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Tempos verbais em língua inglesa – Profa. Ms. Lílian F. dos Santos © email:lilenglishteacher A reprodução ou utilização desta obra depende de prévia e expressa autorização do autor nos termos do artigo 29, da Lei 9610/98.


The Verb Tenses of English 1

Profa.Ms. Lilian Fernandes dos Santos Braga [email protected] / [email protected]


The verb forms…………………………………………………………………………………..02

English verb tenses general chart.....................................................................04

English verb tenses and Portuguese Equivalent forms....................................05

Tempos verbais………………………………………………………………06

The Present Simple Tense................................................................................14

The Present Continuous Tense.........................................................................24

The Past Simple Tense.....................................................................................32

The Past Continuous Tense..............................................................................47

The Future Simple Tense and The Going to Future Tense..............................55

Answer key to the verb tenses exercises...................................................................61

Appendix - Verb lists English/Portuguese- Portuguese/English ..................74

5ª ed. 2012

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Tempos verbais em língua inglesa – Profa. Ms. Lílian F. dos Santos © email:lilenglishteacher A reprodução ou utilização desta obra depende de prévia e expressa autorização do autor nos termos do artigo 29, da Lei 9610/98.


The Verb Forms

O estudo de verbos pode parecer cansativo para o aluno. Quando ele vê uma lista de duzentos

verbos para serem memorizados, muitas vezes fica desanimado e sem saber por onde começar.

A proposta para o aprendizado da forma dos verbos em inglês é que você trabalhe com a

memorização de apenas cinco verbos semanalmente.

A memorização deve ser feita do inglês para o português e vice-versa. Por exemplo, pensamos

no verbo “to study” – estudar. Primeiro você precisa se lembrar do significado do verbo ao

encontrá-lo. Para isso você pode fazer uso da tradução ou de uma frase de exemplo: I study

English at university.

Comece com a forma infinitiva do verbo: “to study” = estudar, “to go” = ir.

Depois memorize as quatro formas do verbo em inglês:

a) infinitive(infinitivo) to study to go

b) past (passado) studied went

c) past participle (particípio passado) studied gone

d) present participle (particípio presente): studying going.

Faça uma tabelinha e deixe-a em lugar visível:

Infinitive Portuguese Past Past participle Present


To study estudar Studied studied Studying

To GO ir Went Gone Going

Você pode criar documentos eletrônicos e mudar a ordem das colunas:

Portuguese infinitive Past Past participle Present


Estudar To study Studied studied Studying

Ir To go Went Gone Going

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Tempos verbais em língua inglesa – Profa. Ms. Lílian F. dos Santos © email:lilenglishteacher A reprodução ou utilização desta obra depende de prévia e expressa autorização do autor nos termos do artigo 29, da Lei 9610/98.


Lembre-se: memorizar os verbos da língua inglesa não é tão difícil quanto pode parecer, uma

vez que a forma dos verbos não varia tanto quanto na língua portuguesa. Veja, por exemplo, a

formação do passado (pretérito perfeito) dos verbos:

To study = estudar To go = ir

Eu estudei = I studied Eu fui = I went

Tu estudastes = you studied Tu fostes = You went

Você estudou = you studied Você foi = You went

Ele estudou = He studied Ele foi = He went

Ela estudou = She studied Ela foi = She went

Nós estudamos = We studied Nós fomos = We went

Vós estudastes = You studied Vós fostes = You went

Vocês estudaram = You studied Vocês foram = You went

Eles estudaram = They studied Eles foram = They went

Enquanto em português utilizamos cinco formas distintas para designar o passado (pretérito

perfeito), dos verbos estudar e ir, em inglês basta uma: “studied” e“went”. Então, se você

memorizar essa forma do passado, poderá utilizá-la para todas as pessoas (eu, tu, ele ou ela, nós,

vós vocês, eles ou elas). Isso fica ainda mais fácil com verbos regulares, como é o caso do verbo

“to study”. As terminações – d, - ed e –ied compõem as formas de passado e de particípio

passado deste tipo de verbo. Veja o caso do verbo to study:

Eu estudei = I studied Eu tinha estudado = I had studied

Então, ao memorizar os verbos regulares, você já estará aprendendo o passado e o particípio

passado do verbo (estas formas serão utilizadas para formar os tempos verbais). As listas no

final desta apostila foram organizadas para um estudo semanal e possuem verbos regulares e

irregulares em dois formatos: do inglês para o português e do português para o inglês. Se você

trabalhar com elas semanalmente, poderá memorizar vinte verbos por mês. Procure trabalhar

com uma quantidade de verbos que você consiga visualizar diariamente. Mesmo que ainda não

saiba usar os tempos verbais em inglês, já esta criando um banco de verbos em sua memória

para uso futuro.

Bom estudo!

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a)simple b)continuous (to be+ing) c)perfect simple (to have + past part.) d)perfect continuous (to have + been +ing)

1a Present Simple 1b Present Continuous 1c Present Perfect Simple 1d Present Perfect Continuous

1a Sheila studies English 1b Sheila is studying English 1c Sheila has studied English 1d Sheila has been studying English


a)simple b)continuous (to be+ing) c)perfect simple (to have + past part.) d)perfect continuous (to have + been +ing)

2a Past Simple 2b Past Continuous 2c Past Perfect Simple 2d Past Perfect Continuous

2a Sheila studied English.... 2b Sheila was studying English 2c Sheila had studied English... 2d Sheila had been studying English....


a)simple b)continuous (to be+ing) c)perfect simple (to have + past part.) d)perfect continuous (to have + been +ing)

3a Future Simple 3b Future Continuous 3c Future Perfect Simple 3d Future Perfect Continuous

3a Sheila will study English... 3b Sheila will be studying English.... 3c Sheila will have studied English.... 3d Sheila will have been studying English...

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Tempos verbais em língua inglesa – Profa. Ms. Lílian F. dos Santos © email:lilenglishteacher A reprodução ou utilização desta obra depende de prévia e expressa autorização do autor nos termos do artigo 29, da Lei 9610/98.


ENGLISH VERB TENSES – PORTUGUESE EQUIVALENT FORMS** * VERB TENSE EXAMPLE PORTUGUESE *** 1a Present Simple 1b Present Continuous 1c Present Perfect Simple 1d Present Perfect Continuous

1a Sheila studies English 1b Sheila is studying English 1c Sheila has studied English 1d Sheila has been studying English for...

Sheila estuda inglês. Sheila está estudando inglês Sheila tem estudado estuda/estudou inglês. Sheila está estudando inglês há....

2a Past Simple 2b Past Continuous 2c Past Perfect Simple 2d Past Perfect Continuous

2a Sheila studied English.... 2b Sheila was studying English 2c Sheila had studied English... 2d Sheila had been studying English. for

Sheila estudou/estudava inglês. Sheila estava estudando inglês Sheila tinha/havia estudado inglês. Sheila estava estudando inglês há...

3a Future Simple 3b Future Continuous 3c Future Perfect Simple 3d Future Perfect Continuous

3a Sheila will study English... 3b Sheila will be studying English.... 3c Sheila will have studied English.... 3d Sheila will have been studying English for...

Sheila estudará/vai estudar inglês. Sheila estará estudando inglês Sheila terá estudado inglês Sheila estará estudando inglês há......

*** When we say there is some equivalence here, we are considering form. REMEMBER: Each tense MUST ALWAYS BE translated into Portuguese according to the function it has in a specific context. These are some possibilities for equivalence only based on the verb tense form.

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Tempos verbais em língua inglesa – Profa. Ms. Lílian F. dos Santos © email:lilenglishteacher A reprodução ou utilização desta obra depende de prévia e expressa autorização do autor nos termos do artigo 29, da Lei 9610/98.


Tempos Verbais Os tempos verbais são indicados pelos auxiliares utilizados e desempenham diferentes funções. Vejamos as mais comuns :

Present Simple – states, habits, routines Are you…Is he…….. Are they…… Do you......Does He....Do they.... Present simple – ability, obligation Can you….Can he…….Can they…. Must you….Must he….Must they Should you…..?Should he….should they….?

Presente simples: estados, hábitos, rotinas Are they from the competitor’s company? Do you work long hours? Habilidades e obrigações Can he manufacture that cable? Must you use safety equipment? Should you go now?

Present Continuous – actions in progress Are you + verb+ ing Is he + verb + ing Are they + ing

Ações em progresso no momento da fala Are you manufacturing this cable this week? Is he working this week? Are they producing that now?

Past simple – finished actions Were you….was he…….were they? Did you…..did he…….did they….? Could you…..? Were you able to….? Could he……? Was he able to…..? Did you have to…..? Did he have to….?

Ações executadas no passado e terminadas Were you at the meeting yesterday? Did you speak to the director about this? Could you finish the order? Were you able to finish the order? Did you have to pay more for this?

Past continuous – actions in progress in the past Were you + verb + ing Was he/she + verb + ing Were they + verb + ing

Ações em progresso num determinado tempo no passado Were you producing this at that time? Was he working on that project last month? Were they doing market research when they discovered this?

Future (going to) – plans or intentions Are you going to + verb Is he going to….? Are you/ they going to be able to…..? Is he going to be able to….?

Planos e intenções para o futuro Are you going to sell this in Brazil? Is he going to send me this next week? Are they going to be able to deliver it in time? Is he going to be able to produce that?

Future Simple (will) – predictions Will you + verb Will he + verb Will they+ verb Will you be able to + verb

Previsões para o futuro Will you expand this area within the next 10 years? Will they sell more or less next year? Will you be able to deliver it on time?

Future continuous – actions in progress in the future Will you be + verb ing Will he be+ verb Ing Will they be + verb ing

Ações que estarão em progresso num determinado tempo no futuro. Will you be working during Christmas? Will he be waiting for us at 9? Will they be producing at full capacity by the end of the year?

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Tempos verbais em língua inglesa – Profa. Ms. Lílian F. dos Santos © email:lilenglishteacher A reprodução ou utilização desta obra depende de prévia e expressa autorização do autor nos termos do artigo 29, da Lei 9610/98.


Closed Questions and auxiliary verbs Closed questions – these are questions which lead to a yes/no type of answer. They are started with an auxiliary verb.( Esse tipo de pergunta leva a uma resposta do tipo sim/não. São iniciadas por verbos auxiliares). Let’s revise them: Veb to be:

Am Is Are

Was were

Verb to do

Do does


Verb have

Have has


Verb will



Verb Can



Verb must


Verb shall



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Conjugations of auxiliary verbs Verb to be: Present Affirmative Negative Interrogative Interrogative

Negative I am You are He is She is It is We are You are They are

I am not You are not He is not She is not It is not We are not You are not They are not

Am I Are You Is He Is She Is It Are We Are You Are They

Am I not Aren’t You Isn’t He Isn’t She Isn’t It Aren’t We Aren’t You Aren’t They

Verb to be: Past Affirmative Negative Interrogative Interrogative

Negative I was You were He was She was It was We were You were They were

I was not You were not He was not She was not It was not We were not You were not They were not

Was I Were You Was He Was She Was It Were We Were You Were They

Wasn’t I Weren’t You Wasn’t He Wasn’t She Wasn’t It Weren’t We Weren’t You Weren’t They

Verb to do: Present simple Affirmative Negative Interrogative Interrogative

Negative I do You do He does She does It does We do You do They do

I do not You do not He does not She does not It does not We do not You do not They do not

Do I Do You Does He Does She Does It Do We Do You Do They

Don’t I Don’t’ You Doesn’t He Doesn’t She Doesn’t It Don’t We Don’t You Don’t They

Verb to do: Past simple Affirmative Negative Interrogative Interrogative

Negative I did You did He did She did It did We did You did They did

I did not You did not He did not She did not It did not We did not You did not They did not

Did I Did You Did He Did She Did It Did We Did You Did They

Didn’t I Didn’t You Didn’t He Didn’t She Didn’t It Didn’t We Didn’t You Didn’t They

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Verb to have: Present Affirmative Negative Interrogative Interrogative

Negative I have You have He has She has It has We have You have They have

I have not You have not He has not She has not It has not We have not You have not They have not

Have I Have You Has He Has She Has It Have We Have You Have They

Haven’t I Haven’t’ You Hasn’t He Hasn’t She Hasn’t It Haven’t We Haven’t You Haven’t They

Verb to have: Past Affirmative Negative Interrogative Interrogative

Negative I had You had He had She had It had We had You had They had

I had not You had not He has not She had not It had not We had not You had not They had not

Had I Had You Had He Had She Had It Had We Had You Had They

Hadn’t I Hadn’t’ You Hadn’t He Hadn’t She Hadn’t It Hadn’t We Hadn’t You Hadn’t They

Modal verbs Verb will Affirmative Negative Interrogative Interrogative

Negative I will You will He will She will It will We will You will They will

I will not You will not He will not She will not It will not We will not You will not They will not

Will I Will You Will He Will She Will It Will We Will You Will They

Won’t I won’t You Won’t He Won’t She Won’t It Won’t We Won’t You Won’t They

Verb would Affirmative Negative Interrogative Interrogative

Negative I would You would He would She would It would We would You would They would

I would not You would not He would not She would not It would not We would not You would not They would not

would I would You would He would She would It would We would You would They

Wouldn’t I Wouldn’t’ You Wouldn’t He Wouldn’t She Wouldn’t It Wouldn’t We Wouldn’t You Wouldn’t They

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Verb can Affirmative Negative Interrogative Interrogative

Negative I can You can He can She can It can We can You can They can

I cannot You cannot He cannot She cannot It cannot We cannot You cannot They cannot

Can I Can You Can He Can She Can It Can We Can You Can They

Can’t I Can’t’ You Can’t He Can’t She Can’t It Can’t We Can’t You Can’t They

Verb could Affirmative Negative Interrogative Interrogative

Negative I could You could He could She could It could We could You could They could

I could not You could not He could not She could not It could not We could not You could not They could not

Could I Could You Could He Could She Could It Could We Could You Could They

Couldn’t I Couldn’t’ You Couldn’t He Couldn’t She Couldn’t It Couldn’t We Couldn’t You Couldn’t They

Verb shall Affirmative Negative Interrogative Interrogative

Negative I shall You shall He shall She shall It shall We shall You shall They shall

I shall not You shall not He shall not She shall not It shall not We shall not You shall not They shall not

shall I shall You shall He shall She shall It shall We shall You shall They

Shan’t I shan’t’ You shan’t He shan’t She shan’t It shan’t We shan’t You shan’t They

Verb should Affirmative Negative Interrogative Interrogative

Negative I should You should He should She should It should We should You should They should

I should not You should not He should not She should not It should not We should not You should not They should not

should I should You should He should She should It should We should You should They

Shouldn’t I shouldn’t’ You shouldn’t He shouldn’t She shouldn’t It shouldn’t We shouldn’t You shouldn’t They

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Open questions Question words: use, example questions and answers

Wh word Use Question example. Answer example Where (onde) Where is used to

ask questions about PLACE

Where is John? He is at the club.

When (quando) When is used to ask questions about TIME

When is your birthday?

It is on May, 5th.

Why (por que) Why is used to ask questions about REASON

Why are you studying English?

Because I need it for my job.

Who (quem) Who is used to ask questions about a PERSON, or the SUBJECT

Who is studying with you? Who went to the bank?

My sister is. John did.

Whom (quem) Whom is used to ask questions about a PERSON or the OBJECT of a verb or preposition (it is more common in written English)

Who is he talking about? About whom is he talking? Who(m) did you see?

About John. I saw Helen

Whose (de quem) Whose asks questions about POSSESSION

Whose car is this? Whose is this bike?

It is John’s. It is mine.

What (qual/ o que) What is used to ask questions about a THING. What is used to ask questions about a SUBJECT or an OBJECT

What is that? What was wrong? What did he say?

That is a new type of mobile phone. The house number. He said no.

Which (qual) Which is used to ask about THINGS, mainly when there is a choice of two or more

Which car does he prefer? There are two chocolates. Which one would you like?

The big one. The white one.

How (como) How is used to ask about MANNER

How did you get there? How does he play?

By car. He plays very well.

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How do we say..................................?

Com que freqüência


Como é......?

De quem

O que


Para que serve...?

Por que


Qual (dos dois, três ou mais)

Qual a altura

Qual a distância

Qual a largura

Qual a temperatura

Qual a velocidade

Qual o tamanho



Quanto tempo


Que cor

Que idade

Que tal....?

Que tal...?

