
Appendix: Questionnaires

Questionnaire I

I. General Data 1. Entity of the Ombudsman-Institution (National (Federal) State, Re-

gional State (Province) or Intern. Organisation)

2. Name of the Ombudsman-Institution o Vernacular o In English

3. Postal address

4. Telephone Number

5. Fax Number

6. Email

7. Homepage

8. Other websites in German, English or French

9. Name(s) of the incumbent(s)

10. Enabling legislation of the office, tasks and procedures o Constitutional Law

Title/Article of the Law Law Gazette No. Indication of source (homepage)

o Federal (State) Law or Regulations Title/Article of the Law Law Gazette No. Indication of source (homepage)

11. a. Is the enabling legislation available in English? o Yes o No

b. Is it possible to attach the enabling legislation to this ques-tionnaire? o Yes o No

524 Appendix: Questionnaires

12. Are there any jurisprudential publications with a synopsis of the ena-bling legislation of your office? Are these available in German, Eng-lish or French, and if so, can you indicate the sources?

13. Is it possible to attach these publications? o Yes o No

14. Besides the national Ombudsman – do regional Ombudsmen exist? o No o Yes, regional Ombudsmen are:

15. If the Ombudsman is a regional one – what are the reasons against es-tablishing a national Ombudsman?

16. Does the Constitution (Laws) provides the establishment of local (municipal) Ombudsmen? o local (municipal) Ombudsmen are: o The establishment of local (municipal) Ombudsmen is legally

permitted, but not performed.

II. Establishment of the Institution 1. Date of establishment?

2. Date of the opening of the office?

3. What were the reasons or incentives to establish an ombudsman? o Complete revision of the Constitution o Strengthening of the legal protection system o Deficiencies of the protection of human rights o Other:

4. In case of the existence of Administrative and/or Constitutional Su-preme Courts – Date of establishment? o Administrative Courto Constitutional Court

5. Are regional (local) administrative courts established? o Noo Yes, since

III. The Ombudsman 1. Number of the incumbents?

o One o Several (Number)

Questionnaire I 525

2. Are Deputy Ombudsmen elected or appointed? o Yes o No

3. If yes, how many?

4. Do the Deputies have sole competence or responsibilities? o No o Yes

5. Appointing or electing authority? o Parliament (General Assembly) o Appointment by the President (Monarch) o Appointment by the Prime Minister (Government) o Other

6. Qualifications for the incumbent? o Law degree o Outstanding knowledge of the legal system o Other: o No special qualifications required

7. What are the reasons for the requirement of special qualifications – or for the non-requirement? o The reasons are inherent of the tasks and functions of the Om-

budsman , namely: o The Ombudsman should act with personal authority.

8. Are the incumbents bound by any (esp. governmental) instructions or are they completely independent? o Yes o No

9. The office of Ombudsman is incompatible with? o Membership in a political party o Membership in a union o Functions in a political party or union o State offices o All professional activities o Other:

10. Tenure of the office?

... Years

11. Can (are) the incumbent(s) be removed (dismissed)? o Yes o No

12. If yes:

526 Appendix: Questionnaires

o Provisions for the removal o By which authority?

13. Do(es) the incumbent(s) possess jurisdictional immunity? o Yes o No

14. The independence of the Ombudsman is otherwise guaranteed by?

IV. The Role of the Institution and its Purpose in the Legal System

1. What are the purposes of the institution? o Ensuring a good and citizen-orientated administration o Improving the service of authorities o Guarantee the rule of law and legality o Control the protection of human rights o Stabilisation of democracy by (preventive) warnings of human

rights violations o Development of a civil society o Other:

2. According to the separation of powers – the jurisprudence allocates the Ombudsman to? o Legislation o Administration o Jurisdiction o Others:

3. The relation to the Parliament (Legislation)? Are the Ombudsmen (Deputies) elected by the Parliament (General Assembly)? o Yes o No o If yes – who nominates (e.g. committee) the candidates? o Election quorum? May the Ombudsman (Deputy) be removed during the term of of-fice? (See III.10) o If yes – who (organ) has to introduce the motion? o Parliamentary quorum for the removal (dismissal)? Does the duration of the term of the incumbent depend on the par-liamentary term? o Yes o No o If no – how long is the duration? Is the Ombudsman (Deputy) entitled to participate in the debates by the Parliament and/or its Committees?

Questionnaire I 527

o Yes o No Is the Ombudsman (Deputy) entitled to legislative initiatives? o Yes o No If yes – to which extent? Is the Ombudsman entitled to recommend changes to legislation? Is the Ombudsman (Deputy) obliged to render a report(s) or in-formation to the Parliament? o Report o Information o None If yes – are the reports or information published? o Publishing o Publishing on request o No publishing of the information The Parliament debates the report or information? o Yes o No Who appropriates the budget of the institution? Who is entitled do draft the budget (Finance Act)? Is the Government (Minister of Finance) involved? o Yes o No Are there any other relations to the legislative power? o No o Yes, as:

4. The relation to the executive power? Is, in any way, the Ombudsman subordinated to the executive power? o Yes o No Are the authorities obliged to furnish information required upon request of the Ombudsman? o General information o Information concerning investigations only o Other: Is the Ombudsman entitled to inspect records of the authorities? o Yes o No Are authorities obliged to support the Ombudsman in any other way?

5. The relation to the judiciary? May the Ombudsman influence judicial decisions? o Yes

528 Appendix: Questionnaires

o No Is the Ombudsman entitled to request information in pending court cases esp. about the duration of the proceedings? o Yes o No Is an influence possible by monitoring the administration of justice? o Yes o No Is the Ombudsman entitled to file an action or to present other mo-tions? o Yes o No May the Ombudsman intervene in the proceedings? o Yes o No Does the Ombudsman have a right of appeal? o Yes o In res judicatae only o Other: o No In case of controversial legal points – may the Ombudsman present a motion for an authentic interpretation by a Supreme Court? o Yes o No o If yes – which court has the jurisdiction of that matter? Is – in this case – the court committed to its own decision? o Yes o No Is there any other correlation to the judicial power? o No o Yes, as

6. Is the Ombudsman obliged to co-operate with any other institutions? o Yes o No o If yes, how?

V. Subject and Standards of the Investigations 1. What can be subject to an investigation?

o Public administration o General administrative acts o Individual administrative acts o Any administrative action o Public private sector (activities of the public entities as holder of

private rights)

Questionnaire I 529

o Jurisdiction o Legislation o Public undertakings o Others:

2. Are there restrictions (exemptions) of the jurisdiction of the Om-budsman? o Head of State (President, Monarch) o Intelligence Service o Police o Military o Jurisdiction o Correctional System (Prisons) o Matters of refugees or asylum seekers o Other:

