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Page 1: Arduino DMX

DMX512 DMX512 (Digital MultipleXed) is an agreement over the connection between lighting controllers, dimmers,scrollers, scanners, etc..

The electronic foundation for DMX is RS 485.

Arduino as master device (Sending DMX)

To send dmx from Arduino we use a driver chip like MAX485 or 75176 (the 75176 is just a cheaper version of the Max 485). The use of these drivers is a common way of transmitting and receiving dmx. You will find them in almost every dimmer/scroller etc.

The following explanations and examples are made for arduino Software 004 and 005. They will not work with other Versions, because of the change in the 'delayMicroseconds'.

-However in the code example section you will find a nice looking piece of code from two great Hungaryn guys (Peter Szakal and Gabor Papp ( ) which works for arduino 008, at least.

-Since evolution keeps going on, here is a very nice code, working for a Duemilanove (tested on 013 and 017), thanks to Jason Ditmars

how does the DMX protocol work DMX Shield for the arduino DIY DMX Transceiver some DMX code examples some examples how to interface to different programms field test and try outs DMX Shield to purchase Arduino GUI compatible processor board with DMX interface arduino becomes opendmx usb interface


arduino and dmx tutorial (pdf) arduino becomes opendmx usb interface (pdf) Photos

feel free to correct my spelling mistakes

(edited by tomek ness (k3/fhp))


Page 2: Arduino DMX

DmxSimple is a new library from! for outputting DMX signals. It is compatible with all recent versions of Arduino. By handling DMX frames in the background, DMX can controlled in a similar way to analogWrite.

DmxSimple A simple example Controlling DMX over serial, and via Processing

Sending DMX without assembler programming

DMXSerial is a proof of concept on how to send DMX data by just using the hardware serial interface and no assembler code.

Arduino as slave device (Receiving DMX)

- A great tutorial on how to receive DMX Singals with your arduino here, developed by Max Pierson.

- A very simple DMX receiver, based upon the DMX Receiver C code by Henne Henne's Site, German. Slightly adapted for Arduino, the code allows receiving DMX with an Arduino without using Timer/CTC stuff. Read more >>

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