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    Himm tm

    Ibr th dtOTM of Pgetnr y^Mlyply at tteI&il^RMralty r TorcBto, 1953

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    TO V0La:: ii

    lotroduetlOR p AA r^;:e 11.

    r^MtioB 2t Analysis of Ji^agu I, 96 A ;;n~o 13.r>octl page 41*SastlMi 2t Aristotle's -rfoXis and St, Thooas'

    lXlk& ^^

    Ssetlon 3$ TIjo 'urintotel InaB* teaeblngOP ?M;^W'lV^.r -.-^ ntkm 62.

    Chaptsr IIIi Tha problem of the best constitution nage 65,Ssstiao It The bent constitution aecordine to

    I-II, 105, 1 .af-o U.,P^otlon 2t IhB theory of tl 'rhjuseulur; pe Ksi^iyj ,... pn -a 75.Section 3 ^^otea an a tecct of iiic Cornentary on

    the ;:thle8 ...,.,Section 4t

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    th Polltioa of Arlstotl ... tj 100

    ! 3toayJibu. yiik^'O 1. 7

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    I . w J C T I R

    Part y>nm of this dlaMrtatl r ta ltilf m aMllaetlan of tha iazts of 3alA Theaaa* works In >/tUh tbaPoaiUca of Arlatotla la quoid althar opllelUy or laplieltly.Tha atudy (Pari Tvo) vlXI of MMaoattjr ba a ccaipariaoB hetwawiAriaWllo and Aqulaaa in rai;ard to their polltieal te^c' !r .Tha qoaotioik tAiah wa ara about to atamim aaj alaolaiied in tba following lawmari la thare an Ariatotalinn^^ hemiB-tla phllo90phQr and If ao, to trfwt ctsnt can ti^^ iu ^ very nature .^; , .. ^tor!^ "-^farti> ia tba eoUactSir l,,.-j. In or-'"^ t- ^r-^-.% thj .. .^ tba Ariatotalizj;- ...-Ue DGditleal . .^^. . , Lntsawlly,tha NlkoBaahaMi thlca \iith Ita lar--^ -

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    ftto ofaJt to tito aUUim ^^ 4 ^rUolillaD* Mads* "x^

    of figiAtfi.'^ It is aUo Hdfr-onr ooHaOftiflB of taxtsy thit i _

    to dftlBt TtoDDM* aiiid vlmi to dtaXt ultOD ttt Arl0totaIiB toala. H fcmirt b

    toaKrll MfBwnUa In tea boUMi tg>i4t*

    tot lAaXk to ^b* s^d? laFmg% I f towpa dnniB i a eoary> ^^^}>iaed ?toEilatia toocto ab politiaal p; .1HXmODi*6 vamiBg aarwa aa a cul lo 'oa we eoUatitod tbm vara Xaftto cei^i vocild to Ql]toliBd froa a aiisl:- ,119 woiad to atda to arrlta at T/ict? ^ ^ ild1*4 too 2>6a2jr a^tr7 to ;iB_ - . i >r praoi*

    OH if tasta are tIataJ to tilr ... . i:^oc Uocto aroatudia^ BO looeDr in U'!j' *?. i : 'ut In

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    ttelr fomtl d

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    tte Miolea of vfaleh la iB^XMiad on oa bgr & Iwaiiiatq vidaneeavallabla ic U:e collaotion of texta. Ihla la a atatlaticmil aa a qualltatlTe eTldntvca* rha Boabar of quotations of t,.

    la fopaator In tha j^Mi thM In any othar work. .iorathalr quality la batter. In tlw JBHBM "'^'^ Tboma' use of

    tli9 s^uyj| raoohaa Ita final and mat definite atatoa* In theolhar work8 thara are but a fev quotatlona of the r9l:^tlca.ana af thaa of a eoaatiMOtlTa imlaa or doctrinal ImportanceOiloli la not repeated In '^Int Tfaeaaa* aoat rapiraaaataitifa wsi(

    The nathod to be rollowad thao ooo^laea the fallowingthree atopat Ce) An article of the SSggf^ ^ \iiich one or noraquotatlona of the lo^-ltlcfi occur^ la analyaed and atudied in thelllfht of trf^at we called above the epirltaal orgaaiaB of Aqulnaa*tkaiht (b) Tba "parallel'* texts in the other vorlw are takenlute eeceant, and br theee we aeaa befih gsanel and apeelal "parallel texts. Ihe former are theaa glTen In tha currant odl*Ueaa where the principle of aaleetlon ia the fact that tba veiypvohlaa of an article of the ^ggjg le stated and diacuaaed else-where) the latter are teste in tba other works which eeotain theaaM or a alAillar quotation of tha Idltiea . (e) A eoaparlaon /ia inatituted between A^quiaae* mkI Arlatotle'f; t^... :-^ :t^

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    IwX It will jeet of a {>eil Mctian ir.of our la Aristortdlian aattars w* relv .;.-or- ^^1 ur^ tooday^s oosi qualin . _._late. .. -Lr-.--M.- V; *!LV_^ ..-I^ulyon V. L.

    Uw fdUowiiig ti.} I, 96, 4t vwY>>- f^iriv *.,.-. .,!:' '-jtuc;b) I-II, 90, 21 wtrna 1 c) I*U, 105i It .tapfa eoft

    Ihl* lOeiiOB dO*t< il'.u i:s..yV^^& b. /^ .l.^L.-^ L >..i.'c: .V. .^I'uOno, ! hop^d that in pita of the limits of our traatiaant fuDdanantttl aap^cta of tha iiacuaaloo eoaening Aquloai}*AriatotaliaalMi in politieal aattM* will eoaa to Uw for*. IntlM laat efa^tar an attaapt la aad* to raaiady tte liaitatlons of%hm tfaro^ turmr ^mp%v tqr taking into aooeoBit a largaarof tba aatarial aoUsatad la i-mrt na.

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    , . A.)

    Aalatotallan Folltloa (ef, taxt 43)s -^ . - ioiqr thloRa aronlaind to oas thsr la of twc'^k!^' tv (jimy thing as tlM prlnel*plo of order and as the dlrectir

    ty vhleh ..-. .v , -'" - . J tfind that 80ei9t7 cannot bp -!

    :. ix .'i^bli ia buta variation of x,. x; .a/. l ijtw^j-i.y; It 1 the problem?of working oat : ' i-, v.;.^uretlcall- -" - .^icaiiy,of the oaa and tr.e -mmy. Invoking the auwr orn*/ o .r^ 4i.otleAqttlnaa reaolYea thla isroblin b^ ehowing that soeletgr eenalstaasaantlallx In a unity of order In aoeh a vajr that thara la a

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    each in a dlffWH^rt5. U l t

    a as *Tie -r jtjc of ,volal astADhyaica, for tof tha nUff m\iM in ^^'^.aoeiatgr hra la ttkmt ndr dlaouaal taraliMtloB fagr bringliig lAte play the very lw.^ c-" i. eaX atmetore of all eraatad telng^ vis., it ... ^Lott Into actad polmwy which in tha dyBanie c^ar of actions ic that >tiwan qf^;t;t9 and BMiifi*

    In order to arrlva at a eorraet eraluatlon of thaArlatotalian qtntation Involvad in thle ThotBlatle aoeial teach-iBft wa aoat oak* our beglBDliif by analystng a taxi of Aqviaaa*aarly arlc tha eoanMMktery oa Pator the Lonbard*8 ^awtaanffi ,TMa tart traata of tha earn eaoCTal oroULaoi aa that of tha^BBB I, 96, I, Xt paraeanta ta ua ttaa vary iBtavastparttaaat faatnre of baiag toatJoeaJ without a^jr kno.ISHUm vith uliiali SaiBi n eaae to ba aaq^Mllrt

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    y/n that tha rathom an in the'r v&k*

    .ffirfTWd at least cortclndtstlnotiona to tm .t natural bat eonvantlonal,tha talaa am -) :> ioLImb 40a lonK alnco vaarvad as a -^>n Car tean uandarlAf! thrtaara. riol; , .___ .o tha rank of a philtha .'^toies tha prineipla of tha equality ofin the Bdnd of thssa aeelaeiaatieal auUior^ ^a t.omt and owar agalnt ^Vgn WWJiL- '''^. ^"t.baine theologians thay did not flaii .- ~ i^ intoaolld thaolo^. Saint Augoitlae pte^H'^- i~; . jtlonalbalnga in Bia own laaffa not ^" v^ ..u... .Jr, butto ba lorA9 of tha irratlonu. ^..>....^ ...j, tha prlialtive good 9an ware raUiOr shepherds of their flocks tlien kings of n^v."And Saint Gregory the Ctraat, in hia turn, viKoroualy antruated vi^ tha power of rollnfr that tha proper irirtueaaaing tlian to be great aan should ba hooilityf and that thoyahould aceapt to ba hmbla through tha aonsldaratian of thaaqnalitjr vfaieh rve-valled in tim prlaitiva condition of man be-aaoaa by nature ve are all aqual and it is only bgr a secretdiapanaatian of God that aoaa aaa are aet over or are inferior

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    toto oMwrs."nrlmltlv^ ranlltloo"

    of . -i :, . ^'.t.1' ,r\ of lot!"

    Jt afterfall} and ae in .iclan \m aaai tivdlstlnoUoo atati within tha eontaact of tin r^:

    ^ ^ of aaa*a aarly hlatory. Baint Tboaaa ei __ . .-Imtm tha probXaa in thia myt ytfMI to g%|%^i ImWMtnliVtt (TMlVrffM Uitimw) gnatottft imi tlfflriilai fnlmrt* ^ha atata ofinnoaanca or of integral nature la aeeoarding to tha ttwoloereven of Saint Thoaaa* early vork eharaatariaad not l^r pure na-ture (nature abaoliite oaneidefta. aa a r"ir .. i ,^,v vw>^ ,..,.i,!tmf knowledge of it) but l^ a natoPa *! .i .-.

    11snea.icainat at laaat the tH^mn of Sain u< tontine *s

    above quoted authority. Saint Tboaaa teaohea that even in theatata of iimocance ran would ?ve lorded -".

    If we now look to tha teict of t. v^-ijo u ,oi- ;.(reaaotia supporting this atateamtf the vexy striking:: factto li^t XAiot iiQoa is given In t^^^ 1 : i^iere Aquinas' ov!athod haa taught ua to p ' ' - of the artiela

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    with yiMLch m mrm c

    qufeetlon, why if

    to tha tuo arrjurmnts


    no^ cori'

    jf M proof 1 loft

    ., Ir


    if thsy are all the bur2l0BA teaefto.WBl|*?t. TheSeholastlcs* tar aataa^lo isto aay that Saint Thomas,ari;tant6 roacarta to tha chargeiiloa of tte "dignity" of the prolate (thiotter ward xttSiAJ^ '*'* n^ to t tnaoeXoaiastieal naanins} and to tr.


    r Utrt'O

    -t In ttie r^qfj

    let it cth abova^^a0tod

    dr enccJ- 'Iwyalan tach5

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    13 anbosk in ih 'tlddl* kf^;

    In tto fiMvai ifMmii Mttlmt

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    ttet k^tSmm hM laad us to SM that & la tto %% oflr iiitUot. I'jrrlns nothing %o dowith orisinal alBf thsao dlfforuMwi ouit bo oold to bo duo tonatural aatioMi. Tho prlnciplot MtttW MBW nimlf fMil vUlfafijd aad atand If It naanoi all mb ara oqoal In tholr froodoM}.It aboald not bo takas to naaat nil aon euro oqiul in thoir natu- /

    15 ^ml partoetions,Thio is :iaiAt Thoaas* doetrin*' In li JeriptaB. It Is

    OB MDaoBfortaULo task for no to paoo oritiolaa on ovon an oarlytOKt of hia litamry caroor, and if ve did not havo hla latertaaahint wa would eas^lnly hasltata to do so, .sowovor the j^bq^Mfcaa oa bold to aajr tt>at Aquinaa hinaalf would haiM Jndgad hisaarlier taaehiae to ba one atap auoj fi*oa tha cora of the smttor.In ordar to ehou t^^t there would l^ave been ^M^l"f'f or iMTBfiflflli^?in the stttta of integral Gatura* it doea skot aoea to ba anoagfeto elabarste &uoh a notion of "iJflltniJM t^eh by exeltadiag alltbe aJoneiita lDvolvln,e the dofocta of aaa eauaed by orif^inal sic*would fit into th^ conditions of tbat state, what is reallyBeaded ia not a purely e.-oential conelderation of la to daaoaatrate tbe axlatential neaaaaltaagr cofawiBawt at all? This Qtiaatlen fbrther v'

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    '- t -f the ^:Ti%iac MrUln ^^iif loafcl-. - -.jv i-..-Mit Id tba istata of istegral - .t^n^-,,XbomtB n ba saii. haitll/ tc .... . .his coIXaagtiM at tlie Jnivwrslty.

