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Applying the Retroversion Formulas Restatement of Revelation 12 Sign Part IV (Section 1)

Executive Body of Israel Part IV section (1) 5/16/2021

5/16/21 The Retroversion Formulas

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Applying the Retroversion Formulas


Table of Contents

Preface ……………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………..2

• Time

• The conceptual Design

• Systems

• Galaxies

• Transitioning to adulthood

DIVISON IV (Section 1) 01 ……………………………………………………………….…………………………………..………3

• A look at our galaxy and the milky way DIVISON IV (Section 1) 02 ……………………………………………………………….……………………………………………5 THE LAW OF PROPORTIONALITY

• Working within pre-defined limits

• Where are we going? A perspective on the answer, where is our point of origin?

• The Protagonist and Antagonist of History Stated in the Edenic Adjudicated Decree

• Catholicism DIVISON IV (Section 1) 03 ……………………………………………………………..………..…………………………………8 The essential principle in the Law of Proportionality is the multiplication of scientific knowledge revealing the Israelites’ cosmology, shared with the righteous Gentiles

• WW I and II

• God enables the means for humanity to see his glory

• The Encoded Theology in the Exploration of Mars DIVISON IV (Section 1) 04 ………………………………………………………………….…………………………………..11 Condensing The Law of Proportionality and the Law of the Conservation of Energy

• Concluding Rules. DIVISON IV (Section 1) 05 ……………………………………………………………..…………..…………………………………12

• A Glimpse at a Future Technology within Time and Space

DIVISON IV (Section 1) 06 ……………………………………………………………………..……..…………………………………13 God’s Oath of Endowment

• Fully endorsed, the 144k and their waves of Firstfruits Are assigned the role to rectify historical misunderstanding

• The Appellate Process to overturn the Edenic Judicial Decree.

• The Swearing-in Pledge

• The Appellate Proceedings

• King Balak appealed the Ruling to the Second Heaven Principality

• A profile in treachery

• Subversion of God’s End-time Plans DIVISON IV (Section 1) 07 …………………………………………………………………………………..…………………………………..16 Babylon is the name for the social system of capitalism & Imperialism

• A Point of Clarification in Revelation18:3,9 • “She” Clarification

DIVISON IV (Section 1) 08 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………20 The Executive Body of Israel

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Time What is time? Great men and women of intellect have raised this question for thousands of years.

Indeed, the answer has relevancy in manufacturing many devices that we use every day to better our living


As an ever-evolving civilization, each milestone in history requires complex equipment and machinery.

For example, the automobile has multiple systems for operating. The interconnecting systems require

timing to engage and disengage at the proper time. Another example, the airplane. What if the

interconnecting system doesn’t engage at the appropriate time. Abstractly and materially, humankind has

tamed time to its obedience, making time serve humanity’s needs, which itself is an expressed model of


Look, each day, manufacturing product designs attest to capturing time. The designers know from

beginning to end what the product suppose to do, e.g., the computer or the washing machine.

Assuming time is a particle element of atoms, existing eternally, and we create products and models as

time expression. It should not be a giant mental leap to see Christ as Alpha and Omega. As the designer of

our world, he has placed multiple layered interconnected systems operating timely in synchronicity to move

civilizations toward redemption; thus, he knows the operations from beginning to end. His design, too, has

captured time and made it obey the theological rules necessary for the Congregation’s salvation.

The conceptual Design

Particular to our galaxy, Christ is Alpha and Omega, the beginning and end, a closed

doctrinal system for our purpose in life.


Genesis gives us the sun and moon for telling time. Enoch gives us a coherent system for understanding

the sun and moon, as the hour and minute hands on the cosmic clock in coordination with movement of

the constellations.

The Elohim appoints Israel’s Feast Days as the hourly hand on the clock, rotating, illustratively giving

the Congregation a point of reference to developmental seasons starting with the promised redeemer, the

arrival and departure of the redeemer, and looking toward to the second coming of Yeshua as the King of


1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Genesis

The same sentence in Hebrew reads pictographically: The Son gives willingly his life on the cross and will take it back.

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The calendar year equals twelve months in which the earth has its weather seasons, the pre-conditions

for planting, growth, and harvesting for sustaining societal food production—the agricultural cycle. In

conjunction, the theological Feast Days correspond to the calendar months’ seasons, timely to enhance our

spiritual inspiration.


Regardless of the many galaxies that make up the general character of our universe, Alpha and Omega is

the whole Christ system. Individual galaxies come into formation and eventually disappear, but the

universality character of Christ remains forever and ever, perpetually. In the general nature of things, the

individual character resides, reflective of the host.

