Page 1: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant


EMC Compatibility in Europe

John MolyneuxSenior Consultant

Page 2: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL


Give the results gained from the study

Large range and diverse involvement from many parties.

Main essentials of methodology, processes, participants and requirements

Range of standards from local to EN: often both

Page 3: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL


Track CircuitsAxle CountersBaliseLEUPoints EquipmentTreadlesHot Axle Box DetectorsWheel Check SystemsTag ReadersAutomatic Pantograph ControlPantograph Monitor Signal Post Telephones Position LoopsAutomatic Train Controls

Automatic Warning SystemAutomatic Train ProtectionCorrect Door OpeningLevel Crossing SensorsBridge SensorsPlatform Position SensorsInterlockingsSignalling SystemsTelecommunicationsRock-Fall DetectorsInfrastructure ( Bridges, V iaducts)Neighbouring Railway/MetroPower Supply CurrentPower Supply Voltage

Power Supply Power FactorSCADANeighbouring Railway Systems (Passive)Hand Held RadioCab RadioShunting RadioWiFiGSMPublic Installations ( Military, Police etc.)Passengers (ICNIRP)Staff (ICNIRP)

Victim Systems


ConditionSteady StateTransientRepetitive


Conducted Interference Induced Interference Radiated Interference Arcing Magnetic Fields

Train Impedance Common Mode V oltage Longitudinal V oltage Differential Voltage

Page 4: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL

OverviewDiscover the Participants


How? What?

Discover the Methods



Technology Phenomena

Page 5: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL


RespondentsInformation available from 26 of the 27 CountriesChannel Tunnel declined to participate

Information QualityVery variable most respondents concentrate on higher level aspectsAlternative Sources from personal contact at Convocation, Internet and published standards

CoverageParticipants and methods well covered Little information on Costs and timescales

Page 6: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL

Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Austria

Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie (Bmvit).

Tri-partate interaction

C e rtific a tio nAna lysis

/Ap p ro va l

Evid e nc eM e a sure m e ntInsp e c tio nEva lua tio n

Bm vit O BB




Eisenbahngesetz 1957 and international requirements list

Page 7: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL

Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Austria

Evidence in the process is given from internal and third party testing, expert opinion, examination of design documentation for electrical electronic and software systems.

timescale between 1 and 24 months:

test campaign for a new vehicle €60,000 and two weeks.

Train Detection √ Lineside Systems √

Energy Supply √ Radio Frequency Systems √

Other Systems √ EN 50238 √

Page 8: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL


DRSI (Department of Railway Safety and Interoperability) Department of Mobility and Transport Directorate-General for Land Transport (Mobilit)

Definitions from NMBS

an umbrella organisation consisting of Infrabel, SNCB, Fonds de l’Infrastructure Ferroviaire

The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Belgium

C e rtific a tio n Ap p ro va l Ana lysis

Evid e nc eM e a sure m e ntInsp e c tio nEva lua tio n

M a nufa c ture r DEBO

Infra struc ture m a na g e r(Infra b e l)

Be lg o ra il(Inte ro p e ra b ilitya nd C o nve ntio na l C o m p o ne nts)


Dup lic a te o r m ino r c a se

C e rtific a te o f C o m p lia nc e

De c la ra tio n o f C o nfo rm ityFour Stage Process

Page 9: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL


Evidence in the process is given from internal and third party testing and detailed in a series

of technical reports.

No Timescale or Costs

Train Detection √ Lineside Systems √

Energy Supply √ Radio Frequency Systems √

Other Systems Х EN 50238 √

The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Belgium

Page 10: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL

Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Bulgaria

Изпълнителна Агенция "Железопътна Администрация

Executive Agency :"Railway Administration" of the Ministry of Transport and Communication.

Ordinance 41 of 27.06.2001, Ordinance 47 of 28.12.2001,Ordinance 57 of 09.06.2004

No detailed information available directly

Page 11: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL


Drážní úřad (DU ; National Railway Authority).