    Tha rdar Bdr''"* "OUT oolorirg with tha pui- w^.^ w. ^^. ,..__.. laniwaoe of the *r* '* ' ^ '' :^' ^wUirtbla la not otir pur ^ .. ";aoothar taxt fro- * '.;" 'r ~..^-^^..,

    vhaora ^ttiwaa ar' ' ''- "- *->" v-" .:.-. -;an aooloataatioaj. !\iararcrj *-"?

    that"In evitry case w .fjr j ; i- , t." 1n;js are or' ' -oosv, * J ' '-r-' r ' ' .'"^ bo Q c -V - . - *, " .,

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    hlOTWi^y la tt Chordi wTdc^h eulnlnatM In %l Vopa, And thereare here In this pasMi^ all the elenente needed for tbat ibBBfiratgatio wwntar niim vhloh ve think is lackli^i; In II jflllBlai.Furthenmre the reamminf alao Indicates that no acc|Qaliilanoewl^ thm Politics 1 a required to elaborate aaoh a demaetrtttloneven on an Aristotelian basis. Two qvotatloos of the S|UJIare indeed intepTeted into this raaanmlngt "In all arts (andslailiarly in all inquiries, actions and pursttlte) the sods of17tke wtar Pta are to be preferred to all subordinate eQds*^aadi "Thon^ it is worth i4>lle to attain the and aeralir for oneant it is nnor mA Mere godlike to attain it for a catioa or18for oity states, We shall eoM teek to these quotatiom.

    In the f^usaa Saij)t Thooas took nartlcular care inartleulatinp' the complex probletn *rfiirh he treated In the II

    "TTI'^VOTt TtM one article of this earlier work la now dtrldadInto four and the folloulTig questions are atated in detail. Inthe first place Aquinas aoks whether there belongs to the stateof innoeoRce the donlnlon of man over tho anlaalsf eeeonll^ywhether !Mm In this state uould hxro orssidttd over all ereatoree

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    (m immwA Wm9/afp flai X ao mmm %o laoly)! thirdly,MtwIhW MB Veal4 hl( bMB qutl| anl flnallv, vhathar efirxMtial-ly MHi notild IMTM had donlBloa atmr Mtn.

    SliKM qaotatiaB of ths ftf H^^lft oeeora la tha firstf thMM rtlelM (t9rt 67), shall trlafly skateh Ita coo-taat, Tbera waa an qpixdoa in arldanae in aartala

    19aboela aooaandng tHa irtfllM JUBBMUttMi **^ o>^ ^*b* >>aa% at mr aad irarlanoa with 4har aaa bat not avaa vith aBlaals,or had tte anLaals ao^ qoarral aoMOC thaoaalvaai tha volf didaat davow tha shaap, nor tha aat tha BMiaa. Agaiiiat this typaof thinking or ilraaalimj (vhieh va aay ranaric in paaaiog la aotDoralgB to acaa aqaalitarlaBa taaA paaiflsta and Taflatariasa of0^ oan tlaa). Saint Thooaa protesta iaroas3y and doaa notafarink froa adding to hia rwaannlng a toosb of aaraaau *Tfaaatura of antwala ms not ehas^iod bgr aan*a ala, as if thoaa

    natare la nov to davoor tha flesh of ot^ors, aa the lloo20

    and tha faleooaf veold than how livad oa harbs.** 'fha rhllo-aphar la ri^ Is aqriag (this la part of tha quotation of tha^^'*" aaa taxt 67}i The hw%lii of wild anlffiala ia joat aadatiaral". So aatter how highly va slfht ldaliaa natara, tha^dlaaord* vtaioh eooaa to lUbt with tha faat that aaa kUla aadaata anlmla, aal that tha falaoaa kill and aat fbida la nataral.

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    Maa oMda kuatinc (and van ijag it! ) 'flMh of oihsr miIjmlU to hmp oXlvo. 71/. joro tlaa aMeri or oxMrelso thoir mtor*! right la raf^rd tothat which is thaira by nature. And ubat la tbelra ^v patui^^,ulll be tbslra la orary hiatorieal atata of natura.

    In the fourth article of the question with which weara nov conaaraad, tha main aubjact of tha parallal tasrt In theittiSiM atamU asain to dataats. 5!aliit Tboaaa tboroughlj ro-abapaa hia fomar taadilxig} awt it la aanifaat that he doae aoIgr Introdjolng into hia dia

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    into rulldf it* deteilad rtlcuiatlonIn tho thoroughly dynaaio Dd Vbtrmtov teleoloiRical

    eonaaptloB of 5lnt ThowM the eoosiltatlv olamant of ooeletcfIs a COOP Roodi timrm Is no moeiMitgr or social life withoutiha actlona of Mangr eoanrarfrinff touud tha raallBation of ^i r-^--'

    lioM einca tfie oo-isaon ijood andj^ Indlvidunl (orprivate) good are {(pacifically diffarant > of. text .?t giXlArt Will niU

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    but an ordr btvn t^?a, r.^-^~^ |, g^^ only nd al^ply ^distinct part or ^^' , 't *- ^4..,.pleBiantaryreasont "If one 3ian sorpassad another in knowlodgo and Ju8tioe

    the right tliine would havo bo^n to tmko these clfts ftrultfulfor oiherni aecordlng to I JPet. A, lOt Aa evaryona hath re*ceived eraea ml:." ', " " ' another, Thornforeiosnatlne aaya, :.- '. , . ^vl\.-tc oi u. M) r^andnot by t!is love of ilojiinscrlxip but Ity ttio eervi-ce Jl' cvii.soijthe natural order of tilings ro-sjalres thl:;; 'i God

    Ihiii foorth -irticle of Ui6 nlr.ety uJxtli quoatlon ofthe Priaa Paay is a vnry eelebrated piece of .&int Thareas*vrltlngf for it raprssonts one of the aoat inportant atate'-'entSyIfi all the vorks of nqolnas, on tha naturality of society axidthe prlisary social structure, t! ' aoel&l order* viz.tlw dlffarantlatloB and sabordlnatlcu. vflaaabta In and for social life *

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    of II JlKiBtBM 44# If ? - i3 ml. lav or inet''tutloD, nd dtlll Ic ftiet fooDdwl Ir ~'^'~-'^', 'or la it

    dlTirw pocitlw lav given In vlov of en ^In and lie":t"ar vlUi this doctrine e vwry potent light is

    abtd upon a ' r probloiBB.eoRor&in>i ucciul :;r rulitioftl***^i^1wiC moi acting, in iMoh cMdierol v-r!t: or-fVMUMd tbs point of Tleu of sin.ciatj now Af^aars to be andovad vlth a aoliciity of *l: o-rm; itaaad.ataDoa %o well o ita fusdanental fom arc r..^'^ froaeoM prinelnle or agent outaida iteelf. It Ic . V: >t thiapoaltlon of iLqulnaa oust have and In faot did havti, u.^raaoblng oonaaqaaBoaa. Ve ai*e Indae'l hnir^ at tho ...^ .:..!:..nnrf tvo rouniatlon of social and political i>hllo30phy.

    Lq our texta 41 fron tiio Pa I^rmo aixl 4i^ fro.. -. x, ^-.-nantary on the "ttVlgihni^llf- the aaiae prioclpla of ttoa T>acqaaity\"fj^iTih^ii''^"*a3 f*

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    A vord would to b ntedady at Vr*lmtigatl texts 12*15.

    It la vail kzKMffi tbat Uta oatial* thoac:^ not V^ onlyArlatotaltan fornula In thla nattor is V^t vm ia b-.- mtiire apollt^eal aMnal, a forwila which villi. _ _ ,_ ._ - /latad hyt rMJM imtHftiL (txt VXIA).

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    lao MMns td h l#illioant to im thoit In tmt il!" ~*rth prtaelplM I MtHTlUtir M^7

    an )da owr^. I'^'or 8oeiV i* anro 0B1mi%1 ftxid aorv runciuosntalUmuq cltj. ilM oppMiiioa taaWMn "soelal" and "political" lathat botwaaa a caaaval form aad ita apastflo and eocterata raali-aatlon, ma batuaan "hottM" aad "eity-baU". In I 9i-, 4 thafMMlai hnw M^gli^^^ **

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    ijB la aU %IM %MtoTTbartt la har an dirfarane* het^iw Aqalnss ^....

    MvMglrlt* vhleh ahfluld tw antienad In tKn ^^'^' '^'"liwiin^y andtliat vlth a oartaia dagraa of aopteala, ^ -^ ^'^ArlatoUa la aoil tha aaaa aa U la In Saint .. w , ..vaoiad abova vhaa wa dlaeuaaad tha artiela of 21 ^tw . . ^ thatfar AqolMa tha atota In liileh aan foond hlaaalf bafdra tha Pallaa not cfaaraetarlaad aa a nat^r ---/- - ---- ^.e,


    that natura which a pura nh' ' . >vt(ivavaiatloD would co- " .- - ' "

    x aryi aJl-; 'tion of \c>^t on tha contrwry , i r rsaff{riaad

    ** vary o*- thfa rtotionof aatare in a ':aii of Ujc r l'.:iD ar =?fl2lnf sHt;;tha ataia of Imocanca {q^, 4-102) is that wf.iraara eora than oaca to daflna. Thelatagral natoM la aeaantlall^r '*arlglaal joatlea**. Tha notion oT "i.: 1 :iml Juflrat tha paraanal raatltoda oi aan*8 olnd In rfil^ii^ U> hhi


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    nliiafttt optnMtnnd. nd It is thw an fft of Mct4fyirv;:gTM* aadf tonrtly throvgh pel*l dlspoeltlon of i>iv1nfrvrUmtm^t Xb naionl InWgrlty of th whol !oMiiitiiV pacially In tb eoplts 8iibJetloii of tim sensitlvopptit* to raOB la th gift of UiMwalblllty and Incomsoti-blllty of tiw hmaa body and ao oo, wfaan tharefBra* to UirowllcM on a cartaln faature of thla thaoloQr of aan^a life, Avi*r.i3qaotos 4rltotlt im eannot bat say tbai ttia qootatioo ifroii a aatilac far dlffarant ihm tha acw to vhieb It la bn^nrIntrodoead. Such a taxt ia tranaplaatad Into soil which

    d tmt thla raaaan iha tt itaalf vlU bava to be ron 1-tionad to tbo aodganaioa of tha naw aoU to vbieh it laIntrodttOad. If va mot wo tha langaa^pa of tha biolofdat, :^woald ai^ that tha Ariatotallaa quotation In our cantoxt is agamamOMiA rathar than a ^>:ill.n!i'!n2alA*

    Wo odght boat oxp ^t 13 in oyr lnd eoooavningthla dalieata aattar by diaeuasing the opinion of an author i^iooaaa to no to bo looking at tha ^ristotaliao c^otatiooa InSaint Tbooaa aa a h1'>v-^lT. v ni. irxv. at. a j2l2iBBBSttl8* '^'^following paaaagw ' -. . tha '^^ ^ '>'>'>> -i r -, i rwithooloj^ioal ^aaar-t. > .... ntrovri-.


