Page 1: Are Electronic Cigarettes Safe?



As E-cigarette Use Rises IPPTS Reports on Potential Dangers


Medical Info Publisher

IPPTS Associates


Page 2: Are Electronic Cigarettes Safe?


Cigarettes Safe?

Are Electronic Cigarettes


The patented Electronic Cigarette

offers to effectively simulate the

experience of smoking an actual

cigarette, without any of the health or

legal issues surrounding traditional


While electronic cigarettes look, feel

and taste much like traditional

cigarettes, they function very

differently. So, there is little doubt

that they are safer than smoking, but

how safe are they, and WOULD YOU

want to base your QUIT SMOKING

strategy on using them?

Would you even want to start

“smoking” by using them?

In this report we provide information

on the research into Electronic

Cigarettes use and its safety. The

work is incomplete but there are

interim conclusions which can be

made. Read this report to find out

about the currently available research

findings and information from health


DISCLAIMER: This information is

provided "as is". The author,

publishers and marketers of this

information disclaim any loss or

liability, either directly or indirectly as

a consequence of applying the

information presented herein, or in

regard to the use and application of

said information. No guarantee is

given, either expressed or implied, in

regard to the merchantability,

accuracy, or acceptability of the



Inside this report, you will learn:

# 1. Health Concerns from the Use of

Electronic Cigarettes: The health

effects of using electronic cigarettes

are currently unknown, as this

product is relatively new to the

medical professions. Read this article

and you will learn about the results

(some only preliminary) from several

studies regarding the long-term health

effects of nicotine vapor, both inhaled

directly and second hand in the

manner of an e-cigarette.

# 2. Alternatives to the E Cigarette to


Page 3: Are Electronic Cigarettes Safe?

Help Smokers Quit: Some say quitters

usually lose out, but making the

effort to give up smoking and winning

is one of those exception. In fact,

when you quit smoking, everyone

around you wins. Your health is

better, the health of your family is

better, the air you breathe is cleaner,

and you are adding years to your life

expectancy. Learn here how to do it…

#3. How I gave Up Smoking: Andre

West smoked cigarettes for 24 years

and was imprisoned in his own mind

to suffer what most smokers deny. He

came to believe that he is powerless

over cigarettes and smoking was

compromising his life. By the grace of

God, he no longer has the desire to

light up a cigarette and is here to tell

you why.

# 4. How to Give Up Smoking

Cigarettes: Cigarette smoking is a

habit in which tobacco is burned and

its vapors are either tasted or inhaled

and the active substances are

absorbed via the alveoli in the lungs

which trigger off chemical reactions in

nerve endings causing rise in the

coronary heart rate. To stop smoking

you must be very determined and

confident about giving up and once

you learn a life without smoking,

you'll discover that life's even more

beautiful with no clouds of smoke. It

is worth it, and you will learn much

more about the solution by reading


# 5. Electronic Cigarettes - A Healthier

Alternative to Smoking: There is a new

invention that everyone who smokes

should know about. It's called the

electronic cigarette, also known as a

smokeless cigarette or e-cigarette,

and it is changing the legal landscape

for cigarette smokers around the

world. If you are interested in a

healthier alternative to smoking, or if

you simply want to have the freedom

to smoke wherever and whenever you

want, an electronic cigarette might be

the solution you've been looking for.

Learn the views of a person who likes

the electronic cigarette.


Page 4: Are Electronic Cigarettes Safe?

# 1. Health Concerns from

the Use of Electronic


(The following is an extract from

Wikipedia – June 2012.)

The health effects of using electronic

cigarettes are currently unknown.

Several studies regarding the

long-term health effects of nicotine

vapor, both inhaled directly and

second hand, are currently in

progress, although it should be noted

that second hand sidestream smoke is

non-existent due to on-demand

operation and that vapor is generated

rather than smoke.

The Views of the US Food and

Drug Administration

In May 2009, the Food and Drug

Administration (USFDA) Division of

Pharmaceutical Analysis tested the

contents of 19 varieties of electronic

cigarette cartridges produced by two

vendors (NJoy and Smoking

Everywhere). Diethylene glycol was

detected in one of the cartridges

manufactured by Smoking

Everywhere. In addition,

tobacco-specific nitrosamines

(TSNAs), known cancer-causing

agents, were detected in all of the

cartridges from one brand and two of

the cartridges from the other brand.

The study found that the actual

nicotine levels did not always

correspond to the amount of nicotine

the cartridges purported to contain.

The analysis found traces of nicotine

in some cartridges that claimed to be

nicotine-free. Further concerns were

raised over inconsistent amounts of

nicotine delivered when drawing on

the device. In July 2009, the FDA

issued a press release discouraging

the use of electronic cigarettes and

repeating previously stated concerns

that electronic cigarettes may be

marketed to young people and lack

appropriate health warnings.