Directive DU No: 1-890/06-DU Regulation 352/94: Regulation 266/94 , Regulation 173/95

Regulation100/95, Regulation177/95

The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in the Czech Republic

Fina lC e rtific a te

Infra struc ture

M a nufa c ture

Ana lysis o fthe tria lo p e ra tio n

Te st Pro c e d ure De finitio n

Te st Re sult Ana lysis

Te c hnic a l Re p o rt

Eva lua tio n

Na tio na l Sa fe ty Autho rityDra zni Urfa dRa il Autho rity

M in istry o f Tra nsp o rtAp p lic a nt

(M a nufa c ture r,O wne r,O p e ra to r)

Issue s d e c isio nC la use 43 o r C la use 43b o f “the ra ilwa y la w“ N o 265/1 995

De d ic a te d juristic b o d yPo ve re na p ra vn ic ka o so b a

Ap p o in te d b y the M in istry o f tra nsp o rt

O p e ra to r

Tria l O p e ra tio nC e rtific a te

Tria l O p e ra tio n












Te st La b s

Exp e rts

















Complex interactions

Page 12: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL


Evidence in the process is given from testing ,Expert opinion from approved third parties.

technical reports.

Costs for the whole procedure are 1.5M€ Timescales 2-2.5 years including 12 month test period followed by 12 month trial

running period.

Train Detection √ Lineside Systems √

Energy Supply √ Radio Frequency Systems √

Other Systems √ EN 50238 √

The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in the Czech Republic

Page 13: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL

Results The demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Denmark

NRA (Trafikstyrelsen) Banedanmark performs compatibility.

Bi-partate interaction

QN 903 Q no 0779: technical rules EMC BN2-74-1. Da nish Na tio na l Ra il Tra nsp o rt

N a tio na l Ra il Au tho rityTra fikstyre lse n

O p e ra ting Lic e nc e

Sa fe ty C e rtific a te

Typ e Ap p ro va l

Ap p lic a tio n fo r C a p a c ity

De c la ra tio n o f C o n fo rm ity

Autho risa tio n fo rp utting in to se rvic e

M a nufa c tu re r Te st In fo rm a tio n

Ba ne d a nm a rkExp e rt Ana lysis

Ba ne d a nm a rk


Page 14: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL

ResultsThe demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Denmark

Evidence in the process is given from internal and third party testing, expert opinion, examination of design documentation for electrical electronic and software systems.

The process is stated to take from 2 to 3 months and the costs (excluding the manufacturers costs for testing) are approximately €15000..

Train Detection √ Lineside Systems √

Energy Supply √ Radio Frequency Systems √

Other Systems Х EN 50238 √

Page 15: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL

Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Estonia

Tehnilise Järelevalve Amet (TJA) Estonian technical surveillance authority

Iterative interaction

Converting to EN and TSI

Te hnilise J ä re le va lve Am e tAsse ssm e nt Pa ne l

Ap p ro ve d Th ird Pa rtyVe h ic le Te st O p e ra tio n

Ap p lic a tio nRa ilwa y Und e rta king

Autho risa tio n Te hnilise J ä re le va lve Am e tInd ustria l Sa fe ty D ivisio n

Line sid e

Te hnilise J ä re le va lve Am e tEle c tro n ic C o m m unic a tio ns D ivisio n (Ra d io )

C e rtific a te o f c o n fo rm ity

Re su lts

Page 16: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL

Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Estonia

Evidence in the process is given from manufacturer, third party testing, and expert opinion from approved bodies.

No Details of Costs or Timescales

Train Detection EN Lineside Systems EN

Energy Supply EN Radio Frequency Systems EN

Other Systems Х EN 50238 √

Page 17: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL

Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Finland

NSA Rautatievirasto Järnvägsverket (The Finnish Rail Agency)

InteractionNSA, RU, ManufacturerVR-Yhtymä Oy (IM)

No separate provision for EMC. Acceptance tests based on EC 61133/EN50215And LISO 1.8 (being updated)

Ra uta tie vira sto J ä rnvä g sve rke t (The Finnish Ra il Ag e nc y)Asse ssm e nt Pa ne l+ M a nufa c ture r a nd Ap p lic a nt re p re se nta tio n

Ap p lic a tio nRa ilwa y Und e rta king

M in istry o f Tra nsp o rt a nd C o m m unic a tio ns

Lic e nc e to o p e ra te

Ra ilwa y Und e rta kingM a nufa c ture rEvid e nc e

Sa fe ty C e rtific a te

VR-Yhtym ä O y (VR) infra struc ture m a na g e r

Sta te m e nt o f C o m p a tib ility

Te c hn ic a l File

EM C is o n ly p a rt o f o ve ra lla sse ssm e nt

Page 18: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL

Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Finland

Evidence from test results, simulations and expert opinion with support from manufacturer presented in technical file.

No Costs or Timescales given

Train Detection √ Lineside Systems √

Energy Supply √ Radio Frequency Systems √

Other Systems √ EN 50238 √

Page 19: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL

Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in France

NSA L’Établissement Public de Sécurité Ferroviaire (EPSF)

InteractionRéseau Ferré de FranceSCNF as IM SNCF-CIMOQA(DeBo).