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    , ... sheui btttwp thanaint Thor ,

    _ ,_.-_ latu-T>qOno>t of hUBM0tJi %hMM tfrimitlaMy ,.vator and a oonfaaaad /.^ nuraly BatMMl -^

    ad alMgra baan>n Bi eabat:ir truB revo*o Haakground o>^

    1 iBtlc fair -''fli vhicL


    vUl of othtac^ioraltext.).

    this la a sarprlolns nlet ^ 'a bad'm to br / ^'^

    "T' ma certain orif!afi1aaticxi of Christian e}l>tgr i(^sh diatinpdahwt Imt-doaa not Chnr^ majstftte aOBlqoa fora ^ aoeial ovdar uiiara polit ? <

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    33lMtIy by the intention of the ultlaait* aupmatural mid of man.Would not a historian fsel imaaay at being invited to inaRineAquinas as a citizen of the later sovereign state which origi-nated after and through the breakdown of Christendoia? Is it notdifficult to see hia there, groping tor his way around and notfinding Itf and being talked to bgr hia critic tiying to persuadehia that be once said a certain rood thin^ but really did notkaow }AmX it was all about?

    For Aquinas society and its first differentiation intoruler and ruled is a principle of Natural I^w, It is therefore

    ilf abstract principle tAleh needs to he epeolfied in Poai-


    tive Lav if it is to become a rule in concrete huaian life. Thisspecification, generally speaking, may occur in two waysi eitherIqr wqr of a conclusion drawn fron ilhrn principle of Natural Law,or bgr ytcr ^ * deteminatlon of this principle. The first way,Saint ThoHui says, is sliniller to that hfjr \#iieh in scienoeQdaaonstratlTB conclusions are brought forth trcm principles; thesaaoBd rasaables the artist's work when he pdves concrete ex-iateaea to a general form} the architect, for instance, detetiainestha general idea of "house" to the concrete sliape and s)se ofthis oar that particular house (flrt^lflx fflTMl WBBWTO 4oWg #ytfinat ad hunff ^^ ^IIam iUm^ r\^ay^^\. The natural lav of

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    to b spMlflad} UBd tbam la vidantlytida apMlflMUCB r^mr art JtanMrnHnniiii the

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    laberation of .jrlstotle's basic principle of the authoritarianstructure of society (the word "authoritarlBii*' is used in aphllosotihieel seoM aauilne the "cardo altar^'iff tifffn^fl" regentia.alterlua tamauaa enMaeientla" of Saint ihonas. ) Wo arc fbrftrea attri biting to 3aint Thoaae' eoelesiastlcal-political tfico-Tj an absolute value. In fact, wa are not saTlng that thistheory is the only possible elaboration of the Aristotelianprinciple but only that it is one way of fittingly elaboratingIt, Our pro8*mt nroblem belongs not to the realm of vo u S butto that of ^eo\/n

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    Imdag awmnim hapi Tb* rop Is noft tlw Imperial '*^MBti" f*^ ^* ^^ Chureh tnmefonMd into on Imperial oar im-prlaliotle aovaralfn 8tot according to the ancient or WKlempattern. dxA certain actions of the Pope opoo the vary *te^K>ral"y ie political* ordnr ore coosjdered to be lagitinBtebsoauee tbey are coMred bgr God'n authori^ realding in !iisVicar on earth* These actloes are defined in aedievel CanonLav, and their scope Is the puBlshmnt of crifiB (g. theapostesy of a prince) and the preeervatioD of the univmwlChristian coorob good. After all is said about this Thonlstie"papallaa" this theory, as it appears in Aquinas* uritlngs, isnothing tNit one ftert of an actl-total.ltarlnn political thoory4ileh intends to protect cortuin values hii^thnr than politicalvalues and to check cortnin vsys of tl-o mlause of power, A fn*atQBoy othor onu secular! sad aysteee of the aasa funlaraental tencl-encj have followed each other in later titles \jp to our own day.v^e are not dlsctisslnr the hlatorical viciaBltLKles of tt;le wodi-oval S7Bte!c, nor are we unaware of its practical difflcultlosand the causes of its downfall to which all thoae vfrio uejra sup-posed to participate In this schaae of ordr, contz^bated theirshare. All we say is that far tron contrBdletlng the naturallaw in queetion It is rather o deteradlfiatlon of it, taking into

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    mommA Mrtala apMial adltiaw of tanB iTbM aaoAiiloM ar* th pivotal point orooivi v'

    pMMBt dlatBiiilnt Thosaaa, If therofora Uie whole of hTinanlife ia to be Chrietienisadi vhy ahould that which is the aoathumnn UAng of all, via,, the perfectiaaiauM auod i ratJon--hiwene i>nnfit.itui natet^ be esccludod? .ind uliy ahould thisChristlaalastioB ba lirtted to the ruler 'a peraonal oonaeienea

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    ad not alM ouprlM Urn political plwrt itMifIt is no doubt a sorpriM to the aodMn rdar to see

    Aqulnaa start on his vagr of social theory with the Aristotelian4?natorBllty of society and its first and neeeaaary structure.

    and end vq? with the Pope utrlusaue noteataUs aoilet thla starprlaa ia no fraatar than that vhich is in store forthoea vho eoa^iere Aristotelian and Thoailatie nataphiysiesy D>^Bics.or ethiea. Aquinas atarte with the '\ristotelian Ktvn^is , oragain in i:thiea with the Aristotelian tu64.i ^cvk, and ends apvlth Creation and Providence and vith the beatific vision. Whath'^pponed on tha way ia aptly described in Professor Gilaon'swords, espacially fitted to the case of the philosophy of Cre-ationi

    The mora one reads the medieval connentariea od Aria*totle the niore one is convinced that thoir authorsknew exactly what they war* about, St. Thoaaa aaowrite his pages on the t

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    ristotollan prlnolpl* coo-er and its first dlfferenUatioci mad atrueturo, histt

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    Lwtion of huBBB llf, "^oth nm fi-at one haraoDlooB eoMtmetion, la not :to bai found in a vmrk whose foraftl intention Saint 'r. ^fimd bar wTingi ggtfi rnirtiTtwtirtig to Ham 4g< .112-

    par ic thoir pvoptst natur* ttxi function.47wf nhnnaofthlaa nrlnel^i* aiiaa eowliiiHt ArlatotolM-

    Tra Ariatotlo did not so* all tho truths vbixh thaao inrinci-ploo oont&in or to vhleh thoy ay be roletod. But Saint TtwamT]le no hl0torlRn of ^^rlatotolian phlloeo^f bs ta a aaakar of |truth} and \4)at io laportact to hia ia tha truth vfeieh aia kris'tetalian prlnei;>la easrioa not that vhldli &rl8tatIo aaw is ithiMBOlf, XhuBy at cm an! the aaaa tirae ha eontinuaa 4rlatotallan pfailosopl^y and yat he tranaforae it proftNaadly, I^o 'ioLmea la raally dotm to tha aaad tliroun out by AriatoUe* .Bat a dafln!ta transplantation haa takan v^JBten^ Tho ftrndaacMitalaneaetral eharootara of thia aaad ara ettU roo@&iaaUlo. 'lldala vhat glvaa a trua aanaa to tha Thoatatie fonnla tor uhichttMaa quotations ara introdtwedi ^hllM^'iT ^"^^* ... ^^HVbB Arlatotolian r2rineipli& ia orofocndljr tiianged ancl vUlta& oparata aaeording to tte naw oooUti^w to t^loh It i^ sti >-

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    in lt new soil.iiow truly i\rlstotIian the prluf-i ^-'i

    asthoritarlan" strueture of society is - -.' - -Midr that ogalltarian t/p* of social thinking i^ioh wastaught by tha later ntolca and laft its tnieaa In r^atristlc theo-losr. 3r. Carlyle aspoelolly fleaphssizad tha dlfforcnee Intba political thaorloa of Arlototia on tha one hand and Cicaroad Saciaco on the other. While in Arlstotla notliin^ is rorefantaaantal than the notion of the nutoral inequalitj of nenIn Cicero and ^aaca ue find aet otit against tha Aristotolian


    Tlev, tha nrinclpla of the equality of aan. Top the ltra^lti)fIgovamaent In a cirllizod societ:' * ^' ^ *ir of th sti-/

    pOTlori^ of 30oe men over others , . s nxx^r ;.oics thoughtdifferently, and ttielr v^ .,..., . . .. --^nov-jlag iay by >. Carlylc:

    There la no reso-hl - '. t -- /',between "nan yvr-plete. Thero ts ." *all rBni;lrxi, roaa 'ladeecl In lear-:for learn Inr^,guidance c"virtuoa arable t- ^a^e a .by 1*: lii"*!.or.' Jirror 23 - ct^^r, - a --0*0 )il.z

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    log aaa fDrbi&liiiir. (

    ri^MlM tiMIMlM IHTtll^ ft ^-^-^ '^'--''^^ raini faoMM teadMBf 4m Ine^uulitg; > . m vnwit ba 31^pOMd oqt in tholr OnoCMi but in tholr natural ooij^ieltlQ:). ItiB ulnar then thot Lin-o ar>j *'..- 'T.:-n o* -ocir.'} thw-i'r- tjhlch enfensehtng of* 'r rr.;? ;'-n. Utll %tm or.'- -.tic',%ftthanA fte*

    Thooaa i t ^ling in the- -if 4rltotl.

    In valiatfn2 Aqulr/i -. :,j^.n";!M-

    ypi^j^tl^ msst sot bo cnty-^r -ttet th prlrtclplo of f -tstttl a*"" " .rMOgnlaod in a tor^- ...... -'J_:^'' "'''"' '"-kiMun to Afj"^"^^ *" .... ..lA flrri ^'^ '


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    ,-_. ^. Is It not tha gwnarftl tiwui :." _: jLijjn phr^to Ijqr 8t*f' r>r iM^'ft'T'-rt-i'^t.^o. itlpXieity and t

    the 1 ;^T * ^. ' (^ .. ,.... ,.

    and ''i^^

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    C U A ? T I

    tm manes comsaiiY, i^a^ i-ii* 90, 2.)

    Tte problMi to wbleh w now turr. otn miurv of tfas qootatloo ttom the o.'. \oh v find initHBi I*I^ff q* '^Op art. 2i

    r^MTfocta cotxHinltas elvitas ost, ut dlclt'jr inI i'olltle '19.)

    re >ontod In articlethla qtMstlans

    Citrltas si eoMBiuRltaa perfaetay ut dleltur inI ralUiearyM, (taxi 10,)

    9 ahall bava to dlaaaaa Saint . > . ^:vidaanrtardlng of ^ha% Is mxrely ooo of U^ ^_- ^^^ tal andufaat la hlatoaricaily ooa of tha aoat I'* >?*. ri^ - .^^^ - ^JtxtArlatotallan '^olittr^. tha aotlon of ,,^.

