  • 1


    333 Moo 1, Thasud Subdistrict, Muang District, Chiang Rai 57100, Thailand Tel. (053) 916020-1 ; Fax. (053) 916019; Website:

    Application form for Academic Appointment

    For Course/ Program: Health Promotion and Prevention,

    Community Dentistry,

    Ethic and Dental Professional Development,

    Dental Student Quality Development

    School of: Dentistry

    1. Personal Information

    1.1 Name & Surname (Mr/ Ms/ Mrs): Uthaiwan Kanchanakamol

    Academic Title (if any): Dr.

    Nationality: Thai ; Ethnicity: Thai-Yong

    Religion: Buddhist

    Personal Identification Enclosed:

    Identity card State enterprise ID card

    Civil/ military/ police service ID card Passport

    Other (please specify)

    Card or passport number : 35199-00020-91-0

    Issue by: Thai Government ; Expiry date : Throughout life

    1.2 Date of Birth: 9 ; Month: May ; Year: 1948

    Place of Birth: Lamphun

    Country: Thailand

    1.3 Fathers Name: Prapan Kanchanakamol

    Nationality: Thai

    Religion : Buddhist

  • 2

    Occupation: Deceased

    Mothers Name: Jannual Kanchanakamol

    Nationality: Thai

    Religion : Buddhist

    Occupation: Deceased

    1.4 Domicile:

    180 Moo2 Yuyen Road, Changphuag

    Muang, Chiang Mai 50300

    Country: Thailand

    Telephone: 0819526103 ; E-mail address:[email protected]

    Current Address or Contact Address:

    180 Moo2 Yuyen Road , Changphuag

    Muang, Chiang Mai. 50300

    Country: Thailand

    Telephone: 0819526103 ; E-mail address:[email protected]

    Single Married Separated

    Widowed Divorce

    1.6 Spouses Name (if married): Duongporn Kanchanakamol

    Nationality : Thai

    Religion : Buddhist

    Occupation : Research Worker

    Contact Address : 180 Moo2 Yuyen Road , Changphuag

    Muang, Chiang Mai. 50300

    Country: Thailand

    1.7 Number of Children (if any): 2

    Aged: 35 / 20

  • 3

    2. Education (tertiary Education only; start from the most recent)

    Degree and Academic Distinctions (if any)

    Major Institution Year of

    Completion GPA

    Fellow of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Thailand

    _ Thai Dental Council

    2014 -

    Diplomate, Thai Board of Dental Public Health

    Dental Public Health

    Thai Dental Council

    1997 -

    Master of Public Health International

    Public Health

    University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA

    1989 -

    Certificate in Dental Public Health

    Dental Public Health

    University of London

    1977 -

    Doctor of Dental Surgery Dentistry Chulalongkorn


    1973 -

    3. Training (within the last three years) or Other Fields of Education

    Program/Course Duration Institution/ Venue Source of Fund

    Technology of Participation 1 (TOP 1)

    3 days Gerry Roxas Foundation & King Prajadhipoks


    United Nation Development Program (UNDP)

    Technology of Participation 2 (TOP 2)

    3 days King Prajadhipoks Institute /Bangkok

    United Nation Development Program (UNDP)

    Technology of Participation 3 (TOP 3)

    4 days King Prajadhipoks Institute/Bangkok

    United Nation Development Program (UNDP)

    Deliberative Democracy 3 days King Prajadhipoks Institute/Bangkok

    King Prajadhipoks Institute

    The Public Participation 1 week King Prajadhipoks Institute/Bangkok

    King Prajadhipoks Institute

    Local Government and Civil


    1 week International Academy for Leadership

    The Friedrich-Neumann-Stiftung

    Human Right Promotion at Community Level

    10 days Amnesty International & Peoples Right& Freedom Association

    The Asia Foundation & USAID

  • 4

    4. Employment History

    4.1 Current Position (if currently employed):

    1) Position: Director, Institute for Community Empowerment.

    Salary: None, Voluntary position in Not-For-Profit Organization ,

    (The social purpose organization serve the public interest)

    Employed since: Date: 6; Month: October; Year: 2002

    (Total period of 11 years and 9 months+)

    Job descriptions:

    1) The expert, empowering community people and charities to maximize their impact for social good.

    2) The community coach and mentor in health promotion program in marginalized people.

    3) The member of team researchers that become a community-based participatory action research team. Working with community organizations, helping to determine what kind of information would be useful, and then learned how to gather it. Because the team is a part of the community, they are trusted by community members; because they share other community members experience, they know what questions to ask and fully understand the answers, as well as what they are seeing when they observe.

    4) The community facilitator, working for a local community, referring and promoting free or low-cost support services to community families.

    Name and address of employer/organization:

    Institute for Community Empowerment.

    Contact Address: 180 Moo2 Yuyen Road , Changphuag

    Muang, Chiang Mai. 50300

    Country: Thailand

    Type of business: Social Entrepreneurship

    Name of supervisor: -

    Reason for leaving: -still serving

    2) Position: Freelance Researcher,

    Training & Community facilitator,

    Training & Community coach,

    Training & Community mentor.

    Salary: Freelance

  • 5

    Employed since: Date: 10; Month: December; Year: 2005

    (Total period of 9 years and 7 month)

    Job descriptions:

    1) Researcher, as Leader in the participatory action research team of Institute for Community Empowerment (ICE) in building community capacity in marginalized groups and hill tribes people namely; Hmong, Karen. Akha, Lahu, Lisu in health promotion by using Appreciative Inquiry (AI),Positive Community Approach, Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD), Social Capital and Strength-Based Community Development as the development tools such as Community Empowerment and Participatory Community Resource Management : A case study of Community Capacity Building for sustaining community development in Hmong villages, Baan Doi Pui, Tambon Sutep, Baan Khun Chang Kian, Tambon Chang Puag, Muang district, Baan Mae Sa Mai and Baan Mae Sa Noi, Tambon Pong Yaeng, Mae Rim district, Chiang Mai province on 2010-2012,funded by Thailand Research Fund(TRF).

    2) Training Facilitator and Coach as one who take a more leading role and take a group through an agenda designed to transmit a body of knowledge or a set of skills to be acquired in organization/community, namely: community leaders, local organization leaders, executive organizers, by using community empowerment (CE) and Appreciative Inquiry (AI) as the tools in developing Social Leaders in Department of Health, Health Promotion Office, Dental Public Health Office, Regional Health Centers in Ministry of Public Health, and the Institute for Development and Technology Transfer in Environment, Department of Environment Quality Promotion (DEQP) in Ministry of National Resource and Environment

    3) Training Mentor, as a member of the Participatory Action Research team in PAR Study of Social Capital for Sustainable Community Development: The case studies for sustainable development in the communities at Lahu hill tribe, Huay Hea village, Pang Ma Pha district, Mae Hong Son Province; Lisu Hill tribe, Paek Sam and Hin Taew villages, Wiang Haeng district, Chiang Mai province, Thailand on 2011-2013, conducted by the Highland Health Development Center, Department of Health, Ministry of Public Health; as a member of the Participatory Action Research team in the Participatory Action Research on Community Empowerment focused on Dental Health Promotion in Preschool and Primary School Children in Chiang Mai Province on 2011 - 2013, conducted by the Intercountry Center of Oral Health, Department of Health, Ministry of Public Health.

