Page 1: Ar ROak A Lhrar toI - University of · 2014-02-19 · r 3 tYl 9 ry 9y w tr tuf VNv t 94 vsr ROak ah ror Nfa + J A LazyLhrar I t

3 tYl 9 ry 9yr w tr tuf VNv t 94 vsr ROakah ror Nfa + J

A LazyLhrar I

t Suffering the miserand agony that como j

fromfour livertryingbeing

to bear up in the be ¬

lief that you will boall right ia day ortwonro you deliber¬

ately neglecting tho

outragedNaturethe blunder of believing that you dontneed medicine

Ifyoudrothosooneryou commence theuse of

Dr CaldwelTsLaxatlvt

Syrup Pepsinthe better it will be for you

You cant afford to fool with yourliver and you certainly cant afford tobe without this great remedy if yourliver Is out of order Dont delnyI

Both you and your liver will bo betterlivers than ever-DRCALDWELLS SYRUP PEPSIN

can be obtained in both dollar and halfdollar sizes from all druggists

Your money will be refunded if itdoes not benefit you

Your postal card request will bring by returnmall oat new booklet DR CALDWELISBOOK OF WONDERS and tree sample tothose who have never tried this woqderiultoady Send today

PEPSIN SYRUP COMontloello Illinois I

l 8nl

Twenty Reasons Why You Should

Oppose the Saloon

1 It never builds up manhood

but tears it down2 It never beautifies the home

but often wrecks it3 It never increases ones use-



but lessens it4 It never allays the passions

but Inflames themJJ

5 It never stills the tongue of

slander but loosens it-

o It never promotes parity of

thought but poisons it7 It never empties almhouses

and prisons but fills theta8 It never protects the ballot

box but defiles it9 It never makes happy fami ¬

lies but miserable ones

d 10 It never prepares one forI is Sijjt for hell

t1b Bfd lver prompts to right do

iinlIJtqhing but to wrong

G dj Jver diminishes tuxes

w 3I1 its revenue but increases

them Si fli i

13 It neVor renders the Sabbath

quiet but desecrates it14 It novel protects our prop

arty or personal eufoty but ondnn

gera them j

15 It novoV helps ono to get a

good insurance policy on his life

but militates against it

t 10 It never creates ambition und

thrift but invites llaziness protli

gory povcrt idleness and crime17 It never bulldaupthtlclnlrch-

but peoples the station Imuse pdsons and chitin gangs

18 It never refines oharaetor nor

promotes Christian grace lbat is u

destroyer of the soulI19 It nevtr teaehos honesty and

uprightness but incites the incen-



to apply the midnight tonsil

20 It never protects a man butrobs him of his money his family

happiness his good name his

hopes und till endearments of life

Special HomesBBkers Rates to

the West and Southwest

On the first and third Tuesdaysof each mouth from July 3rd up to

and including December 18th 1000

the Southern Railway will have on

sale special round trip excursion

tickets to points in the West andSouthwest at greatly reduced rates

For full information call on or

firaddressW G MOUOAN D T A

H C KINO C T A111 East Main

IF LOGAN 111 East Main1 tf Lexington Ky

RedacRatesReduced rates on all railroads in

Kentucky are offered tof tho BigBlueGrass Fair 1o be held at Lex-



the week of September 17thto 22nd The lrvU1I be WellI I

worthy of theparohnago of all w ho1 attend t rri1 L-ttr r


kfrrt 4-

fltr t



sake CoaitwfeU IA>

If It is a crime to make a cp4in<

terfclt dollar it tis tcnQII1bndtimes worse jo hifttte a Counterfeit

Wan l hull it lllfi mplerient <j Etu

milking a counterfeit cibilor <WOa be

taken nnd destroyed the liquorfound on n mans premises can be

juatns legally taken and des ¬

troyedOf n ealpnu keeper ho eaidPoor mnYhe does hot seem to

realize the auiifcry shame land

wickedness he has sot going andwhich one day1 he must account

for with God whoforgela nothing

It it is wrong for this person to doall these things it is grown for

the voters to make him their agentby legalizing his busmens to pro ¬

duce such resultsOnly the strong arm ofk the Flaw

can reach these cases We must

stop this authorized trade inwhiskeyandall other intoxicatingdrinks

This traffic exists thisdempn of intemperance is abroadit must be met inonot two way