Que tipo


Quem (para quem, com quem, etc)

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Wh words and possible translations

Wh word What What Where Why Who Whom Whose Which When How Compound wh questions What kind What type What sort What size What time What colour What is… What for What about How cold How far How fast How long How many How much How old How often How tall How wide How about

O que Qual Onde Por que Quem Quem (para quem, com quem, etc) De quem Qual (dos dois, três ou mais) Quando Como Que tipo Que tipo Que tipo Qual o tamanho Que horas Que cor Como é......? Para que serve...? Que tal....? Qual a temperatura Qual a distância Qual a velocidade Quanto tempo Quantos Quanto Que idade Com que freqüência Qual a altura Qual a largura Que tal...?

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• What is the rule for the verb TO BE? Affirmative negative interrogative

• What is the rule for regular or irregular verbs? Affirmative negative interrogative

• What’s the rule for modal verbs? Affirmative negative interrogative

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AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE INTERROGATIVE 1. BARE INFINITIVE “I love” Third person singular needs –es after verbs finishing in ss, ch, sh, zz and O

Third person singular needs ies with verbs finishing in –y preceded by a consonant. e.g. I study He studies I go He goes

2. Verb to be is conjugated as follows:

I am You are She/he/it is

We are You are

They are

3. Modal verbs remain the same: I can / She can / He must

1. auxiliar DO + NOT + BARE INFINITIVE of MAIN VERBS 3rd person singular needs the auxiliary DOES e.g. I do not like apples. She does not like apples

2.In the negative the forms need a not:

I am not You are not He is not we are not You are not They are not

3. In the negative we add a not I cannot / she cannot

1. auxiliary DO+PRONOUN+ BARE INFINITIVE MAIN VERB 3rd person singular needs the auxiliary DOES. Does she like bananas ? Do you like bananas. 2. The interrogative requires inversion of the verb to be Are you…? Is she …...? 3. The interrogative requires inversion of the modal verb: Can you...?

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TENSE(S) a) Habitual actions I always go to bed at 10 o’clock. b) Eternal truths/scientific facts The sun rises in the east. c) Permanent actions or states There are many beaches in Brazil. d) Timetable Future (public or personal timetables) The train leaves at 10 o’clock tomorrow e) Future time clauses When she arrives at home, she will call me.

Presente Simples do Indicativo a) Eu sempre vou para a cama às dez horas b) O sol nasce no leste. c) Há muitas praias no Brasil d) O trem parte às 10 amanhã. *Note que no caso D também se usa o Futuro Simples do Indicativo.

O trem partirá às dez horas amanhã

e) Neste caso em Português, o tempo verbal será o futuro do subjuntivo Quando ela chegar em casa, me ligará

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The present simple – explicações em português • expressa hábitos, rotina, fatos, estados permanentes e ações no futuro (timetable

future) Os advérbios de tempo mais comumente usados com este tempo verbal são: (os dias da semana, on Mondays), every day , every week , every month, every year, always, usually , sometimes, often, never, frequently, once a week, twice a week, three times a month, etc... 1) to be = ser/estar é um verbo “independente”, ou seja faz sua forma negativa e

interrogativa: + _ ? I am I am not Are you? you are you aren’t Are you? He is He isn’t Is he? We are We aren’t Are you? Are we? They are They aren’t Are they? 2) Outros verbos regulares e irregulares (como like, study, go, play, watch) necessitam

do auxiliar DO e DOES para as formas negativa e interrogativa. Na afirmativa sofrem acréscimo de -s, -es ou -ies na terceira pessoa do singular:

+ - ? I work I don’t work Do you work? You work You don’t work Do you work? She works She doesn’t work Does she work? We work We don’t work Do you/we work? They work They don’t work Do they work? Você estuda? Do you study? Ela não estuda. She doesn’t study Onde ele trabalha? Where does he work? Eles não moram aqui They don’t live here ERROS MAIS COMUNS

• MISTURAR VERBO TO BE COM VERBOS NO INFINITIVO I am not study?X I don’t study √ Are you study?X Do you study √?


Does she works here? X Does she work here?√ Does he lives here? X Does he live here?√


She work here X She works here.√

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Oral syllabus of functions using the Present Simple A) Basic situations using questions and answers with the verb To Be 1.TALKING ABOUT NAME /PHONE NUMBER/ADDRESS What is your name? My name is....... What is his/her name? His/her name is....... What are your names? Our names are..... What are their names? Their names are..... 2. TALKING ABOUT NATIONALITIES Where are you from? I am from....(Brazil) Where is he/she/it from? He/She/It is from...... Where are you from? We are from.... Where are they from? They are from..... What nationality are you? I am.....(Brazilian) What nationality is he/she/it? He/She/It is............ Waht nationality are you? We are........................ What nationality are they? They are.................. 3. TALKING ABOUT AGE How old are you? I am....years old. How old is he/she/it? He/She/It is.................... How old are you? We are............................... How old are they? They are........................... 4. TELLING THE TIME What time is it? It is............. What is the time? It is.......... 5. GREETING PEOPLE How are you? I am...., thank you (fine, very well, ok) How is he/she? He/ She is.......... How are you? We are................ How are they? They are............... 6. TALKING ABOUT DAYS OF THE WEEK/ DATES/ BIRTHDAYS What day is it today? I t is...... (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday) What day is it today? It is the 25th of March What day is the test? It is on Monday, the 24th of March When is your/his/her birthday? It is on the ..... of........./ My/his/her birthday is on the........... 7. TALKING ABOUT DISTANCE TO PLACES How far is it from SP to Santos? It is

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8.TALKING ABOUT MARITAL STATUS Are you married? Yes, I am// No, I am not. Is he/she married? Yes he/she is. / No, he/she isn´t. Are you married? Yes, we are. / No, we aren´t. Are they married? Yes, they are/ No, they aren´t (married, single, divorced, widowed) 9. TALKING ABOUT JOBS AND PROFESSIONS (1) What is your job? I am a/an....... What is his/her job? He/she is......... What are their jobs? They are.......... or He is... and she is...... 10. TALKING ABOUT PRICES OF THINGS How much is this book? It is............. How much are these apples? They are........... 11. DESCRIBING OBJECTS What is this? It is a........... What is that? That is a............... What are these? These are.......... What are those? Those are........

12. DESCRIBING THE WEATHER What is the weather like in....? It is sunnu, windy..... 13. TALKING ABOUT THE LOCATION OF PLACES

1. Is there a bookshop near here? Yes, there is one in Paulista Ave. next to the museum. 2. Where is Florianópolis? It is in the South of Brazil

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B) Basic situations using questions and answers with DO / DOES 1. TALKING ABOUT LIKES AND DISLIKES Do you like...............? Yes, I do./ No, I don´t Does he/she like........? Yes, he/she does./ No, he/she doesn´t. Do you like................? Yes, we do. / No, we don´t. Do they like...............? Yes, they do. / No, they don´t. 2. SPELLING WORDS How do you spell..........? It is.......................... 3. TALKING ABOUT PROFESSIONS What do you do? I am a/an........................ What does he/she do? He she is a/an................. What do you do? We are ................................... What do they do? They are.............. or He is a........ and she is a ....... 4. TALKING ABOUT WHERE PEOPLE LIVE Where do you live? I live in...................... Where does he/she live? He/she lives in................ Where do you live? We live in...................... Where do they live? They live in................. 5. TALKING ABOUT WHERE PEOPLE WORK Where do you work? I work at............. Where does he/she work? He /she works at................. Where do you work? We work at.................... Where do they work? They work at.................. 6. TALKING ABOUT WHERE PEOPLE STUDY Where do you study? I study at.............. Where does he/she study? He/She studies at................ Where do you study? We study at............... Where do they study? They study at........................... 7. TALKING ABOUT PLACE´S OPENING AND CLOSING TIME What time does It opens at........... What time does the.........close? It closes at........... What time do (the banks) open? They open at............... What time do they close? They close at........................

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8. TALKING ABOUT ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE TIME OF MEANS OF TRANSPORT What time does the train/bus/plane to........ leave? It leaves at............. What time does the train/bus/plane to ............arrive? It arives at....... What time do the trains/buses/planes to..... leave? They leave at....... What time do the trains/buses/planes to.......arrive? They arrive at.... 9. TALKING ABOUT THE TIME EVENTS START AND FINISH What time does the concert start? It starts at......... What time does the concert finish? It finishes at............. What time do the games start? They start at........... What time do the games finish? They finish at................ 10.TALKING ABOUT DAILY ROUTINE What time do you get up? I get up at.......... What time does he/she get up? He/she gets up at............. What time do you get up? We get up at.............. What time do they get up? They get up at.............. What time do you have breakfast? I have breakfast at........... What time does he/she have breakfast ? He/she has breakfast at...... What time do you have breakfast? We have breakfast at.......... What time do they have breakfast? They have breakfast at............ What time do you start work? I start work? What time does he/she start work? He/she starts work at............. What time do you start work? We start work at.................... What time do they start work? They start work at.................. What time do you have lunch? I have lunch at.......... What time does he/she have lunch? He/she has lunch at............. What time do you have lunch? We have lunch at............. What time do they have lunch? They have lunch at.......... What time do you finish work? I finish work at........... What time does he/she finish work? He/she finishes work at..... What time do you finish work? We finish work at.......... What time do they finish work? They finish work at.............. What time do you have dinner? I have dinner at.............. What time does he/she have dinner? He/she has dinner at............... What time do you have dinner? We have dinner at.............. What time do they have dinner?They have dinner at.................. What time do you go to bed? I go to bed at............. What time does he/she go to bed? He/she goes to bed at............... What time do you go to bed? We go to bed at........... What time do they go to bed? They go to bed at...............

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11. TALKING ABOUT MEANS OF TRANSPORT AND TIME TO GET TO PLACES How do you get to..................? I go by car/train/underground/subway/bus. How does he/she gets to...........? He /she goes by car/train/underground/subway/bus. How do you get to...........? We go by car/train/underground/subway/bus. How do they get to...........? They go by car/train/underground/subway/bus. How long do you take to get to...........? I take 10 minutes. How ling does he/she take to get to......? He/she takes......... How long does it take to get to..........? It takes.................. How long do you take to get to.........? We take............... How long do they take to get to.........? They take.................... 12. TALKING ABOUT FREE TIME ACTIVITIES What do you do in your free time? I play tennis. What does he/she do in his/her free time? He/She palys tennis. What do you do in oyur free time? We play tennis. What do they do in their free time? They play tennis. 13. TALKING ABOUT FREQUENCY OF ACTIVITIES How often do you play tennis? I play once a week. How often does he/she play tennis? He/she plays twice a week. How often do you play tennis? We play three times a week. How often do they play tennis? They play four times a week. 14.TALKING ABOUT THE FAMILY Do you have brothers and sisters? Yes, I do. No I don´t. How many brothers and sisters do you have? I have......... Does he have brothers and sisters? Yes, he/she does. No he/she doesn´t. How many brothers and sisters does he/she have? He/she has......... Do you have brothers and sisters? Yes, We do. No We don´t. How many brothers and sisters do you have? We have......... Do they have brothers and sisters? Yes, they do. No they don´t. How many brothers and sisters do they have? They have.........

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The Present Simple – Worksheet 1 Sentence level. Statements and questions level 1

1. Translate into Portuguese: 1. Mary likes Peter very much. 2. John is at work now. 3. Peter lives in Madrid. 4. Sally is a nurse. 5. John arrives at work at 5:00. 6. Marion leaves work at 8:00 7. David enjoys watching football on

T.V. 8. Peter has five children. 9. They play cards every weekend. 10. She goes to the cinema once a week. 11. The earth goes round the sun. 12. The bank opens at 9 a.m. 13. The boys wear a tie to school. 14. The girls tie their hair in a pony tail. 15. Water boils at 100o. C. 16. Mars is near the sun. 17. She wakes up late every Sunday. 18. They don’t like each other. 19. She doesn’t want to go home. 20. Vegetarians don’t eat meat. 21. Jim doesn’t usually have breakfast.

22. Terry doesn’t know the answer. 23. Patty doesn’t get up early on Sunday 24. They don’t interrupt the teacher. 25. She isn’t a secretary. She is the boss. 26. They aren’t in Rome. They’re in

Paris for the summer. 27. She can’t play tennis very well. 28. Does he live near here? 29. Does she speak French? 30. Do they come here everyday? 31. Where do you study? 32. How many hours do you work a day? 33. How much is the car? 34. What is her name? 35. Where do they come from? 36. How much money do they have? 37. How far is it to Santos? 38. What time does she start work? 39. Where do they go on vacations? 40. How long do they usually stay there?

2. Translate into English:

1. Mary trabalha aos sábados. 2. David mora em Madrid. 3. Sally tem dois filhos. 4. Eles não sabem jogar cartas. 5. Elas não estão em casa. 6. Ela está no clube. 7. John não está feliz. 8. David não quer sorvete. 9. Paula não conhece John. 10. Paul não tem amigos. 11. Andréa está em casa? 12. O Ian gosta de futebol? 13. Eles não estão no trabalho. 14. Sandra nunca viaja de avião. 15. Eu nunca chego atrasado. 16. Ela detesta este programa. 17. Eles vão ao cinema todos os dias. 18. Ela não sabe ler. 19. Eles não sabem escrever. 20. Eu não sei falar russo.

21.O que vocês fazem no final de semana? 22.Onde eles trabalham? 23.Quanto custa este carro? 24.Quantas pessoas estão na festa? 25.Quantos amigos você tem? 26.Qual é o seu livro? 27. O que ela come de manhã? 28. À que horas ela acorda? 29. Quando ela nada no clube? 30. O que você faz? 31. Eles sabem a resposta? 32. Ela sabe jogar cartas? 33. Você vai ao cinema com freqüência? 34. Ele lê os jornais todos os dias? 35.. Maria escreve bem? 36. O David conhece sua irmã? 37. O trem parte às dez? 38. O concerto começa às 9:00? 39. Você almoça todos os dias? 40. Com quem ele janta todas as noites?

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What is the rule for regular or irregular verbs? Affirmative negative interrogative

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VERB TO BE IN NEGATIVE Am not/ isn’t/ aren’t




She is playing tennis She is not playing tennis Is she playing tennis ?


FUNCTION(S) IN ENGLISH PORTUGUESE EQUIVALENT TENSE(S) a) An action that is happening at the moment of speech or a temporary action or situation 'Mary is studying now'. John is working in Rio this week b) Actions to happen in the near future (also known by arrangement future). ”I'm seeing the doctor at 10 o'clock” c) To express disaproval of a behaviour or something that happens frequently You lost your umbrella again! You are always losing umbrellas. Some verbs are not commonly used in gerund form. These can be divided in four categories: a) verbs of the senses: see, touch, hear, smell, notice, recognize, etc. b) verbs of emotion: like, love hate, believe, desire, etc. c) verbs which refer to mind abilities: think, know, feel, realize, understand d) verbs of possession: have, belong, possess, etc.

a)Similar em português formado por presente composto Maria está estudando agora John está trabalhando no Rio essa semana b) não ocorre o mesmo em português. A estrutura utilizada é VERBO IR FLEXIONADO + INFINITIVO Eu vou ver o médico amanhã X Estou vendo o médico amanhã c)Em português usamos o presente simples do indicativo o verbo estar + PARTICÍPIO PRESENTE DO VERBO 'Você sempre perde guarda-chuvas.' ou o verbo estar + PARTICÍPIO PRESENTE DO VERBO ' Você está sempre perdendo guarda-chuvas.

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THE PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE: explicações em português

Descreve uma ação em progresso no momento da fala. Descreve uma situação temporária. Descreve um compromisso para o futuro. Descreve uma ação que ocorre com muita freqüência Os adjuntos adverbiais que acompanham esse tempo verbal são entre outros: Today , now , at the moment , this week , this month ,this year, currently, presently, etc... Esse tempo é formado pelo: To be + verbo principal + ing + I am studying English He is working now They are sleeping - I’m not studying He isn’t working They aren’t sleeping ? Are you studying? Is he working? Are they sleeping? Where are they living? What are you doing?

Erros mais comuns: DO + ING /TO BE + VERB INFINITIVO Do you studying? X Are you studying?√

Does she studying?X Is she studying? √ Does she is studying?X Is she studying √ I don’t studying /Are you study? X I am not studying./ Are you studying? √

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Oral syllabus of functions using the Present Continuous 1. TALKING ABOUT ACTIONS WHICH ARE OCURRING AT THE MOMENT What are you doing? I am studying English What is Sheila doing now? She is taking a shower. What is Paul doing now? He is reading a book. What are you doing now? We are learning the Present Continuous Tense What are Peter and Sally doing now? They are watching a film on TV.

