

Children’s Homes 1

Women’s Ministry 2-3

Music Notes 4

Special Events 5

Men’s Ministry 6

SOLOS Ministry 7

Media Library 8

Book of the Month

Discussion Group 9

New Members 10

Birthdays and Anniversaries


VBS 12

AWANAS / Youth 13

Just The FACTS 14

May 2018

Issue 276

Arkansas Baptist Children’s Home


Established in 1989 and located seven miles north of Harrison on 500 scenic rural acres, the Arkansas Baptist Boys Ranch serves boys who simply need a place to live, boys with family conflict issues or young men in need of guidance. Residents range in ages from 10 to 21. Up to 24 adolescent boys are cared for in three ranch homes, where they live with their houseparents. A fourth ranch home houses up to five young men ages 18 to 21. The boys attend Bergman Public Schools, and many are involved in extracur-ricular and sporting activities. Resi-dents attend area Baptist churches. When boys at the Ranch reach age 16, they have the opportunity to par-ticipate in the Independent Living program. This program teaches life skills they will need to become inde-pendent, self-sufficient adults. Still under the close supervision of their houseparents, participants take on more responsibility for daily chores like grocery shopping and meal preparation. A part-time job on the ranch provides boys the opportunity to purchase a reliable vehicle and save earnings. They also learn how to manage a bank account and budg-et their funds.

Boys who have completed the ranch program, reached the age of 18 and earned their high school diploma or equivalent may be considered for Transitional Living. In this program, the young men live in two-room suites with no houseparents. Residents are expected to pursue a voca-tional or college education and have a part-time job. The ranch receives privately placed boys, as well as boys placed by the courts or the Arkan-sas Division of Children and Family Services. Other referrals come from churches or concerned friends and family members.

We will collect a Mother’s Day Offering for ABCHomes for the Boys

Ranch. Your financial support to the ministry will be greatly


Membership 101 Sunday, May 27




May 3rd @ 10 AM in the WELCOME classroom

Please JOIN US on the National Day of Prayer

as we pray for our Country!

No one is asked to pray out loud.

Leader—Whanda Swihart, 922-2832

Don’t Forget to bring your non-perishable foods for 1st Sunday Food Collection on

MAY 6!

These donations are given to OWENSVILLE BAPTIST CHURCH on Hwy. 5

They THANK YOU for being a blessing to those who need assistance!

Girls, Games, & Goodies

May 10 from 10-2

Bring your own lunch and enjoy a day of Fellowship and Fun!

Morning Goodies will be available!

PLEASE Contact Kathy Foust (922-3208) if you are coming.

Ladies –We have a special treat for YOU as you enter our morning services on May 13th

Fidget Quilts Sewing Day

Thursday, May 17 from 1 pm—3:30 pm These lap sized creations help occupy the often ‘fidgety’ hands of

those with Alzheimer’s or attention deficit disorder.

Leader—Gay Bonner, 922-6301


THREADS OF HOPE THREADS OF HOPE project for May is HANDMADE GREETING CARDS. These unique cards will be given to Balboa Baptist Members who are homebound or are in long-term nursing facilities. In addition, cards will be made for residents in long-term facilities locally. Cheerful greeting cards made by YOU! Imagine how

uplifting and encouraging it will be to the recipient when she/he opens a greeting card hand made by you. Everything needed to make your original card will be packaged for you. The cards will be easy to assemble and embellish using your own creativity or by following a sample provided. You will be able to use this new skill in making cards for your friends and family. If you have not attended a Threads of Hope sew day because you don’t sew, this is a perfect opportunity for you. The project is easy, the fellowship is incredible, and the food is delicious! Threads of Hope will need lots of participants to make this Card Day successful. A sign up sheet is available in fellowship hallway, or you can call Sue Griggs at 501-922-4563 or 501-984-1401 to make sure you will have a delicious lunch provided by Balboa’s Women’s Ministry.

“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully ad-

ministering God’s grace in its various forms.”

1 Peter 4:10


Worship Team Banquet

May 17, 2018

6:00 p.m.

Cost: $10 per person

Catered by Home Plate

Entertainment Provided By: Dave Wittington


Park Hill Baptist Church—Little Rock

You won’t want to miss this time of fellowship and worship! Sign-up sheets will be available beginning May 2 for our annual Worship Team Banquet for all members of the Choir, Orchestra, Bells, Media Team and Staff. *************************************************************************************

Also, Wayne and Nancy Trull and I want to thank you for

your prayer support during our Mission Trip to Ukraine

with the Arkansas Master’Singers and the Michael

Gott Evangelistic Team in April. We plan to report

about our trip on Sunday evening, May 20.

Soli Deo Gloria! Bro. Jim Raney

From Becky Harvey, Handbell Director:

Handbell rehearsals resumed in February in our new rehearsal room.

