
Marvin McCormick, Senior Pastor

Philip Galyon,

Director of Student Ministries

Emily Chenault, Director Of Children's Ministries

Amanda Cole,

Wesley Preschool Director

Joanne Griffith, Director of Adult Ministries

Hank Kimbrell,

Director of Music Brenda Berryman, Organist

Amy Whitten, Bookkeeper

Lisa Ramey Financial Secretary

Susan Behrendt,

Office Administrator

Office phone: 256-355-1842

Church email Address:

[email protected]

Church Web Address:


April 2018

1211 Westmead St SW Decatur, AL 35601

Phone: 256 355-1842

Church email address:

[email protected]

1211 Westmead St SW Decatur, AL 35601

Watch Wesley Memorial LIVE at BOTH services Sundays from 9:00am to 10:00am AND 10:55-12 noon at

Chancel Choir Schedule: Join us Wednesdays at 7:00pm in the sanctuary. We will rehearse Wednesday evening April 4, 11,18 and 25. The choir will be cooking

pancakes Saturday, April 7, from 8am to 11am; come join us for a great breakfast. Handbell rehearsals in the sanctuary for this month are as follows: 5:00pm April 8 and 15 (no rehearsal April 1). Join us in worship April 22 as the Handbells will be playing at both worship services. We have another octave of bells and would love to use them! Please come join us. See Hank for more information or call his cell, 256-303-3560. You may also email at [email protected].

Praise Band: Rehearsals are Wednesday evenings at 7:00pm in McWhorter Hall Worship Center.

April 7 8am-1pm

YARD SALE This year’s Marketplace will be held Saturday, April 7. There are always deals to be found at this annual indoor yard sale. Doors open at 8am; delicious bake sale items and a great pancake breakfast will nourish you while you shop. We will begin accepting items for the yard sale April 5. All proceeds from Marketplace help with missions.

BAKE SALE The United Methodist Women are sponsoring the Marketplace bake sale Saturday, April 7. All proceeds will go to Wesley youth and children's missions. Your continued support of baking, purchasing and/or cash donations to this annual fund raiser for the young people at Wesley would be greatly appreciated. If you need more information, please call Linda Royer, 256/353-

5492 or Mary Harris, 256/616-6424. Baked goods should be delivered to McWhorter Hall by 6:30pm Friday, April 6.


The chancel choir will be cooking a great pancake breakfast April 7. Mark your calendars now and plan to attend.


The cross is a major symbol of how we live as a Christian family. It tells a major story of our past, present and our future. The Living Cross will be put up Palm Sunday. We are inviting everyone to bring flowers and greenery to place on the Living Cross Easter morning.

April 1

9am in


10:55am in the



By Glenda McMahon Serendipity Sisters will be meeting Sunday, April 8. We will meet near the WEB after the sanctuary service and carpool to OH! Bryan’s Steak House in Hartselle. Thursday, May 17, the church bus has been reserved and we will go to Nashville. The reason for going is to visit the Upper Room in Nashville. We need to fill the bus, so let Marie or Glenda know if you plan to go. The May meeting has been moved to Sunday, May 20, in the WEB. We want to enjoy Mother’s Day with our families. A big thanks to our hostess in March. We started celebrating St. Patrick’s Day early.

Communion Rail for the month of

April is for Habitat for Humanity

Each month, Wesley provides special support to an individual ministry either within the church or in the community through our Commuion Rail offering. Donations can be made either at the commuion rail on the first Sunday of each month, or anytime by designating checks for the Communion Rail offering and placing in the offering.


Senior Lunch Outing FREIGHT HOUSE in Hartselle, 11:30,

Wednesday, April 4 Meet at the church to ride the bus by 11am.


A Monthly Book Club

Page Turners book club meets the first Tuesday of each month for book discussions and fellowship in the church library at 6pm. All are welcome. Check out the complete book list posted on the website: in the announcements area.

ORGANIC, RAW WORSHIP April 8 at 5:00pm McWhorter Hall

Come to a new worship service the second Sunday nights of each month beginning April 8 at 5:00pm.

