

April April April April

at at at at

New New New New

Hope Hope Hope Hope

JD’s Reflections 2

Missions 3

Miscellaneous 4

Children & Youth 5

Calendar 6

Inside: April at a glance: (See last page for complete calendar)

April 9 - Mexican buffet & Youth talent show April 10 - Bishop Hans Vaxby preaches; Potluck lunch at noon April 16 - Sharefest work day April 17 - Palm Sunday April 21 - Maundy Thursday “Living Last Supper” at 6:30 April 22 - Good Friday service at 6:30 April 23 - 10:30 a.m. Egg Hunt April 24 - EASTER - regular service times


Fund Raisers

at New Hope

Holy Week Schedule:

Maundy Thursday 6:30 p.m. “Living Last Supper”

Good Friday 6:30 p.m. service conducted by our Youth

Easter regular services at 9:45 and 11:00 a.m.

Mission Dinner for adult trips-

(not until) MAY 15 tables will represent countries such

as Nicaragua or Nepal (where

some New Hope folks are going on

Mission) - more on page 3

Easter Sunday Confirmation and Baptism in second service. See page 2 for the 2011 class.

A Special Guest

On April 10

Bishop Hans

Vaxby, Bishop

of the Eurasia Area, will be

our guest preacher in both

services. Bishop Vaxby is

over an area that covers 11

time zones and includes

Russia, Ukraine, Belarus

(Belorussia), Moldova,


Tadjikistan, Uzbekistan, and

Kryguzstan. He is in OKC for

the Russia Initiative

Consultation being hosted by

St. Luke’s April 7 - 9.

“Still before us lie work,

discipline, sacrifice.

But the fact of Easter gives us

the spiritual power to do the

work, accept the discipline, and

make the sacrifice.”

~Henry Knox Sherrill

“The great Easter truth is

not that we are to live newly

after death - that is not the

great thing - but that…....

we are to, and may, live

nobly now because we are

to live forever.”

~ Phillips Brooks

“The Living Last Supper” April 21 at 6:30

See page 4 for cast and notes.

Garage Sale - April 29 -30

page 4

Lily Orders Lily Orders Lily Orders Lily Orders

due April 3due April 3due April 3due April 3

Youth -

Mexican Buffet

& Talent Show

Saturday, April 9

6:00 - meal

6:30 - show

The resurrection gives my life meaning and direction and

the opportunity to start over no matter what my circumstances.

~Robert Flatt



continue to go

to UMCOR - see article

page 2

Tomb, thou shalt not

hold Him longer;

Death is strong,

but Life is stronger;

Stronger than the dark,

the Light;

Stronger than the


the Right...

~Phillips Brooks,

"An Easter Carol"

I had a wonderful time in the month of March with our

confirmands. Together we are exploring the eternal truths

of the Christian faith as we think about what it means to

belong to Jesus and belong to the Church. The Wednesday

night of spring break we went to the Regional Food Bank of

Oklahoma to do a service project. Donette and I decided to

invite the other youth to go, as well as adult mentors who

are helping with confirmation.

The result of this open invitation is that we filled

the bus and took a large group to do our project. The

assignment we were given was filling plastic bags with

one pound of Cinnamon Toast Crunch. The bags had to be

filled, weighed, and sealed. By the end of the evening we

had filled over 1200 bags!

What do we learn from this? We learn that we can

do more when we work together as a group than we can do

on our own. If I had gone by myself to the Regional Food

Bank, I could not have filled 1200 bags in two hours.

I needed the help of my Christian sisters and brothers to do

something significant.


We live in in a day when independent

churches are very popular. Some say that the day of

the denomination is dead. If that is so, then it is a

sad day. I am thankful to be a member of The

United Methodist Church. The United Methodist

Church is not perfect, but I believe that it is an

institution that is dedicated to serving the Lord Jesus

Christ and serving others.