2. DESCRIBING TEMPORARY ACTIONS Where do you live? I live in SP Where are you living at the moment? I am living with a friend in RIO. Where do you work? I work in SP. Where are you working this week? I am working in RIO. 3. TALKING ABOUT ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE FUTURE What are you doing on Friday? I am visiting my grandmother. What is Peter doing next Saturday? He is taking a test for a new post. What is sheila doing tomorrow? She is working with Simon at a new project. What are they doing tonight? They are having a meeting with Mr. Smith

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The Present Continuous – Sentence level Worksheet 1 -STATEMENTS/QUESTIONS level 1

Translate into Portuguese:

1. She is living in Paris 13. Who is working late?

2.He is working in London this year. 14. Where are they working?

3. They are living in Madrid 15. Who is having breakfast here?

4.She is cooking now 16. Where is she living now?

5. Peter is studying English 17. What is she doing?

6.Mary is washing her car 18. Where are they living?

7.Is she cooking spaguetti? 19.Are you learning English?

8. Is he having breakfast? 20. What are they doing at home?

9.Are they working late/ 21. Is mary having lunch?

10. She isn’t playing cards with Peter 22.Who is studying here?

11.Is he living in New York? 23. What is she cooking for lunch?

12. Are they studying in the evenings? 24. I’m not going to school now.

Translate into English:

1.Maria está jantando 2.Pedro não está tomando café da manhã agora 3.Maria está morando em Paris? 4.Eles não estão jogando cartas 5.Elas estão trabalhando? 6. Onde eles estão morando? 7. O que ela está comendo? 8. João está bebendo leite 9. Paula está conversando com seus

amigos. 10. Gabriel está usando o telefone? 11. Você está estudando de manhã? 12. . Que horas o Pedro está estudando? 13. Onde vocês estão morando? 14. Ela não está almoçando aqui

15. Eles não estão trabalhando em casa 16. Elas estão acordando cedo esta

semana? 17. Eles estão estudando aqui? 18. Onde eles estão almoçando? 19. O que vocês estão bebendo? 20. Por quê a Marta está chorando? 21. Eu estou acordando às 8:00 esta

semana. 22. Ela está trabalhando em Nova Iorque. 23. Ela está trabalhando em Berlim? 24. Eles estão construindo a casa 25. Elas estão pintando a parede 26. Eles estão morando aqui? 27. Quem está trabalhando aqui? 28. Qual livro você está lendo 29. Ele está escrevendo um livro novo? 30. Eles estão dormindo....

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The Present Continuous – sentence level worksheet 2 level 1 1)Transform these sentences from the present simple to the present continuous. 1. She lives in London 2. They work in Madri 3. They study English every day 4. I play football often 5. We watch TV in the living-room 6. She doesn’t watch TV 7. They don’t swim everyday 8. He doesn’t play basketball 9. She doesn’t cook 10. I don’t live in New York 11. Do you study? 12. Does your sister work here? 13. Do they swim every week 14. Does he watch this programme often? 2) Now ask questions to these answers: 1. She is playing tennis at the moment 2. They are watching TV 3. They go to school twice a week 4. She lives in Rome 5. She is living in Rome 6. Everyday she plays tennis 7. He goes to school in the morning 8. I am doing this exercise. 9.She is swimming with Paul 10. She’s studying in the living room. 3) Complete this paragraph using the present simple or continuous:

I _______________(work) everyday from 9 to 5, but today I ____________________(not work) because it is Sunday. I________________(watch) TV in the living-room now. My sister, Marta______________________(study) because she has a test next week. She ______________(go) to school from 7 to 12 and she _________________(do) her 5th. Grade. I usually____________(get up) at 6 in the morning, ___________(have) a shower and ___________(go ) to work. At work I ________(type) letters in the computer all day and in the evening I ____________(study) English. But this week I _________________(not go) to university because it is “Semana da Pátria”.

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The Present Continuous – Text level worksheet 1:translation into Portuguese level 1 1.Translate into Portuguese:

Mary is from Brazil. She works for a company called Benchmark and she is a packaging

designer. She works from 9 to 5 usually, but sometimes she has to work until 9 or 10 p.m.

On Mondays after work, she swims and practises Judo. On Thursdays she has Japanese

lessons at the local college. She usually gets up at 6:00, has a big breakfast and goes to work

by car. It takes about 20 minutes when the traffic is good. At work she designs different

packages for many products. On weekends she likes to rest and read.

This week she is in London. She is staying at a friend’s house. They are sightseeing

everyday. They are talking about Brazil and she is visiting many friends. At the moment she

is shopping in Harrod’s, a big department store. She is buying clothes and perfumes for her

sister and her two brothers. She is coming back to Brazil in two weeks because she is on

holiday. She likes London very much, but she prefers to live in São Paulo where she has

many friends and where her family is.

2. Answer these questions about Mary:

• Where does she live?

• What does she do?

• Where does she work?

• What does she do on Mondays? And on Thursdays?

• What time does she get up?

• How does she go to work?

• What does she do at work?

• Where is she this week?

• Where is she staying?

• What is she doing there?

• Where is she now? What is she buying?

• When is she coming back to Brazil?

• Does she like London? Why does she prefer to live in São Paulo?

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The Present Continuous – Writing worksheet 1 1.Imagine today is Sunday. Write a short text with two paragraphs contrasting your daily routine (use the present simple) and your routine this Sunday. 2. Write a short text about Mary, contrasting her EVERYDAY life to the life she’s having this month while she is studying abroad. EVERYDAY LIFE WHILE ABROAD Live: city, house Get up: 7:00 Have breakfast: 7:30 Start work: 8:30 Finish: 5:00 Lunch at work - restaurant Start school: 6:50 Finish school: 11p.m Dinner: a sandwich in the underground Or at 11:30 at home alone After dinner: have a shower, watch 30 minutes of TV. Go to bed: 00:30 At the weekends: study for school, go dancing or to the cinema, travel to the countryside, visit friends

Country, farm 5:00 5:30 not working. Lunch at school canteen Start school: 7:00 finish school:2 p.m. Dinner: 6 p.m. with guest family After dinner: watch TV, read a book, use the internet, send e-mails to friends Go to bed: 10p.m. At the weekends: go sightseeing , study for two hours, go to the theatre ,cinema, travel to the city .

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• What is the rule for the verb TO BE? Affirmative negative interrogative

• What is the rule for regular or irregular verbs? Affirmative negative interrogative

• What’s the rule for modal verbs ?

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They are formed with addition –d –ed or –ied after their regular bare infinitive form. If the verb finishes in e preceded by a consonant we add only –d

love – loved If the verb finishes in y preceded by a consonant we change the y into I and add –ed

study – studied If the infinitive finishes with a consonant preceded by a vowel, we double the consonant before adding –ed

Travel – travelled 2. Irregular verbs

The form varies from bare infinitive. They have their own forms:

Go-went Buy – bought

To form the negative with both regular and irregular verbs, we need the auxiliary verb: DID + NOT. The structure is the following: DID + NOT = VERB IN BARE INFINITIVE She didn’t love John. They didn’t go to the cinema yesterday.

To form the interrogative with both regular and irregular verbs we need the following word order: DID+PRONOUN+VERB IN BARE INFINITIVE Did she go to the cinema yesterday? Did she love him?

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a) an action which happened in the past with the time defined:

I saw a film yesterday She wasn’t here yesterday morning.

b) a habit in the past:

When I was a child I played hopscotch in the street.

c) an action that took place during a certain period of time in the past, but which is now finished or completed:

They were married for 3 years. Now they are divorced.

a) Neste caso o simple past pode

equivaler ora ao Pretérito Perfeito do Indicativo ora ao Pretérito Imperfeito do Indicativo, dependendo do contexto:

Eu vi o filme ontem (caso 1) Ela não estava aqui ontem de manhã. OU Ela não esteve aqui ontem de manhã.

b) Neste caso, o Simple Past sempre corresponde ao nosso Pretérito Imperfeito do Indicativo:

Quando eu era criança eu brincava de amarelinha na rua.

c) Em português pode-se utilizar o Pretérito Perfeito Composto para expressar o mesmo:

Eles foram casados por 3 anos. Agora estão divorciados.

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Past simple: REGULAR AND IRREGULAR VERBS + - ? I studied I didn’t study Did you study? You studied You didn’t study Did you study? He studied He didn’t study Did he study? She studied She didn’t study Did she study? It studied It didn’t study Did it study? We studied We didn’t study Did we study? You studied You didn’t study Did you study? They studied They din’t study Did they study? GO + - ? I went I didn’t go Did I go? You went You didn’t go Did you go? He went he didn’t go Did he go? She went She didn’t go Did she go? It went It didn’t go Did it go? We went We didn’t go Did we go? You went You didn’t go Did you go? They went They didn’t go Did they go? + - ? Regular verbs ed pron+didn’t did + pron Irregular verbs 2nd column + inf + inf


I didn’t studied x → I didn’t study. √ She wasn’t studied → She didn’t study. Do you studied? → Did you study? Are you studied? → Did you study? Did you went? → Did you go?

He was go there → He went there. Where you study?→ Where did you study? Don’t mix : VERB TO BE and VERB in the INFINITIVE DO / DID and verbs in the past

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VERB TO BE IN THE PAST: WAS / WERE + - ? I was I wasn’t Was I? You were You weren’t Were You? He was He wasn’t Was he? She was She wasn’t Was she? It was It wasn’t Was it? We were We weren’t were we? You were You weren’t were you? They were They weren’t Were they?

MOST COMMON MISTAKES I did was → I was I didn’t was → I wasn’t Did you were → Were you.....? Did he was? → Was he......? DON’T MIX THE VERB DID WITH WAS /WERE Adverbs of time most commonly used to express the specific time actions ocurred in the past: Yesterday, the day before yesterday Last week, last month, last year, last Saturday, last..... In January , July, on Monday, .....ago (3 years ago, 2 months ago). “Last week was very busy. On Monday I studied ; on Tuesday I went to the bank....”

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Tempos verbais em língua inglesa – Profa. Ms. Lílian F. dos Santos © email:lilenglishteacher A reprodução ou utilização desta obra depende de prévia e expressa autorização do autor nos termos do artigo 29, da Lei 9610/98.


The Simple Past – Asking questions to statements level 1 1.He got up at 6:00 What time did he get up?

11.She went to the theatre last night When did she go to the theatre?

2.They went to the post office in the morning. Where did they go in the morning?

12.He was born in1919 in a city in the south of Italy. When and where was he born?

3. She didn’t like the film. How did she like the film?

13. Yes, she was. Was she a good student?

4. Yes,he did. Did he like the film?

14. No, they didn’t.they lived in Spain. Did they live in New York last year?

5. She left school at 5:00. What time did she leave school?

15. Yes, it did. It arrived at 5 p . m. Did the plane arrive at 5 p.m.?

6.They watched TV after dinner. What time did they watch TV?

16. She grew up in Rome Where did she grow up?

7. Yes, she was at home yesterday. Was she at home yesterday?

17. He saw the film yesterday night. When did he see the film?

8. No, they weren’t. They were at school. Were they at the club at 7 a.m.?

18. I started school when I was seven. When did you start school?

9. I was born in Italy. Where were you born?

19. She married Peter. Who did she marry?

10.She was with Peter last night. Who was she with last night?

20. Because she loved him. Why did she marry him?

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Tempos verbais em língua inglesa – Profa. Ms. Lílian F. dos Santos © email:lilenglishteacher A reprodução ou utilização desta obra depende de prévia e expressa autorização do autor nos termos do artigo 29, da Lei 9610/98.


Oral syllabus of functions using the Past Simple Tense Basic situations using questions and answers with the verb to be

1. TALKING ABOUT WHERE PEOPLE WERE IN THE PAST Where were you yesterday? I was at home Where was he/she yesterday? He/She was at school Where were you last Saturday? We were in São Paulo Where were they last summer? They were in Bahia. 2. TALKING ABOUT WHEN PEOPLE WERE IN DIFFERENT PLACES When were you in Bahia? I was there last summer When was he/she in the USA? He/she was there last holidays When were you in Rio? We were there last week. When were they in Japan? They were there last year.

3. TALKING ABOUT WHO WAS IN DIFFERENT PLACES Who was here yesterday? I was Who was in London last week? He/she was Who was in Japan last summer? We were Who was in Rio last Carnival? They were. 4. TALKING ABOUT WHO PEOPLE WERE Who was John Lennon? He was a singer. Who was Eva Peron? She was a politician Who were The Beattles? They were a rock group.

5. TALKING ABOUT WHERE AND WHEN PEOPLE WERE BORN Where were you born? I was born in S.P. Where was he/she born? He/She was born in Bahia. Where were you born? We were born in Rio. Where were they born? They were born in Japan. When were you born? I was born on January,5th 1968. When was he/she born? He/She was born on July, 4th, 1978. When were you born? We were born on may,2nd, 1980. When were they born? They were born on september,8th, 1990. In + month = In January In +year= In 1968 on + day= on the 5th. 6. TALKING ABOUT NAME/ADDRESS/TELEPHONE NUMBER IN THE PAST What was your address/telephone number? It was............... What was his/her name/address/telephone number? It was............. What were their names? They were......... What was their address/telephone number? It was.............................

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7. TALKING ABOUT NATIONALITIES IN THE PAST Where was he/she from? He/she was from........................ Where were they from? They were from...................... 8.TALKING ABOUT AGE IN THE PAST How old were you in 1975? I was seven years old How old was he/she in...? He/she was............... How old were you in......? We were.................. How old were they in .....? They were............... 9. TALKING ABOUT MARITAL STATUS IN THE PAST] Were you married in....? Yes, I was./ No, I wasn´t Was he/ she married.....? Yes, he/she was // NO, he/she wasn´t Were you married in....? Yes, we were. // No, we weren´t Were they married in....? Yes they were // No, they weren´t 10. TALKING ABOUT DATES IN THE PAST What day was it yesterday? It was Saturday/ It was the 10th. What day was it on Saturday? It was the 2nd. When was your birthday party? It was on Saturday? When was his/her birthday party? It was on the 20th. 11. TALKING ABOUT PRICES OF THINGS How much was this book? It was R$10,00 How much were those toys? They were R$50,00 12. TALKING ABOUT HOW PEOPLE WERE IN THE PAST How was John? He was fine. How was Janet? She was very well. How were your parents? They were great.

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Tempos verbais em língua inglesa – Profa. Ms. Lílian F. dos Santos © email:lilenglishteacher A reprodução ou utilização desta obra depende de prévia e expressa autorização do autor nos termos do artigo 29, da Lei 9610/98.


Basic situations using questions and answers with the auxiliary verb DID 1.TALKING ABOUT WHAT PEOPLE DID IN THE PAST 1 – USING REGULAR VERBS What did you do yesterday? I studied Englsih What did Sheila do last week? She worked every day What did Paul do last Sunday? He watched T.V. and played basketball. What did you do yesterday? We stayed at home and played cards. What did they do yesterday? They watched a film on TV. 2.TALKING ABOUT WHAT PEOPLE DID IN THE PAST 2 – USING IRREGULAR VERBS What did you do yesterday? I went to the cinema What did Sheila do last week? She wrote e-mails and read every day What did Paul do last Sunday? He drove his new car around town. What did you do yesterday? We threw a party at Mary’s home. What did they do yesterday? They flew a kite in the park. 3. TALKING ABOUT WHAT PEOPLE DID IN THE PAST 3 – describing your last holidays Where did you go for your last holidays? I went to ...... Where did you stay? I stayed at...... How long did you stay there? I stayed there for..... What did you do there? I visited some museums and went to the beach What was the food like? What was the weather like? It was..... 4. TALKING ABOUT WHAT PEOPLE DID IN THE PAST 4 – giving personal biographical information

Where were you born? I was born in....

When were you born? I was born in 19...

Where did you grow up? I grew up in....

When did you start school? I started school in....

Where did you go to school? I went to.......

When did you leave school? I left school in.....

When did you get married? I got married in....

5. TALKING ABOUT A PAST DAILY ROUTINE What time did you get up? I got up at.......... What time did you have breakfast? I have breakfast at........... What time did you start work? I started work at..... What time did you have lunch?I had lunch at.......... What time did you finish work?I finished work at........... What time did you have dinner? I had dinner at.............. What time did you go to bed? I went to bed at.............

