Page 1: APPENDICES A. Description of SMA N 1 Tamban



A. Description of SMA N 1 Tamban

1. Brief History about SMAN 1 Tamban

SMA N 1 Tamban was built in 1992 and now has been A accreditation

status by Education Standard National Government (BNSP) Ministry of Education

and Culture RI. SMA N1 Tamban has educator many 24 people and almost 90

percent has been educator certificate as one draft found professional teacher. As

one SMA in Tamban district, many achievements have been gotten from academic

or non academic. That SMA N 1 Tamban always showed as piloting school from

regency government or province like Al-qur’an Education project piloting school,

Inclusi Education Piloting School and one pioneer curriculum 2013 application in

Barito Kuala Regency.

B.Visi, Misi, and School Purposes

1. Visi :Berimtaq, beriptek, and berbudi pekerti luhur.

2. Misi :

a. Create school condition as study place with faith and greetful.

b. Create school as place to pursuit many dicipline knowledge and skills for

student future.

c. Increase academic and non academic achievement.

d. Implement process teaching and learnin bases with computer

Information and technology.

e. Computeritation library in support learning process.

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f. Create school as place to education ethic and moral in social, and


g. Increase skills local base material.

3.School Purposes

1.) Short term

a. Students usual with condition religious.

b. Students discipline in pursuit knowledge and practice.

c. Students usual using computer in learning.

d. Students usual behavior appropriate ethic and moral in school and


e. Students using library in pursuit stand alone study.

f. Students recognize extracurricular to implementing in school.

2. Middle term

a. Students understand problems faith and grateful.

b. Students have science and technology to appropriate with their


c. Students ability to use Computer and technology information in

increasing achievement.

d. Using library as study library to effective.

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e. Students meaning and understanding about ethic and moral in social,

race and national.

f. Students get develop ability in extracurricular.

g. Students ability using material for to develop skills.

3. Long term

a. To become students now and after graduate become faith and

grateful people.

b. To become students have science and technology.

c. Students ability using computer for academic skills.

d. To use library as increasing different knowledge.

e. Students ability implementing ethic and moral in social, race and


f. To become students have achievement at Regency, Province, and

national in extracurricular.

g .Able to develop sablon increasing muatan local.

4.School Facilities:

a.Computer laboratory

b.Natural Science Laboratory(Physic, Biology, and Chemistry)

c.Language Laboratory

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e. Mushalla

f.Sport Yard


h.Serbaguna’s space


j.LCD Projector for every classroom.

k.Al-qur’an digital and etc.



Fiqh, Maulid Habsyi, Tilawah, dll

b.Academic (Match, Chemistry, Biology, Economy, Geography,

Astronomi, English Language)

c.Sport ( Atletic, Badminton, Base ball, Foot ball, Voley, and etc.

d.Art (Poetry, Prakarya)

e.Boy scout

f.Adolsecent red (PMR)

g.Paskibra and etc.

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Table 1: Period of Headmaster at SMA N 1 Tamban

No Name of Headmaster period

1 Drs.Akhmad Arifano Hakim 1992-1993

2 H.Khair JM, S.Pd 1993-2000

3 Rusmin,S.Pd 2000-2009

4 Lulut Widiyanto Putro, S.Pd, MM 2009-2015

5 H.Abdan,S.Pd 2015-now

4. Description of All Teachers, Administration Staffs and Students Population

a. Description of all Teachers

SMA N 1 Tamban has 31 teachers to divided 17 teachers are permanent

teacher and 13 teacher are non permanent teacher.