Transitioning to adulthood

Unlike others before us, our generation marks the ending of pre-civilization. We are now young adults

requiring a new vocabulary of space and time principles reflecting an elevated material life form that will be

seen and experienced upon arriving in Israel. In this regard, the twelve constellations narrate the children of

Israel’s astrotheology. Within minutes of his death, Jacob provided actualized contents to Enoch’s

cosmology by articulating, within a closed system, the roles each of his sons would perform in the latter

days; that is, at the start of the Gentiles’ fourth and final social system.

DIVISON IV (Section1)01

A look at our galaxy and the milky way

The picture below is our planetary home called earth. It took thousands of years for modern day

people to achieve the technological means to view earth from space.

Just think, living inside a house and never venturing outside to see the design of the house. Still

for many people, there is little to no appreciation for seeing the aesthetic design features of their

planetary house.

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Where are we located? We are in a galaxy among an estimated 152 billion in our Milky Way

system. Looking through the most powerful telescope on the edge of earth’s atmosphere, we see

the edge of our Milky Way and the beginning of another universe. Thus, at the edge of our Milky

Way, the telescope is looking at eternity—there is no end. There are many entertaining theories

about the universe, space and time, that have NO practical VALUE!!!!!!!

This is our area

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Working within pre-defined limits

What is this law of proportionality with a guiding principle? The answer takes cognizance of

objective limitations placed on human’s ability to transcend at any given period the actual historical

circumstances of placement. Once understood that humankind will always be within objective

constraints, the question can be answered.

God’s multidimensional systems do not allow humans to process and digest data in real-time.

Generally known, the fourth dimension has working applications. What about the fifth thru, say,

the twelfth dimensions? The human form does not allow endless processing of data. Although

systematically assigned means, the apparatus enables humans to transition upward and rest on a

pre-determined designed platform. Next, in perpetuation, the required means are given again,

though different, for a new pathway toward revealing God’s glory. As a well-established position

within the Congregation, humankind can only discover what exists through the process of

production to sustain daily life. Though, the foolishness persists that humans can create matter and


Overall, God grants the programmed means, the applied sciences, which embeds spiritualized

components for humans to work within their particular circumstances to evolve a materialized

consciousness of the Son of God.

Not all seek the same pathway of enlightenment. Humans possess the technical means to create

many conceptual designs out of self-interest. For example, it is widespread for futuristic prototypes

to be put in storage and later introduced to society in an application. Many of the design models,

very costly, are thrown away for one reason or another. The question being posed is that the

technical means exist to do seemingly unlimited design executions, where is the spiritual

profitability for society’s needs.

Hereto, technical apparatus given to humankind allows for greater appreciation of the

knowledge of God’s glory that centers around the Feast Days. The devil always comes with an

alternative plan of action, leading many down a one-way road to hell.

Where are we going? A perspective on the answer, where is our point of origin?

In the Garden of Eden, Yeshua litigated the theological issues of purpose among the three

parties. After which, he issued the Edenic Judicial Decree, putting mutual hatred between the

Serpent’s descendants and Adam’s descendants. The Serpent’s descendants will always be prone

to smash the head of Adam’s descendants; that is, to kill the divine purpose of the Elohim’s

creation. On the other hand, Adam’s descendants will always be prone to immobilize the Serpent’s

descendants, stopping the spread of misrepresentation.

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Whereas, the two positions or camps are fundamental in opposition to each other, there is a

reciprocal interplay between the two positions. In other words, Adam’s descendants in given

situations attempt to smash the head, logical systems of thought; likewise, Satan’s descendants in

given conditions attempt to cut the heels.

Whereas there the absolute, yet at the same time there is relativity. But at the end of the age,

the Serpent will be no more. A relativity example, to stop the translation of the Bible

into English (the head), King James I, the Asherite, and the British parliament were the target of a

massive bomb explosion by the serpent. Just in time, the police caught the plotters. Today, the

King James Version of the Bible has the largest quantity of the Bibles in circulation.

The Protagonist and Antagonist of History

Stated in the Edenic Adjudicated Decree

Going back to Jacob, he stopped to sleep while on the run from Esau at a placed that would

eventually call Bethlehem, Jesus’ place of infancy. Head on a rock, Jacob was given a vision of a

ladder extended from the heavens to earth, angels descending and ascending with messages from

the throne of God. At Bethel, the Elohim introduced Jacob to the concept of multidimensionality.

