

APR2015 Emitter

Views expressed in the editorial section of our newsletter the Emitter; do not necessarily represent the

views of the executive. Editorial comment is strictly the opinion of the author. Any member in good

standing is welcome to contribute to our newsletter in any way and editorials will be published from signed


President’s Report:

Gentlemen, it seems that we are in the midst of starting our outdoor season. Our field is drying out nicely

and we had locked it down to do just that. It wouldn’t take much to destroy it, as the winter’s thaw takes

place. Please be patience, as we are regularly inspecting the field conditions. The Petro Mat has come out

nicely as well through the rough winter months.

As for our Events, we have also included this Emitter a copy of the schedule and the CD’s/volunteers that

have so far signed up for the task. There are still events with no CD’s, so please let’s get these filled up so

we can have all our planned events.

Our Next Event is the Mall Show, April 25, 26 2015 at the Devonshire Mall. I have included also a map

where we will be setting up (same as last year) and unloading and loading zones. This area we are using had

huge exposure last year, and a lot more people were looking over the displays with interest as to what and

who we were.

I will be at the Unloading door at 7:00am on Saturday. We have to be setup by 9:00am. ALL MODELS

must come through that door, no exceptions PLEASE! That also goes for tear down. If you bring your vehi-

cle to the unloading door, please unload, then park your vehicle before you setup, so as to give room for oth-

ers to unload. I will need some assistance with the unloading of the blocks and other stuff we need, and set-

ting up. Do remember that we have 4 hour volunteer time for every member for the whole year. That is not

very much to ask for, so please come out and spend some time with the members and help out introducing

President Paul Sousa

519-916-5244 [email protected]

Vice-President Bill Green


Secretary Larry Hawksworth


Advisor Murray Inverarity

519 979 3906 [email protected]

Treasurer Jim Bridge

519 969 9029 [email protected]

The next meeting will take place at the Windsor Flying Club at

7:30 PM, Monday Apr 6TH 2015.

Past President Dave Doyon

519 979 7546 [email protected]

the club to public. I will have a sign in sheet available, so please remember to sign it to get your accredited


On March 7th

, Frank Klenk, our Southwest Zone Director had 1 of 2 annual Presidents’ meetings up in

London. I like to always attend these, it’s lots of info from many other clubs that we get to talk about. There

was a lot of discussion on what different clubs were doing to get new members to join and retain members.

Here is some of the ideas: 1) Parade floats

2) More public interaction with the models

3) Petro Mat

4) Charging Stations (solar or Hydro)

5) Smaller quick info brochures (like business cards)

6) All our SW zone Facebook pages to interlace together

Other topics we spoke about where if any of our events had any conflicts. Usually there are some but no

major ones. We also discussed the resolutions and recommendations that were published in the MAAC

magazine. All straight forward, but some were explained in detail.

Frank and the CD for the Zone Fun Fly, Daryl from the Skyharbour Club, went through all the updates on

this event. They are asking for volunteers, at least 2 from each club to help out in certain areas at the fun fly.

August 14 to 16 (Friday the 14th

is just setup day and for maidens, no public) and they need help for SAT &

SUN. I will speak more about this at the meeting and also more info later on.

Sorry for the book guys, but just info that I thought you guys need to know. As we have mentioned in the

last few meeting that we want to find a candidate for the Henshaw Award for this year, please see the at-

tached note on here for the criteria needed to be able to receive this award. Please send your nominations to

the executive, so we can go thru them and make this happen.

I know I have more but can’t seem to get it on paper right now. But on a great note, Toledo R/C Show is

coming up fast, April 10, 11 & 12. The SW Zone was asked again if we could man the MAAC booth in

Toledo again, and we said yes. Peter Doupnik , me, and the gang from the zone will be at the booth, please

come out and support the booth. The experience last year was overwhelming and I expect the same this year.

Have a great EASTER and see you all on Monday the 6th

7:30pm at the Windsor Flying Club for our

monthly meeting.

Paul Sousa


Secretary’s Report:

Meeting March 2, 2015, Windsor Flying Club

Call to order by President Paul Sousa @ 7:37 PM.

Minutes recorded for the February meeting will be motioned for approval at the next meeting. Due to a tim-

ing factor, the membership was not given sufficient time to review the minutes.

Moved by Orval Masse to accept the report as written. Seconded by Jack Entwistle. . . . carried.

Treasurer’s report – as posted on secure website. Jim Bridge presented a brief overview stating the

report does not include recently collected indoor flying fees.

Old Business:

Paul reported the dates at set for the upcoming Mall Show April 25

th & 26

th. Times and parking details will

be discussed at our next meeting.

