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Arctic tern

Arctic tern By Alexa V.

What type of animal is an arctic tern? the type of an arctic tern is a bird. The reasonWhy an arctic tern is a bird is because it can Fly . Also they are birds because as they are Born as eggs.

What body covering does an arctic tern have ?The body covering that an arctic tern has Is feathers .

What color is an arctic ternThe color of an arctic tern is white .

The arctic tern lives atThe arctic tern lives in Eurupe,Asia,NorthAmerica and as far south as Brittany and Masachusetts.

The arctic tern stays warmbyThe arctic tern stays warm with its feathers.

Predators of the arctic ternThe predators of the arctic tern are the arctic fox and the glaucous gull.

The arctic tern .The arctic tern makes the longest migration known for any bird flying south10,000 miles.

How does the arctic tern move?The arctic tern flies and walks.

What features does the arctictern have that help it get food?The features an arctic tern has to help it get food is it can hover in midair . So when fish jump out of the water the arcticTern can catch it.

The arctic tern protects its self byThe arctic tern protects itself because it Has calls that scare away predators.

The arctic tern features it has to live easier in its environmentareThe easier ways The arctic tern has that help it to live in its environment are that it flies long distances so in the winter it is inA warm place and in the summer a coolPlace.

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