    4) Community Mentor, as the leader of the capacity building and mentor team in Community Empowerment in Health Promotion in communities namely: Karen hill tribe, Baan Mae Thor Kee village, Tah Song Yang district, Tak province; Akha hill tribe, Baan Pah Yaa Sai and Baan Ah Yae villages, Praw district, Chiang Mai province, conducted by the Highland Health Development Center, Department of Health, Ministry of Public Health

  • 6

    Name and address of employer/organization:

    Institute for Community Empowerment.

    Contact Address: 180 Moo2 Yuyen Road, Changphuag

    Muang, Chiang Mai. 50300

    Country: Thailand

    Type of business: Social Entrepreneurship

    Name of supervisor:-

    Reason for leaving: -still serving

    3) Position: Chairman, the Examination and Certifying Board in Dental Public Health,

    And Member, the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Thailand

    The Dental Council of Thailand Salary: None, Voluntary position in Not-For-Profit Organization ,

    (The professional purpose organization serve t he public interest)

    Employed since: Date: 6; Month: February; Year: 2014

    (Total period of years and 6 months)

    Job descriptions:

    1) Organize the committee of the Examination and Certifying Board in Dental Public Health, The Dental Council of Thailand

    2) Executive Board of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Thailand.

    The Dental Council of Thailand Name and address of employer/organization:

    Executive Board of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Thailand

    The Dental Council of Thailand Contact Address:

    Watvidhayawatthana Building

    Faculty of Dentistry

    Chulalongkorn University

    Henry Dunant road



    Country: Thailand

    Type of business: Social Entrepreneurship

    Name of supervisor: -

    Reason for leaving: -still serving

  • 7

    4.2 Work Experience (start from the most recent)

    1) Position: Fulbright New Century Scholar (NCS);

    Salary: 120.000 Baht

    Employed from: 9 /January /2001 to 8 / December/ 2002

    (Total period of 1 year and 11months)

    Job descriptions:

    1) Conducting participatory action research, Practicing health promotion and strength-based community development through the conservation of indigenous knowledge and traditions of 11 Community Based Organizations in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

    2) Engaging in the Fulbright New Century Scholar Program Challenges of Health in the Borderless World.

    3) Working with fellow NCS Scholars to transcend national and cultural boundaries to address the most pressing issues of health in both the local and global arena.

    4) Helping to create a new global dimension for the Fulbright Scholar Program.

    Name and address of employer/organization:

    Patricia Harrison, Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs, the U.S. Department of State, Washington D.C. / Fulbright Foundation

    Country: U.S.A

    Type of business: Research Scholar

    The Fulbright New Century Scholar Program:

    Challenges of Health in the Borderless World

    Name of supervisor: -

    Reason for leaving: Program completion

    2) Position: Part time Community researcher, coach and mentor

    Salary: Freelance

    Employed since: Date: 9; Month: January; Year: 2004

    (Total period of 10 years and 5 month)

    Job descriptions:

    1) Researcher, as one of the participatory action research team in developing King Prajadhipoks Institute Public Participation Program (KPI/PPP) for developing public services toward excellence by people participation. Peoples Audit

  • 8

    2) Training Facilitator and Coach, as one who take a more leading role and take a group through an agenda designed to transmit a body of knowledge or a set of skills to be acquired in the King Prajadhipoks Institute Public Participation Program (KPI/PPP) in the Peoples Audit training program(KPI/PA), 19 classes.

    3) Training Mentor, as one of the participatory action research team in A PAR Study of Social Capital for Sustainable Community Development: A case study for sustainable development in the communities near the electricity generating power plant at Nua-Klong District, Krabi Province Southern Thailand, Publisher or Journal: King Prachathipok Institute.

    4) Community Mentor, as one of the research and development team in developing King Prajadhipoks Institute Public Participation Program (KPI/PPP) for developing public services toward the excellence trough people participation. Peoples Audit

    in Chiang Rai province.

    Name and address of employer/organization:

    Research and Development Office

    King Prajadhipoks Institute 120 Moo 3

    Chaengwattana Road,

    Thung Song Hong, Laksi District, Bangkok 10210

    Country: Thailand

    Type of business: Part time Researcher, facilitator, Coach and Mentor in

    The office of Research and Development

    Name of supervisor: Dr. Tawilwadee Bureekul,

    Director, The office of Research and Development,

    The King Prajadhipoks Institute

    Reason for leaving: program completion

    2) Position: Chairman and Lecturer, Department of Community Dentistry Faculty of Dentistry, Chiang Mai University.

    Salary: 32,000 baht

    Employed since: Date: 2; Month: January; Year: 1974

    (Total period of 26 years and 9 months)

    Job descriptions:

    1) Lecturer in Oral Surgery courses

    2) Instructor in Oral Surgery clinic

  • 9

    3) mentor & lecturer in Introduction to Community Dentistry; 3rd year dental students


    4) Lecturer in Dental Public Health; 5th year dental students (1978-1988)

    5) Lecturer and instructor in Preventive Dentistry; 6th year dental students (1978-1988,


    6) Lecturer in Dental Practiced Management; 6th year dental students (1978-1988,


    Name and address of employer/organization:

    Faculty of Dentistry

    Chiang Mai University

    Sutep Road

    Chiang Mai, 50200

    Country: Thailand

    Type of business: State owned

    Name of supervisor: -

    Reason for leaving: pending early retire since 1998

    5. Other Positions Held:

    2002-present, President, Northern Citizen Association for Community


    2013-present Vice President, Khon Yong Association

    2004-2011 Senior Editor, the Northern Thai Citizens, Weekly

    2000-2001 Chairman, Steering committee, Community Radio Pilot Project,

    Thailand Broadcasting Radio, Chiang Mai

    2002-2007 Director, Community Radio Station, FM 99 MHz, Chiang Mai.

    Voice for Community Empowerment

    2001-2002 Research Scholar, Fulbright New Century Scholars Program

    (NCS) Challenges of Health in the Borderless World

  • 10

    1998 Early Retired Government Official

    1990-1992, Member, University Council, Chiang Mai University

    1992-1994, by the election


    1996 -1998.

    1997 - 1998 Founding Member of the Examination and Certifying Board in Dental Public Health, the Dental Council of Thailand

    1985 1988, Chairman, Department of Community Dentistry

    1992 - 1998 Faculty of Dentistry, Chiang Mai University.

    1993 - 2001 Director, the Study and Development Center of Dental

    Public Health, Faculty of Dentistry, Chiang Mai University.

    1990 - 1992 Associate Dean for the Administration Affairs,

    Graduate School, Chiang Mai University

    1986-1988 On-site Coordinator, International Dental Public Health

    Program, Sparkman Center for International Public Health

    Education Program (SCIPHE) University of Alabama at

    Birmingham at Faculty of Dentistry, Chiang Mai University

    1984 - 1985 Associate Dean for the Research and Development Affairs,

    Faculty of Dentistry, Chiang Mai University

    1982 - 1983 Assistant Dean for Academic affairs, Faculty of Dentistry,

    Chiang Mai University

    1978 - 1982 Founder and Head, the Project of Community Dentistry

    Department, Faculty of Dentistry, Chiang Mai University

    1974 - 1976 Instructor, Department of Oral Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry,

    Chiang Mai University.