Take, for instance, the disaster caused by an

earthquake and tsunami in Japan. Once again,

United Methodists will make a difference through

our relief agency. New Hope Church is not alone in

responding to the needs of people in Japan, for our

Methodist sisters and brothers are with us. We may

not be able to go to Japan, but we can care for the

Japanese through the United Methodist Committee

on Relief.

By the way, you will be glad to know that

the American institute of Philanthropy lists UMCOR

as one of the top-rated charities and gives it an A

grade. In collecting this offering for Japan, we are a

part of a Christian tradition that started with the

Apostle Paul collecting an offering for the Jerusalem

Church. let us heed the admonition of Paul:

‘Keep alert stand firm in your faith, be courageous,

be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.”

(1Corinthians 16: 13 -14)

Future Sermons: April 3 - “Keep the Faith, Baby!” April 10 - Bishop Hans Vaxby preaching April 17 - “The King is Coming!” April 24 - “Close Encounters of the Easter Kind” May 1 - “A Message of Hope”

The resurrection gives my life meaning and direction and the opportunity to start over no matter what my circumstances.


Confirmation Class

and their mentors:

Carly Diaz (Teresa Coffman)

Sam Gosdin (Richard Foster)

Gilian Hasty (Tammy Darter)

Wylie Krout (Alex Atkinson)

Maddie Scott (Lori Foster)

Allie Seay (Luisa Medina)

Katie Seay (Diane Layton)

Kellie Seay (Doris Korner)

Katelyn Sheldon (Karrie Ward)

A Response from UMCOR: A Response from UMCOR: A Response from UMCOR: A Response from UMCOR: On Friday, March 11, the General Board of Global Ministries reached out to missionaries and partners in Japan to

confirm their safety and ask how we can help. The Wesley Center, affiliated

with United Methodist Women, offers shelter to those who are displaced.

UMCOR set up an Advance Account for the Pacific Emergency.

Once the scope of the disaster was known, the name was changed to

“Japan Emergency” and the description updated.

UMCOR is working through relief and church partners in Japan to

respond and provide immediate assistance and long-term rehabilitation.

With these partners, UMCOR is meeting basic humanitarian needs in north-

ern Japan such as clean drinking water, food, cooking and eating supplies,

clothing and fuel for heating. We are honoring the request of the Japanese

government who asked that outside groups not come to Japan. UMCOR

staff does not generally go into disasters as first responders and we are

working through trusted partners who have existing networks in the

affected areas.

We have sent an emergency grant to church partner, United

Church of Christ in Japan. Local churches are being used as distribution

sites to provide basic necessities such as food, clean water, clothing, and

heating fuel to survivors. UMCOR also sent an emergency grant to

GlobalMedic, a trusted partner and first responder, to provide medical care

and access to clean drinking water, supplies and food.

We anticipate working with our partners to direct your gifts to

earthquake and tsunami survivors in Japan as needs and plans for response

are identified. All grant requests go through a rigorous approval process

and require a reporting of how the funds are used. It is important to us that

we are good stewards of your gifts.

Christ and serving others.


Helping Hands Food Pantry

Happy Springtime!

We have served 42 clients so far this year. We could not do it

without you! We’ve gone from bare shelves to full shelves in

the course of a month’s time thanks to your generosity.

We now have plenty of pinto beans and corn. We could use

donations of canned peas and ranch beans, children’s cereals

and graham crackers.

Thank you and Blessings! Kimberly & Sharia A Warm Fuzzy Success!

335 stuffed animals were collected to be given to

EMSA and the Highway Patrol ! THANK YOU ALL for your help with this project!

Between services and when you leave Sunday School

classes either time, please remember that folks are still

in service and trying to worship.

It’s easy to forget when you’re talking with friends.

If you have an idea for an AAAA----OK! OK! OK! OK! project, contact David

Salter. We welcome (and need) ideas for short-term

projects that people can participate in easily.

Mission Dinner and Fundraising Event

Yvonne Morgan

We have two groups going out

on international missions this year.