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    Xf oarafttlly th oanWiit of thn abonwHwantionad cpaotattonBwith tha ^UTDoas of .'tT^tr?r t.^**lr nlaea nd funetlan InAqulnaa* taachl:i, . : in will deal with tba 7ral-lal toocla in Aquiaaa* other torks. jrimlly in a third 8e

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    nm flat MMsMal ilwi oflaw 19 prlBipl, a ml* and aaMwa of aetloru*, lorrtec ir. aridtajf oraa^iaal raaaon*

    'Uk ast allqaSi partlaaBa ad ratlOMMu" - v*prqpoaitio oBl^Mrsalis ratioois nractieaa oraiii MtiaMa* ^Iflflff rU T art* X)>

    I nMwa tha aaaaotlBl aaaBliMr of m^mry eommtmSmmt c. _ .V law Is that it la a rula of oetlona In viaw of i'^-^ !.: '"*!'.!)For tha end la tha apaeUle torn ^^ ^rtf on - .^ ,. ^^t It is.Ihm and aapaelally CM^titute^ t' ^^t ^Tt^ r>'- .^iroxy hunan


    uiaoa howa^g aelt.^. ..v...^-^- > ..'.are jusrta-poaltlaB or a Mn^oraer- '^< -^ '^^'y\ unJtabnt rathar an |SAK* ^^^ is to ^ ^ . .* .^ idid orga*nlaad lie>^ tha last aad law la conc^i^u^ la tba firat plaaaUsllfiifiBlllflB* flBiQl) with tha lEit and. This prUmrj eciaam for tha last and la that vhlch fortfooat (jsi^) aakaalaw to ba vtet it ia| it oonaUtataa tha lavfulneaa (lacalltj)of iMT. isvary preeaft of lav la *laeal" lf and to iim aaetMittlatf It la u) ordinctlor) Ir vlow of tha " ' . ^^!allyiMaklrvrf the praeopta of lav contain dli-p^^ iwi^Mtltia la othar wgrda thinfa vHlab arr '

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    (/, ' ' ^M-jra

    rv ad

    i^ow this 1b ^v0 j^MSBi Mentlal ^ru^^^t.u of law \

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    gli IKM Mte ni%liM MBta% logla ratiCJBMi lNlto%.TIm itiSjtiL wiMntlal elecMnt of lw follows flroai th

    Moond, Aqulnais obsarvtts ic article three tMtt no pr4vteperson aey eetebllsb a lav. 31nce the proper place where legalAlspoaltlam have their ralao^ d'etre la the public entity of aMBwmit/f it will consequently be the publip aut^iority froi?)vlilah tlMM diapoeitions will have to eoaaate. '

    Lex propriey primo et principaiiter resplclt )r.1'T -.^ad bmfm oMMune. :~'rditxure aut.o~i alluid''i '% Tel tou i6 MuitUj-i^'ia v^lgnmitla vter t id;^Imgm ! part:- ino--,, v -oat ad pereonaa r-u ^ctvaa habet quia tt _ ^ infie& est el us eat prc^^'rlue tile ttnte l loco clt .art, 3).Flnall/ a pronnilgatlon la needed tap the law to be In

    force (art. 4), ihus the definition of lex In coa>UBi eatab*liabed bgr ^int ihocsaa at the end of hie inveatlji^tion inqueetion ninety reada aa follows:

    (Imx est) quaedaa rticis ordinatio ad honuta east-nani ab oo qal cursa consniinltatls hsbet ironuls-ate.The quotation from ^le ,r;oj. ,1,tiqf concornln/* th?? perfect coni-

    onaiity occurs twice in this queatloi at exactly t:In Aquinas* srijocEentatl^n. ' e si^t begin with the qitotstionIn the third article (text 1") ae its taeaning Is perhaps ^^lerto grasp there, ^qulnae aaks vY,y shottJi not nlty of

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    tin hwnMhiflH or itm ftadly net be ruled bgr Isve in such a mythat the father, the heed of the household, could be called alavgiTi^r In the eenae whleh i cuffieient for conatitutlsf; lel^aity? '^alnt Ihonaa* intention Is to brlrt^ to Iic;ht t>)e dis-tinction between the private and the public sphoror. The V::>uoqhold or faail/ belongs to the private spS^isre and,trm anotbar test (text 29), the nite vhl^ eaiw IMo an)aerve to eooatitute the eil^ are not th^ individuals but theftMdllee, Aquljiea ansvere hie qneetici} tbi

    Aa an iadividual is part of the homehol^^. :' > onehooeehold la part of tJt^ city; anl t j jth '.o'-"fif>-i. (^.v-ftmlty as la eaid in t .'..-. '^bo ::^, fhmnicxp9t Just tJr^foo^, .., ,:-- ">% th'^ last end, but laQgAmnC to the , 3o too the food of onehBweehfilrl is avr > the pood of one cit/,nhisli im the p^ ity. ccraMKiuaBtly hethat coveme a indeed ake ecanila orordiaaneea (^ -tatt^tft ) bat properlyi^ieakijag they i>> .. -. ^ ctoraeter*

    Ib thie waer the Aristotelian notion of saatHSiiSiM.aervea to wtahlish the rharacteriotios of a (niblie en-

    tity to vhioh belongs e ceonoe good in the proper eenae or aeaa"iAg of the word. Surely tte honeehaM eeeters mromid a certainoaann food beeenae it ia a true eeMOBitg'. But thia eonnongeed is of a {nrivate nature. he eannlty of the hoasshcdd isnot that eowiwlty vltfain uhieb laws mtn given.

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    j.tli of "r>irt '"onan *r theirtirls nf tb1 qilMtiOB (twct T".

    tf^dt lav In %bm wmmrn iiiililiiiwl abovrcMlin )y lawMtliittlBfE vr

    fillelty or bMUtttto ThaeemtonLav an*t t priiiarlly concjr

    aetloQB In t1v of bautaadf sioM vary part,as the laprfet to t: 'X-nmok ia mat of a ocrr* < ^neoda conearr lte.,v ^^.^. ... ....

    Thla tct auraljr la a dlfriedlv ,...nkiali tba aiiifaor aparlae his vorlo to tt>t txi*'-' 'raador to tha core of tbm aattar porhaiM prav;i._ ^ _trmiban Ita undaaataadlag* Tho problan vl^. t# irvltaiUy fMad la t*^ ' ' '-h anelaat aa wall aaffhUoaanharn odc- li^eoaaod and aXviiya Jur'paoUaa c lapi" '^ !s la(;allt?7

    a eor tritotot le^"'




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    mkm ttmm cnteU all th tmr^rmtHdm wwimimhiii that lo-gftlity iTwiM on taMi*B eonwlenea and rjin's Actlonsv 'Ine*A^aiam* Mnalynla of %hm notion of Isnt, In porfaot confcn*nltywith his ulMl* pldlo0ph3r on tha ralattowi batuaan Intallaetand wUlf had takan its atarting: ^ le-nliiv l>-i rorat!-tMtad. l^galty Urebiy la prove; . yoaaa to lava* and In tha further (aroca^as tbuc ... j ouraeticaia and obllnationa fron vlUiOut. Hathar la^sllty la \

    'Iplaaad within tha raal of huaan Ufa and its flrat datarBina-tion la takan from that which aakaa hnMOi life to ba huawn* tl^ti8f tha ofdar of tha laat and. Wa oiii^ call this rrt of :iolnt iThaaaa' Imraatlgation tha tacr^"' '-^"^"sIb of practical reason be-aatiaa It la doalnatad br^ * '-- . > cally ntorol r^otloo of theXMt and w^eh la baatlWr?.

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    fll4i (a) tlM lastMltjf (bj it Ir,aMBitgr* a faet %IwihUa ^plMrai {c) legalityfear th* iwMM MMLtoi am WMjBJEa'^^ilamo alt- art. 3). I'" th* PWlUr *rytmman had earafttlly avoidad the danfar of aoral ' ,(eftan eailad alaply Le0ai8a"}t tha reault of t n. .

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    f UgAl mt^mnf hm also joins morality aid UfiUt^r to^rtlMrhjr MMitlanln^y In tills cootcxt, both fttllclty and tho oTItlcalManmlt/. Sot wiMn eoMitraetlng hla own rMusoni:tlien lntrodncs tte notion of uwrft eawBanltv. "ov thisfiTMlso notion is not nmtifnad In ArlstotJ.* mmJust to tralghten out this particular point of i . tionthat .'>aint Ihamm points to tha Aristotelian iilsntificatlon of"psrfaet nfnuilty*' and "political eommnlty" i.o, olty ia thaflUiiSft: 'rfacta autea oeawunitas ciyltas eat ut dieltur InI lo;HlC9rvB.

    If we are not aiatakaot in this sor^"' . ., aaintthooas turns, Ir. a little asida, fro < ! * >- ^- t^ U\atof eoBBaentator. hat worriea him is - oftim '^\I\WR ^^ ^^ tern and notion of ...nha introdBcca the >^oHties Vis Inter. >, ... . ....^ ..... ... .i theArlBtotelian doctrliT itself nrd thaoreby brln ' - ^ ' -' t Wjo cora-pleta identification :^f cjj,vlta anri fyyyn^pilts ' *iaply to fill out the lacuna uhich }o --'*aontsxt be pointed to the ; thica .

    The qu9tloQ to aak hor 2 =i thisAristotelian taaohlng his owr ..-e

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    MB iinioMHilUtar M B authopT v think that this la aot t! f^aaa. aonamrf It la arfeet pr. r u - '--^-wrly but * "-faranUy Terifled In tha dlffarti . . . .< - . > . .jiitlao cor u -

    /poodlnfc to thes* lavs. The Arlotote'' *" -^tlon of Koivuvn^YiXtios 1a udIvocal) the parfeotlon .. eon^mitias latotally and daflnitaly mtarlallEad in the rToXis . On thaeontrary ^Int rhoaea' notion of ffiagngf^* _ \ 1b axmlof^'aal If it ware aot analogical it ootalu , . , ita plaea

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    In a txBtl

    If n>


    Axrpoae to dn

    "ollowlnir text o" >.!"t:n 1-II 90, . ,

    followlae qtisatian 91i

    r. lot theleforrliy;

    uts at the var^r

    sfc'jt r,'x-nr> dicttBa est, rl'-H =st illttd l'5x qirtlMM rr


    Iti^cet uhrm

    TtW ittiafinit^ articde lifn^Qflfff la th word i%D vhlflfa t tfOttld like to irav nttet^tlon. it itotlln u aiv K|)i>Mislan ean b. 2t rtarks ouitmnfonMiion to Whieh A^. ittad the a-istoteliof Koi^UiVKi. TtAtioS ,^SSiA ^ quMtloQ nlnvtOTf articislet ThonMI or l3 own tand ^phl0 of I'dd toMOBUBlti^s. Is the jMeoDd r>lfirol of s coB)9r)tat

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    will OOR ' -*

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    tMts V B 4ir.c. , 5-8, 11, l'>-26, and 143.tvary om cf th with tto Arlstotollan no*tlon of rfoX/s ; oac). ohaws in dlffirwxi ways the uowllllng-RMS on tha part of *.au5nr; to arcapt the Arlatotallan unlvocalnotion or Ko/vtov'/a -f^Xtf/o*,

    2. Artatotla'a rTolis and Saint Thonaa' ClvltM.

    Tba AriatofUllaB dfl&lUjpolitical phlloeopl^ ia t look npaa U.a Graek eiV^^^ *tha inatitotiflii in vhleh aocial hlatory tea coma to an dad.Hhmm elTlliaatlon \m ereatod the Oafinita and final fot^n ^^ 'a9ciatMa Hagtwitng hia aealal history in the oi Kltf^ , ^

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    Mm iJHtraiatt % of th ku/oi and flmll/ ^arrlToa At tte pk of both his social and howim porfWotlon inthe rTo^ts . Utrmr did M'letotXo otm>lat tho poaclbUltiyof furthar deroloDnNit of OMn'o ooolal llfo. a oonfodoratlanof &99r%l rTeXtis is aetuttllj- eoaslAarod 1b the third book of

    57^Im 'litiM iMlk it is oi^hotlttsllj donlod tho ehar'^cter ofa ^Itleoi iiiiiHitty. Whoa flieod vlth tbo iracor -)r tte pr*aoro of burborie natloti oad tqr ttio i or yeHAiae tbeea to-cothar to mm Orook Stato or nation. i :, ti\ln unuld ! a rroX/s i.a, tha ^Ityvhieh waa daflfiad tagr Aristotl* aa the hlghaat, tba seat ecs-plate, and the atost aolf-stiffieiOBt of eontonlties?

