

Argentina Clothing presented by Annette Lucas and Anna Owen

Argentina Rituals presented by Joseph Peters

Argentina Gender presented by Cheryl Mclean

May 10, 2011

Argentina Culture


Clothing with comments and communication concept text (communication concept is “non-verbal communication”)

Cowboys in Argentina, called Gauchos, are seen here wearing wide rimmed hats against the sun as well as baggy pants that are called “Bombachas” (Gordon, 15). These are traditional clothes, but can often be still seen in

festivals and shows. If these gaucho clothes were looked at as non-verbal communication, they seem to put across a sense of control, masculinity and


These Gauchos could be seen in the 1800s riding across the vast plains (pampas) (Gordon, 15). Gauchos also carried knives with elaborate carvings called “facons” (Blashfield, 90). The long scarves portray a sense of drama as do their puffy pants which are stuffed into their high heeled boots.

Here a woman carries her baby on her back in a typical multicolor wrap usually made from cotton or wool (Blashfield, 85). This outfit is more humble, keeping with traditional colors and an older style.

Below modern youth can be seen dressing casually, often sporting soccer (football) uniforms (Gordon, 12). These girls are conveying, whether they are conscious of it or not, that they have made a break with older traditional Argentine dress.

Nonverbal Use of Clothing in ArgentinaThe body and the way it is clothed and presented is a primary medium of expression, for it makes statements on the condition of society itself (Fan, 2004, p.1).

Elegantly dressed Argentine men and women will be encountered in business situations (Mandel-Campbell, 2001, p.75).

The business man will be• Dark suited• Silk socked• Cuff linked• Wearing ties and


Business attire will be your non-verbal cue to keep conversation at a polite level. Argentines will want to meet and talk with you, but a certain decorum should be followed.

Acceptable Topics

• Football

• Family

• Food

• Movies

• Music

The Rituals of Argentina Verbal and Nonverbal

The Argentine flag, the national anthem, and the escarapela (a small ribbon or bow worn on patriotic occasions) are the objects of officially prescribed rituals that must be followed by the population at the risk of serious sanctions (LICIA F ERRADÁS, 2011)

Among several versions, there is one that asserts that the white and light blue colors were first adopted by the Patricios, the first urban military body of the Río de la Plata, during the British invasions of 1806–1807 (Jueves, 2011). Both of these symbols represent a large amount of pride within there community.

The etiquette in Argentina is very important to the people and is a very strong from of verbal and nonverbal communication. They demand a large amount of respect from those they meet through the rituals they perform when greeting someone. While some of them are not much different then in the united states like shaking hands. Some or very different, like your expected to show up to social dinner thirty to forty minutes late. They also have a large number of rules for pouring wine and if done wrong can be seen as disrespect (Murray, 2011). Etiquette is a great form of nonverbal communication in the fact that if done properly can show a great amount of respect and if done wrong can show a large amount of disrespect.


Tango refers to the music, the lyrics, and the dance itself and is a complex urban product that originated in lower-class neighborhoods of Buenos Aires city (LICIA F ERRADÁS, 2011).The music, its lyrics, and the dance represent the profound transformation of the urban landscape at the beginning of the twentieth century, with the influx of diverse European immigrants (LICIA F ERRADÁS, 2011). This can easily be seen as a from of nonverbal communications as we as verbal communication.

GENDER IN Argentina

The Argentine Tango is the most famous dance style that came out of Argentina. It is the expression of heated passion shared between the couple who dance it.


Sample Tango music

by clicking below.

More Tango

music to sample below

When Tango Began•Decent families and women of good reputation did not want any part of learning how to Tango, so if a man wanted to practice the new dance his only possibility was… another man (To Tango, n.d).

•Groups of men would get together to practice, improvise and innovate, creating new moves and new steps this approach allowed a rapid development of this dance (To Tango, n.d).

•To be a good dancer was a sure way of attracting the ladies' attention... men practiced among themselves so that they could surprise, and attract the admiration women (To Tango, n.d).

•The dance started to catch on and men started to teach their sisters, neighbor girls, and other female members of the large Argentinean family, such as cousins and aunts, this most unusual new dance (To Tango, n.d).

While machismo persists in Argentina, it is being challenged and women are gaining visibility and influence in politics and business. Argentine businesswomen are similar in status to North American businesswomen (eDiplomat, n.d).