either by a united persistenteffort to abolish it or IIt must be

met by our furnishing in the futureus in the past from our homes

from our Sunday schools and from

churches not onlr the recruits tokeep up this armj of drunkardsbut we must pay money in addition

to support the paupers and punish

the criminals which the legalizedtraffic constantly pours out upon

us from the sr loons


Mysterious Queen and Beauty of

Kentucky to Attend Her

The Blue Grass fair at Lexing ¬

ton September 1722 will bv

opened by a magnificent parade offloats secret orders school child ¬

ren soldiers brass bands Indiansdecorated vehicles automobilesand the beauty and chivalry of

KentuckyTheof tl e Queen of the

Blue Gratis will be made known on

thee VZth This c0upjy iis invitedto send six cavaliers to attend tothe queen The merchants of thiscounty are also included inthe ip

vitationr 3j


l r 11N


AKINPOWDERAIyIA Cream >f Tartar Powder

1ree from alum or hasphatlp acid


Hri Bobt McCreary Drowkiill i

News was received btdar Sep ¬

tember 3 of the drownin pf Mrs

Jessica Newberry McCreary wi

Chicago III Mrs McCreary is

the wife of Robe If McCrearyson of Senator McCreary and was

caught by an undertow and carriedto her death while bathing in LakeMichigan Her huebahd was alsoin the water at the time and he

and Dr Harpole another memberof the party went toDics Mc

Crearys assistance but they toowere carried under TJiey > bottledand succeeded in towing the poprunfortunate womans Doriy 16 tinshore QUI she was dead v Bothmen on reaching the shor> e1 fell



R hert 1McCreary is thej only

child of Senator and Airs Mcdrearyof Richmond Kyv


q3FarmA fine clueI grass farm contain

ing abimt 170 acres on the O ingsville pike 4 miles from Mt Ster ¬

rling in Montgomery county knownas the Hawes Lane farm anti on

which I formerly resided Thefarm will be sold at the Court House-

in Mt Sterling Kyon MondaySeptember 17 1900 at two oploek

Count Court day if not sold atdatertTerms made known on day ofanle

Labe C RiddellEstill1 Springs

55t Irvine Ky


t J0


J il

+U + W Ar


rhUernJH1Tdt> Jell Or >An in-

tervieW fee Jiad with the yotfngbrDtjniaShea bad just bjeen electI ¬

ed fllifo riiembfir ot the CowedteFrancalBe WhPn she found thatshe had ttpahtr to sign she be ¬

came nervous and went to fleeDtnnas to tell him that sheshrank from the binding termsof the engagement Dumas ad-vice


wit Unhesitating My dearchild dont sign yon Halt is toocurly People with hair liketliattend he passed his fingersthrough his own crisp wavesought never to sign contracts

for 1ifThe temperament is toointractable c

Sarah Bcrnlmrdt howeversigned and meeting Dumasnugin next day Confessed thatshe had done so Thats allright remarked Dumas cheer-fully I have JVHl 500 francsIiOO l bet Mine Duinas that

amount after you left yesterdaythin yea would at once go andsign the agreement11Ye11 I shallbuy you something with themonei

The next day Mme liernhardtreceived if magnifier wig 6f fairhair nbsohitely flat lank andstraight amethe fpllowing sentence

11itltiton a slip of pa-


Now that you are reallyone of the house wear this youwill need itII


InDpubt as to One

Oentleman toIrish hpstlcrwho huts brought outs theirhorses rhntsiny horse

Ostler2 Yes sorr Oi knowthat but didnt know which of

gintlejmunsThey Are All In Dangers

I see that an English maga ¬

tine muck raker has discoveredthat Chatles Dickens didnt havethe instincts of a gentleman