3. Control Criteria? o „Maladministration“ (grievances in general) o The entire legal system, incl. administrative rules o All individual rights in general o Civil rights and human rights guaranteed by the Constitution o Other:

VI. Accessibility 1. The initiative of an examination (investigation)?

o By a lodged complaint o On own initiative (ex officio) o Both

2. Who is entitled to lodge a complaint? o Citizen o Everybody o Natural persons o Legal persons under public law

3. What can be submitted in a complaint? o Maladministration o Violations of individual rights o Violations of civil rights and human rights, guaranteed by the

Constitution o Other:

4. Is the Ombudsman legally obliged to carry out an investigation? o Yes o No

530 Appendix: Questionnaires

5. Formal requirements for a complaint? o Written form o Language: o Signed by a lawyer o Other

6. Time limits for a complaint? o Yes o No o If yes, duration of the time limit?

7. May a complaint be lodged only so far as the complainant does not recourse to legal remedy? o Yes o No

8. Which legal remedies have to be exhausted?

9. Are there any fees or expenses for the complainant? o Yes o No

VII. Powers of the Institution 1. Coercive competencies?

o Yes o No

2. Which of the following powers does the Ombudsman have?

Ex Post o (Informal) recommendations to state authorities o Official findings of violations of law o Right to appeal:

o Against laws, at: o Against regulations, at: o File a motion for an authentic interpretation of law, at: o Legal remedies against individual decisions

o Of a court o Of administrative authorities

o Other: o Intervention in court proceedings o Institute criminal proceedings (charges) against officials o Coercive competences for taking evidence (e.g. subpoena of wit-

nesses) o Other:

Questionnaire I 531

Ex Ante o Intervene in impending violations of law o Public relations (reports, consultation days et al.) o Other:

3. Are authorities obliged to support the Ombudsman? o Yes o No o If yes, which authorities?

4. How are authorities obliged to support the ombudsman? o Production of the files, inspection of the files o Information and statements o Other:

5. Are there any coercive competencies to get the support requested by the Ombudsman? o Yes o No

VIII. Efficiency of the Control 1. Spheres of the investigations – main caseload?

o Social matters (pensions, benefits, social welfare) o Court proceedings (delays) o Traffic and transport system o Other:

2. Spheres permanently monitored by the Ombudsman on his own ini-tiative (ex offcio)? o Prisons o Refugee camps o Children`s homes o Psychiatric hospitals o Other o No permanent control

3. Which are the determining factors for the efficiency of the control? o Competences

o Which? o Executive powers o Voluntarily co-operation of the authorities o Special qualifications of the incumbent o Personal reputation of the incumbent o Public relations of the Ombudsman o Other:

532 Appendix: Questionnaires

4. Control by the Ombudsman in relation to judicial control? o Subsidiary of the Ombudsman o Supplement to jurisdiction, because

o Not all administrative actions are subject to judicial control o Of the preventive effect of the Ombudsman o The Ombudsman may file motions for judgement anyway

o Besides jurisdiction, because of o Lacks of competencies of the courts o Informal (non-bureaucratic) investigations of the Ombudsman o The broader attention of the Ombudsman in public o The personal reputation of the Ombudsman o Specific competencies of the Ombudsman

5. Are the activities of the Ombudsman a “public topic”? o In the newspapers o On television o In political discussions o Rarely a topic

6. The most important instruments for the public relations? o Reports to the Parliament o Publishing of reports o Consultation days o Television or radio o Website o Other:

7. Best practices in the preventive function of the Ombudsman (esp. in the sphere of human rights – see IV.1.) o Reference of pending violations of human rights by the authorities o Reference of pending violations of law by public enterprises, pri-

vatised enterprises, or self-governing bodies o Reference of violations of law by private persons (e.g. private

firm) o Activities in the education system o EU-enlargement activities o Other:

8. If the Ombudsman has a preventive function in the field of human rights –is it highly accepted among the citizens?

Explanatory Notes 1. Please add short explanations to your answers and always, if possible,

the citations of the legal basis.

2. Multiple answers are possible, if necessary.

Questionnaire I 533

3. The legal basis of the institution, its tasks and competencies should be attached, if possible. A translated version (English, French) would be welcomed.

4. If there are any publications on your institution in English, French or German, you are kindly asked to attach them to the questionnaire.

5. For any questions to this data sheet, please contact per mail: [email protected]

Questionnaire II

Note: Please indicate – where possible – the legal basis of your answers!

I. General Data 1. Is there another ombudsman institution which served as role model

for your institution? If yes, which one?

2. How many people are employed in the office of the Ombudsman?

II. Relation to Parliament (Legislation): Proposals of New Laws or Changes to Law

Note: We have learned that nearly all ombudsman-institutions have the pos-sibility to approach the state organ which is entitled to pass laws to pro-pose/recommend/suggest new laws and/or changes to existing law. How-ever, there are differences in the scope of this right. The following questions shall help to determine the scope of such a right in your institution. For this purpose we call such a right the “right to propose new laws or changes to law” in the following questions.

1. In practice, does it happen that the Ombudsman proposes new laws or changes to laws? If yes:

2. Are such proposals part of his report?

3. Which legal effect does such a proposal have?

3.a. What is the role of such a proposal in the course of the legislative pro-cedure?

3.b. Which state organ deals with such a proposal? Parliament, the Gov-ernment or other?

3.c. Is one of these organs obliged to debate the proposals? If yes, which organ?

3.d. Is one of these organs obliged to draft a law upon such a proposal? If yes, which organ?

3.e. Or does the proposal only constitute a mere recommendation which can be regarded or not?

4. What is the factual effect of such a proposal?

4.a. How often are such proposals followed in practice? (percentage)

536 Questionnaire II

4.b. Does such a proposal create public pressure on the Parliament so that the Parliament must eventually follow the proposal of the Ombuds-man? If yes, how often?

III. Relation to Parliament (Legislation): Reports 1. What are the contents of the report to the Parliament? Is it divided

into certain sections?

2. Does the report have to contain a section on the human rights situa-tion?

3. What are the legal effects of such a report?

3.a. Is the Parliament obliged to act upon such a report?

3.b. Are other organs obliged to act upon such a report?

4. What are the factual effects of the report?

5. Can the Ombudsman issue a special report apart from his annual re-port? If yes, what are the legal and factual effects of such a report?

6. In practice, what are the topics of such special reports?

IV. Relation to Parliament (Legislation): Participation in Parliamentary Debates

1. Does the Ombudsman have a general right to participate in all par-liamentary debates?

2. If yes, is he entitled to speak there?

3. Is the Ombudsman entitled to participate in the parliamentary de-bate(s) concerning his report(s)?

4. Is he only entitled to participate in such a debate if he is requested to do so by Parliament or can he decide to do so on his own?