New Business:

Flying field safety was discussed with suggested upgrading of the flying stations, fencing etc. Dave Doyon

will bring a visual of the field for next meeting so suggestions can be tabled.

Discussions regarding building new set up tables for the field. Greg Myer has volunteered to head up the pro-

ject to build two new tables. Dave Doyon will investigate the availability of Lexan top covering for the new


President’s Report on New Business:

Paul discussed the event schedule. Not all events have CD’s assigned. The event schedule with dates will

be posted on the website and in the Emitter. If a CD does not come forward, that event will be cancelled.

Paul asked if there were questions anyone wanted to bring to the floor at the next zone meeting. These meet-

ings are held semi-annually and are a good forum for addressing concerns.

Sepp Uiberlacher offered his sincere thanks for his nomination and recent appointment to our Hall of Fame.

Bill Green has requested suggestions for post meeting information sessions. What would the membership

like to see? E-mail Bill [email protected] with ideas.

A motion to close the meeting at 8:15pm was made by Bob Oxford. Second, Gary Wolf . . . carried

50/50 was won by Bill Green. $63.00


Gary Wolf Jack Entwistle

Dave Doyon Sepp Uiberlacher

Orval Masse Gilles Morisette

Dave Murray Greg Meyer

Wayne Pinke Bill Green

Peter Veighey Paul Sousa

Bob Oxford Larry Hawksworth

Steve Ford Jim Bridge

Massimo Carbelli Deyu Tang

Pat Sheehan Gerry Barrons

Dave Kalbfleisch Duane Pickersoil

Jim Sagaert Juan Pallero

Ed Jensen Kurtis Rocheleau

Ron Burnham John Sagi

Art Songal

Rob Morisette

All attendee’s names are entered and eligible for the year end draw.

The Dave Henshaw Award

In developing the criteria for the award many things were taken into consideration.

If we geared it to the younger members as something to strive for it would leave out the senior members

who in the past may or may not been given proper recognition for their contributions. The same could be

said if the criteria were made too stringent as to eliminating the younger members. Therefore a minimum

time period of 5 years of consecutive membership to be eligible for nomination will insure that the award

carry a fair amount of prestige as well as not making it too far out of reach for younger members. Five years

of consecutive membership may be at any time as due to circumstances beyond one’s control or personal

reasons one might well take some time away from club membership. However one must be a current mem-

ber to be nominated and a recipient.

There were two possible ways that the recipient would be chosen. One was by ballot vote by all the

club members but that would reflect who attended to vote and it would be more of a popularity contest. The

method decided on would be that the Executive Committee would be the least biased and the fairest of the

two. After all we as a club elected them as our representatives and trust their judgement in the day to day

running of the club so they should have the good judgement to pick the best candidate.

Criteria for The Award

1. Any current member in good standing of the Sunparlor R/C Flyers Club with at least five

(5) years consecutive membership.

2. The nominee by example has guided and led his peers in the enjoyment and enchantment of the sport

of model aeronautics through a tradition of sportsman like conduct and fair play.

3. The nominee will have also shown both spirit and service contributing to the health and

well being of the Sunparlor R/C Club.

Rules of Nomination

1. The nomination must be submitted in writing to the Executive Committee.

2. It must include a detailed resume outlining the reason and accomplishments

of the person being nominated.

3. The nomination must be signed by at least two (2) current members of the Sunparlor

R/C Flyers Club.

4. If for any reason an application for nomination is not deemed suitable by the Executive

Committee they may remove it from the list.

5. If there are no suitable nominees the Executive Committee may chose not to pick a

recipient for that year or they may instead choose a suitable nominee from a previous

years providing the nominee is still a current member and deemed a suitable recipient.

6. Nominations may be submitted any time. The Executive Committee will stipulate a

cut off date for the given year and any nominations received after that date would be

considered for the following year.

Selection of Recipient

1. The Executive Committee will choose the recipient from the names nominated for that

year. If there are no suitable nominations they may choose a nominee from one of the

previous years.

2. All resumes will be read to the Executive Committee prior to the selection of a recipient.

The Award

1. The recipient’s name will be engraved on the club plaque.

2. The club plaque remains the sole property of the Sunparlor R/C Flyers Club and though

it may be placed on display in the current recipients home it must be returned to the

Executive Committee upon demand.

3. The recipient will receive a personal plaque that is his to keep.

Quick note: We have started up a Facebook page for all members to join in that has all the up to date info, news, pics etc, regarding both Sun Parlor and R/C related material. Open to all members, and friends of members. Just type “Sun Parlor Flyers” in the search box and join in! We have quite a few members already there and come see some “oldies” that George Mock has dug up.

PICS of Past Mall Shows ( courtesy of George Mock)

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