SAMS 710 in 2X63 testing to SAMS documentation

L'Éta b lisse m e nt Pub lic d e Sé c urité Fe rro via ire (EPSF)

Te st O p e ra tio n

Ra ilwa y Und e rta kingM inistry o f Tra nsp o rt

Autho risa tio n fo r p utting in to se rvic e

Te c hnic a l Ap p ro va lsRé se a u Fe rré d e Fra nc e (RFF)

Sa fe ty M a na g e m e ntSyste m

O Q A (De BO )a na lysis

SNC FDe sig na te dInfra struc ture m a na g e r

SNC F C IMAna lysis Exp e rt O p in io n

Eura ilte st

Und e r M a nufa c tu re r sup e rvisio n

C a n a lso inc lud ee vid e nc e fro mM a nufa c ture r d a ta Sub syste m d a taC o nsu lta nts

Page 20: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL

Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in France

Evidence from test results from Eurailtest under manufacturer supervision. Other evidence from information from subsystem tests, suppliers and consultants.

No Costs or Timescales given

Train Detection √ Lineside Systems √

Energy Supply √ Radio Frequency Systems √

Other Systems √ EN 50238 √

Page 21: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL

Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Germany

NSA Eisenbahn-Bundesamt (EBA)

InteractionEBADBNOBOIn form of flowchart detailing stages

31_Regelung_EMV_01,02,03 and 04

Page 22: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL

Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Germany

Evidence from test results from the RU devolved to manufacturer and Notified Bodies

No Costs or Timescales given

Train Detection √ Lineside Systems √

Energy Supply √ Radio Frequency Systems √

Other Systems √ EN 50238 √

Page 23: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL

Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Greece

Υπουργού Υποδομών Μεταφορών και Δικτύων (YME) Ministry of Transportation and Communication.

InteractionAll parties with YMECertification from Ministry

Decision ΑΣ.4.2/οικ.26697/2422 (Official Gazette of the Hellenic Republic B’ 986/22.05.2009

M inistry o f Tra nsp o rta tio n

a nd C o m m unic a tio n. ð ð

(YM E) Υ ουργού Υ οδομών Μ εταφορών

και Δικτύων

Lic e nc e to O p e ra te


Le tte r o f N o O b je c tio n

Ra ilwa y Und e rta kingo r M a nufa c ture rTe sts a nd Sim u la tio n

YM E Inte rna l Pa ne l o f Exp e rts

RU / M a nufa c ture rExte rna l Pa ne l

C e rtific a tio nTe c hn ic a l re p o rts

In fra struc ture M a na g e rTe sts a nd Sim u la tio n

C e rtific a tio n

Third Pa rty Te sting

C e rtific a tio nTe c hn ic a l re p o rts

Da ta fro m Eq uip m e nt Sup p lie rs

Eva lua tio n

Evid e nc e

Page 24: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL

Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Greece

Evidence from test results, simulations, expert opinion and third party certification from manufacturer or RU.

process (excluding tests) 2 weeksno costs are given

Train Detection EN Lineside Systems EN

Energy Supply EN Radio Frequency Systems EN

Other Systems √ ,Х EN 50238 Х

Page 25: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL


National Traffic Authority of Hungary (Nemzeti Közlekedési Hatóság : NKH)

InteractionNKH with technical input from MAV/TEB

Implementation Procedure 28/2003 (V.8) GKM

Na tio na l Tra ffic Autho rity

o f Hung a ry Ne m ze ti Kö zle ke d é si Ha tó sá g


Lic e nc e to O p e ra te


M ÁV TEBM a g ya r lla m va suta k TEB Á(Hung a ria n Ra ilwa ys Te le c o m , Po w e r Sup p ly a nd Sig na ling C e ntre )

RU / M a nufa c ture rPro vid e s Te st Ve hic le

Lic e nc e to O p e ra te

Sa fe ty M a na g e m e ntSyste m

Ve h ic le Ap p ro va l

In te rna l Te sts o ve r/ a lo ng sid e susc e p tib le

Eq uip m e ntEva lua tio n

Te stRe su lts

The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Hungary

Page 26: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL

Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Hungary

Evidence from test train trial running. evaluation by expert opinion

Overall process takes from between 3 to 6 months No estimates of the costs available.