Feel the spirit move through music and prayer. Children’s ministry will continue to meet as always. Youth are welcome to come and experience a different style of worship. Sit at the table before worship for a potluck fellowship dinner at 5:00pm. Worship will begin following fellowship.

FERVENT Weekend:

April 27-28 “Fervent: A Woman’s Battle Plan for Serious, Specific, and Strategic Prayer” by Priscilla Shirer. Ladies, you are invited to a Fervent Weekend. We have the book available for purchase in the office or available at any bookstore and on Amazon. Read this book and join in our Facebook discussion board before the event. This is the perfect time for an ultimate girls weekend. Friday night, April 27, come in your PJs for a PJ and movie night. We will snack, chat, pamper and watch “The War Room”. Saturday we will eat well, learn about prayer and strategy and how to create our own war room. To purchase your book or for questions contact Emily Chenault, [email protected] If you will need childcare contact Emily at least one week prior to the event.

If you would like to receive email prayer requests related to our church,

please send an email to [email protected] and

request to be added to the Prayer List.

Maundy Thursday—March 29

6:30pm in the sanctuary

Good Friday—March 30 6:30pm in McWhorter Hall

Easter Worship Services

April 1

Prayer Requests from Debbie Proctor in New York I am continuing to work on opening the Thrift Store and Community Center. Please pray for this project. The Thrift Store will be non-profit and all the proceeds will go to fund programs for the

Community Center. This is a great way for us to share the gospel and touch the lives of many people with the love of Jesus Christ.

Please pray for God to be preparing the hearts of the Bay Ridge community to volunteer and donate to the thrift store.

Please pray especially for God to prepare the hearts of

those He wants us to reach with the gospel.

Please pray for wisdom in guidance for me throughout this project.

If you are interested in partnering with me, please send donations to: Debbie Proctor

Three-day Busy Hands

May 3--5 WEB

We've put a busy hands weekend on the calendar. We hope you will mark your calendars and plan to join us for what is always a fun time of dedicated crafting and sewing activities of your choice. We’ll craft Thursday from 11am to 9pm and Friday and Saturday from 9am to 3pm. Please help us plan by calling the office to reserve your space.

Wesley Connections Page 3 Building the Kingdom here


The other day I was talking with Joanne and in the course of the conversation I made the statement that I had become very liturgical in my life. We talked about the way the liturgical seasons corresponded with the seasons of life and the year. As you read this article we will have just come out of the season of Lent. Lent begins deep in the heart of winter when the days are short, the nights are long and dark. The trees are bare and the wind blows cold. It is in the midst of this barrenness that we come and receive the ashes of palms from the previous year, we acknowledge our mortality and our brokenness. The nights seem to grow longer and colder with each passing day. The barren branches of our lives rattle with the winds of the Spirit. And yet, somewhere deep in our hearts we know spring is coming. We set our hopes on the time when the days become brighter and warmer. The cold winds turn into a gentle breeze and the barren branches once again become alive with buds of new life. Just as the thoughts and hopes of spring help us survive the coldest, darkest days of winter, so the hope and expectation of Easter help as we journey through Lent. We know that no matter how dark the days get, how steep the trail grows, how barren the season seems: EASTER IS A COMIN’! IT MAY BE FRIDAY NOW, BUT SUNDAY’S COMING! We might journey through Lent, but we LIVE in Easter. We know that at the end of this season the warm glow of the empty tomb will welcome us into new life. And so, we have survived Lent and now are in the Easter season. Easter is a season of new beginnings, just as spring is the season of new beginnings. Easter is the season of warm sun in our souls, just as spring is the season of warm sun on our faces. Easter is the season where death gives way to life, just as spring is the season where brown lawns come alive with fresh new grass. Easter is the season that leads us to the hot blazing fire of the Spirit, just as spring is the season that leads to the heat and freedom of summer. So, take a deep breath and smell the warmth and freshness of a new season. A season where all things old have passed away and, behold, all things are made new. A new season, with new growth full of new opportunities as we once again prepare to receive the energy of the spirit.