The next morning, Jacob poured oil on the stone that he used as the pillow and said this is a

horrifying place because the LORD is in this place. In time, like Jacob, Jesus and his parents were

on the run from Herod. The angel instructed them to go to Egypt. Within hours, Herod’s soldiers

started killing thousands of young boys ages two and under. Estimates run from four thousands to

forty thousands.

Isaac, the father of Jacob and Esau, blessed Jacob. By mistake? He thought he was blessing

Esau, the first born. How could such deception be orchestrated? The mother, Rebecca, prayed to

the LORD asking why the twin was constantly fighting inside her womb. He replied, the boys

would always be at odds and they would constitute two distinct powerful nations. The older child

would serve his younger brother.

When the time came for Isaac to bless his older son, Rebecca, under Eve’s redeeming

quality, used false pretenses arranged for Jacob to receive the divine blessing. The Serpent used

Eve to bring about Adam’s downfall. Rebecca used the same technique against the Serpent’s seed,

thus, immobilizing the spread of lies. Acting on faith, she ensured Jacob’s bloodline would

produce the promised Redeemer.

Clearly, Rebecca’s action served to immobilize the Satan’s seed.

Cain killed his brother Abel, by smashing his head because Abel’s sacrifice conformed to the

instructions taught by Adam and Eve, accounting for why the Elohim accepted Abel’s offering and

rejected Cain. He wanted to do things his way, showing contempt for the sacrificial ceremony

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prescribed for preconditioning the actual acceptance of the promised Redeemer. Rebecca wanted

to make sure Esau would not replicate Cain’s action, so she sent Jacob away to her father’s house.

The antagonist, Esau, received his definitional blessing in the form of Catholicism. Later in

time, it would be incorporated as the Holy See and the Vatican. Just as Isaac foretold, Esau broke

Jacob’s yoke from off his neck by overthrowing the traditions of the Apostle Age and re-arranged

the principal elements of the Holy Trinity.

A point of clarification, Catholicism as a doctrinal system existed before the Catholic

Church. Therefore, the parishioners of the church should not assume to be part of the Holy See

or the Vatican, the corporate executive body.


Fascism is a word that might sound harsh or inappropriate use to define the Holy See and or

the Vatican. Looking at character behavior, fascism and Catholicism are interchangeable.

Catholicism is the ideology of Esau’s blessing, defined by Isaac. The ecumenical councils

institutionalized the role of the Pope supported by the Vatican. The Apostle Age established the

traditions of the Church Age. And, John’s seven letters to the seven churches in Asia provide

institutionalized guidance to the Church Age.

Usually, there is a risk of people who have not been around people with high level of schooling

in biblical theology to give meaning to the nature of the Little Horn will miss necessary

information. Now, at reach, anyone can understand the ideology of Catholicism. There is a 70%

chance that one belongs to a Protestant church body or to any religious faith as an offshoot of the

Protestant Reformation. During the Inquisitions lasting over five hundred years, any and all

expected forms of anti-Church of Rome were outlawed, and practitioners eliminated in one form

or another. Look at the numbers, over fifty million.

At the appointed time, the Protestant Reformation came about in Germany through Martin

Luther who taught justification by faith. Germany’s printing press enable the masses of people to

read for the first time Luther’s translation of the New Testament into German. The Elohim gave

the Germans the technology, the printing press, to evolve their culture’s means. The people for the

first time could read the Gospels, forcing the German’s mind to reject unbiblical positions of

Rome’s ecumenical Councils.

Because Luther was not killed over doctrinal confrontation with the Pope, other countries of

Europe followed Germany’s Reformation. Literacy cut the heels of Catholicism. The Protestants

were able to follow the Great Commission: go into all the world and baptize in the name of the

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and teach them to obey all commanded.

Whereas tribal Dan, the Jesuits, is not of Catholicism yet they share mutual interest with the

Holy See. Yes, the relationship is deceiving. The Jesuits have their own mission statement distinct

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from Roman Catholicism.

On a historical note, when Islam came along with the false claim of Muhammad’s ascension

into heaven from Jerusalem, Islamic behavior forced the formation of the Jesuits to counter such

teaching and expelling Islam from the land of Israel.

DIVISION IV (Section1) 03 The essential principle in the Law of Proportionality is the multiplication

of scientific knowledge revealing the Israelites’ cosmology, shared with the righteous Gentiles

WW I and II

World War I came with a purpose for clarifying the role of God. No! WW I was not about

religious doctrine. Still, in the lives of the people, they were compelled to clarify their faith internal

to themselves regarding two opinions, Catholicism and Christ’s Gospel.

Excluding the American Civil War, Americans truly have not experienced war on her soil.