  • 11

    6. Teaching Experience (please list the subject and total number of credits or hours of teaching)

    Faculty of Dentistry, Chiang Mai University

    1) Lecturer in Introduction to Oral Surgery ( 1974-1976) 6 hrs

    2) Instructor in Oral Surgery clinic ( 1974-1976) 15 hr

    3) Mentor & lecturer in Introduction to Community Dentistry;

    3rd year dental students (1978-1990) 16 hrs

    4) Lecturer in Dental Public Health; 5th year dental students (1978-1988) 8 hrs

    5) Lecturer and instructor in Preventive Dentistry;

    6th year dental students (1978-1988, 1990-1998) 6 hrs

    6) Lecturer in Dental Practiced Management;

    6th year dental students (1978-1988, 1990-1998) 9 hrs

    Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University

    Lecturer, Oral Disease; Screening and Prevention; 3rd year nursing students

    (1981-1984) 6 hrs

    Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai University

    Lecturer, Dental Public Health Administration; 6th year medical

    students (1981-1984) 6 hrs

    Graduate School, Chiang Mai University

    Course Director, Master of Public Health program; Epidemiology (1993-1997) 12 hrs

    7. Publication of Research, Articles, Textbooks and/ or Other Educational

    And / or Academic Works (please enclose relevant sample pages, if any)

    1) Author: Bureekul T., Chaiyasomtop T., Kanchanakamol U., Sangpetch S.

    Title: A PAR Study of Social Capital for Sustainable Community Development: A case study for sustainable development in the

    Communities near the electricity generating power plant at

    Nua-Klong District, Krabi Province Southern Thailand,

  • 12

    Publisher or Journal: King Prachathipok Institute IBSN: 978-974-449-613-3 Year of Publication: 2011

    Pages Numbers: 62

    2) Author: .


    (Peoples Audit) 2 4


    Publisher or Journal: .

    ISBN: 978-974-449-412-2

    Year of Publication: 2552

    Pages Numbers: 16

    3) Author: .


    (Peoples Audit) 3 11


    Publisher or Journal: .

    ISBN: 978-974-449-413-9

    Year of Publication: 2552

    Pages Numbers: 21

  • 13

    4) Author:

    Title: :

    (Peoples Audit) 3 12


    Publisher or Journal: .

    ISBN: 978-974-449-413-9

    Year of Publication: 2552

    Pages Numbers: 18

    5) Author: .

    Title: : .

    (Peoples Audit) 3 13


    Publisher or Journal: . .

    ISBN: 978-974-449-413-9

    Year of Publication: 2552

    Pages Numbers: 8

    6) Author:


    (Peoples Audit)

    4 15


  • 14

    Publisher or Journal: .

    ISBN: 978-974-449-414-6

    Year of Publication: 2552.

    Pages Numbers: 15

    7) Author:


    (Peoples Audit)

    7 23


    Publisher or Journal: .

    ISBN: 978-974-449-417-7

    Year of Publication: 2552.

    Pages Numbers: 39

    8) Author: .




    Publisher or Journal: .

    ISBN: 978-974-449-361-3

    Year of Publication: 2551

    Pages Numbers: 39

  • 15

    9) Author:




    Publisher or Journal: .

    ISBN: 978-974-449-361-4

    Year of Publication: 2551

    Pages Numbers: 19

    10) Author:


    8 , :


    Publisher or Journal: .

    ISBN 974-657-264-4

    Year of Publication: 2543

    Pages Numbers: 29

    11) Author:

    , , ,


    Title: ,


    Publisher or Journal: .

  • 16

    ISBN 974-657-264-4

    Year of Publication: 2543

    Pages Numbers: 106

    12) Author:

    , , ,




    Publisher or Journal: .

    ISBN 974-657-263-6

    Year of Publication: 2543

    Pages Numbers: 106

    13) Author: . :

    Title: :



    Publisher or Journal: .

    ISBN 974-656-035-3

    Year of Publication: 2540

    Pages Numbers: 44

  • 17

    14) Author:

    Title: :


    Publisher or Journal:

    Year of Publication: 2538

    Pages Numbers: 33

    15) Author: .

    Title: .

    .. 2533,



    Publisher or Journal: .

    ISBN 974-565-502-3

    Year of Publication: 2534

    Pages Numbers: 17


    16) Author: Tuongratanaphan, S., Kanchanakamol U

    Title: Comprehensive Dental Care Concept. Publisher or Journal: Chiang Mai. Dent. J. Vol. 21 number 2, Year of Publication: 2000

    Pages Numbers: 17

  • 18

    17) Author: Puangpinyo W., Kanchanakamol U

    Title: Situation of Dental Fluorosis in Community of Ban Sankayom, Tambon Makuaghae, Amphoe Muang, Changwat Lamphun.

    Publisher or Journal: Chiang Mai. Dent. J. Vol. 19 Special Issue 49 -59, Year of Publication: 1998

    Pages Numbers: 10

    18) Author: Kanchanakamol U.

    Title: People Participation in Community Oral Health Promotion Program. Publisher or Journal: Chiang Mai. Dent. J .Vol. 19 Special Issue 6 10

    Year of Publication: 1998

    Pages Numbers: 5

    19) Author: Kanchanakamol U., Tuongratanaphan S., Tuongratanaphan

    S., Chittaisong, C., Pattanaporn, K., Lertpoonvilaikul, W., Navia JM. Davies GN.

    Title: Prevalence of Developmental Enamel Defects and Dental

    Caries in Rural Preschool Thai Children

    Publisher or Journal: Community Dental Health [1996, 13(4):204-207

    Cited by: Malnutrition and dental caries: a review of the literature.


    Psoter WJ, Reid BC, Katz RV.

    Caries Res. [2005]

    Interpreting sex differences in enamel hypoplasia in human and non-

    human primates: Developmental, environmental, and cultural



    Guatelli-Steinberg D, Lukacs JR.

    Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. [1999]

    Health of infants in an Imperial Roman skeletal sample: perspective from

    dental microstructure.

  • 19


    FitzGerald C, Saunders S, Bondioli L, Macchiarelli R.

    Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. [2006]

    The relationship of enamel defects and caries: a cohort study.


    Targino AG, Rosenblatt A, Oliveira AF, Chaves AM, Santos VE.

    Oral Dis [2011]

    Association between enamel hypoplasia and dental caries in primary

    second molars: a cohort study.


    Hong L, Levy SM, Warren JJ, Broffitt B.

    Caries Res. [2009]

    Interproximal contact hypoplasia in primary teeth: A new enamel defect

    with anthropological and clinical relevance.


    Lukacs JR.

    Am. J. Hum. Biol. [1999]

    Prevalence of demarcated hypomineralisation defects in second primary

    molars in Iraqi children.


    Ghanim A, Manton D, Marino R, Morgan M, Bailey D.

    Int J Paediatr Dent [2013]

    Enamel hypoplasia in the primary dentition of monozygotic and dizygotic

    twins compared with singleton controls.


    Taji SS, Seow WK, Townsend GC, Holcombe T.

