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  • 7/29/2019 AP Bio Notes Tyler


    03/10/2011 18:09:00

    AP Biology


    Unlike animals plants do this

    Unity within Diversity

    Among basic life processes organisms carry them out in a different manner

    Plants Angiosperm

    o A flowering plant, which forms seeds inside a protective chamber called an ovary.


    o A vascular plant that bears naked seedsseeds not enclosed in specialized chambers.

    Vascular Plants

    o A plant with vascular tissue. Vascular plants include all living plant species except mosses,

    liverworts, and hornworts.

    o veins help moving things around

    Roots, stems and leaves in all plants room for variation

    o Meristem

    area of rapid cell division

    unique structures that come out of plants come from varied reproduction Radicle

    o gives rise to roots


    o gives rise to stems


    o gives rise to leaves

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    Reproduction in plants

    seed has embryo

    need zygote to get to embryo

    Zygote= 2n aka. diploid

    need egg and sperm which are both haploid

    sporophyteo In organisms (plants and some algae) that have alternation of generations, the multicellular

    diploid form that results from the union of gametes.

    o The sporophyte produces haploid spores by meiosis that develop into gametophytes.

    o can claim a flower is in the sporophyte stage

    Male and female structures in flowers, most plants but some dont have both

    o Megaspore - female

    A spore from a heterosporous plant species that develops into a female gametophyte.


    Goes through mitosis and divides 3 times and produces 8 nuclei

    Only one nuclei is a peanut

    o Microspore male A spore from a heterosporous plant species that develops into a male gametophyte.


    o Mega and micro spores are called


    In organisms (plants and some algae) that have alternation of generations,

    the multicellular haploid form that produces haploid gametes by mitosis.

    The haploid gametes unite and develop into sporophytes.

    o To produce gametes gametophytes go through meiosis

    o In mitosis the plants do not go through cytokenesis and hence do not divide

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    this means the gamete is multinucleated

    o Pollen and pollen tube from microspore

    is a gametophyte structure that contains two sperm


    Development is influenced by external factors

    Root systemo can be above ground

    o how do parts define it as root system?

    o Roots

    increase absorption and surface area

    o Variations of roots

    snorkel roots

    Involved in gas exchange


    Chute systems

    o Strawberries

    chutes branching from main plant

    asexual reproductiono Onion


    series of modified leaves


    o Simple leaf

    o Compound leaf

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    o Doubly compound

    o Axillary bud and Petiole

    in all three leaves

    Photosynthetic in Nature leaves

    o Epicotyl part


    modified leaves for support




    Hold water and store salts


    Red leaves are used for attraction


    o Dermal tissue


    Absorption regulation

    o Vascular tissue movement of materials

    o Ground Tissue



    o Parenchyma Cells

    thinnest cell walls

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    enormous amount in leaves

    absorption and photosynthesis

    palisade parenchyma

    contain different organelles and carry out biological processes


    Collenchyma cells Cell wall stronger

    ground tissue

    provide significant support

    stalk of flower

    o Sclerenchyma cells

    Multiple cell walls

    wood is solid cells

    o Xylum cells

    cells are dead

    trachied cells

    tendency to not be alive and to be connected

    like celeryo phloem cells

    Are alive but dont have the organelles to stay alive

    Have companion cells that help them carry out processes

    Companion cells

    have the necessary organelles to live


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    Passage ways between companion cells and sieve cells

    sieve plate

    important in how the phloem

    o Meristematic activity

    in roots and leave system

    need Meristimatic activity that allows for growth

    there is a ring of meristematic area that goes throughout the plant

    closely linked with vascular tissue


    o Zone of maturation

    o Zone of Elongation

    o Zone of cell division

    Endo dermis of monocot root in vascular tissue

    o Creates wax

    o Wax layer

    prevents material thats bad from getting in

    new structure originate in vascular tissue not epidermis

    Plants Monocot roots

    o grass

    o corn

    o Endo dermal layer

    Transport and absorption by root system


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    o new root hairs originate from here

    all new structures come from vascular structure


    o Vascular bundles are all scattered

    Cross section of leaf


    Number of Layers epidermis

    The innermost layer of the cortex in plant roots; a cylinder one cell thick that

    forms the boundary between the cortex and the vascular cylinder.



    does not allow for oxygen absorption


    Allows for oxygen absorption



    A relatively unspecialized plant cell type that carries out most

    of the metabolism, synthesizes and stores organic products,and develops into a more differentiated cell type.

    Additional pages (755-56)

    o difference between plants and animals

    o Development Initial stage different

    Early development





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    Cleavage (Growth)

    plants divide different cells at different rate

    and elongate different cells

    Morphogenesis (radicle, epicotyl, hypocotyl)


    Plant Transport

    Effective at moving water at quick rates


    o two direction

    roots to leaves

    leaves to anywhere else

    o Leaves

    ultimately decide when to create more root hairs

    o Exchange of gases in leaf and root system

    Sometimes in chute system

    o Absorption of water and minerals by roots

    minerals NO3 - nitrate

    K+ - potassium

    PO4 phosphate


    Need to move salt before water can be moved

    Transporting ions across the membrane

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    o Proton pump

    like cell resperation and photosynthesis

    necessary for the effectiveness of moving other ions

    requires ATP

    o Anion uptake


    needs hydrogen

    o Cation Uptake


    o Transport of Neutral solute

    needs hydrogen

    moving sucrose

    Cell Compartments

    Tissue Compartments

    o Symplastic

    In plants, the continuum of cytoplasm connected by plasmodesmata between cells.

