Page 1: Appendix G: MaestroSync DocumentationAppendix G: MaestroSync Documentation Overview The MaestroSync utility creates a bridge between AMPro (AuctionMaestro Professional) and an approved

Appendix G: MaestroSync Documentation Overview The MaestroSync utility creates a bridge between AMPro (AuctionMaestro Professional) and an approved credit card terminal, making the post event process even smoother. The MaestroSync utility sends the dollar amounts AMPro to the credit card terminal and then returns those accepted charges back to AMPro. To ensure the proper use of the MaestroSync please read this entire document before proceeding. Any questions about the MaestroSync utility should be directed to MaestroSoft technical support at 1.800.438.6498. Any questions about the proper use of the credit card terminal should be directed to your provider.

Definitions MaestroSoft – The company that sells and supports AuctionMaestro Pro and MaestroSync. Credit Card Terminal Provider – The company that provides and supports the credit card terminal AuctionMaestro Professional software (AMPro)– Charity Benefit Event Management Software. Credit Card Terminal (CCT) – The machine supplied by your Provider to store and process credit cards. MaestroSync utility – The software utility designed to seamlessly transfer data from MaestroSoft’s AMPro software to the CCT.

Connecting the CCT to the PC Begin by connecting the Master Terminal must be connected to a PC running AMPro. To do this:

1. Move the Master Terminal next to the PC with AMPro installed onto it. 2. Connect the Master Terminal to the PC using the Serial Cable provided. The round end attaches to the

round network port on the back of the Master Terminal, and the rectangular end connects to the Serial Port on your PC.

3. If you are using a PC that does not have a 9-Pin Serial Port, you will need to use a USB port on your computer and a USB-to-Serial converter cable. To do this:

a. Connect the Master Terminal to the Serial Cable. b. Connect the Serial Cable to the USB-to-Serial converter cable. c. Connect the USB-to-Serial converter cable to a USB port on the PC.

4. If you are using a PC that does not have either a 9-Pin Serial Port or a USB port, then you will need to find a computer that does.

The PC may ask to install a driver for the USB cable – if so follow the instructions on-screen

To run MaestroSync Utility Open the MaestroSync Interface using the Menu bar on the Main Screen.

Page 2: Appendix G: MaestroSync DocumentationAppendix G: MaestroSync Documentation Overview The MaestroSync utility creates a bridge between AMPro (AuctionMaestro Professional) and an approved

The MaestroSync Interface

About the MaestroSync Utility The MaestroSync is a utility that seamlessly transfers payment information between AMPro and an approved credit card terminal (CCT). The MaestroSync Interface Screen is included with AMPro version 4.0 and later. Previous versions of AMPro had a MaestroSync Menu. The MaestroSync Interface has the following steps (each outlined in detail below): Step 1: Import – The MaestroSync utility imports the list of QuickCheck guests from the CCT. Step 2: Export – The MaestroSync utility exports owed charges to the CCT for all QuickCheck guests. This amount is determined by the Display Event Registration Charges on Statements Check box in the System Setup Screen [2,2].

a) If Checked – All Unpaid Auction Purchases and All Unpaid Event Registration Charges will be exported to the CCT.

b) If Un-Checked – Only Unpaid Auction Purchases will be exported to the CCT.

Step 3: Settle – After the CCT sends the credit charges to the bank, the MaestroSync utility imports all APPROVED charges and posts them to the appropriate guest’s accounts. DECLINED charges are not be posted.

The MaestroSync Wizard Each step of the MaestroSync Interface will open the MaestroSync Wizard. The MaestroSync Wizard has the following common components:

Page 3: Appendix G: MaestroSync DocumentationAppendix G: MaestroSync Documentation Overview The MaestroSync utility creates a bridge between AMPro (AuctionMaestro Professional) and an approved

COM Port Selection The first step is to select the appropriate COM port. This is where the terminal is plugged into the computer. The MaestroSync Wizard will automatically detect this. Under most circumstances, the user will only need to the click the Next button.