The Electronic Cigarette Association

said that the FDA testing was too

"narrow to reach any valid and reliable

conclusions.” Exponent, Inc.,

commissioned by NJOY to review the

FDA's study in July 2009, objected to

the FDA analysis of electronic

cigarettes lacking comparisons to

other FDA-approved nicotine

replacement therapy products where

similar levels of TSNA were detected.


Page 5: Are Electronic Cigarettes Safe?

Exponent concluded that the FDA's

study did not support the claims of

potential adverse health effects from

the use of electronic cigarettes.

Furthermore, FDA methods "have

been lambasted in journals" by some

medical and health research experts

who noted the potentially harmful

chemicals were measured at "about

one million times lower

concentrations than are conceivably

related to human health.”

The Views of the American

Association of Public Health


As of April 2010, The American

Association of Public Health

Physicians (AAPHP) supports

electronic cigarettes sales to adults,

"because the possibility exists to save

the lives of four million of the eight

million current adult American

smokers who will otherwise die of a

tobacco-related illness over the next

twenty years." However, the AAPHP is

against sales to minors. The AAPHP

recommends that the FDA reclassify

the electronic cigarette as a tobacco

product (as opposed to a drug/device


The Views of Health Canada

On 27 March 2009, Health Canada

issued an advisory against electronic

cigarettes. The advisory stated

"Although these electronic smoking

products may be marketed as a safer

alternative to conventional tobacco

products and, in some cases, as an

aid to quitting smoking, electronic

smoking products may pose risks such

as nicotine poisoning and addiction."

The Views of the World Health


The World Health Organization stated

in September 2008 that to its

knowledge, "no rigorous,

peer-reviewed studies have been

conducted showing that the electronic

cigarette is a safe and effective

nicotine replacement therapy. WHO

does not discount the possibility that

the electronic cigarette could be

useful as a smoking cessation aid."

WHO Tobacco Free Initiative director

ad interim Douglas Bettcher stated

that claims that electronic cigarettes

can help smokers quit need to be

backed up by clinical studies and

toxicity analyses and operate within

the proper regulatory framework. He

added: "Until they do that, WHO

cannot consider the electronic

cigarette to be an appropriate nicotine

replacement therapy, and it certainly

cannot accept false suggestions that

it has approved and endorsed the



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In 2010, the Tobacco Regulation

meeting held in Uruguay came out

with warnings about electronic

cigarettes. Signatories of the

meeting's treaty included

representatives of countries and

regions such as Brazil, Thailand,

Hong Kong, and Saudi Arabia, where

electronic cigarettes had been


The secretariat of the meeting refused

and stated that electronic cigarettes

do not violate articles 9 and 10 of the

framework convention for tobacco

control regarding composition (toxins,

carcinogens, harm to self) or

emissions (second hand smoke or

harm to others). The secretariat stated

that the problems regarding electronic

cigarettes relate to regulatory issues

and not to the work that the

convention is tasked with. In the

memo, they also mentioned that

electronic cigarettes can be

considered a medical product only IF

the marketer wanted to make medical

claims, otherwise they are a tobacco


Health New Zealand Ltd.


In 2008, Dr. Murray Laugesen, of

Health New Zealand, published a

report on the safety of Ruyan

electronic cigarette cartridges funded

by e-cigarette manufacturer, Ruyan;

Laugesen and the WHO claim that the

research is independent.

The presence of trace amounts of

TSNAs in the cartridge solution was

documented in the analysis. The

results also indicated that the level of

nicotine in the electronic cigarette

cartridges was not different from the

concentration of nicotine found in

nicotine patches. John Britton, a lung

specialist at the University of

Nottingham, UK and chair of the

Royal College of Physicians Tobacco

Advisory Group said “if the levels are

as low as in nicotine replacement

therapy, I don’t think there will be

much of a problem.”

The study's detailed quantitative

analysis concluded that carcinogens

and toxicants are present only below

harmful levels. It concluded: "Based

on the manufacturer’s information,

the composition of the cartridge liquid

is not hazardous to health, if used as


The Views of the Boston

University School of Public


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Health Study

A study by researchers at the Boston

University School of Public Health in

2010 concluded that electronic

cigarettes were safer than real

cigarettes and may aid in breaking the

habit of smoking. Researchers said

that while further studies on

electronic cigarettes were needed,

"few, if any, chemicals at levels

detected in electronic cigarettes raise

serious health concerns." Electronic

cigarettes were found to be "much

safer" than traditional tobacco ones,

and had a level of toxicity similar to

existing nicotine replacements.

In the report, the level of carcinogens

in electronic cigarettes was found to

be up to 1,000 times lower than

regular cigarettes. It also said early

evidence shows that electronic

cigarettes may help people to stop

smoking by simulating a tobacco


Other reports

According to Cancer Research UK,

"For a smoker, the health hazards of

continuing to smoke greatly outweigh

any potential risks of using nicotine

replacement therapy".