The Simple Past Tense – worksheet 1 Sentence level: statements and questions – level 1 Translate into Portuguese:

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1.David was in London last week 2. Peter was in Spain yesterday 3. John and Gabriel were in New York 4. Last Christmas she was in Bahia 5. They weren’t here yesterday 6. She wasn’t in Paris last holidays 7. Were they in India? 8. Where were they last week? 9. When were they here? 10. Who was with Paul last week? 11. Where was she last Monday? 12. When were you on the beach? 13. When was she in Paris? 14. Who was at the cinema with you? 15. Who was with Peter at the club last


16.He went to the club with Marcia 17.They played cards yesterday 18. They didn’t go to university last week 19. Peter cooked dinner last Saturday 20. They lived in China in 1991 21. She didn’t work here last year 22. They didn’t study with me 23. Did the shop open at 9? 24. What time did the ballet start? 25. Where did you work last year? 26. Where did he live in 1986? 27. When did she meet him? 28. Who went to the party? 29. When did they visit Martha? 30. What time did the plane leave?

Translate into English: 1. Eu estive aqui no ano passado 2. Ela foi secretária 3. Eles não eram amigos 4. Marta estava aqui ontem 5. Eles estiveram no banco de manhã 6. Você estava em casa ontem? 7. Onde ela estava segunda-feira? 8. Quem esteve aqui? 9. Onde vocês estiveram no fim de

semana? 10. Quando a Paula esteve na sua casa? 11. Que horas eles estavam no banco? 12. Ele gostou do filme 13. Eles não gostaram do café 14. Ela foi à sua casa? 15. Ele foi ao cinema sábado passado

16.Você acordou às 7 domingo passado? 17.Onde você foi nas últimas férias? 18. Quando você viu o filme? 19.Que horas abriu o banco? 20.Onde você morava em 1995? 21. A Martha morava na V. Madalena? 22. O David trabalhava na Johnson’s. 23. O Pedro cozinhou o jantar ontem 24. Quando você se casou? 25. Quem trabalhou no ano passado? 26. Ela saiu às 7.00 27. Eles chegaram às 8.00 28. A Marta chegou às 9? 29. Que horas você saiu de casa? 30. Que horas abriu o banco? 31. Onde você nasceu?

Now ask questions to these answers: 1.He got up at 6:00 11.She went to the theatre last night 2.They went to the post office in the morning.

12.He was born in1919 in a city in the south of Italy.

3.she didn’t like the film. 13.Yes, she was. 4.Yes,he did. 14.No, they didn’t. They lived in Spain. 5.She left school at 5:00. 15.Yes, it did. It arrived at 5 a . m. 6. They watched TV after dinner. 16.she grew up in Rome 7. Yes, she was at home yesterday. 17.He saw the film yesterday night. 8.No, they weren’t. They were at school. 18.I started school when I was seven. 9. I was born in Italy. 19.She married Peter. 10.She was with Peter last night. 20. Because she loved him.

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Tempos verbais em língua inglesa – Profa. Ms. Lílian F. dos Santos © email:lilenglishteacher A reprodução ou utilização desta obra depende de prévia e expressa autorização do autor nos termos do artigo 29, da Lei 9610/98.


The Simple Past – worksheet 2 Text work:reading comprehension and translation 1.Read the text, translate it into Portuguese and answer the following questions: John rang Jane last week. He wanted to invite her to the theatre. She was free on Friday, so they arranged to meet outside the theatre at seven. It was raining and John came twenty minutes late. Jane wasn’t very pleased. They saw a thriller, but it wasn’t very good. In fact it was awful. They went to an Italian restaurant after the theatre and had pizza and wine. The pizza was terrible and the wine wasn’t very good. John found he didn’t have any money, so Jane paid for the meal. It was late when they came out of the restaurant and there were no buses and no taxis, so they walked home in the rain. John rang again the following Saturday to invite Jane to the cinema, but Jane said she wasn’t free! (original text from: CLEVERLEY, A. “Starting Strategies workbook”. Longman,1980) 1. When did John ring Jane the first time? 11.Where did they go after the theatre? 2. What did he want to do? 12 .What did they have? 3. When was Jane free? 13 .Was the pizza good? 4. What time did they arrange to meet? 14.Was the wine good? 5. Where did they arrange to meet? 15. Who paid? 6. What was the weather like? 16. How did they get home? 7. When did John arrive? 17. What did John do the following Saturday? 8. Was Jane pleased? / 18. Was Jane free? 9. What did they see? 19. Why do you think she said she wasn’t free? 10. What was it like? Grace Patrícia Kelly was born in1929,in Philadelphia. She was the daughter of a businessman. They were a rich family.She had one brother, Jack, and two sisters, Peggy and Lizanne. She was a beautiful woman. She had long, blond hair and blue eyes. She also had great charm. She left school in1947, when she was 17. She studied acting at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts in New York. When she left the Academy she worked in television and in the theatre. Then she became a movie actress. Her first film was ‘Fourteen Hours’ in 1951.Her best films were made with Alfred Hitchcock – Dial M for murder, Rear Window, and To Catch a Thief.In 1956 she left Hollywood andmarried Prince Rainier of Monaco. Then, the queen of the movie screen became a real princess. They had three children – Caroline, Stephanie and Albert. She died in1982 in a tragic car crash. She was 53.

(original text from: HARRISON,J. & MENZIES,P. “Orbit 1” – OUP,1986.) 1. Where and when was Grace born? 2. What was her father’s job? 3. What colour was her hair? 4. What colour were her eyes? 5. How old was she when she left school?

6.Where did she study acting? 7.What did she do after that? 8.Who did she make her best films with? 9.Did she have children? 10. What did she die of?

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Tempos verbais em língua inglesa – Profa. Ms. Lílian F. dos Santos © email:lilenglishteacher A reprodução ou utilização desta obra depende de prévia e expressa autorização do autor nos termos do artigo 29, da Lei 9610/98.


Past simple – Worksheet 3 Text work:translation into English level 1 a.Seu colega chamou-a de Coca-Cola. 1.Em 1886 um farmacêutico chamado John Pemberton foi para o jardim atrás de sua casa e inventou uma nova bebida .Seu colega a chamou de Coca-Cola. 2.Pemberton vendeu a receita para um homem de negócios por setecentos dólares. Quatro meses depois ele faleceu. 3.O homem de negócios ( seu nome era Asa Chandler) decidiu anunciar a bebida. Colocou anúncios em todo lugar. A bebida se tornou cada vez mais popular e em três anos Chandler era um milionário. 4. Então em 1919 ele vendeu a empresa. O preço foi vinte e cinco milhões de dólares. 5.Hoje, pessoas em155 países bebem 260 milhões de ‘Cocas’ por dia.E a Coca-cola clássica ainda é feita da receita que o doutor John Pemberton inventou em seu jardim. b. O final de semana: 1.Jane foi à Londres no final de semana passado visitar uma velha amiga de escola chamada Julie. 2.Ela foi de trem depois do trabalho na sexta –feira à noite. Quando chegou à Londres, tomou um taxi para o apartamento de Julie. 3. Julie divide o apartamento com outras três garotas. Elas jantaram e depois Julie e Jane sentaram e conversaram por muito tempo. 4.No Sábado foram às compras e almoçaram num ‘pub’. No Sábado à noite foram à uma danceteria. Elas foram para a cama bem tarde! 5. No Domingo estavam muito cansadas, então levantaram tarde, almoçaram no apartamento e foram ao cinema. Assistiram a um velho filme de suspense. Depois foram à estação , tomaram uma xícara de café e então Jane pegou o trem de volta a Bristol.

c.Um dia diferente 1.Linda Matthews é de Bath, mas não mora lá agora .Ela vive em Hall Green, um subúrbio de Birmingham. Ela leciona matemática e física numa escola em Hall Green. Ela vai para o trabalho de ônibus. Às vezes ela caminha, mas leva uma hora à pé e ela normalmente não tem tempo. Ela tem um carro , mas nunca vai para trabalho de carro. Usa seu carro à noite e nos finais de semana quando sai com seu namorado George. 2.Linda começa a trabalhar às nove .Ela almoça na cantina da escola. As aulas terminam às quatro. Linda às vezes fica até tarde para corrigir lições de casa ou ajudar com o Clube de Música Folclórica . Depois da escola ela geralmente se encontra com George e eles vão à um ‘pub’ ou jantar. Eles vão ao cinema com freqüência. Ambos gostam muito de cinema. 3.Mas na sexta-feira passada tudo foi diferente. Linda não foi para o trabalho às nove e George também não foi para o trabalho. Eles foram à cidade de carro . George saiu do carro e outro homem entrou. Linda deu uma volta na cidade com o homem por algum tempo. Ele pediu a ela para virar à esquerda, virar à direita, parar, andar, fazer a volta e assim por diante. Finalmente voltaram ao lugar de onde haviam saído e o homem fez uma série de perguntas à Linda. Então apertou sua mão, deu-lhe um pedaço de papel , saiu do carro e foi embora. Linda parecia muito feliz. George entrou de volta no carro e disse: ‘E então?’ ‘Bem’, disse Linda, ‘Eu passei! Agora posso dirigir para o trabalho todos os dias. Vamos embora celebrar!’.

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Tempos verbais em língua inglesa – Profa. Ms. Lílian F. dos Santos © email:lilenglishteacher A reprodução ou utilização desta obra depende de prévia e expressa autorização do autor nos termos do artigo 29, da Lei 9610/98.


The Simple Past Worksheet 4 – WRITING TASKS 1. Now write a short biography on Elvis Presley using the information provided: Name: Elvis Aron Presley Eyes: brown born :1935, Tulepo, Mississipi brother: twin brother Jesse died at birth father: Vernon Presley father’s job: milk delivery man family: simple and very poor married:Priscilla Beaullieau (1967) children: daughter Lisa Marie died:1977 Use these questions to help you: 1. Where was Elvis Presley born? 2. When was he born? 3. What was his father’s job? 4. Were they a rich or a poor family? 5. Did he have brothers or sisters? 6. Was he handsome? What colour were his eyes and hair/ 7. How old was he when he got married?Who did he marry? 8. Did he have children? 9. When did he die?How old was he? Now organise your answers into paragraphs: 1-5 1st. Paragraph, 6 - 2nd. Paragraph, 7-8 3rd. Paragraph, 9 4th. Paragraph. 2. Write a short account of a special weekend in the past. Follow these guidelines: • Where were you on Friday night? • Who were you with? • What did you do? • What time did you get up on Saturday morning? • Did you have breakfast? What did you eat? • What did you do in the morning? Where did you have lunch? • What did you do in the afternoon? • What about the evening? • How was the Sunday? What was the weather like? • What did you do? What time did you go to to bed? • Why was it a special weekend? Now write the account in three paragraphs according to the different days.

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Tempos verbais em língua inglesa – Profa. Ms. Lílian F. dos Santos © email:lilenglishteacher A reprodução ou utilização desta obra depende de prévia e expressa autorização do autor nos termos do artigo 29, da Lei 9610/98.


The Simple Past – Interpretation worksheet 1 statements/questions P→E level 1 1.Eu estive aqui no ano passado I was here last year. 2.Ela foi secretária She was a secretary. 3.Eles não eram amigos They weren’t friends. 4.Marta estava aqui ontem Marta was here yesterday. 5.Eles estiveram no banco de manhã They were at the bank in the morning. 6.Você estava em casa ontem? Were you at home yesterday? 7.Onde ela estava segunda-feira? Where was she on Monday? 8.Quem esteve aqui? Who was here? 9.Onde vocês estiveram no fim de semana? Where were you at the weekend? 10.Quando a Paula esteve na sua casa? When was Paula inyour home? 11.Que horas eles estavam no banco? What time were they at the bank? 12.Ele gostou do filme He liked the film. 13.Eles não gostaram do café They didn’t like the café/coffee 14.Ela foi à sua casa? Did she go to your house? 15.Ele foi ao cinema sábado passado He went to the cinema last Saturday

16.Você acordou às 7 domingo passado? Did you get up at 7 last Sunday? 17.Onde você foi nas últimas férias? Where were you last holidays? 18.Quando você viu o filme? When did you see the film? 19.Que horas abriu o banco? what time did the bank open? 20.Onde você morava em 1995? where did you live in 1995? 21.A Martha morava na V. Madalena? Did Marta live in V. Madalena? 22. O David trabalhava na Johnson’s. David worked at Johnson’s. 23. O Pedro cozinhou o jantar ontem Pedro cooked dinner yesterday. 24. Quando você se casou? When did you get married? 25. Quem trabalhou no ano passado? Who worked last year? 26. Ela saiu às 7.00 She left at 7/ she went out at 7. 27. Eles chegaram às 8.00 they arrived at 8. 28.A Marta chegou às 9? Did Marta arrive at 9? 29. Que horas você saiu de casa? What time did you leave home? 30. Que horas abriu o banco? What time did the bank open? 31. Onde você nasceu? Where were you born?

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The Simple Past – Interpretation worksheet 1 statements/questions E→P level 1 1.David was in London last week. David estava em Londres na semana passada. 2. Peter was in Spain yesterday Peter estava na Espanha ontem. 3.John and Gabriel were in New York João e Gabriel estiveram em NY. 4.Last Christmas she was in Bahia No natal passado ela estava na Bahia. 5.They weren’t here yesterday Eles não estiveram aqui ontem. 6. She wasn’t in Paris last holidays Ela não esteve em Paris nas últimas férias. 7.Were they in India? Eles estiveram na Índia? 8.Where were they last week? Onde eles estiveram na semana passada? 9.When were they here? Quando eles estiveram aqui? 10. Who was with Paul last week? Quem esteve com Paul na semana passada? 11. Where was she last Monday? Onde ela estava na segunda-feira passada? 12. When were you on the beach? Quando você esteve na praia? 13.When was she in Paris? Quando ela esteve em Paris? 14.Who was at the cinema with you? Quem estava no cinema com você? 15.Who was with Peter at the club last night? Quem estava com Pedro no clube ontem à noite?

16.He went to the club with Marcia Ele foi ao clube com Márcia. 17. They played cards yesterday Eles jogaram cartas ontem. 18. They didn’t go to university last week Eles não foram à universidade na semana passada. 19. Peter cooked dinner last Saturday Pedro fez o jantar sábado passado. 20. They lived in China in 1991 Eles moraram na China em 1991. 21. She didn’t work here last year Ela não trabalhava aqui no ano passado. 22. They didn’t study with me Eles não estudaram comigo. 23. Did the shop open at 9? A loja abriu às 9? 24. What time did the ballet start? Que horas o balé começou? 25. Where did you work last year? Onde você trabalhava no ano passado? 26. Where did he live in 1986? Onde ele morava em 1986? 27. When did she meet him? Quando ela o encontrou? 28. Who went to the party? Quem foi à festa? 29. When did they visit Martha? Quando eles visitaram Marta? 30. What time did the plane leave? Que horas o avião partiu?

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• What is the rule for regular or irregular verbs? Affirmative negative


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Tempos verbais em língua inglesa – Profa. Ms. Lílian F. dos Santos © email:lilenglishteacher A reprodução ou utilização desta obra depende de prévia e expressa autorização do autor nos termos do artigo 29, da Lei 9610/98.










I was going to the cinema yesterday at 7 p.m.

She was not going to the cinema at 7 p.m.

Were you going to the cinema at 7 p.m.? Who were you going with?




This tense is used to express: a) an action in progress in the

past: Last month I was working in Bahia They were playing tennis this morning

b) an action that started in the past, before another, continuing or not after this second action.

Marcia was having a bath when I phoned

c) an action that was to happen, but did not. In this case we use the Past Continuous of the verb to go + the infinitive of the main verb.

I was going to buy a T-Shirt, but I got one as a present, so I didn’t.

a) Em Português nó utilizamos

o Pretérito Imperfeito do verbo estar + gerúndio do verbo principal.

No mês passado eu estava trabalhando na Bahia Eles estavam jogando tênis esta manhã

b) Em Português ocorre o mesmo:

Márcia estava tomando banho quando eu telefonei

c) Para expressar o mesmo em Português usamos o verbo no Pretérito Imperfeito + verbo principal no infinitivo.

Eu ia comprar uma camiseta, mas ganhei uma de presente então não comprei.

The Past Continuous tense

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Our attention is focusing on an action that was in progress at a specific time in the past: Yesterday today I was having a shower when the telephone rang My sister was sleeping and my mother was cooking. My grandmother was talking to my mother. To be in Past + Verb ing was /were having + _ ? I was studying I wasn’t studying Were you studying? You were studying you wern’t studying Were you studying? She was studying She wasn’t studying Was she studying? They were studying They weren’t studying Were they studying? Where were you going at 7:00 yesterday?

What was she doing at 8?