1).Permanent Teachers

NNo Name of Teacher/ NIP TTL Background of study

1 H.Abdan, S.Pd

19651127198803 1 007

Barito Kuala,


S1 Bahasa Indonesia

2 Drs.Hardiani

19650212 199303 1 017

Barito Kuala,

12 Feb 1965


3 Supriyanto, S.Pd

19680313 199201 1 001


13 Jan 1968

S1 Fisika

4 Mariani,S.Pd

19660307 199203 2013




5 Asma Riana S,S.Pd Banjarmasin, S1 PDU

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197110419 200012 2 002 19-April-71

6 Soroso.S.Pd

19680408 199302 1 002




7 Maya Noorlinda,S.Pd

19750519 200501 2 009



S1 Bahasa Indonesia

8 Riyanto, S.Pd

19720415 200604 1 008



S1 Pendidikan Seni

9 Siti Saniah,S.Pd

19670816 200604 2 012


16 Agust 67

S1 Bahasa Inggris

10 Hasan Basri, SE

19631006200701 1 011

Barito Kuala,

6 Okt-63

S1 Ekonomi

11 Rudi Irwansyah, S.Pd

19830114 200904 1 001



S1 Bahasa Inggris

12 Kaspul Anwar, S.Pd

19850612 200904 1 002

Hdl Barabai,


S1 Geografi

13 Noor


198707182010012 018




14 Sri Rohani S.Pd


Barito Kuala,

10 feb 78

S1 Sejarah

15 Khairiah, S.Ag


Barito Kuala,

8 juni 75


16 Yustan, S.Pd 5 May 68 S1 Bahasa

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196805051988041004 Indonesia

17 Ramziah


BJM, 3 Mei 1980 Kimia

2.Non Permanent Teacher

No Name TTL Background of Study

1 Dra.Ratnawati 12 Agt 1961 S1 Geografi

2 Masaliah, S.Pd Banjarmasin, 9 Sep


S1 Ekonomi

3 Dewi Luryana,M.Pd Batola,22 Nop 1978 S1 Biologi

4 Sumarli,S.Ag Barito Kuala,1969 S1 PAI

5 Sumarsam,S.Pd Purwosari1,13jan



6 Windayani, S.Pd Purwosari Baru,08

jan 1990

SI Sosiologi

7 Ahmad Tahir. LC Tamban,23April


S1 Syiar Islam

8 Eka Arianingsih, S.Pd Tamban,21/2/1984 S1 Pendidikan Biologi

9 Ana Lestari,S.Pd Tamban Kecil, 1 Feb


S1 Bahasa Indonesia

10 Dwi Retnani, S.Pd Lumajang, 30 Sep



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11 Hardiyati, S.Pd Purwosari1,3Juni


S1 Kimia

12 Fitria, S.Pd Karang Mekar, 10 Februari 1990

S1 Penjas

13 Nurhasanah, S.Pd Tamban, 25 Des 1976


Staff Administrasi

Pegawai Tetap/ PT (PNS)

No Nama Jabatan Ijazah Terakhir 1 Abdul Azis, M.S.Sos KA .TU S1 ANE 2 Hatmah, S.Si Laboran IPA S1 Kimia 3 Hj.Nurdiana Pengadministrasian

Umum SMA

Pegawai Tidak Tetap

No Nama Ijazah Terakhir Jabatan 1 Nurul Qamariah SMA TU 2 Mina Hariyanti SMU TU 3 Ali Asmadi Paket C Penjaga Sekolah 4 Kastalani Paket C Satpam

b.Description of all students

Class Male Female Total X IPA 1 14 19 33 X IPA 2 13 21 34 X IPA3 9 25 34 X IPS 1 24 10 34 X IPS 2 22 11 33 X IPS 3 25 8 33 XI IPA 1 10 14 24 XI IPA 2 10 17 27 XI IPA 3 9 16 25 XI IPS 1 9 13 22 XI IPS 2 12 14 26 XI IPS 3 14 12 26

XII IPA 1 7 14 21 XII IPA 2 7 13 20 XII IPS 1 11 11 22

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XII IPS 2 11 11 22


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Material of via Whats app:

Using The Story of Smart Monkey and Dull Crocodile, the activities

that can be conducted to help students to acquire more vocabulary.

1. Ask the students to read the story and understand it.

2. Ask the students to find the definition/synonym of the words below that

Most closely matches.

a. Ask ……………..

b. Dangeraous ……………..

c. Sick …………….

d. Near ……………..

e. Bring ……………..

There can be as many words as the teacher thinks necessary.