    from one cell membrane to the next

    Plasmodesmata required like a pathway

    regulated flow

    o Apoplastic

    Moving through the cell walls

    In plants, the continuum of cell walls plus the extracellular spaces.

    uncontrollable flow

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    o Casparian Strip

    Waxy layer

    stops apoplastic flow

    apoplastic is uncontrollable flow


    Water goes into the cell but cant get out because of casparian stripo Creates water pressure in the plant

    Force for moving water

    o Root pressure

    plants ability to move nitrates phosphates and potassium across symplastically into

    the cell


    o Water loss in a leaf

    o The exudation of water droplets, caused by root pressure in certain plants.

    o What are the conditions which allow water to leave or preserve the water

    Transpiration Pull

    o Evapo-transpiration

    o The evaporative loss of water from a plant.o stomata open

    o Enough light or heat energy to excite water molecules to evapo-transpiration

    o Water pulls more molecules


    Means if you move a water molecule in the leaf one moves in the stomata

    o Stomata needs to be open to do this

    Capillary Action

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    o Force that keeps things down

    o adhesion

    o Plants absorb water in the spring and then disperse the sugar across each other

    o Mix = sap

    Maple tree

    Stomata opening and closing

    o Pump of potassium helps regulate gas exchange and evapotranspiration rate

    Transport Phloem

    Pressure Flow in a sieve tube

    Bulk movement

    Sugar driven by pressure which is established by concentration gradient


    o leaves or meristems


    o chutes

    o rootsPlant Hormones





    o need receptor in cell membrane

    o detection of hormone to receptor is called reception

    o reaction producing second messengers

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    exp. cyclical AMP

    called signal transduction

    o Response of signal transduction is called Response

    o auxin

    o Target cells and source cells

    produced by source influences the target cell

    o Hormones produced in leaves or meristems

    o Went experiment Auxin

    removed sunlight to try to influence direction of growth

    auxin exposed to only one side and the side grew


    o Chute system promotes cell growth

    o stimulates movement of hydrogen ions

    o Hydrogen elongates cells through expansions which are pressed apart by the hydrogen ions

    Cells exposed to sunlight pump auxin away from them

    Treeso If you remove auxin it promotes lateral branching but not up

    A.P. Biology Plant Notes

    Basic Characteristics: Multicellular Eukaryotes, photosynthetic autotrophs, cell walls contain cellulose,

    food reserve that is starch stored in plastids, chloroplasts with photosynthetic pigments (chlorophyll a,

    b, and carotenoids), gas exchange via stomata, waxy cuticle to prevent desiccation

    Overview of Groups

    Nonvascular Plants: (Bryophytes) haploid gametophytes is dominant generation, gametangia protect

    developing gametes, lack woody tissue

    Division Bryophyta Division Hepatophyta Division Anthocerophyta

    Mosses Liverworts Hornworts

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    Vascular Plants:

    Seedless Vascular Plants: sporophyte (diploid) dominated life cycle, is the familiar leafy part of the

    plant, small gametophytes that grow beneath surface of soil, formed the coal forests of the

    carbinoferous period

    o Division Lycophyta Division Sphenophyta Division Pterophyta


    Lycophytes, club mosses, ground pines Horsetails Ferns Seed Plants:

    o seeds replaced the spore as the main means of dispersing offspring; pollen is vesicle for

    sperm cells, Gymnosperms: lack enclosed chambers (ovaries) in which seeds develop

    o Division Coniferophyta Division Cycadophyta Division Ginkgophyta Division Gnetophyta

    Angiosperms: most widespread and diverse, 250,000 species, refined vascular tissue, flowers,


    o Division Anthophyta Dicotyledons

    o Monocotyledons

    taproot 1 cotyledon, parallel veins, flower parts in multiples of 3, scattered vascular

    bundles, fibrous root system

    Origin and Evolution

    -Evolved from green algae -Alternation of generations in plants may have originated by delayed meiosis

    -Adaptation to shallow water pre-adapted plants for living on land (waxy cuticles, protection of

    gametes, and protection of embryos)

    -Eventually, accumulated adaptations (regional specialization of plant body (roots and plant body),

    structural support, vascular system, pollen, seeds) allowed terrestrial plants to live above water line on

    dry land which opened new adaptive zone with:

    o -Sunlight unfiltered by water and algae

    o -Soil rich in minerals

    o -Absence of terrestrial herbivores

    Vascular Seed Plants: Angiosperms and Gymnosperms Plant tissues

    Ground Tissues: the general cells of the plant cell wall, function in photosynthesis, storage, and

    supporto Parenchyma Cells: most common, least specialized, lack secondary walls (thin walls), where

    photosynthesis takes place, food storage

    o Collenchyma Cells: thick flexible cell walls, lack secondary walls, grouped in cylinders to

    support young growth, elongate as the stems and leaves they support grow

    o Sclerenchyma Cells: main function is support, thick secondary cell walls strengthened by


    Dermal Tissues: single layer of tightly packed cells covering and protecting the young parts of the


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    o Root hairs: specialized for water and mineral absorption near root tips

    o Cuticle: waxy, helps retain water

    Vascular Tissues: xylem and phloem that function in transport and support, is continuous throughout

    the plant, found in bundles

    o Xylem: conduction of water and minerals, primary and secondary cell wall for strength, pits