One team is going to Nicaragua in August and

one team is going to Nepal in September.

To help both teams raise money for

their trips we will be holding a mission dinner

on May 15 at New Hope. The average cost of

these trips is about $2,000 per person.

Donations will be collected during the evening.

It will be a fun evening with

a time to learn more about

missions and about these trips.

The dinner tables will be set up to represent a

country of the world and that will determine

the type of food you will eat and the utensils you use.

We will have a Nicaraguan table, a Nepalese table, a USA

table and a few others. This will allow people to get a taste

of life in these cultures. We will have dessert

and coffee for everyone.

A few members from each team will

talk about their trips -- why they are going

and what they hope to do or learn on the trip.

There will be a sign-up sheet on the counter so we

know how much food to prepare.


8:00 a.m. SATURDAY, April 16.

at Winds House.


“Keep the Faith, Baby!” Bishop Hans Vaxby preaching “The King is Coming!” “Close Encounters of the Easter Kind” “A Message of Hope”


April is planting month. For the garden of your daily living:

Plant three rows of “peas” -

Peace of Mind,

Peace of Heart,

Peace of Soul.

Plant four rows of “squash” -

Squash Gossip,

Squash Indifference,

Squash Grumbling,

Squash Selfishness

Plant four rows of “lettuce” -

Lettuce be Faithful,

Lettuce be Kind,

Lettuce be Patient,

Lettuce really Love

one another.

No garden is complete without “turnips”:

Turnip for Meetings,

Turnip for Service,

Turnip to Help each

one another.

A successful garden takes “thyme”-

Thyme for Each other,

Thyme for Family,

Thyme for Friends

Remember to

water your garden freely with Patience

and cultivate with Love.

Your garden will give much fruit because

you reap what you sow.

Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you for the donations to our Ruth Circle project “Baskets for Babies” “Baskets for Babies” “Baskets for Babies” “Baskets for Babies” project providing items

for the Infant Crisis Center

“For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10

Pastoral Partners (week of) April 3 - Kimberly Brewer

April 10 - Vita & Denning Crowe

April 17 - Jo Martin

April 24 - Mary McQueen

May 1 - Kathy McTommoney


On April 28 Young at Heart will

take a bus trip to eat Amish food and visit

the Azalea Festival in Muskogee.

They will resume their regular


potluck lunches

on May 26 at

11:30 a.m. at

the church.

AnniversariesAnniversariesAnniversariesAnniversaries &&&&


Chuck & Gayla Simpson

Cliff & Cheryl Lowry

Darrel & Lou AnnTodd

John & Ann Hannah

Rick & Kris Howell

# 58 for --

Sherman & Rita Karns !

Harley & Mickey Miller

Dave Eck

Brooklyn Whetsone

Brooke Gulvas

Veronica Cook

Jan Voss

Aliece Grant

Jean Hollis

Gayla Simpson

Kimberly Brewer

Judy Unsell

Lois Medina

Robin Paul

Vicki Freeman

Cacie Morgan

Conner Holick

Chloe White

Cindy Hill

Sierra Paul

Delaney Sheffield

Robbie Hanlin

Brett Pattillo

Kayleigh Daniels

Richard Foster

Amy Saunders

Yvonne Morgan

Jim Martin

Robert Wakefield

Travis Roark

Gail Holladay

Kari Russell

Attendance: March 6 - 230 March 13 - 217

March 20 - 234 March 27 - 285

Noon - April 10 Come share food and

fellowship! There will be

no potluck in May due to

Mother’s Day.

Thank You!

Thank you

to all my

friends at

New Hope.

I appreciate all

the wonderful

gifts that you all have

so generously given.

I feel blessed that you

have been thinking of

Emma Elizabeth and me.

See you soon!

Sara Ethridge

In April enjoy the display of pottery items made by the members of Young at Heart. Thanks to Bob & Nellyne for providing instruction and providing a place to make and fire these creative works! The display case is a great way to share with our

congregation, letting us learn a little more about people we sometimes just see at church. If you would like to bring things, there is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board by the flower calendar.