Serial Cable – Choose COM 1.

USB Cable – The Wizard will automatically detect which COM Port the CCT is plugged into. Choose the COM port that is displayed, the Click Next.

If more than 1 port is listed, you may need to try them in turn until you find one that works.

The Buttons

Next – Click Next to perform the selected Step.

Cancel – Click Cancel to exit the MaestroSync Wizard with performing any actions

Back – This button is not used in this version of the MaestroSync Wizard.

Task Monitor After clicking the Next button in the COM Port selection screen, the MaestroSync Wizard will begin processing the designated task. This window will appear and a progress bar will begin to register activity. Click the Abort button to cancel the task before it finishes.

Some tasks take so little time to complete that it may not be possible to Abort them.

After the Abort button is clicked, the MaestroSync Wizard will confirm that you want to cancel this transaction. Click Yes to Cancel, and No to resume. Once a Transaction is cancelled the log screen will appear with a note that: Click the Red X to close the MaestroSync or the Back button to return the COM Port Selection Screen.

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The MaestroSync Wizard Log Once the MaestroSync Wizard has completed its process, it will display a log of the processed information. The log will include:

A count of the number of records processed

A list of the Bidder Numbers processed

Other Information appropriate to the Step (see below.)

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

The log has four buttons:

Copy – Click to Copy the text of the log to the clipboard so that it can be pasted into another document.

Save – Click to Save the text to a .TXT file.

Print – Click to Print the text of the log.

Finish – Click to close the MaestroSync Wizard.

MaestroSync Error Messages

The terminal has timed out This error appears because of one of the following situations: Cause - The CCT is not turned on. Solution – Plug the CCT into a power source.

Cause - The CCT is not plugged in to the computer. Solution – Plug the CCT into the computer.

Cause – The CCT is not on the Main Screen. Solution – Return the CCT to the Main Screen.

If one of the above causes is true then the MaestroSync will appear to be “frozen” as it searches for the CCT. After about 30 seconds the MaestroSync utility will return an error indicating that the CCT was not responding. Fix the error and try again.

The terminal must not be in Settle mode for this step! This error appears if the CCT is in Settle Mode and you are trying to run either Step 1: Import or Step 2: Export.

The terminal must be in Settle Mode for this step! This error appears if the CCT is not in Settle Mode and you are trying to run Step 3: Settle.

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Import QuickCheck Attendees

Step 1: Import The Import process syncs up the data between the Bidders entered into AMPro and the credit cards that have been swiped into an approved credit card terminal (CCT). This process is done after Registration is complete, but prior to guest checkout. When it performs this initial sync, it checks for the following items: 1) Each swiped credit card in the CCT has a bidder assigned in AMPro. 2) Each swiped credit card in the CCT has the same name as the bidder assigned in AMPro.

The Import Step is the only step that will be done at the event. In addition, the MaestroSync marks all Attendee records with a stored credit card number as QuickCheck. This is the most import feature of the Initial Synchronization. To run the Import Process:

1) Open the MaestroSync Interface 2) Click the Step 1: Import Button – This will open the MaestroSync Wizard. 3) MaestroSync Wizard Screen 1: COM Port Selection – Click Next 4) The MaestroSync Wizard will then perform the Import Step. 5) MaestroSync Wizard Screen 2: View the Log. Click Finish when done.

Missing Bidder List When the MaestroSync Wizard is closed, the MaestroSync Interface will automatically detect any Bidder Numbers that exist in the CCT, but do not exist in AMPro. If this is the case, then Bidder Numbers that do not exist will be listed in the Missing Bidder List box and the Preview Missing Bidder List button will appear. Click the button to preview a report with the list of missing bidder numbers.

The MaestroSync does not care if there are Missing Bidder Numbers. If a bidder does not exist in AMPro then the MaestroSync utility will simply not process any records for that

bidder. If you have Missing Bidder Numbers, proceed to Step 2 and Step 3 at your own risk.