A report from a UK Government

advisory unit favoured to adopt

"smokeless nicotine cigarettes"

instead of the traditional "quit or die"

approach believing this would save

more lives.

While electronic cigarettes are

purported to deliver nicotine to the

user in a manner similar to that of a

nicotine inhaler, no electronic

cigarette has yet been approved as a

medicinal nicotine replacement

therapy (NRT) product or provided the

necessary clinical testing for such

approval. Doubts have also been

raised as to whether electronic

cigarettes actually deliver any

substantial amount of nicotine at all.

Research carried out at the University

of East London on the effects of the

use of an electronic cigarette to

reduce cravings in regular tobacco

smokers showed that there was no

significant reported difference

between smokers who inhaled vapour

containing nicotine, and those who

inhaled vapour containing no nicotine.


Page 8: Are Electronic Cigarettes Safe?

The report concluded that although

electronic cigarettes can be effective

in reducing nicotine-related

withdrawal symptoms, the nicotine

content does not appear to be of

central importance, and that other

smoking related cues (such as taste,

vapour resembling smoke) may

account for the reduction in

discomfort associated with tobacco

abstinence in the short term.

Though manufacturers have marketed

electronic cigarettes as a way to

curtail an addiction to nicotine, the

World Health Organization has stated

they know of no evidence confirming

these claims.

In an online survey from November

2009 among 303 smokers, it was

found that e-cigarette substitution for

tobacco cigarettes resulted in reduced

perceived health problems, when

compared to smoking conventional

cigarettes (less cough, improved

ability to exercise, improved sense of

taste and smell).

Other safety issues

On February 13, 2012, an electronic

cigarette exploded in the mouth of a

57 year old man, causing him to lose

several teeth and part of his tongue.

North Bay Fire District Chief Butch

Parker explained that a faulty battery

was likely to blame for the explosion.

It was later reported that the

electronic cigarette may have been

modified by the man by 'stacking'

several batteries.


Despite the various health concerns

raised, proponents of electronic

cigarettes often market them as an

alternative to tobacco smoking or as a

smoking cessation device. Many claim

that electronic cigarettes deliver the

experience of smoking without the

adverse health effects usually

associated with tobacco smoke, or at

least greatly reduce those risks.

Claimed benefits include the lack of

smoke or smells, cheaper insurance

rates, and the lack of a need for an

ashtray or lighter.

The above was obtained from .

Readers should refer to this link for


# 2. Alternatives to the E

Cigarette to Help Smokers



Page 9: Are Electronic Cigarettes Safe?

If you've tried to give up smoking in

the past, you don't need anyone to tell

you how difficult the process can be.

There is a lucrative industry built

around failed attempts to quit

smoking cigarettes and overcome a

tobacco addiction. There are a

fortunate few who manage to stop

smoking cold turkey but these cases

are few and far between.

When Quitters Win

You've probably spent most of your

life hearing about how quitters never

win. There are a few exceptions and

making the effort to give up smoking

and winning is one of those

exceptions. In fact, when you quit

smoking, everyone around you wins.

Your health is better, the health of

your family is better, the air you

breathe is cleaner, and you are adding

years to your life expectancy when you

break the tobacco smoking habit. You

are also ridding yourself, your home,

and your vehicle of the tell tale smell

of cigarettes that follow you

everywhere you go.

The Challenge for Help


There are many solutions you can find

on the market that are designed to

help you quit. Unfortunately, most of

them address the habit of smoking

and breaking the habit but do little to

address the addiction. Those that

manage to address the addiction to

tobacco often are unable help you

break the habit. Smoking is a two-fold

process and when you only address

one problem you will miss the mark.

When you find a product or process

that handles business in both arenas

you may be on to something.

Give Up Smoking with NLP

Neuro-Linguistic Programming is one

of the simplest solution to a lifetime

of addiction to tobacco. If you

seriously want to give up smoking

then hypnotherapy addresses not only

the breaking of the habits associated

with smoking but also the actual

addiction, including the symptoms of

withdrawal and the craving for another


The real beauty of NLP when it comes

to giving up smoking is that it puts


Page 10: Are Electronic Cigarettes Safe?

you in the driver's seat. Too often

people attempt to give up smoking

before they are mentally prepared to

do so. Hypnotherapy takes care of the

mental aspect of quitting first. In

other words you won't stop before your

mind is ready to deal with the


Through hypnosis, you are giving your

mind the tools it needs most to quit

smoking. More importantly, you will

have what you need to quit smoking

for good. Even hypnosis isn't a quick

fix for a lifetime of smoking addiction.

Be prepared to devote at least three

full sessions to your hypnotherapy

before you expect to be able to give

up smoking all together.

You will find, after you have

successfully quit that you will wonder

why you didn't get hypnosis help

stopping smoking long before now.

Try it today and be ready to give up

smoking soon and be able to stick

with it this time even though you've

come back so many times before.