MOST COMMON MISTAKES I was did ( to be + 2ND COLLUMN) → I was doing I was go ( to be without ing) → I was going Did you were going ?( did +to be + ing) → Were you going...? Were you come ?( to be without ing) → Were you coming...? The Past Continuous Tense – Worksheet 1 Sentence level: statements and questions

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1. Transform these sentences into the past continuous and use an adverb of time 1. She is working now 2. They are playing 3. She isn’t working here 4. They aren’t living here at the moment 5. Are they watching TV? 6. What are they doing? 7. Where is she going? 8. When are they coming?

9.Is Mary dancing with Paul 10. Are David and Mary working? 11. Why are they going to bed? 12. Who is coming? 13. Where are they going? 14. He isn’t washing the car 15. They aren’t living here 16. We are studying now

2. Translate into English 1. Eles estavam andando na praia pela manhã 2. Vocês estavam assistindo TV? 3. O que vocês estavam fazendo? 4. O que eles estavam estudando? 5. Onde eles estavam morando? 6. Por quê elas não estavam dançando? 7. O que você estava fazendo quando a polícia chegou? 8. Por que você não estava estudando com ele? 9. Onde eles estavam nadando? 10. Ela não estava usando o telefone quando ele ligou 11. Eles estavam dançando quando o telefone tocou? 12. O que vocês estavam fazendo quando a polícia chegou? 13. Onde Mary estava conversando com Paul? 14. Paul estava tomando banho quando ela chegou? 15. Eles não estavam fazendo a lição de casa de manhã. Estavam assistindo à televisão. 16. Eu não estava almoçando ao meio dia. Eu estava comendo um cachorro quente 17. Nós estávamos jantando às 7:00. E você? Onde você estava? 18. Quando Paula saiu, as crianças estavam brincando no jardim. 19. Enquanto Pedro estava usando o computador, Maria estava limpando a cozinha. 3.Ask questions to these answers: 1. She was riding a bike at 7:00 11. No , he wasn’t. He was working 2. He was studying when the telephone rang 12. She was studying in London. 3. They were driving when the accident happened 13. They were living in Paris 4. yes, they were 14. She was having a shower 5. No, she wasn’t 15. Yes, I was. 6. They were watching TV 16. David was typing letters all morning 7. No, she wasn’t 17.Magda wasn’t watching TV. At 5:00 8. No, they weren’t 18. Yes, he was. 9. Peter was studying 19. She was using the computer. 10. David and Gabriel were working till 9p.m. 20.We were sleeping.

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Tempos verbais em língua inglesa – Profa. Ms. Lílian F. dos Santos © email:lilenglishteacher A reprodução ou utilização desta obra depende de prévia e expressa autorização do autor nos termos do artigo 29, da Lei 9610/98.


The Past continuous – worksheet 2 Text work:reading comprehension and translation(level 1) 1. Read the text, translate it into Portuguese and answer the following questions:

A special meeting Peter was driving along the sunny road where he lived yesterday morning. He was wearing his usual suit to work and was listening to a Beattle’s song and singing along. He was happy because on that day he knew he would be promoted and he was expecting to get a pay rise. Jane was walking along the main avenue to the bus stop. She was tired and that morning she was going to work very hard because she was typing all the files from the financial department and she was also studying very hard for her exams. On that day she wasn’t wearing anything special because she wasn’t seeing any clients from the company. So, she was wearing an old pair of jeans trousers and a t-shirt. She was listening to music in her walk-man and was singing along when she was about to cross the street. The traffic lights went red when Peter was still turning right into the avenue.Jane was walking through the zebra crossing and because she was listening to the song , she didn’t look at the lights and did not see they were red. Peter was also singing loudly inside the car when he saw Jane right in front of his car. He tried to stop, but it was too late. Jane finally saw the car and tried to run, but there was no time. When Peter braked , he bumped into Jane and threw her one meter ahead. She was still trying to get up when he approached her : “I am so sorry. Are you hurt? – Peter asked Jane. “I’m not so sure, but I feel a bit dizzy” . The moment they looked at each other’s eyes, they knew that something very special was going to happen between them. On that day Jane met the father of her four children and Peter, the girl of his dreams. 1. What was Peter doing in his road? 2. Was the radio on? 3. What was he wearing? 4. Where was Jane going? Was she happy? 5. Why was Peter happy on that day? 6. Whay was Jane not wearing anything special for work? 7. Did Peter see the traffic lights went red? What about Jane? 8. What were they doing at the moment of the accident? 9. Did Peter brake the car in time? 10.What happened the moment they looked each other in the eyes?

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Tempos verbais em língua inglesa – Profa. Ms. Lílian F. dos Santos © email:lilenglishteacher A reprodução ou utilização desta obra depende de prévia e expressa autorização do autor nos termos do artigo 29, da Lei 9610/98.


The Past Continuous – Worksheet 3 Text work:translation into English (level 1) Um dia e tanto! a. Helen estava em casa naquela tarde de Domingo. Como ela estava cansada, decidiu passar o

dia assistindo TV, comendo, lendo ou só relaxando. Ela estava começando a ver um filme quando o telefone tocou. Era seu amigo Ricardo. Ele estava chegando em São Paulo e queria almoçar com ela. Helen pensou que estava cansada, mas Ricardo era seu grande amigo e então ela decidiu aceitar o convite. Eles iriam se encontrar no restaurante ao meio-dia.

b. Quando ela estava se vestindo, o telefone tocou novamente. Era sua amiga Paula, que estava digitando um trabalho de escola quando seu computador quebrou. Paula queria usar o computador de Helen. Ela explicou que iria sair, mas que não havia nenhum problema. c. Enquanto Paula estava dirigindo para a casa de Helen, Helen estava ligando o computador e Ricardo indo ao restaurante, a mãe e os avós de Helen estavam vindo à casa dela fazer uma visita inesperada. Quando a campainha tocou, Helen, que estava penteando o cabelo no banheiro, gritou: Entre, a porta está aberta. d. Seus avós, que estavam conversando lá fora, não escutaram e pensaram que Helen não estava em casa. Quando eles estavam entrando no carro, Helen olhou pela Janela e viu Paula chegando à pé e sua mãe saindo. Assim que Paula viu a mãe de Helen, acenou para ela e perguntou se a Helen estava em casa. e. Quando Helen ia gritar para as duas, o telefone tocou pela terceira vez. Era Ricardo, dizendo que estava indo para o restaurante quando perdeu sua carteira. Ele não podia mais ir almoçar porque tinha de ir à polícia. f. Helen desligou o telefone e correu para fora, mas quando estava passando pela porta da sala, seu gato atravessou seu caminhe e ela caiu de joelhos. Quando olhou para frente, Paula estava entrando no carro de sua mãe e fechando a porta. g. Assim que Paula fechou a porta, a mãe de Helen saiu com o carro, sem olhar para a casa de Helen, que estava gritando: “Esperem”. h. Quando todos haviam partido, Helen percebeu que seu Domingo seria mesmo tão quieto quanto ela queria. Não só o Domingo, mas os próximos trinta dias. Ela havia torcido o pé.

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Tempos verbais em língua inglesa – Profa. Ms. Lílian F. dos Santos © email:lilenglishteacher A reprodução ou utilização desta obra depende de prévia e expressa autorização do autor nos termos do artigo 29, da Lei 9610/98.


The past continuous – worksheet 4 Writing task (level 1) 1.Develop the following guide words into sentences to form a story: a. Day/sun/shine: Ex: It was a bright day and the sun was shining. b. David/ walk/ along/ road/ dog. c. He/saw/ something/ strange/ square/near/house d. Dog/start/bark/at/tree. e. David/see/man/up/tree. f. He/wear/old jeans/t-shirt g. He/smoke/smelly/cigartte h. David/talk/him/but/man/not/answer i. The dog/ barking very loudly/ old lady / pass by j. Old lady/stop/walk/talk/David k. When old man/ get down/ tree l. Old lady/ look / man / say m. That’s/ husband/ John./ He/ never/smoke/home. n. David/ try/take /dog/ off /tree o. Old man/try to/ speak/the dog/ the police / arrive p. The old lady/ explain/the /police/ old man/ be/ her husband. q. When/ policemen/ go out/ car/ dog bit his leg/. r. The old man/ go / down /the tree / while David /try / take the dog/ away from/ policeman s. While old couple / walk/ home/ David and his dog/ go to the police station. t. That/be/ incredible morning/ David. Now write a story of at least 50 words using the past continuous and the past simple tenses as well as the connectives: when, as soon as, while, after, before, then,etc.

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Tempos verbais em língua inglesa – Profa. Ms. Lílian F. dos Santos © email:lilenglishteacher A reprodução ou utilização desta obra depende de prévia e expressa autorização do autor nos termos do artigo 29, da Lei 9610/98.


The Past Continuous – Interpretation worksheet: statements and questions P→E - level 1

1. Eles estavam andando na praia pela manhã They were walking on the beach in the morning.

2. Vocês estavam assistindo TV? Were you watching tv?

3. O que vocês estavam fazendo? What were you doing?

4. O que eles estavam estudando? What were they studying?

5. Onde eles estavam morando? Where were they living?

6. Por quê elas não estavam dançando? Why weren’t they dancing? 7. O que você estava fazendo quando a polícia

chegou? What were you doing when the police arrived?

8. Por que você não estava estudando com

ele? Why weren’t you studying with him?

9. Onde eles estavam nadando? Where were they swimming?

10. Ela não estava usando o telefone quando

ele ligou She wasn’t using the telephone when he called.

11. Eles estavam dançando quando o telefone

tocou? Were they dancing when the telephone rang?

12. O que vocês estavam fazendo quando a

polícia chegou? What were you doing when the police arrived?

13. Onde Mary estava conversando com Paul? Where was Mary talking to Paul?

14. Paul estava tomando banho quando ela

chegou? Was Paul having a shower when she arrived?

15. Eles não estavam fazendo a lição de casa de

manhã. Estavam assistindo à televisão. They weren’t doing the homework in the morning. They were watching television.

16. Eu não estava almoçando ao meio dia. Eu

estava comendo um cachorro quente I wasn’t having lunch at midday. I was eating a hot dog.

17. Nós estávamos jantando às 7:00. E você?

Onde você estava? We were having dinner at 7. And you? Where were you?

18. Quando Paula saiu, as crianças estavam

brincando no jardim. When Paul left, the children were playing in the garden.

19. Enquanto Pedro estava usando o

computador, Maria estava limpando a cozinha.

While Peter was using the computer, Mary was cleaning the kitchen.

20. Enquanto Maria estava digitando um documento, Paul estava fazendo uma ligação. While Maria was typing a documen, Paul was making a call.

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Tempos verbais em língua inglesa – Profa. Ms. Lílian F. dos Santos © email:lilenglishteacher A reprodução ou utilização desta obra depende de prévia e expressa autorização do autor nos termos do artigo 29, da Lei 9610/98.




(STUDY/GO) AFFIRMATIVE AFFIRMATIVE I will be YOU will be HE will be SHE will be IT will be WE will be YOU will be THEY will be

I will study YOU will study HE will study SHE will study IT will study WE will study YOU will study THEY will study


I YOU HE SHE will not study IT WE YOU THEY



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Tempos verbais em língua inglesa – Profa. Ms. Lílian F. dos Santos © email:lilenglishteacher A reprodução ou utilização desta obra depende de prévia e expressa autorização do autor nos termos do artigo 29, da Lei 9610/98.





I am going to be YOU are going to be HE is going to be SHE is going to be IT is going to be WE are going to be YOU are going to be THEY are going to be

I am going to study YOU are going to study HE is going to study SHE is going to study IT is going to study WE are going to study YOU are going to study THEY are going to study



I am not going to be YOU are not going to be HE is not going to be SHE is not going to be IT is not going to be WE are not going to be YOU are not going to be THEY are not going to be

I am not going to study YOU are not going to study HE is not going to study SHE is not going to study IT is not going to study WE are not going to study YOU are not going to study THEY are not going to study.



Am I going to be.....? Are YOU going to be.....? Is HE going to be.....? Is SHE going to be.....? Is IT going to be.....? Are WE going to be.....? Are YOU going to be.....? Are THEY going to be.....?

Am I going to study.....? Are YOU going to study....? Is HE going to study.....? Is SHE going to study.....? Is IT going to study.....? Are WE going to study.....? Are YOU going to study.....? Are THEY going to study.....?

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Tempos verbais em língua inglesa – Profa. Ms. Lílian F. dos Santos © email:lilenglishteacher A reprodução ou utilização desta obra depende de prévia e expressa autorização do autor nos termos do artigo 29, da Lei 9610/98.



FUNCTION(S) IN ENGLISH PORTUGUESE EQUIVALENT TENSE S The future simple can be formed with the verb WILL or Shall. Shall is used to express: a) promises or threats: I shall bring your book tomorrow b) suggestions or offers of help: Shall we go to the cinema? Shall I carry these heavy bags for you? Will used to express: a) a prediction for the future (as a guess): When she grows up, she will become a doctor. b) a sudden decision taken at the moment of speaking: Mary in hospital? I will go and see her today! c) determination: I’ll finish this course in four years. d) insistence: Though she knows he doesn’t love her, she will go out with him.

e) a request: Will you pass me the salt, please?

Em português temos o uso do Futuro do Presente do indicativo, bem como a locução verbal: Verbo ir flexionado + verbo no infinitivo . a) Para indicar promessa ou ameaça em português utilizamos ambas as estruturas acima, com exceção do verbo ir que exige o uso do Futuro do Presente: 1. Não se preocupe, trarei/vou trazer seu livro de volta em breve. 2. Se ela não chegar logo, irá sozinha. b)1. Para expressar sugestões, os falantes do português utilizam o Presente Simples do Indicativo para o verbo ir ou outros verbos, ou a locução verbal: Vamos ao cinema? 2. Para oferecer ajuda dá-se preferência ao Presente simples do indicativo: Posso carregar a sacola para você? ou Você

quer que eu carregue a sacola para você?

a) Em português, o Futuro do Presente, ou a locução verbal são usados de maneira semelhante quanto a previsões para o futuro. Maria será/ vai ser médica quando crescer. b) neste caso, o uso da locução é mais comum. Mary está no hospital? Vou vê-la hoje mesmo. c) determinações podem ser expressas de ambas as formas Eu vou terminar/terminarei esse curso em quatro anos. d) para expressar insistência nós utilizamos o verbo continuar no presente do indicativo + gerúndio do verbo principal. Ela sabe que ele não a ama, mas continua saindo com ele. e) para fazer um pedido é mais comum usarmos o verbo poder no presente simples do indicativo + infinitivo do verbo principal. Você pode me passar o sal, por favor?

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Tempos verbais em língua inglesa – Profa. Ms. Lílian F. dos Santos © email:lilenglishteacher A reprodução ou utilização desta obra depende de prévia e expressa autorização do autor nos termos do artigo 29, da Lei 9610/98.




The Present Continuous of the verb to go + the infinitive of the main verb is also used to express future. It is usually called near future or immediate future. It is used for: a) a future action that springs from what is happening at the moment, also explained as prediction based on evidence or fact: Look at those black clouds in the sky. It’s going to rain. b) plans or intentions for the future: I think I’m going to visit Mary tomorrow Next week I’m going to visit my family. **Note that if the action referred to is already arranged the Present Continuous form is preferred: Next week I’m visiting my family (my mother has phoned to invite me)

Esta forma é a mais semelhante à maneira popular de falantes do português de expressar o futuro, utilizando o verbo ir flexionado + infinitivo do verbo principal.Tanto na situação a como na b , a mesma estrutura pode ser utilizada: a)Veja as nuvens negras. Vai chover. b) Acho que vou visitar Maria amanhã A semana que vem vou visitar minha família.

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Tempos verbais em língua inglesa – Profa. Ms. Lílian F. dos Santos Braga © email:lilenglishteacher A reprodução ou utilização desta obra depende de prévia e expressa autorização do autor nos termos do artigo 29, da Lei 9610/98.


The Future Simple - Worksheet 1 (Going to/ will) Translate into Portuguese: 1. Peter is going to England next summer 2. They aren’t going to swim tomorrow 3. She’s going to buy a new car next

holidays 4. They are going to visit New York next

summer. 5. Sally isn’t going to stay here for a long

time 6. Is David going to Madrid next winter? 7. Are Sally and Tim going to visit you on

Saturday? 8. What are you going to do next holidays? 9. Where are you going to stay? 10. Who is going to visit Sam in hospital? 11. Where is she going to sleep tonight? 12. What are they going to do about the

car? 13. Who are they going with ? 14. Is she going to see Peter tomorrow? 15. Are they going to have dinner here? 16. It is going to rain.