Run the Auction At this time, run the auction as normal. It is important that each QuickChecked Attendee get a copy of their statement before they pick up their items and leave. While they have agreed to the charges that will be made to their credit card it is good for them to know exactly how much is going to be charged.

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The Print/Review Statements Tab [6,2] Post All Purchases for Event Date Before printing and distributing statements in AMPro, it is necessary to click the Post All Purchases for Event Date button. This button will create an Auction Purchases line item in the Accounting Transaction list at the bottom of the Print/Review Statements Tab. This is important because if this step is missed, then each statement that goes out will list a Balance of $0.

This step can be done any number of times to reflect new charges

Printing Statements One of the best ways to distribute statements is built right into the Statement screen of both versions of the software. The Statement screen allows the user to print only the QuickChecked Statements and then sort them by Table #. These statements can then be brought out to the table as the live auction is nearing the end.

For a more detailed description of Statement and Checkout options, please see the Training Manual.

Determine Whether to Display Event Registration Charges on Statements The Payments Section of the Print/Review Statements Tab [6,2] displays a list of relevant purchases and payments. The difference between these is the amount that will be sent to CCT. Which purchases and payments the screen displays is determined by the Display Event Registration Charges on Statements Check box in the System Setup Screen [2,2]

If Checked o All Auction Purchases and Auction Payments will be displayed. o All Event Registration Charges and Event Registration Payments will be displayed.

If Un-Checked o All Auction Purchases and Auction Payments will be displayed.

The Balance is the amount that will be sent to the CCT.

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Preparing for the MaestroSync Export Step in AMPro When the auction is over and it is time to charge the Attendees, the Total Due with Tax must be posted to the Accounting module.

To Post all Charges to Accounting at once: 1) Click the Complete Purchase button.

A) This posts the Total Due with Tax B) into the Accounting Ledger.

If this step is not done, then no amount due will be sent to the CCT and the money will not be charged when the CCT is settled.

To post a single bidder’s Purchases to Accounting: 1a) Click the Complete (Post) Purchases for this Bidder button.

A) This posts the Total Due with Tax B) Into the Accounting Ledger for just the bidder that is selected.




Page 8: Appendix G: MaestroSync DocumentationAppendix G: MaestroSync Documentation Overview The MaestroSync utility creates a bridge between AMPro (AuctionMaestro Professional) and an approved

Export Balance to Credit Card Terminal

Step 2: Export The Export step of the MaestroSync process does two very important things: 1) The MaestroSync program repeats the Import step outlined above. This means that if you have logged any new credit cards in the CCT since doing the first step they will still be charged properly. 2) The MaestroSync utility sends the outstanding Balance listed in each bidder’s Statement screen to the CCT. The Balance is determined by the Display Event Registration Charges on Statements Check box in the System Setup Screen [2,2]

If Checked o It adds up all Auction Purchases and all Event Registrations o Then subtracts all Auction Payments and all Event Payments

If Un-Checked o It adds up all Auction Purchases o Then subtracts all Auction Payments

This ensures that if the Attendee has already made a partial payment then the CCT will only charge the proper amount to the credit card.

It is possible to run the export step again before you have settled the CCT. Doing so will overwrite all stored charges in the CCT.

This includes any manual adjustments that have been made, but not Split Pays.

Step 2 has the following components:

Step 2: Export button – Click this button to start the Export step.

Registration Notification – This note indicates whether the Event Registration Charges will or will not be exported to the CCT.

Display Charges to Export Below – Click to view the list of bidders in the CCT and the dollar amounts that will be exported.

Preview Charges to Export Report – as above but in a report format (see below.)

To run the Export Process:

1) Open the MaestroSync Interface 2) Click the Step 2: Export Button – answer the following question:

a. Export Validation – Confirm that you want to these charges to the terminal. 3) MaestroSync Wizard Screen 1: COM Port Selection – Click Next 4) The MaestroSync Wizard will then perform the Import Step. 5) The MaestroSync Wizard will then perform the Export Step. 6) MaestroSync Wizard Screen 2: View the Log. Click Finish when done.