J Seymour is a writer with Self Help

Recordings. Hypnotherapy and NLP can be

very useful in your effort to Give Up Smoking

- one good source of experienced

hypnotherapists and NLP practitioners is Just

Be Well. This organization has experienced

professionals throughout the UK in London,

Birmingham, Bristol, Buckinghamshire, East

Anglia, Leeds, Manchester, Newcastle,

Surrey, Sussex and Scotland. You will also

find links to related practitioners specializing

in treatment for quitting smoking in

Vancouver and Toronto, Canada, for Dublin,

Ireland, and for Sydney, Melbourne and Perth

in Australia. If you are unable to visit a

practitioner in person you may well benefit

from a good and guaranteed self hypnosis

recording such as Help Stopping Smoking, by

experienced hypnotherapist Duncan McColl.

Article Source:


# 3 How I Gave Up


God Did For Me What I Could Not Do

For Myself

I don't remember exactly what day I

started smoking cigarettes, but I do

remember the day that I quit smoking

as if it were yesterday. At about ten

years of age, started acting cool like

grown-ups with a couple friends by

acting as though we smoked by rolling

up dried lawn grass from backyards

and the Merrill Park in the Jeffery

Manor at Chicago, Illinois. We also

tried smoking dried tree leaves rolled

up inside notebook paper, typing

paper, old Chicago Transit Authority

transfer fare paper, torn pages from a

phone book or whatever was available.


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Trying to imitate my father, cousins,

other adults, movies stars, soldiers,

cowboys, musicians, tough guys, bad

guys, good guys and any other heroes

who smoked cigarettes. I guess it was

cool and glamorous when they

inhaled/exhaled smoke in their lungs.

It made them look smarter and in

control. I did not know how to smoke

at all. I just puffed and coughed from

the burning sensation that I felt in my

chest and lungs. It was awfully


One day a friend stole an open pack

from his mother and we tried to

smoke a real cigarette. I think it was

either Benson & Hedges or Virginia

Slims cigarettes. By the way, we

learned that a cigarette is also called

a "square". We almost got busted

because my friend's-mother found out

her cigarettes were missing, and it

seemed like trouble was coming fast.

Somehow I dodged that bullet. If you

ask me today, then I wish I had been

busted so I could be punished. And

back then we used to get beatings for

disobedience and doing wrong. Today

it is called child abuse. I think that is

what's wrong with this world today.

Spare the rod; spoil the child. I

needed a beat down just on GP alone.

Time passed and I learned to smoke

the real McCoy, cigarettes fresh out

the pack or crush-proof box! Newport

brand cigarettes, an attractive green

square shaped pack or box with the

upside Nike swoosh on the front label

and the surgeon general's warning on

the side, to be exact. Twenty, filtered

menthol cigarettes, jam packed with

nicotine, tar, embalming fluid and

couple hundred more flavorful

low-dosed toxic deadly poisons.

I learned to hold the cigarette like a

real man should. I held the square

between my index finger and middle

finger with a slight curve on the pull,

like a cool way of holding a pool stick

at a speak-easy pool hall, tavern, bar

or a club. I was cool at 12 years old.

Stunting my growth and development

already. It took me a couple days to

learn exactly how to inhale smoke

without choking. And of course, I did


I got light-headed and dizzy in the

beginning of my 24-year life sentence

as a smoker of cigarettes. That

light-headedness made me feel


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relaxed after enjoying a refreshing

cigarette. Oh, I did not discriminate

in the beginning. I smoked many

different brands without prejudice.

For example, Kools, Marlboroughs,

Salems, Players, Camels, and Viceroys

(the brand that helped to give my dad

emphysema and cancer), oh well,

whatever, never mind. Put it this way,

if you had a cigarette, I would

probably smoke it without hesitation.

I was cool, calm and collected, an in

control smoker. I mean I was bad, the

best of the best, top cat, cool, can

you dig it man. (So I thought)

Always coughing up cold. Spitting

hockers ranging from off-white to

yellow, to tawny, to brown and green,

orange and red and the occasional

black hocker. Sometimes getting a

solid chuck that resembles a broken

sunflower seed that stank worse than

Rex the dog's breath on a hot and

humid day in Maywood, Illinois in the

month of July. Cigarettes were cheap

to buy back in the day. I mean the

early 1980's when I started smoking.

They were more or less about 75cents

a pack.

I heard in the military, they were

about $7 for a carton of 20 packs of

squares back then, in the early 80's.

It just didn't cost that much to kill

yourself back then. Now the cost of

living is high and the cost of dying is

higher. My oldest brother and I used

to hang out at a friend’s house. There

we were enabled to smoke, drink and

listen to loud music in his basement.