5. Does he have a right to participate in debates concerning certain is-sues, e.g. human rights?

V. Relation to the Judiciary: Criminal Proceedings 1. Can the Ombudsman recommend to the competent organ that crimi-

nal charges should be brought against somebody (officials)?

2. Can he himself bring charges against somebody? If yes:

3. At which courts can such an application be filed?

Questionnaire II 537

4. What are the substantial requirements for such an application?

5. What are the effects of such an application?

6. Is the application binding on the court or the public prosecutor? If yes, to what extent?

7. Which other persons or authorities have the power to bring criminal charges against somebody?

8. Does this power of the Ombudsman to bring criminal charges against an official differ from an ordinary report of a criminal offence? If yes, to what extent? If there is a difference, is it a legal or a factual one?

9. How can the Ombudsman react if no proceedings are instituted upon his application?

10. How often are such applications filed in practice per year?

VI. Relation to the Judiciary: Disciplinary Proceedings 1. Can the Ombudsman recommend to the competent organ that disci-

plinary charges should be brought against somebody (official and/or judge)?

2. Can he himself bring disciplinary charges against someone (offi-cial/and/or judge)? If yes:

3. What can the Ombudsman claim in such an application?

4. What are the required contents of such an application?

5. What are the effects of such an application?

6. Is the application binding on the competent authorities? If yes, to what extent?

7. Which other persons or authorities have the power to bring disci-plinary charges aginst someone (officials and/or judges)?

8. Does this power of the Ombudsman differ from an ordinary report of a disciplinary offence, coming from inside the authorities? If yes, to what extent? If there is a difference, is it a legal or a factual one?

9. Do the authorities have to inform the Ombudsman about instituting disciplinary proceedings?

10. What can the Ombudsman do if no disciplinary proceedings are insti-tuted by the competent authority?

11. In practice, how often are disciplinary charges brought against some-one per year?

538 Questionnaire II

VII. Relation to the Executive Power: Recommendations 1. What is the legal value of a recommendation of the Ombudsman to

the administrative bodies?

2. Is the administrative body obliged to react in any way?

3. Does the administrative body have to justifiy why it does not comply with a recommendation of the Ombudsman?

4. What contents does such a justification have to include?

5. What happens if the justification is insufficient?

6. What are the legal consequences and what are the facutal consequen-ces?

7. Does the Omudsman get new competences if an administrative body does not comply with his recommendations? If yes, which?

8. Can every recommendation be published?

9. Which types of publications are possible?

10. Does the Ombudsman have the power to formally declare a violation of law by an administrative body?

11. If yes, what are the legal effects of such a declaration?

12. Does control of the administration on the basis of equity play a more important role than control on the basis of legality?

VIII. Relation to the Executive Power: Duties of Administrative Bodies and Coercive Competences

1. Are the administrative bodies obliged to inform the Ombudsman upon his request?

2. Are they obliged to give him all requested pieces of information?

3. Are they obliged to give information concerning a special case?

4. Is the Ombudsman entitled to investigate on site and does he for this reason also have access to premises and rooms of the administrative bodies?

5. How can the obligation of the administrative bodies to support the Ombudsman be enforced?

6. Are there coercive powers of the Ombudsman in the taking of evi-dence? How do they work?

7. Can the Ombudsman summon witnesses? What if the witness does not follow the summoning? Are there possible sanctions?

Questionnaire II 539

8. In practice, does the Ombudsman make use of his power to summon people?

9. Does the Ombusman have access to penal institutions? If yes, does this right play a major role in practice?

IX. Human Rights 1. Is the protection of human rights regarded as an important, independ-

ent function of the Ombudsman?

2. Can the Ombudsman declare the violation of human rights through an administrative body in a legally binding way? If yes:

3. What are the legal effects of such a statement?

4. What are the effects of such a statement in practice?

5. Who is bound by such a statement?

6. To acts of which organs can such a statement relate (administrative acts, acts of courts, etc)?

7. Can it also relate to a legally binding decision (against which it can not be appealed any more)?

8. In practice, where do such statements play a role?

9. Which human rights are concerned most often?

10. What is the importance of such statements in the overall activities of the Ombudsman?

11. What is the specific power of the Ombusman in the determination of a human rights violation in relation to the powers of other state or-gans?

12. What are the differences in relation to the powers of the Constitu-tional Court and the Administrative Court?

13. Does the Ombudsman have powers which the Constitutional Court and the Administrative Court do not possess?

14. If there are differences, are they legal ones or rather on a factual basis?

15. To what extent is there a cooperation between the Constitutional Court and the Ombudsman?

16. How can the Ombudsman prevent the violation of human rights?

17. Is there a possibility to render a special report to the Parliament con-cerning the human rights situation?

540 Questionnaire II

18. If yes, can such a report be rendered outside the annual report?

19. What are the legal and factual effects of such a special report concern-ing human rights?

20. Which possibilities are there to intervene in impending human rights violations?

21. Which factors contribute to the effectiveness of the human rights pro-tection of the Ombudsman?

X. Reform 1. What are the most frequent practical problems and obstacles concern-

ing the control activity of the Ombudsman in relation to admini-stration?

2. How could these problems and obstacles be overcome best?

3. In what way could or should the powers of the Ombudsman be ex-tended or improved?

4. Which improvements could be recommended in the field of the pro-tection of human rights?

5. Is there a regular TV show in which the Ombudsman presents certain cases to the public? If yes, does this show play a major role for the reputation of the institution?

XI. Relation to the Judiciary 1. Do you think it is wise to put the independent courts under the con-

trol of the Ombudsman? If yes, to which extent? If no, why?

XII. Relation to the Judiciary: Control of the Administration of Justice

1. In practice, has it turned out to be wise to give the Ombudsman the right to monitor the administration of justice?

2. Are there many complaints concerning grievances at the courts?

3. What is the most frequent reason for complaints concerning the ad-ministration of justice?

4. Which recommendations can be issued by the Ombudsman to coun-teract these problems?

5. What can the Ombudsman do to accelerate a court proceeding?

6. Is the Constitutional Court obliged to decide upon the application?

Questionnaire II 541

7. In practice, how often are such applications filed per year?

8. Who else can file such applications?

XIII. Relation to the Judiciary: “Authentic Interpretation”

1. Is the Ombudsman entitled to apply for an “authentic interpretation” (authentic interpretation means that the Court will in a legally bind-ing manner put a legal provision in concrete terms)? If yes:

2. What are the requirements for such a request for “authentic interpre-tation”?

3. To which courts can the Ombudsman apply for an “authentic inter-pretation”?

4. Which kind of norms kann a court interpret by way of “authentic in-terpretation” (eg laws, regulations, decrees, etc.)?