    (absent 2o cell wall) for water movement, dead a maturity, made up of two types of cells Tracheids: long, thin, tapered, lignin hardened with pits, water flows from cell to cell

    through pits, support

    Vessel Elements: wide, short, thin walled, aligned end to end, end of cell is pitted for

    end to end transmission of water, efficient, more found in flowering plants

    o Phloem: conduction of sugars, living at maturity

    o Sieve Tube members: chains of phloem cells that transport sucrose, organic compounds, and

    some minerals, in angiosperms: sieve tube has pores and is called sieve plate to facilitate

    movement between cells

    The Seed


    Epicotyl: top portion of embryo, becomes the shoot tip

    Plummule: attached to epicotyl, young leaves Hypocotyl: below epicotyl, attached to cotyledons, young shoot

    Radicle: develops below the hypocotyl, develops into root

    Coleoptile: in monocots, protects epicotyl

    Seed Coat: formed from integuments of ovule, outer layer of seed

    Endosperm or Cotyledons: cotyledons formed by digesting storage material in endosperm

    o Monocots: most of storage tissue is endosperm, single cotyledon to transfer nutrients from

    endosperm to embryo

    Dicots: two fleshy cotyledons (most of what you see when you look at two halves of

    pea seed), remainder is a small embryo

    Germination and Development: after a seed reaches maturity, it remains dormant until environmental cues such as

    water, fire, temperature, light cause germination to begin

    Germination: begins with absorption of water, seed swells, seed coat cracks, radicle produces roots,

    elongation of hypocotyl to form young shoot

    Primary Growth: in young seedling, growth at roots and shoots called apical meristems, meristematic

    cells (actively dividing) create the primary growth

    Root Growth: Root cap protects apical meristem, dividing cells in apical meristem from zone of cell

    division, behind is zone of maturation where cells mature into xylem, phloem.

    Primary Growth vs Secondary Growth: Primary growth occurs in monocots and occurs in primary

    tissues (xylem and phloem) that originate from apical meristem and occurs vertically. Secondary

    Growth (conifers and woody dicots) in addition to primary growth extends laterally and is origin of

    woody tissue. Lateral meristems, vascular cambium, and cork cambium, is origin of secondary growth

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    Vascular cambium produce secondary xylem and secondary phloem. Cork cambium gives rise to

    periderm (protective material that lines outside of woody plants.

    Plant Morphology

    Primary Structure of Roots: leads to formation of the following tissues:

    o Epidermis: lines outside surface of root, root hairs (from zone of maturation) increase

    absorptive surface area, constantly growo Cortex: bulk of root, storage of starch

    o Endodermis: ring of tightly packed cells that control water movement and confine to vascular

    bundle, has casparian strip (water-impenetrable) strip on outside of cells

    o Vascular Cylinder: (stele), tissue inside endodermis, pericycle (outer part of vascular cylinder,

    form lateral roots)

    Monocots: xylem cells alternate with phloem cells in groups in rings around the

    center tissue area called the pith

    Dicots: Xylem cells form a big X across center, Phloem occupy regions between the

    lines of the X

    Primary Structure of Stems: similar to root, except most lack endodermis and casparian strip because they are

    designed for water absorption. Other differences from roots:

    Epidermis: with a waxy cutin to protect cuticle Cortex: ground tissue that contains chloroplasts

    Vascular Cylinder: differing arrangements of xylem and phloem

    Secondary Structure of Roots and Stems:

    Vascular cambium between xylem and phloem becomes a cylinder of meristematic cells on inside and

    outside of cambium cylinder. Cells on inside become secondary xylem (increases girth of stem and

    root as accumulates), outside become secondary phloem. This growth pushes outside tissues as xylem

    girth continues, they break apart as separate from root or stem.

    Periderm: cells produced by cork cambium to cover epidermis

    Wood: dead xylem tissue, sapwood is new xylem is for water transportation, heartwood is old xylem

    for support

    Annual Rings: alternation of growth and dormancy, number and size of rings is related to age and

    amount of water

    Structure of the Leaf:

    Epidermis: protective covering, covered by cuticle (cutin) to reduce transpiration

    Palisade mesophyll: parenchyma cells with chloroplasts for photosynthesis tightly packed near upper


    Spongy mesophyll: loosely arranged parenchyma cells below palisade cells, spaces for CO2 to cells

    Guard Cells: specialized epidermal cells that control stomata (gas exchange)

    Vascular Bundles: xylem and phloem contained within bundle sheath

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    Plant Hormones: 5 classes of plant hormones:

    Auxin (IAA): indoleacetic acid, promotes growth by elongation, influences phototropism and

    geotropism, is also active in leaves, fruits and germinating seeds

    Gibberellins: gibberellic acid, 60 types, promote shoot growth, fruit development, and seed

    germination, inhibits aging of leaves

    Cytokinins: stimulate cyotkinesis, growth of lateral buds, and organ development, produced in roots Ethylene (CH2): gas promotes ripening of fruit, production of flowers, and leaf abscission (aging and

    dropping of leaves)

    Abscisic acid (ABA): growth inhibitor, maintains dormancy in winter, and seeds

    Functions in the Plant Life:

    Transport of Water: Enters root by osmosis in root hairs, then to center or root by either:

    Apoplast: path of water through nonliving cell walls without leaving cells

    Symplast: path of water through living portion of cytoplasm through plasmodesmata (tubes that

    connect cytoplasm of adjacent cells)