At home, we hid our bad smoking

habit by sticking our heads out of the

bathroom window while smoking

cigarettes. We used air freshener and

aerosol hairspray to kill the smell of

cigarette smoke. Who were we

fooling? One snowy evening, in the

winter of 1982-83, my brother and

took a walk down the avenue where

we lived, to smoke cigarettes. My

mother, for some reason, open the

door, looked down the street, just as

my brother was taking a few hearty

drags, on a freshly lit Newport 100

cigarette. She came out the house

and saw him smoking. I almost got

busted that day because I was just

about to pull my cigarettes out my

pocket. Well, just say that eventually I

confessed to my habit of smoking

around that time also. My mother told

us not to smoke around her or in her

house, period. She was very

disappointed in us but she knew that

it was basically nothing she could do

because we were big young boys and

officially addicted to inhaling

nicotine, tar and about 400 other low

dose poisons.


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Shortness of breath, bad colds and flu

symptoms, yellowish (coffin)

fingernails, eyes looking lowly and

dimly lit up were signs of the

unhealthy aspect of smoking

cigarettes. What a drag after taking so

many drags. My clothes and hair were

stinking like smoke. Holes were

burned in my clothing. I apparently

loved cigarettes and it was a marriage

of convenience that kept us together

as one. And for 24 years it took its

toll on my life and me. Nicotine

controlled me and I was not the wiser.

A friend once told me that with every

pull of smoke I took, 5 seconds was

taken from my lifetime. My rational

answer was, we are all gonna die from

something, you'll never know what or

how. Enough said for the glory of

smoking cigarettes.

While visiting an elder near Green

Bay, Wisconsin in about the spring of

1984, I remember eating an

authentic home-cooked Polish dinner

for the very first time. We ate Polish

sausage and sauerkraut and some

kick ass horseradish. It was the bomb!

I was about 14 years old at the time. I

had a girlfriend. She didn't smoke. I

use to always brush my teeth, use

mouthwash, chew gum, and use a

breath mint or spray or something

before I kissed her, if I smoked. It

really wasn't right, to be honest. I

mean, my smoking. But I denied the

truth about it. Back to Green Bay, the

people I was visiting found out that I

was a young boy smoking cigarettes,

after trying to hide it and cover it up

from them. I remember, Joseph a

man I love and respect like a father,

telling me don't be a hypocrite and

admit that I smoke. It felt like a

weight was lifted off my chest after

telling the truth. Yet, I still smoked.

So, I asked Joseph's father, Gramps,

did he smoke? He said "yes, but he

quit about 15 years before our

conversation." I asked him "how did

he quit?" He said, "he just stopped."

And that, "when it is time for you to

quit, then you will know it and just

quit for good." I had a fresh addiction

to nicotine flowing through my veins

and I craved for a cigarette after that

delicious meal. I thought to myself,

"easier said than done old man". That

meeting with him has stayed with me

ever since.

As time went by, year progressed. The

same thing, I smoked after eating

food, drinking alcoholic beverages,

drinking coffee, drinking soft drinks

and especially drinking highly

caffeinated colas. I smoke when I felt

happy, sad, upset, or just to be

smoking a cigarette to have something

to do like people who play baseball, a

past time. Even when someone ticked

me off, when problems and trouble

came up, before and after relieving

myself, I had to smoke another

cigarette. That is the plain truth. And


Page 14: Are Electronic Cigarettes Safe?

it's somethen rong with that pickture!

I remember trying to quit off and on

with no success whatsoever. I would

quit a day or two, a week or so and

"bam!" I was back at it again,

"Smokin'!" It was off to the races

again, baby. Addicted to nicotine. You

see, as the years went on, I became

allergic to dogs, cats, dust, pollen and

grasses. I later developed bronchitis. I

wonder did smoking have something

to do with my developing these health


Hmm. I wonder... Well, anyway, I'm in

my mid-30's. I am now a little older

and I believe a tad bit wiser. I no

longer need to look cool, act cool and

think that I'm cool, in order to be

cool. Sometimes in order to be cool,

you have to be uncool. You will

surprise your friends and confuse your

enemies. I felt like Pavlov's dog when

it came to smoking cigarettes. I also

began to remember when my mother

use to say that "I do not want to use

anything that has that much power

over me." Yes, she was right and

basically said " I am powerless over

cigarettes." Until I realized the truth

in that statement, I would probably

have smoked for the rest of my

natural life.

It is not so much as the physical

dependence of nicotine or cigarettes

but the mental dependence caused by

my thinking and the force of habitual

thinking and acting upon the thought

of physically craving nicotine. And the

best way I could get my nicotine fix

was to fire up a cigarette and inhale

the smoke. If I do not pick up the

cigarette, then I will not smoke.

A few months ago, one night I had

awakened very early, like 3am.

Immediately, I got the thought to

write down all the pros and cons of

smoking cigarettes. Besides looking

cool, which is a lie, I could not find

one good reason to smoke cigarettes. I

have some pretty good reasons why I

should not smoke, though. I came up

with over 35 reasons. Here are some

reasons why I should stop smoking

cigarettes from the top of the list:

1. Stopping smoking now reduces

your chances of getting throat cancer,

lung cancer, emphysema, asthma,

allergies, bronchitis, colon or stomach

cancer and other serious health


Page 15: Are Electronic Cigarettes Safe?