What a joy to hear handbells in worship! We received a tremendous gift of

the 4th and 5th octaves from First Baptist Church in Texarkana, TX.

Celebration Ringers are now ringing as a five-octave handbell choir.


We have Graduates!

FUN EVENT at Outreach Center on Friday, May 11 @ 6:00 pm

You will enjoy some great laughs as we pre-

sent the “Not So New Newlywed Game”

with contestant couples including the

Wrights, Brights, Raneys and Swiharts with

“Cher” as emcee. Hot dogs, chips, desserts,

and drinks will be served and donations of $1

per person would be appreciated. See you


MOVIE NIGHT in the OC: May 25, 6-9pm

May’s movie is “The Case for Christ” - an investigative

journalist and self-proclaimed atheist sets out to disprove

the existence of God after his wife becomes a Christian.

Based on the book by Lee Strobel. Come and enjoy!


Men’s Coffee

Every Monday at 7 am

All men are invited to our weekly

Men’s Coffee in the Welcome Classroom.

Contact Randy Conardy, Brotherhood

Director, at 314-322-1432.



Monday, May 21 @


Cost: $40 including Hamburger Lunch

The Men’s Brotherhood is sponsoring a Golf

Tournament at DeGray. Contact Allen

Barnhardt at (501) 231-7061 for further

information. Sign-up back on the Brotherhood

Bulletin Board. Deadline is Sunday, May 13.

Spring Lake Camp SERVE WEEK

May 7—12, Monday thru Saturday Spring Lake Camp needs our help...getting the Camp

ready for 9 weeks of Campers.

They need help preparing the water slide, cleaning &

painting, raking, preparation for landscaping and play are-

as, and some things needing to be put together. Lunch

will be provided for anyone helping that week. Please consider Helping SLC get

Ready—one day or all five days, as many as are able to help. There is LOTS TO

DO… They are grateful for any size group, from one person to several. And please

PRAY for the Camp Weeks and the Campers.

We also help SLC serve their dinner meals EVERY THURSDAY from June 7

thru August 1. Get a partner and Sign Up at our Ministry Info Center.




September 17—21

The Balboa S.O.L.O.S. would like to invite our church family to join us on our

trip to Williamstown, KY to see The Ark Encounter & Creation Museum. We will

also enjoy a dinner cruise, stop at G.A. Schimpff’s Confectionary, and the Na-

tional Quilt Museum in Paducah, KY.

Price per Person: Double $999 / Queen beds

This price includes transportation, hotel, some meals and trip insurance.


If interested, please contact Karen Laib @ 922-1137 as soon as possible.


SOLOS May Mission Project

The SOLOS are collecting for a mission

project for (and trip to) the AR Baptist Boys

Ranch in Harrison, AR until May 27th,

delivering the items on May 31st. In addition

to monetary gifts, they are in need of

Commissary snack items such as candy,

crackers, individual packages of chips, muffins, Little Debbie type cakes,

chewing gum, etc., items the boys can purchase with earned points. In addition

for the Commissary: Tide Laundry Pods, bar soaps, shampoo, and conditioner.

Boys and men-size boxers and briefs, Teen-size white crew or ankle socks,

towels, wash cloths, comforters (single bed size) are always needed. Collection

boxes will be provided. Your contributions will be a blessing to The Boys Ranch

staff and boys living there. Thank you,



Does the uncertainty and chaos of life keep you awake at night? Is irrational worry your constant

companion? Could you use some calm? When it comes to anxiety, depression, and stress-related illnesses,

America is the front-runner. Thankfully, there’s a practical prescription for dealing with these issues. Anxious

for Nothing, the most recent book from Max Lucado, provides a roadmap for battling with and healing from

anxiety. Lucado writes, “The news about our anxiety is enough to make us anxious.” He knows what it feels

like to be overcome by the worries and fear of life, which is why he is dedicated to helping millions of readers

take back control of their minds and, as a result, their lives. Anxious for Nothing invites readers to delve into

Philippians 4:6-7. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with

thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will

guard your hearts and your minds in Christ.

From Michelle McLain-Walters, we have the ‘Anointing’ series which can be read in any order. I have

included a short critique of each from other readers.

The Deborah Anointing: Embracing the call to be a Woman of Wisdom and Discernment. A reviewer said “If

I had to choose one word to describe this book, it would be WEALTH. This small 135-page book is a price-

less tool overflowing with a wealth of truths, revelations, divine discernment, empowerment, prophetic

instructions, exhortations, and wisdom. I can feel the strength of the Deborah Annointing in the written words

as I read them. The prayers and declarations are awesome! This is not the kind of book to be read one time

and placed on the shelf. This is a powerful tool and one that I personally will use as a reference book; as a

learning/teaching tool. I have recommended this book to several people. I love it! This book has me saying,

“I will arise, I will do, I will flow in a Deborah Anointing for this is my calling!”