17-.I’ll come home next week 18-.She’ll be back on Friday. 19-Will you go there when you have time? 20-She will get very angry 21-They won’t have time to study 22-I’ll visit you when I go to NY 23-They will stay there for 2 weeks. 24-Will she visit Tom? 25-What will you do when you arrive there? 26-When will he leave to London 27-What time will she be back? 28-Who will phone Peter? 29-When will she take the exam? 30-Why will they stay at home? 31-He won’t talk to her 32-Where will he study when he goes to university? 33-She will not use the computer tomorrow 34-He will live abroad when he is 18 35-I’ll study more if I have time 36-They will be late again

Translate into English Ask questions to these answers: 1. Ela vai à escola amanhã 2. Eu vou assistir televisão 3. Eles vão ficar 5 dias em Paris 4. Marta vai falar com Paulo 5. Jõao vai morar na França em 2001 6. Petra vai chegar atrasada 7. David não vai trabalhar amanhã 8. Peter não vai assistir o jogo 9. A Julia vai ficar em casa amanhã? 10. Eles vão estudar no domingo? 11. Paulo vai trabalhar na sexta? 12. Onde eles vão morar? 13. Onde ela vai trabalhar? 14. O que eles vão fazer? 15. Quando ela vai chegar? 16. Por quê ela vai acordar cedo no

sábado? 17. Quem vai jantar aqui amanhã? 18. Que horas você vai trabalhar? 19. Quando o avião vai partir? 20. O que você vai fazer amanhã?

1. Yes, she is 2. He’s going to New York 3. She is going to study tomorrow 4. Yes, they will 5. No, he won’t 6. She will do her homework 7. They are going to stay in Madrid 8. Paula is 9. He is going to watch the game at 4pm 10.No, they aren’t 11.He will arrive at 6:00 12.She will go to university in the USA 13.They are going to live in Peru 14.He is going to work in London 15.No, she isn’t going to study tomorrow 16.They are going to the beach next

carnival 17.Next Christmas 18.No, I won’t 19.I’ll visit Peter in hospital tonight 20.Yes, I am

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Tempos verbais em língua inglesa – Profa. Ms. Lílian F. dos Santos Braga © email:lilenglishteacher A reprodução ou utilização desta obra depende de prévia e expressa autorização do autor nos termos do artigo 29, da Lei 9610/98.


The Future Worksheet 2 - Going to Reading: This is a letter from Peter to his friend at work, David. Answer the questions that follow: Dear David, I’m writing this letter on Copacabana beach. The children are swimming and Paula is learning to windsurf. The weather is very hot! Tomorrow morning we are all going up the Sugar Loaf mountain and in the afternoon we are going to the Corvovado. Paula is going shopping tomorrow morning with the children. Tonight we are going to meet Paula’s new boss in a smart restaurant in Ipanema She started the new job last week and she’s really pleased with it. The children started school too and next week they will probably have their first tests. Write soon with all your news. Best regards, Peter. 1. Where are Peter and his family living now? 2. Do they like it there? 3. What is the weather like? 4. Where is he writing this letter? 5. Where are Paula and the children? 6. What are they going to do tonight? 7. What are they going to do tomorrow? 8. When did Paula start her new job? 9. Does she like it? 10. What will the children probably do next week? Fortune teller story Building strategies wb pg 46

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The Present Simple – Worksheet 1 – Sentences- Level 1 - key 1. Maria gosta muito do Pedro. 2. John está no trabalho agora. 3. Peter mora em Madrid. 4. Sally é uma enfermeira. 5. John chega ao trabalho às cinco horas. 6. Marion sai do trabalho às oito horas. 7. O David gosta de assistir ao futebol pela

TV. 8. Pedro tem cinco filhos. 9. Eles jogam cartas todos os finais de

semana. 10. Ela vai ao cinema uma vez por semana. 11. A Terra gira em torno do Sol. 12. O banco abre às nove. 13. Os garotos vestem uma gravata para ir à

escola. 14. As garotas fazem um rabo de cavalo. 15. A água ferve a 100 graus Celsius. 16. Marte é perto do Sol. 17. Ela acorda tarde todo domingo. 18. Eles não se gostam. 19. Ela não quer ir para casa. 20. Os vegetarianos não comem carne.

21. Jim geralmente não toma café da manhã. 22. O Terry não sabe a resposta. 23. Patty não acorda cedo aos domingos. 24. Eles não interrompem o professor. 25. Ela não é uma secretária. Ela é a chefe. 26. Eles não estão em Roma, eles estão em

Paris durante o verão. 27. Ela não sabe jogar tênis muito bem. 28. Ele mora perto daqui? 29. Ela fala francês? 30. Ele vem aqui todos os dias? 31. Onde você estuda? 32. Quantas horas você trabalha por dia? 33. Quanto custa o carro? 34. Qual é o nome dela? 35. De onde eles vêm? 36. Quanto dinheiro eles têm? 37. Qual a distância para Santos? 38. Que horas ela começa a trabalhar? 39. Onde eles vão nas férias? 40. Quanto tempo eles geralmente ficam lá?

1. Mary works on Saturdays. 2. David lives in Madrid. 3. Sally has two children. 4. They can’t play cards. 5. They aren’t at home. 6. She is at the club. 7. John isn’t happy. 8. David doesn’t want any ice-cream. 9. Paula doesn’t know John. 10. Paul doesn’t have friends. 11. Is Andrea at home? 12. Does Ian like football? 13. They aren’t at work. 14. Sandra never travels by plane. 15. I never arrive late. 16. She hates this program. 17. They go to the cinema everyday. 18. She can’t read. 19. They can’t write. 20. I can’t speak Russian.

21. What do you do at the weekend? 22. Where do they work? 23. How much is this car? 24. How many people are at the party? 25. How many friends do you have? 26. Which one is your book? 27. What does she have for breakfast? 28. At what time does she wake up? 29. When does she swim at the club? 30. What do you do? 31. Do they know the answers? 32. Does she know how to play cards? 33. Do you usually go to the cinema? 34. Does he read the newspapers everyday? 35. Does Mary write well? 36. Does David know your sister? 37. Does the train leave at ten? 38. Does the concert start at nine? 39. Do you have lunch everyday? 40. Who does he have dinner with every


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Tempos verbais em língua inglesa – Profa. Ms. Lílian F. dos Santos Braga © email:lilenglishteacher A reprodução ou utilização desta obra depende de prévia e expressa autorização do autor nos termos do artigo 29, da Lei 9610/98.


The Present Continuous – Sentence level Worksheet 1- Statements/Questions – Level 1 – Key Translate into Portuguese: 1- Ela está morando em Paris. 13- Quem está trabalhando até


2- Ele está trabalhando em Londres este ano. 14-Onde eles estão trabalhando?

3- Eles estão morando em Madri. 15- Quem está tomando café da

manhã aqui?

4- Ela está cozinhando agora. 16-Onde ela está morando agora?

5- Peter está estudando Inglês. 17-o que ela está fazendo?

6- Mary está lavando o carro. 18- Onde eles estão morando?

7- ela está cozinhando espaguete? 19- Você está aprendendo Inglês?

8- Ele está tomando café da manhã? 20- O que eles estão fazendo em


9- Eles estão trabalhando até tarde? 21- A Mary está almoçando agora?

10- Ela não está jogando com o Peter. 22-Quem está estudando aqui?

11- ele está morando em NY? 23-O que ela está preparando para o


12- eles estão estudando á noite? 24- Não vou para a escola agora.

Translate into English:

1- Maria is having dinner. 15- They are not working at home. 2- Pedro isn’t having breakfast now. 16-Are they waking up early this

week? 3- Is Maria living in Paris? 17-Are they studying here? 4- They aren’t playing cards. 18- Where are they having lunch? 5- Are they working? 19- What are you drinking? 6- Where are they living? 20-Why is Marta crying? 7- What is she esting? 21-I’m waking up at 8:00 this week. 8- João is drinking milk. 22-She is working in NY. 9- Paula is talking to her friends. 23-Is she working in Berlim? 10- Is Gabriel using the phone? 24-They are building a house. 11- Are you studying in the morning? 25- They are painting the wall. 12- What time is Pedro studying? 26-Are they living here? 13- Where are they living? 27-Which book are you reading? 14- She isn’t having lunch here. 28-Is he writing a new book?

29- They are sleeping….

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The Present Continuous – sentence level worksheet 2 – level 1 - Key 1- Transform these sentences from the present simple to the present continuous.

1- She is living in London. 2- They are working in Madri. 3- They are studying English. 4- I am playing football 5- We are watching TV in the living room. 6- She isn’t watching TV. 7- They aren’t swimming. 8- He isn’t playing basketball. 9- She isn’t cooking. 10- I am not living in NY. 11- Are you studying? 12- Is your sister working here? 13- Are they swimming every week? 14- Is he watching this program?

2- Now ask questions to these answers:

1- What is she doing now? 2- What are they watching? 3- When do they go to school? 4- Where does she live? 5- Where is she living now? 6- How often does she play tennis? 7- When does he go to school? 8- What are you doing now? 9- Who is she swimming with? 10- Where is she studying?

3- Complete this paragraph using the present simple or continuous: I WORK every day from 9 to 5, but today I AM NOT WORKING because it is Sunday.

I AM WATCHING TV in the living room now. My sister Marta IS STUDYING

because she has a test next week. She GOES to school from 7 to 12 and she IS DOING

the 5th grade. I usually GET UP at 6 in the morning, HAVE a shower and GO to work.

At work I TYPE letters in the computer all day and in the evening I STUDY English.

But this week I AM NOT GOING to university because it is “Semana da Pátria”.

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The Present Continuous – Text level worksheet 1- Level 1 – Key 1- Translation into Portuguese Mary é do Brasil. Ela trabalha para uma empresa chamada Benchmark e ela é designer

de embalagem. Ela geralmente trabalha das 9 ás 5, mas ás vezes ela tem que trabalhar

até 9 ou 10 da noite. As segundas-feiras depois do trabalho, ela nada e pratica judô. As

quintas-feiras ela tem aulas de japonês na faculdade local. Ela geralmente levanta as

6:00, toma um bom café da manhã e vai para o trabalho de carro. Leva cerca de 20

minutos quando o transito está bom. No trabalho ela cria diferentes embalagens para

muitos produtos. Nos finais de semana ela gosta de descansar e relaxar.

Esta semana ela está em Londres. Ela está na casa de um amigo. Eles estão passeando

todos os dias. Eles conversam sobre o Brasil e está visitando muitos amigos. Agora, ela

está fazendo compras na Harrod’s, uma grande loja de departamentos. Ela está

comprando roupas e perfumes para sua irmã e seus dois irmãos. Ela volta para o Brasil

em duas semanas por que está de férias. Ela gosta muito de Londres, mas prefere morar

em SP lugar em que ela tem muitos amigos e sua família também.

2- Answer these questions about Mary: 1- She lives in SP.

2-She is a packaging designer.

3- She works at Benchmark.

4- She swims and practices judo. She has Japanese classes.

5- She gets up at 6:00.

6- She goes to work by car.

7- She designs packages.

8- She is in London.

9- She is staying at a friend’s house.

10-They are sightseeing and visiting friends.

11- She is at Harrod’s. She is buying clothes and perfumes.

12- She is coming to Brazil in two weeks.

13- Yes, she does. Because of her friends and family.

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The Simple Past Tense – worksheet 1 Sentence level: statements and questions level 1K Translate into English

1. David estava em Londres na semana passada.

2. Peter estava na Espanha ontem. 3. João e Gabriel estiveram em NY. 4. No natal passado ela estava na Bahia. 5. Eles não estiveram aqui ontem. 6. Ela não esteve em Paris nas últimas férias. 7. Eles estiveram na Índia? 8. Onde eles estiveram na semana passada? 9. Quando eles estiveram aqui? 10. Quem esteve com Paul na semana passada? 11. Onde ela estava na segunda-feira passada? 12. Quando você esteve na praia? 13. Quando ela esteve em Paris? 14. Quem estava no cinema com você? 15. Quem estava com Pedro no clube ontem à


16. Ele foi ao clube com Márcia. 17. Eles jogaram cartas ontem. 18. Eles não foram à universidade na

semana passada. 19. Pedro fez o jantar sábado passado. 20. Eles moraram na China em 1991. 21. Ela não trabalhava aqui no ano passado. 22. Eles não estudaram comigo. 23. A loja abriu às 9? 24. Que horas o balé começou? 25. Onde você trabalhava no ano passado? 26. Onde ele morava em 1986? 27. Quando ela o encontrou? 28. Quem foi à festa? 29. Quando eles visitaram Marta? 30. Que horas o avião partiu?

2. Translate into Portuguese: 1. I was here last year. 2. She was a secretary. 3. They weren’t friends. 4. Marta was here yesterday. 5. They were at the bank in the morning. 6. Were you at home yesterday? 7. where was she on Monday? 8. Who was here/ 9. Where were you at the weekend? 10. When was Paula inyour home? 11. What time were they at the bank? 12. He liked the film. 13. They didn’t like the café/coffee 14. Did she go to your house? 15. He went to the cinema last Saturday

16. Did you get up at 7 last Sunday? 17. Where were you last holidays? 18. When did you see the film? 19. what time did the bank open? 20. where did you live in 1995? 21. Did Marta live in V. Madalena? 22. david worked at Johnson’s. 23. Pedro cooked dinner yesterday. 24. When did you get married? 25. Who worked last year? 26. She left at 7/ she went out at 7. 27. they arrived at 8. 28. Did Marta arrive at 9? 29. What time did you leave home? 30. What time did the bank open? 31. Where were you born?

3.Answer these questions: 1. What time did he get up? 2. Where did they go in the morning? 3. How did she like the film? 4. Did he like the film? 5. What time did she leave school? 6. What time did they watch TV? 7. Was she at home yesterday? 8. Were they at the club at 7 a.m.? 9. Where were you born? 10. Who was she with last night?

11. When did she go to the theatre? 12. When and where was he born? 13. Was she a good student? 14. Did they live in New York last year? 15. Did the plane arrive at 5 p.m.? 16. Where did she grow up? 17. When did he see the film? 18. When did you start school? 19. Who did she marry? 20. Why did she marry him?

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The Simple Past – worksheet 2 Text work: reading

comprehension and translation level 1- K John ligou para Jane na semana passada. Ele queria convidá-la para ir ao teatro. Ela estava livre na sexta-feira, então eles combinaram de se encontrar do lado de fora do teatro às sete. Estava chovendo e John chegou vinte minutos atrasado. Jane não ficou muito contente. Eles assistiram a um thriller , mas não era muito bom. Na verdade era terrível. Eles foram a um restaurante italiano depois do teatro e pediram pizza e vinho. A pizza estava terrível e o vinho não estava muito bom. John descobriu que estava sem dinheiro, então a Jane pagou pela refeição. Era tarde quando saíram do restaurante e não havia mais ônibus ou táxis, então eles foram para casa a pé na chuva. John ligou novamente na semana seguinte para convidar Jane para ir ao cinema, mas Jane disse que não estava livre! 1.John rang Jane the first time last week 2. He wanted to invite her to the theatre 3. She was free on Friday 4. They arranged to meet at 7. 5. They arranged to meet outside the

theatre. 6. I was raining 7. He arrived at 7:20 8. No, she wasn’t 9. They saw a thriller 10. It wasn’t very good

11. They went to an Italian restaurant. 12. They had pizza and wine 13. No, it wasn’t 14. No, it wasn’t very good. 15. Jane did. 16. They walked home. 17. He phoned Jane again. 18. No, she wasn’t 19. Because she didn’t want to go out with

him again!

Grace Patricia Kelly nasceu em 1929 na Filadélfia. Era filha de um homem de negócios. Eles eram uma família rica. Ela tinha um irmão, Jack e duas irmãs, Peggy e Lizanne. Ela era uma bela mulher. Tinha cabelos longos e loiros e olhos azuis. Também era muito charmosa. Ela terminou seus estudos em 1947, quando tinha apenas 17 anos. Estudou artes cênicas na Academia Americana de Arte Dramática de Nova Iorque. Quando deixou a Academia, trabalhou para a televisão e fez teatro.Então se tornou uma atriz de cinema. Seu primeiro filme foi “Quatorze Horas”, em 1951. Seus melhores filmes foram dirigidos por Alfred Hitchcock – Disque M para Matar, A Janela Indiscreta e Pega Ladrão. Em 1956 deixou Hollywood e se casou com o Príncipe Rainier de Mônaco.A rainha do cinema se tornou uma verdadeira princesa. Eles tiveram três filhos – Caroline, Stephanie e Albert. Morreu em 1982 num trágico acidente de carro. Tinha 53 anos. 1.She was born in1929,in Philadelphia. 2. He was a businessman. 3. It was blond. 4. They were blue 5. She was 17.