SAVE YOUR STUFF!!! Spring Garage & Clothing Sale

Friday & Saturday, April 29th and 30th

It’s TIME! clean out your closets and ga-rages. You don’t even have to do the work of

having a garage sale…….just donate it to our Youth to sell. Think how much simpler your life would be without all that stuff around. Keep what you use and give the rest away. Don’t forget to get rid of that old outdoor furniture so you can buy new next spring. Call Perry Johnson for pick up of large items! Help! We need volunteers Monday through Thursday, April 25th- 28th to receive, arrange and price sale items and to help pick up large items. We’ll also need early help to set up tables and clothes racks. Please plan your schedule now and sign up for the time you have available to help. Also, an individual with experience is needed to help locate and price treasures and collectibles. We must have help to support New Hope Youth Mission Programs. Also, please save and bring bags and sacks with your donations so we’ll have those for people who buy!

The Living Last Supper performance will be on Maundy Thursday (April 21) at 6:30 p.m.

The cast includes: Nathaniel (Mark Valentour) Matthew (Craig Stuniolo) James the Lesser (Richard Foster) James (JD Ward) Andrew (Todd Krout) Judas (Matt Miller) Philip (David Darter) Thaddeus (Ken Attebery) Thomas (Curtis Paul) John (Christ Porter) Simon, the Zealot (Thomas Brimacombe) Peter (Alex Atkinson) Jesus (Jose Medina) The narrator will be Randy McGuire. Behind the scenes workers are: Props (Stephanie Saunders) Costumes/Wigs (Lori Foster and Tammy Darter) Make-up (Robin Paul) They could use help with all of these last things if you’re able!


The annual Easter Egg

hunt for children will be

Saturday, April 23

at 10:30 a.m. They need contributions of

small, individually-wrapped

candies and toys to put in the

plastic eggs. These may be

brought at any time and Ruth

Circle ladies will fill the eggs.

the Azalea Festival in Muskogee.

9:45 Sunday School

“Rock Solid -

Building a Heart of Faith”

Lessons and scriptures for grades 1 - 3

April 3 Praying in the Garden

Matthew 26: 36 - 46

April 10 Peter’s Denial

Matthew 26: 57-58, 69 -75

April 17 Hosanna! John 12: 12 - 19

April 24 Jesus Lives! John 20: 1 - 18

Lessons and scriptures for grades 4-5

April 3 Betrayal and Arrest

Matthew 26: 36 - 56

April 10 The Trial Matthew 26: 57 - 68;

27: 11 - 3

April 17 The Crucifixion and Burial

John 19: 17 - 42

April 24 Jesus Is Alive!

John 20: 1-18


Mission trips and

Camps are coming!

Deposits are due in May.

Make a note and

reserve your space as

soon as possible.

Atlanta Mission Trip June 4 - 10

($ due May 1)

Youth Force in Norman June 12 - 17

($ due May 1)

JEM Camp June 13 - 17

($ due May 1)

CYME July 4 - 8

($ due May 15)

North & South District Camp

July 18 - 22 ($ due May 15)

April 21 - Maundy Thursday -

Living Last Supper 6:30 p.m.

April 22 - Good Friday

service 6:30 p.m.

April 23 - Easter Egg hunt.

Youth be at the church early

to hide eggs for the little

ones. (Hunt is at 10:30)

April 24 - Easter

April 29 & 30

Garage Sale

(set up is during the

week April 25 - 28)

May 15- Graduation Sunday

May 22 - Youth Sunday

May 29 - NO Youth that evening

Nursery Volunteers First Service Second Service April 3 NEED Volunteer Robin Paul

April 10 Diane Layton Casey Pattillo

April 17 Nellyne Hanlin Alice Pattillo

April 24 Becca Pappas Elyse Ellsworth

Children’s Moment

April 10 -

Les Basset

April 17 -

Les Basset

April 24 -

Jason Bruce

Dates to Know

Easter Egg Hunt

March 23 at

10:30 a.m.