    Int J Paediatr Dent [2011]

    Relationship between Untreated Dental Caries and Weight and Height of

    6- to 12-Year-Old Primary School Children in Bangladesh.


    Mishu MP, Hobdell M, Khan MH, Hubbard RM, Sabbah W.

    Int J Dent [2013]

    Association between developmental defects of enamel and early

    childhood caries: a cross-sectional study.

  • 20


    Correa-Faria P, Paixao-Goncalves S, Paiva SM, Pordeus IA, Marques LS,

    Ramos-Jorge ML.

    Int J Paediatr Dent [2014]

    Year of Publication: 1996.

    Pages Numbers: 4

    20) Author: Kanchanakamol U.

    Title: Concept in Oral Hygiene Practice Publisher or Journal: Chiang Mai. Dent. J .Vol. 16 Number1: 15-22

    Year of Publication: 1995

    Pages Numbers: 8

    21) Author: Kanchanakamol U., Umpriwan, R., Chotikastira, N.,

    Srisilapanan, P., T-Ratanapan, S.N., Cholitkul, W. and

    Chat-U-Thai, T.:

    Title: Effect of a Dentifrice Containing Triclosan and

    Copolymer on Plaque Formation and Gingivitis

    Publisher or Journal: Journal of Periodontology [1995, 66(2):109-112]

    Cited by:

    A systematic review of the effectiveness of self-performed

    mechanical plaque removal in adults with gingivitis using a manual



    van der Weijden GA, Hioe KP.

    J. Clin. Periodontol. [2005]

    The effectiveness of a toothpaste containing triclosan and

    polyvinyl-methyl ether maleic acid copolymer in improving plaque

    control and gingival health: a systematic review.

  • 21


    Davies RM, Ellwood RP, Davies GM.

    J. Clin. Periodontol. [2004]

    Oral hygiene in the prevention of periodontal diseases: the



    van der Weijden F, Slot DE.

    Periodontol. 2000 [2011]

    Randomized controlled clinical trials on agents used for chemical

    plaque control.


    Paraskevas S.

    Int J Dent Hyg [2005]

    Metal salts, essential oils and phenols--old or new?


    Jackson RJ.

    Periodontol. 2000 [1997]

    The effectiveness of self-performed mechanical plaque control

    with triclosan containing dentifrices.


    Hioe KP, van der Weijden GA.

    Int J Dent Hyg [2005]

    Is there a role for triclosan/copolymer toothpaste in the

    management of periodontal disease?


    Blinkhorn A, Bartold PM, Cullinan MP, Madden TE, Marshall RI,

    Raphael SL, Seymour GJ.

    Br Dent J [2009]

    Toothpaste in the control of plaque/gingivitis and periodontitis.


    Davies RM.

    Periodontol. 2000 [2008]

    Year of Publication: 1995

    Pages Numbers: 4

  • 22

    22) Author: Kanchanakamol U.

    Title: The effectiveness of the meditation tooth brushing

    Method using Concept 45o Toothbrush for removal

    of dental plaque.

    Publisher or Journal: Chiang Mai University (R E8882)


    NRCD Research Bibliography and Thesis 2009, No. 37-15

    Year of Publication: 1993.

    Pages Numbers: 42

    23) Author: Kanchanakamol U., Srisilpanan, P., Umpriwan, R., and

    Kongmalai A.

    Title: The Effectiveness of the Concept 45o Toothbrush on

    Removal of Dental Plaque in Adults.

    Publisher or Journal: International Dental Journal [1993, 43(2):116-120]

    Cited By: Antimicrobial effects of mechanical debridement.


    Petersilka GJ, Ehmke B, Flemmig TF.

    Periodontol. 2000 [2002]

    Preventive strategies and supportive treatment.

  • 23

    (PMID: 11155182)

    Hancock EB, Newell DH.

    Periodontol. 2000 [2001]

    Year of Publication: 1993.

    Pages Numbers: 5

    24) Author: Kantamaraturapot, K., and Kanchanakamol, U

    Title: The Effectiveness of Oral Hygiene Program in Primary

    School children under Supervision of Teachers and

    Schoolchild Health Volunteers.

    Publisher or Journal: J. Dent. Assoc. Thai, 42: 5-6: 269-278.

    Year of Publication: 1992

    Pages Numbers: 10

    25) Author: Kanchanakamol U., Srisilapanan, P.

    Title: The Effectiveness of the Newly Designed

    Concept 45oToothbrush for Removal of Dental

    Plaque in Primary Schoolchildren.

    Publisher or Journal: International Dental Journal [1992, 42(2):78-82]

    Cited by: Antimicrobial effects of mechanical debridement.


    Petersilka GJ, Ehmke B, Flemmig TF.

    Periodontol. 2000 [2002]

    Year of Publication: 1992.

    Pages Numbers: 5

    26) Author: Srisilapanan, P., Kanchanakamol, U

    Title: Attitude of Mandatory Public Services Dentists on

    their Employments.

  • 24

    Publisher or Journal: Chiang Mai. Dent. J., 12: 1, 25-32,

    Year of Publication: 1991.

    Pages Numbers: 8

    27) Author: Chat-U-Thai, T. and Kanchanakamol, U.

    Title: The Low G.P.A. of Chiang Mai University Dental

    Graduates: Fact & Problems

    Publisher or Journal: Journal of Dental Research (JDR)

    Abstract, 70:4,862

    Year of Publication: 1991.

    Pages Numbers: 1

    28) Author: Kanchanakamol, U., and Pattanaporn, K.

    Title: The Behavior of Utilizing Household Defluoridators in

    the Areas of High Fluoride Content in Drinking Water

    Publisher or Journal: Journal of Dental Research (JDR)

    Abstract, 70: 4, 858

    Year of Publication: 1991.

    Pages Numbers: 1

    29) Author: Maki, Y., Takaesu, Y. , Chittaisong, C.,

    Kanchanakamol, U., Dusadeepan, A

    Title: Oral Health Survey of Hill tribes and Urban People in

    Chiang Mai, Thailand

    Publisher or Journal: The Shikawa Gakuho 90: 891

    Year of Publication: 1990.

  • 25

    Pages Numbers: 1

    30) Author: Chandramangkorn, M. and Kanchanakamol, U.

    Title: The Clinical Comparison of 2 Kinds of Composite

    Labial Veneer in a Treatment of Dental Fluorosis.

    Publisher or Journal: Journal of Dental Research (JDR)

    Abstract, 69: 4, 1096,

    Year of Publication: 1990.

    Pages Numbers: 1

    8. Foreign Language Proficiency

    Language Level of Proficiency (excellent, good, or fair)

    Listening Speaking Reading Writing

    English excellent excellent excellent excellent

    Tai-Lue good good fair fair

    9. Honors and/ or Awards

    Title Awarding Institution or Organization


    Role Model, Social Change Leader in Health Promotion and Environment.

    Health Department,

    Ministry of Health


    Fulbright Fellow, Fulbright New Century Scholar Program 2001 Challenges of Health in a Borderless World.

    The U.S Department of State, USA.


    Patent on Concept 45o Toothbrush, The invention has been patented in 1989

    Department of Commercial Registration, Ministry of Commerce


  • 26


    1) Presenter: Kanchanakamol U.