    The Mdlanval vorld bad of aowraa yoaaabJ-'

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    vith the Arl:>totellaB varld MMlfl L ,totellan re&ali^sf^'xo, could not but b tuooA with 11how tb ninii:lrlt'6 definition was to be vorlfla;! Ir. t'v. >15-tical ralitl*t of their c^crlonoB, It is ionm mn took the iVriatot .Ir.ltlan of t rrcXfs tstitkt ^tMtioB aroaa as to vhlch of the Tarloj .jii*(

    itlM WM the "city* of /^iototlo to be attributed. A "pmeelj Illlogiel dervlee" howerer, to speak uith Gierke^" helped thesethinkars to avoid facing this issue squarely. The rfoXih oreiirtta^. these are Gierke's wordat

    that .' r^lt..'it.T o '-..-^ ; :^r-,',.,..: ,.., ,' r.r- 'Jn^'n.'. ' ".^dia-val -.; ofthe : .. ,. .Itonan ?^i.r noXn .-jtWW sabo-j . r' .,that is, toit r..-.-i (^no : im

    Th- clttlBT is epMkl: it of Mdth osdleval pelitieal writing- , rinc phllo-q^eel ar juridleal works of ' and fol->ImlBg mat oncemlT^ :^aint v^M nmxk that jfcr hlB tik Ir is non-exlatlr

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    hu bis trottblae tilth mim poll'/gnmUtr ani anra ooaprrtMMloar ockIl*etln elosrly f^^m.< Irmi la aMnrof IJttBU!. - ine vlth hlu

    Tho UrtlOT to ItttaWi (txt '^ r "-aaffieiancy. ' -* ^- * - ^^HlM*"** *""" '"" ' '"^'" "'

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    history i hmn m talirt% .m tlw ci'wllflea'.lorti CjHBUBMtlHdLi) rmmmlMmjk2a refr to oonode BaeesfldtlMi in etotalian lfoaufflel9nQy i c^^raa vi caGcltittnft t wning hiefa is oartai^y net. to He fonn^ !r ^-

    B ttis M it amy. Saint 1> rooefor an unHUrlstotalian cobtinuatlTr; ''^tot y.MWillM fflnjiimlilfiilft ! ad this flml MhiawiiPnt oT ljByns ia which aVMNil cit r ...aUnn fflYl^l^tlB ?^ i&%es% eoMORit^tiis city cauld not tfike '-ita encc igitj tl> Bad Jcu _ __ityfoiMtjmeados2

    IM snli war^t t.- ' ,um civltashoatioo nsee; ,plurluQf quae faciurt aru

    Thar* is no need fer is to insist on %b iiie^|>atiblXity ef this7bOMistl achBoe with tltt 4i'i0totaliaa deftnitiona, Wlao SaintThoaas first eas into eontaet vltt >olitloalworldy he kepi the fonNiXa rnKSVA^IlPi 'paid llp*8anrioe to vanaralile a^rt^torli

    ^^l j'tlHUffidiB ftfg ?^gM (xt 8) rev -.1-tade teuavd the teacl-iing of the ijalilisa. L .4rls

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    d V , Mn; provlncl^ . ui ich still^itf'T^r ' ^ ' r,;irilli the condition of aelf-?, J^*^tci5.Tc /, :.Provl-:-- ._ ^1;^ of oltles Inst't:.tilfflll WHiffniUflBAB rt MVU^^x- '^Provine*" is a tern of ijiprlii.. , ...-,... ^.^rprlalngthftt thft authoor did not no into tho connotatlona of thi t^i*iaea it I9 a part unci nubliviaion of a groater whole. ttm aora aurj^r^- ' ^ = ^^n fact that in t^* -ii,-,;. n... ,fttda tnrty - e his elabo?--:^it we of V J contlniMS)

    q"' - ^- ft. Id est clvttatanV -ax vocatur,Uhan it la aslcadt i/tMn la the "perfect rnre^isniti/'^ o^ AriatotlOftte ttaaner now saoeia to bai cA^' o,

    or tbd j^am iltfJcaf - 1 '^Ilt7 . If tha 1 ^\_raal aediaval iMrld of ecanoDitiMt had not ^>-itaalf vet would partus ba anUxrlaid to qualify th'aa oonfuaad thinking.

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    'tloni i^ .-- .-ulTit. IJujiaio'

    UeoMl YioMB hM ixArn^' wtichis nthar 3Gpae%l tlac ntutu obseurltiat fouotl lit 1I ettrxior uiwi?etaietrrlaM ttda eharrlater %ieerfct pelalljr in

    trat8 elti dlffaraat ean-xstlal iimantioa2y fltttari .rmllMilons o:unity^.

    Xa otbar worde,or* aad aor broup'ht to ll^ht> v. , ttiet r .jflpnM^ion oT ". ',L(1 la? .A^"""""/* i^- :

    is ths first seciiOD of this chapter.Vhara ia another taattf nol -^ > - ' r-n r- i.

    which rovaals Aqidaaa* ondMrstanditv , .. . : , ^,t, . .iapraaslviBly. Tha flrat art'.cla oC ." t'

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    of prudanea* a ^ _JjflU fotaart frpg>%d to gorom ace to ite toUmiixmmmmn

    who Is ex*Id hlB an.; :

    Ad iiirttattM pwiiaii 4PSPsre 9tidw ubl InvMitor ipaeiprMoapii iB bamudm Milspaelalis ratio prafiantiaa,vfloA la ao out non solai !sad atiaa^ ^UflSBftLraflaini



    tint TfrtUie% vfcich ba foavat rirat mnwiaagfidtmmUm thla notion,crltarlcm, It 1*1 1.latlve, as ^'i^raaA tba abaolnta attribute

    TllnlnfT ours)

    Ath tha notion of Keivwvi*..., . .lfmfflclonc7 vs

    -'Incicla by which to la-ne Aristotelian

    ieulties, 'fMatlTBf

    ralatlv one, ihesa veradraatle* and If wa ai|^ ty so, bring satlafsetian %o anaw daflAltlcm had ta ba for

    Inas. Aily ihotaistlr

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    erltrlAi of ttlrtiiy vmttHMm is nc'Th prfoctlor of n POOTaunlty Is to uj1^*BBlTBTsalit, J iulTBToality In turn cors-


    - *>rplaec i^i^t U.v ns in th ordar of mids. Tte prof thlt^ 1.. Thus iM rotum hare to thatpoint o: _ : - T' -^Tfio' whole practical phllo-

    logity invarlnbljr loodta^t 1 ita notion and valuai yoiInoo this p*actio:: - .- _ .,--u'>od analcvrlcally. It -111bo variflablo in different and nubordliiated caimimlt' .,prlBOlplo of thJLa SUbonilnatlon ! ^ n-'-^r V ,. r,r ,. ^_ny-Anr2,la the &HM Soiat Thonoe wool:: .. ,^... . ~.v - -don or notion (jMift) ^ orcnrlnoo* AH ^^ooo ore "histoH"^"^!different roalleatloM of the l

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    3. ligj utoteWtiftto "

    In the forvfioioc p^rt of this o^.apU.. v^w ...\. .w.odon the fact that the ccaiearBto politlcol vorld of Arlatotl* hadwnl3hd In Saint Thcwui' writings. The city, ac the straglrlto

    - "ojj ^^ exists no longer. The 89aRR>ti(m that the city^ ^ ^^^ nowt th State! ) is tb unique natarlaliaotion

    or o riact. cocrwnity and the tfflta of hunan elviXiration la' al, vilittt than should te oor evaluation of the Arls-

    v:)^oity,n Influ^nee In the doctrine v^.ick we \mm just examined?Would it be eexreot to r " la influanee in Aquinas ' writingto tb prMeSM of aer ;jhieh, filled vdth aMAiag estirely different : ml, flutters orowdthe edifice of rhooitttlo dor ' jI that had betterbeen dam meiy vith >

    We think not. it soc-jg to ut: I'JKC-j:, juat us It vaa inQtir first chapter, ue have eooe eeroea one of the xsng

    tirue \rletotellan pxrlnciple on vhleh Aquinas* fl'Use perfect eonnunJty Is based, appears in the irery iimt lixiniiof the m^i^'

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    Tod, (67)It 5 ,wid dlret Mcr to Aqalnas* eeneluslocs t) itlesIs the ordr at their rNiretl^m endsy and tKtlQn of itThoqae* doetrltM asn a0Uy be reduced to a s^llc9/t ^hiiA Im an Aristotelian prorosHlon. It la aui^y no mllaoBtrlbution to fuml^ a ayl

    Yat the differeeoaa at onaa to the foret If ve cc^i

    thaUAlUiapPiut if till eoosunlti^i alin at mxm tfOoAp the stateor pc- * - ". . " r


    Thla .'^alnt thoma will not sd^it, ^^ >v> of thaand of faaaan life atanda to debstl^latotla. The pegan ptilloeophwr*8 tiwanantlff^ j^ VBeaa are onaeo^ptabla to thn Chrlatlan phllor^ '.an|iAquliMui* qataorlal talaolG,7 according to \ ' latha panonal and trinttary Ood and not either neitv .1 virtue

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    of flrjt -. - - 'i^ior.of t - ;' ^-^^ uat hav- i'>>'in(! In this chaptor.The ecBldirU. tr-i.. -loo of ._ "'^i'-. rolitioal...-.-fv

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    c r \ ? T r. ^ T R i T^ g

    -II, 105, 1)

    U.ixd aVBtniw %Aioh %m hswB nMn to hlir '-^!'Imk! us to sr intp8tlnf; in'^Xi^t into th naturs mod de;-:tte Ari3totlian Influmioe on r^*>* '> nolltlcal p^AitakMi lt starting point In arti> (' quwstlon or"Bd flt of th 'Tin frTrtflMlaf ' '- Ji'tlclo eonto^BOOS and frqa(ntly qaotad ThoolBtle -**--* .......htmt eanetltQtlon or fora of gwBPnt*n,, iji- rwj^.-. .t -r - : ;-MBts tha raqxseti^w toxts unlar nM^mrs 111, U , 13*7 an! LU..TiMMM txt8 will constitute tl-> natter of tbe first saet^ion ofthla chapter. The parallel texts 13^ 139> 1^, LU, U4.l/^ovlUL be flwiliied la the eeeond aeeUon where we K'>11 tneet andtliOMiU the relation Iwtwwa tlw OjraMtxlm De Heaaa aed tAlater verfce of Aqttlaes. The thirS aeetion will be reeerved for ^leeial eonaideraticm of a peeaage of ^ :. the||[|f|l whl^ eeeaa to Virov m tOMieaalljr vivi.: lictThafi* we of %i Fqiit^ea. Aftar theee analytic^ st j*. 'ahall try to draw eanclaeiam aor^

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    In hia tcacV*n.: 'tiitlonal pi ^

    -. . ., ', , M^UtttUW. ... - ^'Ut ^9Si I-

    Qumtion OB* hoaArvd.cfid fiv or th ^Tlii ' 'Hl^tigf to a Xargv group of qiKtstlooa in uil^h th Lav oT thi

    Old Taetewnt is

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    V Javb for Intftomee that Iri ordor to x^lalA tlio ''rdia

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    75".Mr. rf")n.?tltutlan. Ul I ,- ^13 should _ o ?

    In '.. . lit of thuir conr\mltyj this will enour^ t'7r,f7^lofi pnaea and thoy will lovo such s r.n'i^M.n.'^.r:

    t' n\ It will en'axra,y allowliii; oil to hav ""

    authority (jK|afiJaiitaft)

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    totle*n Jud^^ ;^ * ' '^'ratc ia not favorable ^i ^^^^- - -:.>ct. -It oTtor. ha; Struj;irlt otearrast that p.

    ' - ' r; to brlbory attain t. iuu-'i a-w ; .:

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    Thonaa new 9r>

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    (ftt s:^i 9-grrt s) lait^ 92-Ai (tii. itmvhMi>Qiaanian autaa tre dlclmus eae*rcetaa pelitlas, baroa sutaa De>eiaarltai optiman aeae eaffl, qtab optinls dlspensatur, tailsatB est. In qw aceldit vlnBm aliquan siaml oimla-n velgM ioican vel nialtlttxilnom xelantB asas soeundur. virtutenyhiie quldam eubici potentiboa,hlls aute

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    th am pelfie rale of virtue vlU) a tIaw to tb aiMtperfset and nost daairable life. Ideally or opec!.0'*'-"-T ' ..rvilnc nethiac am*c' can be asked of a eortatltutlon.

