Page 1: “Your Home for Today…and for Tomorrow” June 2020 • Issue 6 ... · O beautiful banner all splendid with stars, That in the breeze is flying, Proud emblem of the free! My heart

Heritage Senior Communities“Your Home for Today…and for Tomorrow” June 2020 • Issue 6

O Beautiful BannerO beautiful banner all splendid with stars,

That in the breeze is flying,Proud emblem of the free!

My heart and hand salute you,Dear flag of liberty.

From ocean to ocean you brighten our land,O'er prairie, forest, mountain,

Superb against the sky.Oh flag for which men labor!Oh flag for which men die!

Homer H. Harbour and Birdsall Otis Edey“A Book of Songs,” 1924

Flag DayJUNE 14

Flag DayJUNE 14

850 Seminole Road, Norton Shores, MI 49441 • Phone: 231-780-2944 • Fax: 231-780-2599Email: [email protected]


Kurt SappAdministratorCandy Bitson

Resident Services CoordinatorJodi Hinds

Life Enrichment CoordinatorChef Brenda OlsonFood Service ManagerDavid Hubbell

Maintenance / HousekeepingSupervisor

Cathy GuilesOffice Manager

Page 2: “Your Home for Today…and for Tomorrow” June 2020 • Issue 6 ... · O beautiful banner all splendid with stars, That in the breeze is flying, Proud emblem of the free! My heart

Happy Father’s Day �� Sunday, June 21


Please know that all of theresidents and staff are being liftedup in prayer right now. I pray forprotection over everyone, for asense of peace and calm. “Whenthe multitude of my sorrows werein my heart, thy consolationscomfort my soul.” – Psalms 94:19

Thank you for putting my mom& dad and the other resident’sneeds before your own. We are sothankful for all you do each day.

Not only are you and “essentialbusiness” during this crisis, youhave been essential for my motherand family for the past 4 ½ years!

It warms my heart and brings meto tears when I think of all you dofor my mom and the otherresidents.

Let everything happen to you,beauty and pain. Just keep going,no feeling is final.

-Rainier Rilke

Dear friends, words fail me when Itry to thank you for the care youare giving us residents. There is noplace I’d rather be.

-Raving Resident Fan

Thank you for all you are doing tokeep our loved ones safe, secureand as happy as they can be underthe circumstances. God Bless youall.

Thank you doesn’t begin toexpress our appreciation for howyou are caring for our loved onesduring this time... but thank you!

Miss all of you so much! Can’twait until we can all be togetheragain!

Thank you for all of the extras. Iknow my mom is safe and takencare of. I miss you all and can’twait to see you again. Hugs to all!

Hi all, can’t wait to see our friendsall healthy and happy! Miss ya!

Enjoy the sunshine you alldeserve it

I love and miss you guys!

You are all such wonderful, kind,and caring people. I appreciateyou ALL more than you will everknow!!

Page 3: “Your Home for Today…and for Tomorrow” June 2020 • Issue 6 ... · O beautiful banner all splendid with stars, That in the breeze is flying, Proud emblem of the free! My heart

Donated masks come pouring in

Lori's daughter pays a visit Christina with her daughter's family Bev's sister visits

Dot with Mother's Day visitors

Terrace Team Regina,Anne Marie, Tammy

Singing Happy Birthday to Cora

Cora's birthday parade Pat talking to JR through the window Ruth is going to the dogs

Page 4: “Your Home for Today…and for Tomorrow” June 2020 • Issue 6 ... · O beautiful banner all splendid with stars, That in the breeze is flying, Proud emblem of the free! My heart

fornia. Once there, they both took jobs with Northrup.Roy ended up staying for a year and a half. “What aboutWWII?”, I asked, “how did that effect you?” Roy said hedidn’t have to go because of the work he was doing, buthe enlisted in the Navy anyway. This led to many sto-ries of Navy life, such as, Roy laying linoleum in the bar-racks and Roy visiting a pilot who lost both of his legs.The pilot had asked Roy to tie his shoes. “I said I hadto leave and never saw him again,” Roy said a little sad-ly. “I should have asked for his address and stayed intouch.”