    Title: Learning Social Advocacy through Participatory Action Study in Oral Health Promotion.

    Paper Presentation: The Third Congress of the Asian Academy of Preventive Dentistry


    Venue: Chiang Rai, Thailand

    Year of Presentation: November 2-4, 1998

    2) Presenter: Vaseenon T., Inpra W., Jiwong J., Obsuwan K., Kanchanakamol U. :

    Title: The Use of Participatory Action Approach to Develop Community Oral Health Promotion

    Paper Presentation: The Third Congress of the Asian Academy of Preventive Dentistry


    Venue: Chiang Rai, Thailand,

    Year of Presentation: November 2-4, 1998

    3) Presenters: Korwanit N., Kaewmakam S.,Wongkom A.,Obsuwan K., Kanchanakamol, U.

    Title: Participatory Action Study to Develop Community Preventive Program in Chiang Khong District, Chiang Rai

    Paper Presentation: The Third Congress of the Asian Academy of Preventive Dentistry


    Venue: Chiang Rai, Thailand

    Year of Presentation: November 2-4, 1998.

  • 27

    4) Presenter: Kanchanakamol, U.

    Title: CMU Community Dentistry Curriculum Development; The project

    description and 3- years experience.

    Paper Presentation: the International Meeting to Commemorate the 18th Anniversary of

    the Dental Faculty, Khon Kaen University

    Venue: Khon Kaen, Thailand

    Year of Presentation: March 26-28, 1997.

    5) Presenter: Kanchanakamol, U., Srisilapanan, P., Korwanit, N., Khongsanongtham, S.

    Title: The Effects of a Plaque Control Program Learning through Teaching

    On Dental Students Dental Plaque Accumulations and Gingival


    Paper Presentation: The 4 th World Dental Congress on Preventive Dentistry (WDCP)

    Venue: Umea, Sweden

    Year of Presentation: September 2-5, 1993.

    6) Presenter: Kanchanakamol, U., Umpriwan, R., Chotikastira, N., Srisilapanan, P.,

    T-Ratanapan, S.N., Cholitkul, W., Chat-U-Thai, T.

    Title: Effect of a Dentifrice Containing Triclosan and Copolymer on Plaque

    Formation and Gingivitis.

    Paper Presentation: The 1st Annual Meeting of Thai Dental Research (TDR)

    Venue: Chiang Rai, Thailand

    Year of Presentation: October 12-13, 1992.

  • 28

    7) Presenter: Kanchanakamol, U., Chittaisong, C., Pattanaporn, K., Lertpoonvilaikul, W.,

    T- Ratanapan, S.N., T-Ratanapan, S.V, Davies, G.N., and Navia, J.M.

    Title: Prevalence of Enamel Hypoplasia and Dental Caries in Vegetarian

    Karen Children aged 1-4 years at Phra Bath Huey Tom, Lumphun


    Paper Presentation: The 7th Scientific Meeting of the International Association of Dental

    Research South East Asian Division (IADR/SEA)

    Venue: University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

    Year of Presentation: September 10-11, 1992.

    8) Presenter: Kantamaraturapot, K and Kanchanakamol, U.

    Title: The Effectiveness of Oral Hygiene Program in Primary Schoolchildren under

    Supervision of Teachers and Schoolchild Health Volunteers.

    Paper Presentation: The 7th Scientific Meeting of the International Association of Dental

    Research South East Asian Division (IADR/SEA)

    Venue: University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

    Year of Presentation: September 10-11, 1992.

    9) Presenter: Srisilapanan, P., Kanchanakamol, U.

    Title: Attitude of Mandatory Public Services Dentists on their Employments

    Paper Presentation: The 7th Scientific Meeting of the International Association of Dental

    Research South East Asian Division (IADR/SEA)

    Venue: University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong,

    Year of Presentation: September 10-11, 1992.

  • 29

    10) Presenter: Kanchanakamol, U., and Srisilapanan, P.

    Title: The Effectiveness of the Newly Designed Concept 45o Toothbrush for

    Removal of Dental Plaque in Primary Schoolchildren

    Paper Presentation: The 87th Annual World Dental Congress, Federation Dental

    International (FDI)

    Venue: Singapore

    Year of Presentation: September 10 -14, 1990.

    11) Presenter: Chat-U-Thai, T. and Kanchanakamol, U.

    Title: The Low G.P.A. of Chiang Mai University Dental Graduates: Fact &


    Paper Presentation: The 5th Scientific Meeting of the International Association of Dental

    Research South East Asian Division (IADR/SEA)

    Venue: University of Singapore, Singapore

    Year of Presentation: September 8-9, 1990

    12) Presenter: Kanchanakamol, U., and Pattanaporn, K.

    Title: The Behavior of Utilizing Household Defluoridators in the Areas of High

    Fluoride Content in Drinking Water.

    Paper Presentation: The 5th Scientific Meeting of the International Association of Dental

    Research South East Asian Division (IADR/SEA)

    Venue: University of Singapore, Singapore

    Year of Presentation: September 8-9, 1990.

  • 30

    13) Presenter: Kanchanakamol, U., Srisilpanan, P. , Umpriwan, R. , and Kongmalai A. :

    Title: The Effectiveness of the Concept 45o Toothbrush on Removal of

    Dental Plaque in Adults

    Paper Presentation: The 5th Scientific Meeting of the International Association of Dental

    Research South East Asian Division (IADR/SEA)

    Venue: Pattaya, Thailand

    Year of Presentation: November 9-12, 1989.

    14) Presenter: Chandramangkorn, M. and Kanchanakamol, U.

    Title: The Clinical Comparison of 2 Kinds of Composite Labial Veneer in a

    Treatment of Dental Fluorosis

    Paper Presentation: The 4th Scientific Meeting of the International Association of Dental

    Research South East Asian Division (IADR/SEA)

    Venue: Pattaya, Thailand

    Year of Presentation: November 9-12, 1989.

    15) Presenter: Kanchanakamol, U., Srisilapanan, P., and Chittaisong, C.

    Title: Reliability of the Dental Disease Surveillance Indices.

    Paper Presentation: The Annual Meeting of Thai Dental Association

    Venue: Bangkok, Thailand

    Year of Presentation: December 11-13, 1986.

    16) Presenter: Kanchanakamol, U., Dusadeepan, A., Kongmalai, A., and Kongmalai, J.

    Title: The Efficiency of two kinds of Chewing Sticks in Oral Hygiene Programs among the

    Rural Thai Primary Schoolchildren

    Paper Presentation: The Annual Meeting of Thai Dental Association

    Venue: Bangkok, Thailand

  • 31

    Year of Presentation: November, 27-30, 1979


    1) Presenter: Kanchanakamol U.

    Title: Research Topic in Oral Health in the Next Decade. Place of Presentation: The Thailand Research Fund (TRF) Conference on The Priority Setting of Research Topics in Oral Health Organizer: The Faculty of Dentistry Mahidol University Venue: The Chau Phraya Park Hotel, Bangkok, Year of Presentation: November 27-28, 1996

    2) Presenter: Kanchanakamol U.:

    Title: NGOs and the Conflictive Participation in the Government Development Projects. Place of Presentation: The Annual Meeting of the Northern Region Center for the Internal Security Protection Organizer: The 236Unit, Naresuan Barrack, Pitsanulok Venue: The Fourth Army Department, Mae-Sod District, Tak Province Year of Presentation: November 21, 1996.

