
Challenge: Get companies in the private sector and influential individuals to commit themselves into improving education.

Social Media influencers are the ones guiding every dollar spent.

Their conversation is about consumerism and fashion.

And now they are focusing on DIY for

school supplies.

Thousands of brands cross-category

From candy & school supplies to cleaning products & cars

Billions of dollars spend through all the world

Overwhelming competition makes it hard for businesses to stand out from each


Back to School Season

We will change the meaning of “Back to School”

to “Get (kids) to School”

Back to School fashion/style

Get Kids who have no opportunities to school

From Do-It-Yourself (DIY) To Do-It-Together (DIT)


Influence Business

Influence Influencers

Influence people

To join UN in the crusade to improve education around the


To change the conversation from fashion to educational

and replace Do It Yourself with Do It Together.

To recognise the needs and results of better education

and participate actively demanding brands and gobs to

make a real commitment.

Influence Business: Join the DIT PlatformA commitment to the UN gives you access to the campaign and UN resources and ambassadors.

Commitement Validation Amplification Win/Win

Companies commit with the UN to support local

community and education.

Products get access to UN sponsorship, ambassadors

and stand out.

Local distributors and brands help turn Get to School into a global


Committed companies get better sales & better image, we get more children in school.

Paid Media Owned Media PoP, OOH(Brand choice)

Shared & Earned Media

UN Goodwill Ambassadors: Campaign supportersActors, sportsmen and experts are part of the UN Goodwill team.

Result driven Hard Working

They represent brands all over the world and any business would gain value with their presence.

But the Goodwill Ambassadors will not promote brands, other type of ambassadors will.

Internationally recognized

Meet Francine

Transform Back To School influencers into Get to School Influencers.

Influence Influencers: Our DIT Ambassadors

She lives in a conflict zone within

a impoverished community and does everything


She is an influencer that talks about the

difficulties of her everyday school


She will challenge Back to School

Influencers to about the importance and

benefits of everyone going to


She will validate the companies

commitment by showing

improvements in her life and others.

She will amplify the results among the general audience

Change a “fashion/trendy” attitude to a more committed one.

Recognize the importance of education as an inalienable right.

A better education makes life better in every way.

Influence People: Make it Happen

Suggest new commitments

Demand Businesses to participate

Validate and amplify results


Understand that change must be done by all parts of society.

Step Up!

An emotional story teaches you what education can do for societyWhat did they learn?


Businesses KidsGeneral society

A win-win situation for businesses and kids

Co-branding with the UN increases sales in a very

competitive season, adds positive image and produces

real results for future employees.

Creates awareness on education issues around the

world, turns them into a force of change for equal

opportunities for education around the world.

Reaches their emotional side with a compelling story that teaches the real benefits of education and encourages

them to step up for it.

United Nations

Create a sustainable campaign that can be adapted to every country and could help reach

Sustainable Development Goals.

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