For countries that have experienced war, the people will be the first to say that war is hell, and

national leaders will go to great length to avoid war. Truly, a blessing for America to have never

experienced war on her soil, yet a theoretical curse of not being grounded in the true effects of war.

WW I set the stage for WW II. During WW I, Britain signed on to a written agreement

acknowledging the Zionist Jews’ right to reoccupy Israel. The Zionists were motivated by their

interpretation Ezekiel ’s dual prophecy to reestablish the state of Israel. Ezekiel assigned the

Gentiles the outer court of the Temple to occupy until the Gentiles’ era ends. The Zionists’ action

plan is biblical.

However, given the new opportunity, the Danite Bankers created Israel as a banking haven and

the home of Judaism. Overall, Zionist Israel stands on its own grounds as part of tribal Dan just

like Vatican Rome is home to the Edomites or Idumeans.

God enables the means for humanity to see his glory

The means refers to a kernel of disciplinary knowledge in the construction of its apparatus. As

a working idea about the stated theorem: God gives the kernel to a select few or to one person to

work to developed circumferential sciences in the design model of the kernel.

Consider the sociology, (e) the Jews were the driving motivational force behind engaging

America into WWII to create the Zionist State of Israel. (f) the ongoing industrial revolution push

the expansion and growth of civilization; being a blessing, traditional religious organizations had a

responsibility to collect money for expansion, including Judaism. (g) the working class found in the

industrial revolution its own economic philosophy called socialism, advocating for labor rights by

checking capital’s brutal exploitation of workers. (h) the industrial revolution drove the demand for

private and public schools.

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The ongoing industrial revolution needed more and more brainpower for creating an ever-

expansion of industries for an industrialized society.

In anticipation of WW II, driven by the motive for the Jews to occupy the outer court of the

Temple, the Elohim gifted the Germans with mathematical knowledge of rocketry science.

Germany seems to be a focal point in world history relational to the “Little Horn” and the

serpent Dan. Indeed, the central location where the New Testament confronted the Pope’s

Catholicism, resulting in the Lutheran denomination and the Protestant Reformation; a place that

birth the science of rockery that revolutionized the world and space travel; a place wherein

Germany’s victory and defeat during WW II, lead to the export of the German Lutheran’s

spiritual character of Consciousness. The German Lutherans gave to the world non-betrayal faith-


The German Lutherans’ attribute contributed significantly to the Voter and Civil Rights

Movement in Alabama. Look, Dr. Martin Luther King adopted the name from Martin Luther.

Look, Booker T. Washington played an instrumental role in the German Lutheran mission in

Selma. Later, the mission would sustain the Voter Right Movement in Selma.

Knowing Germany’s defeat was imminent, German scientists decided in the closing weeks

among themselves who would go to the West, USA, and who to Russia. Once settled, the Cold

War between the East and West over applied systems using mathematics that the German


The Russians were first to obit earth, a gift to humanity to see the oneness of the world, one

earth one humanity. But America received the special gift from the Elohim, the place of the twelve

tribes of Israel, with kernels knowledge of all the sciences. Yes, the Elohim indeed allows different

alien spacecraft to crash and retrieved for guiding the formation of new industries. For example,

space rocketry, jet airplanes, nuclear power plants, and fiber optic telecommunication—a

wonderment to the world.

The United States took a quantum leap, becoming the global tree, stated by Daniel, bring

fruits of knowledge to the world.

As Gabriel foretold Daniel, human knowledge would increase and expect to see technological

wonders. Gabriel speaking comparatively, on the one hand, Judaism, Islam, and Catholicism’s

delusions spring from the principality of the Second Heaven would be reinforced.

Jurisdictionally, Satan is now in the phase-process of losing his access to the heavens.

The German Lutherans Exhibited to the world non-disloyalty to


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On the other hand, Judah must hold firm: “the stone that you saw cut out from a mountain, but not by humans. It smashed the iron, bronze, clay, silver, and gold. The great God has told you what will happen in the future.”

The Encoded Theology in the Exploration of Mars

Again, the law of proportionality. The Elohim has allowed NASA to put a helicopter on Mars.

Consistently, the jump in human knowledge is tied to the evolutionary history of the Israelites’

Feast Days. The Bible and applied science work together proportionally for a more profound

discovery of God’s creations seen and unseen, e.g., black energy that holds galaxies together. Not

to be confused, whereas science delivers objective results, not all scientific designs align with the

spirit of God.

For a review, we all know that God came down on Mt. Sinai, where the Israelites received the

Ten Commandments. For the Israelites, there never will be a question about God’s presents on

Mt. Sinai. Seeing NASA’s helicopter flying on Mars is a gripping reality of remote control.