The Anna Anointing: Becoming a Woman of Boldness, Power and Strength. One reviewer says, Wonderful!

On point...every word spoke clearly to my heart and mind. I was spiritually moved to a feed for more of God.”

and another says, “This book tells us the Lord is calling all women to become prayer warriors and it presses

the reader to recognize as followers of Christ we must remain bold in our purpose and duty to God.

The Ruth Anointing: Becoming a Woman of Faith, Virtue and Destiny. About her book, Ms. McClain-Walters

tells us, ‘Ruth’s story gives us hope that there is restoration after great loss, a broken heart can be mended,

lost love found again, but there is so much more beneath the surface. It is also about how broken dreams

can become the greatest source of hope. Out of the ashes of disaster, God enabled Ruth to rescue and re-

store her mother-in-law and create a life and legacy that we are still learning from today. Ruth is an example

of dedication and sacrifice. Her life demonstrated how faithfulness and loyalty moved the hand of God to not

only touch her life but also enable her to become the hand of God in the lives of others.’

Other new books that are available include Shelley Shepard Gray’s series ‘The Amish of Hart County’: His

Guilt, Her Secret, The Gift and His Risk. Also, we now have book two of ‘Tales from Ivy Hill’: The Ladies of

Ivy Cottage.

We now have available for check-out several new Bible Study Kits. Please come by the Library to check

these out as they can be located in the area formerly used for DVDs. We invite you to Come By and Check

Us Out!

Sherry Karr, Librarian


Balboa Book of the Month

Discussion Group ~ May ~

Tuesday afternoons in May from 1—3 p.m.

Balboa Outreach Center, in His Mighty Workers classroom #113


When we meet on May 1st, we will discuss TWO books we would

like to consider for our Book Club Meetings:

Book: “The POWER of Serving OTHERS”

by Gary Morsch & Dean Nelson


Book: “Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus”

by Nabeel Qureshi

We will meet to discuss the chosen book on the 4 remaining

Tuesdays in May: May 8, May 15, May 22, and May 29

Facilitated by Gwen & Charles Whitfield

Gwen & Charles have been member of Balboa Baptist Church for 11+ years and attend the Impact Sunday School class led by Dr. Polly Brown.

Gwen served for many years with the Kairos Prison Ministry and both Gwen and

Charles sing in our choir. Pastor Denny encourages you to prayerfully consider participating!

Please contact the Whitfields to get more information:

Email Charles & Gwen at [email protected]

or Call them at 501-984-3517



Jim McClanahan was born in Indianapolis, Indiana. However, he was the

son of a U.S. Navy officer and remembers very little about Indiana since his

family lived in many places across the United States. The longest Jim

remembers living anywhere was three years in Spain. Jim was always

involved in sports—basketball, baseball, hunting and fishing. He accepted

Jesus as his Savior at the age of ten. When his dad retired from the Navy,

he brought his family to Camden, Arkansas where Jim graduated from high

school. He earned a degree in business management at Southern Arkansas

University in Magnolia. Jim spent 34 years in retail, 26 years of which were with Walmart. A friend

named Betty White introduced Jim, then manager of a Walmart store, to a girl with a beautiful smile

and captivating southern accent named Linda, who is now his wife of nearly 33 years.

Linda grew up and graduated from high school in Searcy, Arkansas. She accepted the Lord as her

Savior at the age of 8, and earned a degree in accounting at Southern Arkansas University in

Magnolia. She worked in the accounting office at Walmart, and later several energy co-ops. Linda

retired from Volunteer Energy Co-Op in Decatur, Tennessee as Director of Human Resources. Jim

and Linda have one son who lives in Ohio. Please give a warm welcome to Jim and Linda



Miranda and Justin are twins, born to Justin and Lauren Sahm November 7,

2007. They have been attending our AWANA program beginning with the

SPARKS (pre-school / kindergarten) and have progressed to the T&T

group. They are 4th grade honor students at Fountain Lake Elementary

School, and Miranda is in honors choir. Miranda likes to draw, ride her

bike, and design her own crafts. Justin is an outdoors-man; he likes to ride

his bike, play ball and go to the woods to make forts by “knocking down

trees.” They both made the decision to be saved at AWANA, were

counseled by Pastor Denny, and were baptized March 25th. Their mom, Lauren and sister, Haylie

Wilson, are both members of our church.

For those of you who are not familiar with the AWANA Program: It is a global, nonprofit ministry

with discipleship programs for ages 2 to 18 that involves parents and church leaders. Each week,

more than 3.7 million children and youth, and 470,000 volunteers take part in over 47,000 churches

around the world. Established in 1941, the global reach of AWANA has grown at a rapid pace with

the goal of reaching 10 million kids with the gospel by 2020.