1 Mercy what will tie think ofWilliam Shakespeare

Dont let the baby suffer fromeczema sores or any itching of theskin Duans Ointment gives in-


relief cures quickly Per ¬

fectly safe for chldien All drug¬

gists sell it 9 3t

Good PoultryShow-Unquestionably the largest and

the best poultry show ever held inthe Soutn will be a feature ot the


7n 4

WIRELESS TEN YtfASS C-drtitst t1kbiofP vAcatii + Jtn

tJpW I rttt ovnIt vWar1d

f1 n-

SFlreleS s teicrPaphVIst tIb1hudears pld<< tljIU fii tlrertwas filed in tlte British fuifont offlee a firovlsibnal suet ti < lthm>

for Improvements in transmitting electrical imjtulsi8 anti ttl1ljnalsaud in appaiauis thoiefoiVby line Gnglielmo MaiTDpJj

Atl the tune this patent was appiled for says the BrlentHloAmeiican the art of hlU titting messages without wli f4 WIltwholly unknown in BO fur its itspraeticeand utl izutfou Wore concernedV

ifarconii was perhaps jthe mostIpersistent XpeHmeutel1 in thebridging of greater tlistmireswhile very earlyJ in the development of the new telegraphyLodge turned his attention to theproduction of a seleotivo systembyIUI1lhin his tusk that from three milesinvlSOT heI was enabled to semianti receive signals aHImtlNI in1014 while the latter1 altlioujihhe failed to evolve a eomnureially selective apparatus Iled theway for the timing of the sendingand receiving circuits IndividuallynntlI syntonizing then colieetively

Another important feature ofrecent dafe i tht utilization ofauti dcteetorsi in connection with-telephone receivers iis receptorsfor the translation of incomingelectric waves jifto the alphabeticcode of dots anti dustier

De Forest was probably thefirst in the commereial field touse the autodetector and tele-phone


receiver while Fessendenhas conferred a lasting benefitupon science and humanity by hisingenious detector the liquidbarretter an instrument that inits sensibility its ruggedness andits simplicity is second only tothe telehpone receiver of Hell

With these improvementschiefly made within time past fiveyears wireless telegraphy is allthat the most exacting criticcould hope for if we except selectivity and in this especinlbranch of the woijk there is yetunlimited opportunity for thewireless inventor to exercise hisinirenuitv

1 cItis Kehoo

James NKehpe has received theDbmooraic nomination for Cnngresb in thNinth districtr r


Intlammatortj Rheumatism CurecLlat I

Thousands ff Sufferers are in Anon Todau who might be Cured as Quickly as Wasl

r ttMrs Whitson whoSe Testimony is given ielowA



Dr odes Grear Pre5criptlai Ithe marvelous rmey sosuccessf ullytintroduced in MtSterlin by Paynethe Advertiser will do1forou

Mrs IJJJ widt on a proininent Lesiitbnf tuaropi of>Nf e rtBroadway and whose recovery is very remarkable yhI

certainly bless the clay I began usitlg Dr Andes Great Prescription I have suffered a hunUred deaths fjotu iuflatjfiiiatbryrheumatlsni being afflicted off anlI40seq eit earlir Attimes I was unable to get about at all 1lIIVe beeb isuchaiicondition that iit was necessary to turn ine itfa sheerwhen bedsridden The disease has attacked nearly every part of mybody at various times About three weeks ago while restingin Memphis Tenn on my way home from Hot Springs whereI had tried without success for permanentrelief I heard fl greatdeal of the marvelous cures accomplished with Dr Andes Prescription then being introduced by Payne the Advertiser Myhusband secured a bottle of it for me then and since AirPaynes shows haje been here I have used one more bottle ofthe Prescription and rubbed with the oil The results havebeen marvelous I believe I am well again I was able tocome down obis headquarters Friday and diet so without theuse of cane or crutch I feel perfectly good and ba e no seniblance of pain All swellings flare disappeared andibut for thedreadful memories I would not know I hall eec een afflicted