Bro. Marvin

Rev Marvin


Text the amount of your gift to 256-304-9272. Contact Lisa Ramey, 256-355-1842, or [email protected] with questions.

The Mary and Martha circle of UMW preparing 37 care packs for

the foster children. The care packs and a cash donation are going to

FACES (Families and Children Experiencing Separation)

Hurts, Habits and Hang-ups

Celebrate Recovery Every Tuesday

at 5:30pm. Celebrate Recovery is a unique Christ-centered program and support group for the many HURTS, HABITS and HANG-UPS of life. Through the 12 steps and eight recovery principles, we are able to celebrate God’s healing power in our lives. By working and applying these Biblical principles, we begin to grow spiritually. We become free from our addictive, compulsive and dysfunctional behaviors. This freedom creates peace, serenity, joy and, most importantly, a stronger personal relationship with God and others. We are in need of your help to make this program a great success. Volunteer opportunities: Help with a meal, greeters, work the resource table, help with childcare, small group facilitators and help with music for worship. Contact [email protected]

New Life Emmaus Walk 32 will be held April 19-22, 2018, at Benedictine Sisters Retreat Center in Cullman. Bill Crouch will be the Lay Director for this walk. If you would like to provide refreshments, agape or prayers for this walk, you may contact Myscha Crouch (256) 773-0348 or Lisa Ramey (256) 227-1733. You can sign up for the prayer vigil online at

Join me in Prayer? By Myscha Crouch

Prayer is communication with God and our Wesley family. We have an e-mail prayer chain that you can join if you would like to ask for prayers or pray for others. On an average week there are usually one or two prayer requests that are shared. If you would like to be part of that prayer chain contact the church office via phone, 256-355-1842, or email [email protected]. You can submit prayers by sending an email to [email protected]. In the subject line include the word prayer request and the name of the person you are asking us to pray for. In the body of the email give a brief statement of your prayer request. If you are requesting prayers for someone outside your family please make sure they are comfortable with what you are sharing. In general, share the request in two or three sentences so we know what to pray for and whether it is prayer or a praise report. Each request is immediately sent to the entire prayer chain just as you submitted it. Join us as we pray for each other and the world around us. It is pretty amazing to look back over time and see how God has answered our prayers!

Trivia Night and Silent Auction Fundraiser!

Friday, April 13 in McWhorter Hall

from 6-9pm

Join us for a night of fun, trivia and a silent auction. Invite your friends and family to come out, play some trivia and bid on silent auction items such as a four-night stay in Gulf Shores, oil changes, tickets and more! Tables (seats six) will be $60 per table. This is a great opportunity for your Sunday School class, small group, family, etc. to come and support our youth group. All proceeds from table sales and the silent auction go directly towards our summer mission trip to Jacksonville, FL. Your table provides your own dinner and table decorations, but the youth will have snacks available. There will be prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place for the most decorative table and the best food for tables. Here's how you can help: a) Buy a table for your family, Sunday School Class, work group, small group, etc. b) Donate items to the silent auction c) Come and participate in Trivia Night and the Silent Auction. Please contact Philip in the church office or email ([email protected]) if you have any questions.

Going a different way…..

A couple of years ago, I went to New Mexico to be with Keith while he was on a business trip. This trip involved several firsts for me. I had never flown alone. I had never been to El Paso, Texas or New Mexico. Keith was working two of the days I was there so I found myself exploring unknown areas alone. Even though there were lots of firsts and new experiences, I found myself enjoying seeing the sights of southern New Mexico.