Children ages 1-10

Bring your Baskets

and come to back

door of Fellowship


Vacation Bible

School June 27 - 30

9 a.m. until noon

Check out our

YOUTH page

on the

New Hope

web site or ask

to be put on

our text or Facebook alerts.

Acolytes 1st Service 2nd Service____ First Sunday Anieca Valentour Leah Medina

Kellie Seay Payton Ellsworth

bearer of Cross Sam Gosdin Ben Eck

Second Sunday Noah Paul Roni Cook

Allie Seay Katie Seay

bearer of Cross Jake Sherwin Ben Eck

Third Sunday Jonathan Eck Carly Hurt

Anieca Valentour Emma Bruce

bearer of Cross Sam Gosdin Ben Eck

Fourth Sunday Shay Johnson Ricky Cook

Josie Anderson Sierra Paul

bearer of Cross Sam Gosdin Ben Eck

Any parent planning to go to

camp as a sponsor will need to fill

out a form for a background

check as part of Safe Sanctuaries.

James the Lesser (Richard Foster)

Jesus (Jose Medina) The narrator will be Randy McGuire.

Behind the scenes workers are:

CIA -Wednesdays at






Bishop Hans Vaxby

in both services

Noon - Potluck lunch

4:30 p.m. - Youth &

Disciple I & Christian


New Hope in

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

3 Orders for Easter

lilies DUE

3:00 - Worship


4:30 p.m. - Disciple I

& Christian Believer

& Youth


10:00 a.m.

Prayer team


8:15 a.m.

Men of Hope

noon - Trustees

4:30 p.m. -

Disciple I

4:30 - Youth


8:30 - 9:00


service in chapel

Regular service times

Confirmation Sunday

No Disciple I or Youth


6 9-2 CDO

5:45 Midweek meal -


6:15 - JD’s class

6:30 - youth & children

6:30 - NHH Band

7:00 - choir

13 9-2 CDO

5:00 - staff meeting

6:30 - children & youth

6:30 - NHH Band

7:00 - choir

On Easter we will

have an 8:30 -

9:00 a.m. service

in the chapel and

then regular 9:45

& 11:00 service

20 9-2 CDO

6:30 - youth & children

6:30 - NHH Band

7:00 - choir

14 CDO 9-2

9:30 a.m. Mary

Martha Circle

6:30 p.m. -

Disciple II

27 set up for

garage sale 9-2 CDO

6:30 - children & youth

6:30 - NHH Band

7:00 - choir


CDO 9-2

6:30 p.m. -

Disciple II

6:30 - Finance


23 10:30 a.m.


set up for

garage sale CDO 9-2 Young at Heart

trip to Muskogee

6:30 p.m. -

Disciple II

25 set up

garage sale 10:00 a.m.



18 10:00 a.m.




10:00 a.m.




6:30 a.m.

Buck & a


CDO 9-2

19 6:30 a.m.

Buck & a


CDO 9-2

12 6:30 a.m.

Buck & a

Bible 9 -2 CDO


Pantry open

6:30 p.m.

Ruth Circle

26 set up garage sale

6:30 a.m.

Buck & a Bible

9 -2 CDO



7:00 building






Leave NH at

5:30 if

you’ve paid

for the




8 - 3


Work Day at

Winds House

May 1 - lunch for new members (2009 - present) at noon; Administrative Council at 6:30 p.m.; May 2 - Pastoral Partners 6:30


6:00 p.m.


buffet &

talent show

by our Youth

at 6:30


Good Friday


7:00 p.m.


by our Youth


8 a.m. -

4 p.m.

Garage Sale


8 a.m. -

2 p.m.

Garage Sale

21 Maundy


CDO 9-2

7:00 p.m.

Living Last




Bring things for Garage Sale! Plan to

help set up the week of the 25th.



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