Humans using God’s infrastructure of physics to conduct explorations, testing, and transmission.

Depends on perspective, one can assert man is on Mars, or one can maintain human presence is

on Mars.

Regardless of perspective, the people of the earth should reason that Yahawah’s manifestation

on Mt. Sinai remotely. That is, being in all universal locations at the same time.

Yeshua wants us to have a realistic understanding of his kingdom, for abstract religious idealism

in all forms is idolatry, an abomination. Further, the Elohim invited the seventy-two elders of Israel

up to heaven, where they dined in his presence.

• “... and saw the God of Israel. Under his feet was something that looked like a pavement

made out of sapphire, and it was as bright as the sky.” Exo 24:10

For further topic expansion, the Elohim hosted the banquet after the Covenant ratification,

where they saw Yahawah in the form of energy light, having feet. There is no question at all about

the interdimensional location. They could have been a billion light-years from the earth at

Yeshua’s banquet hall. Please do not assume it was in the throne room of heaven.

Moreover, countless people have overlooked the significance of seeing human feet. A clear

visual certification that the Elohim is not an animal; therefore, no substituting him for pagan

worship of animals’ idols!! The Mount of Transfiguration confirms the missions of Moses and

Elijah, clearing the pathway for Jesus’ execution, for redeeming humans.

Just think, the Israelites gave up their relationship with God to descend to the lowest level of

gutter life with the Gentiles; in most historical cases, their decadence went beyond the Gentiles’

practicing limits.

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Yeshua wants the Israelites to see materially how operational systems of heaven work. We are

part of and will be conscious operators within systems of heaven, see the rewards to each of the

seven churches in Revelation. Mars is not in Israel’s future. Let the Gentiles continue to talk

about Mars, for Mars is a future world of earth. The once civilization of Mars lived in wickedness;

that is, the lesson of Mars.

DIVISION V (Section1) 04 Condensing

The Law of Proportionality and the Law of the Conservation of Energy

In the context of this presentation, the law of proportionality is expressed in principle as

knowledge and experiences= inherent self-value or one’s self-worth. As an equivalent expression,

what is she or he worth? One’s self-value increases or can decrease relative to new technologies

and applied science in manufacturing goods and services. Do not think exclusively of

manufacturing as large-scale plants. Any processing operation, regardless of size, is manufacturing.

Mathew 25:14 illustrates Jesus’ teaching about the law of proportionality in the talent’s parable.

Preparing to leave on a long journey, the lord of the house called three of his servants and gave

each according to his self-value. He gave in equivalently ten talents, one two talents, and one talent

for investment and then departed. When the lord returned, he received twenty talents, four

talents, and one talent.

The servant with the one talent returned the same talent to the lord because he did not invest it

out of fear of losing his talent in a risky investment. The lord took the talent and gave it to the

servant with twenty talents.

Concluding Rules (AA)

Do not try to work beyond the LAW of value, e.g., if eight as a numeric value is assigned, do not

try to go to nine or stop at seven. Once eight is fully developed, the material reality will

automatically unfold with a newly appointed value. No! do not assume nine as the next assigned.

Under a different historical circumstance, the law of value might increase to fourteen or some

other number.


Those who do nothing to increase their self-worth. As a statutory code:

• The lord “… cuts off every branch that bears no fruit, and every branch that does bear

fruit, He prunes to make it even more fruitful.” John 15:2

The law of the conservation of energy goes hand in hand with the law of proportionality.

Throughout the Bible, the guiding principle of energy conservation appears as seasonal activities,

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not just wealth-related but Feast Days related.

In a nutshell, the law of conservation of energy states:

• “For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven.”

Ecclesiastes 3:1.

Indeed, the appointed Feast Days come within their seasons; therefore, they work within the

pre-scribed purpose of conservation of energy. Concisely, be patient and wait on Elohim’s plans

scheduled placement incrementally placement.

DIVISION IV(Section1) 05

A Glimpse at a Future Technology within Time and Space

Without the details, The Judahite saw a futuristic structure. The view came

within the framework of Judah’s returning home and starting construction

work. The given artist sketch, a sectional snapshot, allowed The Judahite to

relate it to a known earthly structure, yet the snapshot had no resemblance

to the known design.

On a different occasion, many months later, The Judahite saw the snapped

shot design within an entire design structure, say, a million miles in height

and a million miles in width. Estimates. The Judahite was given a

background reference point for an idea of scale, nothing more, but used as a

guessing idea.

