

April 10th, 2015

The Middle Kingdom

The middle Kingdom 2030- 1640

The Egyptians had created monumental building projects that would rival any throughout time

These wonders of the world continue to marvel and excite us today but just as a new stadium puts pressure on communities so did the pyramids

By the 21st century BC the task of not only completing the Great Pyramids but also all of the attempts exhausted the wealth & resources from Egypt

Along with the exhaustion of resources, another exhaustion was going on with the people of Egypt towards their once beloved Pharaohs

By the 21st century BC Priests, Nobles, officials had gained local connections/ loyalties

These connections enabled them to create the work crews needed to erect massive building projects

By controlling the work crews this group now controlled the power

Pharaoh had lost most of his or her power and stature

A Theban Pharaoh Mentuhotep reunited the country of Egypt, launching it and the people into what we know as the Middle Kingdom and once again Egypt Prospered


Thebes came into prominence for the 1st time as the capital city and the artistic center during the 11th dynasty

The most outstanding monument during this dynasty was Mentuhoteps Mortuary complex

It was a grand scale building complex

Mortuary Complex

With the end of the 11th dynasty a new family became the ruling family of Egypt

King Amenemhat 1, moved the capital city to Itj-tawy

He co ruled with his son Sesostris 3rd but was murdered while Sesostris was away in Nubia

Sesostris was able to maintain power over Egypt and legitimize his rule

He re-organized Egypt into 4 regions, North and South halves of the Nile and Eastern & Western Delta

By the 12th dynasty the Pharaohs power had increased which led to a new era of commercial expansion and creation of a new army

Canal building became a major focus and more land was brought under cultivation which increased trade between Nubia, Palestine and Syria

However even with this new found power the Pharaohs of the Middle Kingdom were never able to regain the previous power and prestiege of their predecessors and Egyptian society changed because of it

Immortality which had previously been believed to be a royal privlidge became attainable to all Egyptians

Fait in Osiris assured a person’s survival after death

The way to Immortality

Every egyptian enjoyed equality before the law, although some class distinctions remained

Written language became very important and was regularized during this time

The first body of literary texts were composed

The Most important of these is the “ Instruction for Merikare” a discourse on Kingship and moral responsibility

Queen Sobeknefru

She is the first clear cut female monarch of Ancient Egypt

Believed that a Male King was the earthly manifestation of Horus, but every so often a women rose to power. Sometimes acting as regent for her son

Recognize this Queen Regent

Sobeknefru means “ the beauties of sobek, which was the crocodile God

12th dynasty rulers established religions & economic centers that focused on crocodiles and these creatures were worshipped

She is thought to even posses her own burial pyramid which shows her power

She ruled for 4 years at which time a number of monuments, artifacts, seals, beads, statues were erected in her honour

She was often depicted as using masculine titles

Believed to be the last ‘True’ Egyptian ruler of the Middle Kingdom

13th Dynasty= Change

This dynasty looked like the past one’s except for the fact that Egypt was a superficial lie

It looked united and strong when in fact it was splintered and weak

Pharaohs again did not wield absolute power and weak Pharaohs did not maintain a strong hold on Egypt or its people

The Hittite Empire expansion in the Eastern Mediterranean made outsiders spread into the Delta region by 1650 BC

The Hyksos people or “rulers of foreign lands” somehow gained control of the people of Egypt though no one knows truly how

They possessed bronze weapons, powerful bows and horse drawn chariots all of which were superior to Egyptian military technology

Most believe that the conquering was through sheer force of numbers, & Hyksos ruler became the Pharaoh of Egypt by 1674 BC

Jewish historian Josephus talks about the ‘Desert People’

Claimed the new rulers were sacriligious invaders who despoiled the land

However they still prestented themselves as Egyptian Kings and were generally accepted as such

Though their presence was resented amongst native egyptians

Sheppard Kings

The 15th dynasty of the Hyksos is referred to as ‘Sheppard Kings or Desert Princes’

They sacked the old capital of Memphis and built their own capital at Avaris

There were 5 or 6 Hyksos Kings

Their rule brought many technological innovations to Egypt

Bronze working Pottery Musical instruments/ musical styles New animals/ crops Most importantly they brought changes in

the area of warfare

New composite bows New daggers And most important the horse and chariot

ie. The wheel

In many ways the Hyksos modernized Egypt & ultimately Egypt benefited from their rule

Modern Comparison


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