5. Does this “authentic interpretation” have to relate to a special case or can it be given in abstracto?

6. Is the court obliged to render such an “authentic interpretation” upon an application from the Ombudsman?

7. What is the legal value of such an “authentic interpreation”?

8. If it has binding force, which authorities are bound by it?

9. In practice, when does the right to obtain an “authentic interpreta-tion” play a major role?

10. In practice, how often are such applications filed by the Ombudsman per year?

11. Are there other state organs which have the right to apply to a court for an “authentic interpretation”? If yes, which organs?

XIV. Relation to the Judiciary: Join Proceedings 1. Has the Ombudsman the power to join a court proceeding?

If yes:

2. What are the preconditions for such an intervention?

3. Before which courts is such an intervention possible?

4. Which kind of proceedings can be subject to such an intervention?

5. What are the legal effects of such an intervention?

542 Questionnaire II

6. Which powers does the joining Ombudsman have in course of the proceedings?

7. Which obligations does the court have towards the joining Ombuds-man in course of the proceedings?

8. Which rights do the parties to the dispute have in course of such a proceeding?

9. In practice, when does it play a role that the Ombudsman joins a court proceeding?

10. In practice, how often does such an intervention occur per year?

XV. Relation to the Judiciary: Application at the Constitutional Court

1. What can the Ombudsman claim in an application to the Consti-tutional Court?

2. Which legal acts can the Ombudsman have controlled by the court?

3. What are the requirements for such an application?

4. Are there time limits or formal requirements?

5. What is the effect of such an application?

6. Is the Constitutional Court obliged to decide upon the application?

7. In practice, how often are such applications filed per year?

8. Who else can file such applications?

9. Are there other forms of cooperation between the Ombudsman and the Constitutional Court?

XVI. Relation to the Judiciary: Other Rights of Application or Appeal?

1. Does the Ombudsman have further rights to apply or to appeal to a court which were not mentioned so far? If yes, which ones?

If yes

2. Are there time limits or formal requirements for such applications?

3. How long are the time limits? Are they longer than those of the par-ties to the dispute?

4. Is the court in case of such an application obliged to institute proceed-ings or are there any other obligations for the court?

Questionnaire II 543

5. If yes, how can this obligation be enforced by the Ombudsman?

6. In practice, how often are such applications filed per year?

7. Is the Ombudsman entitled to give (legal) advice to the parties of a judicial dispute if they want to appeal against a court decision?

8. Does he have such a counselling function in practice?

XVII. Relation to the Judiciary: Deficiencies in Legal Protection by the Courts

1. Are there deficiencies in the legal protection system of the courts which can be especially well counterbalanced by the Ombudsman?

2. In which way can the Ombudsman counterbalance these deficiencies best?

3. Which powers can help him best in this context?

4. Which powers is he lacking in this context?

5. Could the legal protection system of the courts be changed or im-proved? If yes, to what extent?

6. In case of such a change or improvement, would the control of the Ombudsman be obsolete?

7. Are there deficiencies in the legal protection system of the courts which can only be counterbalanced by an Ombudsman institution?

XVIII. Deputies 1. How are the Deputy Ombudsmen appointed?

2. What are the qualification requirements for the Deputy Ombudsmen?

XIX. Preventive Action 1. What does the power to “intervene in impending violations of law”

stand for?

2. Does this refer to preventive acts in a particular case or rather to the preventive effects for future cases (termination of a practice which is contrary to law)?

3. Are there any specific rights of the Ombudsman linked to a “preven-tive intervention” or is prevention already achieved by the Ombuds-man showing interest in a certain activity?

544 Questionnaire II

4. In practice, in what kind of cases does the preventive function of the Ombudsman play a role?

5. Can the Ombudsman thereby achieve something that is not possible in the ordinary legal protection system? If yes, what?

XX. Questions Concerning your Answers in Questionnaire No 1

Questionnaire III

I. General Information 1. Are there parliamentary Ombuds-Institutions in your country with a

special mandate (eg. for the military, children or handicapped peo-ple)? Please specify:

2. Are there decentralised offices (regional offices) of your institution in other parts of the country? Please specify:

3. Does the Ombudsperson hold consultation days in different parts of the country? Please specify:

4. If mail of prison inmates (detainees) is subject to censorship, is there an exemption for correspondence with the Ombudsperson? If yes, please specify the legal basis:

5. Can national minorities and/or foreigners communicate with your in-stitution in their language? o Yes – there is no prohibition. o Yes, if they can’t sufficiently use the official language o No o If no: Who pays for expenses if translations are necessary?

6. How many complaints did your institution receive within the last year?

7. How many times and when were the legal or constitutional provi-sions concerning your Ombuds-Institution amended? Please cite date, motivation and subject of major changes:

8. Are there legal provisions concerning your institution in laws and acts other than the Constitution or the specific law about your institution (e.g. code of criminal procedure, parliament act)?

If yes, would it be possible to attach the concerned parts of your leg-islation in English, French or German?

9. Does your Ombuds-Institution have special competences or tasks with respect to the implementation of international obligations in the field of o Rights of the child o Anti-torture o Anti-discrimination o Other:

546 Questionnaire III

10. Is the Ombudsperson’s salary determined by law?

If no please specify how and by whom it is determined:

11. How high is the Ombudsperson’s salary compared to the salary of a minister or of a member of Parliament?

II. Human Rights 1. Which legal status does the European Convention on Human Rights

enjoy within your national legal system? o Status of a Constitutional law o Not within the Constitution but still with priority over other laws o Status of a regular law

2. Are the relevant judgements of the European Court of Human Rights well known to administrative authorities and courts?

Administrative authorities Courts o extensively known o extensively known o partly known o partly known o hardly known o hardly known


3. Are they taken into account by the authorities and courts in their daily practice?

Administrative authorities Courts o extensively o extensively o partly o partly o hardly o hardly


4. Does the Law about your Ombuds-Institution explicitly define hu-man rights as control criteria? o No o Yes please proceed with Question B

A. If no:

A1. Are human rights used to interpret the existing control criteria nonetheless?

A2. When examining a complaint, is special attention paid to the fact, that the authority might have violated human rights?

B. If yes:

B1. Are human rights

Questionnaire III 547

o control criteria amongst others Please proceed with question 5 o the only control criteria

If human rights are the only control criteria:

B2. Does the focus on human rights limit the control possibilities of the Ombudsperson? (Can people for example still complain about unfriendly officials?)

B3. Can people also complain about violations of regular/simple laws to your institution?