Because of such size incomprehensively, the structure will be a functional

part of our new planetary galaxy. A new level of civilization in a different

universe. NO! The vision was not in a dream state. When more is known,

more will be related.

Wait for the LORD and keep His way, and He will raise you up to inherit the land. When the wicked are cut off, you will see it. Psalm37:34

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DIVISION IV(Section1) 06 God’s Oath of Endowment

Fully endorsed, the 144k and their waves of Firstfruits are assigned the role to rectify historical


As a pattern of history, the names of places, persons, and tribal groupings are usually

displaced, misidentified, and renamed. Such is a historical fact, giving rise to professional

forensic disciplinarians to determine accuracy.

Generally known, there is an operational conspiracy preventing the true Israelites from learning

about their biblical identity. Regardless of historical postulations, the 144k now endorsed, and the

waves of Firstfruits will rectify misunderstanding for the Congregation.

In the process of rectification, consider the Edenic Judicial Decree as a timeline of history. (aa)

from Adam, the pre-days of the Redeemer, (bb) the arrival of the Redeemer, and the ascension

(cc) marking the period leading to the arrival of the conquering King, the LORD of Lords.

Generally known, Judah and Israel, for the most part, disappeared from the pages of active

history during the era of the Church Age, and now toward the end of the Age, the Israelites are in

the process of recovering biblical identity.

Retracing the footprint of history for the 144k, we start with Yeshua, who refers to a sect known

as the Nicolaitans, who he hates. Who are they? There is much discussion about the origin of the

Nicolaitans. Some trace them to the disciple Nicolas, who became an apostate; in the same

manner, people adopted his religious practices. When professionals forensic look at the

Nicolaitans’ etymology, they break down, the Greek rendering “one who conquers the people.”

When using the Greek rendering as a stereotype, history gives us an identifiable pattern of the

conqueror. The record has certified Balaam’s doctrine, extrapolated from the Appellate Review

Process, conquered the Northern Kingdom of Israel. The Nicolaitans appeared as a label acting

stereotypically as Balaam to subdue the Apostle Age’s doctrine and traditions. The essential core

of Balaam-ism and Nicolaitans are the same. Balaam-ism wears many different organizational

labels. Stereotypically they act opportunistically to subvert dogmatic interest of Judah and Israel.

The Appellate Process to overturn

the Edenic Judicial Decree.

Within the top five moments in biblical theology, the Appellate Process is one of them.

Balak, king of Moab, sent delegations to Balaam, a tribal member of Ishmael, with the

proposition to curse Moses and the Congregation of Israel out of fear that they would attack him

and win victory. In exchange, the King offered lots of gold and silver and a high-profile position in

his kingdom. Declining the proposal, Balaam told the low-level delegation that he could not

override that which God has blessed, regardless of the amount of gold and silver offered.

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Again, Balak sent a delegation to Balaam but of the highest rank governmental authority seeking

the same request. Again, Balaam repeated his words but then said he wanted to consult with God,

permitting him to travel on the condition he speaks God’s words that would be put into his mouth

during the Appellate Review proceedings.

The Swearing-in Pledge

While on the road to meet King Balak, Archangel Michael, carrying a sword, met Balaam to

swear him in under perjury and penalty before the High Court of Heaven to speak the words of

the LORD.

The Appellate Proceedings

Balaam requested Balak to erect seven altars for the courtroom setting, and upon each one

place an ox and a ram.

The King repeated the same procedural steps at each of the three different appellate review

courts respective to the statement of Facts, Procedural history of the courts, and the discussion of

the issues and problems.

Statement of Facts

(1). How shall I curse whom God has not cursed?

How shall I defy, whom the lord has not defiled?

From the top of the rocks, I saw him and from the hills I behold him.

(2) God is not a man, that he should lie neither the son of man that he should repent:

what he said and shall he not do it?

No iniquity in Jacob neither hath he seen perversion in Israel

There is no enchantment against Jacob neither is there any divination against Israel.

Israel claims right of their homeland and will fight to protect their nation

(3) the Israelites will become pan globalists. He shall eat up the nations of his enemies and

shall break their bones and pierce them through with his arrows. He couched, he lay down

as a lion, and as a great lion: who shall stir him up.

Bear in mind, the jurisdictional principality authority of the Second Heaven directed Balak’s

reactionary contempt for the LORD’s judicial affirmation on the FACTS.

At Mt. Sinai, the Congregation of Israel signed a blood covenant with the Most High God to be

his people, and he would be their God.

King Balak appealed the Ruling to the Second Heaven Principality

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Procedural history of the courts

Balak selected Mount Zophim Pisgah to challenge the LORD’s legitimate standing to claim jurisdictional authority over his desire to harm the children of Israel.