6. She studied acting at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts in New York.

7. She worked in television and in the theatre 8. She made her best films with Alfred

Hitchcock 9. Yes, she did. She had three children. 10. She died in1982 in a tragic car crash.

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Tempos verbais em língua inglesa – Profa. Ms. Lílian F. dos Santos Braga © email:lilenglishteacher A reprodução ou utilização desta obra depende de prévia e expressa autorização do autor nos termos do artigo 29, da Lei 9610/98.


Past simple – Worksheet 3 - Text work- translation of texts into

English level 1 – key a) HIS COLLEAGUE CALLED IT COCA-COLA In 1886 a pharmacist called John Pemberton went into his back garden and invented a new drink. His colleague called it Coca-Cola. Pemberton sold the recipe to a businessman for seven hundred dollars. Four months later he died. The businessman (his name was Asa Chandler) decided to advertise the drink. He advertised everywhere. It became more and more popular. In three years Chandler was a millionaire. Then, in 1919 he sold the company. The price was twenty-five million dollars. Today, people in 155 countries drink 260 million `Cokes` every day. And Coca-Cola Classic is still made from the recipe that Dr. John Pemberton invented in his back garden.

(original text from: HARRISON,J. & MENZIES,P. “Orbit 1” – OUP,1986.)


Jane went to London last weekend to visit an old schoolfriend called Lulie. She went by train after work on Friday evening. When she got to London, she took a taxi to Julie`s flat. Julie shares a flat with three other girls. They ate supper and then Julie and Jane sat and talked for a long time.

On Saturday they went shopping and had lunch in a pub. On Saturday evening they went to a discotheque. They went to bed very late! On Sunday they were tired, so they got up late, had lunch at the flat and then went to the cinema! They saw a very old thriller. After that they went to the station, had a cup of coffee, and then Jane caught the train back to Bristol. (original text from: CLEVERLEY, A. “Starting Strategies workbook”. Longman,1980) c) AN UNUSUAL DAY

Linda Matthews comes from Bath, but she doesn`t live there now. She lives in Hall Green, a suburb of Birmingham. She teaches Maths an Physics in a school in Hall Green. She usually goes to work by bus. She sometimes walks, but it takes an hour to walk and she doesn`t usually have time. She has a car, but she never goes to work by car. She uses her car in the evenings and at the weekends when she goes out with her boyfriend George.

Linda starts work at 9.00. She usually has lunch in the school canteen. School finishes at 4.00. Linda sometimes stays late to mark homework or to help with the School Folk Music Club. After school she often meets George and they sometimes go out to the pub or for a meal. They often do to the cinema. They both like the cinema very much.

But Last Friday, everything was different. Linda didn`t go to work at 9.00 and George didn`t go to work either. They went by car into town. George got out and another man got in. Linda drove the man around town for a while. He asked her to turn left, turn right, stop, go, turn round and so on. Finally they came back to the place they started from and the man asked Linda a lot of questions. Then he shook her hand, gave her a piece of paper, got out of the car and walked away. Linda looked very happy. George got back into the car and said, `Well?`

Well, I passeed! Now I can drive to work everyday. Let’s celebrate! (original text from: CLEVERLEY, A. “Starting Strategies workbook”. Longman,1980)

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The Past Continuous Tense – Worksheet 1- Sentence level - level 1-Key Transform these sentences into the Past Continuous:

1. She was working at ten o’clock 2. They were playing at that time. 3. She wasn’t working here at that

time. 4. They weren’t living here at that

time. 5. Were they watching TV at ten? 6. What were they doing when you

phoned? 7. Where was she going? 8. When were they coming?

9-Was Mary dancing with Paul at the party?

10-Were David and Mary working yesterday? 11-Why were they going to bed at that time? 12-Who was coming? 13-Where were they going? 14-He wasn’t washing the car at 6. 15-They weren’t living here at that time. 16-We were studying at that time.

Translate into Portuguese: 1. They were walking on the beach in the morning. 2-Were you watching tv? 3-What were you doing? 4-What were they studying? 5-Where were they living? 6-Why weren’t they dancing? 7-What were you doing when the police arrived? 8-Why weren’t you studying with him? 9-Where were they swimming? 10-She wasn’t using the telephone when he called. 11-Were they dancing when the telephone rang? 12-What were you doing when the police arrived? 13-Where was Mary talking to Paul? 14-Was Paul having a shower when she arrived? 15-They weren’t doing the homework in the morning. They were watching television. 16-I wasn’t having lunch at midday. I was eating a hot dog. 17-We were having dinner at 7. And you? Where were you? 18-When Paul left, the children were playing in the garden. 19-While Peter was using the computer, Mary was cleaning the kitchen. Answer these questions:

1. What was she doing at 7:00? 2. What was he doing when the telephone

rang? 3. What were they doing when the

accident happened? 4. Were they watching TV at 7? 5. Was she studying for the test at 6? 6. What were they doing yesterday at 7? 7. Was she working with Paul? 8. Were they sleeping at 6? 9. What was Peter doing at 9? 10. What were they doing till 9?

11. Was he studying at 6? 12. Where was she studying? 13. Where were they living? 14. What was she doing? 15. Were you using the computer at 6? 16. What was David doing all morning? 17. Was Magda watching TVv? 18. Was he watering the flowers in the

morning? 19. What was she doing in the classroom? 20. What were you doing at midnight?

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The Past continuous – worksheet 2 Text work:reading comprehension and translation(level 1) – key Read the text, translate it into Portuguese and answer the following questions: Um encontro especial Peter estava dirigindo pela estrada ensolarada do lugar em que ele morava ontem de manhã. Ele estava usando seu costumeiro terno de trabalho, escutava uma música dos Beatles e cantava junto. Ele estava feliz porque sabia que naquele dia seria promovido e esperava ganhar um aumento. Jane estava caminhando na avenida principal para o ponto de ônibus. Ela estava cansada e naquela manhã ela iria trabalhar muito, pois ela digitaria todos os arquivos do departamento financeiro e ela também estava estudando muito para suas provas. Naquele dia ela não usava nada especial, pois não encontraria nenhum cliente. Assim, ela estava usando jeans velho e uma camiseta. Ela estava escutando música e cantava quando estava para atravessar a rua. O semáforo ficou vermelho quando Peter estava acabando de virar na avenida. Jane estava atravessando a faixa e porque estava escutando música, ela não olhou o semáforo e não viu que ele ficara vermelho. O Peter também cantava alto quando viu a Jane em frente de seu carro. Ele tentou parar, mas era tarde demais. Jane finalmente viu o carro e tentou correr, não havia mais tempo. Quando o Peter brecou, ele bateu na Jane e a jogou um metro para frente. Ela estava tentando levantar quando ele se aproximou: “Eu lamento muito. Você se machucou?” Peter perguntou para Jane. “Não sei, estou um pouco tonta.” No momento que se olharam, eles sabiam que algo muito especial aconteceria entre eles. Naquele dia Jane encontrou o pai de seus quatro filhos e Peter, a garota de seus sonhos. 1-He was going to work. 2-Yes, it was. 3-He was wearing his suit to work. 4-Jane was going to work. No, she was tired. 5-He was going to be promoted. 6-She wouldn’t see any client that day. 7- Neither Peter nor Jane saw the traffic light turn red. 8- They were listening to music. 9- No, he didn’t. 10- They knew something special would happen between them.

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The Past Continuous – Worksheet 3- Text work: translation into English - level 1- key, What a day! a- Helen was at home that Sunday afternoon. As she was very tired, she decided to spend the day watching TV, eating, reading or just relaxing. She was starting to watch a movie when the phone rang. It was her friend Ricardo. He was arriving in SP and would like to have lunch with her. Helen knew she was tired, but Ricardo was a great friend so she decided to accept the invitation. They would meet at the restaurant at 12:00.

b- When she was getting dressed, her phone rang again. It was her friend Paula who was typing a school work when her computer broke down. Paula would like to use Helen’s computer. She explained she was going out, but there wouldn’t be any trouble at all. c- While Paula was driving to Helen’s house, Helen was turning on the computer and Ricardo was going to the restaurant, Paula’s mother and grandparents were going to her house to a surprise visit. When the bell rang, Helen who was combing her hair in the bathroom shouted: “Come in, the door is open.” d- Her grandparents who were talking outside, didn’t listen to her and thought Helen wasn’t home. When they were getting into the car, Helen looked through the window and saw Paula arriving on foot and her mother leaving. As soon as Paula saw Helen’s mother, she waved to her and asked if Helen was home. e- When Helen was going to shout to them, the phone rang for the third time. It was Ricardo saying he was going to the restaurant when he realized he had lost his wallet. He couldn’t have lunch because he had to go to the police. f- Helen rang off the phone and ran outside, when she was passing the living room door, her cat crossed her way and she fell on her knees. When she looked forward, Paula was getting into her mother’s car and closing the door. g- As soon as Paula closed the door, Helen’s mother drove off and didn’t give even a look to Helen’s house who was shouting: “Wait!” h- When everybody had left, Helen realized her Sunday would be really quiet the way she had imagined. Not only the Sunday, but the next thirty days. She had sprained her foot.

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The past continuous – worksheet 4 - Writing task - level 1 - key

1- Develop the following guide words into sentences to form a story: a- day/sun/shine Ex: It was a bright day and the sun was shining. b- David was walking along the road with his dog.

c-He saw something strange in a square near his house.

d-The dog started barking at a tree.

e-David saw a man climbing up a tree.

f-He was wearing old jeans and a t-shirt.

g- He smoked a smelly cigarette.

h-David talked to him, but the man didn’t answer.

i-The dog started barking very loudly while an old lady was passing by.

j- The old lady stopped walking and talked to David.

k- When an old man got down the tree.

l- The old lady looked at the man and said:

m-“That’s my husband John. He never smokes home.”

n- David was trying to take the dog off the tree.

o-The old man was trying to speak with the dog when the police arrived.

p-The old lady explained the police the old man was her husband.

q-When the policemen went out he cat the dog bit his leg.

r- The old man went down the tree while David was trying to take the dog away from

the policemen.

s-While the old couple was walking home, David and his dog went to the police station.

t-That was an incredible morning to David.

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The Future Simple Worksheet 1- (Going to/Will) – Level 1 - Key Translate into Portuguese: 1-Peter vai para Inglaterra ano que vem. 2- Eles não vão nadar amanhã. 3- Ela comprará um carro novo nas próximas férias . 4-Eles vão visitar NY no próximo verão. 5-Sally não vai ficar aqui por um bom tempo. 6-David vai para Madri no próximo inverno? 7-Eles vão te visitar no sábado? 8-o que você vai fazer nas próximas férias? 9- Onde você vai ficar? 10-Quem vai visitar Sam no hospital? 11-Onde ela vai dormir hoje á noite? 12-O que eles vão fazer a respeito do carro? 13-Com quem eles irão? 14-Ela verá o Peter amanhã? 15-Eles jantarão aqui? 16- Vai chover. 17-Irei para casa semana que vem. 18- Ela voltará sexta-feira. 19- Você irá quando tiver tempo? 20-Ela ficará muito brava. 21- Eles não terão tempo de estudar. 22- Visitarei você quando for a NY. 23- Eles ficarão por lá por 2 semanas. 24- Ela visitará o Tom? 25- O que você fará quando chegar lá? 26- Quando ele parte para Londres? 27- Que horas ela voltará? 28- Quem telefonará para o Peter? 29-Quando ela fará o exame? 30- Por que eles ficarão em casa? 31- Ele não conversará com ela. 32-Onde ele estudará quando for para a universidade? 33-Ela não usará o computador. 34-Ele morará fora quando tiver 18. 35-Eu estudarei mais se tiver tempo. 36-Eles se atrasarão de novo.

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Translate into English: Ask questions to these answers: 1-She is going to school tomorrow. 1- Is she going to meet Jane? 2-I’ll watch TV. 2-Where is he going? 3-They‘re going to stay 5 days in Paris. 3-What is she going to dotomorrow? 4-Marta will talk to Paulo. 4-Will they come here? 5-João is going to live in Paris in 2001. 5-Will he stay in NY? 6-Petra will arrive late. 6-What will she do? 7- David won’t work tomorrow. 7-Where are they going to stay? 8-Peter won’t watch the game. 8-Who is going to have lunch with

you? 9-Will Julia be home tomorrow? 9-At what time is he going to watch

the game? 10-Will they study on Sunday? 10- Are they studying a lot? 11-Will Paulo work on Friday? 11-What time will he arrive? 12-Where will they live? 12- Where will she go to university? 13- Where is she going to work? 13-Where are they going to live? 14-What are they going to do? 14-Where is he going to work? 15-When will she arrive? 15-Is she going to study tomorrow? 16-Why will she wake up early on Sat.? 16-Where are going next carnival? 17-Who is going to have dinner tomorrow? 17-When is she coming home? 18-At what time are you going to work? 18-Will you buy his book. 19-When does the plane leave? 19- What will you do tonight? 20-What are you going to do tomorrow? 20-Are you going to work next

weekend? The Future worksheet 2 – Reading – level 1 - Key This is a letter from Peter to his friend at work, David. Answer the questions that follow:

1- They are living in Rio.

2- Yes, they do.

3- It is hot.

4- He is on Copacabana beach.

5- Paula is learning how to windsurf and the children are swimmimg.

6- They are going to meet Paula’s new boss.

7- They are going shopping.

8- She started last week.

9- Yes, she does.

10- They will have their first tests.

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INFINITIVEPAST PARTICIPLETRANSLATION to accept accepted accepted aceitar to add added added acrescentar - somar to adore adored adored adorar to agree agreed agreed concordar to answer answered answered responder to appear appeared appeared aparecer to applaude applauded applauded aplaudir to arise arose arisen surgir / elevar-se to arrest arrested arrested prender - na cadeia - polícia to arrive arrived arrived chegar to ask asked asked perguntar to bang banged banged bater - fracamente to bark barked barked latir to be was/ were been ser / estar to bear bore born / borne suportar / dar a luz to become became become tornar-se / transformar-se to begin begam begun iniciar / começar to believe believed believed acreditar to bend bent bent curvar / inclinar to bet bet bet apostar to bid bid bid ofertar / fazer uma to bind bound bound ligar / encadernar / encanto to bite bit bitten morder / picar to bleed bled bled sangar to blow blew blown soprar / assoar - nariz to break broke broken quebrar to breed bred bred criar / educar to bring brought brought trazer to broadcast broadcast broadcast emitir / tv - radio to brush brushed brushed escovar to build built built construir to burn burnt burnt queimar to burst burst burst explodir / romper to buy bought bought comprar to call called called chamar to cast cast cast arremessar / lançar / promover to catch caught caught pegar to charge charged charged atacar / cobrar - taxas etc to chide chid chidden ralhar / censurar to choose chose chosen escolher to circle circled circled circular

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Tempos verbais em língua inglesa – Profa. Ms. Lílian F. dos Santos Braga © email:lilenglishteacher A reprodução ou utilização desta obra depende de prévia e expressa autorização do autor nos termos do artigo 29, da Lei 9610/98.


to circulate circulated circulated circular to clean cleaned cleaned limpar to cleave clove cloven rachar-se to climb climbed climbed subir to cling clung clung aderir / unir-se to close closed closed fechar to comb combed combed pentear to come came come vir to complete completed completed completar to confine confined confined confinar to consider considered considered considerar to cook cooked cooked cozinhar to correct corrected corrected corrigir to cost cost cost custar to cover covered covered cobrir to creep crept crept rastejar / arrastar-se to cross crossed crossed atravessar to cry cried cried chorar to cut cut cut cortar to dance danced danced dançar to deal dealt dealt negociar to decide decided decided decidir to destroy destroyed destroyed destruir to determine determined determined determinar to dig dug dug cavar to discuss discussed discussed discutir to disturb disturbed disturbed distribuir to do did done fazer to draw drew drawn desenhar to dream dreamt dreamt sonhar to dress dressed dressed vestir-se to drink drank drunk beber to drive drove driven dirigir to drop dropped dropped cair / perder to dust dusted dusted espanar to dwell dwelt dwelt morar / residir to eat ate eaten comer to enjoy enjoyed enjoyed devertir / aproveitar to enter entered entered entrar to excuse excused excused desculpar-se to explain explained explained explicar to faint fainted fainted desmaiar to fall fell fallen cair to feed fed fed alimentar to feel felt felt sentir