Train Detection √ Lineside Systems √

Energy Supply √ Radio Frequency Systems √

Other Systems Х EN 50238 Х

Page 27: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL


NSA: Railway Safety Commission (RSC)

InteractionRSC ,RST and CCS experts

Railway safety standard 56 Technical RSC-G-009, RSC-G-015, RSC-G-020

The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Ireland

Ra ilwa y Sa fe ty C o m m issio n(RSC )

Ra ilwa y Und e rta king

Autho risa tio n fo r p utting in to se rvic e

Te c hnic a l Asse ssm e ntRSC -RST a nd -C C S e xp e rts

Sa fe ty M a na g e m e ntSyste m

Ind e p e nd e nt Third Pa rty

EM C is o n ly p a rt o f o ve ra ll p ro c e ss

Sa fe ty C a seInc lud e s Te sting , Sim u la tio n, C a lc ula tio n a nd D e sig n

Ve h ic le Ap p ro va l

In itia l Sta g e

Se c o nd Sta g e

C a n a lso inc lud ee vid e nc e fro m /d ia lo g ue w ithIn fra struc ture M a na g e rIrish Ra ilwa ys Exp e rtsC o nsu lta nts

M a nufa c ture r

ro lling sto c k (RSC G -015, se c tio n 18)sig na lling syste m s (RSC G -020, ite m 2 .13)

Page 28: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL


Evidence from test results, expert opinion, certification, simulations third party measurements.

The overall timescale 2.5 years No estimates were made of the cost of the process.

Train Detection √ Lineside Systems √

Energy Supply √ Radio Frequency Systems √

Other Systems √ EN 50238 √

The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Ireland

Page 29: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL


NSA: Agenzia Nazionale per la Sicurezza delle Ferrovie – (ANSF)

Tri-Partate InteractionSuppliers,NSAISA/NOBO

Rete Ferroviaria Italianahas technical role

Railway safety standard 56 Technical RSC-G-009, RSC-G-015, RSC-G-020

The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Italy

RU/Sup p lie r


Ho m o lo g isa tio n IM

Ne two rk Ac c e ss

Page 30: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL

Probabilistic Method

Page 31: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL


Evidence from testing and technical analysis , Probabilistic process applied to analysis.

No estimates were made of the cost or timescale of the process.

Train Detection √ Lineside Systems Х

Energy Supply Х Radio Frequency Systems EN

Other Systems EN 50238 √

The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Italy

Page 32: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL


Valsts dzelzceja tehniskā inspekcija. State Railway Technical Inspectorate

InteractionManufacturer,Railway InspectorateThird PartiesInfrastructureController

Cabinet rules Nr.148, Nr.713, Nr. 483

The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Latvia

M inistry o f Tra nsp o rt (Sa tiksm e s m inistrija s).

Lic e nc e to O p e ra te

Pa ne l o f Exp e rtsfro m

Sta te Ra ilwa y Insp e c to ra teRa ilwa y Und e rta king

Infra struc ture C o ntro lle rM a nufa c ture r

RU / M a nufa c ture rTe sts De sig n, Sim ula tio n

Infra struc ture C o ntro lle r

Le tte r o f N o O b je c tio n

Third Pa rty Te sting

C e rtific a tio nTe c hn ic a l re p o rts

Eva lua tio n

Evid e nc e in Te c hn ic a l Re p o rt

Sta te Ra ilwa y Te c hnic a l Insp e c to ra te (Va lsts d ze lzc e ïa te hniskâ s insp e kc ija s )

Page 33: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL

Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Latvia

Evidence from test results, calculations and simulations, expert opinion, comparison with existing trains and third party certification.

No estimates of the timescales or costs available.

Train Detection √ Lineside Systems EN

Energy Supply Х Radio Frequency Systems EN

Other Systems √ EN 50238 Х

Page 34: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL


Valstybinės Geležinkelio Inspekcija (VGI)

InteractionRailway InspectorateRULaboratory Testing

Railway Directive

The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Lithuania

Ra ilwa y Und e rta kingIn itia l Sta g e

M inistry o f Tra nsp o rt

Sta te Ra ilwa y Insp e c to ra te Va lstyb inë s G e le žinke lio Insp e kc ija (VG I)

Pro je c t Pro p o sa l

Ra ilwa y Und e rta king Sim ula tio n, C a lc ula tio n a nd D e sig n

Te c hn ic a l File

Ap p ro va lN e e d e d

Pa ne l o f 5 Te c hnic a l Exp e rts fro m within Ra ilwa y Insp e c to ra te

Autho risa tio n fo r p utting in to se rvic e

Ve h ic le Ap p ro va l

N oAp p ro va lN e e d e d

Ap p ro ve d Te sting La b o ra to ry

Te stingTe st Re su lts

Page 35: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL

Results The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Lithuania

Evidence from test results, examined by panel of experts within the Inspectorate

Process timescales 60-90 daysNo estimates of the costs available.

