region. This

unification of efforts would serve all organizations by driving the

effectiveness of resources farther and by setting the expecta-

tions of the marketplace.

Existing Logos and Images

One of the first steps in developing a brand is to understand

what is currently being used to market the community. Arkansas

Delta has a great variety of logos and brands that exist today,

including what is shown below.

The purpose of the brand is to create a system that allows these

organizations and destinations to begin to connect themselves

visually, instead of leaving it up to the consumer to make the


Marketing & Branding

An Image and Branding Campaign for the Arkansas Delta

Introduction & Background

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What is a brand? A brand is a promise that is made to the con-

sumer. It is the setting of an expectation and the meeting of that

expectation, thus creating a dynamic relationship where trust is

built. Over time, that trust is converted into equity. Brand equity

is the asset that helps to attract developers, motivate new resi-

dents, attract new shoppers, and enhance overall quality of life.

The development of a brand is the overall goal of most market-

ing efforts. To figure out where to start, we interviewed the public

and many key stakeholders. From there, we needed to look

at the logistics for implementation. The first is the name itself:

Arkansas Delta. This name is established and there is absolutely

no reason to create a new brand name for the region, but simply

to formalize what people already call it. From there, the sites,

sounds, character, and overall way of life in the Arkansas Delta

should lead the development of the brand.

Developing the Brand

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Developing the Brand

The Arkansas Delta region is made up of 15 counties in eastern

Arkansas along the Mississippi River. Because of the connection

with the land and nature, a rich brown and blue-green will be the

dominant colors. These colors will be the basis of a complemen-

tary color palette for the brand. The font has been customized

to create a flowing connection between Arkansas and the Delta.

The icon is a triangle, the symbol for “delta,” with a river flowing

through it. Finally, we introduce the tagline, “Soil & Soul.”

The New Arkansas Delta Brand

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Brand extension occurs when organizations

and events adopt elements and styles of the

brand. Several examples are shown here:

Arkansas Delta Byways is the local tourism

organization which promote travel in the area.

The Arkansas Blues & Heritage Festival is

the Former King Biscuit Music Festival. Delta

Made is a new campaign promoting products

made in the delta. The Delta Bridge Project

is an initiative to improve the gateway into

Arkansas at Helena.

Brand Extension

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PROJECTf e s t i v a l


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Brand extension occurs when organizations

and events adopt elements and styles of the

brand. Several examples are shown here:

Arkansas Delta Byways is the local tourism

organization which promote travel in the area.

The Arkansas Blues & Heritage Festival is

the Former King Biscuit Music Festival. Delta

Made is a new campaign promoting products

made in the delta. The Delta Bridge Project

is an initiative to improve the gateway into

Arkansas at Helena.

Brand Extension

Wayfinding Sign SystemThe wayfinding system should be introduced as part

of the brand because it plays such an important role

in visitor perception and flow through the region. The

wayfinding system could include the following pieces:

Primary Gateways- These gateways are the primary

intersection points and main entry ways to Arkansas

Delta. They need to be highly visible and introduce the

brand. These could employ sign toppers to get the

Delta Brand into entry ways.

Trailblazers- Trailblazers are the directing signs lead-

ing motorists to the main attractions in the area. These

should have between three and four locations per sign

and should carry motorists from gateway to parking

lot. Colors can be used to distinguish between differ-

ent districts and can become smaller as the scale and

speed of the roadway narrows.

Street Banners- Banners are very popular and help

to add color and movement to the lanes of travel, act-

ing as a speed control. They too can be color coded

by district and can promote local events as well as

promoting the brand.

Building Markers- the markers can be either wall

mounted or monument style and denote important

landmarks in the downtown district.

Parking Signage- Identifying parking is important

in creating a parking system in downtown. Visitors

are more likely to walk a block or two to shop if the

signage system leads them directly to a public parking

lot and tell them how to proceed. The parking markers

can be by themselves or as attachments to trailblazer


Informational Kiosk- The final piece of the plan is

the informational kiosk, which serves as the transition

point for vehicular traffic to pedestrian traffic. These

kiosks should be located at major public parking lots

and should include a map and the shopping & dining

guide, along with the walking tour brochures.

Welcometo the

Gateway BannersGateway Topper

Informational Kiosk


Great River Road

Crawley Ridge Road

Delta Cultural Center

River Overlook









Arkansas-Wayfinding.pdf 8/25/06 11:28:32 AM

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Web SiteWeb sites are becoming more and more important in today’s

society. This proposed site sets a professional tone for a visitor

who is looking for information on the Arkansas Delta and cre-

ates a way for them to request additional information and find

out about its up-to-date events. The site also creates a resource

for all of the communities in the Delta to download resources for

them to use to produce professional advertising with a consis-

tent quality standard.

