Download - App47 MAM eBook

  • 8/13/2019 App47 MAM eBook


    MAM + MDM = BMS(Bada$$ Mobile Strategy)
  • 8/13/2019 App47 MAM eBook


    Table of Contents

    3 Introduction

    4 What is Mobile

    Device Management?

    5 What is Mobile

    Application Management?

    6 Why Should You UseBoth MDM and MAM?

    7 MAM Lifecycle




    10 Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

    11 MAM for Better

    Configuration Management

    12 Conclusion
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    3 MAM + MDM = BMS

    IntroductionMobile device management (MDM)

    and mobile application management(MAM) are often confused with each

    other, and sometimes even viewed

    as one and the same. Instead, think

    of them not as one person or identi-

    cal twins, but rather as siblings.

    In this eBook, we will look at the dif-

    ferences between the two to develop

    a better understanding of how to use

    them together. We will also dig deeper

    into MAM so you can better manage

    enterprise mobile apps as they be-

    come increasingly important to your

    business. We will look at the MAM

    lifecycle, a critical IT issue, and howbetter app conguration can benet

    your company.
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    4 MAM + MDM = BMS


    Mobile device management is a

    wide-ranging practice that includes:

    Inventory How many devices arebeing used and by who? Where are

    the devices?

    Security Anti-malware and anti-virus and tools, authentication, and

    encryption to keep information safe.

    Wireless Expenses Activemanagement of wireless carrier

    expenses and inter-departmental


    Operations Oversee the status andhealth of the various systems used by

    the devices, from email to apps.

    Help Desk System for resolvingtrouble tickets.

    MDM features built into smartphone

    operating systems are not adequate

    for enterprise-level use: they dont

    provide the comprehensive oversight

    you need and are proprietary, so you

    cant use them across platforms.

    Therefore, the additional MDM tools

    you need (some of which are men-

    tioned above) include:1. Asset and physical location tracking

    2. Security and application

    3. Voice and data usage management

    4. Mobile customer support
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    5 MAM + MDM = BMS

    Your company has a set ofapproved apps they want their employ-

    ees to use to increase productivity,

    and want them to be easily accessible

    via their own branded app store.

    You leave a company whereyou used your own device, and the

    company removes just their apps.

    A popular business app isupdated with new features, and the

    update is handled remotelyno need

    to download the new version.


    Mobile application management

    focuses on the applications loadedonto mobile devicesthe software,

    and the ability to add, remove, or

    update them in an organized way.

    It includes the strategy and process

    around developing, distributing,

    updating, configuring and removingbusiness apps from mobile devices

    used by employees.

    Here are examples of MAM:

    You switch from a Blackberryto an Android, and all business apps

    are moved from one to the other.

    You develop a business appto help employees be more efficient

    in the field, and need to know if the

    app is being utilized and hitting

    ROI targets.
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    6 MAM + MDM = BMS


    Arguments have been made that

    mobile device management is not

    necessary as companies increasingly

    focus on mobile appsbut that ar-

    gument is a little short-sighted.

    Both are necessary, because there

    are so many factors in enterprise

    mobility to consider.

    Multiple operating systems

    Industry and government

    compliance and regulations

    Department specifications

    Security and encryption

    Personal data

    Cloud storage and hosting

    These factors link the devices to the

    apps and vice versa. To manage one,

    you must manage the other.

    To make it easier on your IT depart-

    ment though, the apps managementcan be embedded in the app itself

    when it is developed. That way, it

    will be configured properly, updated

    remotely (so employees dont have to

    download new versions), and removed

    remotely when it is no longer useful.
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    From managing your network, to

    troubleshooting hardware and soft-

    ware issues, to overseeing desktop

    and mobile apps, IT departments

    have full plates.

    Depending on a single, cloud-based

    solution will greatly improve your

    app. Lets take a look at the MAMlifecycle (illustrated left) to better

    understand that solution.

    Deploy PhaseWhen you release your app to your

    employees, have a process in place

    to keep it where it belongswithin

    your company!

    Provisioning Understand whatresources you need to support the

    app when it is released, such as a

    user guide and technical support.
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    Enterprise App Store Set upyour internal app store with a clean,

    straightforward design, so finding

    and downloading apps is a snap.

    Manage PhaseQuality The app is only as goodas its coding. Bugs will inevitably

    pop up, so make sure developers are

    available to address issues quickly.Performance Uploading anddownloading speeds and navigability

    will directly impact how well your app

    operates. Again, keep your developers

    on speed dial should any performance

    issues arise.