After that, we talked about Roy’s profession as a pat-tern maker and how he took drawings and made mod-els to scale that could not be off by more than the thick-ness of a sheet of paper. He talked about using oak andmahogany on some of his projects. I asked him what someof his favorite projects were. “Hard to say, there was somany of them,” Roy said. He liked doing the propellerfor a wind tunnel. He made it out of oak, and they usedit at MIT. Another one was a motor of a big plane en-gine for a B29.

Roy was married twice. His first wife was Ann, whohe knew from school. After shepassed away, he married Kayand spent twenty years with her.He met her after retiring. He hadstarted a little side business. Hewould go around to art shows,making and selling personalizedwooden signs.

Roy says he had a good life.He never drank or smoked andthat’s why he has lived so long.These days, Roy reads the paperand magazines. He is still sharpand will talk current events. Infact, when I slide my chair clos-er to him to ensure that hecould hear me, he said, “youneed to back up six feet.”Thanks, Roy, for the reminder,yes, I do.

Having an interview with someone who is ninety-eight can have its challenges. There’s a lot of living to sortthrough and keep straight. But, it’s also very delightfulwhen you have a resident like Roy, who is full of stories,that weave in and out and give wonderful snippets of thelife he has led.

Roy was born and raised in Quincy, Massachusetts.His father and mother both came from Sweden and methere in the states. His father made memorials and en-graved headstones. He had one older brother, George.Roy said he learned about the value of money when hewas just ten years old. That’s when he started his first busi-ness, shining shoes. He had a good spot by the depart-ment store and the alley. “I got five cents for a shine andif I was lucky, a penny for a tip.” I asked him if he savedthe money or spent it. He told me it went to help outhis parents. Oh yes, the depression years, how could I for-get.

Roy was amazed at all the details he could recall fromhis early years. Like how he went to the theater with hisbest friend John and they sat through the movie twice,so they got their monies worth. He would bring alongcookies he bought discounted be-cause he always asked for the bro-ken ones. At sixteen Roy went toa trades school where he im-pressed his teachers. His abilityto learn, eagerness to apply him-self, and natural abilities servedhim well in life. He also im-pressed judges at several contests.Two were drawing contests, onewas in school and the other washeld by the Remick’s ClothingStore. He also won a dance con-test and even got his picture inthe paper.

After these stories, Roy’smemories get a bit murky as tothe timeline. He rememberedwell how he and his brothertook a 35-foot trailer to Cali-

Roy Jodi Hinds



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Resident Spotlight

Page 5: “Your Home for Today…and for Tomorrow” June 2020 • Issue 6 ... · O beautiful banner all splendid with stars, That in the breeze is flying, Proud emblem of the free! My heart

the residents. I have a wonderful photo of him with andlittle German women who barely comes to his chest.

Odell’s family life is a busy one with him working twojobs and having three daughters, Tamya, age fifteen, Jas-myne, age ten, and Jordon, age seven. What comesthrough loud and clear though is his commitment to hiswife, Latreccii, and his daughters. He definitely has it inhis heart to be the kind of father that his dad was for him.He also spreads that positive attitude with other kids aswell. It has been Odell’s passion to coach football and sup-port the next generation. At the moment he is helping

coach the JV football team atMuskegon. He’s been coachingfor at least fifteen years at sever-al schools in the area. When hedoes have free moments, it lovesbuilding stuff. He likes workingon his car and projects aroundthe house. He’s not afraid to takeon a challenge and learn, whetherit’s plumbing or laying a floor.His next venture will be thebathroom remodel.

Odell was born in Muskegon but, as a kid, he spentsome time down in Louisiana and Mississippi. He wasback in Muskegon by high school and attendedMuskegon Heights High School. His Dad was supervi-sor for Muskegon Height Dept. of Public Works, and heknew just everybody in town. Odell tells me he was bornon the day his father retired from the city. How is thatpossible? His father took an early retirement at fifty andhis father is quite a bit older than his mother.

