Download - Are You Too Busy?


How To Know If You’re Too Busy

Brought to you by: MaidPro St. George

1. You Have No YOU Time.

You might be too busy if you don’t have any time to do things just for you. YOU time helps you re-charge, relax and stay sane.

2. If You Don’t Have Quality Time With Loved Ones.

You might be too busy if you can’t remember the last time you sat down and ate dinner as a family or planned a fun family activity.

3. If You Forget Regular Steps For Daily Living.

You might be too busy if you’ve let the laundry pile up, you haven’t done the dishes or can’t remember the last time you vacuumed.

4. If You Skip Meals A Few Times A Week.

You might be too busy if you don’t remember to eat lunch or breakfast.

5. If You Work And Eat At The Same Time.

You might be too busy if you eat and do work at the same time instead of engaging in conversation or quiet time.

6. If You Relate To Any Of These Statements.

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