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Tempos verbais em língua inglesa – Profa. Ms. Lílian F. dos Santos Braga © email:lilenglishteacher A reprodução ou utilização desta obra depende de prévia e expressa autorização do autor nos termos do artigo 29, da Lei 9610/98.


to fight fought fought lutar / brigar to fill filled filled preencher to find found found encontrar / achar algo to finish finished finished terminar to flee fled fled fugir / escapar to fling flung flung arremessar / lançar -olhares to fly flew flown voar to follow followed followed seguir to force forced forced forçar to form formed formed formar to forsake forsook forsaken abandonar / desamparar to freeze froze frozen congelar to gather gathered gathered juntar / reunir to get got got obter / conseguir to give gave given dar to go went gone ir to grind ground ground moer / pulverizar to grow grew grown crescer to guess guessed guessed adivinhar to hang hung hung pendurar to happen happened happened acontecer to hate hated hated odiar to have had had ter to hear heard heard ouvir to help helped helped ajudar to hide hid hidden esconder to hit hit hit bater / espancar to hope hoped hoped esperar / esperança to hurt hurt hurt machucar / ferir to imply implied implied implicar - tornar implicito to interrupt interrupted interrupted interromper to invite invited invited convidar to iron ironed ironed passar a ferro to jump jumped jumped pular / saltar to keep kept kept guardar / permanecer to kill killed killed matar to knit knit knit tricotar to know knew known saber / conhecer to laugh laughed laughed rir to lean leant leant apoiar-se / inclinar-se

to leap leapt leapt saltar / pular

to learn learnt learnt aprender

to leave left left partir / sair / deixar

to lend lent lent emprestar

Page 77: apostila língua inglesa 1 - 2012 - nível 1

Tempos verbais em língua inglesa – Profa. Ms. Lílian F. dos Santos Braga © email:lilenglishteacher A reprodução ou utilização desta obra depende de prévia e expressa autorização do autor nos termos do artigo 29, da Lei 9610/98.


to let let let permitir / deixar

to like liked liked gostar

to listen listened listened escutar - prestar atenção

to live lived lived morar / viver

to look looked looked olhar

to lose lost lost perder

to love loved loved amar

to make made made fazer

to mean meant meant significar / querer dizer algo

to meet met met encontrar / conhecer to miss missed missed sentir falta/perder-pessoas-coisas to mount mounted mounted montar / armar to move moved moved mover to need needed needed necessitar to notice noticed noticed notar to observe observed observed observar to offer offered offered oferecer to open opened opened abrir to orbit orbited orbited orbitar to pass passed passed passar to perceive perceived perceived perceber to place placed placed colocar to play played played brincar / jogar / tocar to polish polished polished polir / engraxar / encerar to prefer preferred preferred peferir to prepare prepared prepared preparar to publish published published publicar to put put put por / colocar to quit quit quit desistir to rain rained rained chover to re-write re-writed re-writed reescrever to reach reached reached alcançar to react reacted reacted reagir to read read read ler to reckon reckoned reckoned medir to refuse refused refused recusar to relax relaxed relaxed relaxar / acalmar-se to remember remembered remembered lembrar-se to return returned returned voltar to rid rid rid llivrar-se de to ride rode ridden passear - carro - cavalo to ring rang rung soar / tocar - sino - campanhia -ligar por

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Tempos verbais em língua inglesa – Profa. Ms. Lílian F. dos Santos Braga © email:lilenglishteacher A reprodução ou utilização desta obra depende de prévia e expressa autorização do autor nos termos do artigo 29, da Lei 9610/98.


telef. to rise rose risen nascer / surgir / elevar -sol to run ran run correr to say said said dizer to see saw seen ver to seek sought sought procurar / buscar to seem seemed seemed parecer to sell sold sold vender to send sent sent enviar to set set set por / fixar / arrumar to shake shook shaken sacudir / agitar to shear shore shorn tosquiar / tosar to shed shed shed derramar to shout shouted shouted gritar to shrink shrank shrunk encolher to shut shut shut fechar to sing sang sung cantar to sink sank sunk afundar to sit sat sat sentar-se to sleep slept slept dormir to smell smelt smelt cleirar to smoke smoked smoked fumar to speak spoke spoken falar to speed sped sped apressar-se - ir rápido to spell spelt spelt soletrar to spend spent spent gastar / passar - tempo to spill spilt spilt derramar to spin spun spun girar / rodar / tecer to split split split dividir to spread spread spread espalhar to spring sprang sprung brotar / jorrar to stand stood stood levantar-se to stare stared stared encarar - olhar fixamente to stay stayed stayed ficar / permanecer to stick stuck stuck fincar / aderir / fixar to sting stung stung picar to stink stank stunk feder to stride strode stridden cavalgar / galopar to string strung strung afinar to strive strove striven competir / empenhar-se algo to study studied studied estudar to substitute substituted substituted substituir to supply supplied supplied suprir to swear swore sworn jurar / blasfemar to sweep swept swept varrer

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Tempos verbais em língua inglesa – Profa. Ms. Lílian F. dos Santos Braga © email:lilenglishteacher A reprodução ou utilização desta obra depende de prévia e expressa autorização do autor nos termos do artigo 29, da Lei 9610/98.


to swim swam swum nadar to swing swung swung balançar to take took taken tomar / levar / pegar to talk talked talked conversar to teach taught taught ensinar to tear tore torn rasgar / romper to telephone telephoned telephoned telefonar to tell told told dizer / contar to test tested tested testar / experimentar to thank tkanked tkanked agradecer to think thought thought pensar / achar sobre to throw threw thrown arremessar - jogar / atirar - ação to travel travelled travelled viajar to tremble trembled trembled tremer to trust trust trust confiar to try tried tried experimentar / tentar to turn turned turned tornar to understand understood understood compreender to undertake undertook undertaken empreender to use used used usar to visit visited visited visitar to wait waited waited esperar to wake woke woken acordar to walk walked walked andar / caminhar to want wanted wanted querer to warn warned warned avisar to wash washed washed lavar to watch watched watched observar / assitir - algo to water watered watered molhar to wax waxed waxed encerar to wear wore worn usar / vestir to weep wept wept chorar - fortemente to weigh weighed weighed pesar to wet wet wet umedecer / molhar to whisper whispered whispered cochicar / murmurar / sussurrar to win won won ganhar - jogos-loterias-prêmios to wind wound wound dar corda / torcer to work worked worked trabalhar to worry worried worried preocupar-se to write wrote written escrever

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Tempos verbais em língua inglesa – Profa. Ms. Lílian F. dos Santos Braga © email:lilenglishteacher A reprodução ou utilização desta obra depende de prévia e expressa autorização do autor nos termos do artigo 29, da Lei 9610/98.



INFINITIVEPAST PARTICIPLETRANSLATION to forsake forsook forsaken abandonar / desamparar to open opened opened abrir to accept accepted accepted aceitar to happen happened happened acontecer to wake woke woken acordar to believe believed believed acreditar to add added added acrescentar - somar to cling clung clung aderir / unir-se to guess guessed guessed adivinhar to adore adored adored adorar to string strung strung afinar to sink sank sunk afundar to thank tkanked tkanked agradecer to help helped helped ajudar to reach reached reached alcançar to feed fed fed alimentar to love loved loved amar to walk walked walked andar / caminhar to appear appeared appeared aparecer to applaude applauded applauded aplaudir to lean leant leant apoiar-se / inclinar-se to bet bet bet apostar to learn learnt learnt aprender to speed sped sped apressar-se - ir rápido to throw threw thrown arremessar - jogar / atirar - ação to fling flung flung arremessar / lançar -olhares to cast cast cast arremessar / lançar / promover to charge charged charged atacar / cobrar - taxas etc to cross crossed crossed atravessar to warn warned warned avisar to swing swung swung balançar to bang banged banged bater - fracamente to hit hit hit bater / espancar to drink drank drunk beber to play played played brincar / jogar / tocar to spring sprang sprung brotar / jorrar to fall fell fallen cair to drop dropped dropped cair / perder to sing sang sung cantar to stride strode stridden cavalgar / galopar to dig dug dug cavar

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Tempos verbais em língua inglesa – Profa. Ms. Lílian F. dos Santos Braga © email:lilenglishteacher A reprodução ou utilização desta obra depende de prévia e expressa autorização do autor nos termos do artigo 29, da Lei 9610/98.


to call called called chamar to arrive arrived arrived chegar to cry cried cried chorar to weep wept wept chorar - fortemente to rain rained rained chover to circle circled circled circular to circulate circulated circulated circular to smell smelt smelt cleirar to cover covered covered cobrir to whisper whispered whispered cochicar / murmurar / sussurrar to place placed placed colocar to eat ate eaten comer to strive strove striven competir / empenhar-se algo to complete completed completed completar to buy bought bought comprar to understand understood understood compreender to agree agreed agreed concordar to trust trust trust confiar to confine confined confined confinar to freeze froze frozen congelar to consider considered considered considerar to build built built construir to talk talked talked conversar to invite invited invited convidar to run ran run correr to correct corrected corrected corrigir to cut cut cut cortar to cook cooked cooked cozinhar to grow grew grown crescer to breed bred bred criar / educar to bend bent bent curvar / inclinar to cost cost cost custar to dance danced danced dançar to give gave given dar to wind wound wound dar corda / torcer to decide decided decided decidir to shed shed shed derramar to spill spilt spilt derramar to excuse excused excused desculpar-se to draw drew drawn desenhar to quit quit quit desistir to faint fainted fainted desmaiar to destroy destroyed destroyed destruir to determine determined determined determinar to enjoy enjoyed enjoyed devertir / aproveitar

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Tempos verbais em língua inglesa – Profa. Ms. Lílian F. dos Santos Braga © email:lilenglishteacher A reprodução ou utilização desta obra depende de prévia e expressa autorização do autor nos termos do artigo 29, da Lei 9610/98.


to drive drove driven dirigir to discuss discussed discussed discutir to disturb disturbed disturbed Incomodar to split split split Dividir to say said said Dizer to tell told told dizer / contar to sleep slept slept Dormir to broadcast broadcast broadcast emitir / tv - radio to undertake undertook undertaken empreender to lend lent lent Emprestar to stare stared stared encarar - olhar fixamente to wax waxed waxed Encerar to shrink shrank shrunk Encolher to find found found encontrar / achar algo to meet met met encontrar / conhecer to teach taught taught Ensinar to enter entered entered Entrar to send sent sent Enviar to choose chose chosen Escolher to hide hid hidden Esconder to brush brushed brushed Escovar to write wrote written Escrever to listen listened listened escutar - prestar atenção to spread spread spread Espalhar to dust dusted dusted Espanar to wait waited waited Esperar to hope hoped hoped esperar / esperança to study studied studied Estudar to try tried tried experimentar / tentar to explain explained explained Explicar to burst burst burst explodir / romper to speak spoke spoken Falar to do did done Fazer to make made made Fazer to close closed closed fechar to shut shut shut fechar to stink stank stunk Feder to stay stayed stayed ficar / permanecer to stick stuck stuck fincar / aderir / fixar to force forced forced forçar

to form formed formed formar

to flee fled fled fugir / escapar

to smoke smoked smoked fumar

to win won won ganhar - jogos-loterias-prêmios

Page 83: apostila língua inglesa 1 - 2012 - nível 1

Tempos verbais em língua inglesa – Profa. Ms. Lílian F. dos Santos Braga © email:lilenglishteacher A reprodução ou utilização desta obra depende de prévia e expressa autorização do autor nos termos do artigo 29, da Lei 9610/98.


to spend spent spent gastar / passar - tempo

to spin spun spun girar / rodar / tecer

to like liked liked gostar

to shout shouted shouted Gritar

to keep kept kept guardar / permanecer

to imply implied implied implicar - tornar implicito

to begin begam begun iniciar / começar

to interrupt interrupted interrupted interromper

to go went gone Ir

to gather gathered gathered juntar / reunir to swear swore sworn jurar / blasfemar to bark barked barked Latir to wash washed washed Lavar to remember remembered remembered lembrar-se to read read read Ler to stand stood stood levantar-se to bind bound bound ligar / encadernar / encanto to clean cleaned cleaned limpar to rid rid rid llivrar-se de to fight fought fought lutar / brigar to hurt hurt hurt machucar / ferir to kill killed killed matar to reckon reckoned reckoned Lembrar-se de to grind ground ground Moer / pulverizar to water watered watered Molhar to mount mounted mounted montar / armar to dwell dwelt dwelt morar / residir to live lived lived morar / viver to bite bit bitten morder / picar to move moved moved Mover to swim swam swum Nadar to rise rose risen nascer / surgir / elevar -sol to need needed needed Necessitar to deal dealt dealt Negociar to notice noticed noticed Notar to observe observed observed Observar to watch watched watched observar / assitir - algo to get got got obter / conseguir to hate hated hated Odiar to offer offered offered Oferecer to bid bid bid ofertar / fazer uma to look looked looked Olhar

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Tempos verbais em língua inglesa – Profa. Ms. Lílian F. dos Santos Braga © email:lilenglishteacher A reprodução ou utilização desta obra depende de prévia e expressa autorização do autor nos termos do artigo 29, da Lei 9610/98.


to orbit orbited orbited Orbitar to hear heard heard Ouvir to seem seemed seemed Parecer to leave left left partir / sair / deixar to pass passed passed Passar to iron ironed ironed passar a ferro to ride rode ridden passear - carro - cavalo to prefer preferred preferred Peferir to catch caught caught Pegar to hang hung hung Pendurar to think thought thought pensar / achar sobre to comb combed combed Pentear to perceive perceived perceived Perceber to lose lost lost Perder to ask asked asked Perguntar to let let let permitir / deixar to weigh weighed weighed Pesar to sting stung stung Picar to polish polished polished polir / engraxar / encerar to put put put por / colocar to set set set por / fixar / arrumar to fill filled filled Preencher to arrest arrested arrested prender - na cadeia - polícia to worry worried worried preocupar-se to prepare prepared prepared Preparar to seek sought sought procurar / buscar to publish published published Publicar to jump jumped jumped pular / saltar to break broke broken Quebrar to burn burnt burnt Queimar to want wanted wanted Querer to cleave clove cloven rachar-se to chide chid chidden ralhar / censurar to tear tore torn rasgar / romper to creep crept crept rastejar / arrastar-se to react reacted reacted Reagir to refuse refused refused Recusar to re-write re-writed re-writed Reescrever to relax relaxed relaxed relaxar / acalmar-se to answer answered answered Responder to laugh laughed laughed Rir to know knew known saber / conhecer to shake shook shaken sacudir / agitar to leap leapt leapt saltar / pular to bleed bled bled Sangar

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Tempos verbais em língua inglesa – Profa. Ms. Lílian F. dos Santos Braga © email:lilenglishteacher A reprodução ou utilização desta obra depende de prévia e expressa autorização do autor nos termos do artigo 29, da Lei 9610/98.


to follow followed followed Seguir to sit sat sat sentar-se to feel felt felt Sentir to miss missed missed sentir falta/perder-pessoas-coisas to be was/ were been ser / estar to mean meant meant significar / querer dizer algo

to ring rang rung soar / tocar - sino - campanhia -ligar por telef.

to spell spelt spelt Soletrar to dream dreamt dreamt Sonhar to blow blew blown soprar / assoar - nariz to climb climbed climbed Subir to substitute substituted substituted Substituir to bear bore born / borne suportar / dar a luz to supply supplied supplied Suprir to arise arose arisen surgir / elevar-se to telephone telephoned telephoned Telefonar to have had had Ter to finish finished finished Terminar to test tested tested testar / experimentar to take took taken tomar / levar / pegar to turn turned turned Tornar to become became become tornar-se / transformar-se to shear shore shorn tosquiar / tosar to work worked worked Trabalhar to bring brought brought Trazer to tremble trembled trembled Tremer to knit knit knit tricotar to wet wet wet umedecer / molhar to use used used Usar to wear wore worn usar / vestir to sweep swept swept Varrer to sell sold sold vender to see saw seen Ver to dress dressed dressed vestir-se to travel travelled travelled Viajar to come came come Vir to visit visited visited Visitar to fly flew flown Voar to return Returned returned Voltar

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Tempos verbais em língua inglesa – Profa. Ms. Lílian F. dos Santos Braga © email:lilenglishteacher A reprodução ou utilização desta obra depende de prévia e expressa autorização do autor nos termos do artigo 29, da Lei 9610/98.


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