Train Detection √ Lineside Systems Х

Energy Supply Х Radio Frequency Systems EN

Other Systems Х √ EN 50238 √

Page 36: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL


NSA: Administration des Chemins de Fer – (ANS)

InteractionRU collates and presents to Administration

IF-PE.STC-VF.01, VF.01 and VF.03

The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Luxembourg

Ad m inistra tio n d e s C he m ins d e Fe r (AC F...........NSA)Te c hn ic a l C he c klist

Exp e rt O p in io n w ith in AC F

Te st O p e ra tio ntra in

Dé p a rte m e nt d e s tra nsp o rts - Dire c tio n d e s c he m ins d e fe r

Lic e nc e to o p e ra te

N o tifie d Bo d yC o m p e te nt Bo d y

Sta te m e nt o f C o m p a tib ility

Te c hn ic a l FileExp e rt O p in io nC e rtific a tio n

Ra ilwa y Und e rta king

Evid e nc e C o lla tio n

Th ird Pa rtyTe sting

Do c um e nta tio nC e rtific a tio nTe st Da ta

Infra struc ture m a na g e r

Page 37: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL


Evidence from test results, calculations and simulations presented in a technical file plus third party certification to EN standards.

Costs and timescales variable dependent on complexity.

Train Detection √ Lineside Systems √

Energy Supply Х Radio Frequency Systems √

Other Systems √ EN 50238 Х

The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Luxembourg

Page 38: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL


NSA: Inspectie Verkeer en Waterstaat Toezichteenheid Rail (IVW-TER ),

InteractionRUMinistry of Transport ,IVW ProRailNOBOVAB

TSI or Dutch law for railways (RKS) (ATIV)

The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in the Netherlands

Page 39: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL


Evidence from testing and technical analysis supported by simulation and third party testing analysis and certification (EN)

Timescale is approximately 1 yearNo estimate of cost could be made.

Train Detection √ Lineside Systems √

Energy Supply √ Radio Frequency Systems √

Other Systems √ EN 50238 √

The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in the Netherlands

Page 40: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL


NSA: Norwegian Railway Inspectorate (Statens jernbanetilsyn).

InteractionRU and Inspectorate

Supported by Manufacturer,Infrastructure managerauthorised third parties

NES TS02 ”Requirements on rolling stock in Norway (JD590) and Sweden (BVS 543.19300)

The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Norway

Sta te ns J e rnb a ne tilsyn N o rwe g ia n Ra ilwa y Insp e c to ra te

Te st O p e ra tio ntra in

iVe g - o g b a ne a vd e ling a (VB) De p a rtm e nt o f Pub lic Ro a d s

a nd Ra il Tra nsp o rt

Lic e nc e to o p e ra te

Ra ilwa y Und e rta kingEvid e nc e C o lla tio n

Sta te m e nt o f C o m p a tib ility

Te c hn ic a l FileC e rtific a tio n

M a nufa c ture r

Th ird Pa rtyTe sting

Do c um e nta tio nC e rtific a tio nTe st Da ta J e rnb a ne ve rke t (J BV).

In fra struc ture M a na g e r

Eva lua tio n

Page 41: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL


Evidence from testing and compatibility statements from IM and third parties

No estimates were made of the cost or timescale of the process.

Train Detection √ Lineside Systems √

Energy Supply EN Radio Frequency Systems EN √

Other Systems Х EN 50238 √

The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Norway

Page 42: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL


NSA: Office for Railway Transport (UTK).

InteractionNotified BodyOffice of Railway Transport

The Ministry of Infrastructure’s Regulations.

The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Poland

Page 43: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL


Evidence from testing and compatibility statements from IM and third parties

No estimates were made of the cost or timescale of the process.

Train Detection √ Lineside Systems EN

Energy Supply EN√

Radio Frequency Systems EN √

Other Systems EN EN 50238 √

The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Poland

Page 44: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL


NSA: Instituto da Mobilidade e dos Transportes Terrestres, I.P (IMTT)

InteractionREFER – I MRUManufacturer Consulatancies to support REFERIMTT – NSAAPNCF – Notified Body.

The Ministry of Infrastructure’s Regulations.

The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Portugal

Page 45: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL


Evidence from testing and compatibility statements from IM and third parties

No estimates were made of the cost or timescale of the process.