Questions concerning all institutions

5. Which types of human rights are used as control criteria when your institution examines complaints? o Civil liberties and basic rights as laid down in the Constitution o Human rights as laid down in the European Convention on Hu-

man Rights o Human rights as laid down in ratified international treaties that do

not (directly) confer rights on individuals or that have not been sufficiently transformed into national law

o Human rights as laid down in international treaties that have not (yet) been ratified

o Other:

6. Can the Ombudsperson demand the implementation of ratified but insufficiently implemented international treaties?

7. Is there a (constitutional) provision stating a “right to good admini-stration” in your country?

If yes:

Please state the legal basis: How can citizens enforce this right?

8. Is the Ombudsperson entitled to control private persons/entities un-der certain circumstances (eg “Drittwirkung” of constitutional rights – effect of a constitutional right on a third party)?

If yes, please specify the conditions:

9. Are judges required to have undergone special education in the field of human rights?

III. Judiciary 1. Are there problems with the enforcement of court judgments in your


548 Questionnaire III

If yes, please describe why?

2. Are public prosecutors/district attorneys subject to your control?

3. If your institution can neither control judges nor the administration of justice,

A. How is the problem of lengthy court proceedings dealt with in practice?

4. If your institution can control the administration of justice or even judges

A. Who can be asked for information o Judges o The President of the Court/The judicial body dealing with the su-

pervision of judges o Other:

B. Who can a recommendation be addressed to? o Judges o The President of the Court/The judicial body dealing with the su-

pervision of judges o Other:

5. If your Institution can control judges

A. How far do you go in practice? Do you for example limit yourself to protect the appearance of independence of the judiciary?

B. Are you entitled to act

o while court proceedings are still engaged or o is your action subsidiary to legal remedies?

C. Can you request information or render recommendations o only relating to procedural issues or o also to the subject-matter of the proceedings?

D. Which means does your Institution possess if judges answer your questions insufficiently or not at all?

IV. Scope of Control 1. Under which legal form are institutions organised that deal with the

following issues?

2. Is the Ombudsman empowered to investigate complaints with regard to institutions assigned with the following functions?

Questionnaire III 549

unemployment insurance health insurance retirement pension insurance public hospitals accomodation of asylum seekers water supply electricity supply social living post telecommunication railway universities

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Further Links Ombudsman Information Network

International Ombudsman Institute

International Ombudsman Institute – Section Europe


Access to the ombudsman 488ff indirect 45, 59 facilitate the 17,19 impede the 18

Access to buildings and rooms 41, 61

Accountability of the ombudsman to parlia-ment 48 of the executive branch to the ombudsman 26

Accreditation of the ombudsman as National Human Rights In-stitution (NHRI) 9

Action ex officio 19, 20, 21ff, 30, 41, 49, 61, 62, 490, 491

Activity report 11, 31, 37, 39, 43, 47, 48, 50, 51, 57, 62, 504, 511

Administration 6, 7, 8 control exercised by the om-budsman 1, 2, 5, 10, 19, 22f, 30, 31, 32, 36, 37, 43, 56, 64, 66, 498 definition of 22, 23 democratic control of 48 good administration 31, 32ff, 35, 37, 38, 39, 43, 66, 67 improvement of 45 judicial control of 32 legality of 62 liability of 1 municipal 17, 23 parliamentary control of 19, 43 regional 17, 22f

Administration of justice control of 28ff, 64, 498, 501 definition of 28 powers of the ombudsman with regard to 29

Administrative act 20, 24, 37

contestation of 52 execution of 55

Administrative arbitration board 6

Administrative authority 20, 21 Administrative court 26, 32, 53,

54, 55, 63 Administrative jurisdiction 32,

459 Administrative proceeding 20, 21,

52, 55 powers in 55, 63 initiation of 51, 53, 55

Agency, administrative responsible for disciplinary prosecution 43, 56 responsible for supervision 43 responsible for criminal prosecution 56

Albania 69ff Amicable settlement 45 Andorra 79ff Annual report

confer activity report Appointment,

body assigned with the ap-pointment 13, 461 of incumbents 8, 10, 11, 12f, 14, 48, 56, 59, 467 of deputies 11, 469 majority required for the 12, 471 reappointment 15, 48, 475

Approved schools 21 Armenia 85ff Assistance, duty of

confer duty of cooperation Asylum 41 Austria 91ff Azerbaijan 101ff Belgium 107ff

574 Index

Billigkeit 32ff as standard of control 34ff

Bosnia and Herzegovina 119ff Branch offices, regional 17f Budget of the institution 16f Bulgaria 127ff Chancellor of Justice

Estonian 6, 51 Finnish 5, 6, 14, 26, 48, 54

Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union 7, 33, 35, 37, 66

Children’s homes 21, 41, 491 Children’s rights

as issue of special reports 49 violation of 24

Citizen’s rights, protection of as explicit task of the om-budsman 38

Civil Court 53 Civil proceeding 54 Civil rights, protection of

as explicit task of the om-budsman 38

Classical ombudsman 3, 60f Classification of the ombudsman-

institution based on the type of powers 59ff

Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe 9

Common Law 32, 33, 36 Competence of the ombudsman

in the field of human rights 36ff with respect to access to buildings and rooms 41 with regard to the administra-tive branch 22 with respect to approved schools 21 with respect to asylums 21, 41 with respect to detention cen-tres 41 with regard to the judiciary 25ff

with respect to military units 41 with respect to orphanages 21, 41 with respect to prisons 21, 491 with respect to procedures of taking evidence 40 with respect to psychiatric hospitals 21, 41, 492 interpretation of provisions of 53

Complaints before the ombuds-man 18ff, 29, 41, 45, 46, 50, 55, 61, 488ff direct complaints 19 indirect complaints 10, 18, 45 anonymous complaints 19, 21 disciplinary complaints 43 deadline for the lodging of a complaint 19, 21, 489 legitimisation of 18f, 21 requirements for 19f submission of 17, 50, 488 subsidiarity of 20, 26, 30, 32 unsubstantiated complaints 44 provided free of charge 19 procedure of forwarding of 29

Constitutional court establishment of 51, 460 contestation of general provi-sions before the 31, 58, 63, 64, 515, 517, 519 contestation of individual ad-ministrative acts before the 52, 517 interpretation of constitu-tional provisions before the 52, 64 right to appeal before the 51, 53, 58, 65, 517 powers of intervention before the 52 as an exemption from the om-budsman’s control 25

Constitutional jurisdiction 31, 460, 517, 519

Index 575

Constitutional rights, protection of as explicit task of the om-budsman 38

Constitutionality of laws 51, 52, 53, 58, 63, 519 of regulations 51, 52, 58, 63, 519

Consultation days, regional 17, 18 Contestation

of general provisions before the constitutional court 31, 58, 63, 64, 515, 517, 519 of individual administrative acts before the constitutional court 52, 517