2. Pregnant women reduce the

chances of having miscarriage, or a

child born with birth defects.

3. Cough less and have fewer colds

and flu symptoms.

4. Breathe better, more freely and


5. Outlook on life will improve.

6. Run, walk and climb stairs with

less effort.

7. Smile wider with brighter eyes.

8. Mental keenness and alertness

improves dramatically.

9. Hair, skin, teeth and fingernails

smell and look better.

10. You will save a lot of money.

Just read the side of a pack of

cigarettes. It comes with a grave

warning. Those are the consequences

you get for smoking. I know because

my biological father died of throat

cancer and emphysema. Yes, he

smoked cigarettes, suffered the

consequences and died prematurely.

God rest his soul. One day, while I

was talking with a good friend about

his recently stopping smoking

cigarettes. He made it sound easy and

in fact it is. First, let's look at the

score. The price of cigarettes have

recently gone up due to city/state

excise taxes in Illinois for health

cost/benefits, the military budget, and

lot of other things. It costs $7 for a

fresh pack of cigarettes at many

stores in Chicago. But the true cost is

of smoking is one human life at a

time. Many cities have now imposed

ordinances that ban smoking in public

facilities even outdoors. People are

aware that second hand smoke causes

cancer and emphysema just as well as

inhaling/exhaling the smoking gun,

firsthand. So it is becoming more and

more socially unacceptable to smoke.

Ahhh, the pressure...

Well, Charles, the good friend of mine

that I mentioned told me that he

stopped smoking with the help based

upon his realizing that he too is

powerless over cigarettes and that his

life was unmanageable as far as the

time and effort put into smoking

cigarettes. And only a Power Greater

than himself or what I call God, could

remove the mental obsession of a

nicotine fix or shall I say smoking


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cigarettes. Also, he did not mention

that he feigned or had nicotine fits or

a bad attitude associated with many

smokers because there were basically


In fact, when I finally quit. I had only

two big cigarette cravings that I could

really remember. The rest was just my

choice and desire not to smoke at all,

which God gave me to remove it,

Himself. "God did for me what I could

not do for myself!" Also, my good

friend Charles told me that he just

picked a date to quit smoking "cold

turkey". No nicotine patches or

nicotine gum because the problem is

not the patch or the gum, the problem

is the person smoking. You don't need

a crutch. Besides, you are only taking

the thing that you are trying to

remove, "nicotine". He said that after

two days, the cravings went away.

It was just that his desire not to

smoke cigarettes had outweighed his

desire to smoke cigarettes. Also,

believe that a Power Greater than

yourself or God can restore your

thinking to sanity. Insanity is doing

the same thing and expecting

different results. Sanity is knowing

and believing and acting upon the

truth that you cannot successfully

smoke cigarettes without grave

consequences. When you realize that

you are powerless over tobacco or

smoking cigarettes that means that

you surrender the belief that you can

beat a cigarette's power to causes

death to yourself and others. You have

no power over cigarettes whatsoever.

So, stop fighting the cravings and let

them go right past you. Stop

anticipating how you will act upon

stopping smoking. Try exercises such

as jogging, cycling, or swimming.

Read a book; write a short story or

poem or two. For example, enter a

poetry and writing contest such as

Dream Quest One Poetry & Writing

Contest It is

a great avenue to share your thoughts,

feelings and dreams with the world. It

helps to take you outside yourself.

Just don't think about smoking and

don't try to figure out how God works.

God works in mysterious ways. So

make a decision to turn your will and

life over to your Higher Power, as you

understand Him. That means that

every morning you wake up, during

the day when you feel like smoking a

cigarette and before going to bed turn

your will and life over to the complete

care and abandon of God as you

understand Him.

Give yourself completely to God. You

will see a change. You better believe


Page 17: Are Electronic Cigarettes Safe?

it. He will direct your paths to quitting

smoking cigarettes one day at a time.

Take a deep breath whenever you feel

an urge to smoke. And if you really

want to stop smoking, you will

understand that when a craving

comes to you, you are powerless over

it. And to just let it go by you instead

of being strong and trying to resist

something you cannot resist by


Let it go and let God have it. Let God

handle it. If He brings you to it, He

will walk you through it. You will see

the results, one day at a time. In the

long run, you will be smoke free and

healthier. For more info on stopping

smoking please visit the following

website: (God Bless!) Website:

Andre West smoked cigarettes for 24

years and was imprisoned in his own

mind to suffer what most smokers

deny. He came to believe that he is

powerless over cigarettes and smoking

was compromising his life. By the

grace of God, he no longer has the

desire to light up a cigarette and is

here to tell you why.