    Mechanisms of Water and dissolved minerals in plants:

    Osmosis: from soil through root into xylem due to concentration gradient from water that is constantly

    leaving the root xylem up the plant, force is called root pressure

    Capillary Action: results from adhesion force of water Cohesion-tension theory: explains most of water movement: Transpiration causes a negative pressure

    (tension), to cause the cohesive water in the column to bulk flow through the xylem cells as the water

    is pulled by evaporation, so the sun is the driving force for water movement

    Control of Stomata: controls gas exchange, transpiration, sap and photosynthesis, controlled by guard cells as water

    diffuses into and out of cells controlling the shape. Controlled by the some of the following:

    Stomata: close when temperatures are high, reduces loss of water, no photosynthesis

    Stomata: open when CO2 are low inside leaf

    Stomata: close at night, open during day in response to CO2 fluctuation due to photosynthesis

    Stomata: open when K+ ions diffuse into guard cells, this gradient causes water to move into guard cell

    Transport of Sugars: translocation is movement of carbohydrates through phloem from source to sink, is described

    by a pressure flow hypothesis:

    Sugars enter sieve-tube members: from palisade mesophyll by active transport, creates a higher

    concentration of sugars at source

    Water enters sieve-tube members: as a result of movement of solutes to move water down

    concentration gradient

    Pressure in sieve-tube members at source moves water and sugars to sieve-tube members at the sink

    though sieve tubes: by bulk flow

    Pressure is reduced in sieve-tube members at the sink as sugars are removed for utilization by nearby

    cells: pressure relieved as sugars are used in sink, and water is removed by diffusion

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    Sugars stored as starches (water insoluable)

    Plant Responses to Stimuli:

    Tropism: a growth pattern to an environmental stimuli

    Phototropism: response to light, controlled by auxin

    Gravitropism (Geotropism): response to gravity, controlled by auxin and gibberellins

    Thigmotropism: response to touch Photoperiodism: changes in the plant to the length of light and darkness controlled by circadian

    rhythm, controlled by phytochrome (Pt or 660 or Pfr or 730) that is photoreversible depending on the

    red light (wavelength 660 nm) or far red (wavelength 730 nm)

    o Pfr appears to reset the circadian-rhythm clock

    Pr is the form of phytochrome synthesized in plant cells (in the leaves)

    Pr and Pfr are in equilibrium during daylight:

    Pr accumulates at night

    At daybreak, light rapidly converts the accumulated Pr and Pfr

    Night length is responsible for resetting the circadian-rhythm clock

    Flowering plants initiate flowering according to changes in photoperiod as follows:

    Long-Day Plants: flower in the spring and early summer when daylight is increasing

    Short-Day Plants: flower in late summer and early fall when daylight is decreasing Day-Neutral Plants: flower in response to temperature, or water



    o Unity within diversity

    o Recurring on Essay questions

    Animals are

    o Bilateral

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    o Radial



    o early stages symmetry is established

    Cross section of a starfisho Gastrula

    Cell layer migrated internally

    Cell layer outside

    digestive tract has only one opening

    different in bilateral organism

    orientation of cells early adds to chances


    o flat problem

    o Round

    issues with transport

    o Celum space where tissue fluid can flow


    o animals

    o cant move

    o Filter feeders

    o The organism has adaptations to meet its biological needs

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    o Gastrovascular cavity

    digestive transport

    o violates general rule of division of labor

    o structure that forms two functions

    digestion and transport

    takes longer this way

    Jelly fish

    o Never get thicker than 2 or 3 cell layers

    o Cannot swim against currents


    o Cant swim against current

    Flat worms

    o primitive respiratory system

    o Internal cavity and single opening

    o diffusion of gases in an out of its skin

    o Ganglia

    Nervous system

    describes collection of nervous cells Rotefer

    o microscopic

    o but has complex system

    o pumping mechanism to move fluids around it

    o complex structures but very very small


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    o Phylum


    o Complex digestive tract

    o food goes in one area and comes out the other

    o circulatory hearts pretty primitive


    circulatory system removing of pressure

    o uses shell to establish pressure

    o blood is bathed in its own blood

    Snails Mollusk

    o Osmotic balance

    Excretory system

    Screw up balance by salt

    Why have a digestive system?

    o break down things we consume so they are small enough to pass across a membrane