Appellate states the Question as formulated: Assignments of Error for having made a covenant with the Congregation that exempts the Congregation from curses. The Assignments of Error underline the legal premise questioning the assertion of God’s omnipresence and omnipotence. Respondent: 1) God is not a man that he should lie and repent. 2) What he says, shall he not do it. 3) the command is given to bless Israel. 4) the ruling stands and cannot reverse because there are no iniquities in Jacob. Balaam said: “The descendants of Israel are like the dust--There are too many of them to be counted. Let me end my days like one of God's people; fn Let me die in peace like the righteous.” Number 23:10 In the Argument Summary, King Balak had the assurance of no impending warfare to annihilate, assuming he took no aggressive, hostile action against Israel. FN he is an Ishmaelite.

At the end of the Appellate Review Systems, Balaam gave Balak parables involving Israel and

her enemy nations and the different peoples who are the enemies of the Israelites. Spiritually

imprinted, the Congregation would recognize the peoples with known character traits operating

under the jurisdictional authority of the Second Heaven.

24:14 I am going to my people; come, I will give thee counsel, what this people shall do

to thy people in the latter days.

The Oracles a) A star shall come out of Jacob.

[The Executive Body of Israel] b) A Scepter shall rise out of Israel

Judah: “The sceptre shall not depart from Judah.” Genesis 49:10 “and shall smite the corners of Moab and destroy all the children of Sheth.”

The Executive Body of Israel will destroy all the children under the classification of the Appellate Review Proceedings. The sons of Moab’s ideology fundamentally stand opposed to the Congregation’s birthright. Globally, the corners of Moab reveal expressed forms seen in the children of tumult and Sheth’s children inclusive of all locations.

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Applying the Retroversion Formulas


A profile in treachery

Subversion of God’s End-time Plans

As an Ishmaelite, Balaam was killed while in war with Joshua. Balak’s offer of gold and silver to

Balaam lead him to design a stratagem to cause Israel to sin against the Law of Moses in hopes of

collecting money. Armies of Moabite women entered Israel’s camp for personalized relationships

wherein the men would eat and drink to their gods. Indeed, perversions and divination worked.

Still, today, Balaam’s theological subversion archetype is seen all over the world.

DIVISION IV (Section1) 07 Babylon is the name for the social system of Capitalism

a. Revelation 18:2 foretells Babylon’s fall after the system has promoted acceptance of

demonic spirits that have inhabited people’s bodies with unclean and hateful birds (LGBT-

Q). Before Jesus cast out the demonic spirit, he asked the demon for name identification.

Legion, “for we are many.” Without a host body, demons cannot act contrary to God’s

law, hence the request and granting the transfer to the pigs on the hillside. Two thousand

swine ran off the cliff into the sea.

b. Revelation 18:3 foretells all nations would become actively involved in Hellenism or

cultural imperialism that was the Maccabees’ enemy to destroy Judah. The Statue of

Liberty stands for accepting all personalized versions of Hellenism.

c) 24:18 And Edom shall be a possession, [not just Jordan] e) Seir also shall be a possession for his enemies. (the Holy See’s property will be

taken or all Vatican’s property will be taken under orders first come makes a claim. The righteous Gentiles taking 50%.

Executive Body of Israel will order Talmudist Jews from Israel, no exceptions. Christian Jews will remain. [“Out of Jacob shall he come that shall rule and shall destroy the remains of the city.” (the Executive Body of Israel)].

d) Amalek will perish forever. “And the LORD said unto Moses, Write this for a memorial in a book, and rehearse it in the ears of Joshua: for I will utterly put out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven.” Exodus 17:14

[Amalek’s spirit lives; the embodiment of a tribal nation or nations antagonistic to tribal

Judah. As seen in the Book of Ester. The spirit of the Amalek is easily identified, a spiritual downgrading Judah.]

b) through f) have yet to be fulfilled

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c. The kings of the earth embrace cultural imperialism to do business, e.g., making loans,

making trade agreements, legal immigration protection, and military assistance. It is easy to

see in Revelation 18:3 that Babylon of the new is the same as the old, for she has a robust

financial and manufacturing economy, producing luxury goods, the best of foods, wines,

housing, and clothing.

