  • 8/14/2019 applications of tomotherapy.pdf


    Focus On RESULTS6 inspiring applications of

    omoTerapy technology | Reshaping Radiation Terapy2010 TomoTherapy Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.

    A report on user presentations

    from the omoTerapy 2010

    User Education Symposia

    Americas EMEA

  • 8/14/2019 applications of tomotherapy.pdf


    Reducing ComplexityThigh Sarcoma with 45 cm Long Target Volume

    Sparrow Regional Cancer Center o Lansing, Michigan, choseomoDirect technology or a case that would have been difficultto treat in any other way. With omoDirectdelivery, Sparrowapplied two pairs o medial-lateral tangents, with both pairsirradiating the upper portion o the target and one pair usedor the lower portion. Te plan resulted in a highly homogenousdose distribution with superb posterior muscle compartmentsparing. Te efficient transition between beam anglescontributed to a treatment time o less than 10 minutes.

    Providing a Better ChoiceHodgkins Lymphoma Treatment with Lung Sparing

    Kansas City Cancer Center (KCCC), a U.S. Oncology, Inc.

    affiliate, chose omoTerapyor an advanced HodgkinsLymphoma case afer a planning comparison revealed lung doseto be unacceptable with a conventional AP/PA technique, andsub-optimal with standard 9-field IMR. omoTerapydid amuch better job o protecting the lung and covered our PVas well or better than any o the other two techniques, saidKCCCs chie medical physicist, Brian Wichman, DABR.Te comparison results were shared with the patient, whoagreed omoTerapySMtreatments were worth the 45-minute trip.

    V I E W A L L P R E S E N T A T I O N S O N

    Improving Patient ConvenienceAccelerated Partial Breast Irradiation (APBI)

    Puerto Ricos Caribbean Radiation Oncology Center hasintroduced omoTerapy-based APBI based on the 2009ASRO Consensus Statement and constraints outlined inROG 04-13. Te center has ound the technique easy toimplement and has experienced satisactory results with acceptable

    toxicities. Te short ractionation scheduleone week instead osevenis well appreciated by patients, who typically travel an houror more or treatment. In addition, the center has seen an increasein its reerral base afer successully sharing its omoTerapy-basedAPBI plans with breast surgeons on the island.

    TomoTherapyis what you want it to be. It does what you ask it to do. It helps you achieve desired results

    with streamlined simplicity and consistently high quality. Above all else, TomoTherapyis a tool.

    View Presentations: cases originally presented at omoherapyUser Education Symposia, April and May, 2010

  • 8/14/2019 applications of tomotherapy.pdf


    Preserving MemoryWhole Brain Irradiation with Hippocampal Avoidance

    Te University o Wisconsin School o Medicine and Public

    Health is exploring techniques to lessen the neurocognitiveimpact on patients treated with whole brain radiotherapy(WBR). Applying omoTerapytechnology, researchershave ound that they can spare the hippocampus during thistreatment. It is hypothesized that hippocampal sparing willlead to reduction in memory decline or patients. A Phase IItrial or this technique (ROG 0933) has been accepted andapproved by the National Cancer Institute and is scheduledto open later in 2010.

    Lowering Organ DoseCraniospinal Irradiation with PTV Margin Reduction

    McGill University Health Centre o Montreal shifed its entirecraniospinal irradiation (CSI) service to the omoTerapytreatment system in 2007. With its large pediatric practice,McGill saw that the omoTerapysystems daily MVC imagingcould guide highly conormal treatment plans with margins as

    small as 3 mm, thereby protecting the heart, kidneys and livero patients. In addition, staff came to understand additionalbenefits that might contribute to both practical and clinicalsuccess. Tis includes a single point set-up, obviating the needor junctioningand enabling homogenous dose.

    Minimizing Treatment ToxicityEarly and Late-Stage Prostate Cancer Care

    Scientific Institute San Raffaele o Milan, Italy, has studied theuse o omoTerapytechnology or many orms o prostate cancertreatment. Te center has applied MVC-guided helical omoTerapyor localized prostate cancer with dose escalation, hyporactionation

    with integrated boost, salvage therapy and nodal relapse. A largenumber o patients have been treated and excellent results,including reduced toxicity, have been reported in a number o studies.omoTerapyimaging was used or daily positioning and ound to beadequate in treating patients with dominant intraprostatic lesions.

    V I E W A L L P R E S E N T A T I O N S O N

    Case required boosting to leptomeningeal metastases.Ability for complex conformal dosimetry enabledsophisticated differential dosing.

    All cases originally presented at omoherapyUser Education Symposia, April and May, 2010

    Radiation oncology teams worldwide apply TomoTherapytechnology to help their patients and advance

    their practices. Six examples of use are shared here. There is more where this comes from.

    View Presentations:

  • 8/14/2019 applications of tomotherapy.pdf


    See how omoTerapytechnology delivers results.

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