Please say a special prayer for these two little ones, and pray for the leaders of the AWANA and

Youth Ministries of our church that we may reach even more children with the gospel of Christ.


Grace Wiesen 20

Alice Finton 20

Carlene Cross 21

Robert Hill 21

Wayne Jones 22

Bill Phillips 22

Connie Shafer 23

George Webb 23

Shelia Mason 24

Cyndi Warden 24

Rene Henry 25

Glenda Seabaugh 27

Tim Rishel, Jr. 28

Linda Laginja 29

Tara Clearman 30

Brenda Weaver 30

Madeline Cooper 13

Sandy Fisher 13

Richard Poteet 13

Priscilla Brogdon 14

Laroy Cornett 14

Kathy Hanson 14

Rita Weeks 14

George Dickerson 15

John Graper 16

Dick Rypkema 16

Marty Dobson 17

Derrell Nantze 17

Tom Escher 19

Brian Nickles 19

Alice Stockwell 19

Jane Witherspoon 19

Rita Cameron 1

Jerry Lou Emmons 2

Kathy Foust 4

Roy Foster 5

David Camp 6

Danny Garrett 7

Wayne Harper 7

Glenda Boysen 7

Doug Brown 8

Matthew Arnold 9

Eddy Dixon 11

Becky Harvey 11

Brent McAtee 11

Jim McClanahan 11

Odell Tabor 11

Sarah McMurray 12

George & Sandy Rayburn 1

David & Nancy Merkle 7

Buddy & JoAnn Hancock 8

Tim & Mary Ann Rishel 8

Jack & Hilda Allen 10

Bill & Ginger Baker 16

David & Beth Camp 17

Ronald & Betty Dull 17

Ron & Jackie Moore 18

Rene & Linda Henry 24

Ron & Susan Brown 25

Rodger & Rita Cameron 25

Sam & Linda Havens 26

Jim & Sandy McPherson 27

Larry & Priscilla Brogdon 28

Richard & Carolyn Poteet 28

Dennis & Linda Rymer 28

Wayne & Glenda Seabaugh 30

Don & Kathy Hanson 31


Vacation Bible School is Coming!

June 18-22, 2018

Gear Up! Get Ready! Game On is coming! Our teachers have been working hard to plan an exciting VBS. I hope your children, grandchildren, neighbors and friends will be joining us June 18-22 from 9 am to 12 noon. Registration forms and the registration form box will be at the Welcome Center beginning the first Sunday in May, or you can sign up online at: / # / home / event sign-up. VBS is open to all children ages four through just completed sixth grade. Our teaching positions are filled! We do need one more person to help with Friday lunch. We are so thankful to God for answered prayers. We had 7 teachers attend the workshop in Hot Springs. Monday, April 30, at 2:00 p.m., we will have our VBS meeting with all of the teachers. Please check our VBS needs board located across from the library. Thanks for your help; place the items purchased in our VBS tub in the fellowship hallway. Cookies!! There’s nothing better than VBS cookies. Calling all bakers! Cookies are needed for the VBS week. Please label VBS and if they contain nuts, and put in the church freezer, where the old Welcome class was, not the OC freezer.

Thank You and God Bless.


Let the Little Children Come to Jesus! AWANA Clubs

During the school year, our AWANA

Clubs meet on Wednesdays at 5:30pm

CUBBIES is for children ages 3 & 4.

SPARKS are kindergarten thru Grade 2.

T&T (Truth & Training) are Grades 3-6.

AWANA Closing Ceremony

May 9 at 6:00 p.m. Be sure to join us for the AWANA Closing Ceremony to Show your Support for, Cheer on, and Celebrate the hard work that our AWANA children have done this year, and all they have accomplished! You will be blessed.



During the school year

our Youth (Grades 7-12) meet every

Wednesday from 5:30—7:30pm,

and start with a light meal.

Our last session before summer break

will be Wednesday, May 9.

See you in September!


DEADLINE FOR ARTICLES IS THE 15TH OF EACH MONTH You may e-mail your articles to

Alice at [email protected] or Debbie at [email protected]

CHURCH OFFICE: (501) 922-0155

Church Office Hours: 8am - 4pm

Intercessory Prayer Line: 24 hours-a-day: (501) 915-9GOD (9463)

Fax Line: (501) 915-0463

Website: www.BalboaBaptist.Church


You can listen to or watch each

Sunday AM sermon on the website.

Check it out...located under the

“Media” tab!


LOGO Shirts On Sale

See a catalogue & order in the office

or go online at

Balboa Baptist Church Mission Statement: Our mission is to bring all people to the saving grace of Jesus Christ and help them grow toward Christian maturity through

love, prayer, worship, teaching, and service.

If you are moving, or have an email or phone number change,

Please contact the Church Office at 922-0155, so that we may update our records accordingly.

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