    o k+

    o N03o PO4

    o CO2

    o H20

    all small enough to go across membrane


    o Polymers that cant be broken down immeadiately

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    Monomer: Monossacharide


    Monomer: Amino Acids


    Monomer: Glycerol and fatty acids

    Nucleic Acids


    Monomers in simplest form

    o Vitimins

    o H20

    o Minerals

    Need to know Digestion needs enzymes

    o enzyme

    where its produced

    what it does


    Product Evolutionary Advances of the Digestive System

    o Intracellular vs. Extracelluler

    o Intracellular



    Can carry out intracellular digestion

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    Digestion within a cell

    o Extracellular

    In cavity but outside of a cell

    One way digestive tract vs. Two Way digestive tract

    Two Way


    sea anenome

    gastrovascular cavity

    flat worm

    food comes in one way and goes out the other


    Cells that secrete enzymes into cavity but also engulfs small


    both intra and extracellular

    One Way digestive tract


    Mouth consumes through ingestion

    just past the pharynx has a crop Crop

    thin walls

    o flexible

    no enzymes being secreted

    storage location

    o evolutionary advantage

    o conservation of energy

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    thick wall


    mechanical break down

    no secretions just mechanical breakdown increasing surface area

    increased surface area=more digestion (chemically) Intestinal Tract

    half the length of the body

    two features

    o Length

    Time- Gives you time to digest stuff

    o Fold in intestine tract

    increase surface area

    Greater absorption rate

    Human Digestion enzymes all about enzymes peristalsis throughout


    o Where its produced

    o Where it workso what its substrate is

    o product


    o Carbohydrates


    amount produced based on sugar in your mouth

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    salivary amylase

    produced by salivary glands

    breaks carbs into breaks down into disaccharide


    o Heart Burn


    o Epiglottis

    blocks food from going into trachea

    o Peristalsis

    wave like muscle contractions

    not just esophagus but entire digestive system


    o Proteins broken down

    Pepsin breaks down proteins

    o Thick walled very muscular glangeral cells

    glangeral cells

    parietal cells

    chief cells Produce pepsinogen


    o inactive form of pepsin

    o inactive to avoid digesting itself

    o HCl

    removes piece from pepsinogen and creates pepsin

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    No cells produce HCL

    Cells pump out h+ and cl- ions and when those come together they produce


    Denatures proteins

    o Protein to polypeptide


    Mechanical movemento Liquify food with acid

    o Mucus membrane

    o Very low ph

    because of HCL

    o Used for storage

    2-6 hrs

    o Muscular valves

    sphincters regulate movement of food

    heart burn when food/acid goes back through stomach valves

    Small intestine

    o upper end called Dodenum

    gets chyme exocrine gland

    Secrete things into cavity

    o Liver

    secrete solution and bathes the acidic chyme

    Produces bile


    involved in increasing surface area

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    works upon lipids

    composed of salt


    simple process of creating liquid droplets out of lipids

    increasing surface so lipidase can work on it


    Pancreas Lipase

    breaks lipids down into glycerol and fatty acids


    Breaks down nucleotides into nucleic acids


    Breaks starch down into disaccharides


    Breaks polymers into amino acids

    o Villi

    folds in small intestine that have epithelial cells that can produce their own enzymes

    have their own capillary beds

    monosaccharides have to be water soluable to get into capillaries Lymphatic systems

    Lipids need to become water soluable

    Combine with other things to become water soluable in the i

    micro villi

    mini folds

    o Epithelial cells

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    breaks disaccharides to monosaccharide


    breaks disaccharides to monosaccharide

    o Absorption

    look at pathways organic molecules take in regards to absorption

    Large Intestine

    o E coli in gut

    o remove vitamins

    specifically vitamin k

    o Water

    o Vitamins

    o Minerals

    Associate structures and their diet

    o carnivore

    o herbivoreo omnivore

    o teeth

    Differences in pit and hinge

    o Appendix

    cecum similar to appendix

    cecum varies over time

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    Cecum helps digest cellulose


    o elaborate digestive tract

    o bacteria cells inside that help break down cellulose

    o Throw up and rechew it to help bacteria break it down

    Gas exchange and circulation


    4 issues to gas exchange

    o 1. Moisture

    gases must be dissolved in water to be able to exchange

    o 2. Surface Area

    gas exchange

    relatively slow

    need to increase surface area to allow for gas exchange

    o 3. Thin Membrane

    Diffusion of gases can only occur from 1-3 cell layers

    o 4. Protection Delicate structure


    o gastrovascular cavity



    small cells that have cilia that move cells back and forth

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    Open vs. Closed Circulatory system

    o Open


    Dont have a lot of pressure

    slow blood rate

    blood remains in cavity of exoskeleton

    blood isnt circulating evenly

    Cant efficiently pump oxygen


    doesnt carry oxygen in blood

    o Closed


    Capillary bed

    Allows for diffusion and exchange

    slow movement of blood

    complex system


    o Atriums receive blood from other parts of body

    thin walls

    o Ventricles

    thick walls

    generate pressure

    send blood through the body

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    Fish Heart

    o Atrium to the ventricle

    o ventricle pumps blood to gills to get oxygen

    o Very slow and inefficient at moving oxygen rich blood

    o blood pressure is extremely slow


    Cold blooded dont need oxygen levels we doo Arteries

    go away from heart and towards capillaries

    o Veins

    go to heart and away from capillaries

    Amphibian Heart

    o Three chambers

    repressurized every time

    keeps blood pressure good

    Two atriums and one ventricle


    Blood is mixing

    oxygen rich and oxygen poor are mixing in one ventricle inefficient process

    o cold blooded because they cant keep the oxygen demand


    o two atriums

    o two ventricles

    o ceptum

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    extension that separated the ventricles into two parts

    Separates oxygen rich and oxygen poor


    o Warm blooded

    majority of oxygen goes to keeping this in homestasis

    Path of Bloodo Right atrium

    o atrial ventricle valve

    o Right ventricle

    o Goes through semi lunar valve

    o atrial ventricular valve

    o Pulmonary artery

    o Lungs capillaries

    o Pulmonary veins to right atrium

    o to right ventricular valve

    o valve to aorta

    o One capillary bed and then comes back

    o Constant branching and constant returning to heart for repressurization Heart

    o Tendons in heart

    attaches to flap of valves to keep them from going backwards



    Hear valves when they close

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    o Lub dub only valves closing