Train Detection √ Lineside Systems Х

Energy Supply Х Radio Frequency Systems EN

Other Systems Х EN 50238 √

The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Portugal

Page 46: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL


NSA: Autoritatea Feroviara Romana (AFER).

InteractionAFEROFER-NoBoANCOMSC Electrificare –IMNational Institute

Procedural OMT 535/2008 Technical OMTCT1193/2004

The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Romania

Auto rita te a Fe ro via ra Ro m a na

(AFER).Ro m a nia n Ra ilwa y Autho rity

No m ina te d A SFRExp e rt

Te c hn ic a l C he c k List

Sa fe ty C e rtific a te

Ap p ro ve d Te st La b o ra to rie sO IC PE.S.A. o r IC M ED S.A.

Te c hn ic a l FileC o nta iningC e rtfic a tio n

Ra ilwa y Und e rta king

Re g iste re d C e rtific a te o f the Lo c o m o tive

Ap p ro va l Re q ue st

ASFRRo m a nia n Ra ilwa y Sa fe ty Autho rity

O NFRRo m a nia n No tifie d Bo d y


Te le c o m unic a tii C FR SA (Na tio na l C o m m unic a tio n Autho rity)

(Ra ilwa y te le c o m m unic a tio n a g e nc y)

SC Ele c tific a re C FR SA(Infra struc ture C o ntro lle r)

Institutu l Na tio na l C e rc e ta re De zvo lta re Pe ntru Pro te c tia M unc ii "Ale xa nd ru Da ra b o nt" Na tio na l Institu te fo r R & D fo r La b o ur Pro te c tio n.

Tra in De te c tio n

Ra d io Fre q ue nc y a nd Line sid e

Sup p ly

Hum a n Exp o sure

Third Pa rty Te sting

Page 47: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL


Evidence is assessed by conformance to a technical check list, third party tests and expert opinion.

Timescale documentation process: 30 daysNo estimates of costs

Train Detection Х Lineside Systems Х

Energy Supply Х Radio Frequency Systems EN

Other Systems EN EN 50238 √

The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Romania

Page 48: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL


The Railway Regulatory Authority - Úrad pre reguláciu železničnej dopravy (URZD)

InteractionURZDTechnical InstitutesWUZ,VUD,VUKV,VUZZSR - IMNoBo

Especificaciones Técnicas de Homologación.(ETH) and PD CLC/TR50507:2007

The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in the Slovak Republic

Úra d p re Re g ulá c iu Že le znic ne j Do p ra vy (URZD)

Ra ilwa y Re g ula to ry Autho rity

Ap p ro va l o fRo lling Sto c k

Ra ilwa y Und e rta king

Sta te m e nt o f

C o m p a tib ility

Te c hn ic a l FileC e rtific a tio n

Exp e rt Pa ne l

Výskum ný a vývo jo vý ústa v Že le zníc

Výskum ný ústa v d o p ra vný

Výzkum ný ústa v ko le jo výc h vo zid e l





Výskum ný ústa v zvá ra c ský (

R & D Institu te fo r Ra ilwa ys

Ra ilwa ys Tra nsp o rt Re se a rc h Inc

Ro lling sto c k/d e ve lo p e r/te ste r

Slo va kia n We ld ing Re se a rc h Institu te

Te sting

Exp e rt O p inio n No BoPe rso n / o rg a n isa tio n

a p p ro ve d b y the m in istry o f Tra nsp o rt

Že le zn ic e Slo ve nske j Re p ub liky (ŽSR)

Slo va kia n in fra struc tu re M a na g e r

Ap p ro va l Re q ue st

Page 49: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL


Evidence from vehicle type tests by IM is assessed by panel of Technical Experts from Railway institutes

Timescale documentation process: 5 daysDocumentation cost €9500 Other costs borne by RU/ manufacturer

Train Detection Х Lineside Systems Х

Energy Supply Х Radio Frequency Systems Х

Other Systems √ Х EN 50238 √

The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in the Slovak Republic

Page 50: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL


NSA: AŽP Javna agencija za železniški promet RS – (Public Agency for Rail Transport of RS)

The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Slovenia

No Information Received and No information available from other research sources

Page 51: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL


NSA: Ministerio de Fomento (Ministry of Public Works)

InteractionNSAADIF - IMManufacturerThird Parties

Especificaciones Técnicas de Homologación.(ETH) and PD CLC/TR50507:2007

The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Spain

Ra ilwa y Und e rta king

Autho risa tio n fo r p utting in to se rvic e

EC Ve rific a tio n No BO

Ap p ro va l Re q ue st

Autho riza tio n o f c o m p a tib ility w ith the ne two rk

Ad m inistra d o r d e Infra e struc tura s Fe rro via ria s

(ADIF) In fra struc ture M a na g e r

M iniste rio d e Fo m e nto (NSA)

M in istry o f Pub lic Wo rks

M a nufa c ture r

Th ird Pa rty Te sting

C e rtific a tio n

Te st re su lts De sig n

Sim u la tio n

Eq u ip m e nt Sup p ly

Page 52: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL


Evidence from test results, calculations/simulation, comparison with existing trains and certification from third parties.