Control exercised by the om-budsman 11, 22, 24, 32, 59, 61, 67, 491 of administration 2, 5, 6, 10, 22f, 25, 26, 27, 28ff, 30, 31, 32, 35, 37, 38f, 56, 66, 498 of administration of justice 28ff, 64, 498, 501 of electricity supply 24, 495 of hospitals 21, 24, 492 of jurisdiction 2, 20, 25ff, 28, 30, 56, 64, 500 of legislation 30f of non-official activities 22 of non-state legal entities 23f, 25, 493, 495 of public prosecution services 30 of railways 24, 497 of telecommunication 24, 496 of water supply 24, 496 exceptions 25 deficit of 32 object of 22ff, 29, 61 specific measures of 64 standard of 9, 19f, 31ff, 35, 36ff, 39, 60, 61, 65, 502, 503 subsidiarity of the 30, 32 “schedule-system” 22, 24 “soft” 1

Cooperation, duty of confer duty of cooperation

Cooperation with the ombuds-man lack of 26, 34, 42f, 48, 49

Council of Europe 2, 4, 36f, 38, 66 Commissioner for Human Rights of the 9 Committee of Ministers of the 8 Parliamentary Assembly of the 8 Recommendation of the 8 Resolution of the 8

Criminal conviction of incum-bents 13, 14, 483

Criminal court 54 Criminal prosecution of incum-

bents 15, 55f, 63 Criminal proceedings, initiation

of 47, 53, 56, 508 Croatia 133ff Cyprus 139ff Czech Republic 145ff Definition of the ombudsman

formulated by the Interna-tional Bar Association 4, 39, 60

Denmark 153ff Denotation as “Ombudsman” 6,

7 Deputies 11f, 469 Detention centre 41 Discretion of the ombudsman 14,

20, 21, 34, 45, 46, 48, 49 Dismissal of incumbents 13ff, 59

body assigned with the 13, 14, 479 reasons for 14, 482 required majority for 13, 481

Duty of assistance confer duty of cooperation

Duty of cooperation 40ff, 42, 42, 46, 55, 505 enforcement of 42f, 506

576 Index

Duty of disclosure 40f Duty of impartiality 45 Duty of the ombudsman 6

of enhancing human rights and cooperating with national and international organisa-tions 9 to collaborate on human rights reports 57 to comply with instructions 13 to conduct research and analysis on the situation of human rights 57 to control the administration 30 to cooperate with NGOs 57 to express opinions on matters of human rights 57 to facilitate the legal education in the field of human rights protection 57 to extend the state of know-ledge and awareness of public problems in the field of hu-man rights protection 57 to function as an authority of complaint against the unau-thorised use of personal data 58 to report on the general situa-tion in the field of human rights 57

Duty of observance of recom-mendations 46

Duty of reporting to the om-budsman 46

Duty of reaction 44, 45ff, 62 Duty of response

confer duty of reaction Duty of secrecy in office 40 Duty to transmit documents to

the ombudsman 40, 42 Effectiveness of the ombudsman

10, 11, 16, 44, 48, 49, 50, 51, 58, 61, 66

Election of the ombudsman confer appointment of the ombudsman

Embodiment of the ombudsman-institution 66, 456f constitution 7, 52, 456

organic law 7 simple act of parliament 7f, 457

Équité 31, 32ff, 37 as standard of control 34ff, 37, 502

Estonia 161ff European Charter of Fundamen-

tal Rights 7, 33, 35, 37, 66 European Code of Good Admin-

istrative Behaviour 34 European Convention of Human

Rights (ECHR) 2, 9, 29, 36, 37 as standard of control 38

European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) 9

European Court of Justice (ECJ) 13, 32

European Ombudsman 2, 6, 7, 12, 18, 19, 22, 25, 30, 34, 62

European Parliament 34 European Prisons Charter 21 European Union 2, 4, 7, 24, 33,

35, 37, 59, 171ff Examination undertaken by the

ombudsman 11, 19, 21, 37, 40, 42, 52, 60, 61

Expert witness 43 Fairness 34, 35 Finland 179ff France 189ff Function

of the ombudsman 7, 8, 44, 55, 56, 58, 61, 64

additional function of “antidiscrimination-“ and “equal treatment institu-tions” 24f

Index 577

auxiliary function within the parliamentary control of administration 19 consultative 55, 58, 65 definition of the 51 effectiveness of the 16, 44, 51 historical 56 incompatibility with the 14, 15, 476, 483 political 50 publicity of the 62 supportive function in the field of human rights 65 as an auxiliary organ of parliament 47, 48 as an enforcer of the re-sponsibility of the highest administrative organs to-wards parliament 47 as authority of complaint against the unauthorised use of personal data 58 of control 37, 58 of education 57, 58, 64 of implementing the right to information 58, 65 of information 57, 58, 64 of a mediator 45, 58 of recommending the im-plementation of treaties 50, 516 of reporting 48 of the “State Comptroller” 24 to complement the func-tion of courts 8f to observe the legality of administrative conduct 31 to protect human rights 29, 37, 38, 39, 56, 65 to support the Commis-sioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe 9

of the courts 9 Fundamental freedoms 24

as explicit task of the om-budsman 38 protection of 38, 62, 64 violation of 20, 41

Fundamental rights 37, 38 Charter of confer Charter of Fundamen-tal Rights of the European Union as explicit task of the om-budsman 38 as standard of control 36, 502 “second generation” of 37 violation of 58

Georgia 197ff German Petitions Committee 5,

11 Germany 203ff Good administration 31, 32ff, 35,

38, 39, 66 as standard of control 31, 33ff, 38, 502 code of good administrative behaviour 67 fundamental right to 33, 35, 66 human rights as part of 37 principles of 31, 33, 34, 38 violation of the principle of 43

Good understanding, establish-ment of 44

Good governance confer good administration

Government 16 agency 57 chamber of 17 control of 25

Greece 215ff Health protection 37 Homepage of the ombudsman

confer website of the om-budsman

Human rights 2, 6, 9, 10, 21, 24, 37, 38, 56, 57, 62, 63 awareness of public problems in the field of 57

578 Index

competences in the field of 6, 60 consultative function in the field of 58, 65 enforcement of 52 enhancement of 9 “human rights model” 64f, 66 implementation of 56 international obligations in the field of 60 as part of the legal order 36f, 39 as part of “good administra-tion” 37, 39 significance of 38 as standard of control 31, 32, 36ff, 38, 65, 502, 503 as standard for examining the constitutionality of laws 9, 52 reporting on 57, 65 research and analysis in the field of 57, 65 violation of 20, 21, 27, 41, 57, 64