    Configuration As the appevolves and is used by more or fewer

    people, be sure it can be remotely

    configured to address those changes

    in use, and have the ability to add or

    improve features throughout the app.

    Configuration Make sure theapp adheres to department and

    company requirements and policies.

    Authentication In order tocontrol who can access the app,

    have a mechanism in place that

    ensures only the people who

    need the app can download it.

    Updates When an app gets updat-ed, you cant rely on busy employees

    to download the update. Be sure you

    can update the app remotely.

    IT departments have full

    plates. Depending on

    a single, cloud-based

    solution will greatly

    improve your app.
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    Usage Look at how many users youhave or plan to have, how they will

    use the app, how often they will use

    it, where are they using it, and when.

    Revenue Examine the apps director indirect impact on your companys

    revenue, whether your app focuses

    on business development, marketing,

    sales, or operations.

    Trends Study internal trends suchas patterns of use, and external

    trends such as usability, design, fea-

    tures, and benefits that are popular.

    Logs Its no secret that at somepoint your mobile app will crash,

    just ask Apple. Accessing the log

    data for your mobile app will yieldvaluable insight to help address

    bugs before pushing to production,

    or analyze crash logs to know ex-

    actly what happened at the time of

    the crashand more importantly

    what led to the crash.

    Security Because your app is forinternal use and not a commercial

    product, careful measures must betaken to encrypt dataespecially if a

    device it resides on is lost or stolen.

    Fault As with all importantbusiness systems and applications,

    knowing you have an issue before

    your customer experiences a prob-

    lem is critical in enumerable ways:from keeping a loyal customer base

    to lowering operational costs. Hav-

    ing the ability to manage fault is

    key to a successful app.

    Analyze Phase

    You need to have a firm understand-ing of your current or potential apps

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    Whether your company issues smart

    phones or tablets to employees or

    allows employees to use their own,

    personal data and apps will inter-

    mingle with business data and apps.

    Because of this, IT commonly views

    mobile devices as being jointly owned

    between the company and user.

    If your company allows employees

    to bring their own devices, it is

    incredibly important that IT be able

    to manage all of your companys

    apps on those devices.

    This will allow them to manage

    updates, track usage, and provide

    reports that analyze the impact the

    app is having on your company, from

    increased productivity and revenue,

    to reduced time it takes to do per-form routine and scheduled tasks.

    When an employee leaves the com-

    pany, or if a device is lost or stolen,

    the app and its data can be removed

    from the device.
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    As we have discussed, there is one

    thing you can depend on when it

    comes to anything mobile: constant

    change. Because of this, configura-

    tion management can get tricky.

    Unlike updates to desktop applica-

    tions, which you can push out to

    everyone on your network, you cantforce your employees to update their

    apps. You can remind them a million

    times, but they could be too busy

    or like the current version too much,

    even if it has gaping security holes

    to be bothered to download the new

    version and replace the old one.

    A better approach to configuration

    management begins with the app

    itself. When they are being devel-

    oped, you can code the app for spe-

    cific variables and thus allow remote

    updates. Those variables can include

    device model, operating system, user

    location, department, team, etc. This

    approach gives you a remarkable

    level of customization and control.

    The added benefits? You can drive

    an apps acceptance and usage and

    thus increase its return on investment.

    You cant force your

    employees to update

    their Apps. You can

    remind them a million

    times, but they could

    be too busy.
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    At App47, we believe the true value

    of mobility optimizes the mobile

    user experience.

    We offer the only Mobile Application

    Management (MAM) solution that

    gives you complete control of the

    entire mobile app lifecycle so you

    can realize the real value of yourmobile investment.

    The cloud-based, enterprise-grade

    MAM solution provided by App47

    arms IT with a single command

    center to deploy, manage and ana-

    lyze their critical mobile apps. Theinstrumentation sits inside the ap-

    plication looking out, rather than on

    a device looking in. This powerful

    perspective is what creates a com-

    plete picture of your organizations

    mobile application landscape.

    Application Intelligence for the MobileEnterprise



    MAM is more than an enterprise

    app store or a way to get apps on

    employee and customer devices;

    its an unprecedented end-to-end

    mobile app lifecycle solution.

    To learn more, contact us today.!/App47Info!/App47Info!/App47Info!/App47Info!/App47Info

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