However, there should not be too many words as not to make students lose

interest the activity. This activity helps students to learn more vocabulary,

and it also teaches them how to use a dictionary.

3. Choose the word/phrase from the words in the previous activity to fill the

blank words below.

i. He..........a lot of flowers to his girlfriend.

ii. Johan was.............yesterday. He did not attend the class.

iii. My house is the railway station. That is why I feel

disturbe with the sound of the train.

iv. She............her father much money to pay the school fee.

v. It is very..............bring an explosive materials to the gas station.

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Interview Questions for Teacher:

1.What are the media use of educational technology aids in Teaching English at the

tenth grade students of SMA N 1 Tamban?

2.What skills are to teach in English with educational technology aids?

3.How does your apply the use of educational technology aids at tenth grade student

of SMA N 1 Tamban?

4.How does the your student’s respon about educational technology?

5.What your opinion about educational technology?

6.What your suggest that I should focus on areas of software programs which have

the potential strongly influence student in learning activity?

7.How the user interface and media quality?

8.How educational value and other benefits about educational technology?


Name of Teacher: Rudi Irwansyah, S.Pd.

1.Power point presentation, video, Listening Audio, Whats App, E-mail.

2.Listening, Speaking, Writing, and Reading.

3.-1).Power point presentation:

-I give a task to make biography and then the students make a powerpoint

presentation.(Reading and writing).

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2).Video: The students watch a movie or animation about legends or folktale.

(Narrative text).

3).Listening Audio: I give a task fill in the blank (song lyric) then the students

complete the lyric based on the song that they heard.

4).Whats app: I give a task the students to record a short dialogue then they send

the record via whats app application.

5).E-mail: The students send their assignment via email.

4.They are very enthusiastic and increase their motivation in learning.

5.I think in modern era, the teacher should follow the change especially in

technology, If we can not follow the changing the teacher cannot develop their

ability, Meanwhile the most of students use the technology in their daily life. So,

according to me, technology can help teacher to develop their ability and increase

the material of teaching and learning.

6.The teacher must maximize the use of technology in order to increase material

and knowledge. Beside that the students also should give facility in using of


7.The teacher try to adopt the material with using of technology and also teacher

should give instruction clearly to students.

8. The benefits of educational technology for the teacher can make teaching and

learning process more effective and efficient, the material could be more easily

understood the teacher can make material more various and creative.

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-For students: They can be more focus understanding the material.

-To closs, the learning more various and not bored.

-The material can develop by the students itself by using technology.

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Observation guide

1.Mengamati proses kegiatan belajar mengajar bahasa Inggris khususnya tentang

penggunaan alat-alat teknologi pendidikan yang digunakan oleh guru bahasa Inggris

di SMA N 1 Tamban.

2.Mengamati keadaan siswa pada saat mengikuti pelajaran bahasa Inggris dan

aktivitas lainnya.

3.Mengamati fasilitas pengajaran dan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di SMA N 1

Tamban yang meliputi: sarana pembelajaran yang ada, seperti laboratorium bahasa

serta pengajaran guru dalam menggunakan educational technology aids.

4.Mengamati gambaran umum lokasi penelitian.

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1.Full name : Salmah

2.Place/ Birth :Tamban, March 29, 1994

3.Sex : Female

4.Religion :Islam

5.Natioality :Indonesian

6.Marital Status:Single

7.Address :Jl. Tamban Muara, KM 2, RT 5, RW 2, Kec. Tamban, Kab. Batola.

8.Education :a. SDN Tamban Muara 1, 2000- 2006 years.

b.SMP N 1 Tamban, 2006-2009 years.

c.SMA N 1 Tamban, 2010-2013 years.

d.S1 English Department of Tarbiyah of UIN Antasari Banjarmasin

Academic year 2013/ 2014

9.Orgaization :-

10.Parents :a.Father’s name: Anang Asim

b.Mother’s name: Sarkinah

11.Siblings :a.Isnaniyah


Banjarmasin,Muharram , 1438

October, 2017 A. D

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