August 10 1906 Signed MRS H II WHITSON

Dr Andes Great Prescription 1 per Bottle3for250or6for5 > VvvaDrrij> u J W rr Y j

These medicines can 1e had at W LLOYDSrIt

lIZlMt Stealing Kyk J

I f I lti 1i

Io >I I

l Rr 4Sf 1ytl t1 Kyk4 ltiilrM ± S t t J ILT hI> IppR 4 1 t4tYi S < tI Kl1if

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pends upon the heart Iti rycs+

and muscles When from anycause they become weak or ekhausted and fail to furnishsufficient power the heart fluteters palpitates skips beatsand Jin its effort tb keejrup itsfJwork causes pain and distresssuch as

tsmothering spells

short breath fainting painaround heart arm and shout¬ders The circulation isiim¬

peded and the cntire svstensuffers from lack of nourishmcnt

Dr Miles Heart Cure makesa heart stromj and vigorous bystrengthening these nerves andmuscles

° I had palpitation > riM pain aroundmy heart and the doctors said it yrattIncurable J dont believe It tow foriflteirIleartCurethreeand J three > boxes or theNerve andLiver Pills I em entirely cured antfeel better thAn I have for five years

nil due to these remedies frwnnlyouItnrelieved ydur medicine

rured me mo from the I

first dose and I kept right on till thepats In my chest was gone nnd I kept p

on feeling better even nft T I ntilttakln IU JOHN U AFFRR IAN

Belding MidiDr Miles Heart Cure Is sold by

your druggist who will puarantethatthe first bottle wit benefit If It fallsho will refund your money

Miles Medical Co Elkhart Indt-



Clevelandl Physicians Detailed lSympto> toms of Hydroplibbla

For the information of peopleowning dOgs Dr W C Fair hasgiven the following informationto enable them to distingjtishVhydrophobia from the moreharmless ailments says theCleveland plain healerIJlw symptoms in a lloghesaid are any sudden change ofhabitsfor instance dullnessrestlessness watchfulness tendeney to pick up and swallowsmall objects licking cold stonesfor smooth surfaces rubbing thethroat or chops with the fore-paws puma endured in silencerubbing or licking of a scar theseat ofa bite Making attemptsto bite at sight of another dogor a eat may be looked on as verysuspicious especially if rabiesexist in the country Soon the9hjiritcteriHtic howl is emittedthe vpiti + e IslowHlIll nitiflledrttu4 i

there is one loud howl followedby two or more successively di-


in force and titteredwithout closing the nioutnSoftie dogs appear unusually fond 1

of their owners and fatally inoculate them by licking theirhands and faces Others turnthijjr head and eyes as if fojlow

isnapIsjott n constant searching and s1

IofIdmIOloslfmdposition to result disturbance 1

orn pilgrimage of several daysabsence from homes arc the mostcommon precursors of till dis ¬

arise Furious rabies There isspore redness and ilxed glare inthe eyes squinting and uplljng ofthe eyes after fancied objectsmore frequent howling and inCreasing tendency to worry allanimals that comic in tljeir way

formerfriends tjjrvrest but undertakes longjolirwhojs at slouching trotready tocfly at all tljnt jcross 1path espeallyl if ifhey makeianyi noiseor outcry From the fourth toflit eighth day paralysis sets iU1

first in the hind limbs then inbodyhedeathvParalytic rabies Ip thisease paralysis with dropping ofthe lower jaw is shown in theoutset and gradually extends inthe whole hotly The animal can ¬

rarelybarks r



Never can tell when youll mashra finger or suffer a out bruiseburn or scald Be prepared DrThomas Eoleqtric Oil iustantlyrelieves the pain quickly curesthe wound 08

Eift MilM IriM 91000Thomas McClintock dr Sons of

afisi old to Chas Thompson of j

Lexington live mtiies the pick of II-

iabuncfii of l25 for 1000 wt> 7r>l t

t Y IJ111J1 1t-

1 r XWJf>IIO avYly r ftl iit JIi


J I 1tr t 1sS1

1 viJv

l iLn


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