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AdvertisementsPresenting the resources and products of Arkansas Delta in a professional and polished

manner is important – not only to visitors and potential customers – but to the preserva-

tion and promotion of pride within the community itself. The following ads show some

of the things that the Arkansas Delta should truly be proud of.

Celebrate the Difference between “u” and “I”

The rich soil that makes up the Arkansas

Delta was deposited from all over by the power of the mighty Mississippi

River. People from all over are flocking to the Arkansas

Delta to see the places, people and history that make up this

rich land. The question is, when you visit, what will you leave

behind? Come experience the Arkansas Delta, it’s soil and it’s soul!

For more information on the arkansas Delta, please visit

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Delta ChatroomJust ask anyone around

here and you’ll quickly find that the Arkansas Delta has a

distinct personality. Our personality is strong, proud and born out of the

kind of prevailing spirit that comes from a people and place dependent

upon fickle nature and the mighty Mississippi which sometimes gives

and sometimes takes away. Our culture flows out of that prevail�ing spirit and our best days are ahead of us. Come be a part of

our history and our future in the Arkansas Delta: Soil and Soul.

For more information on the arkansas Delta, please visit

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Delta web browser

For more information on the arkansas Delta, please visit

If you take the time to get of the inter�net, you would find that the great

outdoors await you in the Arkansas Delta. From world�class duck hunting in Stuttgart, to birding for the Ivory�Billed Woodpecker in Brinkley, to catching the big one on Lake Chicot, nature’s finest

awaits you in our backyard. The Arkansas Delta has even more to offer, so log off the computer and step into our wild.

The Arkansas Delta: Soil and Soul.

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Wait acotton pickin’ minute!

A minute in the Arkansas Delta takes you back to a lifetime of memories. And time simply moves at a more

relaxed pace here. So expect a wave, a friendly chat through a rolled down window, or an extended

conversation over coffee. We want to hear your story, and we can’t wait to tell you ours. The Arkansas Delta: where stories

of our land from our soul come alive.

For more information on the arkansas Delta, please visit

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DeltoidsCuriously Strong Personality

Just ask anyone around here and you’ll quickly find

that the Arkansas Delta has a distinct personality. Our personality

is strong, proud and born out of the kind of prevailing spirit that comes

from a people and place dependent upon fickle nature and the mighty Mississippi which sometimes gives

and sometimes takes away. Our culture flows out of that prevail�ing spirit and our best days are ahead of us. Come be a part of

our history and our future in the Arkansas Delta: Soil and Soul.

For more information on the arkansas Delta, please visit

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What will youTake away?

The rich soil that makes up the Arkansas Delta was deposited from all

over by the power of the mighty Missis�sippi River. In that spirit, People are

flocking to the Arkansas Delta to experience the rich history, engulfed by

the agricultural heritage, and enter�tained by the stories. The question is,

when you visit, what will you take away? Come experience the Arkansas Delta,

it’s soil and it’s soul!

For more information on the arkansas Delta, please visit

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Water TowersFew physical elements are as prominent as water towers on the

rural southern landscape. In many instances they represent the

first indication from a distance that one is arriving at a municipal-

ity. Particularly in a delta environment when the topography is

primarily flat, their vertical demarcation of “place” cannot be un-

derstated. We would recommend that the historic towers, along

with other civic elements receive the Arkansas Delta brand to

indicate visually their connection to something --a region-- larger

than their own town. As is illustrated below, the city or town

need not lose its own identity in the process. In cases where two

towers exist, paint one with the town name and the other with

the delta logo. In cases where only one exists, paint the town

name on one side, and the delta logo on the other.

Existing Conditions

Proposed Conditions

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Delta Madearkansas delta made Is a brand awareness CamPaIgn that makes PeoPle more famIlIar wIth the ProduCts ProduCed In the delta. the followIng ads show some of the great ProduCts that Come from the heart of the delta.

f e s t i v a l


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For more information on the arkansas Delta, please visit

The great outdoors awaits you in the Arkansas Delta. From world�class duck hunting in Stutt�

gart, to birding for the Ivory�Billed Woodpecker in Brinkley, to catching the big one on Lake

Chicot, nature’s finest awaits you in our back�


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For more information on the arkansas Delta, please visit

The great outdoors awaits you in the Arkansas Delta. From world�class duck hunting in Stuttgart, to birding for the Ivory�Billed

Woodpecker in Brinkley, to catching the big one on Lake Chicot, nature’s finest awaits you in our backyard. The Arkansas Delta

has even more to offer, so log off the computer and step into our wild. The Arkansas Delta: Soil and Soul.