    3) Panel Presenters: Eawsriwong N., Wattanachai K. , Kanchanakamol U.:

    Title: Chiang Mai University Vision 2020

    Place of Presentation: The Project Forum Discussion on Artistic, Philosophical, and

    Scientific Problems

    Organizer: The Faculty of Fine Art, Chiang Mai University,

    Venue: Grand conference room, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand

    Year of Presentation: November 8, 1996.

  • 32

    4) Presenter: Kanchanakamol U.

    Title: The Case Study of the Impact of the Government Development

    Projects on Local People

    Place of Presentation: The Seminar on the People Participation Administration at the

    Interior Ministry Meeting Room

    Organizer: The Dhamrong Rajanupap Institute, Bangkok

    Venue: Bangkok. Thailand

    Year of Presentation: October 29, 1996.

    5) Panel Presenters: Sacrig R., Kanchanakamol U., Naruemitr-rekakarn S.

    Title: Green Politics.

    Place of Presentation: The Project Forum Discussion on Artistic, Philosophical,

    and Scientific Problems

    Organizer: The Faculty of Fine Art, Chiang Mai University

    Venue: Chiang Mai, Thailand

    Year of Presentation: August 14, 1996.

    6) Presenter: Kanchanakamol, U.

    Title: The People Participation in the Community Environment Management and the

    Green Areas in Chiang Mai Province

    Place of Presentation: The Public Hearing on the Planning of the Community

    Environment Management and the Green Areas in Chiang Mai Province

    Organizer: Social Research Institute, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand

    Venue: Chiang Mai, Thailand

    Year of Presentation: June 21, 1996.

  • 33

    7) Panel Presenters: Boonmee, T., Kemchalerm W., Kanchanakamol, U. :

    Title: The Civil Society in Dental Public Health; New Alternative strategy in solving Oral Health Problems Place of Presentation: The Annual Meeting of the Dental Public Health Society Organizer: The Dental Association of Thailand Venue: Maruay Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand Year of Presentation: June 25, 1996.

    8) Presenter: Kanchanakamol, U.:

    Title: The Northern Industrial Estate in Lamphun Province, Thailand: The

    Impact on People Quality of Life, Health and Environment

    Place of Presentation: The Academic Meeting of Thai NGOs on the Government Policy

    in Promotion of Industries to the Regions of Thailand,

    Organizer: Faculty of Economics, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand

    Venue: Faculty of Economics, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand

    Year of Presentation: June 17, 1996.

    9) Presenter: Kanchanakamol, U.

    Title: The Vision of Thailand Environment. Place of Presentation: The Regional Seminar in the World Environment Day, Organizer: The Department of Environment Quality Promotion and the Waing Ping Citizens Council

    Venue: P. S. K. Hotel, Chiang Mai, Thailand

    Year of Presentation: June 7, 1996

    10) Presenter: Kanchanakamol, U.

    Title: The Pollution of the Northern Industrial Estate in Lamphun Province,


    Place of Presentation: The 15th General Meeting of Japan Environmental Council (JEC)

    Organizer: Faculty of Medicine, Kumamoto University, Kumamoto, Japan.

  • 34

    Venue: Conference room, Faculty of Medicine, Kumamoto University, Kumamoto, Japan.

    Year of Presentation: March 28, April 1, 1996.

    11) Presenter: Kanchanakamol, U.:

    Title: The Desired Vision for Health for All in Thailand.

    Place of Presentation: The 8th General Meeting of the Occupational Medicine and

    Environment Association

    Organizer: The Occupational Medicine and Environment Association

    Venue: Siam City Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand

    Year of Presentation: February 7-8, 1996

    12) Presenter: Kanchanakamol, U. Title: The Vision of Graduates in Globalization. Place of Presentation: The Orientation Meeting of the final year students of Payup University Organizer: Payup University. Venue: Payup University, Chiang Mai, Thailand Year of Presentation: January 27, 1996,

    13) Presenter: Kanchanakamol, U.

    Title: The Vision of School Teachers in Globalization.

    Place of Presentation: The primary School teachers meeting in the Teachers Day.

    Organizer: Local Teacher Society

    Venue: Lee district, Lamphun, Thailand

    Year of Presentation: January 1, 1996.

    14) Presenter: Kanchanakamol, U. :

    Title: Chiang Mai Environmental Problems and the Future of Country

    Development Direction

  • 35

    Place of Presentation: The Seminar on the Youth and the Urban Environmental


    Organizer: The Center for Environmental Education, Educational Region 8

    Venue: YMCA, Chiang Mai, Thailand

    Year of Presentation: October 17, 1995

    15) Presenter: Kanchanakamol, U.:

    Title: The Vision in Country Development for Quality of Life and Health of

    Thai People: The Urgent Need in Solving Environmental Crisis

    Place of Presentation: The 7th General Meeting of the Occupational Medicine

    and Environment Association

    Organizer: The Occupational Medicine and Environment Association

    Venue: Bangkok, Thailand

    Year of Presentation: January 17-18, 1995

    16) Panel Presenters: Tantiwipawin W., Kanchanakamol, U., Chat-U-Thai, T., Juengpanit S.,

    Jitjumnong P. and Tianpisan R

    Title: Thai Dental Education in the Next Decade.

    Place of Presentation: The Scientific Meeting of the Executive Members of the Dental

    Schools of Thailand, entitled Thai Dentistry in the Next Decade

    Organizer: Executive Members of the Dental Schools of Thailand

    Venue: Prince of Songkhla University, Songkhla

    Year of Presentation: August 29-31, 1990

    17) Presenter: Kanchanakamol, U.

    Title: The Philosophy and Concepts in Preventive Dentistry.

  • 36

    Place of Presentation: The National Symposium on the Clinical Preventive Dentistry

    Organizer: The Faculty of Dentistry, Chiang Mai University

    Venue: The Faculty of Dentistry, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand

    Year of Presentation: October 8-10, 1990.

    18 Presenter: Kanchanakamol, U. :

    Title: The Principle of Preventive Dentistry

    Place of Presentation: The Scientific Meeting of the 10th Anniversary of the Faculty

    of Dentistry, Khonkean University, Khonkean, Thailand,

    Organizer: The Faculty of Dentistry, Khonkean University

    Venue: The Faculty of Dentistry, Khonkean University, Khonkean, Thailand,

    Year of Presentation: December 19-2, 1990

    19) Panel Presenter: Kanchanakamol, U., Lekfuengfu S., Songpaisan U., Phantumvanit P.

    Title: Prospects of Preventive Dentistry in Thailand.

    Place of Presentation: The Annual Scientific Meeting of the dental Association of

    Thailand, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand,

    Organizer: The Faculty of Dentistry, Chiang Mai University

    Venue: Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand

    Year of Presentation: March 27-29, 1984.

    20) Presenter: Kanchanakamol, U. :

    Title: Fluorides in the Environment in Thailand. Place of Presentation: The National Seminar on How Fluorides Prevent Tooth Decay Organizer: The Faculty of Dentistry, Mahidol University

    Venue: The Faculty of Dentistry, Mahidol University

  • 37

    Year of Presentation: November 14-15, 1983

    21) Presenter: Kanchanakamol, U.:

    Title: The Future of Dental Personnel in Thailand.