Article Source:

#4. How to Give Up

Smoking Cigarettes

Cigarette smoking is a habit in which

tobacco is burned and its vapors are

either tasted or inhaled and the active

substances are absorbed via the

alveoli in the lungs which trigger off

chemical reactions in nerve endings

causing rise in the coronary heart


Smoking is a bad habit and it annoys

the people who don't smoke a

cigarette. About 4.9 million people

die every year because of cigarette

smoking. Scientists disclosed a long

time ago a connection between

smoking and lung cancer.

You will find a lot of methods for

giving up smoking but none of them

can work if you're not firm in your

heart that you truly need to stop. You


Page 18: Are Electronic Cigarettes Safe?

can follow these easy steps in giving

up cigarette smoking:-

Make a list of reasons that you're

thinking of about giving up and get a

sturdy willpower to stop cigarette


As an alternative to attempting to quit

every year on a particular day, choose

a specific give up day of every week.

That will give you 52 chances in a

year instead of just one and thus

giving you more chances to succeed.

Don't smoke the same brand when it

isn't your particular one "No Cigarette

Smoking Day". The different flavors

and chemicals can make smoking less


Remove all tobacco products from

your house and workplace and do not

even keep a pack of cigarettes around

you since it can make you start

smoking again.

Find a doctor to assist you stop

smoking. Nicotine replacement

therapy, Nicotine patches, nicotine

gum, nicotine sprays and inhalers,

e-cigarette, Acupuncture, Cold turkey,

Hypnotherapy, laser device treatment,

NHS cigarette smoking Helpline

(excellent source of practical

guidance and support on cigarette

smoking and giving up for UK

nationals), NHS Stop smoking

Services, Microtab, Lozenge, Inhalator

are some techniques which can help

you. Also consult your doctor to

prescribe medications to help you quit

cigarette smoking.

Survive the first week of quitting by

using cigarette substitutes like mints,

sunflower seeds, toothpicks etc.

Learn some details about smoking.

Research on the world-wide web and

discover what will happen to smokers

later in the life and the facts about

any give up cigarette smoking solution

or technique which is more successful

than others.

The cravings can also be halted by


Page 19: Are Electronic Cigarettes Safe?

performing pushups or brushing your


Always think positive and be assured

that you can stop. Believe that you

can and you will do it.

Try ignoring smoking for 30 days.

Keep telling to yourself that you will

go back to smoking soon after that

month. But when the month ends, do

not return to cigarette smoking and

start ignoring it for another month.

Don't compel yourself to give up but

observe yourself and the practice of

smoking for 7 days typically as you

usually do. You will be disgusted in


If you think you are able to give up

smoking then jot down how it feels or

write down the steps you took when

you started giving up cigarette

smoking from beginning to end.

To stop smoking you must be very

determined and confident about

giving up and once you learn a life

without smoking, you'll discover that

life's even more beautiful with no

clouds of smoke.

Rob Cubbon is a designer and

journalist that write regularly about

how to give up smoking easily and

how to give up smoking for free in

various blogs and journals.

Article Source:


# 5. Electronic Cigarettes -

A Healthier Alternative to


There is a new invention that everyone

who smokes should know about. It's

called the electronic cigarette, also

known as a smokeless cigarette or

e-cigarette, and it is changing the

legal landscape for cigarette smokers

around the world.

The patented Electronic Cigarette

offers to effectively simulate the


Page 20: Are Electronic Cigarettes Safe?

experience of smoking an actual

cigarette, without any of the health or

legal issues surrounding traditional


While Electronic cigarettes look, feel

and taste much like traditional

cigarettes, they function very

differently. You see, electronic

cigarettes do not actually burn any

tobacco, but rather, when you inhale

from an e-cigarette, you activate a

"flow censor" which releases a water

vapor containing nicotine, propylene

glycol, and a scent that simulates the

flavor of tobacco. All of which simply

means that electronic cigarettes allow

you to get your nicotine fix while

avoiding all of the cancer causing

agents found in traditional cigarettes

such as tar, glue, hundreds of

additives, and hydrocarbons.

In addition to being healthier than

traditional cigarettes, and perhaps

most importantly of all, is the fact

that electronic cigarettes are

completely legal. Because Electronic

cigarettes do not involve tobacco, you

can legally smoke them anywhere that

traditional cigarettes are prohibited

such as bars, restaurants, the work

place, even on airplanes.

Furthermore, electronic cigarettes

allow you to smoke with no fears of

inflicting harm on others due to nasty

second hand smoke.

The refillable cartridges come in a

multitude of flavors as well as

nicotine strengths. You can get

regular, menthol, even apple and

strawberry flavored cartridges and

nicotine strengths come in full,

medium, light, and none. While

electronic cigarettes are technically a

"smoking alternative" rather than a

smoking cessation device, the range

of nicotine strengths offers some

obvious potential as an aid in the

ones attempts to quit smoking and

seems to be proving popular within

that market.