    It 18 clear that If Aqulnna had adopted th1r> i.: . . , ...:Ixnroetlenttno In the present article woold have b*"- ->v^!^heat eoRStlttitloo vould yve been fom! fhtt iteliic xi^vmuao iiauore to aay. whm^e we road *'bst polity** In Arl8totle wa findMfWfitBttat nnXfa PtilnMg ifi Aquinas, Where Aristotle elosoathe dlaeusalcnf AqulaM MU* It open, Hla jiadgaant on v^t lath* beet constitatlon Is yat to eoHa, That city or klagdonflupaa best In regard to ita ftaidaiaMtal lavt In vrhlch rt om buttMO prlnelplM of good gDDuriwwMi n applied, 4 aaBareh is sotor all to mle "aeeavdlag to virtus". Object to his suprsMiepomr (AikJKl) ^^w^ So vn srlstoerstle ffwp of eo-roLors (m^BGl''jBmi} also govemifig "eofndlne to virtus". And the denocratleprlnelrla flaally saprsssss itself In ths rl^rht, plven to all sub*jseta, to eleet their rulers nd to be eleetsd for rtillnf;. This

    In fmrt OnBf ve placed this toxt of A

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    if AqulaM did r >n irlstotlo** km etu' ' tiM Pftlit( hia vldi>M Is atrlkiivljr cOBt rwda the . - :.>gadiag paampkrat* f Saint T)Xary (ioKt HJI 3), Omtnu tfaa wihaUnBa of Aqa,orMwrnh^ th aOjMd ocaastitutioo i not *rlstaftllaa at alland VB do not vlah to glva tha i^praaslon through our eoUaatloB

    aa ibot^ vo thought it yara. In taact XIII A Arlstotla dearlyiniieataa that ka la only ralating ae o> in^ n, viz., tbat ofPlatOy and voiild not mgf^ t*^f} .^^i^^i: . -.u-

    85ry vaa on tha hai of PolylJias attt forth bgr Cloaro in tha u66?MoatlliM. !>Otf Salet Thooafi had no direct knouladge of either

    a? 88Polybl* Kifltoriee or Clearo*e iHt -^ttTAilW- ^'^ ^^6eooatltuticMial theory was so forcefully and eloqumtly itreaentedin Cicero's vork that nureua traeeo of It are found la Latinliterature eleawhere* k oiltorad a^wlar of the thirteentheentury would have no diffioulty fn being aqnalnted with ita oot-linM through tha edlia of indireat aocoreea* fho rmnriniUa

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    9f A^diiM* Htmmy hewMwr, la that ! tofoe era arln-toMlUD tarw. Ka la oohBtantlally loaBB oooMpUm pMntod iB AHBtotelln dothlr^j thlo, % think, ^infe Thosaa

    wUl gnMp the dlffr9no bvtiWMi Vbm nsic-utlB Xunsimcb of

    nt It^? i^ltfc Clotfo* fiijaHiiUfit

    iciaktUftjijaKMijIaaliH ^^i^r?

    {UHt nit 210)

    ^""* ' and nil e?. ai-a. P. UA 12 -77 oA /Tf /oti/.

    elifltatls (roi uh.iicuo, t;tatjjs (I, 46, 7C i,,LiaiL*l-; ; .:-na*a roi n^llctt (i, ;?9, /^5)

    ? ularls (I, X, 4^') J icr.a3 r^Q! - ^ ir (21, 33,opt i-j T-0i rv^1Jt!tt

    U oirt ,K c!- wa -^memi in our M]yU, i^nt Thorns'now fioiiB aasfly to its caoeiXmiaa, Th "bjNJt>>

    tlon* itt (faii>td i lid t wfclfih :>JvliJB Law

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    ^ 'r ro!",' 'chlcal . not oalladklr^u-. v.-.-^-tiio l'' .-,>iir trl . wl8nd honorable, and pnolBtd thaa rul^^... . ..witf. I, 15)t thi* t

    th* arlstoeratle flMtur* of t^ ">'' '^^tltution, the 4taortlc prlT)ir4 is sprtsMd ir. u.^ ^..ct tUit th iljten varthoaw froa taeng tiM whole paopls* for It i urlttont Provideoat of ell the people wise mm (ig^ VIII, 21) andt 1*!%,am haTe tron eakaog yoa wise nen (^sijfc. I. 13), whleh proves thattheir election wee mdm bgr the people. Hanee it ie evident thetthe Um iaetitated the teet eoneUtotlea.

    2* Tiff ThTTT fff ^hl ^TTIBftll?!! Pi iHM"uruliH? from the v^x o-" t--- _jj^::^ '

    upuBcaltn iJXJSUSSSt*

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    Hi la th pnihlM of UMBUelVy it U ttis Ktrlwile Idwihmt bMiw th9 grMtMt valgiit and In om of apparont c^ :^m^m p^ fflTllW *" **>*"-'"' ibl - ^alrit ihass:^92

    hiaal'%4rlatatla*a aoraitltuiioi-iuJ. t:.oai-.: ,\;t::;x.;...-

    In tha Ka R^flM (taarta I3B, UO, U3) aven tr t.^' ^ '^ HMwa, la not MKiticNiad tiiaTO* Vmmmt in thli pawMca of tfaa Folltica is tha basia for :.,,,It la tha paaat of tha Xhird

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    .. -. . later in hi- - '^ully rMtlised the trw c^arattcr of the text on whtirti ha i^i rvllod exclusively,

    Xlw following la lu . .. . ,..:.'ui* thoonr in the Uqua*g2ai (teocta 138 ad 140)* Aoooarding to Arlutotle the daaalfi-eatioa of oonotltutlooi will hove to toko occount of (o) the

    yoopoet of the ooonoB f^oodi thio upoct prodtteoo Uo diatlnotlonbgtwon rl^bt arv) vroon ooawtltuticns eocordir^ to vthethar Uioraloro (gavmtn for the ooaaon r:ood or for their own Istoreatj slid(b) the nonter of rularos there any bo Oan, or 'r'tf or i^of. Inthis my six ooRstltutions oro o-jtaiiHidt three on ths rii^ht side,la. 9 nKMMrflhjTf orlotoerat^r anl ''polity"* and throe ogiia oa thoMMBg oite tyrant^, olii^re!^ end doaoeraey.

    Arl8totl*a own eritieiaa of thla elaaalfleotlonbogina, not far aft^* tho paaaoflo iMLoh wo referred to above, byomoti&c tho deflnltio juat ^von of OUgarohtf aad dwaoeraay,Q&ICav^ la sot tho eonatttution in which tho fOv role for ttolrMB odvantiM^ 'oat tl:at in i^ieh tho rich role for tbslr o\m ad-imntaco* Aatl ao agala in doaoeracgr it ia not the moBTf bat thepoor who hold OMgr ad railo for tholr om advantaro. the oobptraot botwooB Xim mlam in thaao tme eonoiitutlona thoa beoaaootnot a oaanploolf boit a qualitatlvo eoBtraot. ka Saint Thaaao

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    uttli his Ml imtttwilM ia Ma iitiy (t^ UII Q)iTh Ronber of rulors la a nmee mt^iAmnm faoter In rtfard to thenatura of eonatltutlooa. Kow than oould this factor brlag abosia eltaalfleatlon \dileh alvaya ituat ba aada aaeordinf; to aaaathlngbalawglng atBLM, ^^ *^ tMn^ elaaalflad? A trua divlsioo ofMiwtltutlQaa vUl follow tba vary larlncii-la or eritarlon ae>flBdlaf to which powar is dlstributad in diffarairt eoaatittttlapa^Htift ntlllatl^- iianoa

    Id qaa pr oa .>wa> ad opfiilaBtiaMt at alna qpodordioatur ad libartataa qmm aat flnia danoeratiaa.(tast UII 3) %mantnur , Aristotle eritlcall^ reotrka that tha elassificatiari

    tad afWduaticn of a oonatitotlon dananda m>t only on tiM eritarlonof tha aoHM aod but also on ttet of dlatributiva Juatlea. Thoaaa find that wrong aanatJttitiona aln not only a^BiriSt tha aoaaaagood but also againai that joBtiaa which rRfuaas to atttei pwiar ba eaopa&iaad onleaa a daflnite set of eiBld Ts>owiad mt^ i arrangaiat, ^a hava no roeord of a taxiof Aqoinaa dlraetly daallng witb tfaia Arlatotallaa taaahing* batMj Mt tba ravrk at tha baglmlsc of 1*XI, 105, 1 (taoct 118)

    (qood attaaditar elrea fv 'natloa^K ppln*alpon) aat at omm aliquas ; .- Jdaatt la prlael*pato.

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    ba takn aa ftlliwleB to th 'J^ragirlW** eiqpivvbud bgr thae BSidratiaM \m id^ght a.. : .:, would

    hs^Ni hBppHKl! to th Om Ufmo If ita suthor had brought to ll;htmay of th eritlMl rtmurtcs of th PolritieB to which ha pointedlatar? oulA not aost of Xiw .d^ soasalaoo tiiloh follow Ute flrsrtrtaptr of tha

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    oee or Vtm of ld

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    99tyrMi ontoqplated. Coh VI) r ^i. - tiiid consJdemhj.^is nrgMtly *skad to be ar. all'^ir'-?'^Um vlll iMMp Ida fit'on bii^ L^,.SSKBt 'ftrfwti Tlrfaa te Bayfflg l^rffllt^^" doeo eit.). .^ - r,gaia, l8 preedied to vi^ m long aeztaon that he pray .m;. -piardagainst tyranbical (^XToptlcm (eh. T-U); the latter finds ' '"-eelf protected trtm stK^ aiafcrtune by the arlstoeratle n\(tie feattares \^leh enter islo hie very Institution, ' -mKr$ fiaaUjr it is hoped will be a "na aeeovding to tl Lora'ahoarf (cU. 6) for the latter the erseeifioatioM end edallttof beJUig la aecc^iiee with t\ vUl of (Vod are eodlfied, eewMredead uwUooid la a Juridleally prottcrted doeOMBt.

    "f^ ^?miir]lTm Pft ntM> 1 InUHreoUag and e^nsn In-tvifiilag woo^ of A^oiaee ebout whleht one foela, ti>e last vwdla aei been aeld anA perli^n never vlll be aald. In the oonteaetof oiar dlaeertetloD, Ita oaln Interest for us llee in the factU]at (Kmcemlag eoMTiitutlonal tbsoary it Mtes but u Halted aaeof the MIIlM it refers to chapter eevea of the Third lookof the Pm3**.itim tuA tidcee no aeeoont vhatnonfar of the tubgiwnt

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    iht Ir rlt qoBllflas and mOifim \Abtwahlng of the prodlr.. . . Lot it aufflco tl-^t we haw

    thla fact to 11 J*, ^r'l .^at \0 iMTS ahom tbmt tht ''--d toaeMnge of t: , .. v-lifi in a oortalA way ^o ., . . ..

    rafloot tha abaanoa of Arl8totXa*8 own oritioiam of M- f>>-r..^^ttlaaaifieatioB of eonatltutlana*

    3 Jtetea ap n t^t of the Coaaantftrv on ttie Lthios.

    It aaaac therfra Uat t onw rioniEsnt of M:f ** Axiatotle in ccxuMction with aocatitutional Ji:.-easftiom apmk of lyetAa* l,o. i wrMwratiw givB to acw? ^intThofM aiimwn (txt 159}t

    In hoe poIitiA (i titoocratia) protia dantur pan*paribus at daMM lafMrantur diviMbu8 ai rxm con-vanlant ad polltiflM eongragatlanec, ut patt inquarto Politicorua.