    Place of Presentation: The Scientific Annual Meeting of the Dental Association of


    Organizer: The Dental Association of Thailand

    Venue: Bangkok, Thailand

    Year of Presentation: December, 8-10, 1983.

    22) Presenter: Kanchanakamol, U.

    Title: The Traditional Oral Hygiene Device for the Rural Thais.

    Place of Presentation: The 6th Annual Research Meeting, Mahidols Day

    Organizer: The Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai University

    Venue: The Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand

    Year of Presentation: September 24, 1982.

    23) Presenter: Kanchanakamol, U.

    Title: Fluorides, Chlohexidines and Tooth brushing in Oral Health Practice.

    Place of Presentation: Scientific Annual Meeting of the Dental Association of Thailand,

    Venue: Bangkok, Thailand,

    Organizer: The Dental Association of Thailand

    Year of Presentation: November 25-27, 1981.

  • 38

    24) Presenter: Kanchanakamol, U.

    Title: The Role of Paramedical Personnel, Wechakorn in Dental Health


    Place of Presentation: The 5th Annual Meeting of Lampang Health Development Project,

    Ministry of Public Health,

    Venue: Chiang Mai, Thailand,

    Organizer: Health Department, Ministry of Public Health,

    Year of Presentation: September, 5-8, 1980.


    Conference Organizer and Lecturer :

    National Conference on Holistic Approach in Oral Health Care, Held at the

    Control Plaza Hotel, Bangkok, December 7, 1993.

    Symposium Organizer and Lecturer

    National Symposium of Clinical Preventive Dentistry in Thailand, held at

    Chiang Mai University, October 8-10, 1990.

    Course Director and Lecturer :

    Training the Paramedical Personnel Wechakorn in Dental Public

    Health, Lampang Health Development Project, Department of Health,

    Ministry of Public Health May 12-June 17, 1987.

    Course Organizer and Lecturer:

    Continuing Education Teaching ;

    1) Intercountry Center for Oral Health, Ministry of Public Health, Chiang Mai , The 1st Course in Dental Public Health, Community Diagnosis; Dental Health

    Behavior Survey (KAP Survey), Collection and analysis of data, August 9-

    12, 1992.

  • 39

    2) Intercountry Center for Oral Health, Ministry of Public Health, Chiang Mai , Research Methodology in Dental Public Health : Health Service Research, May 2- 13, 1983.

    3) Intercountry Center for Oral Health, Ministry of Public Health, Chiang Mai , Dental Public Health Community Diagnosis; Dental Health Behavior Survey,

    Analysis of data July 3-20, 1983

    4) Intercountry Center for Oral Health, Ministry of Public Health , Chiang Mai ,

    Dental Public Health , Community diagnosis; Dental Health Behavior

    Survey, analysis of data July 3-20, 1984.

    5) Intercountry Center for Oral Health, Ministry of Public Health, Chiang Mai:

    Human Performance Logics in Dentistry; August 3-12, 1990.

    6) Lampang Provincial Public Health Office, Ministry of Public Health , Lampang: Pit & Fissure Sealants in Dental Public Health, December 25, 1992.

    7) The 1st Regional Dental Public Health Center, The Fundamental Research Methodology for Dental Personnel for Dental Personnel : Research Design in Dental Public Health , at U-Thong-In Hotel, Ayudthaya,

    June 22-26, 1992.

    8) The 10th Regional Dental Public Health Center, The Fundamental Research Methodology for School Dental Nurses : Research Design in Dental

    Public Health, at Lanna Hotel, Chiang Mai , July 16-22,1993.

    9) The 1st Regional Dental Public Health Center, Reporting and Presentation Research : How to Criticize Scientific Papers, at Silver Sand Hotel,

    Pattaya, Cholburi, February 11-15, 1993.

    10) Intercountry Center for Oral Health, Ministry of Public Health, Chiang Mai ,

    Dental Public Health for School Dental Nurses: Philosophy and Principle of

    Preventive Dentistry, Chiang Mai , July 21-30, 1993.

    11) Khon Khan University, Faculty of Nursing: Training of Trainers: How to be the

    Effective Modulator in the Meeting: Khon Khan, May 16-17, 1991.

  • 40


    Consultant, Chiang Mai Municipality Development Committee (1999-2001)

    Director, the Northern Coordinating Center of the People Organizations

    (NCCPO) Chiang Mai (1998 -2002)

    Consultant, Assembly of the Poor, Thailand (1997-2003)

    Consultant, Campaign Committee for Popular Democracy (CCPD), Bangkok

    (1998- 2005) Chairman, Campaign Committee for Local Autonomy (CCLA),

    Social Research Institute, Chiang Mai University (1993-1997)

    Vice Chairman, Wiang Ping Citizen Council, Chiang Mai Province (1997-1998)

    Secretary ,Wiang Ping Citizen Council, Chiang Mai Province (1996-1997)

    Advisor to the Chiang Mai Province Governor, Ad hoc Committee for Preserving

    Ping River and Environment, (1993-present).

    Chairman, Coordinating Committee for Conserving Ping River and

    Environment (CPEC), Chiang Mai (1993-1996)

    Chairman, the Executive Committee for the Poll Watch: The Election

    of the Member of the Organization of Administration of the

    Subdistrict in Chiang Mai Province (1995).

    Member , Ad hoc Committee for the Public Relation and Public Hearing,

    for Establishing Political Reform, The Office of the Secretary General

    of the Prime Minister.(1995)

    Member, Campaign Committee for Political Reform, Chiang Mai province

    The Office of the Secretary General of the Prime Minister

    (1997- 1999)

    Member, Provincial Executive Committee for Conserving Environment, Lamphun

    province (1993- 1997)

    Member, the Executive Committee of the Science Association of Thailand Northern

    Region Branch (1985-1986, 1993-1994)

    Member, the Executive Committee: Buddhist Association of Thailand;

    Chiang Mai. (1991-1995)

  • 41

    Member, the Chiang Mai Toastmaster Club, Chiang Mai (1981-present)

    Member, the Dental Association of Thailand (1994-present)

    Member, the Princess Mothers Medical Volunteer Foundation

    (1973- 1995)

    Chairman, Coordinating Committee for Democracy Development

    Chiang Mai (1991-1992)

    Member, the Executive Committee for the Poll Watch, Upper Northern

    Region (1990, 1992)

    President, Chiang Mai Toastmaster Club, Chiang Mai (1984-1985)

    14. Areas of Academic Expertise

    Community Dentistry

    Dental Public Health

    Preventive Dentistry

    Health Promotion

    Public Participation

    Community Development

    Community Empowerment

    15. Areas of academic and/or Community Service Interest

    Community Development

    Community Participation

    Community Empowerment

    Health Promotion

    Environmental Conservation

    Cultural Conservation

    16. Hobbies and/or Areas of Special Interest

    Public Speaking,

    Reading, Writing Poem

    Table Tennis,


  • 42

    17. Professional Development Plans and Goals

    My Professional Development Plans are to become a full time staff and engage in teaching, mentoring, research, academic service to society and collaborate with the dental school staff, hospitals and affiliated institutes rendering the new dental school plans.