Women Gaining Power





Machismo vs.


• In Argentina, it continues to be expected that a man always be in command. Argentine men pride themselves in machismo (Hardesty et al 2008).

•The concept of machismo, is characterized as hyper-masculinity in the forms of aggression towards other men, and control over women (Hardesty et al 2008).

• The ideology for women is called marianismo, where the female must be kind, gentle, submissive, and stick to the roles of mother-housewife (Hardesty et al 2008)

•Currently as Argentina participates more in the “global village”, machismo is being challenged as more women seek top jobs and have single lifestyles in urban areas. The nation is being led by its first woman president, Christina Fernandez de Kirchner, who was elected in 2007. Machismo is even being undermined in the tango, where the lead is usually taken by the male dancer. Women have become more aggressive in the dance and even same-sex couples now join in the tradition. Men themselves are also defying machismo, especially in Buenos Aires, where they groom their eyebrows and get plastic surgery alongside women (Hardesty et al 2008).

Argentine Cowboy


President Fernandez takes on the issues of

gender and sexism

“The gay marriage law helped open the doors to discuss LGBT issues in Argentina,” said Socialist Deputy Roy Cortina. “And that's going to be beneficial for the gender identity law” (MercoPress, n.d).

A handshake and nod show respect when greeting someone. An embrace and one kiss on the cheek is common between friends and acquaintances (eDiplomat, n.d.).

Flirtatious comments - are common. Men may call out "Hey, gorgeous!" while you’re walking down the street. Just smile, say, "Thank you very much" and keep walking. Defensive behavior will damage your credibility. Emphasize status and responsibility (eDiplomat, n.d.).

A kiss or a hug is considered a compliment to a woman. Argentines are touchers and stand close to each other when speaking. Do not back away. The “O.K.” and “thumbs up” gestures are considered vulgar. Hitting the palm of the left hand with the right fist means “I don’t believe what you are saying” or “That’s stupid” (eDiplomat, n.d.)


Their culture is very verbal, and non-verbal. They greet each other often through touch, and they stand very close to one another when speaking with each other.

A hug is considered a compliment

Topics of Conversation(Mandel-Campbell, 2008, p.68-69)

To Be Avoided/Not Acceptable

• Political Topics

• Racism

• Boasting

• Age

• Money

Questions• Can you give some examples of how etiquette differs in Argentina from the United States?

• Are Argentine business women treated the same as business women in the United States?

• Can you list some of the attire that is currently fashionable in Argentina?

• Where did the Tango originate in Argentina? Why did men initially dance with men while practicing the Tango?

• Given the claim that most Argentineans tend to dress up more than people in the United States, do you think that people in the U.S. do not dress up enough in their day to day lives?

• Do you think that it is okay for men to wear earrings? 

• What type of clothing might be considered traditional in the USA that people still wear around?

• In Argentina it is appropriate, and even expected to show up late for dinner. Would that be okay in your family or group of friends to show up 30-40 minutes late for a dinner?   

Reference for Clothing:

Blashfield, J.F. (2007). Argentina, Enchantment of the World. New York: Children’s Press.

Gordon, S. (2004). Argentina. New York: Benchmark Books

Adams, F. (2001). Culture Shock! Argentina. Portland, OR: Graphic Arts Center Publishing Company.

Fan, J.W. (n.d). Clothing Appearance and Fit: Science and Technology. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

Mandel-Campbell, A. (n.d). Passport Argentina: Your Pocket Guide to Argentine Business, Customs & Etiquette. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

Reference for Gender:

To Tango (n.d). A history of argentine tango. Retrieved April 21, 2011, from

eDiplomat (n.d). Argentina. Retrieved April 21, 2011, from

McQueen, Kyle; Hardesty, Jalissa, Tedeschi (2008). A sociological evaluation of argentina: people, culture, and society, p. 6-7. Retrieved from

MercoPress, South Alanta News Agency (n.d). Argentine gay community campaigning for a “gender identity” law Retrieved April 21, 2011, from

Reference for Rituals:

eDiplomat. 21, Argentina, 21 April 2011

Jueves. (2011). About argentina. Retrieved from dhtml?pagina=1480

LICIA F ERRADAS, A. (2011). Countries and their cultures. Retrieved from

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