    Xb okAnp to ahow Um natura of Saiat a wall asIlia MfttMd r vvaaareb and Juetirieation of hiii rcBuDt, \je tshall^rtapa tte ffeavMciana with JowattU hi:tslish u^tinslntion. thewdOTUniag is eon,

    106 177

    Adhae awtea qiinaeunquA proloouti- Tim (iavicaa faor "i^ilch oil*Bia gratis in polltils aa|>ianter garehiea (106) deoaiva pac^vloloewtUTf sunt qoinqoa iiwi'ij, flam fia in Bunban thigr raelra oongrBgstiotMM, circs lata to (a) tha aaiaiii il/? (b)prlaoipatuBy cirea praotoi-ia* the naglstraeiaM (o) tha9irem antioBan eirea esareltls courts of lav| (d) tha aaa ofaras; (a) gymastle avareiaasCirca ootigragatlnwaai qttldaa JUjflr (>) '^^ anaaahliaa are thrownopan to all, bat eitbv thaaiAam i^T!W^ ifiTttt* 'l**i *!/ ** find for nohWa ll MP iair jail- attawl^nco, or a rwieh. largarjBi vC Milis ' ja fine is ir^lctad upon thaa

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    bos qairiB hanorsbllltitMi nanllearv.

    prflMtarlaf diritlbuait BBn ilar

    B% slrMqldiFil hUs qnidwi MgMB, Ulf

    parrvrnf uicut in lglb)isII, Alieiibl AuWn lleat

    qitirt OMRitaus MHptls atiiwidlaet3lr ! MrtAB a-^M oQannMartBi atqu* v.:wUi-iMMf "^ proptmr daaraa qaifAifttglni scribi, propter nanawlki ttteM naqoB dlseutiaat

    (b) Aa to the rtaj^iatraoleafthMo vho ar* .a^llfltxi '^/ pro-perty cannot duellne omeeirror oath> bit tho poor raiir,(c) In the lwcoarti. t'lr-, rich,ad the rich ooljrt ^^^ i'lnodIf they do not 8erv>y tho fjoorr let off with ln^ttBltyt oraa ia the la%ia of CharondaSf alarpe flni is lafXiated on therichf and a aaaller one oo thepoor. Ib mm* alateB all eiUjsaa|tat If after reslstratlon tlwsrdo not attend in the aaeesdiljrer at the ooortei taeaiT- fiaaaare liqioeed t^on then. TheIntentioB la that ttareq^ fearof the fioee thagr nay avoidlajletiartiiii tfaanMlvaa eadthen thesr oaraoft ait in thelowocotarta or la tha

    qoldea l^itixr smt oligarnpMeaata legialationla.eratila aatea adversua


    itana* '3OBifaattiB quod, al quia vultleeara laatay aportat qaae epudotroequa eoUiaere, et MSfi-Sal-

    These arc t^te derioea of oil*0aohic lagialaiava, aad la de-oeraalaa the/ have eeonter de>vlaea They pay tiM poor forattending the aaeeaMleg anithe lav ooortat and thagr io"fllct no penalty oo the richfor BOB attandanoa. It ie ob*rlotM that ha ^bo would d>ily

    :^ the pr ^ho'Vite that the ;>oorba paid to attend, andch flaad if tbay do not', for than all will take

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    In Vttry eliimskgr that la wiiM with politiool aklll*tha itM^ ! t.^ e nao-7irlTllogd olaaa le r1vb tlw Uppaealonihaty la^it* of appaaraneej to tha eontrary* It doaa baw aahara In publle aTftelra. This Ir^irasaion la farou^t about tiy aelvvar handling of tha Omek institution of eoaroad attandaneemaA partioipation in nubile flatharinga and ftftlre. Only tha uiLi*

    favohic prlTUafad olaaa* le.> Vsb ri^ are flnsd for iMO-attoa*daae^i and tha poor ara than .jndar tha lUusory it^vraaaloc thatUmj arm not too badljr off In a atate of affaire which in truthdoaa not glva thaa atgr daelalira ahare in aiattra of public into-rast* IB daaMTMlaaf on tlia othar handy vhara tha 4!9* l'>th poor* ara tha prlvil^ad elaaa^ tt-to aasm poLl^ la raecwandadatatla Mtrtj|w^^- Thi rldi ara not too clearly awaro of thalrOBdarprifilasad situation. If the oonatltutioa la a mlxtura attha ollgarohle and daisocratlc rrrlnclplea * this Is tha ease oftha polity, oallad tiaDemqr bgr ilato Aristotle's adrloa is thattheaa %Aixm it eoneoma ba polltielly wise In handling tha attrf attendaneo at public delltaarationa. Lett tha rich ba flaad forMBttandanoa and tha poor be iUBuratad for attawiian, TfaaviodMi dT tiiia sdriaa la of eouvBa nove evident to raali a haaaaiBitaB|ioraij cimmrvn cf Grmak political life as Aristotle imsthan it Is to us.

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    SUat ThMM* Bistolw U tlM fffwmiM glrm in tost. 9Vldnt Tha woxti aratlua of Groasstoste \a0 ralo"

    _:: and froa tba bagiimlng praoltdad aagr poaslblllty of ur-riving at a solutloo of th problem which faoad 4qaina..aettlsd for a taxi of tba 'Politics whic). dls(maao not the d*flnltlofn of "poliV^ or tlaocracy* but ana which siianly oontaiaa

    dviea a3 to hov to baodla a e^rtalA political situation,^vory "honlst knova and anjoi^s tho story tolii in

    the eanoDiutico proea^dings about th eventa which took plocaOB tfaa ?int*s rwtura fni a pilgriaa^ with his students toVbm abbay aad aanctuacy of .Staiat DcbIs. At a eertaln spot ontha xmjt thsy rostad and vMla adalring tba taaauty of ' arlsapraad In a ;!|7xlfic\t vlan bafora thftn, or- '' ' - -"itlontaaakadt'-.ouldn*t you like to poeaaaa this vho:^' rx^j. .hatwoo^ I do with it?" UBS tho prof\BS8or*8 azumer, "Uhy^ youcould sell it to tho king of Framt and tban you wookl be ableto flzBsee t^e vast eorstiruet'oa-prograa of the Dominican order".

    v^hereqpoD Saint Thooas aaidt **! would profr having ufaryBoetofliOR .^ttfaaw,** Miat would .:)uinaa have Jiiven for a readebXead ODderatandahle text oC the (urlatotcliar i^'UMnw eloog witha thoflroqi^ hiatorieal end philologloal oognaetaBT?

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    ognstltutlon oeot4>l8 th awaa ornitntl ple as thu% cu aotianla phgrslcs, of lotelloet tn p^feboilogy or of viirtiMi In otliies.It m Kf Xo eoa^Mucv tba fforta of ^mlyitt and iMUitnilioo entfa part of Saint thBuai on tteM poliit0 m poo at enoa tiwCroat diapgraqportioo batuoon our pdlitioal topio oadi tho otiMVphtloaophlaal toploa, Llttla has baaa dooo tigr Aquima to eloci-4ato tho iUHUtotalin tdaaa on tblo oobjaaty aad uliat U tho varyoora ^ tlia 5itraglrlta*o polltloal phUooopfagr haa otitaiiied Ixtt aUsAUA intoraat In tho Hodlaval i^tar'a th1iiflBi> Thoxv Is Inhio vorlM no traea loft of tho lanonaa oooploeclty of Arifrtotlo'o%aaohtng thora la no traea aithor o Ita rlehnoao In datall,of Ito varlotgr In ^nxraaah and aathod^ nor of Ito pomanont andlatlaota eontaot vl^ Groal: llfo and history, c^nt Theaao*aoaaontofy otopo at tho ond of tha oovanth c- rhtrdBaiiU Thto 1 at a point yOmn Aristotle ra&iJLypitlng tha aottr of eanstltatlon in detail. Tho oitiBfaatifiitlaQ axtonSa not only or tha ramolrilnof thio aaao ^^ook Throa^ bat aoRtiaaoa In all tha am-and fills the ftaooa pagaa ui Baoka IV, V id 71. -^ dlxi Aqoinaa

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    UOImw hl mtk tfliriihidt Tvudltlon glTa no tMmr % tMaqOMtloat but dots not the t9ct of IhB ^th^w. Which \m studlodmbeifp flv US at iMat rBsaon to auopoei that booido tho iMkof tins ^wro is oaotlMr point to bo convidored? Saint ThoqaaWW a oodooi aaa* Ha mmt Imtvo fait tho laadbqaaey of the toolslAlah wars at hla di^tooal to oaator tho Pa^ttioe of Aristotlo.Thofo wM BO tradition of eoonontatory vork on vhleh to roly.The political world to vhlsb Vti0 Aristotolian doetrim reforred^1M8 no aora, Surely the Pffl||f|ff of Aristotle stood aa aasstlo the last rsoaasas of vhldi vore anooaqaenblo to its firsttaidad Msailant.

    tat once ttMse linits and haBdisaps to Aqatoaa* awfliftailing aro rooognlMd, a wqr ri^i^ttftUr Mki What sans ttte posi-tive aloaaols of 3aiDt Thonas* theory of eorstltation eonsldarsdte Urn liglit of his AvistoMIira soomoT whan a tora back tott tMO texts froB tl isjmjam6m^05, l (tets 118 and UDtws aoe that thaso texts aaq^mss two i^Mrtant and tame faatorosf the iristotalisD theory*

    In the first place tho Aristotslia eoRstitutlon is111

    *tbs life ehoaw bgr the irtate". This Bssm that it Is a thingof on othieal natuvo* Comendng ti Oraak sonaeption of the

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    In ttm Tlan sf tlw Ormim mmry aeiwiltaiMqw ladan aoeaapu^ftne ?dos , vhlch mdo Itaelf fttlt InAll tha relatlOOC of !"'- '-k' r-.-miit*tn*1r>nbod led a chne of1/ or not, to bring t. ^ . .. . .,,

    It Into banner with Ita particular mhmm, (112)4 MMtituUon la thoa a "nathad of inc: Ufa alto^.^athvr'*,a "vaijr of llfa", a "religion", aa Da Malatra put It vhsnof tba Franeb Conatltutlon of 1789. Kov this itdet :mA principally aharaotarltine the rrmstitution is tranalatad bgrtha Latin jUiM> Tharefbra wbao ve raad in oar tt LU thatiim !ala thing to ba eooaiilarad la a eonatltutioc ia ita ralaMoato tba rixiim of Uwaa tAoaa llf* \t ia oaant to manUp wa kmvthat iifrtnaa hare atataa a txnialy AriatotaXiaa principle. In our

    abota aaaljraia of tMa taoet, ua obaarvad that tha ecoplata lita-ral agiaaiwiit iiitb tha 4riatotalian quotation ma LK^dng. ^intThHWi Klght wall h knetA an Arlatotalian taxt and) aa tha fol*

    Ha i^w wmild auly iBq[ttiro about the boat fora of aooos' ought first to datamlaa vhleh ia thaoat > life. (lU)

    Tharefore Saint Tboaaa oan afford to oaa tha fonnla in taxt lAXt irt ftUllWinhBi llltlltir f^ ^ ^ awpraaalng a gaanina Aris-totelian doetrlaa.

    Tha aaaoad feature of Arlatotle'a oonatitutioaal theory

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    In his pptwelati'^r ^ :- -rmr:/, Both tl-.iU; Rr- .r-r.x,nte ealld Mnrare crlt'ca of o .-yr-^.ry. Bat with E, '^^qr ilttt la spit* of all that can bs aald to tha ' 'eaetoal Idaa of a danoeratla eoni%ltlieB la y^xi'L/V;-aptad t^ tb 8r?lrita Thla antticr apphaiilaaa the i->j

    tram tha TMvd Book of tha Palttiaa to ahow thla polj^t} ye116

    tMa taxt hare from Raakhaa'a aora Iltaral tranalntlontTte ^im that it la mm propmr tor tha anltitttla tob aovarelipa than the tmi of sceatest vlrtaa adLgittba tteoi^ W ba aa^plleabSUi and to V^are aoea Jaattfl*caUoe^ and aaaa to ba tba tree riffv. i or It la poa-aibla ttet tha aeBQr tti^ so ' itMlljr SPcA aan,yat t^Mi th^ aona te^atbar n^ %T9 m% fndl-Tldaally bat aoUoetlVBlyf ttem thosa

    i t'j:!e

    rII of the toll of it,117

    *8 BBuauiitary on ^ia paaaaea is worth quotir^ii n) raoigntaaii ... that thara

    >o aai4 or b6^

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    m%Um plBolM Md ttt liBOi)(Udfi faM it* tliw anddMMrma ita field of q)fMilao thmm UilngsMWM^ ttet tlw ptfOfim thcKLUi Imw ^i1t> ^h^M intbs giiwiIt of ^ .=itat{ aiKl Ar< Odtpi % %taB tho famtiom of hcl....^. -.^tSBIflatraolMi to aeeount st 1^ 0tid of their ternof offleep %ihleh their flteulty of judipMBit anSt}K>lr o^cperionco of the preaaiire of govemoeotboth fit titan to

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    is tha worics of AqaiiMM la tera Mt SfpiB in itii propar p*rpotiv. It la tha aw mqt of Moaptlne and tranaforalae tlie0%nigiriW*s prtnalpla tihlch wa had oeoaolQO to oboarva In tbafirat tMO ite|Wra tbon 'int Tbooaa proaoMBoaa Uia vord XfadtiMtha doaa not aaaa aoMeUj tha aaaa tbitig aa 4rlatotIa laaant by^k 9/. vlth all its partiaofair atxl nstarlal datamlca-Lioiki, iju vnan ^iqaiaM wajB in aaBtbar lapartfBBt taatt re 'MoatttsUoBaX phtloaapfayi

    Ordo gttbanat' ' ' , '^udL aat oxxio .'iultlu:..i!:ij .^iubprlnei^ta >-' ., attoixlltur : or i"":- ^.Tt!- ^vxflMtt (U9)

    tha iravy taraa of this ieriultlon load aa baok to the taraa uogUktnhtirii tia eonai4arad tha problan In tha aaeoad ehaptw, !'( dl*

    btwaap Aristotla mi Saint TlMna doae aai Il In tlwtroth that a oonetltotion raflaeta aai auMfoaaij a uay

    f UfOf but ratbar la the particular an! apodfie datandnationor thla way of Ufa.