Odell grew up with his two brothers in the house.He also has six step siblings, who are much older. Odellplayed on many sport teams andcredits many coaches and teach-ers for their influences on his life.He played football, basketballand was on the track team, buthis number one sport is football.If you’ve seen Odell it’s not hardto figure that one out. I didn’t askhim how tall he was because he’sprobably sick of that question,but I would safely say he is ourtallest staff member. One of myfavorite memories of Odell waswhen he was our Santa Claus for

Staff AnniversariesThank you for another year of service, and for all that you do!

Odellby Jodi Hinds

Marc L.............................................................6/2000Lisa M. ............................................................6/2002Margarita G.....................................................6/2004Tamika C.........................................................6/2011Miranda B. ......................................................6/2011

Andrew H........................................................6/2015Vonique S. .......................................................6/2018Lydia L. ............................................................6/4/19Susan R. .........................................................6/18/19

ppppo tt t e e t gge e at ocMffadbotoiHb

o aaa e uuuuuuc oo de . OOdddeedddd-..lllllllllllltttttttttttttt....


Department Spotlight

Page 6: “Your Home for Today…and for Tomorrow” June 2020 • Issue 6 ... · O beautiful banner all splendid with stars, That in the breeze is flying, Proud emblem of the free! My heart

Welcome Summer!Saturday, June 20

Administrator NotesBy the time this gazette is published and dis-

tributed, we may have a much clearer picture ofwhat the future restrictions and precautions willbe for the month of June. However, it is onlyMay 10th as I write this and time to turn it into the publisher. The special events that arelisted are the original plans for the month ofJune, all scheduled before the Stay at Home Or-ders. So, be on the lookout for updates postedaround the building. Our original plan for theannual family summer picnic is one for the Ter-race residents on the 17th and one for the gen-eral residents on June 18th..

Despite all our pandemic restrictions, isn’t itwonderful that summer remains faithful andbirds are not in quarantine? Our raised beds andliving wall should be filled with flowers, vegeta-bles and herbs by the time you read this. This isdone every year by the committed ladies of theMuskegon Garden Club. What a wonderfulservice they provide for us and it’s always a de-light to make new friends.

Special Events

Terrace Special Events

June 1 Travelogue with Kyle..................2:30June 3 Resident Council .....................10:30June 8 Concert – Shari & Wyatt ...........2:00June 12 Christian Church Service .........10:30June 15 Concert with Marty Miller.........2:00June 17 Tai Chi with Chris .....................9:30June 18 Catholic Mass ..........................10:00

Family Picnic .............................4:30June 19 Strawberry Shortcake Social .......2:30June 21 Father’s Day Barbeque..............12:00June 22 June Birthday Party....................2:30June 26 Concert Ruth Sorenson Trio ......2:00June 29 Music with Marvin ....................2:00

TBA Dog Agility Course, Garden Club

June 1 Travelogue with Kyle..................2:30June 4 Canine Companions ..................6:00June 8 Concert – Shari & Wyatt ...........2:00June 11 Canine Companions ..................6:00June 12 Christian Church Service .........10:30June 15 Concert with Marty Miller.........2:00June 17 Tai Chi with Chris .....................9:30

Family Picnic .............................5:00June 18 Catholic Mass ..........................10:00June 25 June Birthday Party....................3:00

Canine Companions ..................6:00June 26 Concert Ruth Sorenson Trio ......2:00June 29 Music with Marvin ....................2:00

TBA Dog Agility Course, Garden Club

BirthdaysBirthdays6/14 ..............................................Norm M.6/23....................................................Lee S.6/23.............................................Cookie C. 6/24 ...............................................Doris H.

With Deepest Sympathies...Our thoughts and prayers are extended to the

families and friends of Laura C.,Shirley C., Hazel D., Beverly C.,Gerta E., Ardis D., and Jessie S.

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