    Systolic and Dystolic blood pressure

    o Systolic


    o Diastolic


    Heart Beat

    o Atrial and ventricular diastole

    both chambers fill up with blood

    both relaxed and filling up with blood

    o Atrial Systole ventricular diastole

    Atrium contract and ventricle relaxation

    Atrium puts pressure on ventricles strong walls and this produces pressure

    o Ventricular systole atrial diastole

    ventricles compressed and pump blood because of pressure

    Coranary Artery

    o branches of aorta

    o feeds the hearto artery is the blood supply for heart

    Cardiac cycle

    o SA Node Synoatrial


    generate electrical current

    Can cause cells around it to contract

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    Causes atrial contraction

    picked up by purkinje fibers and cause ventrical contraction

    SA Node regulated by the brain

    o AV Nodes atrial ventricular node

    AV controls contra via lead and sets the heart to be at 68 beats per minute

    Lead fell out of heart to cause grandpa to go on the floor

    Blood Pressure

    o Influence in exchange

    o where blood pressure is lost

    o Arteries

    thick smooth muscle


    neither easily expanded or crushed

    Blood flow through artery

    pressure isnt changing

    highest area of pressure

    o Capillaries

    High flexibility Low pressure

    greatest surface

    greatest amount of friction

    Blood flows the slowest in capillaries

    slow is good for exchange

    o Vein

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    a little thinner

    ability to compress

    veins have valves

    arteries dont

    The rate of blood flow is inversely proportional to the cross sectional surface area of

    the vessels through which it flows Blood pressure in veins slow

    Why can blood pick up in terms of the speed of flow through vein

    1. Movement

    o Veins run near skeletal muscles

    o muscles kind of squeeze veins

    2. Valves

    o valves close allows the squeezing skeletal muscle in the

    veins to go in one direction

    3. Breathing

    o creates suction

    o vaccum

    Purpose of this lab is to determine relative cardiac fitnesso sphygmometer

    Muscles squeeze veins to create pressure to drive blood through system

    Veins have valves to also create pressure

    Exchange of materials

    in capillary beds or just outside of capillaries


    o smaller and smaller arteries

    Significant amount of pressure in arterioles

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    Arterioles are much thinner and susceptible to leakage

    Surrounding arterioles is tissue fluid

    Tissue Fluid

    o Lymph

    Movement of materials via liquid medium

    Occurs through blood stream and lymphatic system Need to be an exchange

    Arteriole end

    o so much pressure that fluid in arteriole leaks out

    o determines force to get other fluid to move

    o the fluid in arteriole has stuff in it

    Low pressure in veinule end

    o fluid flows in to venule end

    o allows for adequate exchange throughout body

    This movement based on blood pressure

    Tissue fluid needs muscle contraction to go throughout body

    Capillaries dont always do the exchange

    Components of Blood Blood is a tissue

    Made up of a bunch of different types of cell


    o muscle

    o epithelial

    o connective tissue

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    Erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets all develop from a single population of cells, pluripotent stem

    cells, in the red marrow of bones, particularly the ribs, vertebrae, breastbone, and pelvis.

    o Pluripotent means that these cells have the potential to differentiate into any type of

    blood cells or cells that produce platelets.

    o This population arises in the early embryo and renews itself while replenishing the blood

    with cellular elements. A negative-feedback mechanism, sensitive to the amount of oxygen reaching the tissues via the blood,

    controls erythrocyte production.

    o If the tissues do not produce enough oxygen, the kidney synthesizes and secretes

    a hormone called erythropoietin (EPO), which stimulates production of erythrocytes.

    o If blood is delivering more oxygen than the tissues can use, the level of erythropoietin is

    reduced, and erythrocyte production slows.

    As atherosclerosis progresses, arteries become more and more clogged and the threat of heart attack or

    stroke becomes much greater, but there may be warnings of this impending threat.

    o For example, if a coronary artery is partially blocked, a person may feel occasional chest

    pains, a condition known as angina pectoris.

    o This is a signal that part of the heart is not receiving enough blood, especially when the heart

    is laboring because of physical or emotional stress.Gas Exchange

    4 problems

    Surface area


    o structural

    doesnt have to be

    o Behavioral

    worm living under ground


    Thin Membrane

    o diffusion has difficult time meeting needs of a cell if its going beyond three layers

    Some animals, such as earthworms and some amphibians, use the entire outer skin as a respiratory organ.

    Just below the moist skin is a dense net of capillaries.

    However, because the respiratory surface must be moist, the possible habitats of these animals are

    limited to water or damp places.

    Animals that use their moist skin as their only respiratory organ are usually small and are either long

    and thin or flat in shape, with a high ratio of surface area to volume.

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    Gas exchange at the gill surface is enhanced by the opposing flows of water and blood at the gills.

    This flow pattern is countercurrent exchange.

    As blood moves through a gill capillary, it becomes more and more loaded with oxygen, but it

    simultaneously encounters water with even higher oxygen concentrations because it is just beginning

    its passage over the gills.

    All along the gill capillary, there is a diffusion gradient favoring the transfer of oxygen from water toblood.

    The countercurrent exchange mechanism is so efficient that the gills can remove more than 80% of the

    oxygen from water to blood.