Assessment by external panel of certification bodies and Notified Bodies.

Timescale documentation process: 5 daysDocumentation cost €9500 Other costs borne by RU/ manufacturer

Train Detection EN Lineside Systems Х

Energy Supply EN Radio Frequency Systems EN

Other Systems √ Х EN 50238 √

The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Spain

Page 53: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL


NSA: Ministerio de Fomento (Ministry of Public Works)

InteractionNSAADIF - IMManufacturerThird Parties

Especificaciones Técnicas de Homologación.(ETH) and PD CLC/TR50507:2007

The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Spain

Ra ilwa y Und e rta king

Autho risa tio n fo r p utting in to se rvic e

EC Ve rific a tio n No BO

Ap p ro va l Re q ue st

Autho riza tio n o f c o m p a tib ility w ith the ne two rk

Ad m inistra d o r d e Infra e struc tura s Fe rro via ria s

(ADIF) In fra struc ture M a na g e r

M iniste rio d e Fo m e nto (NSA)

M in istry o f Pub lic Wo rks

M a nufa c ture r

Th ird Pa rty Te sting

C e rtific a tio n

Te st re su lts De sig n

Sim u la tio n

Eq u ip m e nt Sup p ly

Page 54: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL


Evidence from test results, calculations/simulation, comparison with existing trains and certification from third parties.

Assessment by external panel of certification bodies and Notified Bodies.

Timescale documentation process: 5 daysDocumentation cost €9500 Other costs borne by RU/ manufacturer

Train Detection EN Lineside Systems Х

Energy Supply EN Radio Frequency Systems EN

Other Systems √ Х EN 50238 √

The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Spain

Page 55: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL


NSA: Transportstyrelsen (Swedish Transport Agency)

InteractionTransportstyrelsenBanverket Manufacturer

”Requirements on rolling stock” BVS 543.19300: JVSFS2006:1

The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Sweden

Ba nve rke t Swe d ish Ra il Ad m inistra tio n

Te st O p e ra tio ntra in

Tra nsp o rtstyre lse n Swe d ish Tra nsp o rt Ag e nc y.

Sta te m e nt o f C o m p a tib ility

Te c hn ic a l File

C e rtific a tio n

M a nufa c ture r

Th ird Pa rtyTe sting

Te st Re su ltsSim ula tio nC e rtific a tio nDe sig n Da ta

Eva lua tio n

Exp e rt O p inio nInd ivid ua lsa p p o in te d b y Tra nsp o rtstyre lse n

Page 56: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL


Evidence from test results, calculations and simulations, expert opinion, comparison with existing trains and third party certification

No estimates were made of the cost or timescale of the process.

Train Detection √ EN

Lineside Systems √

Energy Supply √ Radio Frequency Systems EN √

Other Systems Х EN 50238 Х

The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Sweden

Page 57: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL


No NSA as Switzerland not in EU: Département fédéral de l'Environnement, des Transports, de l'Energie et de la Communication (the Swiss Federal Office for Transport agency DETEC)

InteractionRU interacts directly withseveral IM

RTI : common approach in a task force for interoperability).And PD CLC/TR50507:2007.

The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Switzerland

Ra ilwa y Und e rta king

Re q ue st fo r N e two rk Ac c e ss lic e nc e

Fe d e ra l O ffic e o f Tra nsp o rt Fe d e ra l O ffic e o f Tra nsp o rt

N e two rk a c c e ss lic e nseSa fe ty C e rtific a te

In te rvie w a nd N e g o tia tio n with

In fra struc ture m a na g e r

N e two rk a c c e ss a g re e m e nt

Re q ue st fo r Sa fe ty C e rtific a tio n

Ne two rk Ac c e ss

Page 58: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL


Evidence from test results, evaluated by individual Infrastructure Managers

No estimates were made of the cost or timescale of the process.