Human rights protection 8, 29, 31, 37, 38, 39, 41, 52, 53, 54, 57, 60, 61, 62 authorisation of the ombuds-man in the field of 3, 6, 8, 39, 52 additional powers in the field of 56, 58, 63, 64, 65 development in the field of 66 as explicit task of the om-budsman 24, 36, 37, 38, 39, 50, 52, 56, 59, 60, 65 information in the field of 57, 64 judicial protection of human rights 8 legal education in the field of 57, 64 as main function of the om-budsman 27, 37, 48, 50, 54, 62 non-judicial means for 8

separate part in the activity report 48, 504 significance of the ombuds-man to 1, 8 specific knowledge in the field of 11, 54

Human rights commission 5, 56 Human rights ombudsman 2f, 60,

61 Hungary 221ff Hybrid ombudsman 3, 60 Iceland 233ff Immunity of the ombudsman 15f Impartiality of the exercise of of-

fice 14, 15, 45 Implementation

of constitutional obligations 50 of the European Convention of Human Rights 2 of human rights 56, 64 of international obligations 50, 516 of the right to data protection 58, 65 of the right to information 58, 65

Inaptitude for the exercise of of-fice 14

Incompatibility with the office 14, 15, 476, 483

Incumbents appointment of 8, 10, 11, 12f, 14, 48, 56, 59 criminal prosecution of 15, 55, 63 disciplinary prosecution of 55, 63 dismissal of 10, 13ff, 59, 479, 481, 482 number of 11f, 467

Independence of the ombudsman 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 16, 30, 65, 66 from administration 6, 7, 10, 12, 13, 22 from parliament 10

Index 579

criteria of 5, 6, 13 economical 15 political 15

Independence of the judiciary 25, 26, 27, 28, 29

Information, duty to give 40f Initiation of proceedings 18ff, 54,

57, 59 administrative 51, 53, 55 civil 53, 54 criminal 47, 53, 56, 508 disciplinary 28, 29, 43, 47, 53, 56, 509 ex officio 21, 490, 491 habeas corpus 54

Inspection of public institutions ex officio 21, 490, 491

International Bar Association (IBA) 4, 39, 60

International Ombudsman Insti-tute (IOI) 2

International organisation 9, 49, 57f, 65

Investigation of administration confer control, of administra-tion criterion of 32 ex officio 19, 20, 21f, 30, 490, 491 as function of the ombudsman 4, 21, 26, 29, 39, 40ff, 44, 45, 48, 51, 53, 55, 56, 58, 61, 62 standard of confer standard of control subject of 25, 30, 493ff of institutions which are sen-sitive to human rights 21 of non official activities 22 of non-state legal entities 23f, 25, 493, 495 of relation of exceptional sub-ordination between private persons 24

Ireland 239 ff Israel 245ff

Italy 251ff Kazakhstan 257ff Kyrgyzstan 263ff Latvia 269ff Legal aid 28, 54 Legal advice 44, 49 Legal basis of the ombudsman-

institution 7ff, 66 constitutional embodiment 7, 52, 456 organic law 7 simple act of parliament 7f

Legal order human rights as part of the 36, 39 observance of the 38, 53 as standard of control 32, 36, 54, 58, 502

Legal remedy 41, 53, 54 exhaustion of 20 extraordinary 53, 54, 55

Legislative proposals 11, 31, 34, 39, 48, 50f, 57, 513, 515

Liechtenstein 277ff Lithuania 281ff Luxembourg 291ff Macedonia 297 ff Majority

required for the appointment of the ombudsman 12, 471 required for the dismissal of the ombudsman 13, 14, 481

Maladministration 16, 21, 27, 28, 31, 32, 33, 34, 45, 53, 62

Malta 303ff Mandate

general 5, 61, 63 special 5, 61

Mediator of Court 6 Médiateur

Belgian 6, 35, 37 French 6, 13, 18, 30, 35, 42, 49 Luxembourgian 6, 35, 45

Military units 41 Misconduct

of administrative organs 50

580 Index

of judges 29 as reason for the dismissal of the ombudsman 14, 482f

Moldova 309ff Montenegro 317ff Name of the institution 6f National Human Rights Institu-

tions (NHRI) 9, 65 Netherlands 323ff Non-governmental organisation

(NGO) 20, 57 Non-state legal entities

control of 23ff, 493, 495 definition of 24

Norway 331ff Objectiveness

of the exercise of office of the ombudsman 14 as general principle of law 34

Observance of human rights confer human rights protec-tion

Office of Advice and Complaints in Liechtenstein 5, 10, 13, 17

Ombudsman-institution basic model 59, 61f, 64, 65 classical model 31, 59, 61f, 66 human rights model 64f, 66 rule of law model 62f, 65, 66 establishment of 59, 455 local 8, 61 national 2, 5, 8, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 22, 23, 25, 32, 38, 51, 61, 62, 449ff, 486f number of employees of 486f municipal 17 regional 2, 5, 7, 8, 13, 17f, 22, 23, 37, 51, 61, 62, 453f, 487 with general mandate 5, 61, 63, 452 with special mandate 5, 61, 452f

OPCAT 21, 56 Organisation of the institution

10ff cooperative system 11f

deputy 12 monocratical system 11

Orphanage confer children’s home

OSCE 4, 8 Paris Principles 9, 50, 56, 65 Parliamentary Assembly of the

Council of Europe 8 Parliamentary bills, proposals for

confer legislative proposals Period of office

confer term of office Poland 341ff Portugal 351ff Powers of the ombudsman 9,

39ff, 61 in the field of human rights protection 56ff quintessential 39 specific 39, 51ff, 58, 62, 63, 65 of coercion 62 of consultation 56 of representation 52, 53 to access buildings and rooms 41f to advise the complainant with regard to possible legal steps 54 to advise legislative organs 6, 51, 56, 64 to advise judicial organs 51 to apply for authentic inter-pretation 52f, 64, 517 to apply to courts 53, 55, 63, 64, 521 to apply for suspension of execution of administrative acts 55, 63 to attend sittings and sessions of consultation of courts 55 to attend/participate in oral hearings of agencies 41 to attend/participate in gov-ernment meetings 41 to check the compatibility of the law with human rights 9