    My goals are to become a professional role model as an academic mentor and teacher inspiring dental students to fulfill the Dental school and Mae Fah Luang Universitys commitments as the volunteerism, knowledgeable dentists who have a moral response to the social aspirations of His Royal Highness the Princess Mother to all the people having a way of promoting good dental health

    The other goals that I shall strive hard to achieve are to become an expert in Participatory Action Research, Social Innovation, Social Change Leadership, and Community Mentorship which they are my main interest.

    18. Areas of Research Interest Likely Contributing to the Development of Mae Fah Luang University and/ or the Country (Thailand) I believe that Solving Problems through Appreciative Inquiry is better than through Problem-Solving thus:

    Appreciative Inquiry requires a skill building orientation in the process of organizational transformation and leadership. Solving problems is not achieved by problem-solving but by adding essential skill sets.

    Appreciative Inquiry focuses on developing new change processes where there will be high value added. The focus is on adding value rather than subtracting problems. (Note: there will always more problems to subtract if problem-solving is the leaders focus.)

    Appreciative Inquiry establishes truth by systemic consultation; that is, leading and listening along the channels of the hierarchy and not stopping at the front / top of the hierarchy.

    Appreciative Inquiry builds consultancy groups or learning partnerships in areas of competency and responsibility. Solving problems with the end in mind is best achieved by those who know the end in mind.

    Therefore, areas of Research Interest Likely Contributing to the Development of Mae Fah Luang University and/ or the Country I prefer are:

    1) Participatory Action Research Study of learning and teaching experience in dental students through appreciative Inquiry: A case study for developing teaching and learning atmosphere to inspire dental students toward successful professionalism, liberation, and happiness.

    2) Participatory Action Research Study of learning and teaching experience in dental students through wisdom Based Learning: A case study for empowering dental students toward positive approach, good morality and spirit.

  • 43

    3) Participatory Action Research Study of Empowering at-risk students through appreciative inquiry: A qualitative case study design to facilitate the first two stages of an appreciative inquiry (AI) 4-D cycle discovery and dream.

    4) Participatory Action Research Study on Dental Health Promotion in Preschool and Primary School Children in Chiang Rai Province

    5) Participatory Action Research Study of Social Capital for Sustainable Community Development: A case study for sustainable development in the tribal communities at Chiang Rai province Northern Thailand.

    6) Participatory Action Research Study on Community Empowerment and Participatory Community Resource Management: A case study of Community Capacity Building for sustaining community development in tribal villages, Chiang Rai province.

    7) Participatory Action Research Study on Community Empowerment and Participatory Community Resource Management: A case study of Community Capacity Building in tribal communities for crisis haze from forest fire management in Chiang Rai province.

    8) Participatory Action Research Study on Community Empowerment and Participatory Community Health Promotion: A case study of Community Capacity Building in disabled communities for their quality of life in Chiang Rai province.

    9) Participatory Action Research Study on Community Empowerment and Participatory Community Health Promotion: A case study of Community Capacity Building in marginalized communities for their enduring social changes in Chiang Rai province.

    10) Participatory Action Research Study on Community Empowerment and Participatory Community Health Promotion: A case study of Community Capacity Building in elderly communities for their enduring social changes in Chiang Rai province.

    19. Courses or Programs that the Applicant is Qualified and willing to teach or Assist

    19.1 Major Courses:

    1. Health Promotion

    2. Prevention Dentistry,

    3. Community Dentistry,

    4. Dental Public Health

    5. Ethic and Dental Professional Development,

    6. Dental Student Quality Development.

    19.2 Related Courses:

    1. Public Speaking (PS)

    2. Community Empowerment (CE)

    3. Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD)

    4. Appreciative Inquiry (AI)

  • 44

    5. Participatory Action Research (PAR)

    6. Public Participation (PP)

    7. Pluralistic Democracy

    8. Technology of Participation (TOP)

    9. Diffusion of Innovation (DOI), Adoption to Innovation (ATI)

    10. Participatory Action Planning (PAP)

    11. Participatory Evaluation on Empowerment (PEE)

    12. Positive Community Approach

    13. Walking Mapping

    14. Cultural Community Development

    15. Strength-Based Community Development

    15. Performance Logic in Dentistry

    16. Wisdom- Based Learning

    17. References

    17.1 Advisor, Supervisor or Superior

    Name: Assoc. Prof. Thanong Chat-Uthai

    Position: Dean, Dental School

    Contact Address Mae Fah Luang University

    333 Moo 1, Thasud Subdistrict,

    Muang District, Chiang Rai 57100, Thailand Telephone: (053) 916020; Email address: [email protected]

    17.2 Classmate or Colleague

    Name: Assoc. Prof. Wirach Pattanaporn

    Position: Former Dean, Dental School, Chiang Mai University

    Contact Address: Faculty of Dentistry

    Chiang Mai University

    Sutep Road

    Chiang Mai, 50200


    Telephone: 081-671 5125 Email address: [email protected]

  • 45

    17.3 Subordinate (if any)

    Name: Asst. Prof. Dr. Songwut T-Rattanaphan

    Position: Lecturer

    Contact Address: Community and family Dentistry Department

    Faculty of Dentistry

    Chiang Mai University

    Sutep Road

    Chiang Mai, 50200


    Telephone: 0818844366; Email address: [email protected]

    18 If you are appointed, how soon will you be able to take up the position at Mae Fah

    Luang University?

    I am already available.

    19. Where and how did you learn about this position? (Please supply details)

    I have been appointed at the new Mae Fah Luang dental school as a part time staff

    for nearly one year and now I am willing to be a full time staff.

    20. Salary Expectation: THB 60,000 per month

    21. Do you smoke? Yes No

    If yes, how long have you been smoking? -

    Do you have a plan to quit smoking? Yes No

    Reviewing Check List

    1. Have you filled in every relevant or applicable blank? If any blank is not relevant or not applicable, write a dash ().

    2. Have you provided clear and precise information?

    3. Have you enclosed certified copies the required documents? Put a tick () in front of the items enclosed.

    ID card

    State enterprise ID card

    Civil/ military/ police service ID card

  • 46

    Degree Certificates (for both undergraduate and graduate levels)

    Academic transcripts (for both undergraduate and graduate levels)

    Household registration

    Name and/ or surname change certification (if applicable)

    Marriage certificate (if married)

    Others (please specify):

    1. Pension Government Official ID Card,

    2. The U.S. Department of State Award Certificate

    Fulbright New Century Scholar Program,

    3. A copy of Shield of Honor, role model for Leadership Change Health Promotion and Environmental Health,

    4. A copy of Patent on Concept 45o Toothbrush,

    5. Some cited published research papers

    4. The university reserves the right to seek relevant authorities cooperation, at any

    future time, to examine, scrutinize and verify all documentary evidence pertaining to this application.

    5. Forgery and/ or illegitimate alteration of documents or any part thereof for application- related purpose constitute a criminal offence. The universities reverse the right to reject this application if such acts are proved to have taken place.

    I hereby testify that, to the best of my knowledge, the information given herein is true and correct in all respects.

    Signature Applicant

    (Uthaiwan Kanchanakamol)

    Date of Application


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