    Reverse blood flow never get to 50-50 equilibrium instead Always have a concentration gradient


    Has open circulatory systems

    Grasshoppers inhale and exhale through abdomen

    Speraricles allow for air to enter into body

    o Trachioles

    The tracheal system of insects is composed of air tubes that branch throughout the body.

    o The largest tubes, called tracheae, open to the outside, and the finest branches extend to the

    surface of nearly every cell where gas is exchanged by diffusion across the moist epitheliumthat lines the terminal ends.

    o The open circulatory system does not transport oxygen and carbon dioxide.

    o Within exoskeleton for protection

    Alternating contraction and relaxation of flight muscles compresses and expands the body, rapidly

    pumping air through the tracheal system.

    The flight muscles are packed with mitochondria, and the tracheal tubes supply each with ample


    Humans System


    Air enters through the nostrils and is then filtered by hairs, warmed and humidified, and sampled for

    odors as it flows through the nasal cavity.

    The nasal cavity leads to the pharynx, an intersection where the paths for air and food cross.

    When food is swallowed, the larynx moves upward and tips the epiglottis over the glottis.

    The rest of the time, the glottis is open, and air enters the upper part of the respiratory tract.

    The wall of the larynx is reinforced by cartilage.

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    In most mammals, the larynx is adapted as a voice box in which vibrations of a pair of vocal cords

    produce sounds.

    These sounds are high-pitched when the vocal cords are stretched tight and vibrate rapidly and low-

    pitched when the cords are less tense and vibrate slowly.

    From the larynx, air passes into the trachea, or windpipe, whose shape is maintained by rings of

    cartilage. The trachea forks into two bronchi, one leading into each lung.

    Within the lung, each bronchus branches repeatedly into finer and finer tubes, called bronchioles.

    The epithelium lining the major branches of the respiratory tree is covered by cilia and a thin film of


    The mucus traps dust, pollen, and other particulate contaminants, and the beating cilia move the mucus

    upward to the pharynx, where it is swallowed.

    At their tips, the tiniest bronchioles dead-end as a cluster of air sacs called alveoli.

    Gas exchange occurs across the thin epithelium of the lungs millions of alveoli.

    These have a total surface area of about 100 m2 in humans, sufficient to carry out gas exchange for the

    whole body.

    Oxygen in the air entering the alveoli dissolves in the moist film and rapidly diffuses across the

    epithelium into a web of capillaries that surrounds each alveolus. Carbon dioxide diffuses in the opposite direction.


    o Surfactant

    Satifies problem of moisture so the alveoli dont collapse

    Disrupts water bonds

    o Very thin and covered by capillaries

    o Diffusion works to do gas exchange


    o Negative pressure system allows us to breath

    aka vaccum

    increase volume of an area and area has to come in and occupy that space

    o Rib cage expands

    tissue layer connected to rib cage is pulled out when cells between ribs expand

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    o Sheet of muscle

    o flexing it goes down

    o chest cavity expands first then air goes

    Highly inefficient


    Two way tract is inefficiento air moves in and comes out


    Never totally complete gas exchange process

    Breathing in an out mixing gases in our lungs


    o Lack alveoli

    o one way directional flow of gases

    o Ventilation is much more complex in birds than in mammals.

    o Besides lungs, birds have eight or nine air sacs that do not function directly in gas exchange,

    but act as bellows that keep air flowing through the lungs.

    o The entire systemlungs and air sacsis ventilated when the bird breathes.

    o Air flows through the interconnected system in a circuit that passes through the lungs in onedirection only, regardless of whether the bird is inhaling or exhaling.

    o Instead of alveoli, which are dead ends, the sites of gas exchange in bird lungs are tiny

    channels called parabronchi, through which air flows in one direction.


    o Pons and Medulla

    Medulla ensures that you breath

    pons varies the rate that you breath has pH receptors that can measure CO2


    o goal to get c02 out of blood

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    o brain has ability to detect where the ph is low

    o CO2 levels detrimental to the brain

    Transport of oxygen in blood stream to cells and lungs


    o carries oxygen

    called oxyhemaglobin

    o Protein

    o 4 polypeptide chains

    o each has iron which allows it to carry oxygen

    o Can carry 4 02 molecules

    o Shape

    initial bind to first O2 molecule changes shape to have a higher affiinity to bind to 02

    o Speed at which oxygen can be realsed

    increases after first initial oxygen

    Bohr Shift

    shift in the affinity in the molecule toward and away from molecule

    speed depends on first molecule

    o What can influences the rate at which you can aquire and dump off this moleculeo How do RBCs know when to give or provide oxygen

    o CO2 heat energy released in cellular respiration

    o change shape of protein

    Increases speed after heat is produced and first oxygen binds


    Oxygen pickup

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    concentration difference

    allows for diffusion quite readily of oxygen into lungs

    How to get rid of C02

    Realistically not efficient

    Ability of the body to get rid of CO2

    CO2 transported through cells by hemoglobin Diffusion gets blood out

    RBCs can create bicarbonate from CO2s

    Bicarbonate can dissolve in blood plasma

    Bicarbonate can also reconvert to CO2 and get rid of CO2

    Three ways

    o efficient at getting rid of CO2

    o need to protect brain from acidity

    Things to remember

    Arteries connective tissue have elastin and veins do not have elastin but still have connective tissue

    Plasma ph is 7.4

    o Proteins

    clotting factors and antibodies Albumin

    carrier protein facilitate things

    osmotic balance and ph buffering

    Clotting factors

    o ions

    45% red blood cells

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    Get a cut

    o platelets come and start recruiting clotting factors

    o fibrin and helps in clotting


    o when one binds it makes the second want to bind

    Low ph decreases affinity for 02 called Bohr Shift Hemocyanin used in some invertebrates copper based