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Step 2 Reports With Event Registration Information

With Event Registration Information Report

Without Event Registration Information

Without Event Registration Information Report

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Changing the Charge Now is the time to directly modify the amount of money that the CCT will charge the Attendee’s credit card.

Do not use this method if:

The Attendee has already made a partial payment This should already be recorded in the software

The Attendee has split his bid onto multiple credit cards This should be handled in the method outlined below.

1) To make an adjustment in the CCT use the following steps: 2) Press Management 3) Press Adjustment 4) Enter the Bidder # and then press Enter

a) It will display the current amount to be charged by the CCT 5) Enter the new amount to be charged to the Attendee’s credit card and then press Enter

Splitting the Bid Occasionally, a bidder will want to split their payment over 2 or more credit cards. In this case they will need to go to the CCT at checkout and perform a Split Pay. There they will enter the correct amounts to be charged for each credit card. In these cases the amounts recorded in the CCT will be sent to the bank. The amounts in AMPro will not override the Split Pay amounts. However, when the settle step is done, the charged Split Pay amounts will be posted to AMPro by the MaestroSync utility correctly.

Settle the Credit Card Terminal Once you are satisfied that the totals stored in the CCT are correct, settle the terminal according to your credit card provider’s training.



Step 3: Settle

To perform the Settle step the CCT must be on the Batch Mode Screen.

The Settle step of the MaestroSync program does a number of important things:

1) The MaestroSync program creates an Auction Payment line item in the Accounting Transaction record of the bidder listing the amount that was charged by the CCT. This amount reflects adjustments that were made in the CCT directly.

2) If the program is set to Display Event Registration Charges and there was an unpaid Event Registration Fee then an Event Registration Payment will be placed in the Accounting Module.

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3) In the case of Attendees who have split payments entered into the CCT it will display one line item for each payment type.

Any DECLINED charges will NOT be posted back the MaestroSoft software. They will need to be followed up on normally by your organization.

About: Do Not Display Event Registration Charges on Event Statement Step 3: Settle has the following key aspects when only the Auction Purchases are sent to the CCT:

1) All settled charges are recorded as Auction Payments. a. If a split payment was done, then multiple Auction Payments are recorded. b. The MaestroSync will post the entire amount from the terminal even if it is greater or

smaller than the current Balance.

About: Display Event Registration Charges on Event Statement When the Event Registration Charges are settled with the Auction Payments the process is more complicated and it is important to understand the order in which things happen. This process has the following key aspects:

1) The Settle process begins by settling all unpaid Event Registration Charges first. a. If a person has a split payment the largest of the split payments will be used as the Event

Registration’s payment method. 2) Any unsettled funds are then recorded as Auction Payments.

a. If a split payment was done then multiple Auction Payments are recorded (normally.) b. The MaestroSync will post the entire amount (less the Event Registration payment) from the

terminal even if it is greater or smaller than the current Balance.

Never change the Display Event Registration Charges flag After you have performed Step 2: Export but before you have completed Step 3: Settle.

Step 3 has the following components:

Step 3: Settle button – Click this button to start the Settle step.

Display Simple Settle List Below – Lists one record per bidder with a summary of successfully synced charges.

Display Full Settle List Below – A list of all settled transactions.

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Preview Reconciliation Report – A list of all QuickCheck bidders and a list of all relevant Purchases and Payments.

To run the Settle Process:

1) Open the MaestroSync Interface 2) Click the Step 3: Settle Button

If you have already performed the Settle Step, AMPro will produce a warning. If you proceed you may double post your payments.

3) MaestroSync Wizard Screen 1: COM Port Selection – Click Next 4) The MaestroSync Wizard will then perform the Import Step. 5) The MaestroSync Wizard will then perform the Export Step. 6) MaestroSync Wizard Screen 2: View the Log. Click Finish when done.

Step 3 Reports Simple Settle List

Full Settle List

MaestroSync Reconciliation Report

Clear the Batch Once the Settle step of the MaestroSync has been successfully run conclude your use of the CCT as per your provider’s training.

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