d. Revelation 18: 4 & 5 give notices to the Congregation to separate from the system of

capitalism and imperialism. From the Second Heaven, the Voice Notice is a reissuing

directive to a phased implementation. Disengage from all opportunities and investments,

look no more to improve the social system of capitalism for return on investments. The

highest priority should be placed on the 400-year Covenant made with Abraham and

becoming Firstfruits waves driven by following the 144k’s guidelines. As one guideline,

congregational members must drop the term black; from now on, tribal names of the

twelve tribes will have salutations within Covenants. Use any tribal name for now and wait

on the Holy Spirit to make all corrections. In contrast, the term black people must

A Point of Clarification in Revelation18:3,9

Babylon the Great is portrayed as a harlot. Kings of the world come to the harlot out of a passion for engaging in sexual immorality, figuratively used to describe buying and selling. Daniel is the index key for understanding Babylon Belshazzar, King of the Chaldeans, made a great feast for a thousand of his lords. At the banquet, the King ordered wine served to him, his princes, wives, and concubines the golden vessels taken from Solomon’s Temple. The cause and effects

Daniel and his three executive managers transformed Babylon’s banking system into an organization that generated an unbelievable mountain of wealth. Indeed, merchants from different regions of the world came to Babylon to trade and make loans. Before, during, and after the Babylonian Empire temple, prostitution was an institution. Even during the Greek Empire and Western Roman Empire, temple prostitution existed. Occult sexual practices have continued down through the ages and are widespread today. So, in distillment, Daniel’s financial/banking ratio 1:20 is assigned to capitalism and imperialism as the regrowth of global prosperity. The Chaldeans integrate temple prostitution into the ratio 1:20, just as in Daniel’s days.

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continue in use because they are not in the Congregation of Israel. The Voice Notice from

heaven comes as an addendum to Jeremiah’s letter to the Judeans. He instructed the

Judeans in Babylon to plant gardens, have children, and work to make Babylon great.

e. Revelation 18: 5 & 6 provide the formula for retribution. In sequence, first, the Voice

notice, next, the criminality of imperialism reached all the way to heaven; FN

finally, the High

Court of Heaven issued its ruling: “reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto

her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double.” The

Executive Body of Israel has started drafting the execution order.

----------. FN

Nat Turner received notice about the removal restrictions placed on the imperialistic serpent and the directive to use the serpent’s weapon during warfare engagement. Look, Nat’s order self-validates, coming full circle: Rev 18:5 “For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.” The complete process of evolution and the general connection; that is, Mars once hosted iniquities, now seen as the results in Mars’

explorations. Today, Mars attracts those with plans to re-create a culture of wickedness, another cycle in repetition. ---------.



Babylon is referred to as the Harlot, a system of buying and selling commodity items. As noted, Babylon is the name for the social system of capitalism. From a judicial perspective, hatred would always exist between Adam’s seed and the woman’s seed. Remember, Eve came into creation from man. Catholicism is the blessing of the Edomites. On the other hand, Jacob’s children would bring economic progress to the world from which the Edomites would ride upon the waves of financial opportunities—the riders of the four horses of the apocalypse. John gives all the aspects of commerce from which capitalism describes its own financial and economic activities.

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“ reward her even as she rewarded you”

“How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she

saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow.” Rev. 18:7

Retroversion has started. For the record, the monarchical queen occupies a ceremonial,

governmental position. The Queen holds no power over, say, like the Vatican Rome, the City of

London (not the metro city London), and Washington District of Columbia, for they are city-

states, existing independent of federal or national laws. They are governed by their own laws.

Again, Babylon is the name for the social system of capitalism and imperialism, not a monarch,

yet symbolic of the original design formatting the fourth Gentiles’ social system.

The Queen is quintessence Babylonian.

Britain is the financial center within the social system of capitalism. Revelation references the

term queen to indicate the central bank’s origin in the last Gentiles’ social system. The Bank of

England is controlled by the largest shareholder, the banking family of tribal Dan. Just like Daniel

and his three associates were the central bank of Babylon within the land of the Chaldeans. They

operated under the jurisdictional authority of the God of Israel by decree of King

Nebuchadnezzar, making it possible for the central bank of England to use the ratio 1:20.

The Queen is the Supreme Governor over the State Church of England.

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DIVISON IV (Section 1) 08 The Executive Body of Israel

The Executive Body of Israel will continue to execute the retroversion formula.

For this is what the LORD says: "When Babylon's seventy years are complete, I will attend to you

and confirm My promise to restore you to this place. Jeremiah 29:10

“ and double unto her double according to her works”

Therefore, wait for Me," declares the LORD, "until the day I rise to testify. For My decision is to gather nations, to assemble kingdoms, to pour out upon them My indignation--all My burning anger. For all the earth will be consumed by the fire of My jealousy. Zephaniah 3:8

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