    Immune System

    Cell to cell communication

    Physical Contact

    Focus on cells themselves

    o because pathways are very confusing


    o Something that creates an immune response

    Antigen on pathogens

    o Antigen allows us to recognize pathogens

    Most are proteins, sugars, Two Levels

    o Innate immunity

    o Acquired Immunity

    First line

    Spread of Pathogens

    o Air

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    Nose Hair

    Cilia that line the lungs

    o Fluids

    Can effect many systems


    Saliva and enzymes in saliva

    Lysozymes in saliva

    Gastric Juice


    o Direct Contact



    oil and sweat


    o Aids

    cause by HIVo Flu

    Swine Flu


    o Bacterial Menengitis

    o Pneumonia

    o Staf infections

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    o Chicken Pox

    caused by Herpes


    o Ringworm

    o Athletes foot

    Brain eating amoebaSecond Line of Defense

    Non Specific

    Capillaries are dilated so phagocytic white blood cells can go to the wound

    Capillaries have tight junctions between cells

    Tight junctions between them

    Chemicals are released around cells

    Cause capillaries to Dilate

    Capillaries get wider and spread junctions out creating gaps where fluid and WBC and platelets can get

    to cut

    Histamine causes swelling

    o take antihistimine to stop swelling

    Increase in temperature around areas that are hurt Stops bacteria from invading

    3rd Line

    Specific pathway with many variations


    o bacteria in tissue fluid

    o bacterias have proteins that are antigens

    o Recognized as foreign particles

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    o B cells and macrophages

    have the ability to take in parts of the bacteria

    o Macrophage

    can engulf bacteria

    called phagocytosis

    stores it in vacuole

    use lysosome to digest it


    o B Cells

    Must have antigen receptors that are identical to antibodies

    Binding sites

    receptors can bind with specific cells

    o T cells helper t cells

    Initiate communication by contact

    help the b cells and macrophages

    MHC II

    o Major histocompatibility complex

    Protein Display a fragment of the original bacterial cell

    cleve off antigen of bacteria

    o Foreign antigen is presented on macrophage and b cell

    TLRs and MHC

    o Weak bond

    Two major groups are important

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    o require cd4 protein to establish bind between helper t cells and phagocytic cells

    o and receptor protein


    o T cell produces hormone protein called interleukins or cytokinins

    o cytokinins cause B cells to divide

    Into to categories

    Plasma cells

    produce antibodies

    short lived and attack the cells

    mass produce

    produce antibodies that are like the original b cells antibodies

    Memory cells

    long lived

    Bind to same bacteria and immediately be able to produce


    at a great concentration


    o two binding siteso Clump together bacterial cells

    macrophages can come and eat them

    bacterial cells unable to reproduce and are getting eaten by macrophages


    o produce antibodies


    o area of antigen that binds to a specific receptor

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    o A small, accessible region of an antigen to which an antigen receptor or antibody binds; also

    called an antigenic determinant. in b cells

    Virus vs. Cancer

    Body Cell

    o if cell becomes cancerous there are proteins on the membrane that are being displayed when

    its under attacko MHC I are the proteins

    Pathway for Virus

    o Cells that can recognize MHC I

    Two types of T cells

    Cytotoxic T cells (non-activated)

    receptor on cell can recognize MHC I receptor

    Needs help cuz it cant do it by itself

    checks and balances system

    Cd8 cell

    o Helper T cells

    Recognize foreign MHC receptor

    no response unless helper t cell recognizes it helper t cell releases cytokinins

    causes cytotoxic t cells to divide

    one is Memory T cells

    one is Activated cytotoxic t cells

    o Perforin released by activated cytotoxic t cells

    perforin can lyse membranes

    Day 3 Immune


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    o inhibit reproduction or release of toxin

    o indirectly can kill cells

    o clump bacteria together so macrophages can go to work

    Blood Type

    o A, B, O, AB


    A A antigen

    o B

    B antigen

    o O

    No antigen

    o AB

    Both A and B

    o A and b antigens

    have epitopes similar to cells in body

    design antibodies that are opposite of it

    o Type A blood akes B antibody

    o Type B blood makes A antibodyo Type O blood produces A and B antibody

    o Type AB produces neither antibody

    o Resistance to certain diseases because of blood type in the olden days

    o O

    is universal donor

    Nothing the body can reject

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    o AB

    universal receiver because no antibodies in blood that would reject anything

    Organ transplant and skin graphs

    o Nobody has same MHC I or II

    o Change in liver would make cytotoxic cells just go crazy and start killing everything


    Body cells seen as foreigno Doctors give u suppressants

    Bone Marrow Transplant will try to kill

    o will attack the new host

    o Kill current bone marrow transplant


    o Own immune system attacks you

    Attacking yourselves

    T cells attack beta cells

    beta cells

    produce insulin

    rheumatoid Arthritis

    Multiple sclerosis wbcs attack nerves


    o Host cell

    need recognition site

    host cell is helper T

    can also occupy macrophage and nervous

    CD4 protein recognized by Hiv

    can either remain dormant or destroy t cells

    People who have Aids die from flu, bacterial pneumonia, fungal infections, cancer

    can mutate and change its antigens everytime it replicates

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