The nice thing about electronic

cigarettes as apposed to say, nicotine

patches, is that e-cigarettes produce

the same tactile sensation and oral

fixation that smokers desire, while

satisfying ones tobacco cravings as

well. When you take a drag from n

electronic cigarette you actually feel

the your lungs fill with a warm

tobacco flavored smoke and when you

exhale the smoke billows out of your

lungs just like regular smoking,

however, as mentioned, that smoke is

actually a much healthier water vapor

that quickly evaporates and therefore

does not offend anyone in the

immediate vicinity.


Page 21: Are Electronic Cigarettes Safe?

While electronic cigarettes have been

around for a while in various

incarnations, it has been recent

advances in the technology as well as

ever increasing restrictions against

smoking that have propelled the

e-cigarette into a new found

popularity. If you are interested in a

healthier alternative to smoking, or if

you simply want to have the freedom

to smoke wherever and whenever you

want, an electronic cigarette might be

the solution you've been looking for.

Watch a video of an Electronic

Cigarette in action at . Ready for a

smoke free life? Learn more about

Smokeless Cigarettes


Article Source:


Wrapping up...

In this report, we've shown you:

Health Concerns from the Use of

Electronic Cigarettes

Alternatives to the E Cigarette to

Help Smokers Quit

How one person gave up smoking

with a personal view from Andre

West, who smoked cigarettes for

24 years before quitting.

How to Give Up Smoking Cigarettes

and how it is worth it.

How Electronic Cigarettes can be a

healthier alternative to smoking in

the views of a person who likes the

electronic cigarette.

However, this is just the beginning. If

you'd like to know more about how to

quit smoking and ways to the smoking

habit, then you may find the following

special report useful:


Is it Possible to Stop

Smoking for good, Without

Using E-Cigarettes, Bogus


Page 22: Are Electronic Cigarettes Safe?

Pills, Sprays, Gum or


According to Pete Howells Author of

EasyQuit System™, and owner of the

popular , the answer is yes!

"If you just can't face the anguish of

going through yet another quit

attempt, you need to try the

incredible EasyQuit Smoking website"

, Pete Howells tells us.

Why most people struggle

According to Pete Howells, there's a

reason why so many people struggle

with giving up smoking despite so

much help being offered to them


"The EasyQuit Smoking System is so

incredibly effective because it not

only teaches you how you can quit

smoking, it actually stops you ever

wanting to smoke. It turns off your

desire to smoke cigarettes! It isn't

aversion therapy or hypnotism or

'Neuro-Linguistic Programming'. It is

just a series of truths about the

psychology of smoking that explain

why you smoke and how you can

overcome your habit."

How Pete Howells conquered his chain

smoking habit with a unique approach

"I explain how you are addicted to

nicotine, a highly addictive drug that

has only weak physical and

psychological effects on you. I also

DEMONSTRATE how this addiction

isn't as strong as you and everyone

else believe it is.” Pete Howells tells


Pete Howells focuses on the unique

approach of de-constructing your

perception of how hard it will be to

give up smoking to that is why his

system makes it so easy, and he can

justifiably state that, more than 19

out of every 20 people who use the

EasyQuit System™ at the EasyQuit

Smoking website, to help them quit

smoking succeed and become


Was it worth it?

"Yes, you bet!”. Because he says that:

"There will be no effort in not smoking

at the end of the course because it

will be like stopping doing something

you don't like doing! Quitting doesn't

get any easier than that!

And Pete Howells is not alone. There

are many success stories that you can

read on his , that should, at the very

least, inspire you to give it a try too.

To learn more Pete Howells’ solution,

and his story, along with a ton of

other stories from people who have

also tried this solution, visit his .

What others are saying…


Page 23: Are Electronic Cigarettes Safe?

“Your book has changed my life!!! I

gave up smoking 8 years ago for 6

years and put on weight - just as you

explained in the book I started

smoking 2 years ago and was back up

to 30 a day. I read your book after

Christmas and have not looked back. I

have not put on weight and I never

smoked that last cigarette, because I

couldn't face it and still can't! - Fleur

Wadley, London, England

Click here to read the full review

“I just wanted to thank you for your

EasyQuit System™ book. I was a

smoker for 20 years and quit 7 weeks

ago right after I finished your book

and I can't believe how free I feel. I

just can't believe how easy it actually

was to quit after I had my "epiphany"

thanks to you. I guess all smokers do

think alike because it felt like you

wrote that book just for ME! Thank

you! Thank you! Thank you! - Kathy

Conaty, California

Click here to read the full review

"I had my last cigarette on the 11th

October 2006. It was the best thing I

ever did. I was busy reading your book

and got as far as chapter 9. I had my

last smoke, put it out and never felt

like one again. And to top it all off it

wasn't even hard going!” - Roman

Gross, Germany

Click here to read the full review


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