Index 581

to conduct research and analysis in the field of human rights 57, 65 to contest court decisions 28, 52 to contest general provisions 31, 51f, 58, 63, 64, 515, 517, 519 to contest individual acts 52, 517 to control administration 2, 5, 6, 10, 22f, 25, 26, 27, 28ff, 30, 31, 32, 35, 37, 38f, 56, 66, 498 to control the administration of justice 28ff, 64, 498, 501 to control jurisdiction 2, 20, 25ff, 28, 30, 56, 64, 500 to control legislation 30f to create “soft” law 32 to demand written comments from the administrative units 46 to demand written statements from the controlled agencies 40 to employ non-judicial stan-dards 32 to fight legal acts in adminis-trative courts 53 to file applications concerning the inspection of elections 53 to file applications in adminis-trative proceedings 55, 63 to get information 40f to impeach judges and public servants 2 to impose sanctions 42f to inform all administrative levels of maladministration 45 to influence the tenor of court decisions 26, 27 to initiate administrative pro-ceedings 51, 53, 55 to initiate civil proceedings 53, 54

to initiate criminal proceed-ings 47, 53, 56, 508 to initiate disciplinary pro-ceedings 28, 29, 43, 47, 53, 56, 509 to initiate habeas corpus pro-ceedings 54 to initiate proceedings ex offi-cio 21, 490, 491 to initiate the control of a public prosecutor by a minis-ter of justice 30 to intervene before courts 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 41, 52, 53, 55 to interrogate public servants 40 to inspect public institutions ex officio 21, 490, 491 to investigate 29, 39, 40ff to lodge claims of public li-ability 54 to lodge disciplinary com-plaints 43 to meet and talk to inhabitants and inmates of state institu-tions 41 to notify the president of state of violations of human rights 57 to observe the rule of law 28, 58, 62, 65 to obtain expert witness opin-ions 43 to participate in court pro-ceedings 54, 55, 63 to participate in hearings of courts 53, 54, 55 to participate in oral debates of cooperative organs 41 to participate in pending pro-ceedings 55 to participate in plenary ses-sions and committee meetings 11, 56, 463 to publish recommendations 47, 49

582 Index

to recommend 29, 39, 44ff to report 29, 39, 48ff, 65 to request verification of the compatibility of treaties 52 to require documents 42f to resort to legal remedies 53f, 55 to submit legislative proposals 31, 34, 50f, 57, 513, 515 to submit recommendations 43, 44ff, 51, 57, 58, 62 to submit special reports to parliament 49, 512 to submit written pleadings 54 to summon witnesses 43

Preventive effect of publishing an activity re-port 28 of publishing a case in the media 47, 50 of recommendations 45 of sanctions 42

Prisons 18, 21, 26, 41, 491 Proceedings, initiation of 18ff, 54,

57, 59 administrative 51, 53, 55 civil 53, 54 criminal 47, 53, 56, 508 disciplinary 28, 29, 43, 47, 53, 56, 509 ex officio 21f, 490, 491 habeas corpus 54

Protection of human rights confer human rights protec-tion

Protection of personal data 48, 58 Psychiatric hospitals 21, 41, 492 Public prosecution service 6, 30 Public relations 49f Publicity of the function of the

ombudsman 62 Qualification, requirements for

11, 15, 54, 59, 465 Questionnaire

I 523ff II 535ff

III 545ff Quorum

required for appointment of the ombudsman 10, 12f, 471 required for dismissal of the ombudsman 13f, 481

Reappointment of the incumbent 15, 48, 475

Recommendation of the om-budsman 2, 26, 27, 29, 31, 39, 43, 44ff, 51, 57, 58, 62 addressees of 45 preventive effect of publica-tion 47, 48 publication of 46, 47, 49 suspensive effect of 46 as characteristic instrument of the ombudsman 39, 44 for legislation amendments 50, 515 for implementation of treaties 50, 516 in the field of human rights protection 57 non-compliance with 47, 48, 49, 55 to the agency responsible for disciplinary prosecution 43, 509 to the agency responsible for supervision 43 to resume cart proceeding to the relevant judicial bodies 27

Refugee camps 21, 491 Removal from office of the om-

budsman 13ff, 59 body assigned with the 13, 14, 479 reasons for the 14, 482 required majority for the 14, 481

Remuneration of the ombudsman 16, 485

Reporting 11, 29, 39, 48ff, 51, 57, 58, 65

Index 583

Report of the ombudsman 2, 11, 45, 46, 47 activity 11, 31, 37, 39, 43, 47, 48, 50, 51, 57, 62, 504, 511 publication of 49f special 31, 43, 45, 47, 49, 57, 512

Requirements of qualification for the appointment of the om-budsman 11, 15, 54, 59, 465

Responsibility of the ombudsman towards courts 13 towards parliament 13

Right of the ombudsman confer also powers of the om-budsman to access buildings and rooms 41f, 61 to advise the legislature 8, 64 to advise public agencies with regard to human rights 9 to apply for authentic inter-pretation 52f, 64, 517 to personally contact judges 26 to control private legal entities 23f, 25, 493, 495 to criminal prosecution of administrative organs and judges 58 to disciplinary prosecution of administrative organs and judges 58 to file applications in adminis-trative proceedings 63 to file applications before courts 53f, 55, 58, 64, 521 to inform the citizens 8 to information before courts 58 to imposer penalties on judges 26 to interrogation 61 to intervene in pending pro-ceedings 41

to intervention before courts 53 to participate in court hear-ings 54 to participate in pending pro-ceedings 55 to participate in plenary ses-sions and committee meetings 11, 56f, 463 to speak in parliamentary de-bates 11 to suggest the alteration of laws 11 to support educational matters 8 to make recommendation concerning the tenor of judgements 26 to meet and talk to prison in-mates 41 to require documents 42 to resort to legal remedies 53f

Right to apply to the European Ombudsman 7

Right to good administration 33, 35, 66

Right to impartiality 34 Right to fairness 34 Right to have access to one’s file

34 Romania 357ff Rule of Law 26, 64

development of the 35 model 62f, 65 observance of the 58, 62, 65 principle of 1, 2, 8, 28 state founded on the 34, 64

Russian Federation 365ff Sanctions

criminal 42 disciplinary 29 for lacking cooperation with the ombudsman 40, 42f for lacking reaction to re-commendations 46

584 Index

recommendation as sanction 45 “soft” 2, 48 special reports as sanction 49 publishing a case in the media as sanction 47

Serbia 371ff Slovakia 387ff Slovenia 395ff Spain 401ff Special report 31, 43, 45, 47, 49ff,

57, 512 Specific powers 51ff Standard of control 9, 19f, 31ff,

35, 36ff, 39, 60, 61, 65, 502, 503

State Comptroller 24 State founded on the rule of law

34, 64 State powers

assignment of the ombudsman to 7, 10f, 458

Subsidiarity of complaints 20, 26, 30, 32

Sweden 409ff

Switzerland 417ff Tasks of the ombudsman

confer function of the om-budsman

Term of office of the ombudsman 10, 13, 14f, 462, 473, 475

Time limit for cooperation with the ombudsman 40, 46, 47

Time limit for lodging of a com-plaint before the ombudsman 19, 21, 489

Treaties as standard of control 38 Treaty of Lisbon 7, 66 Ukraine 427ff United Kingdom of Great Britain

and Northern Ireland 433ff United Nations 9, 10, 38, 50f, 56 Uzbekistan 443 Violence at schools 49 Volksanwaltschaft, Austrian 13 Website of the ombudsman 3, 18,

33, 47, 49 Witness 43f Witness, expert 43f

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