    Aquiaaa* alxtura of tha tfaraa foma of tmnaaiit how*var* boa nothing to do with Ariatotla wte^t tliat It la praaantad120la 4riatotalian Inaguafa* It la kaoim that tha Straglrito va*egnlMa two baat oonatitutioiiai abooluta klagahip or trua aria*

    oa tha OBB haad am tha **poli^ on tha o1^ir. Tbs for-

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    rmr orraspaads to ArUtotle'a "Idwdlstla" bbk pixroxy >iaLii)cx,ivewtbaa of lBf>MtliiUan tlw lattr to hia "raalltie" anri '%t Mthod. In thi pMnUtloni on tha iOml tete, th nMMititaitaD la not a odstiara tMt ptara ftrai it I* tbm conatittt*tifli gftvliv ataMtliito and laTlitffd powar to a aan or iiotigal ante ara ao avi4otljr anparior la vix>tue that thaar raaailni no^aaation aa to yAmtime thagr aboiOd te cAagnid* Tlda la a poeti)-121lata^ BtertBNP Botaa %rhleh i tvpummutu ratinr a Xoeieel ne-aaaaily laft In vaeaa canaral tor9B thM a practloal {uraiMBitloiuArlatotl*a idoa of nUlqg ooaatlttftioaa la aaplatnari la thatpoort of ^la Pql^tloa vtAeh hM boan i^ptly cbaractartaad as a

    122tveatlae on ;x>lltloal path^ogy tfad thcHrapeutios. Thara tha*peilitgr*f a tarn of uiiwiiiim i^eh hlanda and raoonoUaa oU-prdigr meA rtaaaarafjrf it fWRMMiaited* Arlatotla aavor Inalate 223that hla

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    aa ijson amo'^i 'i- oflvorHj rnco* ^ i! i^'rij^fr^rs, .Taco'iosad* Ml Qttnpt to 8h(Hl 11 >^ or^ this quo^tion by points

    iaff to IkquliMB* aiprlnoo and observation of t) fsote ofidll kiaeshlp. The Pi:ia[LStailtoL>e rtttn Mrly ymwPB of tho oovmtiofl of ths thlrtoonth eenUir:ftt thla tlno ill* Mdloval aonorchyy oapoelally that of ticCapotiaMf mm at a ?oint wham an open-nijaiX^d obsarvBr couldnol foranlaia ths tandanclM aaA the inner aapiratlona of tiiatiattitoUon Wttor thM Saint Than* did in his Suaca.

    Saint TtMBis aa^^na btan pur aa tiaorle duI^BiaiiMiiiit Btxta HB* aarfte da fftlts Aont 11etait tmoln . 11 avait 1 * Intelllj^^anoe deaoo tae^s {121,)

    Not* pertloularlXf -laJIler helda Unt ^alnt T^oms oliasrved tbaaaBtraUali tandaneiaa of the Ca-^'t* '^hnr-ii^-^irraaplratioaa of the atataa of tir)aarrationa is hla ihaorsr,

    Thara la oBOthar eonatltjit'^Jwit auMita itIf aa a pedbthih kMiOgr tftearrad tte pelltleal hiaVxy that U6chla tir iji a oonjaetura. ut it la a fact t

    125aant at laaat anoa to the Chapter Oenaral of his '>nler ard whorartilariy partlelnated ir; thti fielt'oratJonn ov" t.hti Chapters of

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    his own taam Provlnoe, knaw parfMtXy well tba cxmBtltutlon ofhi* DdalnlOttD Ordosr. Now tho Doninlean eanetltutlan of thothlr%Mafth omlury ooordixig to Fathor ? -)doDfnBt*B accoccnt

    had a trV- ' ' - -' ^^--^ asoeaUyf a per-onal an -. Tha ganagalahaptar, v: :. : c-^ t -aj ;, ^' -' coaitrolaOBaa a Toari It has full nove. :rroettha ftmlte of tha obb" r-ax uitt vRn dapoaaMa , T}ia naatar go 'icavlaa alaetad*fovwma la a --- - -y, B la daflmdirof tha lav HI BTtir? of proMshorfl*Laatly* the r ' oartalA ooncli-tlorw. Is CO iljr of thpredPaaiad} H ' und ofdULagataa to

    W1>an ha apedca of t- 'tution In hroadar taeraa Fathor127Handomat aeyetthis orcftni nation wMeh erastoa nolthar an abao-nor a deaneracy- la tha aadtom aaaaa

    l very b?iinprj, rha aotborlty is\r/ tha Bnpf^ ' ) eholea of thcT9 fpaolal attention to Its alec .

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  • 7/28/2019 Aquinas and Politics of Aristotle v2



    uiare ' ^} amt laV' . aoyat dvld to utr^ cialvlah dtltoants XV..

  • 7/28/2019 Aquinas and Politics of Aristotle v2


  • 7/28/2019 Aquinas and Politics of Aristotle v2



    this Jtr' "* -:.' polntlr- - **-' m- . - *....**^..*< ,^ _ -^ (,14Ur- "-' ' " *' " t. . V ' Into the argo*

    n-^OT'* -"- tb nrtxci' . In thin UkmeVfdoaa not frr- -c^lude t>^ eonsli^erii, .t of the politieelfield proper, ^ >iT tAroagb the I'^asdnicea eonetdtu*tioo ooe ie 19bv. rx> VI -1 ! x'jIA ea veil as to the mnlfold Vm*deneiee vhiefa ed thnaelvae felt in the erniBtttatlonal end polltieel hietoiy of the thirteenth ecmtory. In the Chttreh, flreiof ell, then In the klacdeWf eepenliill/ that of iTance* oentrall*eetion and tmiflevitai f the iiMiirww nnmhltBl powor wae thMitehvard In tlM eenanM on the other heady daMatreXlslafead llbenliaioc eeplrotlons vere finding aore end oore definiteHif""< TI prlnelple of election end elli^^lbillty to rofwd% M^ offleeo end oT the Halted teaure of these offleee, vanMieitliig iteelf nors and aiare Sa the lifie of the adlewl towne.In the DoalMflen eonetltution theae two corftri^ry nefMMaesfee wavehWBOBloaBly end firsdy voven together. Sot thta eeaatltution%m no exoloeivolj rellffious affair. It vm an IdMd petWrnsgmm oat of politleal eayerlaaee end deetlned to ere the polltleal nractitlcmoT.


  • 7/28/2019 Aquinas and Politics of Aristotle v2


  • 7/28/2019 Aquinas and Politics of Aristotle v2



    CHAP li I - V tj usum imui aorm L

    In thi0 final ehaptar v Inland to laad th r

  • 7/28/2019 Aquinas and Politics of Aristotle v2


  • 7/28/2019 Aquinas and Politics of Aristotle v2



    is) %im thooiy of the hoonebolcl and Ito connt1tu>3nt olonontc and135rilaUaMi

    136(3) tiMi Arlstotalion notion ant-! J'lRtlftoBtion of glavwr/i{it) tlia do0%rlm of pvopartor^ hoawiioiU*miM9tMM mi Itbs 9Cf%

    13?of eqattfitioBi138

    (5) Um quveiion of l*giil rfom0|(6) tte definition of ths eltlsM msi dtlMoahlp)(7) ifao th7 OM of those dlBOnsslono la to be found In thsfirst tD and half books of the PoUtlee. ttet ^s. In the wcypart on whlc^i Salst ThoMa wrote hla aoonmtary, TMa eoweapoti*danaa batwean the MiiMantaij aad the other vorto 9i Aqoiaaa isao BtrlklBf that It osvOd aawe aa a eonfireatleii of the aiguasBtIr hi^ the TtwBdatie blbHa^rapHaM linlt tha atittontle partaf the CoaaaBtery on the f^Jl^Awf their ai fciwiit. of oouraa raatspHavlly en aanoaoript anridM9e It is intoraatlng: to note thatafter tha sixth chapter of the Third Oaak of the Politiii^. thevalona

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  • 7/28/2019 Aquinas and Politics of Aristotle v2



    - t-^rs or uiv 1.1. i\i j-jk, u; " *-' of thl fact - '-1

    ' " * ' '" ^^ Tool. ..-. It coooldora ti- y. - >-vi--:j o. i.;it'v - ' '^ - " r^ios of other In-

    ^ of ixt' to ouiilw^iBiiiijl QtMk politlca; ismwt Bwrimr oontOBte

    tiict then* boeles am cciuoirwl vlth poLl^oal naoppliadtiegr aatf natho-loe;. Tilt vmrltf of quotatloiii from thea* boc^ In Aqulna;) is

    y-i evJUkmt not to he notload, 9 hsva found n quotationrrj^ 'jok 'ix in aogr of Aquinas* vorks,

    fba fifth of tba atfivo aiiiiilloned profalasM haa cn^aada apaeial ttnot on tha part of Iqulsaa, Ha wadm tkm raapaetl^retaott of tha P^VUM (^3Ct XLIV) the basis of a vhola artSelo oftha frlM ffWMlllft (text U3}t tfWffl Ifllt tWHIII aOTW ilL^dlBir^ flWiat flOMrrt^ fliaflfffeLmliia. ^ this article tha atate-ant of tha prohlaa^ the c^Joctions^ the body of tha artieXaf maitha aneiwra to tha ohjaetionay all follow tha Ariatotollan taodalvary eloaaly. It la indaad rawarliBliila that Saint Thawa took

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  • 7/28/2019 Aquinas and Politics of Aristotle v2



    %l urm io oonfom tb Straglrlt*** thwry with th Mq^arlMMe2A3of

    iUiid ftMs thaw 8nk polltiosl problfles^ tlMNi arttio {Mrineii/las tf pvat phUoMptdoal i^portaao* hloli iqaioMOMM to tlw XiH^t^n- TiM flmt of thw lo tlw prlMiptei thQUI rttla* th body ultb th* sort of uthority thst a nurtar )

    Blavwi it mlM th aensitlvB appatita with tha aoiborltjload tor a atatwiwa or aoaareh ovar his fallow oltlaana.

    Tha aaeoad prlnalpla la faemimtmA am foUouBi tha arta eMral*ly adnlt do Unit vlth r8paet to tha pradaetloo of tfaair aacia,aaeh aaakli to pfodaaa Ita aod to Xhm ffptataat poaaihila aactadatiUa^ roMgBfjM mA pvaetlea a llait only vlth rat^iaet to thaMMM tlMX oaa to attain tha eada. la Aqoiaaa* omb vocdot

    (1) /Udaa darrtnatnr eorpori daapetloo pz*liielpataaloot daaaa aarvo qui am hahat faeoltatea raala*taodi in aliqoo ia^trio doalnif ratio varo dodna*tor iitfi^aribua aalnaa partiboa raisall at politicoprtnolpatny idaat aieut ragaa at pcisalpae eiYita-tan flwtaantar UbariSf qui fartot iua at faeolta-taa ffaiuBMiMll qaaBtan ad aliqnt paraooapta ragla^1 prinei^Aa (tasit 4S),(2) Appatltua fixOa in oacilMia artiboa aat ahaqoa tflNdaof oaraa aajaa qmm aunt ad tiaaa^ aatallqvia tandons (taart 86)

    Va brw aouatad tti taxts in hieh Saint Tbamam aado oaa of thaflrat prinelpla in a graat tartaty of p^yohologieal mA athiaal

    ?o\ ^.'^

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  • 7/28/2019 Aquinas and Politics of Aristotle v2



    (% 45 to U4}. In nlM tm

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