Page 1: Are you looking for child safety gate advice?

Are you looking for some childproofing advice?

All parents are eager for their children to start to crawling and moving about and this is a huge milestone. Your baby is going to want to explore, and this is why Lindam can offer a range of child proofing products even for the most inquisitive toddler.

One of the most very basic tips that you should begin with is to approach your home from your child’s point of view, even if this means getting down on all fours to see things from your child’s perspective; this will allow you to realise what alterations you will have to make.

Learning everything you possibly can about child safety is important in successfully child proofing your home.

Whilst doing your research into child safety, you’re probably going to worry that you’ll never have time to relax ever again but taking these preventative measures whenever and wherever you can is going to be worth it! You’ll soon come to the realisation that you’re probably going to worry for the rest of your life and there is no safety product that can help with that, but there are some useful steps that you can take around the home. Making sure you know everything possible about child proofing will prove that that you have done everything possible to protect your child.

Things that you need to know:

Here are a few hints and tips that will help you to become an expert in no time:

1. Educate yourself! Talk with other mums and dads, it’s always good to learn what children are really capable of, talk to your paediatrician and do your research online! There are many websites out there that will offer great advice.

2. Trust yourself, you are the parent! There may be others that know more about child proofing than you do, but you will always know what’s best for your child. You

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should always follow your instinct and if you think that something is dangerous then baby proof it.

3. No parent wants to see their child with any injuries, but you should remember that bumps and bruises are all part of growing up. For example, it’s very rare that a 5 year old won’t have grazed knees. No matter how safe you make your home there are going to be minor injuries.

4. Once your home is baby proofed, then you should double check and make sure you carry out these checks on a regular basis. Follow your child round and see if there’s anything that needs addressing.

Safety gates

Most babies will start to crawl at around 7-9 months old. This is the point where your whole house will become a maze of danger. The first thing you should think about is creating a safe area in the house, many parents choose the living room, you should make sure that everything from the sockets right through to the TV accessories are all baby proofed.

As soon as your baby gets past the crawling stage then you are really heading for trouble, they will try to get into everything, so you’re going to need baby safety gates to keep them away from danger. Lindam have a range of child safety gates that will fit into your home and are guaranteed to make life ten times easier for you.

Baby monitors

The best way to make sure that your child is safe is to ensure that you can always see and hear them. The best way to do this is by using a baby monitor. All you’ll need to do is place the monitor in your baby’s room and keep the other monitor close to you at all times.

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Child safety locks

There are certain places around the home which your child certainly doesn’t need to be able to access, and this includes cupboards and storage areas that may contain cleaning supplies, medications or even household tools. Child locks will make it impossible for your child to gain access to these areas.

If you’d like more information about child proofing your home then please visit the Lindam website –

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