Train Detection √ Lineside Systems √

Energy Supply √ Radio Frequency Systems EN

Other Systems Х EN 50238 Х

The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in Switzerland

Page 59: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL


NSA : Office of Rail Regulation

InteractionORR documentationFromRUNoBoThird Party CertificationIM letter of no objection

NR/L2/SIG/30040 “EMC Strategy for Network Rail” : Series of NR technical documentation NR/SP/SIG/50002 to NR/SP/SIG/50018

The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in the UK

Lic e nc e to O p e ra te

M a nufa c ture r

Third Pa rty Te sting(RFI)

Te st re su lts De sig n

Sim u la tio n

O ffic e o f Ra il Re g ula tio nO RR

Sa fe ty M a na g e m e ntSyste m

Ra ilwa y Und e rta kingC o m p a tib ility fo rum

C e rtific a tio n

Ap p ro va l Re q ue st

C e rtific a tio n

Te c hn ic a l C he c klist

No tifie dBo d y

Ne two rk Ra ilIn fra struc tu re M a na g e r

C e rtific a te o fC o m p a tib ility Te st

Pe rm issio ns

Page 60: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL


Evidence from test results, evaluated by Third Parties and certificate of no objection from IM.

No estimates were made of the cost or timescale of the process.

Train Detection √ Lineside Systems √

Energy Supply √ Radio Frequency Systems EN √

Other Systems √ EN 50238 √

The Demonstration of Electromagnetic Compatibility in the UK

Page 61: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL


General consensus on EN standards

Majority (67%) questionnaire respondents agree on TS50507

Significant devolvement to Manufacturer, NOBO and Infrastructure Manager although directive mandates Railway Undertaking

Page 62: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL


Discussion of Similarities and Differences

Large range and diverse involvement from many parties.

Range of standards from local to EN: often both

Page 63: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL

Overview Interactions

NSAs have wide differences in involvement.Ranging from a simple documentation check to fundamental involvement in, and final assessmentof, the technical analysis

All processes have some degree of dissociation from the issuer of the final certification

Generic Process

Te st O p e ra tio n

Ana lysis

Ra ilwa y Und e rta king

M a nufa c ture rDe sig n a nd Te st

M iniste ria l Bo d y

Lic e nc e to o p e ra te

Sa fe ty C e rtific a te

Sta te m e nt o f C o m p a tib ility

Te c hnic a l File

Exp e rt O p inio n

EM C is o n ly p a rt o f o ve ra lla sse ssm e nt

Ap p lic a tio n

Evid e nc e

Third Pa rty C e rtific a tio n

Infra struc tureC o m p a tib ility

Page 64: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL

Overview Train Detection

Two Methods

Operate a prototype/type test train over the infrastructure in question and detect any problems

Test Emissions and compare with Limits

Page 65: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL

Overview Train Detection

For Method 1 :- Local standards differ even for the same type or variety of Infrastructure

Most Countries agree to technical standards (and methodologies) for Train Detection given in Technical Appendices to EN 50238


Page 66: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL


No common methodology or limits given

Some authorities consider that Lineside compatibilityIs not within the remit of rolling stock compatibility.

May be impossible to prescribe due to complexity and differences in the railway infrastructure


Page 67: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL


Some commonality between systems to EN standard

Most Trains designed to the infrastructure capability.

Differences in supply configuration and layout make local compatibility vary hence individual requirements.


Page 68: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL


Almost all countries embrace EN standard EN 50121

Local standards apply to individual communicationsequipment but these are designed to generic internationalstandards for compatibility radio systems

Radio Frequency systems are continuously evolving and developing hence the standards will need continuous updating

Radio Frequency Systems

Page 69: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL


Despite the requirements of other Directives which must apply to rolling stock only about 50% of countries use the available synergy between them.

Other Systems

However testing methodologies pose problems in translating results from generic directives to Rolling stock..

Page 70: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL


Technical appendices to this document are now published: preferred equipment an consensus limits.

EN 50238

Includes Testing Methodology:

Important when moving to a common standard.

However only applies to Interoperable Railways

Page 71: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant

Approvals :ConformanceLLOYD’S REGISTER RAIL


Break up of National Railway means

No one body can supply all the evidence.


Will continue to be a technically complex process

Page 72: Approvals LLOYDS REGISTER RAIL EMC Compatibility in Europe John Molyneux Senior Consultant


The Lloyd’s Register Group works to enhance safety and approve assets and systems at sea, on land and in the air – because life matters.

For more information, please contact:

Lloyd’s Register RailPreston Technology CentreUnit G09Marsh LanePrestonLancashirePR1 8UQT +44 (0)1772 272 716F +44 (0)1772 888 673E [email protected]

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