One HOT Tamale

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For more information on the arkansas Delta, please visit

The great outdoors awaits you in the Arkansas Delta. From world�class duck hunting in Stuttgart, to birding for the Ivory�Billed

Woodpecker in Brinkley, to catching the big one on Lake Chicot, nature’s finest awaits you in our backyard. The Arkansas Delta

has even more to offer, so log off the computer and step into our wild. The Arkansas Delta: Soil and Soul.

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ImplementationDealing with a 15 county region is never easy, and launching

an umbrella brand over those 15 counties requires buy-in from

everyone. We recommend that the Arkansas Delta Brand be

managed by Arkansas Delta Byways, along with Arkansas Main

Street, and a Regional Economic Development Organization to

promote the correct usage of the brand in local efforts.

One way to garner excitement about the brand is to have the

brand launched in a ceremony or at a special event. This will

create the energy locally that will have business owners and

residents wanting to promote and spread the brand.

Some limited rules should be applied to the display of the brand

but the goal is to have as many communities using the logo in

their promotions as possible. Among the most important rules


1. Always maintain the correct proportions. Many times, people

stretch logos to make them fit their space. This can throw off the

effectiveness of the design.

2. Colors start to become very important with branding, so pick

your colors, and stay with them. The resource team has provid-

ed the template for a variety of complementary uses.

3. A PDF file accompanies this report on CD Rom. This file can

be distributed to local businesses and groups as “the official”

logo to be used on marketing for their business.

4. Use the logo in as many ways as possible, the more it is seen,

the more valuable it becomes as “brand equity” is established.

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Record of Public Input

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what Image would you feature on a Post Card to CaPture the essenCe of the arkansas delta?

Cotton fields

Mississippi River

Sharecropper house

Music venue

King Biscuit


Ice House, West Memphis

Blues music

Crowley’s Ridge


Flat fields with rows of crops


Curves in the road

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Oxbow lakes

Water towers

what “ConneCts” the PeoPle of the delta?

Music (bus station, church/gospel music, blues, Heritage Music Festival, Helena Blues, Music Heritage Trail, jazz, “juke joints”)



Gathering for conversation at breakfast


Talking politics


Churches (strong faith-based community)

Food! (Dixie Pig, BBQ)

Agriculture (cotton fields, crops, Wilson, AK)


Work Ethic

The Mississippi River

Hunting culture (duck hunting at Stuttgart, fishing)


Pride (even though we feel like “step-children” within the state)

It’s what we miss when we go someplace else

Soil and river and its relationship to the people & culture

Resilience (we will prevail no matter what)

words or Phrases that CaPture the essenCe of the delta?

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Pace with purpose

Football reinforces community

Sense of community



why should anybody/everybody CooPerate In thIs effort to brand the delta as a whole?

Sense of desperation

Music Heritage Trail

Youth/Brain drain...everyone leaving the area

what do you PerCeIve to be the ChIef Problems to overCome?

Internal pride


Delta attitude (we are poor, uneducated, etc.)

Sharecropper whites

Hillbilly/Redneck perception

Stepchild to the rest of the State’s tourism efforts

what do PeoPle of the delta value?

Mississippi River

Work ethic

Rich history (both event and people based)

Agricultural lifestyle

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The “Delta Personality”

desCrIbe “the delta PersonalIty?”

Live off the land

Warm and hospitable

Talkative (friendly chats, strorytelling)

Laid back


Places of worship/faith


Good looking :-)


Family is important

Not in a hurry

Might not have everything, but grateful for what they have

Lives and breathes its history

where Can you exPerIenCe the “delta PersonalIty?”

Crowley’s Ridge

St. Francis National Forest

Miss Cora Bullock’s Restaurant

Civil War Museum


African-American Heritage (churches)

Lake and river views

This is the best kept secret in Arkansas

Lake Wallace

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Rhoda’s Hot Tamales

Coffee shops

Meador’s Drug Store

Arts Center



why do entItIes not Currently get along? what are the PItfalls that mIght Prevent CooPeratIon on thIs effort?

Divide between the “haves” and “have nots”

Lack of communication

Lack of broad base of involvement

Apathy...many people just don’t care

Fear...of the unknown or previous failures

Hard to convince people it can happen

Lost a sense of belief in ourselves

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Arkansas Delta Branding & Imaging Workshop • Credits | ��

4. Credits

Executive SummaryRandy Wilson, Community Design Solutions

Marketing & Branding RecommendationsBen Muldrow, Arnett Muldrow Associates

Record of Public InputRandy Wilson

Community Design Solutions

...creative services for community building

2307 lincoln street columbia, sc 29201803.240.9050 [email protected]

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