When it was time to go back to the airport, I had a choice. I could travel back to El Paso the way I had gone when I arrived or I could go back to El Paso by way of Las Cruces, NM. If you know anything about southern New Mexico, there are flat, barren areas as well as beautiful mountains. The road to Las Cruces went through the mountains while the way I had previously traveled was flat and not very interesting. I was nervous about going another way but I chose to step out in faith and go through the mountains. This drive allowed me to see some of the most beautiful parts of the area. How often to we go the way we’ve always gone and miss opportunities to reach out to others in service and in love? We can all become creatures of habit which can cause us to miss out on opportunities to witness to others the love of God that we have been given to share. I was recently given the opportunity to help plan and implement Discovery weekend for our youth. I would have missed so many blessings from our youth and this church had I not chosen to step out in faith to take on this task. How can you step out in faith to reach those in our church, community and world? Is there something that’s tugging at your heart? I have found the things that tug at my heart are often the areas where God is calling me to serve. I encourage you to think of going a different way or doing things differently as we move through the Easter season. Take a step of faith to allow God to use you in a new way today! Blessings,

Lisa Ramey

Happy Birthday!

As usual, we have included the KNOWN birthdays of

members. If yours is not on the list, it is not intentionally left off. Please call us and let us know your birthday if we have left it off. We want to complete our records in the computer. Please use this list as a prayer guide.

April birthdays

Apr. 1 Tiffany Lowery Apr. 3 Sarah Beth Kirby Nic Kirby Mollie Rae Cooper Apr.5 Berval Bennett Tessa Claudio Apr. 7 Shannon Tompkins Apr. 8 Betty Thrasher Brayden Woods Adrianna Boston Apr 11 Xavier Claudio Apr. 12 Sam Janis Apr. 13 Taylor Knable Marilyn Mooneyham Mason Thwing Denice Marco Apr. 14 Terry Mummert Julia Rudolph Jeff Ferranti Apr. 16 Edith Fuqua Apr. 17 John Mooneyham Apr. 19 Jameson Inscho

Apr. 20 Nell Montgomery Mandy Woods Angel Boston April 21 London Chenault Apr. 22 Lisa Ramey Apr. 23 Bill Hughes April 25 Tim McConnell Apr. 27 Sandy Shannon Marly Smith Apr. 28 Bruce Kines Apr. 29 Kayla Belew Jan Yount Ann Hopper Keith Ramey Mildred Hutcherson

If you attend Wesley regularly and your birthday is not known by the office, please email your information to [email protected] Thanks!

Wesley’s Olive Branch The mission is to provide Christian spiritual and personal counseling for individuals, married couples and

families of Wesley Memorial and to depend on the Holy Spirit to direct and lead using God’s Holy Word, prayer, wisdom, discernment and life experiences. Life is filled with many paths, decisions, temptations, hurts, successes and failures. We are on a journey in life. The Olive Branch offers the following services to individuals experiencing a variety of life issues such as: *Transitions in life (empty nest, growing older, physical changes, change of career, loss of job) *Forgiveness *Anger *Depression *Anxiety *Grief and Loss *Relationships *Marriage *Secrets

*Or you just need to talk

Appointments available Tuesdays from 9am to 4pm in the Wesley Prayer Room

Contact Sandra Locke-Godbey by email

[email protected] to schedule your appointment.

The youth had a great March. We had 22 students experience God's love through our Discovery Weekend.

This weekend could not have been made possible without the help and support of Wesley. Thank you! The youth also went to the Disaster Warehouse and Shakalaka Jump Park over spring break. April is shaping up to be a busy month as well! We will help set up for Marketplace on Wednesday, April 4. Marketplace is April 7. There will be a church-wide yard sale, bake sale and pancake breakfast. This is a great way for students to help raise money for the mission trip. Mission trip final balance is due Wednesday, May 16.

Wesley will begin filming “Faith Stories” this month. A faith story is a short (2-3 minute) video sharing how your life has been impacted by God. We’ll be showing these videos in our worship services over the coming months. We’ve heard from Pastor Marvin how important being able to share our story in a short conversation can be. Effective stories can lead others to know God through us. Not sure how to share your story in two or three minutes? Watch for a small group coming soon that will help you learn how to share effectively. If you would like to participate in our faith story videos, please contact Lisa Ramey, [email protected] or 256-355-1842.

FOLLOW US ON FACEOOK And watch worship LIVE every Sunday morning. 9am and 10:55am

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